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<strong>Corporate</strong> Training & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional DevelopmentOpen programmes for individualsPr<strong>of</strong>essional Qualifications<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire Business SchoolPlug into yourtrue potential

ContentsTurning potential into performance 3A leading entrepreneureal university 4Study that works for you 4ManagementChartered Management Institute (CMI)Certificate in Leadership and Management (Level 5) 5CoachingChartered Management Institute (CMI)Award in Coaching & Mentoring (Level 5) 6Chartered Management Institute (CMI)Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring (Level 5) 7PurchasingChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)Foundation Diploma (Level 4) 8Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)Advanced Diploma (Level 5) 9MarketingChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Certificate in Marketing 10Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diploma in Marketing 11Communication, Advertising and Marketing (CAM)Diploma in Digital Marketing 12Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing 13CIM Postgraduate Diploma Stage 2: Leading MarketingChartered Marketer with fast-track to MSc Business andManagement Studies 14SalesInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account ManagementCertificate or Diploma (Level 3) 15Institute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account Management Certificateor Diploma (Level 5) 16Institute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account Management Certificateor Diploma (Level 6) 17AccountingChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)Operational level and Management 18Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)Strategic 19Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)TOPCIMA with fast-track to MSc Business andManagement Studies 20Public RelationsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Public Relations (CIPR)Foundation Award (Level 3) 212

Turning potentialinto performanceWe firmly believe business can only besuccessful if employees are motivated andhave opportunities to develop <strong>the</strong>ir potential.At <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire, we’repassionately committed to lifelong learningand helping people realise <strong>the</strong>ir full potential.That’s why, to meet <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> employersand employees alike, we <strong>of</strong>fer a wide range<strong>of</strong> accredited and non-accredited continuingpr<strong>of</strong>essional development (CPD) and corporatetraining programmes designed to shape newways <strong>of</strong> thinking and give employees <strong>the</strong> skillsto go fur<strong>the</strong>r.Our <strong>courses</strong> are taught by specialist academicsand expert practitioners. Whatever sector you’rein, whatever level you’re at, you’ll find <strong>the</strong> rightcourse at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire.To find out more about studying with us:visit go.herts.ac.uk/pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopmentor email cpdu@herts.ac.ukOur pr<strong>of</strong>essional partnersISM MThe Institute <strong>of</strong> Sales & Marketing Management3

A leading entrepreneurialuniversityThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire is a new kind<strong>of</strong> higher education institute.More than 4,300 students and over 500working pr<strong>of</strong>essionals on traditionalworkforce programmes study with us in avibrant environment, supported by first-classfacilities and a hugely experienced 250-strongacademic team. Our staff continue to practiseand bring valuable real-world experience to<strong>the</strong> school. We maintain strong links acrossall business sectors – public, private andthird – as well as with pr<strong>of</strong>essional bodies ona regional, national and international level. Byworking closely toge<strong>the</strong>r, we ensure that all <strong>of</strong>our <strong>courses</strong> are designed and developed withworking pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in mind.10 great reasons to study at<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire1. Rated ‘excellent’ by <strong>the</strong> QualityAssurance Agency (QAA)2. Specialist subject tutors3. Small class sizes4. Expert 1-2-1 support5. Outstanding university resources6. Access to our pr<strong>of</strong>essional network7. Convenient weekend schedule8. State <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> art facilities9. Convenient road and rail links10. Free parkingStudy that works for youThe Business School <strong>of</strong>fers a diverse range <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications and short <strong>courses</strong>,flexibly delivered and designed to fit aroundyour work and family commitments.Starting at different times <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> year, our<strong>courses</strong> are underpinned by expert classroomtuition held at weekends, at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’sstate-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>the</strong>-art de Havilland Campus. All <strong>of</strong>which is backed up by extensive independentstudy opportunities through our distancelearning platform: when it comes to studyingback at home, you’ll find our virtual learningenvironment, StudyNet, invaluable. StudyNetgives you round-<strong>the</strong>-clock access to courseinformation, e-resources, study notes, yourfellow students and so much more.You’ll also have access to our award-winningLearning Resources Centres, boastinga technology-rich environment with almost3,000 study places, 1,500 computerworkstations, 600,000 books and 120,000electronic books.If you have a number <strong>of</strong> staff requiringdevelopment, we can custom deliverour corporate training and pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment programmes. This means wecan deliver on-site at your premises or at <strong>the</strong>Business School. Programmes are tailored tosuit <strong>the</strong> level and experience <strong>of</strong> your staff andto reflect <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> your business. Whilewe <strong>of</strong>fer an extensive range <strong>of</strong> programmechoice, we can additionally create bespokeprogrammes to reflect more specialistdevelopment needs. As well as classroomtaught programmes, we provide one to oneexecutive coaching and group coachingsessions for action-learning. Whatever yourdevelopment requirement, we can help.4

