New Student Course Guide[2] - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community ...

New Student Course Guide[2] - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community ...

New Student Course Guide[2] - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community ...


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COUNSELING SERVICESThe school counselors at BBCHS provide professional service to students and parents. Freshman year isa time of significant adjustment. Parents are welcome to call counselors at 937-3707 ext. 6040 todiscuss any questions or concerns. In September, students will participate in the Freshmen Seminarwhere counselors will meet in small groups with students. At that time, various services are discussed.FRESHMAN ADVISORYFreshmen are assigned to a Freshman Advisory section instead of a study hall. Upper class students whohave received special training run the freshmen advisories. The mentors will help the students adjust tohigh school and offer counsel on a variety of topics important to high school success. Mentors willpresent lessons and offer tutoring help to students during the advisory period.PRE-REGISTRATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL1. Eighth Grade Showcase NightOn Wednesday, January 12 th , prospective freshmen and parents are encouraged to attendthe 8 th Grade Showcase Night at BBCHS at 7:00 p.m. Teachers from various departmentshave course displays and are available to answer questions. Coaches and club sponsors willalso be available to discuss extra-curricular activities. This is a great opportunity to beginthinking about not only the classes you want, but which clubs you hope to participate in orwhich Boiler uniform you hope to wear!2. Information DistributionOver the next few weeks, you will have the opportunity to make some important choices.Some courses have level choices (English, math, and science). If you are uncertain as to whichlevel is best for you, be sure and discuss these choices with your parents and teachers.3. Completing the Registration FormAfter you have read through this booklet and visited teachers at the Preview Night, theregistration form should be completed. We encourage you to think not only about courses youplan to take as a freshman but to look at the “big picture” – where do you want to be in fouryears? Each year you will have the opportunity to refine your plan. Counselors will return toyour school later in February to collect your registration forms. The master schedule at BBCHSis built upon student requests. Thoughtful planning during February aids us in making sure wewill have the courses you want available in the fall.4. Spring/Summer ConferenceAll incoming freshmen and parents will have the opportunity to meet with counselors in thespring. These meetings are optional. You will be notified in February regarding availableconference dates.Registration is finalized at this conference. During this conference we will review yourproposed schedule and make any necessary changes. After this conference, any furtherschedule changes carry a $5.00 service fee.Residency verification is done during the registration/fee days in August. Two forms ofresidency documentation (current utility bills or tax bills) are required. If a student is living withsomeone other than a parent, paperwork must be completed in the Counseling Office. A childis entitled to enroll in the school district wherein he resides. Residency in this context has aspecific meaning in the law. A child is presumed to be a resident of the school district whereinthe parents reside. After a divorce, the child is presumed to reside with the custodial parent. Ifyou have questions about guardianship, please contact Mr. Zimbelman, Associate Principal at937-3707 ext. 6016.5. Freshman OrientationAll freshmen and their parents are requested to attend an evening orientation in August.Letters will be sent in July with more specific information.3

Summer <strong>Course</strong>s for Incoming Freshman—2011A selection of courses is available to incoming freshman for the summer. Please discuss these with yourBBCHS counselor if you are interested. The list is shown below:Art Appreciation*World History**Please note that some courses may not be offered if the minimum enrollment is not reached.The next four years will go by quickly.It’s not too early to start researchingcollege and career opportunities.7

