Book 2012 des projets Systematic

Book 2012 des projets Systematic

Book 2012 des projets Systematic

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Contents<strong>Systematic</strong> World Class Competitiveness Cluster 10AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORTS WG 120-DEFAUT Diagnosis 14ARAMIS Electronics Architecture 15AROS Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 16BUILD IT SAFE Software tools and Methods 17CESAR Software tools and Methods 18Co-DRIVE Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 19CORVETTE Human-Machine interfaces 20DIAFORE Diagnosis 21DIAPA Diagnosis 22EDONA Electronics Architecture 23E-MOTIVE Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 24GEDRIVER Human-Machine interfaces 25HECOSIM Software tools and Methods 26ICADAC Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 27IHS10 Human-Machine interfaces 28IMOFIS Electronics Architecture 29IMPRO Software tools and Methods 30ISI-PADAS Human-Machine interfaces 31ITRANSPORT 2.0 ICT & Transport 32LIMA Human-Machine interfaces 33LOVE Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 34MASCOTTE Electronics Architecture 35MEMVATEX Software tools and Methods 36MODELISAR Software tools and Methods 37NEXTSTEP Electronics Architecture 38O4A PHASE II Software tools and Methods 39ODIAAC Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 40PETRA Electronics Architecture 41RASSUR79 Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 42RT-DESCRIBE Software tools and Methods 43SASHA Dependability of monitoring systems 44SCARLET Electronics Architecture 45SEEDS Diagnosis 46SIFORAS Human-Machine interfaces 47SIRSEC Electronics Architecture / Dependability of monitoring systems 48SODDA Diagnosis 49SPEEDCAM Algorithms & data fusion for localisation and vision 50SYSPEO Dependability of monitoring systems 51TICTACT Human-Machine interfaces 524DIGITAL TRUST AND SECURITY WG 54ACTIFIND Critical Infrastructure protection 56ADMIN PROXYTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 57ADS+Trust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 58ASPIC Critical Infrastructure protection 59BEST Critical Infrastructure protection 60BINGO Critical Infrastructure protection 61BMOS Critical Infrastructure protection 62CEECTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 63COCASE Critical Infrastructure protection 64COP DRONE Critical Infrastructure protection 65DEGIV Critical Infrastructure protection 66DESCARTES Critical Infrastructure protection 67DIAMONDS Comprehensive risk management, prevention and resilience 68ECLIPSESTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 69E-FRAUDTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 70ESPRI Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 71ESTERTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 72FC² Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 73

AUTOMOTIVE &TRANSPORTS WGHAKATrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 74KIVAOU Critical Infrastructure protection 75LEA Critical Infrastructure protection 76LOCINDOOR Critical Infrastructure protection 77LYRICS Digital Trust for citizens 78MANIF Critical Infrastructure protection 79MA-NRBC Critical Infrastructure protection 80MARSHAL+Trust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 81METHODEO Critical Infrastructure protection 82MOBILAO Digital Trust for citizens 83MOBISIC Critical Infrastructure protection 84NIMBLENET Critical Infrastructure protection 85NOTSEG Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 86ODYSSEETrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 87OPTIMUM Trusted Infrastructure for smart cities 88OSOSOSOS Critical Infrastructure protection 89PAMPA Digital Trust for citizens 90PERSOPOLIS Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 91PFCTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 92PIMI Digital Trust for citizens 93PRINCETrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 94QUASPER R&D Critical Infrastructure protection 95RECONSURVE Critical Infrastructure protection 96ROLE-ID Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 97SAFEAROUND Critical Infrastructure protection 98SAFEST Critical Infrastructure protection 99SAIMSI Comprehensive risk management, prevention and resilience 100SAMOSA Critical Infrastructure protection 101SAPHIR 2Trust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 102SCALPTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 103SecuLar Digital Trust for citizens 104SECURED ALGORITHMTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 105SEFPGA Trusted Infrastructure for smart cities 106SEQURETrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 107SIC Critical Infrastructure protection 108SIGNATURE Security Innovation Cluster 109SMART VISION Critical Infrastructure protection 110SMARTFENCE Critical Infrastructure protection 111SMARTMESH Infrastructure protection 112SPIDERS Comprehensive risk management, prevention and resilience 113SRPM Critical Infrastructure protection 114TARANIS Comprehensive risk management, prevention and resilience 115Trust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 116TOCHA Critical Infrastructure protection 117TISPHANIETrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 118VIDEO-ID Critical Infrastructure protection 119TSCVIGIEsTrust and security in large transactional systemsCybersecurity and fraud prevention 120VIP Social and societal aspects, Social and Human Sciences 121XVISION Critical Infrastructure protection 122FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE WG 124AEOLUS Distributed 126ALFSTORE Web 2.0 and 3.0 127C2M Enterprise Applications 128COCLICO Development tools 129CODEX Web 2.0 and 3.0 130COMPATIBLE ONE Middleware 131DIGITAL TRUST ANDSECURITY WGFREE & OPENSOURCE SOFTWAREWGHEALTH & ICTINITIATIVESMART ENERGYMANAGEMENT WGTELECOMS WG SYSTEMS DESIGNAND DEVELOPMENTTOOLS WG5

