“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

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THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 51.34 CONTINUED: (4)34JANEEh, there's some afternoon soap inthere.FELICIAThat's a terrible thing to say.JANETell us the truth, Felicia. Makeit real.Felicia breaks down.FELICIA(whispers)I'm sorry.JANEWhat? Speak up.FELICIAI'm sorry.For what?JANEFELICIA(through tears)I was angry...FLASHBACK35 INT. HANSON RESIDENCE - NIGHT (N/0)35 *MOS. Felicia comes storming downstairs in a rage and a silkynegligee, clutching a script, followed <strong>by</strong> an apologetic butfirm FELIX HANSON.FELICIA (V.O.)He changed his mind over scriptissues, he said. Like hell.He didn't want me out there, beingsuccessful, having other men lookat me and want me. It made him feelinsecure. I gave up my life to bewith him. This is my life! And hewouldn't let me have it back.Felicia throws the script at him and then starts on householdobjects, so he retreats out the front door.36 INT. LIVING ROOM. HANSON RESIDENCE - NIGHT (N/0)36 *MOS Felicia sulking on a big sofa with a big vodka.(CONTINUED)

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