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TABLE 2Moderate to Large Earthquakes in the Mongolia and South China SCRs *SCR †Date(YearMoDay)Origin Time(HrMnSecs) Source 1 ‡ Latitude Longitude Source 2 § M Source 3 ||SCH 16310814 unknown J94 29.300 111.700 J94 5.8 J94, J96SCH 19170124 004812.00 ISS 31.000 114.000 ISS 6.5 C08, J96MO 19220814 114104.70 C08 52.069 130.539 C08 6.6 C08, J96SCH 19360401 unknown J94 22.500 109.400 J94 6.8 J94, J96MO 19410505 151827.00 J94 46.500 126.900 ISS 6.0 J94, J96SCH 20080525 082149.99 PDE 32.560 105.420 PDE 6.1 GCMT* Stable Continental Regions (see text).† SCR in which earthquake occurred. SCH, South China SCR; MO, Mongolia SCR.‡ Source catalog for date and origin time. C08, 2008 version of “Centennial” catalog of Engdahl and Villasenor (2002); ISS,International Seismological Service (available at; J94, Johnston et al. (1994); PDE, PreliminaryDetermination of Epicenters, U. S. Geological Survey (available at§ Source catalog for latitude and longitude of epicenter.|| Source catalog for moment magnitude M. GCMT, Global Centroid Moment Tensor (available at First entry is source catalog of original size estimate (M S or maximum intensity). Second entry indicatesthat size estimate was converted to M with the look-up tables of Johnston (1996a,b).this counterbalance on CEUS Mmax is beyond the scope ofthis paper and will be examined in a future report.CONCLUSIONS1. New information that was not available in the early 1990sshows that most of the 1994 China SCR is active continentalcrust. Only the South China and Mongolia partsof the 1994 SCR meet the criteria for retaining their classificationsas SCRs.2. This finding reduces the number of Southeast Asian moderateto large earthquakes that are available to constrainCEUS Mmax from 43 to six.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSA. C. Johnston and his colleagues produced the global SCRcatalog. The catalog and its extensive documentation of the geologicand tectonic contexts of each earthquake form the mostvaluable source of information with which to constrain CEUSMmax. Many of the ideas in this paper stemmed from discussionswith J. Adams, J. Ake, A. C. Johnston, C. S. Mueller, R. L.Wesson, and the other participants in the 2008 Mmax workshop.Suggestions by R. Gold, C. S. Mueller, M. D. Petersen,and two anonymous reviewers improved the manuscript.REFERENCESAdams, J., R. J. Wetmiller, H. S. Hasegawa, and J. Drysdale (1991). Thefirst surface faulting from a historical intraplate earthquake inNorth America. Nature 352, 617–619.Arbenz, J. K., comp. (1988). Ouachita system: Cross sections. In TheAppalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States, ed. R. D.Hatcher Jr., W. A. Thomas, and G. W. Viele, plate 11. Volume F-2of The Geology of North America. Boulder, CO: Geological Societyof America.Bai, L., X. Tian, and J. Ritsema (2010). Crustal structure beneath theIndochina peninsula from teleseismic receiver functions. GeophysicalResearch Letters 37 (5), L24308, doi:10.1029/2010GL044874.Bailey, D. K. (1974). Continental rifting and alkaline magmatism. In TheAlkaline Rocks, ed. H. Sorensen, 148–159. New York: John Wileyand Sons.Bakun, W. H., and M. G. Hopper (2004). Magnitudes and locations ofthe 1811–1812 New Madrid, Missouri, and the 1886 Charleston,South Carolina, earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Societyof America 94, 64–75.Barry, T. L., A. D. Saunders, P. D. Kempton, B. F. Windley, M. S. Pringle,D. Dorjnamjaa, and S. Saandar (2003). Petrogenesis of Cenozoicbasalts from Mongolia: Evidence for the role of asthenospheric versusmetasomatized lithospheric mantle sources. Journal of Petrology44, 55–91.Basu, A. R., W. Junwen, H. Wankang, X. Guanghong, and M. Tatsumoto(1991). Major element, REE, and Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic geochemistryof Cenozoic volcanic rocks of eastern China: Implications fortheir origin from suboceanic-type mantle reservoirs. Earth andPlanetary Science Letters 105, 149–169.Boyer, S. E., and D. Elliott (1982). Thrust systems. American Associationof Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 66, 1,196–1,230.Broadbent, T., and Allan