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tudes calculated by the GSC and should be used with cautionfor magnitudes calculated by other agencies unless it can beverified that the same formulae and procedures were used. Inparticular, until the underlying causes of the m N – M W timedependenceare better understood, it should not be assumedthat this time dependence applies to all data bases for easternNorth America.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI thank Bob Youngs for providing a second opinion on the timedependence of m N . John Adams, John Cassidy, and MartinChapman provided constructive reviews. Janet Drysdale verifiedthe pre-1995 magnitude calculation procedure. NaturalResources Canada contribution number 20110070.REFERENCESAtkinson, G. M. (1993). Earthquake source spectra in eastern NorthAmerica. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 83, 1,778–1,798.Atkinson, G. M., S.-L. I. Kaka, D. Eaton, A. Bent, V. Peci, and S. Halchuk(2008). A very close look at a moderate earthquake near Sudbury,Ontario. 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Meeting CalendarM E E T I N GC A L E N D A R20114 November. Consortium of Organizations for StrongMotion Observation Systems (COSMOS) Annual Meetingand Technical Session, “Recent Major Earthquakes andtheir Influence on Strong Ground Motion Determinationsand Design,” Emeryville,–7 December. Geotechnical Short Course, Virginia Tech,Blacksburg,–13 January. Magmatic Rifting and Active VolcanismConference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.–25 January. 7th Gulf Seismic Forum (GSF 2012),Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. February−2 March. 10th International Workshop onSeismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction, Tsukuba,Japan.–4 March. International Symposium One Year after the2011 Eastern Japan Earthquake, Kenchiku-kaikan Hall,−14 April. Earthquake Engineering Research InstituteAnnual Meeting/Federal Emergency ManagementAgency National Earthquake Conference, Peabody Hotel,Memphis, Tennessee.www.eeri.org17−19 April. 2012 SSA Annual Meeting, San Diego, and page 966 for details.23−27 April. National Earthquake Conference, Memphis,Tennesseewww.earthquakeconference.org13–15 June. Incorporated Research Institutions forSeismology (IRIS) Workshop, Boise, Idaho.www.iris.edu26−29 June. 45th Rock Mechanics / GeomechanicsSymposium, San Francisco, Californiawww.armasymposium.org5−10 August. 4th International Geological Congress,Brisbane, Australia.www.34igc.org24−28 September. 15th World Conference on EarthquakeEngineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugalwww.15wcee.org4–7 November. Geological Society of America AnnualMeeting, Charlotte, North send notices of meetings you would like to appear in the“Meeting Calendar” three months before the expected date ofpublication. Send announcements to SRL Editor Jonathan M.Lees in care of the SRL managing editor at 10.1785/gssrl.82.6.991Seismological Research Letters Volume 82, Number 6 November/December 2011 991

Meeting CalendarM E E T I N GC A L E N D A R20114 November. Consortium of Organizations for StrongMotion Observation Systems (COSMOS) Annual Meetingand Technical Session, “Recent Major Earthquakes andtheir Influence on Strong Ground Motion Determinationsand Design,” Emeryville,–7 December. Geotechnical Short Course, Virginia Tech,Blacksburg,–13 January. Magmatic Rifting and Active VolcanismConference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.–25 January. 7th Gulf Seismic Forum (GSF 2012),Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. February−2 March. 10th International Workshop onSeismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction, Tsukuba,Japan.–4 March. International Symposium One Year after the2011 Eastern Japan Earthquake, Kenchiku-kaikan Hall,−14 April. Earthquake Engineering Research InstituteAnnual Meeting/Federal Emergency ManagementAgency National Earthquake Conference, Peabody Hotel,Memphis, Tennessee.www.eeri.org17−19 April. 2012 SSA Annual Meeting, San Diego, and page 966 for details.23−27 April. National Earthquake Conference, Memphis,Tennesseewww.earthquakeconference.org13–15 June. Incorporated Research Institutions forSeismology (IRIS) Workshop, Boise, Idaho.www.iris.edu26−29 June. 45th Rock Mechanics / GeomechanicsSymposium, San Francisco, Californiawww.armasymposium.org5−10 August. 4th International Geological Congress,Brisbane, Australia.www.34igc.org24−28 September. 15th World Conference on EarthquakeEngineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugalwww.15wcee.org4–7 November. Geological Society of America AnnualMeeting, Charlotte, North send notices of meetings you would like to appear in the“Meeting Calendar” three months before the expected date ofpublication. Send announcements to SRL Editor Jonathan M.Lees in care of the SRL managing editor at 10.1785/gssrl.82.6.991Seismological Research Letters Volume 82, Number 6 November/December 2011 991

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