6ContentsCOUVERTURE Embedded 132DATA PUBLICA Web 2.0 and 3.0 133DESKOLO Green-IT 134DORM Development tools 135DROD Development tools 136EASYSOA Middleware 137HELIOS Development tools 138HILITE Software engineering 139also supported by Systems Design and Development Tools WGHIMOCO Embedded 140INFRA-JVM Middleware 141MAGNUM Development tools 142also supported by Systems Design and Development Tools WGNEOPPOD Distributed 143OPEN CLOUD WARE Cloud Pass + Cloud Applications 144PWD Web 2.0 and 3.0 145RESILIENCE UNG Distributed Cloud IaaS + Cloud Applications 146RTEL4I Embedded 147SCRIBO Enterprise Applications 148SQUALE Development tools 149SQUASH Development tools 150TYPEX Development tools 151WIKI 3.0 Web 2.0 and 3.0 152HEALTH & ICT INITIATIVE 154INTENSE 156PICADO 156VEADISTA 156SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROJECTS WG 158COOLIT 160ECONOHOM 160ENERGYPOSITIVE IT 160WINPOWER 160SYSTEMS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS WG 162A.D.N Modelling systems simulation 164ACCESSIM Software engineering 165ACOSE Software engineering 166ACTIVOPT Modelling systems simulation 167ADN4SE Software engineering 168AGESYS Software engineering 169AGREGATION Software engineering 170AMELHYFLAM Modelling systems simulation 171AQUA TEAM Modelling systems simulation 172ASAP Modelling systems simulation 173ASOPT Software engineering 174BACARRAT Software engineering 175Baresafe Modelling systems simulation 176BINCOA Software engineering 177CAMPAS Modelling systems simulation 178CANOE Modelling systems simulation 179CERCLES-2 Software engineering 180CETRAC Software engineering 181CHAPI Software engineering 182COLLAVIZ Modelling systems simulation 183CONCEPT Software engineering 184COOLIT Modelling systems simulation 185CORTEX 3D Modelling systems simulation 186COSMOS+ Modelling systems simulation 187CPP Software engineering 188CSDL Modelling systems simulation 189DEFIS Software engineering 190DiAMAN Modelling systems simulation 191EHPOC Modelling systems simulation 192EMYR Software engineering 193EPIT 2.0 Software engineering 194E-PLU Modelling systems simulation 195EVOD Software engineering 196

EXPAMTION Modelling systems simulation 197FAME2 Data analytics 198FLACOMARE Modelling systems simulation 199FLEX-EWARE Software engineering 200FOST Software engineering 201FP3C Modelling systems simulation 202GENCOD Software engineering 203HIPIP Data analytics 204ILMAB Modelling systems simulation 205INDIAC Modelling systems simulation 206INTENSE Software Engineering 207IOLS Modelling systems simulation 208IOMCA Modelling systems simulation 209IRIMI Modelling systems simulation 210JASMIN Modelling systems simulation 211JESTIMULE Modelling systems simulation 212LABS Modelling systems simulation 213LAMBDA Software engineering 214MANIF Modelling systems simulation 215MANYCORELABS Software engineering 216MERGE Software Engineering 217MHANN Software engineering 218MIEL 3D-MESHER Modelling systems simulation 219MOHYCAN Modelling systems simulation 220MOSIC Software engineering 221MOVIDA Software engineering 222MPSOCEXPLORER Software engineering 223N-POEM Modelling systems simulation 224O2M Modelling systems simulation 225O2M P2 Modelling systems simulation 226OASIS Modelling systems simulation 227OCELLE Software engineering 228OLDP Modelling systems simulation 229OPARUS Modelling systems simulation 230OPEN GPU Software engineering 231OPEN Modelling systems simulation 232OPSIM Modelling systems simulation 233OPTIDIS Modelling systems simulation 234OPUS Modelling systems simulation 235P Software engineering 236PAJERO Software Engineering 237PANDA Software engineering 238Paral-ITP Software engineering 239PARMAT Modelling systems simulation 240PARSEC Software engineering 241PEGASE Software engineering 242PHERMA Software engineering 243PICADO Software engineering 244POPS Data analytics 245PPR Software engineering 246PROTEUS Software engineering 247PUMA Modelling systems simulation 248QUICK GPS Modelling systems simulation 249RADIOLA Modelling systems simulation 250REACHARD Software engineering 251REALISTIC Modelling systems simulation 252REPDYN Modelling systems simulation 253REVER Software engineering 254Robust FPGA Software engineering 255ROMMA Modelling systems simulation 256RT-SIMEX Software engineering 257SALTY Software engineering 258SCOS Modelling systems simulation 259SHAN Modelling systems simulation 260SHPCO2 Modelling systems simulation 261SICODYN Modelling systems simulation 262SIMILAN Software engineering 263SISTAE Modelling systems simulation 264SOCLIB Software engineering 265DIGITAL TRUST ANDSECURITY WGFREE & OPENSOURCE SOFTWAREWGHEALTH & ICTINITIATIVEAUTOMOTIVE &TRANSPORTS WGSMART ENERGYMANAGEMENT WGTELECOMS WG SYSTEMS DESIGNAND DEVELOPMENTTOOLS WG7

8ContentsSTIMULEE Modelling systems simulation 266STRUCTURAL Modelling systems simulation 267STURM4 Modelling systems simulation 268SYGEO Software engineering 269SYS-MCO Modelling systems simulation 270TERAOPS Software engineering 271TRIDIMIC Modelling systems simulation 272U3CAT Software engineering 273USINE LOGICIELLE Software engineering 274USINE NUMERIQUE Modelling systems simulation 275USINE NUMERIQUE 2 Modelling systems simulation 276VACSIM Software engineering 277VAUCANSON 2 Software engineering 278VERASCO Software engineering 279VERDE Software engineering 280VUE Software engineering 281WAAVES GP Software engineering 282WARM Software engineering 283WINPOWER Software engineering 284TELECOMS WG 286100GRIA High speed networks 2883MING Wireless Connectivity 2896_POD High speed networks 2906WIND High speed networks 291AG@PE Personalised Services & Communications 292AMORCE Wireless Connectivity 293AQUEDUC Personalised Services & Communications 294ATTITUDE 4G+ Wireless Connectivity 295BLINSKTER Personalised Services & Communications 296CARRIOCAS High speed networks 297CBDP Personalised Services & Communications 298CHRONOS High speed networks 299COHABIT Personalised Services & Communications 300COHDEQ40 High speed networks 301CONNECT Personalised Services & Communications 302CONRAHD/MINOS High speed networks / Wireless Connectivity 303CORRIDOR Wireless Connectivity 304CULTURE CLIC Personalised Services & Communications / Wireless Connectivity 305DIQDOT High speed networks 306ECOFRAME High speed networks 307E-COMP@GNON Wireless Connectivity 308ECONHOME V2 High speed networks 309ECOSCELLS Wireless Connectivity 310ELHAN Wireless Connectivity 311EPOD High speed networks 312EXOTICUS Personalised Services & Communications 313F-LAB Personalised Services & Communications 314GENGHIS KHAN Personalised Services & Communications 315GRECO Wireless Connectivity 316HENIAC High speed networks 317INCOME Personalised Services & Communications 318Ipchronos Personalised Services & Communications 319IPNQSIS Wireless Connectivity 320JASMIN High speed networks 321KIVI Personalised Services & Communications 322MACICO Mobility + Security 323MCUBE Personalised Services & Communications 324MEDIATIC Personalised Services & Communications 325MEVICO Wireless Connectivity 326MICROS High speed networks 327MONISOL Personalised Services & Communications 328NEPTUNE High speed networks / Wireless Connectivity 329OCELOT High speed networks 330ODISEA Personalised Services & Communications 331ONDEMAND Personalised Services & Communications 332POSEIDON Wireless Connectivity 333PUMA Wireless Connectivity 334QOS-WIFI Wireless Connectivity 335

