“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

“A Dozen Red Roses” Written by Andi Bushell ... - Zen 134237

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“A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses”<strong>Written</strong> <strong>by</strong><strong>Andi</strong> <strong>Bushell</strong>Directed <strong>by</strong>Lesli Linka GlatterEpisode 118#3T7818Warner Bros. EntertainmentPRODUCTION DRAFT4000 Warner Blvd. February 16, 2009Burbank, CA 91522 FULL BLUE 2/18/09© 2009 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.This script is the property of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Noportion of this script may be performed, reproduced or used <strong>by</strong> anymeans, or disclosed to, quoted or published in any medium without theprior written consent of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.



FLASHBACK DAY 0*OMITTEDFLASHBACK NIGHT 0*Scene 35 - 37THE MENTALIST“A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses”Episode #118February 18, 2009 – Blue Production DraftDAY 1Scenes 1 – 10(Scenes 11 – 12 Omitted)DAY 2*Scenes 13 – 16, 19 – 21*(Scenes 17 – 18 Omitted)NIGHT 2Scenes 22 – 24DAY 3Scenes 25 - 26NIGHT 3Scenes 27 - 28DAY 4Scenes 29 – 33DAY 5Scenes 34, 38 - 39DAY/NIGHT BREAKDOWN

TEASERFADE IN:1 EXT. HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD - DAY (D/1)1The California sun shines. Palm trees sway with a lightbreeze. Convertibles cruise past with their tops down.Tourists snap photos and local hipsters buzz <strong>by</strong>. It appearsto be another glorious day, hooray for Hollywood, until......we PAN along THE WALK OF FAME -- find LISBON and JANEreaching a taped off crime scene. An EARLY MORNING CROWDbeginning to gather. TV NEWS CREW setting up. Lisbon andJane make their way through to...2 EXT. PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS2...where, toward the back of the lot, FELIX HANSON (40's) ison the ground, dead. CSI creep about, collecting evidence.UNIs keep onlookers at bay as LISBON and JANE find RIGSBY andVAN PELT bagging the victim's wallet, taking notes...VAN PELTVictim is Felix Hanson, fortyseven.Took three bullets to thechest. No weapon found. Thecoroner estimates the shooting *occurred between midnight and threeam.RIGSBYWhy's this ours boss? Looks like amugging to me. Hollywood Homicidecould handle it.Jane kneels beside the victim. Leans in close. Gets a goodlook.LISBONThe brass called it. Hanson'ssuper-rich, and he was aCalifornia State Rep the last sixyears.JANEA golfing buddy of the AG.LISBONCorrect, but not quite fair.JANEStatehouse cronies deserve justicetoo.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 2.2 CONTINUED:2LISBONHanson was a good guy. He ran along crusade against the drugtrade. He kicked butt and namednames and made a lot of enemies.RIGSBYWait, I know this guy. He's semifamous.He's the super rich guythat married Felicia Scott.She left movies to be with him.LISBONFelicia Scott?RIGSBYHot actress. You know her. She'sbeen in loads of stuff. Hot.LISBON(can't place her)Okay. My point, if this was drugtrade related, the AG will approvewhatever resources it takes toclose. Anybody hear the shots, seewhat happened?RIGSBYNo one's come forward so far. ButMarilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplinover there were with Hanson whenthe first officer arrived on scene.JANE'S POV: CHO talking with good, but not greatimpersonations of MARILYN MONROE and CHARLIE CHAPLIN severalfeet away.RIGSBY (CONT'D)Does he have kids?Lisbon looks at her notebook.LISBONA daughter, sixteen.Jane gives the FORENSICS TECH a friendly smile.JANEHello. Any car keys on him?Nope.CSI MAN(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 3.2 CONTINUED: (2)2JANEHow about a valet ticket?Nope.CSI MANJANEHmmm. Nobody walks in LA.Jane looks around to Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe, bothgrumpy and tired.NEW ANGLEOn Cho and Charlie and Marilyn. Jane comes over and studiesthem intently.CHOAnd where were you going when youfound the victim?CHARLIE CHAPLIN(Russian accent)I don't speak.CHOIn the movies, no. Here in thereal world, you speak. You justdid.CHARLIE CHAPLINThe other police already asked usthis stuff. I'm say nothing more.Five hours we are here.Marilyn sounds nothing like Marilyn.MARILYN MONROEFor the umpteenth time, I was goinghome from work. Victor was walkingme to my car.CHOWhat is your work?MARILYN MONROEI'm Marilyn.CHOHow is that your work?MARILYN MONROEI stand on the street and peopletake photos of me and give me tips.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 4.2 CONTINUED: (3)2Why?CHOThis last to Jane.MARILYN MONROEI don't know. Where are you from?What are you staring at?JANEYou. What's your real name?MARILYN MONROENorma Jean Baker.JANEYour real real name.MARILYN MONROEYolanda Quinn.JANEYolanda, you don't actually lookvery much like Marilyn Monroe atall, so you do this work becauseyou feel some deep connection withher. Yes?MARILYN MONROEI guess...Jane fixes her attention.She shrugs...JANEShe was a lonesome soul, wasn'tshe? Poor woman. Longing foraffection. For attention,approval.JANE (CONT'D)(hypnotically)And she got it. She came out hereand she worked and struggled andshe got it. That love and respectthat she longed for. And you cantoo. You will. You will if you dothe right thing now.MARILYN MONROEWhat thing?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 5.2 CONTINUED: (4)2JANEGive me the valet ticket, Yolanda.The one you stole off the dead man.Yolanda looks jolted, guilty.Beat.MARILYN MONROEI haven't got any valet ticket.JANEThen tell Charlie to give me thevalet ticket.MARILYN MONROEGive it to him.Charlie's disgusted.CHARLIE CHAPLINAch, sonofabitch.MARILYN MONROE(firmly)Give it.Charlie produces the valet ticket. Jane takes it.Thanks.JANEMARILYN MONROECan we go now?JANEYes. I'll keep the cops at bay,you guys run.Huh?Jane...Run.MARILYN MONROECHOJANEMarilyn and Charlie hustle away...CHONice. I could arrest you for that.Jane puts his fists up.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 6.2 CONTINUED: (5)2JANEYou'll never take me alive copper.CHOSeriously.JANESeriously? Marilyn and Charlie? Youwant to make a comedy arrest? Youwant your name in the weird newssection?Cho thinks about it and has to agree Jane's right.3 EXT. PARKING LOT - MINUTES LATER3A shiny AUDI. Lisbon and Jane standing <strong>by</strong> the car watchingCho and Rigs<strong>by</strong> search it.LISBONWhere did he valet?CHOAt Musso and Frank's down theblock.LISBONWhen you're done here, go through therestaurant's credit card receipts.Find out who he was having dinnerwith.Will do.CHORIGSBYUh. Boss...He signals her over to the CAR TRUNK, which is now OPEN. AsCho and Jane follow close behind...They reach the open trunk. A massive bag of weed andassorted pills inside.JANESo. This is drug trade relatedalright. But not in a good way.As they all consider this --FADE OUT.END OF TEASER

