Electronics - Dynacord

Electronics - Dynacord

Electronics - Dynacord

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<strong>Electronics</strong>MORE THAN 60 YEARS OF PRO AUDIO EXPERIENCEMobile Audio | Concert Sound | Fixed Installation | Pro EntertainmentEnglish

CONTENTSContentsINTRODUCTIONContents 02One Brand Fits All 03History 04-05Milestones 06-07Manufacturing 08-09Bosch Production System 10-11PRODUCTSDIGITAL AUDIO MATRIXP 64 12-21SOUND SYSTEMPROCESSORSDSP 600 19-21DSP 260 22-27PROFESSIONALPOWER AMPLIFIERSPowerH Series 32-38RCM-26 Controller Module 39Xa 4000 44-47LX Series 44-47SL Series 48-51DSA Series - Multi-Channel 52-55RCM-810 Controller Module 56-57DSA Series - Dual-Channel 58-59PCL Series 60-63TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSApplication 64DIGITAL AUDIO MATRIXP 64 66-67SOUND SYSTEMPROCESSORSDSP 600 68DSP 260 69PROFESSIONALPOWER AMPLIFIERSPowerH Series 70-71Xa 4000 72LX Series 73SL Series 74-75DSA Series - Multi-Channel 76-77DSA Series - Dual-Channel 78-79PCL Series 80-812

ONE BRANDS FITS ALLONE BRAND FITS ALLIn our multimedia world, professional audio systems areplaying an ever more important role. For this, speaker systems,controllers and power amplifiers are needed the characteristicsand properties of which are tailored precisely to the applicationin question.The spectrum of these requirements—from live music to fixedinstallation—has an extremely wide bandwidth and extends fromvery high power output combined with minimum weight to remotesupervision and network capability. DYNACORD’s extensivecontroller and power amplifier portfolio offers an ideal and costeffectivesolution for every field of application.3


HISTORYIn 1945 Werner Pinternagel,who was an engineer, founded aworkshop for the repair of radiodevices in the Lower Bavariantown of Pilsting. The developmentand manufacture of audio amplifiers,which he began at the same time,became a particular passion.These pioneering experiencesformed the foundation for over60 years of expertise in professionalpower amplifier technology— expertise upon which the brandDYNACORD is able to draw today.Early results included the KI cinemaamplifier with its output of 25 watts.The devices of the company, whichin the meantime had moved toLandau and by then boasted astaff of four employees, still borethe brand name ‘Dynaphon’.From 1948 onwards, mixing andportable amplifiers bearing thename DYNACORD were beingsold to an ever expanding circleof customers. Within a few years,the rapidly growing company hadbecome one of the leading enterprisesin the still young audiotechnology industry. Already in1954, the manual workshop havegiven way to industrial productionas the product portfolio continued toexpand. The high-caliber, pioneeringand often visionary products havebeen presented ever since at allimportant international trade fairsand marketed successfully throughoutthe world. To make it possible tosatisfy the enormous demand,DYNACORD moved to Straubing in1958. The workforce, which at thattime numbered 80 employees, continuedto expand rapidly. Severaltimes, the production facility wasrenovated or expanded.Finally, in 1986 a new plant wasopened in which more than 500employees now develop, produceand dispatch the company’s productsto all corners of the globe.5


MILESTONESA high degree of innovation, uncompromisingquality, exceptional user-friendliness and truelylegendary reliability and value retention have forover 60 years defined the brand DYNACORD.• the first generations of professionalmixing amplifiers [Eminent, Gigant]• the first tape-echo/reverb devices [Echochord]• the first ‘affordable’ digital reverb device [DRS 78]Echocord• the most advanced digital drums[ADDone, ADDtwo]• the first professional digital reverb device basedon 32-bit floating-point processing [DRP-20]• the first processor power amplifierswith LPN filters [PCA series]DRS-78• one of the most successful power amplifiersin concert sound [L2400 / EV P3000]• the first processor-controlledcomplete audio system [P3, P5]• the first digital loudspeaker controller withgraphic display of the acoustic system frequencyresponse in the editing software [DSP 224/244with CrossMax and EV Dx34/38 with RACE]PowerMate• the Planar Waveguide bass horns[F 18, Alpha B3 and many others]• the world’s most powerful disco system [Alpha]• the world’s most successfulpowered mixer [PowerMate]• the first stackablecompact line array system [Cobra]• the first Class H grounded bridgehigh-performance power amplifiers [PowerH]• the unique IRIS-Net network software[incl. remote supervision, remote control ofpower amplifiers and digital audio matrices]Cobra• the first digital power amplifiers withVLD-variable load drive [DSA Multi-Channel]PowerH7


BOSCH PRODUCTION SYSTEMBosch ProductionSystemQUALITY WITH SYSTEMWith the introduction of the Bosch Production System(BPS) at the Straubing works, the brand DYNACORD isfurther enhancing its already legendary reputation forthe highest production quality and reliability.Quality with system is assured by the BPS worldwide inall Bosch production centres, since absolutely identicalindicators, equipment and processes are appliedsystematically throughout the enterprise. Decisionsabout which products to produce in which plant areprimarily based on core areas of competence.The same goes for the development. The first measures toguarantee quality are applied as early as the developmentphase of a product, where the ‘thermal andmechanical stability’, the ‘secure functioning of thecircuitry’ and the demands of quality such as theacoustic performance and the product functionsthemselves are all ascertained in advance and rigoroustests conducted before any final decisions are takenabout the design.Decades of experience and the most modern qualitymanagement systems guarantee the extraordinary qualityand legendary reliability of DYNACORD products.9

MANUFACTURINGMeasurement HallPART OF THE NEW INVESTMENT INVOLVED THE CONSTRUCTION ANDCOMMISSIONING OF WHAT AT 600 SQUARE METRES IS ONE OF THEWORLD’S LARGEST AUDIO MEASUREMENT HALLS.ManufacturingSince September 2006, DYNACORD has belongedto the BOSCH concern’s Security Technologydepartment.The production facility in Straubing has been considerablyexpanded and the work reorganized alongthe lines of the Bosch Production System (BPS). Partof the new investment involved the construction andcommissioning of what at 600 square metres and11 meters height is one of the world’s largest audioManufacturing in Straubing, Germany10

MANUFACTURINGmeasurement halls. A reverberation time below onesecond allows for measurements under realisticconditions. One of the particular strengths of thebrand DYNACORD is the fact that over the many yearsof its history profound know-how, covering the entiresignal chain from the mixer to the loudspeakers hasbeen acquired.This advantage, coupled with its traditionally closerelationship with users, has yielded many uniquesolutions to once-vexing problems and helped DYNACORDto develop a reputation the world over as a manufacturerof top-flight audio equipment on the absolutecutting edge of development.Additional capacity is available at the Boschplant in Zhuhai, China, where the production alsoconforms to the BPS and quality controls areconducted using identical procedures and equipment.Manufacturing in Zhuhai, China11

12RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSConcertSound, Touring, Club/Disco, ProSound, Network

P 64 DIGITAL AUDIO MATRIXDigitalAudio Matrix· P 6413

P 64 DIGITAL AUDIO MATRIX MANAGERP 64 Digital Audio Matrix ManagerWITH IRIS-NET SOFTWARE APPLICATIONThe P 64 Digital Audio Matrix Manager is a modular,networkable and freely configurable audio systemcontroller that allows designing complete systemsolutions.In the DSP, any structures with up to 32 audio channelsare freely configurable. This is possible by the widevariety of different DSP blocks available, such as mixer,matrix, dynamics, crossover, EQ, and even FIR filters.The processing power of the DSP can be furtherincreased with extension modules. Freely expanding thehardware configuration as well is possible throughfour module slots located on the rear of the P 64.Theses slots can be equipped with 8-channel digitalor analog input or output boards; even a specialmicrophone input card is available.14

P 64 DIGITAL AUDIO MATRIX MANAGERSeveral P 64s can be interconnected via a CobraNetnetwork, which allows operation and supervision ofeven the largest decentralized audio systems. Integratedcontrol and logic functions ensure that complex operationscan be carried out without problem.It is for example possible to link various parameters to eachother in a Task Engine using logic and arithmetic functionsand apply the results to an arbitrary number of otherparameters. This also provides the possibility fortime-controlled operations.Faults in and breakdown of the P 64 Manager itselfand all devices integrated in the system are detectedautomatically. An according message can be outputvia control contacts, other interfaces or displayed onthe PC screen.15


P 64 DIGITAL AUDIO MATRIX MANAGERTHE P 64 PROVIDES OUTSTANDING AUDIO QUALITY (S/N RATIO > 115 dB);THE NEWEST IN A/D AND D/A CONVERTER TECHNOLOGY AND ELABORATEDSP ALGORITHMS ENSURE SUPERIOR SOUND REPRODUCTION.DYNAMIC DSP POWERThe wide variety of DSP blocksavailable, such as EQs, filter(incl. FIR), mixer, matrix/router,dynamics, crossover, delays,loudspeaker-controller and signalgenerators, determine the processingpower needed.The modular concept of the P 64makes it possible to adjust theconfiguration in an ideal fashion tomeet the requirements imposed.With each of the 8-channel inputor output modules, the processingpower of the P 64 is raised by afurther 100 MIPS (million instructionsper second). With the DSP-1expansion card, the processing poweris increased by a further 300 MIPS.A wide variety of applications in thefixed installation or concert soundfields can therefore be realized in thehighest audio quality with greatflexibility.DSP-1The DSP-1 is a DSP extension modulefor use in a DYNACORD P 64.The module is armed with additionalDSPs to expand the signal processingcapacity as well as RAM storagebanks for the realization of longerdelay times or additional delaylines.ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:• 1300 MIPS processingcapacity – doubling theDSP processing power• 2 RAM banks (512K x 24 bits)– for additional delaylines up to 21.8 sec.• 48-bit signal processing– double-precision DSP algorithms.• Automatic configuration – reportingin IRIS-Net when new module wasloaded or module was removed.P 64–1500 (SET)With the P 64-1500, the internalexpansion slot gets equipped witha DSP-2 module which is part of theset.As a result of the 3 additional dualcoreprocessors on the DSP-2 module,the signal processing capacity isconsiderably increased. At thesame time, applications requiringlong delay times (e.g. for delaylines) benefit from the additionalRAM. The P 64-1500 is thereforeoutstandingly well suited to complextasks and the implementation ofprocessor-intensive FIR algorithms.With its processing power of 1500MIPS (with input / output modulesmax. 1900 MIPS), the P 64-1500is currently the most powerful proaudio processor.DSP-2DSP expansion module formingpart of the P 64-1500 Set.The module is armed with additionalDSPs to expand the signal processingcapacity as well as RAM storagebanks for the realization of longerdelay times or additional delaylines.ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:• 1200 MIPS processing capacity• 3 RAM banks (512K x 24 bits)– for additional delaylines up to 32.7 sec• 48-bit signal processing– double-precision DSP algorithms• Automatic configuration – reportingin IRIS-Net when new module wasloaded or module was removed17