QUATRO-2 Personalised Services & Communications 336QUEEN QoE 337RAF Wireless Connectivity 338RECOSS Wireless Connectivity 339RLDO High speed networks 340SEAMLESS Wireless Connectivity 341SEANET Wireless Connectivity 342SENSCITY Personalised Services & Communications 343SESAME Wireless Connectivity 344SMART4GTABLET Wireless Connectivity 345SOAPS 2 Wireless Connectivity 346SOLIMOBILE Personalised Services & Communications 347STRADE High speed networks 348SURFONHERTZ Personalised Services & Communications 349TCHATER High speed networks 350TRILOB High speed networks 351TRIMARAN Wireless Connectivity 352UBIQ-XP Wireless Connectivity 353ULTRAWIDE High speed networks 354UP-TO-US Personalised Services & Communications 355URC Wireless Connectivity 356VERSO-MODULE High speed networks 357WINGS Personalised Services & Communications 358DIGITAL TRUST ANDSECURITY WGFREE & OPENSOURCE SOFTWAREWGIndex of Management Board members 360Working Group Steering Commitees members 361The cluster ans its R&D projects are supported by 364Projects alphabetical list 366Last Minute: FUI and Regional collaborative R&D call for projects 370Member’s alphabetical list 372SMART ENERGYMANAGEMENT WGAUTOMOTIVE &TRANSPORTS WGHEALTH & ICTINITIATIVETELECOMS WG SYSTEMS DESIGNAND DEVELOPMENTTOOLS WG9

World Class Competitiveness ClusterBOOST THE ECONOMY THROUGH OPEN INNOVATIONToday’s society depends on complex systemsComplex systems combine the following functions: sensors and information processing,Communication and Decision-making processes. They play a key role in the management,supervision, regulation and control of today’s society especially in the fields of trade,finance, health, security, energy, transport, environment and defence.<strong>Systematic</strong>: A strategy combining key technologies and growth marketsThis strategic positioning puts the Cluster in command of key technologies in optics,electronics and software that will become part of tomorrow’s systems. <strong>Systematic</strong>focuses on six Working Groups sharing strategic visions and monitoring collaborativeR&D projects: Automotive & Transports, Digital Trust & Security, Systems Design& Development Tools, Telecoms, Free & Open Source Software and Smart EnergyManagement.Since 2009, <strong>Systematic</strong> deploys its technologies towards new markets, including "ICT &Sustainable Cities" and “ Health & ICT ” which are at the heart of the 21st century challengesand whose development increasingly relies on the know-how of <strong>Systematic</strong> members.SYSTEMATIC: An innovative growing clusterSince 2005, the <strong>Systematic</strong> Cluster has developed 333 R&D projects representing a total R&Dinvestment of €1.8 billion including €584M funded by the French Government, Regional economicdevelopment agencies and from the Paris-Region local authorities. The commitmentof all the clusters’ actors in the “Open Innovation” way creates synergies between SME’s,industrial firms and research laboratories and allows the emergence of innovative projects.SUPPORT GROWTH INNOVATIVE SMES,FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL PARTNERSSMEs, innovation powerful drivers, play a leading role in our ecosystemFor the coming years, <strong>Systematic</strong> is not only committed to developing new R&D projects butalso to increasing productivity and to creating new businesses within our cluster speciallyfor SMEs. <strong>Systematic</strong> stands on an ecosystem made of 800 SMEs which represent morethan 35 000 jobs in the fields covered by the Cluster. The Cluster’s objectives towards SMEsconsist in contributing to the emergence of global leaders and consolidating existing SMEs.“Ambition pme”: an action plan for smes operating in the optics, electronics and softwaresectorsTo answer this challenge, <strong>Systematic</strong>, in association with the “Réseau <strong>des</strong> Chambres deCommerce et d’Industrie” (CRCI) and Opticsvalley, has created the “AMBITION PME” programme.This programme is supported by the European Union (ERDF, ESF), the FrenchGovernment (Préfecture de la Région Ile-de-France, DIRECCTE Ile-de-France) and theParis Region.THE CLUSTER’S MAINOBJECTIVES<strong>Systematic</strong> seeks to boost theeconomy and employment throughinnovation, training and partnerships.The researchers, industries,training organisations, French nationaland local governments involvedwith the Cluster have threepriorities:◗ consolidate the leadership ofmajor integrators in order tosecure the sustainability oftheir R&D activities in the ParisRegion,◗ stimulate the creation and developmentof new high techbusinesses with global ambitions,◗ strengthen the Paris Region’sattractiveness by developing itsimage on an international scalein order to attract new globalcompanies’ R&D departments.The Cluster’s main challengeis to develop new approachesto <strong>des</strong>ign futur generations ofcomplex systems and objects.“ Creates synergies between SME’s,industrial firms, research laboratoriesand industrial groups and allows theemergence of innovative projects.“10