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 7.FADE IN:ACT ONE4 EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY (D/1 CONT'D)4A FLORIST'S SHOP on an NYC Street is being built.Lisbon and Jane walk through the bustle of set dec andlighting rig going up to GABRIEL FANNING giving orders to acouple of PAs.LISBONGabriel Fanning?GABRIELThat's me.Lisbon flashes her badge.LISBONCBI. We want to talk to you aboutFelix Hanson.GABRIELWhy? What did he do?JANEHe died last night.What?!GABRIELLISBONSomewhere we can talk?5 EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY5Lisbon and Jane walk and talk into a sit down with Gabriel.He's still reeling from the news...LISBONAt your dinner with Hanson lastnight, both your credit cards werecharged just after eleven-thirty.You two stay at the restaurant muchlonger than that?GABRIELNo. We left soon after. We werehaving a good time, but I wanted tobe up early this morning. Firstday of production is tomorrow.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 8.5 CONTINUED:5JANEProduction of what?Gabriel holds up a SCRIPT.GABRIELThe movie I'm directing, "A <strong>Dozen</strong>Roses." Felix financed thepicture. That's why we had dinnerlast night, we were celebrating hisfirst foray as a film producer.LISBONHow did Hanson get into filmproducing?GABRIELHe's married to Felicia Scott.She's starring in the movie.LISBONFelicia Scott. Remind me.GABRIELCome on. Felicia Scott. LoveTimes Two, Ba<strong>by</strong> You're Mine, SuddenEmbrace.LISBONOkay. I remember. Those were alla while back, weren't they?GABRIELAnd she looks better now than shedid then. Just as good anyhow.JANEWhat's the film about?GABRIELA mother's quest to find good menfor her three daughters. It'sfunny, it's moving, it's sexy.It's about family, and redemption,and --Lisbon raises a hand.LISBONGotcha. Did you and Felix Hansonget along? Or were there argumentssometimes?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 9.5 CONTINUED: (2)5GABRIELI loved him. Loved him. So manypeople in this town are phonies.Felix Hanson was real. Felix, hedidn't like something, he'd say so.JANEWhat, in particular, did he notlike?GABRIELNothing. I'm saying, in general,he was real, like that.LISBONHow much has he invested?Ten.GABRIELLISBONMillion? Of his own money?GABRIELYup. Brave man. But he's doing itfor Felicia, of course. Not justfor the potential profits.LISBONDid you leave the restauranttogether?GABRIELWe walked out together, yes.LISBONWas anyone waiting for him outside?GABRIELDidn't see anyone. I parked downthe street. We shook hands andsaid good<strong>by</strong>e.LISBONDo you own a gun, Gabriel?GABRIEL(smiles, shakes his head)No. I like guns, but I'm afraid ofblowing my own head off.

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 10.6 EXT. STREET - SECONDS LATER6As Lisbon and Jane walk to their car, Lisbon takes out herphone...LISBONSo what do you think?JANEHe's lying. They had an argumentlast night. You go out tocelebrate the man who financed yourmovie, but you only pay for halfthe dinner bill?LISBON(to phone)Hey, Van Pelt, we need GabrielFanning's cell records from lastnight.7 INT. BULLPEN. HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - DAY7Van Pelt's shoulder holds the phone while both her hands aretyping. Rigs<strong>by</strong>'s setting up at the next desk.VAN PELTSure. And while I have you, thelast number dialed on Hanson's cellwas blocked. So I had the phonecompany trace it. Belongs to aFrederick Ross. *Who is?LISBONVan Pelt reads the SCREEN.VAN PELTOh, just a convicted felon withmultiple possession and assaultcharges.LISBONBeautiful. See if you can locatehim and have the boys bring him in.VAN PELTOkay, boss.We stay with Van Pelt...(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 11.7 CONTINUED:7On her COMPUTER SCREEN, Freddie's MUGSHOT pops up. At onetime a looker, with his chiseled jaw and full head of hair,but years of hard living have turned him weathered and grey.VAN PELT (CONT’D)Wait a minute. I know this guy.He's on that beer commercial.What?LISBONVAN PELTThis Ross guy. He must be an *actor, too. You know that beercommercial where the guy's in atoga --LISBON-- and we're all supposed to besurprised when it gets caught inthe elevator.VAN PELTThat's him. Weird huh?LISBONYeah. Should've stuck with his dayjob. You have an address?8 INT. HANSON RESIDENCE - MALIBU BEACH HOUSE - DAY8High ceilings, white, cozy, shab<strong>by</strong> chic slash relaxed beachvibe. Suitcases still packed, <strong>by</strong> the front door.Lisbon sits with Hanson's wife, FELICIA SCOTT (40's) andtheir daughter, SYDNEY HANSON (16).Jane wanders around the room, handling several FRAMED FAMILYPHOTOS.Many of these photos are of Felix with his daughter, Sydney.These two women could not be more different. Sydney, pretty,but a goth/bohemian saddy, hides behind her straggly hair andbaggy clothes, while Felicia is a beauty who glows with greatpurpose and will. But what they do share is how shocked andheartbroken they are over the tragic news. Their eyes arered from crying...LISBONWe're sorry for your loss.JANEHow long were you together?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 12.8 CONTINUED:8FELICIAWe've been married nearly eightyears now.LISBONWhere were you last night?FELICIAPalm Springs. Felix insisted Itake a spa weekend before filmingstarted.And you?At home.JANESYDNEYLISBONWas there anyone in your husband'slife who posed a threat to him?Someone he didn't feel safe around?FELICIANo. There were drug gangs thatused to make threats, but notanymore. Not for ages.LISBONWe found --JANE(interrupting)-- What first attracted you to him? *Not his looks.FELICIA *Oh really? *JANE *Really. He's not your type. *FELICIA *What is my type? *Jane affects sizing her up. *JANE *Athletic bad boys with a hidden *masochist streak, not too bright. *Bang on the money. Felicia covers with an imperious glare. *FELICIA *Not even close. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 13.8 CONTINUED: (2)8JANE *No, that was a bull's-eye. So what *did you like about Felix? *FELICIA *His voice, his self assurance. *Why are these questions relevant? *JANE *Oh, no reason. Just curious.We found a bag of marijuana andvarious prescription drugs in yourhusband's car.Felicia turns to Jane, stunned to hear this.FELICIAWhat? That's absurd.Why?JANEFELICIAMy husband didn't use drugs.Period. Someone must have plantedthem.Felicia studiously avoids looking to Sydney, so Lisbon andJane look to her.SYDNEYI'm straight edge. Have been foryears.LISBONDo you know anyone <strong>by</strong> the name ofFreddie Ross? *FELICIANo. Who is that?A BEEPING SOUND interrupts them. Everyone checks their cellphone.SYDNEYIt's mine.Sydney reaches for her purse. Rummages through...A PHOTO falls out of an address book. Jane picks it up offthe floor.It's a picture of Sydney and a very handsome TEENAGED BOY.Jane stares at it. Takes note.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 14.8 CONTINUED: (3)8But Sydney SWIPES it from his hand, shoves it back in herpurse, hiding it from Felicia, who remains oblivious.Sydney gives him a pleading look. Jane lets her off the hookand doesn't ask about the photo. Sydney finds her cell,reads the text.SYDNEY (CONT’D)Gabriel's assistant. He wants usto report to set for rehearsals.Felicia sighs, not happy about this.FELICIATell him we'll be there on time.LISBONI'm sure they'll understand if youdidn't work today.FELICIAI would love to back out of thewhole project. With Felix gone,there's no point. But theinsurance company is holding me tomy contract. They won't even coverany delays. I don't want to end upin court.JANE(to Sydney)Are you working on the film also?Sydney gets awkward. Shrugs her shoulders. Avoids eyecontact.Kind of.SYDNEYFELICIAWe gave her a small speaking role.As one of my daughters. Isn't thatcute?JANEYou want to be an actor?SYDNEYWhatever. Not anymore.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 15.8 CONTINUED: (4)8FELICIAI know it's hard now, buteventually you might be glad youwere a part of something soimportant to your father.Hah.SYDNEYJANEHah. He didn't think the movie wasimportant?SYDNEYHe thought Gabriel had screwed upthe script. He wanted to back outof the film.FELICIAYou're such a drama queen.He wasn't happy with the script,but that's why he met with Gabriellast night. To talk it through.He wasn't backing out. He mighthave threatened to back out, to getthe changes he wanted. That's howit works.9 EXT. HANSON RESIDENCE - DAY9Jane and Lisbon are seen out <strong>by</strong> Sydney.JANEWho's the boy?SYDNEY(reluctantly)Brandon.JANEBrandon who?SYDNEYBrandon Fulton.JANEAre you dating him?SYDNEY(laughs)Dating. No. Sort of. Maybe.That's so nerdy. Dating.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 16.9 CONTINUED:9JANEYour stepmother doesn't like him?SYDNEYNo. Thank you for not sayinganything.JANEForget it.LISBONWe'll be seeing you, Sydney.Jane and Lisbon walk to their car.JANEBrandon Fulton.LISBON(tapping at her phone)On it.10 EXT. ROSS'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY10 *Rigs<strong>by</strong> and Cho stand in front of an apartment door. Chopresses the BUZZER. No answer. Rigs<strong>by</strong> refers to his notes,verifies...RIGSBYFreddie Ross. Apartment 2B. *Cho presses the BUZZER again. As they wait --RIGSBY (CONT’D)Supposedly this guy's also anactor. In that beer commercial.CHOThe one with the Llama?RIGSBYThe one with the guy in the toga.CHOYeah. Stupid.(beat)Nobody home.Turning to go, they see a bearded FREDDIE ROSS coming toward *them carrying laundry in a basket. They and he recognizeeach other simultaneously. As they come after him, Freddiethrows the laundry, hampering them just enough to let him getto the street with a head start.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 17.10 CONTINUED:10There follows a super exciting foot chase. But when Cho andRigs<strong>by</strong> get around the corner, Ross is nowhere to be seen. *FADE OUT.END ACT ONE11-12 OMITTED11-12

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 18.FADE IN:ACT TWO13 EXT. NYC FLOWER STORE SET. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY (D/2) 13Ready to shoot now. The production assistant, MARCUS KLEIN(20's), escorts Lisbon and Jane through the set. They duckunder and step over heavy equipment, the crew mill about,setting up, eating breakfast, on their cell phones, Extraseverywhere, a hive of activity. Lisbon is ON HER CELL withRigs<strong>by</strong>. We INTERCUT as needed:LISBON(into cell)I just spoke with Minelli's office,the warrant's on its way.14 EXT. ROSS'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY14 *While Rigs<strong>by</strong>'s on his cell --RIGSBYOkay, boss, we'll wait here for it.15 EXT. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY15LISBONYou search Ross's place, and the *LAPD will --But she's interrupted <strong>by</strong> MITCH CAVANAUGH (30's), in a suit.A pompous high octane talent agent. He's exasperated, makesa bee-line for Marcus.MITCHHey, hey, hey, kid, this is aclosed set. What does that mean?Mitch has stopped them in front of VIDEO VILLAGE.To the left is a large TRAILER from which POUNDING MUSICemanates. On the door, a SIGN that READS: GABRIEL FANNING.Lisbon hangs up.LISBON(into cell)I'll call you back.MITCHWhat's it mean? Closed set?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 19.15 CONTINUED:15MARCUSI know what it means, but they'refrom CBI --Mitch taps Marcus on the forehead for punctuation.MITCH-- I don't care if they're from afar away galaxy. This is a closedset. No gawkers, no fans.Lisbon flashes her badge.Mitch looks hunted.LISBONWe're not fans. California Bureauof Investigation, here to speakwith Gabriel Fanning.MITCHHe ah, he can't talk to you rightnow.LISBONIt's regarding a murderinvestigation.MITCHI'm Mitch Cavanaugh, Gabriel'sagent, how you doin'. I heardabout what happened to Hanson.Tragic. Such a cool guy. Truly.But we're trying to make a moviehere.LISBONYeah, well, we're trying to solve ahomicide.She tries to step around Mitch, to get to Gabriel's trailer,but he steps in her way.MITCH(firmly, through fear)He can't talk to you right now.LISBONSir, you keep this up, I can arrestyou for obstruction.MITCHThat's unfortunate, but hey...