IRIS-NETIRIS-NetSOFTWAREThe P 64 Manager runs underIRIS-Net, which is by far morethan a common configurationsoftware application, becauseIRIS-Net is also capable ofcontrolling and supervising allcompatible components.IRIS-Net integrates all devicesof the manufacturer that can beconfigured and/or remotely controlledvia PC in a comprehensiveaudio system: in 2006 DYNACORDintroduced a new series of IRIS-Netcompatibleamplifiers – the PowerH– followed by the P 64 MatrixManager and now the DSP 600. Ourcurrent product range is completedthrough the integration of theDYNACORD DCS System whichoffers extended control and monitoringfunctionality.Easy and comfortable operation isguaranteed through PWS programmablewall stations and TPItouch panels. The universality andflexibility of the IRIS-Net softwareapplication is one of the majorstrengths of the DYNACORD DigitalAudio System – the complete audiosystem including all its componentscan be configured, controlled, andmonitored using one single softwareapplication. IRIS-Net supportsEthernet, CobraNet, CAN-Bus, USBand, because of its open architecture,IRIS-Net is ready for future implementations,such as e.g. Audinate Dante.IRIS-Net is also suitable for therealization of security-relevant systems– even stadiums or airports – wherelife safety levels not only requirethe complete monitoring and surveillanceof the connected devicesthemselves but also of connectioncables, interfaces, and connectedloudspeaker systems.The “System Check” in particularis one distinctive feature that runsa precise impedance sweep of allloudspeakers in the system by thepush of a button. Besides detectingfailure of complete loudspeakersystems, this also ensures thatdamage of a single speaker chassisis being detected. System status isqueried continuously, fault conditionsare recognized and reportedand a protocol lists incidents bydate and time.Operation of the DYNACORD DigitalAudio System using IRIS-Net takesplace in real-time via wall stations,touch panels, PC or even mediacontrol units. The change of a parameterat one of the control unitsis simultaneously indicated at allother control units.Typical applications are for example:hotels, gymnasiums and multipurposefacilities, cruise liners orsports arenas, but also live-concerts,clubs or open-air festivals.19

P 64 I / 0 CARDSMI-1AO-1AI-1P 64 I / 0 CardsThe finest audio performancein the widest range of audioformats is available to users ofthe P 64. Analogue audio signals— microphone or line level — canbe processed as well as digitalaudio signals in different formats.High-quality converters in theexpansion modules ensure optimalaudio quality at all times. In addition,the CM-1 module permits the distributionof audio signals over anEthernet network. All modules arerecognized automatically by thesystem and managed via the IRIS-Netsoftware.AI-1The AI-1 is an 8-channel analog inputmodule for use in a DYNACORDP 64 system.Audio signal connection is establishedvia screw-lockable Euroblock connectors. A/D conversionis taken care of by high-performance,linear, 24-bit converterswhile internal signal processing isperformed in 48-bit word length.117 dB dynamic range – for superioraudio performance without spuriousnoise. Balanced inputs – highCommon Mode Rejection preventslong cables from picking up interference.MI-1The MI-1 is an 8-channel microphoneinput module for use in aDYNACORD P 64 system.The connection of microphone orLine level signals is established viascrew-lockable Euro block connectors.A/D conversion is takencare of by high-performance, linear,24-bit converters while signals areprocessed internally in 48-bit wordlength. 118 dB dynamic range – forsuperior audio performance withoutspurious noise.Balanced inputs – high CommonMode Rejection prevents long cablesfrom picking up interference. Gain,PAD, phantom power – programmableinput gain in steps of 6 dB, switchablePAD for Line level feeds, and +48Vphantom power switchable viasoftware.AO-1The AO-1 is an 8-channel analog outputmodule for use in a DYNACORDP 64 system.The module outputs eight highqualityaudio signals via screwlockableEuro block connectors.Internal signal processing is performedin 48-bit word length whilehigh-performance 24-bit converterstake care of D/A conversion.20

P 64 I / 0 CARDSCM-1DO-1DI-1118 dB dynamic range – for superioraudio performance without spuriousnoise.100 ohms balanced output driver– lossless signal distribution toseveral parallel inputs, even overlonger cable runs. Output relays –power-on delay and quick disconnectionfor effective suppressionof power-on/off noise.DI-1The DI-1 is an 8-channel digitalinput module for use in a DYNACORDP 64 system.Digital audio signals in AES/EBU orS/PDIF formats are connected viascrew-lockable Euro block connectors.Additional Toslink inputs allow forthe optical transmission of digitalaudio signals. All inputs of the DI-1module employ high-quality samplerate converters. Internal signalprocessing is performed in 48-bitword length.128 dB dynamic range – for superioraudio performance withoutspurious noise. Sample rates of 32- 192 kHz – allow for connectionof basically any digital audio signalsource. Sample rate converter perinput – allows the connection ofdigital audio signal sources evenwith different sample rates.DO-1The DO-1 is an 8-channel digital outputmodule for use in a DYNACORDP 64 system.Digital audio signals (48 kHz samplerate) are output via screw-lockableEuro block connectors. Internalsignal processing is performedin 48-bit word length. 144 dBdynamic range – for superior audioperformance.CM-1CobraNet is a network technologyfor multi-channel transmission ofdigital audio data.The CM-1 is a compact interfacemodule for connection to a CobraNetnetwork, allowing the simultaneoustransmission of up to 32 digitalaudio input signals and 32 digitalaudio output signals.• 100BASE-TX Ethernet interface• Secondary 100BASE-TX interface• Four serial output ports• Four serial input ports• Status LEDs21

22RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSConcertSound, Touring, Club/Disco, ProSound, Network

SOUND SYSTEM PROCESSORSSound SystemProcessors· DSP 600· DSP 26023

DSP 600DSP 600FIR-TUNE SOUND SYSTEM PROCESSORThe DSP 600 is a networkable digital soundsystem processor with 2 analogue inputs, 2 digitalAES / EBU inputs and 6 analogue outputs offeringaudio and signal processing of the highest qualitywith a dual-core DSP topology, 24-bit linear AD / DAconverters and with 48-bit double-precision processingresolution.At > 116 dB, the dynamic range of the DSP 600 is atthe upper extreme of what is technically feasible;THD is less than 0.002%. With IIR filters and highresolution512-tap FIR filters, precise loudspeakerprotection and a multi-stage delay concept, the DSP 600sets new standards in the field of digital loudspeakerprocessing. FIR-TUNE permits the use of DYNACORDspeaker settings with integrated crossover and FIRfilter settings for the best possible linearization ofthe magnitude and phase of the transfer function.Over IRIS-Net, any desired number of DSP 600processors, together with other IRIS-Net capabledevices, can be configured and operated swiftly andconveniently.24

DSP 600Networkable Digital SoundSystem ProcessorSIGNAL FLOW DIAGRAMThe configuration and control of the DSP 600 ishandled either directly at the device or with thehelp of IRIS-Net via Ethernet and / or USB.An integrated 2-port Ethernet switch makes it possibleto connect the device to a PC directly withouthaving to rely on the use of an additional externalswitch. Furthermore, the control signal can bepassed directly from one device to the next in asimple daisy-chain arrangement. Under IRIS-Net, theDevice Scan function facilitates the configuration ofthe network.Six predetermined configurations are available plusfreely definable configurations via the 2 x 6 matrixrouter:• 2-way stereo + Fullrange• 3-way stereo• 4-way mono + Fullrange• 5-way mono + Fullrange• 3-way stereo with a mono sub + Fullrange• 4-way stereo with mono sub and low frequency• freely assignable 2 x 6 matrix routerDirect-access keys make it possible to edit parametersswiftly at the device. In all, 90 program-storagelocations are provided, of which 60 are dedicated tofactory presets and a further 30 available for freelyprogrammable user presets. The DSP 600 is compatiblewith RCM-26 and P 64 speaker settings.For fixed installation applications, five control inputscan be used for switching between presets. Levelcontrol displays are provided on the front panel forthe inputs and for all 6 outputs with Limiter and ClipLEDs along with output mute switches, channel functionindicators SUB, LO, MID, HI and a backlit graphicdisplay.For installations and the rental business, the possibilityalso exists of either permitting or blocking accessfrom the front panel to each individual editable parameter.25