Cartography (1994). Maps of the stable continentalregions. In The Earthquakes of Continental Regions,vol. 5, ed. A. C. Johnston, K. J. Coppersmith, L. R. Kanter, andC. A. Cornell, appendix G. Report for Electric Power ResearchInstitute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA. EPRI TR-102261, 15 plates, scales1:12,500,000 and 1:20,000,000.Burchfiel, B. C., L. H. Royden, R. D. van der Hilst, B. H. Hager, Z.Chen, R. W. King, C. Li, J. Lu, H. Yao, and E. Kirby (2008). Ageological and geophysical context for the Wenchuan earthquakeof 12 May 2008, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China. GSA Today18; doi:10.1130/GSATG18A.1.Burchfiel, B. C., C. Zhiliang, L. Yuping, and L. H. Royden (1995).Tectonics of the Longmen Shan and adjacent regions, CentralChina. International Geology Review 37, 661–735.980 Seismological Research Letters Volume 82, Number 6 November/December 2011

Chang, K. H. (1997). Korean peninsula. In Encyclopedia of European andAsian Regional Geology, ed. E. M. Moores and R. W. Fairbridge,465–473. London: Chapman and Hall.Chen, L., C. Cheng, and Z. Wei (2009). Seismic evidence for significantlateral variations in lithospheric thickness beneath the central andwestern North China craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters286, 171–183.Chinnery, M. A. (1979). Investigations of the Seismological Input to theSafety Design of Nuclear Power Reactors in New England. NuclearRegulatory Commission Report NUREG/CR–0563, 72 pp.Coppersmith, K. J. (1994). Introduction to The Earthquakes ofContinental Regions, ed. A. C. Johnston, K. J. Coppersmith, L.R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell, vol. 1, 1:1–1:10. Report for ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA.Coppersmith, K. J., A. C. Johnston, A. G. Metzger, and W. J. Arabasz(1987). Methods for Assessing Maximum Earthquakes in the Centraland Eastern United States. EPRI RP-2556–12, report for ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, 312 pp.Cox, R. T., J. Gordon, S. Forman, T. Brezina, M. Negrau, A. Hill, C.Gardner, and S. Machin (2010). Paleoseismic sand blows in northLouisiana and south Arkansas. Seismological Research Letters 81,1,032–1,047.Crone, A. J., and K. V. Luza (1990). Style and timing of Holocene surfacefaulting on the Meers fault, southwestern Oklahoma. Bulletinof the Geological Society of America 102, 1–17.Crone, A. J., M. N. Machette, and J. R. Bowman (1997). Episodicnature of earthquake activity in stable continental regions revealedby palaeoseismicity studies of Australian and North AmericanQuaternary faults. Australian Journal of Earth Science 44, 203–214.Crone, A. J., M. N. Machette, L. A. Bradley, and S. A. Mahan (1997).Late Quaternary Surface Faulting on the Cheraw Fault, SoutheasternColorado. USGS Miscellaneous Investigations Map I–2521 (1sheet), various scales, 7 pp.Ebel, J. E. (1996). The seventeenth-century seismicity of northeasternNorth America. Seismological Research Letters 67, 51–68.Ebel, J. E. (2011). A new analysis of the magnitude of the February 1663earthquake at Charlevoix, Quebec. Bulletin of the SeismologicalSociety of America 101, 1,024–1,038.Engdahl, E. R., and A. Villasenor (2002). Global seismicity, 1900–1999. In International Handbook of Earthquake and EngineeringSeismology, Part A, ed. W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings,and C. Kisslinger, 665–690. Amsterdam: Academic Press.Exxon Production Research Company (1985). Tectonic Map of the World.Twenty-one sheets, scale 1:10,000,000 at the equator. Tulsa, OK:American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation.Feng, M., and M. An (2010). Lithospheric structure of the Chinesemainland determined from joint inversion of regional and teleseismicRayleigh-wave group velocities. Journal of Geophysical Research115, B06317; doi:10.1029/2008JB005787.GEBCO World Map Editorial Board (2006). World Ocean Bathymetry,General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). One sheet,scale 1:35,000,000 at the equator; available at Last accessed July 21, 2011.Gradstein, F., J. Ogg, and A. Smith, eds. (2004). A Geologic Time Scale2004. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 589 pp., 1 foldedplate.Hatcher, R. D. Jr., P. H. Osberg, A. A. Drake Jr., P. Robinson, and W.A. Thomas (1990). Tectonic map of the U.S. Appalachians. InThe Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States, ed. R. D.Hatcher Jr., W. A. Thomas, and G. W. Viele, plate 1. Volume F-2of The Geology of North America. Boulder, CO: Geological Societyof America.Ho, K.-S., J.-C. Chen, C.-H. Lo, and H.-L. Zhao (2003). 40Ar–39Ar datingand geochemical characteristics of late Cenozoic basaltic rocksfrom the Zhejiang-Fujian region, SE China: Eruption ages, magmaevolution and petrogenesis. Chemical Geology 197, 287–318.Hough, S. E., J. G. Armbruster, L. Seeber, and J. F. Hough (2000). Onthe modified Mercalli intensities and magnitudes of the 1811–1812New Madrid earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research 105,23,839–23,864.Hubbard, J., J. H. Shaw, and Y. Klinger (2010). Structural setting ofthe 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake. Bulletin of theSeismological Society of America 100, 2,713–2,735.Jaques, A. L., and D. H. Green (1980). Anhydrous melting of peridotite at0–15 kb pressure and the genesis of tholeiitic basalts. Contributionsto Mineralogy and Petrology 73, 287–310.Jia, D., G. Wei, Z. Chen, B. Li, Q. Zeng, and G. Yang (2006). LongmenShan fold-thrust belt and its relation to the western Sichuan Basinin central China: New insights from hydrocarbon exploration.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 90, 1,425–1,447.Johnston, A. C. (1996a). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakes instable continental regions: I. Instrumental seismicity. GeophysicalJournal International 124, 381–414.Johnston, A. C. (1996b). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakesin stable continental regions: II. Historical seismicity. GeophysicalJournal International 125, 639–678.Johnston, A. C. (1996c). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakes instable continental regions: III. New Madrid 1811–1812, Charleston1886 and Lisbon 1755. Geophysical Journal International 126,314–344.Johnston, A. C., K. J. Coppersmith, L. R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell(1994). The Earthquakes of Stable Continental Regions. Five vols.Report for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto,CA, EPRI TR-102261.Kanter, L. R. (1994). Tectonic interpretation of stable continental crust.Chapter 2 iin The Earthquakes of Stable Continental Regions, ed. A.C. Johnston, K. J. Coppersmith, L. R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell,vol. 1, 1–98. Report for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),Palo Alto, CA, EPRI TR 102261.Keller, G. R., and J. D. Hoover (1988). A comparison of the Newark andRio Grande rift systems and associated magmatism. In Triassic-Jurassic Rifting, ed. W. Manspeizer, 911–932. New York: Elsevier.Kirby, E., P. W. Reiners, M. A. Krol, K. X. Whipple, K. V. Hodges, K.A. Farley, W. Tang, and Z. Chen (2002). Late Cenozoic evolutionof the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Inferences from40Ar/39Ar and (U-TH)/He thermochronology. Tectonics 21,1,001; doi:10.1029/2000TC0012146.Kwon, S., K. Sajeev, G. Mitra, Y. Park, S. W. Kim, and I.-C. Ryu (2009).Evidence for Permo-Triassic collision in Far East Asia: The Koreancollisional orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 279, 340–349.Leloup, P. H., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, U. Scharer, Z. Dalai, L.Xiaohan, Z. Liangshang, J. Shaocheng, and P. T. Trinh (1995). TheAilao Shan–Red River shear zone (Yunnan, China), Tertiary transformboundary of Indochina. Tectonophysics 251, 3–84.Li, S., W. D. Mooney, and J. Fan (2006). Crustal structure of mainlandChina from deep seismic sounding data. Tectonophysics 420, 239–252.Li, Z.-X., X.-H. Li, H. Zhou, and P. D. Kinny (2002). Grenvillian continentalcollision in south China: New SHRIMP U-Pb zirconresults and implications for the configuration of Rodinia. Geology30, 163–166.Liu, J., J. Han, and W. S. Fyfe (2001). Cenozoic episodic volcanism andcontinental rifting in northeast China and possible link to Japan Seadevelopment as revealed from K-Ar geochronology. Tectonophysics339, 385–401.Liu, J. F., J. Chen, J. H. Yin, Y. C. Lu, A. Murray, L. C. Chen, J. Thompson,and H. L. Yang (2010). OSL and AMS 14 C dating of the penultimateearthquake at the Leigu trench along the Beichuan fault, LongmenShan, in the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of theSeismological Society of America 100, 2,681–2,688.Seismological Research Letters Volume 82, Number 6 November/December 2011 981

