February 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

February 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

February 1981 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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PRESIDENT'S' YOUR VOICEREPORTWAS HEARDSAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN - Page 3 <strong>February</strong> <strong>1981</strong>Potrero StationRETIREMENT DINNERitkNt]tlIXI would like to express my gratitude to the membershipfor the vote of confidence you gave me during theJanuary election. Receiving nearly, a 70% mandate tocarry our organization through the next two very difficultyears is truly an inspiration that few words canadequately express. I thank you very much.ii IJJeSt&lraSZkESTATElj 1812 Noriega St., <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, 94122(NR. CREDIT UNION)A BRIGHTER FUTURE?Many of the exceptional realestate opportunities I handleare rarely advertised. call, tellme what you're interested in!INVESTMENT COUNSELING STEPHEN MAXOUTOPOULISRETIRED SFPD OFFICER 661-5300I would like to thank those of you who rejected theConsent Decree Policy Statement. The final totals wereas follows: Adopt 497, Reject 531. As you can well see,it was a close issue that was decided by only 34 votes,which just goes to show that everyone's vote does in factcount.At this time, I would like to take a few moments ofyour time to remind everyone as to the intentions of thePOA, as they were expressed during the round theclock meetings that were conducted a few years back,prior to the signing of the Consent Decree.The campaign was long and arduous, but in the finalanalysis, to insure that you receive the best possible When the Consent Decree was being presented to therepresentation, the struggle was and will continue to be members for their approval, everyone knew, or at leastwell worth the effort that I and other elected members had a vague notion, that the existing Sergeants were goputforth.ing to feel the full brunt of the decree. The SergeantsThe new Board of Directors must now come together were advised that the POA would do everything in itsin <strong>February</strong> and work diligently to further the goals power, to attempt to rectify the adverse impact that wasthat were espoused during the election process. going to fall upon them. At the November 1980 meetingof the Board of Directors, Mike Hebel presented a mo-1 again pledge to you that I . will continue to be tion to encourage the POA to support the notion of aavailable to you as I have in the past,. and.I will ensure Lieutenants examination to be administered earlierthat your concerns are brought forward to the -citizens than 1982. Mike Hebel was a Sergeant prior to the signof<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> as well as to the policy makers that ing of the Consent Decree, and was a member of thathave the power to shape Our destiny, class of Sergeants that got the shaft. (i.e.: Denied theopportunity to participate in a Lieutenant's Exam priorThe buy-out, pension reform, health benefits and to 1982, and forced to participate in said exam with arestoration of an adequate method of salary stan- greatly expanded pool of candidates that would notdardization are .but a few of the difficult tasks ahead of have otherwise existed).us in the immediate future. Your assistance and sup- Mike's intentions were completely honorable, andport to achieve our goals through the bargaining pro- well within the scope of the pi4or promises made by thecess will be paramount if we are to move forward. I look POA leadership in 1978. Unfortunately, Mike's motionforward to serving you for the next two years. was not interpreted properly by the Board and beforelong, the motion included the participation of allCOMMUNITYSergeants in an earlier Lieutenant's exam which, by theway, would have made it entirely possible for a newlyappointed Sergeant to become a Captain by 1984.S E R V I C E Sby Henry FriedlanderChairman, CSCby BOB BARRYJust recently, the Community Services Committeecompleted a survey to learn just who is or is not amember of the Community Services. Very soon, a letterwill be going to the over 600 