DSP 600INPUTSIn the inputs, as well as the routing functions,extensive editing possibilities are available:Input Level Signal Generator PEQ GEQ Delay• pilot-tone detection• test signal generator(pink noise, white noise, sine wave)• VU meter for input signal• 10-band parametric equalizer• 31-band graphic equalizer• delay• input pad switch (-6 dB)OUTPUTSIn each of the outputs there are two control areas.ARRAY CONTROLSPEAKER PROCESSINGPEQDELAY PEQ X-OVER FIRFILTERDELAY POLARITY LEVEL LIMITERS OUTPUTLEVELARRAY CONTROL (PER CHANNEL)• 5-band parametric equalizer• array delaySPEAKER PROCESSING (PER CHANNEL)• 6-band parametric equalizer• cross-over (high-pass / low-pass filters),Bessel, Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley• FIR-filter with 512 taps (high-pass,low-pass, band-pass, speaker-specific)• delay• polarity• look-ahead peak anticipation limiter• temp limiter for thermal loudspeaker protection• level & mute• pilot tone generator• VU metering• output assignment display LEDs: Sub, Low, Mid, High• gain reduction metersA unique and particularly remarkable feature isthe multi-stage delay concept featuring dedicateddelays for different applications in complex audiosystems: the INPUT DELAY (1.000 ms) for synchronizationof the main PA to delay systems, the ARRAY DELAY(100 ms) for the synchronization of individual loudspeakerboxes within a cluster or stack, the X-OVERDELAY (10 ms) for evening out the run-times ofindividual loudspeaker components within a box,and finally the CHANNEL DELAY (1.000 ms) forevening out the run-times of e.g. subs and tops.Its clear structure, its wealth of possibilities, itsexceptional user-friendliness, its outstanding audioperformance – particularly in combination with theFIR-TUNE settings for all applicable DYNACORDloudspeaker components – make the DSP 600 theideal manager even for complex, modern, high-qualityaudio systems.26

IRIS-NET INTERFACEIRIS-Net InterfaceWith the IRIS-Net interface, especially intuitive andcomfortable operation is possible with the importof loudspeaker data for visualization of the resultingtransfer function. IRIS-Net is downloadable free ofcharge in the member area of the DYNACORD website:www.dynacord.com27

DSP 260User-friendly & reliableFLEXIBLE IN EVERY SITUATION28

DSP 260DSP 26024-BIT DIGITAL SOUND SYSTEM PROCESSORWith the DSP 260 digital 2-in-6 sound systemmanager, DYNACORD is continuing its tradition ofproducing innovative signal processors. The DYNACORDDSP 260, a digital signal processor with 2 inputsand 6 outputs, is the ideal tool for the managementand optimization of loudspeaker systems.Based on the most modern hardware, this systemmanager offers both tried-and-tested and newalgorithms for the simple and swift creation of activemulti-way systems.A high degree of user friendliness and reliability werethe design priorities along with attaining an extremelyaffordable price point.STATE-OF-THE-ART SIGNAL PROCESSINGThe 24-bit sigma-delta AD/DA converters and 32-bitfloating point signal processor make possible a dynamicrange of 111 dB. In addition to the two analogueinputs, a digital stereo input in AES / EBU format isavailable.FAST AND FLEXIBLEThe factory presets provide the correct configurationfor your DYNACORD system including all sound andlimiter settings.Thanks to variably configurable parameter access,the DSP 260 is suitable for a wide variety of applications;whether in fixed installations or on the road,the DSP 260 adapts flexibly to every situation.The DSP 260 includes all the precision tools forloudspeaker management and system tuning previouslyreserved for devices in the highest pricecategories.The user-friendly software interface makes possiblethe complete control of all parameters even for criticalapplications.SIGNAL FLOW DIAGRAMClear signal routing guarantees a swift overview of all DSP functions.29

DSP 260Control Elements and ConnectivityDSP 26001 020304 05060701020304050607Precision display of input level for optimal system leveling.Reference comparison of set parameters with stored presets.Output display with integrated limiter status and function display of output channels.USB port for expanded editing options with the DSP 260 editing software.Comprehensive system configuration:2-way stereo + FR / 3-way stereo4-way + FR / 5-way + FR3-way stereo with mono sub+FR / 4-way stereo with mono sub+LRFree configurationDirect access to the most important input and output parameters.Illuminated Mute switch on each output channel.01 02 03 02 0304 0506010203040506Digital input AES / EBU (stereo).Balanced Thru ports.Balanced analogue inputs.Link / Relay interface switchable between RS 232 for Master / Slave configurationand 8 x relay contact closure.6 balanced analogue outputs.Switchable analogue 6 dB pad (pre AD converters).30

EDITING SOFTWAREEditing SoftwareDSP 260The easy-to-operate DSP 260 editing software permitsthe convenient editing of all parameters from a PCrunning under Windows. The computer is connectedvia the USB port on the front panel.The graphic user interface offers intuitive and surecontrol of all DSP and device functions. Presets canbe stored on your computer as well as on the DSP 260hardware.REAL TIMEThe effect of all changes can be heard immediately;all parameter, level, mute and DSP functions aredisplayed directly.DELAYThrough the simple coupling of individual components,entire systems can be moved furtherforward or further back. The total delay time isdisplayed for each signal path.INTUITIVEThe intuitive user interface of the DSP 260’sediting software offers swift access to all the parametersrelevant to system tuning and configuration.All changes are displayed graphically andrealized in real time.SECUREProtect your system against unwanted interference.Access to individual parameters as well as theirvisibility on the DSP 260’s display is freely programmable.31

RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSConcertSound, Touring, Club/Disco, ProSound, Network“All the measured data and the stabilityunder continuous output are — as expected— of the highest order” Test in `Production Partner` 10/200732

POWERH SERIESThe PowerH power amp series represents a further milestone in the 60-yearpro audio tradition of DYNACORD.DYNACORD has long been established worldwide as a manufacturer ofprofessional high-performance amplifiers and by virtue of numerousinnovations and the downright legendary reliability of its products hassecured for itself a firm place in the elite segment. No small contributionto this success has been made by the firm’s largest OEM customer: itssister company, Electro-Voice.PowerH Series· H 2500· H 5000For years now, countless large and very large sound reinforcementsystems installed or on tour throughout the world have been relying onDYNACORD / Electro-Voice power amps. Thousands of amplifiers madeby DYNACORD have been deployed on every continent and performedwith distinction at many of the truly major productions of recent years.33

POWERH SERIESPowerH SeriesHI-END REMOTE CONTROLLABLE POWER AMPLIFIERSThe demands placed on modernpower amplifiers are enormous:maximum output, minimumweight, the highest possibledegree of efficiency, outstandingaudio characteristics, absolutereliability, remote supervisionand remote control as well asnetwork capability.To realize stable outputs of 2500 W /4 Ω and 3500 W / 2 Ω per channel,power amplifiers must be capableof making available peak outputvoltages of 180 V to 200 V. Thisrequirement limits the number oftopologies meriting considerationto two concepts only: Class D andDYNACORD’s Linear GroundedBridge Class H. Linear Push-Pullconcepts with Class H topologyare proven solutions for powerlevels up to 1500 W / 4 Ω.This is the approach adopted bymany DYNACORD power amplifiers.The limitation of the Class H push-pullapproach is the 250 V specificationof typical audio power transistorsand their second breakdownrestrictions. Even exceeding thespecified peak voltage or thesecond breakdown limit for shortperiods leads directly to a failureof the power transistors and thepower amplifier. The use of exotic350 V-specified transistors affordsno reliable solution in view of theirsecond breakdown behaviour,their performance and also theiravailability.Higher power classes requiredifferent solutions! DYNACORD‘slinear Grounded Bridge designs(e.g. L2400 / P3000) have provedextremely reliable over many yearsas well as outstanding in terms34

POWERH SERIESof audio performance. One ofthe key advantages of GroundedBridge solutions is the considerablereduction in ‚voltage stress‘ for thepower transistors. This permitsthe design of high-powered poweramplifiers with peak output voltagesin excess even of 200 V.A logical step in the direction oflowering power dissipation whilstat the same time increasing theoutput power was the developmentof a linear Grounded Bridge topologyusing Class H technology witha multi-stage switching ‚floating‘ powersupply. The use of an extremelystable switching power supplymakes a decisive contribution tothe very low weight of these poweramplifiers: 7 kW packed into a devicea mere 2 rack units in height andweighing less than 15 kg!PowerH power amplifiers are readyfor integration into IRIS-Net-basedaudio systems and networks.Remote control modules (e.g. theRCM-26) that can be retrofittedoffer complete system supervisionand remote control combined withdigital controller functions.FEATURES• stable, very high power output• very high efficiency• very lightweight• multi-stage Grounded BridgeClass H topology• ‚floating‘ switching power supply• large liquid crystal display• integrated micro-controllerfor internal control• remote control module can beretrofitted for integration into theIRIS-Net bringing supervision,remote control, digital controllerfunctions and digital audio inputs35

POWERH SERIES“ALL IN ALL, A PERFECT COMBINATION, IN WHICH IT IS EVIDENT FROMEVERY DETAIL THAT THE DEVELOPERS KNEW EXACTLY WHAT A HIGH-ENDPOWER AMPLIFIER FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TOURING AND INSTALLATIONMARKET NEEDS.” Test in `Production Partner` 10/2007The power amplifiers of thePowerH series represent amilestone in the design andproduction of high-performancepower amplifiers.Their innovative multi-stage GroundedBridge Class H topology with itsfloating switching power supplyoffers very high and stable outputpower, very high efficiency, anextremely high level of audioperformance and extremely lowweight.They are therefore the ideal driversfor professional touring and highendconcert sound, as well as prosound, applications. Through theuse of IRIS-Net-compatible remotecontrol modules, they also offerextensive remote supervision andcontrol functions as well as a universaltwo-channel digital controllerincluding ultra-precise FIR filteringand digital algorithms to protectthe loudspeakers. DYNACORD poweramplifiers are known for theirabsolute reliability under the mostarduous of conditions on the road.Naturally this is also true of thePowerH models.In addition to the legendary manufacturingquality that comes withthe ‚Made in Germany‘ label, thecomprehensive set of protectivecircuits plays an important rolehere: an integrated micro-controllercoordinates tried-and-testedprotections against short-circuit,HF or DC at the output, back EMF,overheating and open-circuit operation,the power-up current limitationand dynamic audio limiters as wellas making additional new and highlyintelligent protective functionspossible: for example, the temperaturein the power amplifiers ismonitored at no fewer than six differentpoints and the front-to-rearventilator governed accordingly.Under abnormal thermal ‚worstcase‘ conditions, the CPU activatesa voltage limiter or gain reductiondepending upon the requirements ofthe situation, so as to obviate theneed for a thermal shutdown ofthe power amplifiers. All correctivemeasures are indicated by LEDs onthe front panel and detailed clearlyon the liquid crystal display. Inaddition, a report is created makingit possible to enquire later as to allsuch ‚interventions‘, each of whichis time-stamped.The mains voltage is monitoredand displayed continuously, withthe devices adapting automaticallyto 230 V, for example, or 120 V. Atthe same time, the mains currentconsumption is also monitoredand displayed. The trip value of theautomatic circuit breakers can beset by the user via the display ofthe power amplifier to prevent thecircuit breakers tripping. Any short-36