(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 20.15 CONTINUED: (2)15Jane steps forward abruptly, making Mitch flinch slightly.But Jane smiles sympathetically.JANEI understand, Mitch. Gabriel isyour top client. Can't lose him.You have no choice. He says jump,you jump. Bullied at school, wereyou?Mitch is thrown off balance <strong>by</strong> this.MITCHI was not actually.JANESure you were. Even after allthese years, you still lie awake atnight sometimes, thinking of allthe ways you could wreak revenge onyour tormentors.Mitch says nothing, a palpable hit. *JANE (CONT’D) *And now out of fear and avarice,you let this man Fanning bully youthe same way. Same way. Get alife, Mitch.LISBONOr get arrested.Mitch takes a beat, steps aside. Jane and Lisbon step up tothe trailer door.16 INT. TRAILER - DAY16Gabriel is intent on grinding up pills with a mortar and *pestle -- And only notices Jane and Lisbon's entry when *Lisbon TURNS OFF the MUSIC.GABRIEL(angry)Oh great. Mitch, you littlescumsucker!He shovels the pills and equipment out of sight, but Lisbon *picks up a stray pill... *LISBON *Class A. Do you have a *prescription for these? *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 21.16 CONTINUED:16Gabriel doesn't and retreats into bluster. *GABRIEL *Come on. Jesus. What is this? *LISBON *Sit down. We have some follow up *questions for you. *GABRIEL *Didn't we do this earlier? *I answered all your questions. *LISBON *Only now we know that you're a liar *and a drug abuser. *GABRIEL *I don't abuse drugs, I use them. *It's about creativity. *JANE *But you don't deny you're a liar. *GABRIEL *I didn't lie to you. I spun the *truth a little, maybe. *LISBON *Try giving it to us straight. *GABRIEL *Felicia blabbed, didn't she? *Stupid bitch. *(no reply) *Fine. Yes. Hanson told me last *night he was pulling his money out *of the film. The day before *principal photography. The shmuck. *LISBON *Without his money, production would *have shut down? *GABRIEL *Yes. *JANE *This is your first feature in four *years. You're difficult to work *with they say. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 22.16 CONTINUED: (2)16GABRIEL *They say. Who's they? Screw they. *I took some time out to recharge. *I've been exploring other aspects *of my life. *JANE *Narcotics and despair. *Gabriel takes the hit with a grimacing smile, and fesses up. *GABRIEL *It's been tough. I've come close *to taking a TV gig, God help us. *So yes, I'm anxious for this movie *to work. I need it to work. *JANE *Hanson's death was awfully *convenient for you then. *GABRIEL *Yes it was. Yes it was. When you *told me he was dead, my heart leapt *for joy. And then I felt terrible. *JANE *And then, you felt pretty good. *Gabriel takes Jane's hand. *GABRIEL *Listen, I'm an artist. I'm *arrogant and self involved and *dishonest and vain and childish. *But I'm not stupid. I don't think *I'm above the law. *Mitch pokes his head around the door. *MITCH *Gabe, Felicia's on set, ready to *go. *GABRIEL *Thanks, Mitch, you incompetent *weasel. *Gabriel gets up and heads for the door. *LISBON *Wait a second. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 23.16 CONTINUED: (3)16GABRIEL *(impatient) *Lady, I have a movie to shoot. *LISBON *And we have a narcotics offense *that can't be ignored. *Gabriel flails briefly for an answer, then finds one... *GABRIEL *That's not my drugs. That's *Mitch's drugs. *Mitch makes a quick calculation... *MITCH *Right. That's not Gabe's drugs. *That's my drugs. Sorry, Gabe, *shouldn't have left 'em around your *trailer. How dumb is that? *GABRIEL *Can I go now, ma'am? *Lisbon shrugs, nods. Gabriel heads for the door. *MITCH *Go win an Oscar, Gabe. *Offers and receives a fist-bump. *GABRIEL *Yeah yeah. *Gabriel exits. *LISBON *Mitch Cavanaugh, you're under *arrest. *She takes out her phone. *JANE *I thought we'd worked through your *doormat issues. *LISBON *(to phone) *Cho, I got a bust for you guys. *JANE *Tell Cho they should squeeze him a *little. He knows things. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 24.16 CONTINUED: (4)16MITCH *No I don't. *JANE *Sure you do. *PRELAP: *GABRIEL (O.S.) *Action! *17-18 OMITTED17-18 *19 EXT. NYC FLOWER SHOP SET. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY19 *Felicia is in character -- as ROSE, the hip, wry, witty,radiantly beautiful owner of a hip wry witty New York Cityflower shop. Felicia is ever more alive under CAMERA LIGHTS,fully engaged and in her element. She's arranging a flowerdisplay outside her store and talking on the phone...We start IN CLOSE and PULL BACK as the scene progresses sothat we see the camera crew and the ADs sending extras acrossthe set. Jane is seated behind Gabriel in Video Village.FELICIA/ROSEDaisy, where are you?JUST OFF CAMERA, Sydney replies, reading from the script.SYDNEY/DAISY(flatly)I'm home. I'm not feeling so good.FELICIA/ROSEOh but pudden, you have to come.SYDNEY/DAISYWhy? Why is it so important?Felicia stops suddenly. Takes a beat. Her emotions weighheavy.Line.FELICIASCRIPT SUPERVISOR (O.S.) *(feeding line)Rowan's on his way --FELICIA/ROSERowan's on his way here, to meetyou. I called him and pretended tobe you.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 25.19 CONTINUED:19SYDNEY/DAISYOh Mom, no. You didn't.FELICIA/ROSEI did. I'm sorry bunny.SYDNEY/DAISYRowan's not even interested in meand I don't --Felicia drops character.FELICIA(off book)-- Darling Sydney, please...(oi)Cut.GABRIELFELICIADon't just read the lines.Be Daisy. Be her. I need yourpassion. I need your life. Ican't work alone.Okay.SYDNEYGABRIELLet's pick it up where we left off.Rowan's not interested in me...Gabriel gestures to the Assistant Director, who gets thecameras turning...SOUNDMAN (O.S.)Rolling...Action.GABRIELSydney puts real life into her lines this time.SYDNEY/DAISYRowan's not interested in me andI don't want him anymore anyway.FELICIA/ROSEOh honey. Don't give up on yourdreams so easily.Gabriel silently cues the entrance of a handsome young actor,(20's) playing ROWAN, a preppy rich guy. Rose doesn't noticehim at first and keeps talking on the phone.