agent portable surveillance system (apss) - DRS Technologies

agent portable surveillance system (apss) - DRS Technologies agent portable surveillance system (apss) - DRS Technologies


Exceptional Portablility Combined With Unsurpassed SurveillanceAGENT PORTABLE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (APSS)APSS is a portable element of the Distant Sentry family ofsurveillance systems providing a robust, flexible, and modularapproach to force protection and border security. Through theintegration of GOTS/COTS technologies on a Service OrientedSituational Awarness (SA) display, the system supports amyriad of sensors and features to address all types of land andcoastal surveillance missions. With a change of the sensorsand adjustments to the CONOPS, the system addresses forceprotection and critical infrastructure protection for maximumflexibility.The APSS solution is a man-portable platform that can be set upin less than 10 minutes and is designed to ensure continuousborder surveillance. The border configuration incorporates therugged Manportable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar(MSTAR V6) and WatchMaster Pro+ EO/IR camera connected toa ruggedized laptop computer running DRS' Common InformationBased Awareness (CIBA) C2/SA software system. CIBA softwareprovides an intuitive operator display that simplifies the radar andcamera calibration, helps establish fields of regard, and performscamera slewing to radar targets. The system is powered byfuel cell technology that is housed in rugged transit cases forcontinuous 24x7 operation.Distant Sentry SA is a user friendly “C2 Display” with robustfeatures to manage and minimize operator workload. The C2interface incorporates tools that assist operators in detectingand classifying targets with decision aids to support responseand reduce reaction time. The system features an ApplicationProgramming Interface (API) and XML features supportingstraight forward integration with IP systems and alternativeCommon Operating Pictures (COP) applications.The entire APSS is contained infour rugged transit cases, which areeasily loaded in a light truck or SUV.Cleared for Public Release - DRS TCO Dated 02 May 2013.

Exceptional Portablility Combined With Unsurpassed SurveillanceAGENT PORTABLE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (APSS)APSS is a <strong>portable</strong> element of the Distant Sentry family of<strong>surveillance</strong> <strong>system</strong>s providing a robust, flexible, and modularapproach to force protection and border security. Through theintegration of GOTS/COTS technologies on a Service OrientedSituational Awarness (SA) display, the <strong>system</strong> supports amyriad of sensors and features to address all types of land andcoastal <strong>surveillance</strong> missions. With a change of the sensorsand adjustments to the CONOPS, the <strong>system</strong> addresses forceprotection and critical infrastructure protection for maximumflexibility.The APSS solution is a man-<strong>portable</strong> platform that can be set upin less than 10 minutes and is designed to ensure continuousborder <strong>surveillance</strong>. The border configuration incorporates therugged Man<strong>portable</strong> Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar(MSTAR V6) and WatchMaster Pro+ EO/IR camera connected toa ruggedized laptop computer running <strong>DRS</strong>' Common InformationBased Awareness (CIBA) C2/SA software <strong>system</strong>. CIBA softwareprovides an intuitive operator display that simplifies the radar andcamera calibration, helps establish fields of regard, and performscamera slewing to radar targets. The <strong>system</strong> is powered byfuel cell technology that is housed in rugged transit cases forcontinuous 24x7 operation.Distant Sentry SA is a user friendly “C2 Display” with robustfeatures to manage and minimize operator workload. The C2interface incorporates tools that assist operators in detectingand classifying targets with decision aids to support responseand reduce reaction time. The <strong>system</strong> features an ApplicationProgramming Interface (API) and XML features supportingstraight forward integration with IP <strong>system</strong>s and alternativeCommon Operating Pictures (COP) applications.The entire APSS is contained infour rugged transit cases, which areeasily loaded in a light truck or SUV.Cleared for Public Release - <strong>DRS</strong> TCO Dated 02 May 2013.

SYSTEM FEATURESOpen Architecture:Smart Sensor Suite:C2 InterfaceSensor ManagementTools:Local & Remote Control:Scalability:SYSTEM BENEFITSAllows new and existing COTS sensorsand equipment to be easily integratedinto the <strong>system</strong> for varying missions.Radar and EO/IR cameras operatein harsh maritime and landenvironments while performingdetection and target identification atranges exceeding 10 KM both dayand night.User friendly interface, with auto-slewfunctions, alert boxes and decisionaid tools help in optimizing detectionsand reducing operator workload.Allows users to accurately placeradars and cameras and establisha field of regard with drag and dropfunctionality. A user friendly interfaceaccelerates setting up trip wires,elevations, ranges, and detectionmodes.Communication options for local andremote operation.Modular and expandable designsupports <strong>system</strong> enhancementsand expanded sensors. Systemoperates in stand-alone or networkedconfigurations and is easilyexpandable to connect to otherDistant Sentry platforms and APSS<strong>system</strong>s with multi-eschelon accessand controls.MSTAR V6 GROUND SURVEILLANCE RADAR• 24/7 continuous operation• 2x target update rate with continuous <strong>surveillance</strong> from100m to 27 KM, the highest rate in this class of <strong>system</strong>• Reduced operator controls through more automation• IP enabled for ease of integration• New digital radio technology• New algorithms provide highly reduced nuisance alarms• Compatible with allcurrent integrated MSTARapplications– TASS variants– G-BOSS variants– BETSS-C <strong>system</strong>s– MSS, MSC• Low power consumption,published interfaceprotocol• Quality training, depotmaintenance, operator’smanualsCOMMON INFORMATION BASED AWARENESS (CIBA)C2/SA SYSTEM• CIBA is built on Geographic Information Systems Technology• Operates Visualization Rendering Engine and featuresadvanced decision aid logic• Provides comprehensive Command and Control functions withautomation to alleviate operational burden• Modular and scalable designWATCHMASTER PRO+ EO/IR CAMERA• <strong>DRS</strong> uncooled thermal imaging technology• Compact/Light weight• Quick-change camera modules(blocks) with true plug-n-play• Network controllable or dedicated(Unicom-LT) controller• Mobile and invertible• Full two-way communication• MIL-STD-810F, IP67 (tested) sealedand pressurized camera housings• Full range of mounting fixturesThe Command & ControlCase with environmentalguard allows operator to viewC2 display in all conditions.Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright © <strong>DRS</strong> C3 & Aviation Company 2013. All Rights Reserved.All proposed export sales of <strong>DRS</strong> IDSS products are subject to USG export approval. The commoditiesdescribed herein are subject to U.S. export control under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).<strong>DRS</strong> C3 & Aviation Company400 Professional Drive, Suite 400, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 301.921.8100 Fax 301.921.8010 | marketing@drs.comCleared for Public Release – <strong>DRS</strong> FSO Dated 02 May 2013.<strong>DRS</strong> C3 V3 05/02/13

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