non-members, urging themto become members of Community Services, which isan <strong>Association</strong> function for the whole department todonate monies to CHARITABLE causes, functions andinstitutions, on the behalf of the <strong>Police</strong> Departmentand the SFPOA.You do not have to be a member of the POA to be amember of the Community Services. If you receive a letterfrom us, please joinus for only $12 a year (or 46eper pay period or just $1 per month). Your $12, plushundreds of other-similar donations, allow the Committeeto donate sums of money to local charities, plustelethons, hospitals and the like. And, your $12 is a taxdeduction.On January 15, <strong>1981</strong> the Committee made the followingdonations:Consumer Fraud/Economic Crime Section, and theComplaint Mediatid'n Section of the District Attorney'sOffice - $100.Night Minister - $200CSYSA - Youth Crime Prevention Project - $50HOSPICE of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, which is a volunteer groupfor the terminally ill of cancer - $250Visiting nurses of <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> - $250If you know of any organizations or groups which theCommittee should consider for a donation, just drop anote to me at the Public Affairs .Office or the POA,861-5060.by Theodore A. Schlink IIIIt was immediately apparent to me, that someonehad become a little too anxious because the only groupto benefit would have been the group that already hasbenefited with their post Consent Decree promotions tosergeant. I am not opposed to anyone having the opportunityto test for promotion, although I am opposedto any changes in the Consent Decree when it wouldaversely affect any class of members. In this case, theQ2 officer would have been given the shaft in order tobenefit those post Consent Decree sergeants, and,needless to say, the pre-1978 sergeants would not havegained any great new position.If we as an organization, are going to risk changingany part of the Consent Decree, we should only do so ifit is in fulfillment of the previous promise made by theleadership in 1978, that of attempting to allow thosepre71978 Sergeants to compete for Lieutenant, absentthe participation by post Consent Decree Sergeants.HARRINGTON'SMOVING & STORAGEHome - Office - Apartment MovingSee our New & Used Furniture StoreCorn pite Line of Home Furnishings599 Valencia St. 8617300 Jarlath O'Connor<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> 94110 . ManagerFormer S.F. <strong>Police</strong> OficerLA FEDELICATESSEN209 - 6TH STREETSAN FRANCISCO 94103982-2491WE SUPPORT THES.F. POLICE OFFICERSCAPTAIN SERGEANTS PATROLMENBOB PEFARLAND BILL FRITZ TED WALLACEBILL PACI-IECO GEORGE FIRCHOWLIEUTENANT JASPER STARKIE KEVIN WRIGHTCHARLIE SMITH BOB PEARSON AL SOUAIRHANK LASHER JIM SULLIVAN PAUL HAGAKIED NARTMAN BILL FARAC MIKE MANLEYBURTON BISHOP HORACE AYLWORTHRU SS DICKEYTOM HORANTuesday March 3, 1931Antoncili's - 1470 <strong>San</strong> BrunoFOR TICKETS CONTACT:$1NO- HOST COCKTAILS AT 0:30 PMNEW YORK STEAK OINNER(INC. WINE)AT 7:30 PMooVIC FLEMING GENERAL WORKS) OSCAR TULLY (CO. CDENNY OCONNELL (JUVENILE: SLUG STOEPPLEWERTH (CO. C- JOHN FOWLIE (HIT & RUN) FRANK WILLIAMS CO. C'RICH HUDDLESTON (CO. B) MARK HURLEY HEADQUARTERS:FRANKLIN'S LOUNGE 2368 - 3RD ST.Testimonial DinnerFeb. 26, <strong>1981</strong>RETIREMENT:Capt. Ford LongBen Van IderstinePROMOTIONS:Sgt. Rich BakerInsp. Paul ChignellSgt. Andy CitizenSgt. Mike Connors'Sgt. Bob DonsbachSgt. Ed FortnerSgt. Mel FortenberrySgt. Ernie Gisler- Sgt. Bert GutierrezInsp. George KowalskiSgt. Tom LangSgt. Jim LongSgt. Bob MartinezSgt. Dan O'LearyInsp. Mike PedriniSgt. Mike PeraSgt. Joaquin <strong>San</strong>tosSgt. Tom SullivanSgt. Rich WeickSgt. Clint WilmerdingItalian AmericanSocial Club20 Russia Street1830 hoursOpen Bar$20.00Tickets' Co. A: Ray WestCo. B: Joe HessionCo. D: Charlie AndersonCo. E: Dan O'SheaLayne AmiotCo. F: Mike GannonCo. G: Ray McAultyChief's Office: Steve JohnsonWhen in Jail and You Need BAILPhoneAL MArketGRAF 1-7901The Bondsman with a Heart859 Bryant Street, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>AL GRAF BAIL BOND • FORMERLY KEN TILLES

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