CNS presentation of Lyme disease

CNS presentation of Lyme disease CNS presentation of Lyme disease


Early LNB• CNS manifestations.– CNS involvement is rare,– Myelitis : poliomyelitis-like syndromes– Encephalitis : confusion, cerebellar ataxia, opsoclonus–myoclonus, ocular flutter, apraxia, hemiparesis or Parkinsonlikesymptoms,– acute stroke-like symptoms caused by cerebral vasculitis arerare and have been documented only in single case reports.European national neurological societies guidelines.Mygland et al. Eur J Neurol, 2010 ; 17 : 8-16

Late neuroborreliosis• PNS manifestations.– mononeuropathy,– radiculopathy– polyneuropathy : a causative relationship betweenpolyneuropathy and borrelial infection cannot bebased on the sole detection of Bb specificantibodies in patients with polyneuropathy as thoseantibodies can also be found in 5–25% of healthypersons.European national neurological societies guidelines.Mygland et al. Eur J Neurol, 2010 ; 17 : 8-16

Late neuroborreliosis• PNS manifestations.– mononeuropathy,– radiculopathy– polyneuropathy : a causative relationship betweenpolyneuropathy and borrelial infection cannot bebased on the sole detection <strong>of</strong> Bb specificantibodies in patients with polyneuropathy as thoseantibodies can also be found in 5–25% <strong>of</strong> healthypersons.European national neurological societies guidelines.Mygland et al. Eur J Neurol, 2010 ; 17 : 8-16

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