Book 2012 des projets Systematic

Book 2012 des projets Systematic

Book 2012 des projets Systematic

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Software tools and MethodsCost-Efficient methods and processesfor SAfety Relevant embedded systemsON GOINGPROJECTThe embedded safety-critical systems <strong>des</strong>ign and development industry is facing increasingcomplexity and variety of systems and devices, coupled with increasing regulatory constraintswhile costs, performances and time to market are constantly challenged.CESAR will bring significant and conclusive innovations in the two most improvable systemsengineering disciplines:◗ Requirements engineering◗ Component based engineeringIn addition CESAR intends to provide industrial companies with a breakthrough in systemdevelopment by deploying a customisable systems engineering ‘Reference Technology Platform’(RTP) making it possible to integrate or interoperate existing or emerging availabletechnologies.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIncremental deliveries of the Reference TechnologyPlatform (RTP) including toolset and processcovering :◗ guidelines, multi-views and multicriteria modellingand mono-criteria V&V◗ multi-criteria V&V and certification concernsSTATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMESThe first and second versions of the ReferenceTechnology Platform were tested and validated bythree groups of industrial end users covering thedomain of Automotive, Aerospace and Rail/Industrial Automation. The Last version (V3) willbe tested before end of May <strong>2012</strong>. The Cesar project is considered as a backbone of theARTEMIS RTP and will be extended by other ARTEMISCONTACTGerhard GRIESSNIGAVLCesar@avl.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ABB, ACCIONA, AIRBUS,ALENIASIA, ASF, ASTRIUM, AVL,CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT, DANIELIAUTOMATION, DASSAULTSYSTEMES, DELPHI, EADS, ELSAGDATAMAT, ESI-TECNALIA, HELLENICAEROSPACE INDUSTRY, HISPANO-SUIZA, INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES,MESSIER-BUGATTI, SAGEM,SIEMENS, THALES, TURBOMECA,VOLVOSMEs:ABSINT, CRITICAL SOFTWARE,ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES, FORMALSOFTWARE CONSTRUCTION,SEE4SYS, OSC, THE VIRTUALVEHICLE COMPETENCE CENTERResearch institutes, universities:ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OFTHESSALONIKI, CEA, CNRS, DLR,FRAUNHOFER, INDUSTRIALSYSTEMS INSTITUTE, INRIA,KUNGLIGA TEKNISKAHÖGSKOLAN, NATIONALTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OFATHENS, NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITYOF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,OFFIS, ONERA, OXFORDUNIVERSITY, SINTEF, THEUNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER,UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA UNIBO,UNITSPROJECT DATACoordinator:AVLCall:ARTEMISStart date:March 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):58Funding (M2):2718Automotive & Transports WG

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