PLANNING FOR THE FUTUREIllinois schools use a series of career pathways to help students explore future opportunities. Currentlythere are over 16,000 different job titles used in the United States. The pathways allow you to begininvestigating careers within each path. A good way to approach career planning in high school is tothink in terms of a career field rather than a specific career.Which career pathway would you most enjoy?• Agriculture & Natural Resources• Arts & Communication• Business & Administrative Services• Health Care• Human & Family Services• Industrial & Engineering TechnologyBecause of the need for advanced education and technical training required in the U.S. labor force,we encourage all students to consider post secondary education as part of their plan after highschool graduation. Education and training is available from a variety of sources including themilitary, labor unions, junior colleges, technical schools, colleges and universities. Careerinformation is available in our school library.There are many web resources available for parents and students. Listed below are some sourcesyou and your parents may find helpful. The easiest way to access web resources is through theCounseling link at www.bbchs.org . These are a few of the resources you will find there.www.mapping-your-future.org - College, career and financial aid information.www. CollegeZone.com - This site designed by the IL <strong>Student</strong> Assistance Commission is a onestopsource of information for parents and students. Current information about many aspects ofpost-secondary planning can be found here.www.CollegeBoard.com - Is there a particular college you hope to attend after high school? Usethis site to find information about specific schools.ww.ncaaclearinghouse.net - Are college athletics in your future? This site will explain the corecurriculum requirements athletes must meet in order to be eligible for athletic scholarships.SOURCES FOR CAREER PLANNINGwww.careervoyages.gov - This site offers detailed information on wage and employment trendswww.ilworkinfo.com - This site provides up-to-date information on careers in Illinois.www.careercruising.com -This site provides interest inventories that assist students through theprocess of career choices.<strong>Student</strong>s who took the EXPLORE test can use their World-Of-Work maps to continue career exploration.Circle the career areas highlighted on your EXPLORE results to serve as a key to use with planning charts.8

COLLEGE PREPA bachelor’s degree is obtained by completing a four-year program at a college or university.About 20% of the occupations in the United States currently require this type of education. Potentialstudents are evaluated on the type of courses taken, grades received, class rank and ACT or SATscore. Entrance is generally competitive so students who have done well in high school and followed acollege prep program are most likely to be accepted at the school of their choice.College entrance requirements vary. In general, the following are the MINIMUM collegepreparatory courses, which should be completed during high school if you plan to pursue a bachelor’sdegree following high school graduation.• 4 credits of English with an emphasis on literature, written & oral communication• 3 credits of social studies with an emphasis on history & government• 3 credits of mathematics including at least Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II• 3 credits of laboratory science• 2 credits of electives in a music, art, vocational education or foreign languagesequence* (many competitive universities require a 2-3 year foreign languagesequence)Some universities waive a foreign language college graduation requirement if four years are takenduring high school. Advanced placement and dual credit courses are available for highly motivatedstudents.The chart below shows one way a student may meet college prep requirements.FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE JUNIOR SENIOREnglish I A/AA English II English IIIFreshman AdvancementSeminarEnglish IV or 2 EnglishElectives RequiredWorld History U.S. History Economics/ElectiveAlgebra IFormal GeometryAlgebra II or AlgebraII/TrigTrig/Finite Math or PrecalculusRecommendedBiology Science Elective Science ElectiveScience ElectiveRecommendedLunch Lunch Lunch Lunch/SHPE Health PE/DE PE PEForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageRecommendedForeign Language orElectiveFine Arts, Foreign Language and College PrepThe chart below shows one way a student may meet college prep requirements and enroll in fine arts each year.FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE JUNIOR SENIOREnglish I A/AA English II English IIIForeign Language Foreign Language Foreign LanguageAlgebra IFormal GeometryAlgebra II or AlgebraII/TrigEarly Bird PEEnglish IV or 2 EnglishElectivesForeign Language/Elective/orPEScienceFreshman Advancement Science Science U.S. History**PELunch Lunch Lunch Lunch/SHEconomics/Social StudiesElectivePE/DEPEHealthFine Art Fine Art Fine Art Fine Art*World History – Step Ahead summer program**Step Ahead Summer program or junior-senior year9