The aim of “AMBITION PME” is to create optimal conditions for thedevelopment of innovative international SMEs focused on 5 axes:◗ Business: connect SMEs to their future key accounts• Organization of B2B meeting• Study report on key account’s needs and expectations◗ Raise funds: help SME’s to raise funds• Set up meeting between SME and investors• Coaching and certification “Label Entreprise Innovante <strong>des</strong>Pôles“ recognized by investors• Workshops en specific themes◗ Export: assist SMEs development in export markets• Workshop to get to know their export markets• Organization of “discovery seminars” including B2B meeting in Boston and Beijing◗ Human Ressources: help SME’s to recruit, train, manage and adapt the skills• Manage the skills already available in company• Study report on training needs for complex systems engineers• Facilitate contact between SME’s and potential qualified employees◗ Innovation strategy: enhance SME’s innovation strategy and improve their competitiveness• Anticipate technological and economic evolution through business intelligence• Coaching to define SME’s innovation strategyAN INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK AND ATTRACTIVENESSAccredited as a “World Class” cluster by the French Government in 2005, <strong>Systematic</strong> focuses itsdevelopment on European and international scene on three priorities:◗ attract capital and talents to the Paris Region,◗ help laboratories and companies export their patents and products,◗ face the challenge of growing global competition from large systems integrators, low-costsoftware development and new players in embedded systems.The Cluster benefits from recognised experience in cooperation between its members and theirEuropean partners: some members of <strong>Systematic</strong> are already involved in European networks,such as the European technological platforms (ARTEMIS, eMobility, etc.) and the EUREKA clustersand are represented in European Commission R&D programs (Framework ProgrammesFP6 and FP7).Partnerships established with the German cluster SafeTRANS (in the field of embedded securitysystems in transport), with the Dutch cluster Point-One (focusing on embedded systems andmicro-nano technologies), with the Bavarian cluster BICC-Net, with the “Comité National <strong>des</strong>Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France” (CNCCEF) allowing SME’s to benefit from theirexper¬tise in international trade. <strong>Systematic</strong> is now developing partner¬ships with internationalclusters in similar buoyant markets – security and Defence for exemple. Partnerships recentlyestablished With “Maroc Numeric Cluster” and “Technopôle Elgazala” to develop cooperationaround digital technologies.<strong>Systematic</strong> has opened technological hubs for the benefit of its members in three key places onthe globe (Boston, Beijing, Tunis) with a view to:◗ promote <strong>Systematic</strong> (the cluster, the Paris region and its members);◗ facilitate international partnership projects;◗ support SME export drive.11

© Renault © VINCENT, HubertAutomotive & TransportsWorking GroupOlivier GUETTA,WG Presidentolivier.guetta@renault.comRENAULT“Our strategy is based on a threefold objective: boosting technologicalinnovation in order to increase industrial performance andenhance the attractiveness of Paris region. This strategy fully leveragesthe contribution to international Standards.To May <strong>2012</strong>, 40 projects labeled by <strong>Systematic</strong> were initiated by theAutomotive & Transports Working Group. They are focalized ontechnologies for real time embedded systems <strong>des</strong>ign and connectivity.Our Working Group has developed coordination at nationallevel with French clusters such as MOV’EO, ID4CAR, I-Trans andAerospace Valley, and is involved at European level in a coordinationof several clusters of competitiveness in France, Germany, Spainand Austria to be able to promote new technologies in standardssuch as Autosar, Cenelec or ISO 26262".12

EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND ELECTRONICS,AT THE HEART OF THE TRANSPORTATION SECTORWith a GDP share of 15 %, the transport industry (aviation,rail and automotive) structures very stronglyFrance’s economic and industrial activities.Paris Region is the first French region in this sectorwith 156 000 employees representing 19 % of nationalemployment.Regarding R&D, the automotive industry, as an example,employs in the Ile-de-France 17 500 people including6 600 researchers, representing 75 % of Frenchresearchers in this field, 67 % of the research staff inthis industry and 72 % of expenditure on R&D.THE AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORTS WORKING GROUP WITHIN SYSTEMATICThis Working Group aims at mastering the complexityof electronic architectures and embedded-systems tomeet the need for technological development concerningembedded systems in automotive, railway andtruck industries, leveraging the expertise and competencesof all these sectors.◗ R&D Financed Projects: 40◗ Partners: 86 including:◗ 28 SMEs◗ 6 ETIs◗ 26 Large companies◗ 26 Research institutes and universities◗ Total Investment: 238 M2The Automotive & Transports Working Group is structuredaround three areas, called “Development Axes”:◗ Real time embedded systems◗ ADAS, Multimedia & Connectivity◗ Projects, Products, and ExploitationThe last “Development Axe” isn’t a technology area buta think tank about business models and technologyreadiness level in the transport domain.Xavier APOLINARSKI,WG Vice-Presidentxavier.apolinarski@cea.frCEAMichaël FOURNIER,Representative of Permanent Secretariatm.fournier@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICSteering Committee MembersALSTOM TRANSPORT Pascal POISSON pascal.poisson@transport.alstom.comARMINES PARIS Sébastien BOISGERAULT sebastien.boisgerault@mines-paristech.frCEA SACLAY Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE jean-marc.alexandre@cea.frCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE France Frederic LE-HUNG frederic.le-hung@continental-corporation.comCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE France Philippe CUENOT philippe.cuenot@continental-corporation.comDELPHI Luc BRISSON luc.brisson@delphi.comFREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR Gérard MANIEZ gerard.maniez@freescale.comID4CAR Gérard DUCHENE gerard.duchene@id4car.orgINRETS VERSAILLES Jean-Marc BLOSSEVILLE jean-marc.blosseville@inrets.frINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Anne-Céline LAMBALLE anne-celine.lamballe@inria.frINTEMPORA Gilles MICHEL gilles.michel@intempora.comRENAULT GUYANCOURT Francois OUGIER francois.ougier@renault.comSEE4SYS Serge LAVERDURE serge.laverdure@see4sys.comSEE4SYS Jean-Sébastien BERTHY js.berthy@see4sys.comSTMICROELECTRONICS Jochen LANGHEIM jochen.langheim@st.comSTMICROELECTRONICS Bruno GUEGAN bruno.guegan@st.comVALEO CRETEIL Paul DEGOUL paul.degoul@valeo.comVISTEON Jean-Marc TEMMOS jtemmos@visteon.comAutomotive & Transports WG13