POWERH SERIEScircuits at the output of the poweramplifier are detected early on,even at low levels. The protectivecircuit is activated and a report onthe fault in question appears simultaneouslyon the front display. In theevent of excessive high-frequencyoverload, there is an automatic levelreduction to protect the poweramplifier itself and also the loudspeakercomponents connected.The large, background-lit liquidcrystal display delivers comprehensivestatus information, error reportsand measurements as well asallowing you to control the basicsettings and (with the IRIS-Netmodule integrated) select presetsas well.In addition to extreme reliabilityand forward-looking operatingsecurity, the PowerH power amplifiersare impressive for their outstandingaudio performance. The THD,intermodulation distortion (IMD-SMPTE) and dynamic intermodulation(DIM) are well below 0.05 % andtherefore well below the limit ofaudibility. All the components ofthe switching power supply are sosafely dimensioned that they arecapable of delivering the maximumpeak output current of 70 A continuously(H 5000), thereby allowingthe power amplifier to operateas a stable voltage source evenwith extremely low loads. PowerHpower amplifiers therefore havea significant amount of headroomat their disposal, which results insuperlative dynamics even withlow loads.PowerH power amplifiers leavenothing to be desired in terms ofconnectivity. For the inputs, XLRIN / parallel OUT sockets are providedalong with additional Phoenixconnectors. The gain is switchablebetween 32 dB, 35 dB and inputsensitivity 0 dBu. In addition, thereare switches for Bridged Mode andParallel / Dual as well, naturally, asa Ground Lift switch.A latching PowerCon connectoris provided for the mains powerline, which prevents the plugbeing yanked out accidentally. Thepower outputs are implementedas Speakon sockets. The signal ofOutput B is additionally available onpins ±2 of Output A, so that with4-pin wiring a two-way system canbe driven. Parallel to these, additionalbinding posts are provided. Interms of connectivity, therefore,PowerH power amplifiers satisfyall the demands of both mobileapplications and pro audio fixedinstallations.German engineering. Manufacturedin accordance with the BoschProduction System (BPS) in Straubing,Germany.37

SYSTEM RACKSICP-48System RacksICP-44Factory-assembled System Racks are availablewith a DSP controller, power amplifiers and an AFpanel as well as an AC panel mounted at the rear witha 32A power supply connector.Naturally the racks can be configured freely to suitthe application or the requirements of the customer –typically through the inclusion of LX or PowerH poweramplifiers (optionally with RCM-26 DSP modules),DSP 260, DSP 600 or P 64 controllers, or any of avariety of different connector panels.CP-48ICP-88AC 23238

RCM-26RCM-26DIGITAL CONTROLLER MODUL FOR PowerHFIR-TUNEThe RCM-26 is a dual-channel digital controllermodule for live sound, PA and fixed installation. Itoffers all conventional signal processing functionssuch as parametric equalizers, crossovers, delays,compressors and limiters.It also makes available linear phase FIR filters, zero-latencyFIR filters and digital loudspeaker protection algorithmsto permit the dynamic range of the amplifier to beexploited to the full. In addition to the electronicallybalanced analogue inputs of the power amplifier, digitalinputs in AES3 (AES / EBU) format are on board.Using the CAN bus, networks of up to 250 power amplifierscan be realized. Additional interfaces include theRS-232 interface for media control and the Control Portwith freely-programmable control inputs and outputs(GPIO). Despite its compact dimensions, the RCM-26is unmatched in terms of its capabilities and audioperformance. The IRIS-Net Remote Control ModuleRCM-26 extends the functionality of PowerH poweramplifiers by providing:• Remote Control• AES3 (AES / EBU) digital inputs• digital signal processing including FIR-TUNE• loudspeaker protection algorithms• system integration and networking• linear 24-bit AD / DA converters,sigma-delta, 128 x oversampling• dynamic range > 116 dB• 48 kHz sample rate, 96 kHz optional• THD+N < 0.005 %• 2 DSPs 150 MHz / 300 MIPS computational power• 48-bit double-precision algorithms39

IRIS-NETSUPERVISION AND DIAGNOSISThe RCM-26 transmits all relevant amplifier data tothe IRIS-Net user interface, supervising the operatingstatus of the power amplifiers, the temperature in thepower blocks and in the power supply, voltages andcurrents at the outputs, all protections, the mainsvoltage and current consumption, pilot tone and networkstatus.The impedance measurement with a 20 Hz to 20 kHzsine wave sweep and the comparison with the storedreference data make it possible to diagnose with precisionthe condition of the connected loudspeakers andeven of their individual components and cable connections.Problems are therefore detected early and thesystem is able to respond in good time.It is even easy to examine the state of loudspeakersthat are difficult to access, such as those in stadiumsor large entertainment venues. The System Checkfunction allows you to measure comprehensively,and conduct a full examination of, a very large audiosystem at the push of a button.Even in live performance, the connected load is monitoredcontinuously. Any undershooting (short-circuit)or overshooting (interruption) of the set tolerancelimits is automatically detected and reported immediately.FIR-TUNEAlthough FIR filters require a massive amount of processingand are complex, they are realized in the RCM-26 inaddition to the classical filtering and signal processingfunctions. Both linear-phase FIR filters and ‚zero latency‘FIR filters, which add no further delay to the time signalstake to pass through the device, are available.Users can create their own linear phase ‚brick-wallX-over‘ and edit them in real time. For DYNACORDloudspeaker cabinets and systems, factory presets areavailable with linear phase ‚brick-wall‘ FIR crossovers.40

IRIS-NETThese provide users wishing to tune the system themselveswith a completely linearized frequency and phase responseupon which to build.SYSTEM FREQUENCY RESPONSE IN DISPLAYFor DYNACORD loudspeaker cabinets, measurementsof the frequency and phase response are already providedin the IRIS-Net.This data together with the filter, crossover and delaysettings conducted in the RCM-26 can be displayedand taken into account by IRIS-Net. The superpositionshows the resulting accoustical frequency response ofthe loudspeaker cabinet.REMOTE FUNCTIONSRemote control of the power amplifier under IRIS-Netprovides Power On / Standby switching and theprogramming of power-up sequences for the poweramplifiers as well as level settings and the muting ofindividual channels or channel groups. In the RCM-26,all parameters can be controlled in real time as wellas stored in user memories, from which they can beretrieved and reloaded subsequently.DSP FUNCTIONS• X-over: Linkwitz-Riley, Butterworth, Bessel• FIR Filters: zero latencyprocessing, linear phase X-over• Master EQ: 6 filters per channel; PEQ,lo-shelf, hi-shelf, hi-pass, lo-pass selectable• Channel EQ: 6 filters per channel; PEQ, lo-shelf,hi-shelf, hi-pass, lo-pass, all-pass selectable• Master delay : 2 ms - 2000 ms per channel• Channel delay: speaker alignment• Dynamics: peak anticipation limiter per channel• Protection: TEMP limiter forthermal loudspeaker protection• Others: input routing, level, mute,polarity, sine and noise generators, VU meterIRIS-Net is downloadable free of charge in the memberarea of the DYNACORD website: www.dynacord.com41

RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSLive Music, ConcertSound, Touring |Pro Sound42

LX SERIESUltra LightweightPremium Audio Performance.LX Series· LX 1600· LX 2200· LX 3000· XA 400043

LX SERIESLX SeriesULTRA LIGHT WEIGHT POWER AMPLIFIERSLX 1600 • LX 2200 • LX 3000XA 4000• high-efficiency Class-H design• switching power supply• extremely light and compact• 30 % dynamic headroom• very high 2 ohm stability• complete package of protective circuits• dynamic audio limiter• precise raster pots on front panel• constant gain with 32 dBSWITCHING POWERSUPPLY TECHNOLOGYThe combination of an analogueclass-H design with a state-ofthe-artswitching power supplyhas made possible the creationof a professional power amplifierdelivering up to 2 x 1500 wattsinto 4 ohms with excellent audiospecifications but weighing only8.7 kg. Even complex loads as low as2 ohms can be driven safely. Ampracks containing several LX poweramplifiers for active multi-way useare therefore ultra-compact andlightweight. Detailed info on rackcomponents at page 38.CLASS - H TECHNOLOGYWith this technology, two differentpower supply rails are permanentlyavailable internally to the poweramplifier blocks. For most of theprogram material, the lower operatingvoltage is able to reproducethe audio signal flawlessly; however,as soon as there are dynamicpeaks, the amplifier switchesinternally and at high speed to thehigher supply voltage.Since for long periods the poweramplifier blocks are operating withthe lower supply voltage, there isconsiderably less power dissipationthan with conventional class ABpower amplifiers, which also meansconsiderably less waste heat.SAFETY CIRCUITSThe complete LX series is equippedwith protections against overheating,overloading, short-circuits, DC andHF as well as a Back-EMF protection.With the Soft Start system, the poweroutputs are switched on via a relaywhen a safe operational state hasbeen reached and a power-up delayprevents the mains fuses beingtriggered.German engineering. Manufacturedin accordance with the BoschProduction System (BPS) in Straubing,Germany.44