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 26.19 CONTINUED: (2)19FELICIA/ROSE (CONT'D)Love can be cruel, but it's theonly thing we have in -- Hello?Hello? Oh.This last as she notices Rowan.FELICIA/ROSE (CONT'D)Hello, Rowan.ROWANGood morning, Mrs. Atkins.FELICIA/ROSEI'm sorry, Daisy's not here rightnow.ROWANActually, it's you that I wanted tospeak with.Oh?FELICIA/ROSEROWANWhat you said just now? Aboutlove?Impetuously, he takes her in his arms and kisses her.She pulls away after a beat, and slaps him, hard.GABRIELCut! Lovely. Great. Let's goagain. Geoff ba<strong>by</strong>, don't flinchbefore she throws the slap. Youdon't know it's coming.Rowan's real voice is estuary English...ROWANShe's taking a right old wallop atme. It hurts.FELICIA(defensive)Excuse me for being emotionaltoday.(to Gabriel)I'm sorry, but it feels like the *scene's still playing very flat. *I have an idea.Only Jane notices that Sydney drops her script and slipsaway. Jane follows her off the set...(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 27.19 CONTINUED: (3)19GABRIELFelicia, I've had this sonofabitchscene rewritten twenty times foryou.FELICIAAnd it's still not right.GABRIEL(muttering)Die screaming you malignant harpy.FELICIAExcuse me?GABRIEL(to the AD)Take ten.A big smile as he approaches Felicia and guides her off set.GABRIEL (CONT’D)Let's talk, princess.In BG Jane glides around corner to...20 EXT. ALLEY (ALONGSIDE OF A SOUND STAGE) - CONTINUOUS 20Sydney gets in a golf cart. Jane approaches.Hey.Hey.JANESYDNEYJANEYou're a good actor.SYDNEYThank you.JANEMust have been tough when your dadtook up with Felicia. Replacing *your real mother.SYDNEYMy real mother's in an alcoholicstupor somewhere in New Jersey.I was happy to see her go. *JANE *Why do -- *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 28.20 CONTINUED:20She rolls away.SYDNEY *Bye. *Bye.JANE21 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - DAY21Mitch sits opposite Cho.CHOSo what do you know, Mitch?Nothing?MITCHCHOJane says you know stuff.MITCHAnd he's always right, is he?CHOPretty much.MITCHSo this is a first. One for thebooks. I got nothing for you.CHOMitchell, unlawful possession of *prescription drugs puts you in line *for actual prison time.MITCHI doubt that, but if you're right,so be it.CHOReally? So be it? I'm told thepills actually belong to your *client, Gabe Fanning.MITCHNo comment.CHOYou'll go to prison to protectFanning?MITCH"How good of an agent is MitchCavanaugh?(MORE)(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 29.21 CONTINUED:21MITCH (CONT'D)He went to prison to protect aclient." Sounds pretty good,doesn't it?Beat.Beat.CHOTo protect a client, he became thepersonal servant of a large andviolent criminal. How's thatsound?MITCHI'm willing to speak to any subjectyou care to mention, but on mylife, I don't know who killed FelixHanson. Give me some guidancehere. What do you want to knowabout?CHOFrederick Ross. *MITCHRoss? Freddie Ross, the drug *dealer? What about him?CHOYou know where to find him?Maybe.MITCHCHOGive us Ross, you're free to go. *Charges expunged.Deal.MITCH22 INT. HOLLYWOOD PARTY HOUSE - NIGHT (N/2)22Dark, crowded, MUSIC PUMPS as Cho, Rigs<strong>by</strong> and Van Pelt maketheir way through the young, hip Hollywood crowd. Finally,Cho spots Ross. Selling drugs to a BUYER in a dark corner. *But we can't get a visual on the BUYER. They're dressed indark clothes and a hoodie.CHOThere he is.Cho spots Ross through the throng. Goes after him. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 30.22 CONTINUED:22The BUYER takes off. Van Pelt runs after him.Ross bobs and weaves as Cho is on his tail. And just as we *think Ross lost Cho, he runs smack into Rigs<strong>by</strong>! *Gotcha.RIGSBYMeanwhile, Van Pelt is still following the BUYER through thechaos of party-goers, tracking him through the crowd. VanPelt finally gets close enough, grabs the BUYER <strong>by</strong> thehoodie, pulling it down, and as the buyer turns around, wesee it is SYDNEY HANSON...FADE OUT.END ACT TWO

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 31.FADE IN:ACT THREE23 INT. HOLLYWOOD PARTY HOUSE - NIGHT (N/2 CONT'D)23The place is emptied out now, (but for one or two degeneratestoo stoned to move). Lights are on. Rigs<strong>by</strong> and Cho sitacross from cuffed Ross. They appear quite happy with *themselves. After all, this guy put them through the ringer.RIGSBYIt's nice to see you again.In our custody.CHOHow do you know Felix Hanson?ROSS *Never met the guy in my life.CHOHe called your cell phone minutesbefore he was shot.ROSS *I was in bed.RIGSBYCan anyone attest to that?Bruce.ROSS *CHOAnd where can we find this Bruce?ROSS *Right now, Probably on my kitchenfloor gnawing on the pig ear I lefthim.RIGSBYWhat did Hanson say when he called?ROSS *He told me to stay away from hislittle girl.CHOYou sleeping with her?ROSS *No. She's like, ten.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 32.23 CONTINUED:23Sixteen.CHOROSS *Whatever. I'm no pervert.I do know her boyfriend, though.Brandon Fulton. He's the one whowould buy from me. Brandon's a badboy. Hanson followed them onenight, and BAM -- they led himright to me. I've got to get abetter system going. Retail drugssales is for suckers, you know?RIGSBYAnd where's Brandon now?ROSS *Don't know. Never hung with himbut for business.RIGSBYSo Hanson found out Brandon gotSydney hooked on drugs and tracedthe drugs back to you.ROSS *See now, we should write this stuffdown, get a pitch together, there'smurder, intrigue, young love...RIGSBYWe just need an ending.Cho pulls his chair closer.CHOHanson was looking to do you somedamage. If you killed him whileprotecting yourself? That's selfdefense. Justifiable homicide.ROSS *Thanks for the tip. Can I call mylawyer now please?24 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM (2). HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - NIGHT 24Lisbon sits across from Sydney. She won't look at her.Instead, Jane stands off to the side, an observer for now. *LISBONHow long have you been doing drugs,Sydney?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 33.24 CONTINUED:24SYDNEYYou sound like my father.LISBONYour father isn't going to lock youup in Juvie. That was yourmarijuana and your pills that wefound in his car, wasn't it?SYDNEYYou're the man, you figure it out.LISBONMust've made you pretty mad whenyour dad took those drugs from you,didn't it?SYDNEYNot the first time it happened.I can always get more.LISBONFrom Freddie Ross? *SYDNEYFrom whoever.JANEHow d'you meet Freddie?SYDNEYI don't know. Around.LISBONHe says Brandon Fulton hooked youup.SYDNEYBrandon's not like people say heis.LISBON(off a sheet)Brandon Fulton, 19, Actor. Nineprior arrests for DUI, disorderlyconduct, drug possession, etcetera.JANE(to Lisbon)Why do women love bad boys so much?Some secret longing for emotionalpain I guess.Lisbon gives him a deadpan.