CNS presentation of Lyme disease

CNS presentation of Lyme disease CNS presentation of Lyme disease


EUCALB case definitionClinical case definitionLaboratoryevidence: essentialLaboratory/clinicalevidence: supportingIn adultsmainly meningo-radiculitismeningitis, +/- facial palsyrarely encephalitis,myelitis;very rarely cerebralvasculitis.In childrenmainly meningitis and facialpalsy.CSFPleocytosisanddemonstration ofintrathecal specificantibody synthesisDetection of B.burgdorferi s.l. byculture and/or PCR fromCSF.Intrathecal synthesis oftotal IgM, and/or IgGand/or IgA.Specific serumantibodies. Recent orconcomitant EM

European national neurological societiesguidelines• Definite LNB.– The following three criteria are fulfilled:– neurological symptoms suggestive of LNB (with other causes excluded);– CSF pleocytosis;– Bb specific antibodies in CSF (produced intrathecally).• Possible LNB.– Two out of these three criteria are fulfilled.• If criterion III is lacking; after a duration of 6 weeks, there has to be found Bb-specific antibodies in theserum.• These criteria apply to all subclasses of LNB except for late LNB with polyneuropathy where the followingshould be fulfilled for definite diagnosis:– Peripheral neuropathy– Clinical diagnosis of ACA– Bb-Specific antibodies in serum..Mygland et al. Eur J Neurol, 2010 ; 17 : 8-16

EUCALB case definitionClinical case definitionLaboratoryevidence: essentialLaboratory/clinicalevidence: supportingIn adultsmainly meningo-radiculitismeningitis, +/- facial palsyrarely encephalitis,myelitis;very rarely cerebralvasculitis.In childrenmainly meningitis and facialpalsy.CSFPleocytosisanddemonstration <strong>of</strong>intrathecal specificantibody synthesisDetection <strong>of</strong> B.burgdorferi s.l. byculture and/or PCR fromCSF.Intrathecal synthesis <strong>of</strong>total IgM, and/or IgGand/or IgA.Specific serumantibodies. Recent orconcomitant EM

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