Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

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NEW JERSEYOtherThe New Jersey Charitable Immunity Statute bars negligence claimsaga<strong>in</strong>st charitable <strong>in</strong>stitutions. N.J. Stat. Ann. 2A:53A-7. See Schultzv. Roman Catholic Diocese of Newark, 472 A.2d 531 (N.J. 1984)(Negligent hir<strong>in</strong>g claim aga<strong>in</strong>st diocese for the alleged sexual abuse ofa m<strong>in</strong>or by an <strong>in</strong>structor was barred); See also Rivera v. Alonso, 1989WL 124959 (D. N.J. Oct. 18, 1989) (Claim aga<strong>in</strong>st diocese of negligenthir<strong>in</strong>g of abusive priest did not rise to the level of a willful or wantonact <strong>and</strong> therefore was barred by charitable immunity); Cf. Hardwickv. America Boy Choir School 845 A.2d 619 (N.J. Ct. App. 2004)(Charitable Immunity Act is <strong>in</strong>applicable to persons whose liability ispremised upon Child <strong>Sexual</strong> Abuse Act).The New Jersey courts have addressed the issue whether theFirst Amendment bars certa<strong>in</strong> types of claims aga<strong>in</strong>st religiousorganizations. See McKelvey v. Pierce, 800 A.2d 840 (N.J. 2002);F.G. v. MacDonell, 696 A.2d 697 (N.J. 1997) (First Amendment barredclaim of “clergy malpractice”.)– 43 –

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