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 34.24 CONTINUED: (2)24JANE (CONT'D)What do you think, Sydney?SYDNEYCan I go now?JANEYour parents forbade you seeingBrandon, didn't they? That's whyyou didn't want your mom seeing hisphoto.Yes.SYDNEYJANEWhy did they dislike him?SYDNEY(evasive)You know, they said he was a badinfluence.JANEWhat did he make you do?SYDNEYWe needed some cash, so I took afew things from the house.Like?JANESYDNEYStuff. Money. Some old gun.Pills.LISBONA gun? What kind of gun?SYDNEYI don't know. A gun. Brandon soldit for cash.Jane and Lisbon exchange a glance.JANESo your parents stopped you fromseeing this prince. Did that makeyou mad?SYDNEYOf course. I love him.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 35.24 CONTINUED: (3)24JANESo you disobeyed them and keptseeing him. Did your father findout?SYDNEYNo. No. I haven't seen him.LISBONPhone records say he's been callingyour house regularly.Sydney frowns, busted. Or that's what it looks like to theuntrained eye.SYDNEYThat's that's, not, I don't know.Whatever.LISBONWhere is he now?SYDNEYI don't know where he is.25 INT. HANSON RESIDENCE. LIVING ROOM - DAY (D/3)25Lisbon and Jane are at the house with Felicia. Jane perusesthe room, listens as Felicia talks with Lisbon.FELICIABrandon's not a bad kid oranything, but he's way too old andway too wild for Sydney. She uh,she stole some items from the houseto give to him. Silly girl.LISBONShe said she stole a gun, amongstother things.FELICIAYes. It was just some old armything Felix liked to keep around.LISBONWhat caliber?FELICIAForty-five I believe.LISBONYou didn't report the theft?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 36.25 CONTINUED:25FELICIAAnd set the police on Sydney? No.No. It was a foolish girl'smistake.LISBONYour husband was killed with aforty-five.Felicia takes a beat to process the horrible thought...FELICIAIt must be a coincidence. She andBrandon would never... No.She's a good girl. Her heart isbroken. They fought a lot, sure,but she loved her father. And heloved her, despite everything.JANEAnd Brandon?FELICIAHe's just a mixed up kid. There'sno malice in him.JANEYou knew those drugs in Felix's carwere Sydney's all along, didn'tyou?FELICIAYes. She's already been through somuch, I couldn't put her throughanymore. Felix found the drugs afew days ago. It broke his heart.Because she had promised she'dstopped. He kept hold of the drugswhile we debated what to do.Whether to have Brandon arrested.JANENow that Felix is gone, what areyou going to do?FELICIAForgive her. Show her love. Showher that we all make mistakes. Butwe have the power to give ourselvesa second chance. She deservesthat. We all do.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 37.25 CONTINUED: (2)25LISBONDo you know if Sydney and Brandonwere still seeing each other?FELICIADid you ask her?LISBONYes. She said she hadn't seen himat all since you banned him.FELICIAThen I believe her.LISBONHe's been calling this houseregularly.Felicia's face falls.FELICIAOh Sydney. Sydney.LISBONBrandon's dropped out of sightsince the murder of your husband.FELICIANo. I won't believe it. I refuse.I must see Sydney. When can shecome home?LISBONShe's on her way now. There won'tbe any charges regarding the drugoffense.Felicia takes Lisbon's hands and gazes at her with deepaffection.Lisbon blushes.FELICIAThank you so much, for yourkindness and understanding.Thank you.LISBONThat's okay. There's always leewaywith juvenile cases.FELICIAI'll always be grateful.

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 38.26 EXT. HANSON RESIDENCE - DAY26Jane and Lisbon walk back to their car.JANEThat's some woman. To make themighty agent Lisbon blush like aschoolgirl.Hush.LISBONJANEYou know what I predict?No.Guess.LISBONJANELISBONJust tell me.JANEI'd like you to guess. It's goodfor you.Lisbon looks at him deadpan.JANE (CONT'D)Brandon Fulton will pay a visit tothe Hanson residence tonight.LISBONYou think? That wouldn't be veryclever of him.JANELove is not blind, but it is oftenstupid.LISBONI'll arrange a stake-out.They get in the car.27 EXT. CBI VAN (OUTSIDE HANSON RESIDENCE) - NIGHT (N/3) 27Moonlight on the Pacific Ocean.Rigs<strong>by</strong> and Cho in the van. Cho reading a book.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 39.27 CONTINUED:27RIGSBYWhen I'm super-rich, this is whereI'll live. You can't beat thesound of the waves.CHO(doesn't look up)They have gadgets that will do thatfor you. The sound of waves on abeach. Or waterfalls, rain,whatever.RIGSBYNot the same as the Pacific Ocean,is it?CHOCheaper. In the event you don'tbecome super-rich.RIGSBY'S POV: A dark, shadowy FIGURE moves toward the Hansonhouse.RIGSBYThe eagle has landed.Cho folds a page to mark his place before looking up...There...RIGSBY (CONT'D)He points to the shadowy figure as he slips onto the Hanson'sproperty.RIGSBY (CONT'D)Crap. He's in already. He musthave a key.They get out of the van in a hurry and run across the street.28 INT. HANSON RESIDENCE - NIGHT28BRANDON FULTON -- for it is he -- comes through an exteriorside door, and creeps through the darkened house. He'sdressed in hip bad-boy clothes and has an air of attractivemenace about him. He has A FORTY-FIVE AUTOMATIC in his hand.From the shadows, BLAAAM! A stab of flame as a gun is firedat Brandon! And again, BLAAAM!Brandon dives for cover. Or was he hit? Felicia emergesfrom the shadows with the SMOKING GUN held in two hands,quivering in fear.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 40.28 CONTINUED:28FELICIAHelp! Help!Rigs<strong>by</strong> and Cho rush in, stop dead.RIGSBYMa'am, drop the gun. Drop the gun.Felicia drops it like it's hot. Rigs<strong>by</strong> swiftly gathers itup.FELICIAOh my God, is he dead? Did I killhim? Oh my God. When I saw he hada gun. I just panicked. Tell mehe's alright.Cho checks on Brandon lying on the floor behind a couch...He's writhing and moaning incoherently in shock and pain andhe's got BLOOD all over him from a wound to his side.The gun he was carrying -- a heavy old forty-five automatic --lies on the floor. Cho picks it up.CHO(to phone)This is agent Cho, CBI, we need *paramedics at 43565 Trancas Beach *Road. Juvi male with a gunshot *wound to the abdomen. *Cho puts the phone away, shows Rigs<strong>by</strong> the forty-fiveautomatic.CHO (CONT'D)Forty-five.RIGBSYNice. He okay?CHOHope so. *Sydney enters, terrified. Felicia is hyperventilating so shecan't talk.SYDNEYWhat happened?She sees Brandon, screams, and kneels beside him sobbing *hysterically. *(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 41.28 CONTINUED: (2)28RIGSBY(to phone)Hey, boss. We have a good-newsbad-news situation here...FADE OUT.END ACT THREE

