“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

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THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 42.FADE IN:ACT FOUR29 INT. FITTING ROOM - DAY (D/4)29Lisbon and Jane speak with a fearful and expectant Felicia asshe's measured for a costume...LISBONNo guarantees, but as of now,there's going to be no chargespressed against you for shootingBrandon.FELICIAOh thank goodness. But is he goingto be alright?LISBONHe'll be fine.FELICIAThat's a relief anyway. I mean,I feel terrible, but what was hethinking, sneaking into our housewith a gun? What does he say hewas doing?LISBONHe's still recovering from surgery.We'll talk with him as soon as wecan.JANEThe gun he was carrying is the gunthat was used to kill your husband.It's the gun that Sydney stole fromyou.Felicia takes a dramatic beat.FELICIAOh my God. But that means...JANEYes. Sydney may be an accessory tomurder.30 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY30Brandon lies in bed, bandaged, on a drip, awake but groggy.A UNIFORM COP guards the door. Cho and Rigs<strong>by</strong> stand <strong>by</strong> thebed.(CONTINUED)

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