“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

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THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 52.36 CONTINUED:36FELICIA (V.O.)He was suffocating me. I wasimprisoned <strong>by</strong> his ego. It was aform of abuse.Brandon enters. He just stopped <strong>by</strong> to see if Sydney wasaround, but she's not. He's about to go, but Felicia smileslike a cat and beckons him to come sit with her. Dazzled,Brandon does what he's told.FELICIA (V.O.) (CONT’D)Brandon came along at a weakmoment. He, he forced himself onme, and I let him. It went fromthere. It just made sense.Brandon is mesmerized <strong>by</strong> this famous sex symbol purring athim. She puts a hand on his leg, leans forward and whispersin his ear.37 EXT. HOLLYWOOD PARKING LOT - NIGHT (N/0)37 *Brandon leads Felix off the boulevard and down the alley.BRANDONShe's in the car...FELICIA (V.O.)He told Felix that Sydney was introuble. And Felix came rightalong.Brandon takes the gun out then takes several steps beforesummoning the nerve to turn and shoot Hanson three times.Then he runs off.END FLASHBACK38 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. CBI HQ - DAY38Felicia is now in plain clothes, her hair pulled back, aprisoner, talking to Jane.FELICIA(rueful, defeated)He did love that daughter of his.I must give him that. If only hecould have accepted me for who Iam. If only he had respected myneeds. This would never havehappened.JANEMen are beasts.(CONTINUED)

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