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<strong>QUIZ</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>ACTS</strong> <strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>TWENTY</strong>-<strong>TWO</strong>1. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, St. Paul was brought up in Jerusalem at whose feet?a. Gamaliel.b. Hillel.c. Caiaphas.2. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: “I persecuted this __________to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.”a. “Way.”b. “Religion.”c. “Sect.”3. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, at what time of day did a great light shine around St.Paul as he journeyed to Damascus?a. Early morning.b. Noon.c. The afternoon.4. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, did St. Paul’s companions on the road to Damascus seethe great light and hear the voice when Jesus spoke to him?a. Yes.b. No.c. They saw the great light, but did not hear Jesus’ voice.5. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: “Then a certain Ananias, adevout man according to ___________, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dweltthere.”a. “God’s righteousness standard.”b. “The law.”c. “The customs of our fathers.”6. Fill in the blank in St. Paul’s defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: “For you will be His witness to_____________ of what you have seen and heard.”a. “All men.”b. “All the world.”c. “The chosen people.”7. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, was St. Paul’s condition when Jesus told him to makehaste and get out of Jerusalem?a. He was hiding in a cave.b. He was speaking with the Apostles.c. He was in a trance.

8. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, how did the crowd respond when St. Paul states thatJesus told him to go to the Gentiles?a. They cried out, tore off their clothes and threw dust into the air.b. They physically attacked St. Paul.c. They physically attacked the garrison commander.9. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, what was St. Paul’s response when the Romans boundhim in order to examine him under scourging?a. “May God forgive you for this sin.b. “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned?”c. “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a servant of God, and uncondemned?”10. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, how did the garrison commander become a Romancitizen?a. He was born a citizen.b. He was awarded citizenship for his bravery.c. He bought his citizenship.11. Paul was questioned in Jerusalem before what group?a. The Jewish Sanhedrin (council).b. A magistrate’s court.c. Roman soldiers in Jerusalem.

ANSWERS TO THE <strong>QUIZ</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>ACTS</strong> <strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>TWENTY</strong>-<strong>TWO</strong>1. A (Acts 22:3)2. A (Acts 22:4)3. B (Acts 22:6)4. C (Acts 22:9)5. B (Acts 22:12)6. A (Acts 22:15)7. C (Acts 22:17-18)8. A (Acts 22:23)9. B (Acts 22:26)10. C (Acts 22:28)11. A (Acts 22:30)© 2006 Department of Youth Ministry — Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of NorthAmerica

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