Diagnosis0-DEFECTOutil de Diagnostic Embarquéde Faisceaux AUTomobilesON GOINGPROJECTEmbedded systems are equipped with diagnosis functions, but the wired network, whichis a critical system, is not considered. In 2006 the project SEEDS has proven thefeasibility of a wire diagnosis system usable in garage for maintenance or embedded forharness monitoring purpose. The objectives of 0-DEFECT are to study and implementmethods more adapted to embedded diagnosis. The previous method provi<strong>des</strong> tencentimeters localization accuracy for hard defects, but is not compatible with embeddedconstraints (EMC and interaction of the diagnosis signals with those of the network).New methods will be implemented, the models will be refined and prototypes will bebuilt and tested in the vehicle, aiming at proving viability and feasibility for an embeddedwire diagnosis system.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main scientific and technical objectives inthe project are:◗ Online diagnosis of real topology cable network(in a concurrent way to the normal functioningof the network),◗ Low cost detection & localization of hard defectswith a few centimeters accuracy,◗ Solving the localization ambiguity of ramifiednetworks,◗ Detection of the degradation premises of connectors,follow-up of the evolution of degradationparameters and way of measuring them,Integration of a wire diagnosis system inside a car ECU.◗ Study of the embedded diagnosis architecture,◗ Microelectronic integration study, in an objective of diffusion in the automotive domainafter end of the project.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESA new diagnosis method suited for embedded application has been developed andtested: called MCTDR (Multi Carrier Time Domain Reflectometry) it separates thespectra of diagnosis and useful signals to cancel any possible interaction that wouldlead to false alarms or communication jamming.The integration of the MCTDR system inside the automobile ECU is currently under teston a real automotive harness. This system can monitor 4 lines at a time. Harmlessnessand EMC compliance remain to be confirmed.Specifications for the diagnosis chip have been provided.The integration study of the chip has shown that the best solution is to connect adiagnosis chip to the existing architecture of the calculator.CONTACTFabrice AUZANNEAUCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 60 00fabrice.auzanneau@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:DELPHI, FREESCALE,PSA PEUGEOT CITROËNRENAULT TRUCKSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA,SUPELEC LGEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:August 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.1Funding (M2):1.914Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitectureARAMISCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe ARAMIS project is a part of Num@tec Automotive. The project ojectives are the following :◗ Set-up a "Best practices" development center between SMEs and Scientific laboratoriesin order to increase the AUTOSAR Software Components development efficiency. The mainobjectives is to promote the use of Model-Based <strong>des</strong>ign methodology associated to automaticembedded code generation and to enhance the validation means.◗ Create a model library optimized for embedded code generation on Cooler Systems.◗ Initiate a continuously improved <strong>des</strong>ign flow between SMEs and laboratory by measuringand improving the productivity.◗ Finalize the project by a long-term contract for a common laboratory based on Scientificstudies used on concrete industrial uses cases.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe ARAMIS technologies have been successfully deployed by GEENSYS on air conditionningsystem model provided by SHERPA. Simulation and embedded code on targetexecution can be compared with the tool chain.The CEA-LIST technologies have been also deployed in order to generate executiontests and coverage measurement.This project has been closed in May 2010.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:This project has been successfully deployed by SEE4SYS & SHERPA on a air conditionningsystem. This project is used as basis to perform a complete automation of embeddedsources co<strong>des</strong> creation from the model <strong>des</strong>cription and increase thedevelopment productivity. This automated process is the main interest of automotive carmanufacturers. This improves :• Development productivity• Safety & Quality• Testability◗ Job creation:Maintain 3 jobs on See4sys part.CONTACTSébastien DUBESEE4SYS+33 (0)2 53 46 20 56sebastien.dube@see4sys.comPARTNERSSMEs:SEE4SYS(EX GEENSYS), SHERPAResearch institutes, universities:CEA LISTPROJECT DATACoordinator:SEE4SYS(EX GEENSYS)Call:FEDERStart date:January 2009Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EDONAAutomotive & Transports WG15

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionAutomotive Robust Operating ServicesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe automotive industry is deeply evolving notably with the sharp increase of electronicsin the added value of a vehicle. This high end part of the value is fairly complex and challengingfor engineers.AROS is based on the RTMaps concepts, a software <strong>des</strong>igned and developed at MinesParisTech, industrialized by Intempora (10 jobs created) and used by all major automotiveplayers as VALEO. AROS develops a new real-time, components oriented, developmentplatform in order to go one step beyond, to distributed and cooperativesystems that are now taking off.CONTACTArnaud de LA FORTELLEARMINES+33 (0)1 40 51 94 08arnaud.de_la_fortelle@mines-paristech.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTAROS provi<strong>des</strong> to the automotive engineer a set ofinnovative tools or libraries:◗ DOHC (Distributed Objects for Higher Level C)eases the development of robust applications inC, while providing a unique real-time memorymanagement system.◗ Cables (the communication library) introduces anew subscribe/push protocol and eases the developmentof client/server applications (including web2.0 applications) while providing state-of-the-artcompression and encryption of communications.◗ Chassis (the I/O library) provi<strong>des</strong> a way to developapplications or components independently of theunderlying platform: Windows, UNIX or embeddedreal-time system.◗ The new execution engine, based on the optimisticexecution paradigm - a concept used instate-of-the-art parallel simulation systems -,is able to provide dynamic components management, transparent distribution overcores or systems while ensuring real-time deterministic execution.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESModuloWatt booth at the Salon de l'Automobile 2010. TheAMARE application was developed using AROS Cables.◗ Communications:• AROS poster during PREDIT conference "ICT for ground transportation", Feb. 2008.• Yearly communication through the book of projects of the competitivity cluster SYS-TEM@TIC (4th, 5th and 6th conventions).• PREDIT book of projects (2011). The AROS project received the prize for competitivity ofthe transport industry.• Final AROS workshop at INRIA in Sept. 2011.◗ Publications:PhD thesis: "Design and implementation of a causal model of real time distributed execution"Sébastien Moutault, 2011◗ Products:Parts of AROS code are already transferred and even in exploitation:• « Injector », the application <strong>des</strong>ign interface is integrated by Intempora to RTMaps 4, thenew generation of the tool.• Cables, the communication library, is being transfered to Intempora for industrialization.It will be available in Open Source (GPL licence) for non-commercial applicationand with a proprietary licence for industrial application.Cables is used in R&D projects such as French CAROTTE (Robotics) and AMARE (electricvehicles), and European HAVE-IT (highly automated vehicle) or CityMobil (fully automatedvehicles).◗ Business creation: Cables.PARTNERSLarge companies:VALEOSMEs:INTEMPORAResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ARMINESCall:ANRStart date:September 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.1Funding (M2):116Automotive & Transports WG