Chang, K. H. (1997). Korean peninsula. In Encyclopedia of European andAsian Regional Geology, ed. E. M. Moores and R. W. Fairbridge,465–473. London: Chapman and Hall.Chen, L., C. Cheng, and Z. Wei (2009). Seismic evidence for significantlateral variations in lithospheric thickness beneath the central andwestern North China craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters286, 171–183.Chinnery, M. A. (1979). Investigations of the Seismological Input to theSafety Design of Nuclear Power Reactors in New England. NuclearRegulatory Commission Report NUREG/CR–0563, 72 pp.Coppersmith, K. J. (1994). Introduction to The Earthquakes ofContinental Regions, ed. A. C. Johnston, K. J. Coppersmith, L.R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell, vol. 1, 1:1–1:10. Report for ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA.Coppersmith, K. J., A. C. Johnston, A. G. Metzger, and W. J. Arabasz(1987). Methods for Assessing Maximum Earthquakes in the Centraland Eastern United States. EPRI RP-2556–12, report for ElectricPower Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, 312 pp.Cox, R. T., J. Gordon, S. Forman, T. Brezina, M. Negrau, A. Hill, C.Gardner, and S. Machin (2010). Paleoseismic sand blows in northLouisiana and south Arkansas. Seismological Research Letters 81,1,032–1,047.Crone, A. J., and K. V. Luza (1990). Style and timing of Holocene surfacefaulting on the Meers fault, southwestern Oklahoma. Bulletinof the Geological Society of America 102, 1–17.Crone, A. J., M. N. Machette, and J. R. Bowman (1997). Episodicnature of earthquake activity in stable continental regions revealedby palaeoseismicity studies of Australian and North AmericanQuaternary faults. Australian Journal of Earth Science 44, 203–214.Crone, A. J., M. N. Machette, L. A. Bradley, and S. A. Mahan (1997).Late Quaternary Surface Faulting on the Cheraw Fault, SoutheasternColorado. USGS Miscellaneous Investigations Map I–2521 (1sheet), various scales, 7 pp.Ebel, J. E. (1996). The seventeenth-century seismicity of northeasternNorth America. Seismological Research Letters 67, 51–68.Ebel, J. E. (2011). A new analysis of the magnitude of the February 1663earthquake at Charlevoix, Quebec. Bulletin of the SeismologicalSociety of America 101, 1,024–1,038.Engdahl, E. R., and A. Villasenor (2002). Global seismicity, 1900–1999. In International Handbook of Earthquake and EngineeringSeismology, Part A, ed. W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings,and C. Kisslinger, 665–690. Amsterdam: Academic Press.Exxon Production Research Company (1985). Tectonic Map of the World.Twenty-one sheets, scale 1:10,000,000 at the equator. Tulsa, OK:American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation.Feng, M., and M. An (2010). Lithospheric structure of the Chinesemainland determined from joint inversion of regional and teleseismicRayleigh-wave group velocities. Journal of Geophysical Research115, B06317; doi:10.1029/2008JB005787.GEBCO World Map Editorial Board (2006). World Ocean Bathymetry,General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). One sheet,scale 1:35,000,000 at the equator; available at Last accessed July 21, 2011.Gradstein, F., J. Ogg, and A. Smith, eds. (2004). A Geologic Time Scale2004. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 589 pp., 1 foldedplate.Hatcher, R. D. Jr., P. H. Osberg, A. A. Drake Jr., P. Robinson, and W.A. Thomas (1990). Tectonic map of the U.S. Appalachians. InThe Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States, ed. R. D.Hatcher Jr., W. A. Thomas, and G. W. Viele, plate 1. Volume F-2of The Geology of North America. Boulder, CO: Geological Societyof America.Ho, K.-S., J.-C. Chen, C.-H. Lo, and H.-L. Zhao (2003). 