LX SERIESWERE THEY TO APPEAR IN A HIGH-END HI-FI MAGAZINE, THE MEASUREDVALUES OF THE LX 1600 WOULD NO DOUBT HAVE THE AUDIOPHILESDROOLING. FROM EVERY SINGLE DISCIPLINE IT’S EVIDENT THAT THEPEOPLE WORKING IN DYNACORD’S DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSTRAUBING ARE PERFECTIONISTS IN THE BEST SENSE OF THE WORD.LX 1600 Test in `Production Partner` 11/2008FRONT PANELThe dB-calibrated level controls are implemented asultra-precise detent potentiometers that are recessedin the front panel to protect them from accidentalcontact. Power, Protect, Signal and Limit LEDs providea quick overview of the operating status.REAR PANELThe electronically balanced XLR IN / OUT sockets areprovided for direct operation with professional mixingconsoles and signal processors. All the models in theLX series are designed for a Constant Gain of 32 dB.The power outputs for Channels A and B as well asthe Bridged Out are on Speakon connectors.The signal of Output B is additionally available on pins±2 of Output A, so that with 4-pin wiring a two-waysystem can be driven. A Ground Lift switch is also providedto separate the chassis ground from the signalground in order to eliminate ground loop hum.DYNAMIC LIMITERSDynamic limiters are general components in allDYNACORD power amplifiers. High-speed audioprocessors are continuously comparing the input signalto the output signal, and in the event of any nonlinearity,the processors send control signals to thelimiters, which operate dynamically upon the inputlevel. As a result, the THD all the way up to 21 dBu islimited to an inaudible 1% max. at the output.LPN + LO-CUTThe retrofittable NRS 90268 kit, which is availableas an option for all LX power amplifiers, combinesthe LPN (low-pass notch) filter with a low-cut filter.These eliminate transient non-linearities in the lowfrequency range in small to medium-sized full-rangespeakers and thereby considerably extend the reproduciblerange at the bottom end. The acoustic resultis bass reproduction with more punch and greatersubstance.46

LX SERIESLX 1600With an output rated at 2 x 1300 watts into 2 ohmsand 2 x 800 watts into 4 ohms, this is the ideal poweramplifier for small to medium-sized full-range cabinetsand MF / HF components in active multi-way systems.LX 2200With a stable output of 2 x 1600 watts into 2 ohmsand 2 x 1100 watts into 4 ohms, this is the idealamplifier for professional multi-way components aswell as medium-sized subwoofers in concert soundsystems.LX 3000The flagship of the LX series delivers a mighty 2 x2100 watts into 2 ohms and 2 x 1500 watts into 4 ohmsand therefore has plenty of headroom for large subwooferarrays.XA 4000Universally applicable system power amplifier for active2-way systems. 1 x 1100 watts / 4 ohms (Lo) and 1 x900 watts / 4 ohms (Hi). Crossover frequency 140 Hz.47

RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSLive Music | Concert Sound, CommercialStable power output and a highefficiency factor on the highperformance level.48

SL SERIESSL Series· SL 900· SL 1200· SL 1800· SL 240049

SL SERIESSolid DYNACORD technologyfor universal application at highlycompetitive prices was themaxims for the development ofthe SL series of power amplifiers.They offer high, stable poweroutput and a high efficiency factoron the high performance level andare therefore the ideal choice fordriving a multitude of mobile and clubsystems, such as e.g. loudspeakersof the D-Lite or VariLine families.SL series power amplifiers areequipped with protection againstoverheating, overload, short-circuits,high frequencies and DC atthe output.Damage to the end transistorsthrough the feedback of electricalenergy is prevented by the backEMF protective circuitry.When powering up, a relay delaysthe switching on of the power outputs.In addition, a power-up currentlimiter prevents the blowingof the mains fuses.Fast audio processors continuouslycompare the input and outputsignals. In the event of any nonlinearity,the processors send controlsignals to the limiters, whichdynamically reduce the input gainof the power amplifier.50

SL SERIESSL SeriesSOLID ALL-ROUNDERS AT A COMPETITIVE PRICE POINTThe level controls on the front are calibrated in dBand recessed into the front panel to guard againstmechanical damage. The easy-to-read LED display withits Power, Protect, Signal and Limit indicators offersa quick overview of the operating state of the poweramplifiers.+12+9+6transient behaviour of loudspeakers. The resultingdynamization cannot be achieved with any graphicor parametric equalizer or ‘bass booster’, since theway the LPN operates is based to an important extentupon a dynamic optimization of the slew rate of thesignal. The switch allows you to compare the acousticdifference with and without the LPN. The wholesignal becomes much more powerful and voluminous.The effect is particularly noticeable with small tomedium-sized full-range loudspeakers but also withapplications featuring subwoofers.dBrA+3+0-3-6-9-1210 20 50 100 200 500 1kHz2k 5k 10k 20k 50k 100kLPN-FILTERThe switchable Low-Pass Notch (LPN) filter is a typicalDYNACORD special feature. This filter circuitrycorrects the frequency response and optimizes theThe electronically balanced XLR IN / OUT sockets areprovided for direct operation with professional mixingconsoles and signal processors. All the models in theSL series are designed for a Constant Gain of 32 dB.The power outputs for Channels A and B as well asthe Bridged Out are on Speakon connectors. The signalof Output B is additionally available on pins ±2 ofOutput A, so that with 4-pin wiring a two-way systemcan be driven. A Ground Lift switch is also provided toseparate the chassis ground from the signal ground inorder to eliminate ground loop hum.German engineering. Manufactured in accordancewith the Bosch Production System (BPS) in Zhuhai,China51

RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSMulti Media, Club/Disco, Pro Sound, Commercial |NetworkUniversal installation power amplifiers withoptional network capability (IRIS-Net).52

DSA SERIESDSA Series· DSA 8405· DSA 8410· DSA 8805· DSA 8204· DSA 8206· DSA 8209· DSA 821253

DSA SERIES - MULTI-CHANNELDSA Series - Multi-ChannelCAN DRIVE ANY LOAD BETWEEN 2 AND 10 OHMS WITH THEIR RATEDMAXIMUM OUTPUTS OF 500 W AND 1000 W RESPECTIVELY PER CHANNELOR DIRECTLY DRIVE 70 VRMS OR 100 VRMS LOUDSPEAKER LINES.Innovative DYNACORD technology,exemplary flexibility, very highoutput with an extremely goodefficiency and integration intoIRIS-Net networks: a thumbnailsketch of the DSA multi-channelpower amplifiers that provide amultitude of solutions to theproblems posed by fixed installations.The multi-channel DSA 8405 / 8410 /8805 power amplifiers are a milestonein the design and production ofhigh-powered power amplifiers. Theunique combination of Class D poweramplifier blocks and synchronizedswitching power supplies offers tothis date unmatched power densitycombined with excellent audio performance.UNIQUE FLEXIBILITYTHROUGH VLDThe ability to switch individually themode of each power amp channelhelps the DSA multi-channel poweramplifiers to achieve a degree offlexibility never before possible. Inlow impedance operation (2 Ω, 4 Ω,8 Ω), each channel can drive up tofour 8-ohm loudspeaker cabinets.The output channels can also bepaired in bridged mode. Dependingupon the application, each channelcan be switched individually evenin high-impedance mode (HZ) inorder to drive 70 Vrms or 100 Vrmsloudspeaker lines directly withoutan output transformer (DirectDrive). The power output by theDSA multi-channel power amplifiersis (along with its thermal capacity)limited only by their maximum outputvoltage and maximum outputcurrent, which means they can driveany load between 2 and 10 ohmswith their rated maximum outputsof 500 W and 1000 W respectivelyper channel.54

DSA SERIES - MULTI-CHANNELOutput Power in Watts1300120011001000900800700600500400H 5000H 2500LX 3000LX 2200SL 2400SL 1800SL 1200SL 90030020010024 6 8 10 12 14 16Load Impedance in OhmsA corresponding encoder-circuitis provided on the rear panel. Inaddition, through VLD (VariableLoad Drive) in combination witha RCM-810 remote control module,it is possible to define freelywhich output power should bemade available at which load inthe frame described above in thechannel in question: e.g. ChannelA = 350 W into 2.6 Ω; Channel B =500 W into 8 Ω, etc.The fact that an output transformerhas been dispensed withthe highly efficient Class-D poweramplifiers and switching powersupply yields an extremely attractive,environment- and resource sparingamplifier. For applications involvingmandatory galvanic separation ofthe connected loudspeakers inaccordance with EN 60849 andIEC 60364 separate transformermodules (DSA - 260TK) are available,optionally.Input level controls on the rearpanel as well as LED meters andcontrol indicators on the frontpanel offer a high degree of usercomfort. It goes without sayingthat all protective circuits and dynamiclimiters (as is the case within all DYNACORD power amplifiers)are available in every channel. Usingthe ON DELAY selector switchon the rear panel of the poweramplifier, you can set the intervalof time by which the switchingon process should be delayed. InStandby mode, the power consumptionof the device is reduced to aminimum. Standby mode can beactivated via IRIS-Net or the POWERREMOTE socket.The screw-lockable Euro blockinputs marked INPUT are electronicallybalanced. The screw-lockableEuro block connectors are alsoprovided for the power outputs.The POWER REMOTE connectormakes the task of remote controllingthe power amplifier as well asswitching it on and off simple. Forfurther remote-supervision andcontrol possibilities and integrationinto IRIS-Net networks, an optionalremote control module (RCM-810)is available.55


