Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

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WEST VIRGINIA<strong>Coverage</strong> Trigger & Number ofOccurrencesIntentional Acts ExclusionsPerpetrator:Non-perpetrator:<strong>Sexual</strong> <strong>Misconduct</strong> ExclusionsStatute of LimitationsNot addressed <strong>in</strong> sexual misconduct sett<strong>in</strong>g.Intentional acts exclusions preclude coverage for <strong>in</strong>jury which isexpected or <strong>in</strong>tended by an <strong>in</strong>sured perpetrator based on the “<strong>in</strong>ferred<strong>in</strong>tent” doctr<strong>in</strong>e that sexual molestation of a m<strong>in</strong>or is, by its nature,<strong>in</strong>tended or expected to cause <strong>in</strong>jury. Horace Mann Ins. Co. v. Leeber,376 S.E.2d 581 (W.Va. 1988); See also Smith v. Animal UrgentCare, Inc., 542 S.E.2d. 827 (W.Va. 2000). Cf. Tackett v. AmericanMotorists Ins. Co., 584 S.E. 2d 158 (W. Va. 2003) (Insurer had dutyto defend store employee accused of sexual misconduct of customerwhere allegations of <strong>in</strong>vasion of privacy triggered personal <strong>in</strong>jurycoverage <strong>and</strong> there was the <strong>in</strong>tentional acts exclusion applicable tothis coverage).Intentional acts exclusions preclude coverage for negligence claimsaga<strong>in</strong>st a perpetrator’s employer or any other negligent parties aris<strong>in</strong>gout of the perpetrator’s sexual misconduct because the essenceof such claims rema<strong>in</strong>s the underly<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tentional acts of sexualmisconduct. Smith v. Animal Urgent Care, Inc., 542 S.E.2D 827 (W.Va.2000); See also West Virg<strong>in</strong>ia Fire & Cas. Co. v. Stanley, 2004 WL1144050 (W. Va. May 21, 2004) (No coverage for sexual abuse by<strong>in</strong>sureds’ son of his niece dur<strong>in</strong>g visits to the <strong>in</strong>sureds’ home).Not addressed.Actions for personal <strong>in</strong>juries shall be brought with<strong>in</strong> two years afterthe cause of action accrues. W. Va. Code §55-2-12(b). M<strong>in</strong>ority <strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>sanity toll the limitations period except no case may be brought morethan 20 years after the cause of action accrues. Id. at §55-2-15.West Virg<strong>in</strong>ia court recognized that the “discovery rule” may toll thelimitations period when a claimant was prevented from know<strong>in</strong>g aboutthe tort claim or the wrongdoer’s identity due to defendant’s conduct.See Miller v. Monongalia County Board of Education, 556 S.E. 2d 427(W. Va. 2001) (Student’s allegations that defendant board fraudulentlyconcealed material facts tolled limitations period for suit to recover for<strong>in</strong>juries from sexual misconduct by teacher); Cf. Albright v. White, 503S.E.2d 860 (W. Va. 1998) (Suit time-barred because claimant allegedrepressed memory of childhood sexual abuse for 25 years, whichexceeded the 20-year period described by §55-2-15).Report<strong>in</strong>g LawsW.Va. Code §49-6A-1 et. seq.– 70 –

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