ATHLETICSThe interscholastic athletic program is designed for the young men and women who possess thecapacities, abilities, or interest to participate at the next level of competitive athletics.The program offers experience in both cooperation and competition; it provides a rallying pointfor the student body that helps in the development of school loyalty and the feeling of"belonging" on the part of the students. Athletics can make valuable contributions to physicalfitness, social development, and the acquisition of sound ethical standards. The following sportsare available at <strong>Bradley</strong>-<strong>Bourbonnais</strong> <strong>Community</strong> High School:MENWOMENBaseball Swimming Badminton SwimmingBasketball Tennis Basketball TennisCross-Country Track Cross-Country TrackFootball Water Polo Volleyball Water PoloGolf Wrestling Soccer CheerleadingSoccer Softball GolfAll students who participate in athletics and are considering pursuing this interest in college needto make themselves aware of the N.C.A.A. Initial-Eligibility Requirements. This information can befound in the student-parent handbook or through your school counselor.All fall athletic practices will begin on August 10, 2011. Incoming freshman should have their AthleticPermission Cards and freshman physical for school and athletics to BBCHS by July 27, 2011.STUDENT ACTIVITIES<strong>Bradley</strong>-<strong>Bourbonnais</strong> <strong>Community</strong> High School provides an array of activities tailored to the interests and needsof the students. Since involvement, fun, and excitement are keys to comprehensive education at BBCHS, allstudents are encouraged to be involved in at least one activity. Listed below are the activities that arecurrently available at BBCHS:Art ClubBass Fishing Leo’s (Leadership Experience Opportunity) Spanish ClubBest Buddies Mathletes Speech TeamChess Club National Art Honor Society <strong>Student</strong> CouncilDance Team National Honor Society <strong>Student</strong>s at Work*Drama Club Natural Helpers <strong>Student</strong>s Helping <strong>Student</strong>sEcology Club <strong>New</strong>spaper (Boiling Point)* Tri-M Music Honor SocietyFrench Club Red Surge Yearbook Staff*Gym Leaders SADD Youth in GovernmentHealth ClubScholastic BowlFBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)*Elective Class Option12

SCHEDULE YOUR DR.APPOINTMENT TODAY!SCHOOL PHYSICALAll incoming freshman are required to have a complete physical (not limited to athletics) within one calendaryear of the first day of school. Freshman physical will satisfy the requirement for athletic physicals. Acompleted State of Illinois Department of Human Services form must be turned in prior to thefirst day of school. Most area physicians will have the form available.The freshman physical is good for one calendar year for athletics. Dental examinations arerecommended but not required.LUNCH PROGRAMThe school lunch is $2.00. <strong>Student</strong>s utilize their identification card to purchase lunches. Because thefreshmen do not have ID cards on the first week of school, they are permitted to provide their IDnumber to make purchases. <strong>Student</strong>s can pay for lunch in many ways:§§§§§Cash—No Change Given—Change goes on <strong>Student</strong> AccountCheck—Any remaining balance will go on the student accountIt is recommended that students put money on their account prior to the school day in theCafeteria Director’s Office and/or the Main Office.www.mylunchmoney.com --Parents can utilize a charge card or debit card to automaticallyhave money placed on the student account. There is a nominal service fee attached to thisservice.Free/Reduced Lunch Recipients—The application should be completed prior to schoolstarting. <strong>Student</strong>s receiving free lunch simply go to the lunch line and swipe their card.<strong>Student</strong>s receiving reduced lunch prices should place money on their account prior to theschool day. Applications are available during fee days in August.DRESS CODE<strong>Student</strong>s are expected to dress appropriately to school. In general, modest attire is expected. BBCHSdoes not permit tank tops, revealing garments, inappropriate t-shirts, and hats to be worn to school.<strong>Student</strong>s who violate dress code policies will be disciplined. Please review the student handbook thatis received at registration for specific information.ATTENDANCEWe encourage students to miss no more than 5 days of school per year for any reason. <strong>Student</strong>sshould try to schedule doctor appointments and a vacation at times when school is not in session. Itis critical that vacations NOT be taken during final exams. Final exams are given in every classat the end of each semester. They are worth 20 percent of the final semester grade that is used todetermine cumulative GPA and class rank. Exams may not be taken early and must be completed inorder for students to receive credit for the course.“RED HOT” BOILERS !RealEnthusiasticDedicatedHonestOrganized13


School Colors – Red & WhiteSchool Mascot – Bruno the BoilermakerBRADLEY-BOURBONNAIS SCHOOL SONGTo you we’re true and loyal too,We’ll cheer you on to victory,For <strong>Bradley</strong> High our team will try,To always show nobility.We think you’re Grand,We’ll praise your name,Throughout the land,We’ll spread your fame,We’ll raise your colors to the sky,For <strong>Bradley</strong>-High.(Interlude)Go! Go!Fight! Fight!Go! Fight! Go! Fight! Win!15

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