Software tools and MethodsBUILD-IT-SAFEGénération Automatiqued’AMDEON GOINGPROJECTBuild-IT-Safe main objective is to provide to the automotive industrials (both manufacturersand OEMs), the prototype of an automatic FMEA (Failure Mo<strong>des</strong> and Effects Analysis), tool thatwill support their risk analysis of critical ECUs and enable them to significantly reduce theimplementation cost of the ISO 26262 standard. The proposed solution will support an easyinterface with usual system and software tools at any phase of the development life cycle.CONTACTFrédérique VALLEEALL4TEC+33 (0)6 81 68 92 92frederique.vallee@all4tec.netTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Possibility to exchange with models providedby the main MDE (Model Driven Engineering)techniques and tools (such as Papyrus fromthe CEA): model importation, model semantic,infinite loops.◗ Definition of a meta-model that brings togetherfunctionnal and dysfuntionnal aspects:functional requirements, safety requirements,criticality, safety barriers.◗ Use of Simulink facilities to infer dysfunctionalbehaviour: failure mo<strong>des</strong> modeling, failurepropagation demonstration, importation intoSimulink architecture.◗ Automatic propagation from each component failure mo<strong>des</strong> to the system outputsthat are linked to feared events.PARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULTSMEs:ALL4TEC, FAAR INDUSTRYResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALL4TECCall:FEDER4Start date:May 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.4Related Sytematic project(s):CESAR, IMOFIS, SASHA,SCARLETSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe development of the prototype has been splitted into 3 main parts.◗ The tool kernel is under development. Specifications have been set;◗ The information to extract and to format from the modeller Sumulink is under definition;◗ The generalization of this minimal informations needed for the safety analysis to definea safety data metamodel compliant to any modellers (UML, SYSML,Matlab/Simulink, …) is under study.Automotive & Transports WG17

Software tools and MethodsCost-Efficient methods and processesfor SAfety Relevant embedded systemsON GOINGPROJECTThe embedded safety-critical systems <strong>des</strong>ign and development industry is facing increasingcomplexity and variety of systems and devices, coupled with increasing regulatory constraintswhile costs, performances and time to market are constantly challenged.CESAR will bring significant and conclusive innovations in the two most improvable systemsengineering disciplines:◗ Requirements engineering◗ Component based engineeringIn addition CESAR intends to provide industrial companies with a breakthrough in systemdevelopment by deploying a customisable systems engineering ‘Reference Technology Platform’(RTP) making it possible to integrate or interoperate existing or emerging availabletechnologies.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIncremental deliveries of the Reference TechnologyPlatform (RTP) including toolset and processcovering :◗ guidelines, multi-views and multicriteria modellingand mono-criteria V&V◗ multi-criteria V&V and certification concernsSTATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMESThe first and second versions of the ReferenceTechnology Platform were tested and validated bythree groups of industrial end users covering thedomain of Automotive, Aerospace and Rail/Industrial Automation. The Last version (V3) willbe tested before end of May <strong>2012</strong>. The Cesar project is considered as a backbone of theARTEMIS RTP and will be extended by other ARTEMISCONTACTGerhard GRIESSNIGAVLCesar@avl.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ABB, ACCIONA, AIRBUS,ALENIASIA, ASF, ASTRIUM, AVL,CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT, DANIELIAUTOMATION, DASSAULTSYSTEMES, DELPHI, EADS, ELSAGDATAMAT, ESI-TECNALIA, HELLENICAEROSPACE INDUSTRY, HISPANO-SUIZA, INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES,MESSIER-BUGATTI, SAGEM,SIEMENS, THALES, TURBOMECA,VOLVOSMEs:ABSINT, CRITICAL SOFTWARE,ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES, FORMALSOFTWARE CONSTRUCTION,SEE4SYS, OSC, THE VIRTUALVEHICLE COMPETENCE CENTERResearch institutes, universities:ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OFTHESSALONIKI, CEA, CNRS, DLR,FRAUNHOFER, INDUSTRIALSYSTEMS INSTITUTE, INRIA,KUNGLIGA TEKNISKAHÖGSKOLAN, NATIONALTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OFATHENS, NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITYOF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,OFFIS, ONERA, OXFORDUNIVERSITY, SINTEF, THEUNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER,UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA UNIBO,UNITSPROJECT DATACoordinator:AVLCall:ARTEMISStart date:March 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):58Funding (M2):2718Automotive & Transports WG

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionCo-Pilot for an intelligent roadand vehicular communication systemON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of the Co-Drive project is to develop and validate a cooperative driving systemup to a pre-industrialization stage. The Co-Drive cooperative system including thedriver, the vehicle and the road infrastructure will open new usages and new servicesfor a more intelligent, more secure, more sustainable mobility.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSCo-Drive is a cooperative and evolutive system based on:◗ a wireless automotive camera linked to a smart phone,◗ communication electronic board compliant to wi-fi 802.11p standard, for on-boardand road-side units,◗ an intelligent traffic managementsystem analyzing thetraffic datas collected from allthe Co-Drive vehicles,◗ a database of legal speedlimits, updated in real timethanks to the Co-Drive vehicles◗ a network of wi-fi and cellulartelecommunications.With the Co-Drive cooperativesystem:◗ the road infrastructure managementcan "sense the traffic" from each individual Co-Drive vehicle , based ondriving speeds, inter-distances, GPS locations,◗ quick, safe and specific information can be transferred to the driver in each indivi-dualvehicle, based on its location in the traffic, such as recommended speed, safety distances,◗ the traffic management system can provide emergency alerts to each Co-Driver witha quicker loop time,◗ the traffic information service can also supply temporary or variable speed limitswhich do not exist in digital maps.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The Co-Drive sytem is intented to be sold as an aftermarket product, at a reasonableprice, but with the highest quality standards.◗ The customer will be able to install a new wireless camera in his car, purchase smartphone applications on the internet, and obtain speed limit and inter-distance warnings.◗ Driving on motorways or with an additional membership, the customer will contributeto reduce the traffic congestion, and receive accurate recommendations for a saferdriving experience.CONTACTPhilippe GOUGEONVALEO+33 (0)1 49 42 38 35philippe.gougeon@valeo.comPARTNERSLarge companies:APRR, CLEMESSY,MEDIAMOBILE, SOPEMEA,VALEOSMEs:CIVITEC, CITILOG, COMSIS,NAVECOM, TECRISResearch institutes, universities:IFSTTAR (EX-INRETS), INRIA,INSA ROUEN, UNIVERSITE DEVERSAILLES-ST-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESPROJECT DATACoordinator:VALEOCo-label:MOV’EO, VÉHICULE DU FUTURCall:FUI10Start date:October 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.0Funding (M2):3.0Related Sytematic project(s):EMOTIVE, SCOREF, SPEEDCAMAutomotive & Transports WG19