ManagementOpen programmes for individualsChartered Management Institute (CMI)Certificate in Leadership and Management (Level 5)Is this course for me?Yes, if you’re a manager, team leader oraspiring manager looking for a fast-trackqualification to enhance your careerprospects.What will I be studying?There are three units:• Personal Development as a Managerand Leader• Performance Management• Leadership PracticeWhere do I study?This five day course is intensively deliveredover a two day weekend (Friday andSaturday) at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s de HavillandCampus. You will also be required to spendadditional time on independent study. Thisis dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> unitsselected by each individual candidate.However, between 45 and 55 guidedlearning hours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This course is designed to develop yourleadership and management skills andfocuses on areas such as:• Reviewing your current competencies• Identifying development opportunities• Understanding <strong>the</strong> links between individual,team and organisational objectives• How to create an environment <strong>of</strong> trustand support• The performance review process• How to prevent conflict• Discussing <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> managersas effective leaders• Examining different leadership stylesWhat are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You’ll need to be <strong>of</strong> graduate calibre anddemonstrate your pr<strong>of</strong>essional experience.When does it start?The course is delivered twice a year in springand autumn. Please contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong>and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Unit at <strong>the</strong>Business School for specific dates.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk“I’m happy to saythat <strong>the</strong> first-classteaching I received atUH helped me to passat my first sitting witha great mark.”CIMA managerial level student5

CoachingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Management Institute (CMI)Award in Coaching & Mentoring (Level 5)Is this course for me?Yes, if you’re a manager, team leader oraspiring manager looking for a fast-trackcoaching qualification to enhance your careerprospects and working performance.What will I be studying?During this two-day course you will learn <strong>the</strong>difference between coaching and mentoringand understand how coaching can be used tosupport and motivate individuals and teamsto enhance performance using a number<strong>of</strong> models. You will also learn advancedquestioning skills, how to give clean feedbackand to recognise when coaching is a relevanttool.Where do I study?It is delivered over a two-day weekend (Fridayand Saturday) at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s de HavillandCampus. You will also be required to spendadditional time on independent coachingskills.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This course is designed to introduce <strong>the</strong> skillsneeded to perform effectively as supportcoaches and mentors in <strong>the</strong> workplace andfocuses on areas such as:• Reviewing your current competencies• Identifying development opportunities• Understanding <strong>the</strong> links between individual,team and organisational objectives• How to create an environment <strong>of</strong> trustand support• The performance review process• How to prevent conflict• Discussing <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> managers aseffective leaders• Examining different leadership stylesWhat are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You’ll need to be <strong>of</strong> graduate calibre and/ordemonstrate your pr<strong>of</strong>essional experienceover 3 years.Where could this take me?Completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> award can be countedtowards <strong>the</strong> CMI Level 5 Certificate inCoaching & Mentoring in Management.When does it start?The course is delivered twice a year in springand autumn. Please contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong>and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Unit at <strong>the</strong>Business School for specific dates.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk6

CoachingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Management Institute (CMI)Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring (Level 5)Is this course for me?Yes, if you’re a manager, team leader oraspiring manager looking for a coachingqualification to enhance your career prospectand working performance.What will I be studying?You will complete three units on this course:• Introduction to Management Coachingand Mentoring• Management Coaching and Mentoring• Management MentoringIn addition to all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> skills gained at <strong>the</strong>award level (days 1 & 2) candidates willalso understand <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> coachingand mentoring as an HR tool and <strong>the</strong>relationship between coaching and mentoringand organisational objectives. You will beable to develop relationships to supportcoaching practice and be able to practicecoaching interventions to meet organisationalrequirements.Where do I study?The intensive course is delivered over threetwo-day weekend (Friday and Saturday) unitsat <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s de Havilland Campus. Youwill also be required to spend additional timeon practical coaching skills.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This course is designed to introduce <strong>the</strong> skillsneeded to perform effectively as supportcoaches and mentors in <strong>the</strong> workplace andfocuses on areas such as:• Reviewing your current competencies• Identifying development opportunities• Understanding <strong>the</strong> links between individual,team and organisational objectives• How to create an environment <strong>of</strong> trustand support• The performance review process• How to prevent conflict• Discussing <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> managersas effective leaders• Examining different leadership stylesWhat are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You’ll need to be <strong>of</strong> graduate calibre and/ordemonstrate your pr<strong>of</strong>essional experienceover 3 years.When does it start?The course is delivered twice a year in springand autumn. Please contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong>and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Unit at <strong>the</strong>Business School for specific dates.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk7

PurchasingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)Foundation Diploma (Level 4)Is this course for me?Yes, if you’re working in purchasing andsupply and would like a recognised,accredited pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualificationto boost your career prospects.What will I be studying?The course is split into five units:• Effective Negotiation in Purchasingand Supply• Developing Contracts in Purchasingand Supply• Measuring Purchasing Performance• Managing Purchasing and SupplyRelationships• Purchasing ContextsWhere and when do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught at <strong>the</strong>weekends, and you will attend three Saturdayworkshops per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s deHavilland Campus. You will also be requiredto spend additional time on independentstudy. This is dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination<strong>of</strong> units selected by each individual delegate.However, between 45 and 55 guided learninghours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?As well as gaining <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skillsto progress your career, you can enjoy <strong>the</strong>benefits <strong>of</strong> being a studying member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply(CIPS). As part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world’s largest bodyrepresenting those working in <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession,you’ll have access to a wide range <strong>of</strong>resources, events, careers advice, researchpublications and much more to supportyour working life.Where could this take me?You could work towards <strong>the</strong> top CIPSExecutive Level Diploma and full membership<strong>of</strong> CIPS to enhance your career.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?The diploma is suitable for delegates whohave at least two A-levels (or equivalent) or aLevel 3 CIPS qualification. Alternatively, youneed two years’ experience in a businessenvironment.When does it start?You can start <strong>the</strong> course in ei<strong>the</strong>r Marchor September.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 to 15 months, part time.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIPS@herts.ac.uk8

PurchasingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)Advanced Diploma (Level 5)Is this course for me?Yes, if you’re working in purchasing andsupply and wish to progress from <strong>the</strong>Foundation Diploma to gain a higheraccredited pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualification to boostyour procurement career.What will I be studying?The course is split into five units:• Improving Supply Chain Performance• Management in <strong>the</strong> Purchasing Function• Marketing for Purchasers• Operations Management in <strong>the</strong> SupplyChain• Risk Management and Supply ChainVulnerabilityWhere and when do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught at <strong>the</strong>weekends, and you will attend three Saturdayworkshops per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s deHavilland Campus. You will also be requiredto spend additional time on independentstudy. This is dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination<strong>of</strong> units selected by each individual delegate.However, between 45 and 55 guided learninghours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?As well as gaining <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skillsto progress your career, you can enjoy <strong>the</strong>benefits <strong>of</strong> being a studying member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Purchasing and Supply(CIPS). As part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world’s largest bodyrepresenting those working in <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession,you’ll have access to a wide range <strong>of</strong>resources, events, careers advice, researchpublications and much more to support yourworking life.Where could this take me?You could work towards <strong>the</strong> top CIPSExecutive Level Diploma and full membership<strong>of</strong> CIPS to enhance your career.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?The diploma is suitable for delegates whohave at least two A-levels (or equivalent) ora Level 3/4 CIPS qualification. Alternatively,you need two years’ experience in a businessenvironment.When does it start?You can start <strong>the</strong> course in ei<strong>the</strong>r Marchor September.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 to 15 months, part time.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIPS@herts.ac.uk9

MarketingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Certificate in MarketingIs this course for me?Yes, if you’re working in a marketing supportrole. This qualification will provide you witha practical insight into <strong>the</strong> principles andapplications <strong>of</strong> marketing.What will I be studying?There are four modules:• Marketing Essentials• Assessing <strong>the</strong> Marketing Environment• Marketing Information and Research• Stakeholder MarketingWhere and when do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught in aseries <strong>of</strong> evening classes, so you will attendten Wednesday workshops per unit at <strong>the</strong><strong>University</strong>’s de Havilland Campus. You willalso be required to spend additional timeon independent study. This is dependent on<strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> units selected by eachindividual candidate. However, between 45and 55 guided learning hours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?You will explore <strong>the</strong> function andfundamentals <strong>of</strong> marketing in some depth– including how to write and execute amarketing plan. You will learn <strong>the</strong> differentways <strong>of</strong> understanding and communicatingwith customers and gain an understanding <strong>of</strong>your organisation’s marketing environment, itsmany constituent parts and how <strong>the</strong>y work inunison. Finally you will learn to apply practicalknowledge including <strong>the</strong> collection andanalysis <strong>of</strong> data.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You’ll need a minimum <strong>of</strong> two A-levels or afoundation degree or hold a CIM introductorycertificate.When does it start?You can start <strong>the</strong> course in ei<strong>the</strong>r Januaryor September.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 to 15 months, part time.Did you know?We <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>the</strong> largest range <strong>of</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>essional and <strong>Corporate</strong>Development Programmes inHertfordshire.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIM@herts.ac.ukOur CIM Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diploma has an85% average pass rate against <strong>the</strong>national average <strong>of</strong> 65%.10

MarketingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diploma in MarketingIs this course for me?Yes, if you’re a marketing manager and / orhave gained operational marketing knowledgeor experience and would like a pr<strong>of</strong>essional,Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM) awardto enhance your career prospects.What will I be studying?There are four modules:• The Marketing Planning Process• Delivering Customer Value ThroughMarketing• Managing Marketing• Project Management in MarketingWhere and when do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught at <strong>the</strong>weekends, so you will attend three Saturdayworkshops per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s deHavilland Campus. You will also be requiredto spend additional time on independentstudy. This is dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination<strong>of</strong> units selected by each individualcandidate. However, between 45 and 55guided learning hours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This course is designed to develop you as amarketing manager and give you a detailedunderstanding <strong>of</strong> marketing planning. Italso gives a thorough assessment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>dynamic and complex nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> marketingenvironment and <strong>the</strong> impact that has ondeveloping plans. Among o<strong>the</strong>r skills, it willhelp you develop and execute marketingactivities to meet organisational objectives.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You’ll need a business or marketingBachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with athird <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> credits coming from marketing.Alternatively, you should have experience <strong>of</strong>working at marketing manager level and, ifrequired to do so, pass <strong>the</strong> entry test.When does it start?You can start <strong>the</strong> course in ei<strong>the</strong>r Januaryor September.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 to 15 months, part time.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIM@herts.ac.uk11

MarketingOpen programmes for individualsCommunication, Advertising and Marketing (CAM)Diploma in Digital MarketingIs this course for me?Yes, if you are a current marketing pr<strong>of</strong>essionalor are looking to get into <strong>the</strong> industry and wantto get up to date with <strong>the</strong> principles <strong>of</strong> digitalmarketing.What will I be studying?The course is split into three units:• Digital Marketing Essentials• Digital Marketing Planning• Marketing and Consumer BehaviourWhere do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught at <strong>the</strong>weekends, so you will attend three Saturdayor Sunday workshops per unit at <strong>the</strong><strong>University</strong>’s de Havilland Campus, plus anindividual one-to-one tutorial per unit. Youwill also be required to spend additional timeon independent study. This is dependent on<strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> units selected by eachindividual candidate. However, between 45and 55 guided learning hours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This dynamic, up-to-<strong>the</strong>-minute coursewill give you valuable knowledge <strong>of</strong> digitalmarketing, covering such areas as searchengine optimisation, pay-per-click advertising,email and viral marketing, social mediaand much more. On successful completion<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> course, you’ll get an industryrecognisedqualification accredited by <strong>the</strong>Communication, Advertising and MarketingFoundation (part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chartered Institute<strong>of</strong> Marketing).What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need a business or marketingBachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with a third<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> credits coming from marketing, or havea pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualification in marketing (egCIM Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Certificate in Marketing, CIPRAdvanced Certificate in Public Relationsor similar). Alternatively, you should haveexperience <strong>of</strong> working at marketing managerlevel and, if required to do so, pass <strong>the</strong> entry test.Please note that if you have alreadycompleted <strong>the</strong> CIM Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diploma (seepage 13 for details), <strong>the</strong>n you only need tocomplete <strong>the</strong> Digital Marketing Essentials andDigital Marketing Planning modules to receiveyour diploma.When does it start?The course starts in October.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 months.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIM@herts.ac.uk12

MarketingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in MarketingIs this course for me?Yes, if you already have a significant level <strong>of</strong>marketing knowledge and / or experience.This Chartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Marketing (CIM)course focuses on <strong>the</strong> strategic aspects <strong>of</strong>marketing management, while <strong>the</strong> accreditedqualification is increasingly seen as abenchmark <strong>of</strong> competence at <strong>the</strong> highest level.What will I be studying?There are four modules:• Emerging Themes• Analysis and Decision• Marketing Leadership and Planning• Managing <strong>Corporate</strong> ReputationWhere and when do I study?For flexibility, <strong>the</strong> course is taught at <strong>the</strong>weekends, so you will attend three Saturdayworkshops per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s deHavilland Campus. You will also be requiredto spend additional time on independentstudy. This is dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination<strong>of</strong> units selected by each individual candidate.However, between 45 and 55 guided learninghours is expected.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?The aim <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> course is to establish you as apr<strong>of</strong>essional practitioner capable <strong>of</strong> making asignificant contribution to your organisation.Overall, this qualification will enable you to:• make <strong>the</strong> transition into strategicmanagement• work more cross-functionally at a seniormanagement level• contribute to board decisions• demonstrate a high level <strong>of</strong> leadership andinfluenceWhat are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need to have successfully completed<strong>the</strong> CIM Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diploma in Marketing(ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> 2003 or 2009 syllabus) or <strong>the</strong>CIM Advanced Certificate in Marketing.Alternatively, you should have ei<strong>the</strong>r abusiness or marketing Bachelor’s or Master’sdegree (or equivalent) with a minimum <strong>of</strong> half<strong>the</strong> credits coming from marketing.Also, you will need experience <strong>of</strong> working atsenior marketing management level and, ifrequired to do so, to pass <strong>the</strong> entry test.When does it start?The course has flexible start dates with unitsscheduled throughout <strong>the</strong> year.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?9 to 15 months, part time.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CIM@herts.ac.uk13

MarketingOpen programmes for individualsCIM Postgraduate Diploma Stage 2: Leading MarketingChartered Marketer with fast-track to MSc Business andManagement StudiesIs this course for me?Stage 2: Leading Marketing is an innovativeapproach for <strong>the</strong> new CIM PostgraduateDiploma in Marketing. It enables experiencedMarketing practitioners to obtain CharteredMarketer status and top up to a fullMasters qualification from <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Hertfordshire.What will I be studying?This stage is designed to enable studentsto design, implement and evaluate a livestrategic business project and to develop<strong>the</strong>ir personal and pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills,knowledge and behaviours. Students willbe expected to self-manage <strong>the</strong>ir learningand add value to <strong>the</strong>ir organisation and/orbusiness sector.Where and when do I study?Most study will be independent withstructured meetings with your tutor ei<strong>the</strong>r inperson at <strong>the</strong> Business School, de Havillandcampus or via video conference.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?The key aims <strong>of</strong> Leading Marketing will:• Identify an emerging marketing <strong>the</strong>methat has a significant impact on yourorgansiation and/or business sector andproduce a strategic response, in <strong>the</strong> form<strong>of</strong> a business project, to <strong>the</strong> opportunitiespresented by and/or <strong>the</strong> threats posed by<strong>the</strong> emerging <strong>the</strong>me and its impact• Implement and critically evaluate yourstrategic business project to assess areas<strong>of</strong> success and areas requiring fur<strong>the</strong>rimprovement• Critically evaluate your role as a leader andmarketer. You will assess your role as <strong>the</strong>project leader and measure your personaland pr<strong>of</strong>essional progression throughout<strong>the</strong> project• Produce a structured report thatdemonstrates <strong>the</strong> activities aboveWhat are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need to have successfully completedCIM Postgraduate Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Diplomaor have a CIM qualification with significantexperience.What assessment is required?Part 1 - Produce up to a 5000 word projectproposal. (Introduction 200 words,Literature Review (i) 3000 words,Literature Review (ii) 1000 words)Part 2 - Project Implementation andassessment 8000 words to includeproject plan 3000 words, businessproject 2000 words, projectevaluation 3000 words.Part 3 - Self review and CPD 3000 words.Part 4 - For <strong>the</strong> MSC top-up at UH, ei<strong>the</strong>r2 additional work-based learningprojects 3-4000 words each, orattend 4 taught MSc Marketingmodules.When does it start?The course has flexible start dates.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?10-12 months, part time.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 28558414