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 42.FADE IN:ACT FOUR29 INT. FITTING ROOM - DAY (D/4)29Lisbon and Jane speak with a fearful and expectant Felicia asshe's measured for a costume...LISBONNo guarantees, but as of now,there's going to be no chargespressed against you for shootingBrandon.FELICIAOh thank goodness. But is he goingto be alright?LISBONHe'll be fine.FELICIAThat's a relief anyway. I mean,I feel terrible, but what was hethinking, sneaking into our housewith a gun? What does he say hewas doing?LISBONHe's still recovering from surgery.We'll talk with him as soon as wecan.JANEThe gun he was carrying is the gunthat was used to kill your husband.It's the gun that Sydney stole fromyou.Felicia takes a dramatic beat.FELICIAOh my God. But that means...JANEYes. Sydney may be an accessory tomurder.30 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY30Brandon lies in bed, bandaged, on a drip, awake but groggy.A UNIFORM COP guards the door. Cho and Rigs<strong>by</strong> stand <strong>by</strong> thebed.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 43.30 CONTINUED:30CHOWhy were you there last night,Brandon? What were you planning ondoing?BRANDON(weak, but feisty)Before you Nazis shot me?I was visiting my girlfriend.RIGSBYWe didn't shoot you.BRANDONTell that to the judge. I am suingyour ass big time.RIGSBYYeah okay, that's a plan. Buthere's your problem, Brandon.The gun you were carrying lastnight was the same gun that wasused to kill Felix Hanson.The gun that Sydney stole for you.That puts both of you in a world oftrouble.BRANDONI have nothing to say about that.CHODid Sydney know?BRANDONDid she know what?CHODid she know that you were going touse the gun to kill her father?I didn't.BRANDONCHODid she ask you to do it?BRANDONI didn't kill him.CHOBrandon, we know you did kill him.That ship has sailed. You're beingcharged with Felix Hanson's murder.(MORE)(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 44.30 CONTINUED: (2)30CHO (CONT'D)We just want to know whetherSydney's involved.BRANDONYou people don't know who he reallywas. He was a monster. A totalsaddist. *A sadist?CHOBRANDONWhatever man. He liked to hurtpeople.CHOThat would be a good reason to killa man, if they were hurting someonethat you love.RIGSBYAny man would do the same.CHODid he hurt Sydney? Is that whatshe told you? Did she persuade youhe had to die, to protect her?Brandon starts to speak, but realizes they have been drawinghim out, and goes tight-lipped.BRANDONI'm saying nothing. I want mylawyer.31 INT. BULLPEN. HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - DAY31Cho and Rigs<strong>by</strong> break it down for Jane, Lisbon and Van Pelt...CHOHe's lawyered up and admittingnothing.RIGSBYTough to get a conviction with whatwe have so far.VAN PELTBut we have the murder weapon.We don't need a confession.RIGSBYThe gun is a double-edged sword,kind of.(MORE)(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 45.31 CONTINUED:31RIGSBY (CONT'D)It belonged to Felix Hanson and itwas never reported stolen.CHOAnd we recovered it in Hanson'shouse.VAN PELTFrom Brandon.CHOFrom the floor. We never saw it inBrandon's possession. And there's *no recoverable prints. *RIGSBYIn a courtroom, we can't putBrandon and the gun and Hansontogether in the same place.LISBONSo without an actual confessionfrom Brandon, we're stuck.VAN PELTOr a confession from Sydney.There's no way Brandon did thiswithout her sayso, right?JANEThat, my dear, is an excellentquestion.32 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - DAY32Jane and Sydney.SYDNEYIs Brandon going to be okay?JANEHe'll live.SYDNEYI want to see him. I need to talkto him.JANEWhat would you say to him?SYDNEYThat's not your business.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 46.32 CONTINUED:32JANEI think I know what happened here,Sydney. I wonder if you know also.SYDNEY(subdued)Uh yeah. Apparently, my boyfriendshot my dad and then my stepmomshot my boyfriend. My life is likea sick joke.JANESo now tell me, Sydney. Why wouldBrandon shoot your dad unless youwanted him too? Unless you askedhim to do it?SYDNEYI didn't ask him to do anything.JANELook at me and say that again.Sydney looks him in the eye.SYDNEYI didn't ask him to do anything.I loved my father. I did. I do.JANEAlright. But so why did Brandon doit?SYDNEYI don't know. That's what I wantto ask him.JANEMaybe someone else made him do it.Who?SYDNEYJANEYou tell me.On Sydney thinking...33 INT. BULLPEN. HOLLYWOOD PRECINCT - DAY33Jane walks across the room, joins Lisbon. Sits in silence,thinking.LISBONWhat are you thinking?(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 47.33 CONTINUED:33PRELAP:JANEI'm thinking Felicia and Sydneyshould go back to work.LISBONOh really? Why so?JANEA great man once said all theworld's a stage, and all the menand women merely players.LISBONOh really?Quiet!ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (O.S.)34 EXT. NYC FLOWER SHOP SET. STUDIO BACKLOT - DAY (D/5) 34Gabriel addresses the attentive CREW.GABRIELListen up. As you know, Feliciaand Sydney have been living througha terrible tragedy. They'reincredibly brave and strong women,and they want to get back to work.Back to normal. So let's be asnormal as possible, but respectfulof their grief, okay?The crew all nod and murmur, OKAY, UH HUH, etc.We find Jane and Lisbon, hanging at the Video Village.Felicia and Sydney walk onto the set to smiles and nods ofappreciation from the crew.GABRIEL (CONT'D)Before we roll, let's try runningall the way through for fun, shallwe, girls? Don't worry too muchabout staying on page, just go withyour instinct and see what happens.FELICIALet's do it.Sydney nods. Gabriel walks back to Video Village, whispersto the AD...