Human-Machine interfacesCOllaboRative Virtual EnvironmentTechnical Training and ExperimentON GOINGPROJECTThe CORVETTE project aims at proposing a set of scientific innovations in the field of industrialtraining (maintenance, complex collaborative procedures, safety, diagnosis ...)using Virtual Reality technologies.The CORVETTE project is also deeply nested with the industry's concerns and applications.More specifically we rely on:◗ an industrial platform of integration offered by one partner of the project (GVT:Generic Virtual Training),◗ sizeable industrial and collaborative scenarios,◗ external users (club of industrial users) who, by submitting scenarios and constraints,guarantee the relevance of the project outputs.CONTACTBruno ARNALDI etValérie GOURANTONINSA RENNES+33 (0)2 99 84 72 61bruno.arnaldi@irisa.frvalerie.gouranton@irisa.frhttp://corvette.irisa.fr/TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project seeks to put in synergy a number of scientific axes:◗ Collaborative work that can handle representative complex scenarios of industrial training,◗ Virtual Human driven by both a cinematic and a kinetic models, for its ability to embodythe user as an avatar and acting as a colla¬borator during training,◗ Natural communication between users and virtual humans for task-oriented dialogues◗ Methodology in cognitive psychiology for the assement of the effectiveness of thecollaboration of users and virtual humans to perform complex cooperative tasks in avirtual environment.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:AFPA, NEXTER TRAININGSMEs:GOLAEM, VIRTUALYSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, ENIB, INSA RENNESPROJECT DATACoordinator:INSA RENNESCall:ANRStart date:October 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.2Funding (M2):1.0Unit contributions and technologies are demonstrated. Each partner has integratedglobal constraints of the project to produce the technical elements in relation to theircontributions. The next step is to combine the components into a unified environmentand have it validated by industrial use cases.20Automotive & Transports WG

DiagnosisDIAFOREDiagnostic de Fonctions RépartiesCOMPLETEDPROJECT◗ Online diagnostics to improve the safety and maintenance of trucks: detect, locate and automaticallyidentify sensor failures in trucks during operation.◗ The manifestation of a failure on one or more electronic sensors can cause unexpected and dangerousbehaviours of the truck for the safety of the driver and his environment. Furthermore, theprolonged detention of a truck due to a failure results in financial penalties for the company. Theincreasing complexity of electronics in trucks makes more difficult the identification of the faultysensors. Fault diagnosis of electronics in garage (offline) exists today. The automatic diagnosis offaults during operation of the truck (online) is still a challenge.◗ The project objective is to propose solutions for future electronic <strong>des</strong>ign by including at the sametime the means of diagnosis.CONTACTOlivier HERONCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 68 89olivier.heron@cea.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTFrom modelling of breakdowns to integration of diagnostics in embedded electronics: the workingmethod in the project followed the V's cycle. A first step involved modelling breakdowns in the electronicsensors of the truck, <strong>des</strong>cribed in a rigorous language, non verbose (e.g. Simulink, Formal language).In this representation, the electronic functions of the truck are <strong>des</strong>cribed and the physical medium isabstracted (ECU, bus, sensors). The second step involved the development and integration of diagnosticfeatures in all. The latter raises an indicator output when the failure is detected on an input functionunder diagnosis. Another output provi<strong>des</strong> a code indicating the type of failure (e.g. failure of thespeed sensor of the third rear wheel). The third step was the programming of these new features (software)in the electronic controllers of the truck with the constraint to make this integration as transparentas possible in the existing functions. At each step, the correct functioning of the whole wasverified using simulation and testing. An additional study focused specifically on the modifications inthe original functions of the truck to improve the efficiency of diagnosis (diagnosability analysis).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:Communications:• A Probabilistic Analysis of Diagnosability in Discrete Event Systems, Grèce, juillet 2008.• Optimal observability for diagnosability, Australie, septembre 2008.• Optimizing the system observability level for diagnosability,Grèce, octobre 2008.• Diagnosability of Input Output Symbolic Transition Systems,Portugal, septembre 2009.• Co-modelling and simulation with multilevel of granularity for real time electronic systemssupervision. England, 1–3 April 2008.• Observability Checking to Enhance Diagnosis of Real Time Electronic Systems. October 27-29,2008. Canada.• Symbolic Execution Based Model Checking of Open Systems with Unbounded Variables. TAP 2009,Switzerland.• Diagnosability verification with Petri net unfoldings, Chili, septembre 2009.• Smart Distance Keeping: modeling and perspectives for embedded diagnosis, Liverpool,Angleterre, 27-29 janvier 2010.Chapitre d'ouvrages:• [10] M. Khlif, M. Shawky. <strong>Book</strong> chapter: Enhancing Diagnosis Ability for Embedded ElectronicSystems Using Co-Modeling. International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, andSystems Sciences, and Engineering (CIS2E 07). December 3 - 12, 2007.◗ Experimentations:• [1] a prototype tool to analyze the diagnosability of an electronic system. The demonstration ofthis prototype is done on the case study (SDK Smart Distance Keeping) simulated. It can concludeon the diagnosis of failure ie, there exists at least one instance of the operating systemfor which the failure can not be discriminated;• [2] a co-real/simulated online diagnostic demonstrator applied to the case of the SDK. The diagnosersidentify the fault using analytical redundancy. The case study consists of 4 ECUs and a singleCAN bus. Three ECUs are simulated on a computer and one is real. The simulated CAN busis connected to the real CAN bus via a specific interface. The diagnosers are deployed on the4 ECUs. One of them has the role of supervisor and provi<strong>des</strong> the final diagnosis (sensor fault).Validation tests show that the diagnosers identify systematically failures injected the diagnosislatency due to CAN communications remains quasi constant;• [3] a prototype tool for analyzing the observability of failures, once the electronic system integratedinto the truck. The demonstration of this prototype is done on the SDK implemented inthe previous demonstrator.PARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULT TRUCKSSMEs:SERMA INGENIERIEResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, UPS11-LRI,UTC-HEUDIASYCPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:February 2007Duration:43 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.7Funding (M2):1.9Automotive & Transports WG21