RCM-810RCM-810DIGITAL CONTROLLER R MODULEFOR ALL DSA-MODELSThe RCM-810 remote controlmodule is a digital controllermodule for PA and fixed installationand permits the integration ofDSA amplifiers in a remote controlnetwork with up to 250 devices.With it, a complete PA system canbe controlled and supervised fromone or several PCs with the helpof IRIS-Net software. Data on alloperating states – e.g. switch-onstatus, temperature, responseof protective circuits, load impedanceetc. – is collected anddisplayed centrally in IRIS-Net.This makes it possible to reactwith targeted intervention shouldcritical operating states ever occur.It is also possible to program anautomatic reaction in the eventof certain threshold limits beingunder- or overstepped. All parameters(e.g. Power On / Off, Mute etc.)can be controlled in real time andsaved in the amplifier. Independentlyof network control, all the settingsare saved in the event of a breakdown.The RCM-810 also offers aControl Port with freely programmablecontrol inputs and outputs.Switches can be connected to thecontrol inputs (GPIs). Within IRIS-Net,you can program any desired logicfunctions for the inputs. Externalelements can be connected to thecontrol outputs (GPOs) in order,for example, to signal particularstates. As a consequence, an amplifierequipped with an RCM-810 modulesatisfies the highest safety requirements.57


DSA SERIES - DUAL-CHANNELDSA Series - Dual-ChannelAMPLIFIERS THAT PROVIDE A MULTITUDE OF HIGHLY ECONOMICSOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS POSED BY FIXED INSTALLATIONS.Solid DYNACORD technologyfor fixed installations at verycompetitive prices was themaxims for the development ofthe DSA power amplifier series.They offer a very high, stable outputwith high efficiency at a highperformance level. DSA poweramplifiers are therefore the idealchoice for typical fixed installationapplications.They are protected against overheating,short circuit and bothhigh frequencies and DC at theoutput. Damage to the end transistorsthrough the feedback of electricalenergy is prevented by the backEMF protective circuitry. Duringa soft start, a relay delays theswitching on of the power outputs.In addition, a power-up currentlimiter prevents the blowing of themains fuses. Fast audio processorscontinuously compare the inputand output signals. In the event ofany non-linearity, the processorssend control signals to the limiters,which dynamically reduce the inputgain of the power amplifier.Input level controls on the rear paneland level and control displays onthe front panel offer a high degreeof user comfort, and a quick overviewof the operating state of thepower amplifiers is provided bythe easily read LED display with itsPower, Protect, Signal Display andLimit indicators.A switchable high-pass filter (HPF)(50 Hz, 18 dB / oct) can be usedto suppress low frequency signals,which otherwise could lead to saturationof the transformers when outputtransformers are connected. AGround Lift switch is also providedto separate the chassis groundfrom the signal ground in order toeliminate ground loop hum.The POWER REMOTE connectormakes the task of remote controllingthe power amplifier as well asswitching it on and off simple.For further remote-supervision andcontrol possibilities and integrationinto IRIS-Net networks, an optionalremote control module (RCM-810)is available. (see pages 56-57)German engineering. Manufacturedin accordance with the BoschProduction System (BPS) in Zhuhai,China.59

RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONSCommercialPower amplifiers forchallenging sound reinforcement.60

PCL SERIESPCL Series· PCL 1125T· PCL 1225T· PCL 1240T· PCL 1245· PCL 141561

PCL SERIESPCL SeriesCONTRACTOR LINE POWER AMPLIFIERSWith the PCL series, DYNACORDis adding to its extensive poweramplifier range in the fixedinstallation segment a number ofmodels with fairly low to mediumoutput levels.The power amplifiers are particularlydesigned for challenging soundreinforcement tasks, backgroundmusic / paging and public addresssystem installations. Long term reliability,operational safety, flexibilityand versatility are guaranteed.The five models in the PCL seriesoffer a variety of system designand implementation possibilities.The PCL 1225T and PCL 1240Tare equipped with distortionfreehigh performance output transformersand low-impedance outputsat 8 / 4 ohms. Just like the PCL1125T, they also provide floatingloudspeaker outputs for 50 V, 70 Vand 100 V installations. PCL 1245and PCL 1415 are low-impedanceamplifiers with no output transformers.Premium screw-lockableEuro block connectors ensure amore secure connection of audiosignal and speaker cables. Theindependent rear level controlsallow setting the according poweramp channel’s overall amplification.All PCL power amps feature differenthi-pass filters with switch selectablecut-off frequency to attenuateunwanted low frequency signals.Provided by each of the PARAMUSamplifier types are numerousprotection circuits (short circuit,thermal overload, power on delay,peak current limiters, to name afew), which not only prevent thepower amplifier itself from beingdamaged but protect the connectedloudspeaker systems as well.All PCL models offer excellent headroomfor a wide dynamic range onmusic signals.They are equipped with voltagelimiters to protect the loudspeakeroutputs against high distortionresulting in an output signal whichnever exceeds a THD (total harmonicdistortion) of 1 %.Multi-stage cooling fans additionallyguarantee absolute operationalreliability even at increased operatingtemperatures.German engineering. Manufacturedin Asia.62

PCL SERIESFeatures• five models from 160 W to 450 W perchannel; 4 ohm or 50 / 70 / 100 V• compact 2U housing• Euro block input plugs for simple setting-up• single block plug for all output signals• bridged mode for allmulti-channel models• switchable high-pass filter in eachchannel; 50 Hz or 300 Hz• level controller for eachchannel on the rear panel• front-to-rear cooling• numerous protective circuits63

RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS / APPLICATIONRecommended Products / ApplicationMobile AudioFixed InstallationLive MusicConcert SoundTouring Multi Media Club/Disco ProSound Network Commercial Life SafetyClub-GigsDance BandsMobile DJCorporateRentalTop 40 EventsLarge LiveProductionsSmall - MediumFestivalBoardroomsConferencingHotelsClubsLoungesDiscothequesPoolbarsCasinosTheatersConcert HallsHOWStadiumsCruise LInersMultifunctionalHallsConferenceCentersHotelsBusinessBuildingsArenasExpo-HallsShopsMallsBistrosBGMVoice-EVACIndustryRailwayOffshorePowerH SeriesLX SeriesSL SeriesDSA SeriesPCL SeriesMulti ChannelDual ChannelPerfect Solution Excellent Choice SuitableIn our multimedia world, professional audio systems areplaying an ever more important role. For this, power amplifiersare needed the characteristics and properties of which aretailored precisely to the application in question.The spectrum of these requirements — from live music to fixedinstallation — has an extremely wide bandwidth and extends fromvery high power output combined with minimum weight to remotesupervision and network capability. DYNACORD’s extensive poweramplifier portfolio offers an ideal and cost-effective solution forevery field of application.64


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSP 64TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral P 64Power Supply, ConsumptionAudio SlotsNetwork SlotsInterfacesGPIO Control Port100 - 240 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz, 90 W max.,(incl. 2 x AI-1, 2 x AO-1, 1 x CM-1modules)4 (for AI-1, AO-1, MI-1, DI-1 and / or DO-1 modules)1 (for CM-1 module)Ethernet 10 / 100 MBit/s (1 x RJ-45), CAN Bus (2 x RJ-45), RS-232 (2 x 9pin D-Sub), USB (Type B, front)2 x 6-pole Euro block, 4 Control Inputs (analog 0-10 V / logic control),3 Control Outputs (Relay contact to ground), 1 Fault Output (NC Relay contact),3 Reference Outputs (+5 V / +10 V, 200 mA / GND)Signal Processing2 DSPs Standard (150 MHz, 300 MIPS), 1 DSP per Audio Module (100 MHz, 100 MIPS)DSP-1 Extension Module optional (+300 MIPS), DSP-2 Extension Module optional (+1200 MIPS)Sample Rate48 kHz internal, 32 kHz - 192 kHz externalData Format24 Bit linear A/D conversion, 48 Bit processingOperating Temperature Range 0 °C...40 °CDimensions (W x H x D), mm483 x 88.1 x 381 (19”, 2 HU)Weight7.35 kgGeneral AO-1 DO-1 CM-1Supply Voltage / CurrentAudio Outputs+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 140 mA+5 V DC, ± 0.25 V / 190 mA+18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 270 mA-18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 160 mA8 x 3-pole Euro block connectors,electronically symmetric+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 130 mA+5 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 100 mA4 x 3-pole Euro block connectors,electronically symmetric+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 1.2 A+5 V DC, ± 0.25 V / 100 mAOutput Format - AES / EBU Professional Format -Output Level (nominal) +6 dBu / 1.55 V - -Output Level (max. before clip) +21 dBu / 8.7 V - -Output Impedance 100 Ω 110 Ω -Min. Load Impedance 600 Ω - -D/A Conversion24 Bit, Sigma-Delta,128 times oversampling- -Frequency Response 20 Hz...20 kHz (-0.5 dB) 20 Hz...20 kHz (±0.1 dB) -Signal to Noise Ratio (A-weighted) 118 dB typical 144 dB typical -THD+N < 0.005 % < 0.00002 % -Ethernet Connectors(Primary / Secondary)- - RJ-45, integrated transformerisolation, IEEE 802.3u standardSample Rate 48 kHz 48 kHz 48 kHzData Format24 Bit linear D/A conversion,24 Bit linear, 48 Bit processing 16 / 20 / 24 Bit48 Bit processingSignal Delay 0.625 ms 0.0417 ms -Latency across network - - 1.33 / 2.66 / 5.33 ms selectableOperating Temperature Range 0 °C...40 °C 0 °C...40 °C 0 °C...40 °CDimensions (W x H x D), mm 114 x 33 x 258.5 114 x 33 x 258.5 89 x 27 x 92Weight 260 g 170 g 75 g-66

