“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

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THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 32.23 CONTINUED:23Sixteen.CHOROSS *Whatever. I'm no pervert.I do know her boyfriend, though.Brandon Fulton. He's the one whowould buy from me. Brandon's a badboy. Hanson followed them onenight, and BAM -- they led himright to me. I've got to get abetter system going. Retail drugssales is for suckers, you know?RIGSBYAnd where's Brandon now?ROSS *Don't know. Never hung with himbut for business.RIGSBYSo Hanson found out Brandon gotSydney hooked on drugs and tracedthe drugs back to you.ROSS *See now, we should write this stuffdown, get a pitch together, there'smurder, intrigue, young love...RIGSBYWe just need an ending.Cho pulls his chair closer.CHOHanson was looking to do you somedamage. If you killed him whileprotecting yourself? That's selfdefense. Justifiable homicide.ROSS *Thanks for the tip. Can I call mylawyer now please?24 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM (2). HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - NIGHT 24Lisbon sits across from Sydney. She won't look at her.Instead, Jane stands off to the side, an observer for now. *LISBONHow long have you been doing drugs,Sydney?(CONTINUED)

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