40Ar–39Ar datingand geochemical characteristics of late Cenozoic basaltic rocksfrom the Zhejiang-Fujian region, SE China: Eruption ages, magmaevolution and petrogenesis. Chemical Geology 197, 287–318.Hough, S. E., J. G. Armbruster, L. Seeber, and J. F. Hough (2000). Onthe modified Mercalli intensities and magnitudes of the 1811–1812New Madrid earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research 105,23,839–23,864.Hubbard, J., J. H. Shaw, and Y. Klinger (2010). Structural setting ofthe 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake. Bulletin of theSeismological Society of America 100, 2,713–2,735.Jaques, A. L., and D. H. Green (1980). Anhydrous melting of peridotite at0–15 kb pressure and the genesis of tholeiitic basalts. Contributionsto Mineralogy and Petrology 73, 287–310.Jia, D., G. Wei, Z. Chen, B. Li, Q. Zeng, and G. Yang (2006). LongmenShan fold-thrust belt and its relation to the western Sichuan Basinin central China: New insights from hydrocarbon exploration.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 90, 1,425–1,447.Johnston, A. C. (1996a). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakes instable continental regions: I. Instrumental seismicity. GeophysicalJournal International 124, 381–414.Johnston, A. C. (1996b). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakesin stable continental regions: II. Historical seismicity. GeophysicalJournal International 125, 639–678.Johnston, A. C. (1996c). Seismic moment assessment of earthquakes instable continental regions: III. New Madrid 1811–1812, Charleston1886 and Lisbon 1755. Geophysical Journal International 126,314–344.Johnston, A. C., K. J. Coppersmith, L. R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell(1994). The Earthquakes of Stable Continental Regions. Five vols.Report for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto,CA, EPRI TR-102261.Kanter, L. R. (1994). Tectonic interpretation of stable continental crust.Chapter 2 iin The Earthquakes of Stable Continental Regions, ed. A.C. Johnston, K. J. Coppersmith, L. R. Kanter, and C. A. Cornell,vol. 1, 1–98. Report for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),Palo Alto, CA, EPRI TR 102261.Keller, G. R., and J. D. Hoover (1988). A comparison of the Newark andRio Grande rift systems and associated magmatism. In Triassic-Jurassic Rifting, ed. W. Manspeizer, 911–932. New York: Elsevier.Kirby, E., P. W. Reiners, M. A. Krol, K. X. Whipple, K. V. Hodges, K.A. Farley, W. Tang, and Z. Chen (2002). Late Cenozoic evolutionof the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Inferences from40Ar/39Ar and (U-TH)/He thermochronology. Tectonics 21,1,001; doi:10.1029/2000TC0012146.Kwon, S., K. Sajeev, G. Mitra, Y. Park, S. W. Kim, and I.-C. Ryu (2009).Evidence for Permo-Triassic collision in Far East Asia: The Koreancollisional orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 279, 340–349.Leloup, P. H., R. Lacassin, P. Tapponnier, U. Scharer, Z. Dalai, L.Xiaohan, Z. Liangshang, J. Shaocheng, and P. T. Trinh (1995). TheAilao Shan–Red River shear zone (Yunnan, China), Tertiary transformboundary of Indochina. Tectonophysics 251, 3–84.Li, S., W. D. Mooney, and J. Fan (2006). Crustal structure of mainlandChina from deep seismic sounding data. Tectonophysics 420, 239–252.Li, Z.-X., X.-H. Li, H. Zhou, and P. D. Kinny (2002). Grenvillian continentalcollision in south China: New SHRIMP U-Pb zirconresults and implications for the configuration of Rodinia. Geology30, 163–166.Liu, J., J. Han, and W. S. Fyfe (2001). Cenozoic episodic volcanism andcontinental rifting in northeast China and possible link to Japan Seadevelopment as revealed from K-Ar geochronology. Tectonophysics339, 385–401.Liu, J. F., J. Chen, J. H. Yin, Y. C. Lu, A. Murray, L. C. Chen, J. Thompson,and H. L. Yang (2010). OSL and AMS 14 C dating of the penultimateearthquake at the Leigu trench along the Beichuan fault, LongmenShan, in the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of theSeismological Society of America 100, 2,681–2,688.Seismological Research Letters Volume 82, Number 6 November/December 2011 981

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