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSP 64General AI-1 MI-1 DI-1Supply Voltage / CurrentAudio Inputs+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 35 mA+18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 360 mA-18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 105 mA8 x 3-pole Euro block connectors,electronically symmetric+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 180 mA+5 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 1 A+18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 400 mA-18 V DC, ± 0.5 V / 150 mA8 x 3-pole Euro block connectors,electronically symmetric+3.3 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 330 mA+5 V DC, ± 0.3 V / 100 mADigital Audio Inputs - - 4 x 3-pole Euro block connectors4 x Toslink optical connectorsInput Formats - - AES / EBU, S / PDIF, OpticalInput Level (nominal) +6 dBu / 1.55 V +6 dBu / 1.55 V -Input Level (max. before clip) +21 dBu / 8.7 V Mic: +21 dBu / 8.7 VLine: +39 dBu / 69 V-Input Sensitivity(6 dBu Output, Input Level Control +18 dB)- Mic: -72 dBu / 195 μVLine: -54 dBu / 1.55 mVSample Rate Conversion (SRC) - - High End Sample Rate Converter perchannel 32...192 kHz input to 48 kHzoutputInput Impedance 20 kΩ Mic: 2 kΩ, Line: 8 kΩ AES/EBU: 110 ΩS/PDIF: 75 ΩCommon Mode Rejection > 70 dB Mic: > 75 dB (1 kHz)Line: > 60 dB (1 kHz)-Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) - 129 dBu (A-weighted, 150 Ω source) -Phantom Power - +48 V / 10 mA,-independently switchable per channelA/D Conversion24 Bit, Sigma-Delta,128 times oversampling24 Bit, Sigma-Delta,128 times oversamplingFrequency Response 20 Hz...20 kHz (-0.5 dB) 20 Hz...20 kHz (-0.5 dB) 20 Hz...20 kHz (±0.1 dB)Signal to Noise Ratio (A-weighted) 117 dB typical 118 dB typical 128 dB typicalTHD+N < 0.005 % < 0.005 % < 0.0001 %Input Sample Rate - - 32...192 kHzSample Rate 48 kHz 48 kHz -Data Format24 Bit linear A/D conversion,48 Bit processing24 Bit linear A/D conversion,48 Bit processing24 Bit linear PCM inputs,48 Bit processingSignal Delay 1.375 ms 1.375 ms Low Group Delay Mode (default):2.333 ms @ 48 kHz Input1.567 ms @ 96 kHz InputNormal Group Delay Mode:3.000 ms @ 48 kHz Input1.901 ms @ 96 kHz InputOperating Temperature Range 0 °C...40 °C 0 °C...40 °C 0 °C...40 °CDimensions (W x H x D), mm 114 x 33 x 258.5 114 x 33 x 258.5 114 x 33 x 258.5Weight 200 g 250 g 200 g---67

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSP 600TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneralMains Voltage100 - 240 V AC 50 - 60 HzPower Consumption25 WOperating Temperature Range 0 °C to 40 °CAudioAnalogue InputsDigital InputsDigital Audio FormatNom. Input VoltageMax. Input Voltage(-6 dB analogue pad deactivated)Input ImpedanceCommon Mode RejectionA/D ConversionAnalog Audio OutputsNom. Output VoltageMax. Output VoltageOutput ImpedanceD/A ConversionFrequency RangeTHD+NDynamic RangeInterfaceUSBEthernetControl PortSignal processingSampling RateData FormatInternal Signal ProcessingSignal ProcessingDimensions and weight2 x XLR IN, electronically balanced2 x XLR THRU OUT, electronically balanced1 x XLR AES / EBU IN1 x XLR AES / EBU THRU OUTAES3, 32 kHz to 192 kHz sample rate1.55 V / +6 dBu8.7 V / +21 dBu10k ohm- 85 dB @ 1 kHz (typical)24-Bit Sigma-Delta6 x XLR OUT, electronically balanced1.55 V / +6 dBu8.7 V / +21 dBu50 ohm24-Bit Sigma-Delta20 Hz - 22 kHz (+/- 0.5 dB)< 0.002 % ( band limited 22 Hz - 22 kHz)116 dB ( A-weighted)USB Type B on front panel (PC Interface)2 x RJ-45 ports, 100 MB, Intergrated Switch1 x 6-pole Euro block, Software Configurable for Preset Recall48 kHz24-Bit48-Bit Double PrecisionDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 356.1 x 43.6Net weight4.8 kgShipping weight5.9 kgParametric EQs, 31 band Graphic EQs, Delays, Routing, X-Over,512 Taps FIR filters, PA limiter, TEMP limiter, Level, Polarity,Signal generator68

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSP 260TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneralMains Voltage100 - 240 V AC 50 - 60 HzPower Consumption25 WOperating Temperature Range 0 °C to 40 °CAudioAnalogue InputsDigital InputsNom. Input VoltageMax. Input Voltage(-6 dB analogue pad deactivated)Input ImpedanceCommon Mode RejectionA/D ConversionOutputsNom. Output VoltageMax. Output VoltageOutput ImpedanceD/A ConversionFrequency RangeTHDDynamic RangeInterfaceUSB9-pin DSUBSignal ProcessingSampling RateResolutionInternal Signal ProcessingDimensions and weight2 x XLR IN, electronically balanced2 x XLR THRU OUT, electronically balanced1 x XLR AES / EBU IN1.23 V / +4 dBu8.7 V / +21 dBu10k ohm-80 dB @ 1 kHz (typical)24-Bit Sigma-Delta6 x XLR OUT, electronically balanced1.23 V / +4 dBu8.7 V / +21 dBu50 ohm24-Bit Sigma-Delta10 Hz - 22 kHz (+/- 0.5 dB)< 0.01 % (22 Hz - 22 kHz)111 dB unweighted, 22 Hz - 22 kHzUSB Type B on front panel (PC - interface)Software configurable as GPI-preset recall,Master / Slave configuration with second DSP 26048 kHz24-Bit32-bit floating-pointDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 356.1 x 43.6Net weight4.6 kgShipping weight5.9 kg69

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPowerH SeriesTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral H 2500Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 % 2000 W 1450 W 850 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 400Slew Rate30 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio Amplifier A-weighted, 32 dB constant gain109 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -70 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-H Grounded BridgePower Requirements100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz - 60 Hz; 100 V, 50 Hz - 60 HzPower Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω1000 WProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Short Circuit, Back-EMF, Peak currentlimiters, Inrush current limiters,Turn-on Delay, Mains Circuit Breaker Protection,Mains Over / Undervoltage ProtectionCoolingFront-to-Rear, 5-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 498Weight14.2 kg (31.1 lbs)Amplifier at rated conditions, both channels driven with 8 Ω loads, unless otherwise specified70

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPowerH 2500General H 5000Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 % 3500 W 2500 W 1500 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 400Slew Rate35 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio Amplifier A-weighted, 32 dB constant gain111 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -70 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-H Grounded BridgePower Requirements100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz - 60 Hz; 100 V, 50 Hz - 60 HzPower Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω1450 WProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Short Circuit, Back-EMF, Peak currentlimiters, Inrush current limiters,Turn-on Delay, Mains Circuit Breaker Protection,Mains Over / Undervoltage ProtectionCoolingFront-to-Rear, 5-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 498Weight14.5 kg (32.0 lbs)Amplifier at rated conditions, both channels driven with 8 Ω loads, unless otherwise specified71

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSXa 4000TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral SUB TOPLoad Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, THD = 1 %, 80 Hz SUB,1800 W 1100 W 600 W 1600 W 900 W 500 W1 kHz TOP, Single ChannelRated Output Power,THD 300Slew Rate30 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted102 dBOutput Stage TopologyClass-HPower Requirements240 V, 230 V, 220 V, 120 V or 100 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω850 WProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters,Inrush current limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 384Weight8.25 kg (18.2 lbs)Optional Accesories:Rear Rackmount 15.5“: D112 930 (RMS15-CL)Rear Rackmount 18.0“: D112 933 (RMS18-CL)Xa 400072

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSLX SeriesTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSLX 2200General LX 1600 LX 2200 LX 3000Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1300 W 800 W 500 W 1600 W 1100 W 600 W 2100 W 1500 W 900 W1 kHz, THD = 1 %Rated Output Power,20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 300Slew Rate 30 V/µs 35 V/µs 38 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 107 dB 107 dB 108 dBOutput Stage TopologyClass-HPower Requirements100 V, 120 V, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8maximum output power @ 4 Ω625 W 850 W 1070 WProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters, Inrush current limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 384Weight 7.8 kg (17.2 lbs) 8.15 kg (18.0 lbs) 8.7 kg (19.2 lbs)Optional Accesories:Rear Rackmount 15.5“: D112 930 (RMS15-CL)Rear Rackmount 18.0“: D112 933 (RMS18-CL)LPN + Lo-Cut Filter: D112963 (NRS 90268)73

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSL SeriesTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral SL 900 SL 1200Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 %, Dual Channel 650 W 450 W 270 W 900 W 600 W 380 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 300Slew Rate 25 V/µs 26 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 106 dB 107 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -71 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-ABPower Requirements100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 240 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω 550 W 700 WMains Fuse240 V / 230 V: T10AH,120 V / 100 V: T20AH240 V / 230 V: T12AH,120 V / 100 V: T25AHProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters,Inrush current limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 421.5Weight 12.6 kg (27.8 lbs) 14.8 kg (32.6 lbs)Optional Accesories:2-Way crossover, internal filter card, 24 dB, LR330 Hz (NRS 90249), 500 Hz (NRS 90250)800 Hz (NRS 90251), 1200 Hz (NRS 90252)74

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSL 1200General SL 1800 SL 2400Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 %, Dual Channel 1250 W 900 W 550 W 1800 W 1200 W 750 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 300Slew Rate 27 V/µs 30 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 109 dB 110 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -71 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-HPower Requirements100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 240 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω 700 W 850 WMains Fuse240 V / 230 V: T15AH,120 V / 100 V: T25AH240 V / 230 V: T15AH,120 V / 100 V: T30AHProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters, Inrushcurrent limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 421.5Weight 16.3 kg (35.9 lbs) 17.7 kg (39.0 lbs)Optional Accesories:2-Way crossover, internal filter card, 24 dB, LR330 Hz (NRS 90249), 500 Hz (NRS 90250)800 Hz (NRS 90251), 1200 Hz (NRS 90252)75