(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 48.34 CONTINUED:34Shoot it.GABRIELRECORDIST (O.S.) *(quietly)Speed. *Felicia/Rose arranges flowers outside her store, a phone toher ear. Script pages are close to hand.FELICIA/ROSEDaisy my love, where are you?SYDNEY/DAISYI'm right here, Mom.Sydney, as Daisy, comes down the busy street, looking like amillion dollars.FELICIA/ROSEWow, look at you. You look, good.SYDNEY/DAISYThank you. What were you callingme about?FELICIA/ROSEJust making sure you were coming.SYDNEY/DAISYWhy is it so important I be here?Felicica/Rose takes a beat.FELICIA/ROSEI did a naughty thing. Rowan'scoming here to meet you. I calledand pretended I was you.SYDNEY/DAISYOh no. You didn't.FELICIA/ROSEI did. I'm sorry, bunny.Sydney's speaking for herself now.SYDNEYWhy would you do that? Why playgames with me? You already seducedhim away from me.That's not the line. But Felicia runs with it. (NB Rowan iswaiting for his cue and becomes ever more confused as thescene progresses.)(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 49.34 CONTINUED: (2)34FELICIA/ROSEI did not! How can you say that?SYDNEYStop acting. It's over. I knowwhat you did. I know who you are.You've always hated me. Youseduced Brandon and lied to him andmade him kill my father.Horrified, Felicia drops the acting. The Crew and the Extrasare all frozen, staring.FELICIAYou're mad! Gabe really, whatthe...Felicia tries to walk away, but Sydney takes her <strong>by</strong> the wristand won't let go. She's full of fire.SYDNEY(growling)You're not going anywhere!FELICIAGabe! Cut! She's gone mad.On Jane, Lisbon and Gabriel and all in the Video Village,transfixed, still.SYDNEYI'll let you go. After you tell meit's not true. Tell me I'm wrong.Tell them.Felicia looks around at a sea of faces all staring at her,waiting.Sydney lets her go.FELICIAShe's mad. It's not, it's nottrue.Liar!SYDNEYFelicia's in her natural element, and as Jane expected, thepresence of LIGHTS and an audience compels her to stay anddefend herself...(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 50.34 CONTINUED: (3)34FELICIAThis is ridiculous. I have no ideawhat Brandon's been saying, butwhatever it is, it's nonsense.And it's upsetting. And unfair.Jane walks onto the set.JANESydney, you were fabulous, butyou...(pointing to Felicia)I'm sorry, I don't buy it. You'rewooden and high-pitched. Believeit, Felicia. Believe it. Then wewill. Okay?FELICIA(thrown)Uh...JANELet's try one more. Take it from"this is ridiculous"...Felicia begins to suspect she's having a nightmare.FELICIAI, this, I'm not, what? I don'tunderstand...JANEIt's easy to understand. You toldBrandon that Felix was abusing you.Persuaded Brandon to kill Felix.And when you feared he'd confess tothe police, you lured him to yourhouse, planning to kill him aswell. But now Sydney sees thetruth, and she knows you're aconniving murderous bitch.Felicia tries to slap him. But he catches her wrist.JANE (CONT'D)Too melodramatic. Your whole worldis about to fall apart. You'redone. Unless you can make usbelieve you're telling the truthnow.FELICIAMy work is always truthful.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 51.34 CONTINUED: (4)34JANEEh, there's some afternoon soap inthere.FELICIAThat's a terrible thing to say.JANETell us the truth, Felicia. Makeit real.Felicia breaks down.FELICIA(whispers)I'm sorry.JANEWhat? Speak up.FELICIAI'm sorry.For what?JANEFELICIA(through tears)I was angry...FLASHBACK35 INT. HANSON RESIDENCE - NIGHT (N/0)35 *MOS. Felicia comes storming downstairs in a rage and a silkynegligee, clutching a script, followed <strong>by</strong> an apologetic butfirm FELIX HANSON.FELICIA (V.O.)He changed his mind over scriptissues, he said. Like hell.He didn't want me out there, beingsuccessful, having other men lookat me and want me. It made him feelinsecure. I gave up my life to bewith him. This is my life! And hewouldn't let me have it back.Felicia throws the script at him and then starts on householdobjects, so he retreats out the front door.36 INT. LIVING ROOM. HANSON RESIDENCE - NIGHT (N/0)36 *MOS Felicia sulking on a big sofa with a big vodka.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 52.36 CONTINUED:36FELICIA (V.O.)He was suffocating me. I wasimprisoned <strong>by</strong> his ego. It was aform of abuse.Brandon enters. He just stopped <strong>by</strong> to see if Sydney wasaround, but she's not. He's about to go, but Felicia smileslike a cat and beckons him to come sit with her. Dazzled,Brandon does what he's told.FELICIA (V.O.) (CONT’D)Brandon came along at a weakmoment. He, he forced himself onme, and I let him. It went fromthere. It just made sense.Brandon is mesmerized <strong>by</strong> this famous sex symbol purring athim. She puts a hand on his leg, leans forward and whispersin his ear.37 EXT. HOLLYWOOD PARKING LOT - NIGHT (N/0)37 *Brandon leads Felix off the boulevard and down the alley.BRANDONShe's in the car...FELICIA (V.O.)He told Felix that Sydney was introuble. And Felix came rightalong.Brandon takes the gun out then takes several steps beforesummoning the nerve to turn and shoot Hanson three times.Then he runs off.END FLASHBACK38 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. CBI HQ - DAY38Felicia is now in plain clothes, her hair pulled back, aprisoner, talking to Jane.FELICIA(rueful, defeated)He did love that daughter of his.I must give him that. If only hecould have accepted me for who Iam. If only he had respected myneeds. This would never havehappened.JANEMen are beasts.(CONTINUED)

THE MENTALIST "A <strong>Dozen</strong> <strong>Red</strong> Roses" BLUE 2/18/09 53.38 CONTINUED:38FELICIAWould you do me a favor, Patrick?I might.JANEFELICIATell Sydney that I'm sorry. I seenow on reflection that I wasn't asgood a stepmother to her as I mighthave been. And I'm sorry for that.Though I did try. I hope and prayshe doesn't become bitter. I hopeshe finds happiness in her life...39 INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS39Sydney with Lisbon, watching Felicia.FELICIABecause happiness is hard to find.Once you find it, you better hangon tight. Or you might lose it.True.JANELooking blindly through the one-way glass, Jane seems to lookdirectly to camera... Lisbon and Sydney leave the room.FADE OUT.THE END

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