SalesOpen programmes for individualsInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account Management Certificate orDiploma (Level 3)Is this course for me?Yes, if you are a practicing or aspiring sales ormarketing pr<strong>of</strong>essional with some experiencein <strong>the</strong> field.What will I be studying?To achieve <strong>the</strong> certificate level you mustcomplete four mandatory units:• Understanding laws and ethics <strong>of</strong> selling• Preparing and delivering a salespresentation• Handling objections• Understanding influences on buyerbehaviourThe diploma comprises <strong>the</strong> four mandatoryunits above plus ano<strong>the</strong>r four or five unitsselected from <strong>the</strong> list below to a credit value<strong>of</strong> 20• Understanding customer segmentation andpr<strong>of</strong>iling• Understanding sales and marketing inorganisations• Using market information for sales• Time and territory management for salespeople• Planning for pr<strong>of</strong>essional development• Prospecting for new business• Sales pipeline managementcomplete three workbooks per unit. In eachworkbook you’ll complete two or three tutorassessedassignments, usually within twentyeightdays. You are encouraged to submitdrafts for feedback before <strong>the</strong> deadline andyou will need fifty per cent to successfullycomplete a unit. Remember, you only needto complete <strong>the</strong> units relevant to <strong>the</strong> awardyou want.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?You will gain <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skillsrequired for employment within a salesenvironment. This qualification providesopportunities for progression to fur<strong>the</strong>rqualifications at <strong>the</strong> same or higher levels.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?There are no formal entry requirements, butit helps if you have a background that enablesyou to benefit from <strong>the</strong> course and study atthis level, which aligns approximately withA-level.When does it start?We’re committed to flexible learning, designedto fit around your o<strong>the</strong>r commitments.Therefore <strong>the</strong>re are no fixed start dates. All weask is that you complete your course withintwo years <strong>of</strong> registering.Where do I study?Working via distance learning with twotutorials per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, you’llHow do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk15

SalesOpen programmes for individualsInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account Management Certificate orDiploma (Level 5)Is this course for me?Yes, if you are a practicing or aspiring salesor account manager with some experience in<strong>the</strong> field.What will I be studying?To achieve <strong>the</strong> certificate level you mustcomplete four mandatory units:• Managing responsible selling• Understanding and developing customeraccounts• Understanding <strong>the</strong> integrated functions <strong>of</strong>sales and marketing• Sales forecasts and target settingThe diploma comprises <strong>the</strong> four mandatoryunits above plus ano<strong>the</strong>r four or five unitsselected from <strong>the</strong> list below to a credit value<strong>of</strong> 20.• Leading a team• Motivation and compensation for salesteams• Coaching and mentoring• Designing planning and managing salesterritories• Analysing <strong>the</strong> financial potential andperformance <strong>of</strong> customer accounts• Relationship management for accountmanagers• Bid and tender management for accountmanagers• Developing a product portfolioWhere do I study?Working via distance learning with twotutorials per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, you’llcomplete three workbooks per unit. In eachworkbook you’ll complete two or three tutorassessedassignments, usually within twentyeightdays. You are encouraged to submitdrafts for feedback before <strong>the</strong> deadline andyou will need fifty per cent to successfullycomplete a unit. Remember, you only needto complete <strong>the</strong> units relevant to <strong>the</strong> awardyou want.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?You will gain <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skillsrequired for employment within a salesenvironment. This qualification providesopportunities for progression to fur<strong>the</strong>rqualifications at <strong>the</strong> same or higher levels.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?There are no formal entry requirements, but i<strong>the</strong>lps if you have a background that enablesyou to benefit from <strong>the</strong> course and study atthis level, which aligns approximately withdegree level.When does it start?We’re committed to flexible learning,designed to fit around your o<strong>the</strong>rcommitments. Therefore <strong>the</strong>re are no fixedstart dates. All we ask is that you completeyour course within two years <strong>of</strong> registering.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk16