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSA Series - Multi-ChannelTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral DSA 8405 DSA 8805Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 70 V /10 ΩMaximum Midband OutputPower, 1 kHz, THD = 1 %,4 channels drivenRated Output Power,20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 240Slew Rate28 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 98 dB 100 dB 104 dB 106 dB 98 dB 100 dB 104 dB 106 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted < -66 dBu < -65 dBu < -65 dBu < -64 dBu < -66 dBu < -65 dBu < -65dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-DPower Requirements220 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz or 120 V, 50 - 60 Hz or 100 V, 50 - 60 HzPower Consumption490 W 930 Wat 1/8 maximum outputProtectionsAudio Limiters, High Temperature, DC, HF, Short Circuit, Peak Current Limiters, Inrush Current Limiters, Turn-on Delay,Mains Circuit Breaker Protection, Mains Over / Undervoltage ProtectionCoolingFront-to-Rear, temperature controlled fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C...+40 °C (40 °F...105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 481 x 88.0 x 421Weight 11.1 kg (24.3 lbs) 13.9 kg (28.7 lbs)< -64dBu76

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSA 8805General DSA 8410Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 70 V /5 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power,1 kHz, THD = 1 %, 4 channels drivenRated Output Power,20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 240Slew Rate28 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 101 dB 103 dB 104 dB 106 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted < -66 dBu < -65 dBu < -65 dBu < -64 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-DPower Requirements220 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz or 120 V, 50 - 60 Hz or 100 V, 50 - 60 HzPower Consumption840 Wat 1/8 maximum outputProtectionsAudio Limiters, High Temperature, DC, HF, Short Circuit, Peak Current Limiters, Inrush CurrentLimiters, Turn-on Delay, Mains Circuit Breaker Protection, Mains Over/Undervoltage ProtectionCoolingFront-to-Rear, temperature controlled fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C...+40 °C (40 °F...105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 481 x 88.0 x 421Weight11.1 kg (24.3 lbs)77

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSA Series - Dual-ChannelTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral DSA 8204 DSA 8206Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 %, Dual Channel 650 W 450 W 270 W 900 W 600 W 380 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 300Slew Rate 25 V/µs 26 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 106 dB 107 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -71 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-ABPower Requirements100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 240 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω 550 W 700 WMains Fuse240 V / 230 V: T10AH,120 V / 100 V: T20AH240 V / 230 V: T12AH,120 V / 100 V: T25AHProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters,Inrush current limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 421.5Weight 12.6 kg (27.8 lbs) 14.8 kg (32.6 lbs)Remote Power OnPower remote via switch, delay time selectableSignal ProcessingLo-Cut 50 Hz / 18 dB, switchableOptional Accesories:2-Way crossover, internal filter card, 24 dB, LR330 Hz (NRS 90249), 50 0Hz (NRS 90250)800 Hz (NRS 90251), 1200 Hz (NRS 90252)78

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDSA 8212General DSA 8209 DSA 8212Load Impedance 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 2 Ω 4 Ω 8 ΩMaximum Midband Output Power, 1 kHz, THD = 1 %, Dual Channel 1250 W 900 W 550 W 1800 W 1200 W 750 WRated Output Power, 20 Hz ... 20 kHz, THD 300Slew Rate 27 V/µs 30 V/µsSignal to Noise Ratio, A-weighted 109 dB 110 dBOutput Noise, A-weighted< -71 dBuOutput Stage TopologyClass-HPower Requirements100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 240 V, 50 Hz... 60 Hz (factory configured)Power Consumption at 1/8 maximum output power @ 4 Ω 700 W 850 WMains Fuse240 V / 230 V: T15AH,120 V / 100 V: T25AH240 V / 230 V: T15AH,120 V / 100 V: T30AHProtectionsAudio limiters, High temperature, DC, HF, Back-EMF, Peak current limiters,Inrush current limiters,Turn-on delayCoolingFront-to-Rear, 3-stage-fansAmbient Temperature Limits+5 °C ... +40 °C (40 °F ... 105 °F)Safety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm 483 x 88.1 x 421.5Weight 16.3 kg (35.9 lbs) 17.7 kg (39.0 lbs)Remote Power OnPower remote via switch, delay time selectableSignal ProcessingLo-Cut 50 Hz / 18 dB, switchableOptional Accesories:2-Way crossover, internal filter card, 24 dB, LR330 Hz (NRS 90249), 500 Hz (NRS 90250)800 Hz (NRS 90251), 1200 Hz (NRS 90252)79

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPCL SeriesTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPCL 1125TGeneral PCL 1415 PCL 1245 PCL 1240TLoad Impedance 8 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 4 Ω 8 Ω 4 Ω 100 V 70 V 50 VMax. Midband Output100 W 160 W 300 W 480 W 215 W 430 W 430 W(THD < 0.2 %, 20 Hz…20 kHz)Rated Output Power(THD < 0.2 %, 20 Hz…20 kHz)75 W 150 W 225 W 450 W 200 W 400 W 400WChannels 4 2 2Max. RMS Voltage Swing32.1 V 44.7 V 44.7 V 117 V 82 V 59 V(THD = 1 %, 1 kHz)Voltage Gain (at 1 kHz) 30 dB 34.3 dB 34.3 dB 42.2 dB 39.1 dB 36.2 dBPower Handling (at 1/8 max. output power, limited pink) - 385 W - 530W - - 545 W - -Input Sensitivity(at ROP or Voltage, 1 kHz)0 dBu (775 mV)THD (MBW = 80 kHz, 1 kHz) < 0.1 %Frequency Response(-1 dB, ref. 1 kHz)< 10 Hz – 40 kHz 65 Hz – 40 kHzInput Impedance(20 Hz…20 kHz symmetr.)Damping Factor(at 100 Hz / 1 kHz, 4 Ω)> 20 kΩ> 250 > 250 -Signal to Noise Ratio S/N (A-weighted) 101 dB 104 dB 103 dBPower Requirements230 V / 50 Hz – 60 HzProtectionaudio limiters, thermal overload, peak current limiters, power-on delayCoolingfront to rearSafety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm483 x 88 x 405, 19” / 2 HUWeight 18 kg 16.5 kg 26 kg80

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPCL 1415General PCL 1225T PCL 1125TLoad Impedance 8 Ω 4 Ω 100 V 70 V 50 V 100 V 70 V 50 VMax. Midband Output135 W 270 W 270 W 270 W(THD < 0.2 %, 20 Hz…20 kHz)Rated Output Power(THD < 0.2 %, 20 Hz…20 kHz)125 W 250 W 250 W40 Ω250 W19.6 Ω250 W10 Ω250 W40 Ω250 W19.6 ΩChannels 2 1Max. RMS Voltage Swing35.4 V 117 V 82 V 59 V 117 V 82 V 59 V(THD = 1 %, 1 kHz)Voltage Gain (at 1 kHz) 32.2 dB 42.2 dB 39.1 dB 36.2 dB 42.2 dB 39.1 dB 36.2 dBPower Handling (at 1/8 max. output power, limited pink) - - 330 W - - 170 W - -Input Sensitivity0 dBu (775 mV)(at ROP or Voltage, 1 kHz)THD (MBW = 80 kHz, 1 kHz) < 0.1 %Frequency Response65 Hz – 40 kHz(-1 dB, ref. 1 kHz)Input Impedance(20 Hz…20 kHz symmetr.)Damping Factor(at 100 Hz / 1 kHz, 4 Ω)> 20 kΩ> 250 - -Signal to Noise Ratio S/N (A-weighted) 103 dB 103 dBPower Requirements230 V / 50 Hz – 60 HzProtectionaudio limiters, thermal overload, peak current limiters, power-on delayCoolingfront to rearSafety ClassIDimensions (W x H x D), mm483 x 88 x 405, 19” / 2 HUWeight 23.5 kg 16.5 kg250 W40 Ω81


AMERICASHEADQUARTERS AMERICASBosch Security Systems, Inc.12000 Portland Ave South,Burnsville, MN 55337, USAUSA–Tel: 1 800 392 3497Fax: 1 800 955 6831Canada–Tel: 1 866 505 5551Fax: 1 866 336 8467Latin America–Tel: 1 952 887 5532Fax: 1 952 736 4212EMEAHEADQUARTERS EUROPE,MIDDLE -EAST & AFRICABosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbHWerner-von-Siemens-Ring 1085630 Grasbrunn, GermanyContact & Visitor AddressEVI Audio GmbHSachsenring 6094315 Straubing, GermanyTel: +49 9421 706 0Fax: +49 9421 706 265FRANCEEVI Audio France S.A.STel: +33 1 6480 0090Fax: +33 1 6006 5103MIDDLE EASTRobert Bosch Middle East FZETel: +97 14 212 3300Fax: +97 14 212 3388ASIA & PACIFICHEADQUARTERS APRRobert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd.11 Bishan St. 21Singapore 573943Tel: +65 6571 2534Fax: +65 6571 2699AUSTRALIABosch Security Systems Pty Ltd.Tel: +61 2 9683 4752Fax: +61 2 9890 5928CHINABosch (Shanghai) SecuritySystems Ltd. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Tel: +86 21 6317 2155Fax: +86 21 6317 3025INDIABosch LimitedTel: +91 80 4176 8378Fax: +91 80 4176 8263JAPANEVI Audio Japan Ltd.Tel: +81 3 5485 4427Fax: +81 3 5485 4428THAILANDRobert Bosch LimitedTel: +662 639 3111Fax: +662 631 2030KOREARobert Bosch Korea Ltd.Tel: +82 31 270 4765Fax: +82 31 270 4601TAIWANRobert Bosch Taiwan Co., Ltd.Tel: +886 2 2515 5388 Ext. 2688Fax: +886 2 2515 5399VIETNAMRobert Bosch Vietnam Co., Ltd.Tel: +84 8 62583690Fax: +84 8 62583693INDONESIAPT Robert Bosch(Security Systems)Tel: +62 21 5210600Fax: +62 21 5214848© Bosch Security Systems, Inc. · Art.Nr. F01U164885 · Printed in Germany (F&W/DR) · 6000/03/10 · Subject to change without prior notice!www.dynacord.com

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