Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

Coverage and Liability Issues in Sexual Misconduct Claims

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CONNECTICUTOther<strong>Sexual</strong> abuse perpetrated by a Catholic priest is outside the scope ofhis employment <strong>and</strong> therefore the church may not be held vicariouslyliable for such acts. Beach v. Jean, 746 A.2d 228 (Conn. Super. Ct.1999); Doe v. Hartford Roman Catholic Diocesan Corp., 716 A.2d 960(Conn. Super. Ct. 1998); Nutt v. Norwich Roman Catholic Diocese etal., 921 F. Supp. 66 (D. Conn. 1995); Cf. Mullen v. Horton, 700 A.2d1377 (Conn. App. Ct. 1997) (Religious employer held vicariously liablefor employee’s abuse of adult dur<strong>in</strong>g counsel<strong>in</strong>g sessions becauseemployer may have benefited from the illegal acts).The First Amendment does not bar claims aga<strong>in</strong>st religious <strong>in</strong>stitutionsfor negligent hir<strong>in</strong>g, tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, retention <strong>and</strong> supervision of clergy.Mart<strong>in</strong>elli v. Bridgeport Roman Catholic Diocesan Corp., 196 F.3d409 (2d Cir. 1999); Rosado v. Bridgeport Roman Catholic DiocesanCorp., 716 A.2d 967 (Conn. Super. Ct. 1998); Doe v. Hartford RomanCatholic Diocesan Corp., 716 A.2d 960 (Conn. Super. Ct. 1998); Nuttv. Norwich Roman Catholic Diocese et al., 921 F. Supp. 66 (D. Conn.1995).– 11 –

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