SalesOpen programmes for individualsInstitute <strong>of</strong> Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM)Sales Management or Account Management Certificate orDiploma (Level 6)Is this course for me?Yes, if you are leading <strong>the</strong> sales functionwithin your organisation.What will I be studying?To achieve <strong>the</strong> certificate level you mustcomplete <strong>the</strong> Leading a Culture forResponsible Selling unit plus three optionalmodules from <strong>the</strong> following list• Leadership and management in sales• Planning and implementing sales andmarketing strategy• Salesforce organisation• Sales forecasting and budgeting• Developing strategic relationships withmajor customers• Managing sales-related change• Developing and using customer insightTo achieve <strong>the</strong> Diploma you must complete all<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> above units.Where do I study?Working via distance learning with twotutorials per unit at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, you’llcomplete three workbooks per unit. In eachworkbook you’ll complete two or three tutorassessedassignments, usually within twentyeightdays. You are encouraged to submitdrafts for feedback before <strong>the</strong> deadline andyou will need fifty per cent to successfullycomplete a unit. Remember, you only needto complete <strong>the</strong> units relevant to <strong>the</strong> awardyou want.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?You will gain <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skillsrequired for employment within a salesenvironment. This qualification providesopportunities for progression to fur<strong>the</strong>rqualifications at <strong>the</strong> same or higher levels.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?There are no formal entry requirements, but i<strong>the</strong>lps if you have a background that enablesyou to benefit from <strong>the</strong> course and studyat this level, which aligns approximately tohonours degree level.When does it start?We’re committed to flexible learning, designedto fit around your o<strong>the</strong>r commitments.Therefore <strong>the</strong>re are no fixed start dates. All weask is that you complete your course withintwo years <strong>of</strong> registering.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.uk17

AccountingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)Operational level and ManagementAre <strong>the</strong>se <strong>courses</strong> for me?Yes, if you are aiming to qualify as a CharteredManagement Accountant, are preparing for<strong>the</strong> CIMA exams and would like help viaclassroom and revision <strong>courses</strong>.What will I be studying?This qualification consists <strong>of</strong> six papers, withthree at each level:Operational level:• Enterprise Operations• Financial Operations• Performance OperationsManagement level:• Enterprise Management• Financial Management• Performance ManagementWe advise you to concentrate on studyingjust two <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> above papers per sitting, oryou can also choose to study for just one ata time. To give you a balance <strong>of</strong> content, werecommend you don’t select similar topicsas a combination, for example PerformanceOperations and Performance Management.In addition to <strong>the</strong>se taught <strong>courses</strong>, we also<strong>of</strong>fer revision <strong>courses</strong> to help boost yoursuccess rate.Where and when do I study?The taught <strong>courses</strong> run over six consecutiveSaturdays and, if you choose to study twopapers per sitting, you will study one subjectin <strong>the</strong> morning and ano<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> afternoon.The revision <strong>courses</strong> run over threeconsecutive Saturdays. You will alsobe required to spend additional time onindependent study. This is dependent on<strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> units selected by eachindividual candidate. However, between 45and 55 guided learning hours is expected.Both <strong>the</strong> taught and revision <strong>courses</strong> takeplace at our de Havilland Campus.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?These <strong>courses</strong> are an ideal, flexible way toprepare for your CIMA qualification, as youlearn from CIMA-dedicated lecturers in astimulating environment.When does it start?Courses start in September and March.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584 oremail CIMA@herts.ac.uk. You can als<strong>of</strong>ind out more and complete a bookingform at go.herts.ac.uk/cima18

AccountingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)StrategicIs this course for me?Yes, if you are aiming to qualify as aChartered Management Accountant, arepreparing for <strong>the</strong> CIMA exams and would likehelp via classroom and revision <strong>courses</strong>.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?These <strong>courses</strong> are an ideal, flexible way toprepare for your CIMA qualification, as youlearn from CIMA-dedicated lecturers in astimulating environment.What will I be studying?This qualification covers <strong>the</strong> following papers:• Enterprise Strategy• Performance Strategy• Financial StrategyWe also <strong>of</strong>fer a revision course for eachpaper, for those who have already studied <strong>the</strong>papers but are preparing to sit <strong>the</strong> exams.Where and when do I study?If you are attempting this level for <strong>the</strong> firsttime, we <strong>of</strong>fer a nine-week course thatcovers all three papers above. There are sixconsecutive Saturday workshops for eachpaper, with one paper taught in <strong>the</strong> morningand ano<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> afternoon.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need to have successfully completedboth <strong>the</strong> CIMA Operational and Managementlevel papers (see page 20 for details).When does it start?Courses start in August and January.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584 oremail CIMA@herts.ac.uk. You can als<strong>of</strong>ind out more and complete a bookingform at go.herts.ac.uk/cimaThe revision <strong>courses</strong> are also taught overweekend sessions and are three consecutiveSaturdays or Sundays. All teaching takesplace at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s de HavillandCampus, and you will also be required tospend additional time on independent study.This is dependent on <strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong>units selected by each individual candidate.However, between 45 and 55 guided learninghours is expected.19

AccountingOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Management Accountants (CIMA)TOPCIMA with optional fast-track to MSc Business andManagement StudiesIs this course for me?Yes, if you are aiming to qualify as aChartered Management Accountant.TOPCIMA tests <strong>the</strong> ability <strong>of</strong> students tobring toge<strong>the</strong>r a range <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills toproduce a coherent report covering <strong>the</strong> issuesfacing a fictional organisation.What will I be studying?During this course you will:• Research a new business sector• Specifically relate issues being faced by afictional organisation with <strong>the</strong>ir technicalknowledge• Demonstrate <strong>the</strong> skills that are demandedin each section <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> marketing gridWhen does it start?Courses start in August and January.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584 oremail CIMA@herts.ac.uk. You can als<strong>of</strong>ind out more and complete a bookingform at go.herts.ac.uk/cimaFast-track to a <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> HertfordshireMSc in Business and ManagementIf you have successfully completed your fullCIMA qualifications you are eligible to take<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hertfordshire’s Masterstop-up route.We also <strong>of</strong>fer a revision course for eachpaper, for those who have already studied <strong>the</strong>papers but are preparing to sit <strong>the</strong> exams.Where and when do I study?We <strong>of</strong>fer a six-week course held onconsecutive Saturdays for a full day from09:00 - 17:00. What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?These <strong>courses</strong> are an ideal, flexible way toprepare for your CIMA qualification, as youlearn from CIMA-dedicated lecturers in astimulating environment.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need to have successfully completedboth <strong>the</strong> CIMA Operational and Managementlevel papers (see page 18 for details).You will identify a strategic <strong>the</strong>me withinyour organisation and produce a writtenproject. You will work with an assigned tutorthroughout to facilitate your independentstudy and reflection.When does it start?You can start this programme <strong>of</strong> study tosuit you and we recommend a period <strong>of</strong> 6-8months to complete.For fur<strong>the</strong>r information, please call CPDUon 01707 285407 285552 or emailCIMA @herts.ac.uk20

Public RelationsOpen programmes for individualsChartered Institute <strong>of</strong> Public Relations (CIPR)Foundation Award (Level 3)Is this course for me?Yes, if you are considering a career in PR oralready working in a wider role with someresponsibility for dealing with public relationsfor your organisation.What will I be studying?You will examine <strong>the</strong> key terms, techniquesand <strong>the</strong>ories <strong>of</strong> public relations and look atrelationships between PR and o<strong>the</strong>r businessfunctions such as marketing, advertising,promotions and publicity. You will gain abroad introduction to <strong>the</strong> specialist areas <strong>of</strong>PR, ethical issues, <strong>the</strong> CIPR code <strong>of</strong> practiceand to in-house and consultancy workingpractices. Concepts such as corporate socialresponsibility (CSR), reputation managementand working with publics will also beconsidered.Where and when do I study?This course is taught on <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s deHavilland Campus in three full-day Saturdayworkshops (between 09:00 – 17:00). Studentswill be required to sit an exam at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> course.What will I get out <strong>of</strong> it?This course will give you an overview <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>field <strong>of</strong> PR and enable you to differentiatebetween <strong>the</strong> concepts and practices <strong>of</strong>PR and a number <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r functions within<strong>the</strong> organisation. You will gain a workingknowledge <strong>of</strong> key PR terms and <strong>the</strong> CIPRcode <strong>of</strong> ethics and be able to demonstrate anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> when and how to write andplace a news release.What are <strong>the</strong> entry requirements?You will need to have five GCSEs (orequivalent) at grade C or above.When does it start?The course is <strong>of</strong>fered twice each year inFebruary and September.How long is <strong>the</strong> course?Fifteen hours <strong>of</strong> lectures and workshops withapproximately fifteen hours <strong>of</strong> backgroundstudy and revision. Plus completion <strong>of</strong> a threehour exam.How do I apply?Please call 01707 285552 or 285584 oremail CIMA@herts.ac.uk. You can als<strong>of</strong>ind out more and complete a bookingform at go.herts.ac.uk/cima21

Plug into a realbusiness networkThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> HertfordshireBusiness School’s <strong>Corporate</strong> andPr<strong>of</strong>essional Development Unitis ready to help you, your peopleand your organisation.To find out more about any <strong>of</strong>our services and facilities, call+44 (0)1707 285552 / 285584or email CPDU@herts.ac.ukSX6168/BP/03_2012go.herts.ac.uk/businessservices

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