DiagnosisDIAPADIagnostic Automobile Par ApprentissageON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of DIAPA is to improve the diagnosis of vehicles electronic subsystems. Acomprehensive analysis of log-files containing records of components operation anddefault co<strong>des</strong> will be done using advanced data mining and statistical learningtechniques. The aim of this project is to automatically handle the log-files, increasing theon-line processing, and establishing better links between diagnosis and <strong>des</strong>ign models.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Currently, few solutions give satisfaction in term of collecting and processing diagnosisinformation carried out on electronic subsystems of the vehicles. The aim ofthe automotive industry is to improve the reliability and serciceability and reduce thecosts of Non Trouble Found.◗ Develop generic diagnosis methods regarding the large variety of possible configurationsof subsystems and their failures.◗ Establishing better links between diagnosis and <strong>des</strong>ign models.CONTACTCharles-Henri GARIHDELPHI+33 (0)1 34 30 34 76charles.Henri.Garih@delphi.comFahed ABDALLAHUTC-HEUDIASYC+33 (0)3 44 23 52 15fahed.abdallah@hds.utc.frPARTNERSLarge companies:DELPHI, FREESCALE, PSA,SERMA INGENIERIEResearch institutes, universities:CNRS-LAAS, UTCSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPROJECT DATACoordinator:DELPHICall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.2◗ Give a more precise study of system specifications and Logfiles diagnosis.◗ Diagnosis algorithms adapted to logfiles with Heterogeneous log-files input data.22Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitectureEDONAEnvironnements de DéveloppementOuverts aux Normes de l'AutomobileCOMPLETEDPROJECT◗ Build a common repository for consistent positioning and usage of software tools.◗ Build an interoperability platform for tool exchange and seamless operation over thedevelopment cycle.◗ Build solutions for dependability and real-time on the basis of both innovative andcurrent technology:• Specification and requirements traceability;• Functional and temporal validation;• Design of real-time and deterministic solutions;• HMI <strong>des</strong>ign and validation under safety constraints.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe Edona integration platform has been developed, validated, and made available to themembers.◗ The Eclipse part is available to members though an update site.◗ The Autosar-related part of has been transferred to and will be directly maintained by theArtop User Group.◗ Other parts as well as components produced by vertical workpackages have been broughtclose to production quality, ready for integration in commercial products via transfer contractsfrom CEA and to the Listerel consortium.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• F. Ougier, F. Terrrier, EDONA: an Open Integration Platform for Automotive Systems DevelopmentTools, ERTS 2008, 29/01/2008• S . Boisgérault, M.O. Abdallah, JM. Temmos, SVG for automotive user interfaces, SVGOpen2008, 26/08/2008• F. Ougier, F. Terrrier, EDONA: an Open Development Platform to Automotive Standard,IAEC2008, 24/11/2008• F. Ougier, F. Terrier, "Eclipse based architecture of the EDONA platform for automotive systemdevelopment", Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21/05/2010.• A. Albinet, L. Quéran, B. Sanchez, Y. Tanguy, "Requirement management from System modelingto AUTOSAR SW Components", Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21 Mai 2010.• S. Anssi, S. Tucci-Pergiovanni, C. Mraidha, A. Albinet, F. Terrier, S. Gérard, "CompletingEAST-ADL2 with MARTE for enabling scheduling analysis for automotive applications",Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21 Mai 2010.• C. Aussaguès, D. Chabrol, V. David, D. Roux, N. Willey, A.Tournadre, M. Graniou, "PharOS,a multicore OS ready for safety-related automotive systems: results and future prospects",Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21 Mai 2010.• J.Y. Pierron, A. Lapitre, J.P. Gallois, S. Devulder, T. Gueguen, P. Le Corre, "Matlab/Simulinkfunctional tests with STB/AGATHA tool", Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21 Mai 2010.• S. Boisgérault, E. Vecchié, O. Meunier, J.-M. Temmos, "EDONA/HMI – Modelling of AdvancedAutomotive Interfaces", Conférence ERTS 2010, Toulouse, 19-21 Mai 2010.• B. Sanchez, F. Ougier, F. Terrier, “EDONA: an Open Development Platform to AutomotiveStandards”, ECFMA 2010, HoPES workshop, Paris, June 15, 2010• F. Ougier, F. Terrier, “EDONA an Open Platform for Design and Validation of AutomotiveEmbedded Systems”, 17th ITS World Congress, Busan, Korea, Oct. 25-29, 2010◗ Job creation : 20◗ Business creation:• Some componants have already been incorporated into commercial offers from Edonamembers. This is the case for• Artop support from Geensys (support Artop)• 3 new components from Obeo• Enrichment to the PhiSim product line by Sherpa• Scade Display improvements and , PapyrusMDT-SysML offer from EsterelCONTACTFrançois OUGIERRENAULT+33 (0)1 76 85 75 72francois.ougier@renault.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CONTINENTAL, DELPHI,JOHNSON CONTROLS,PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN,RENAULT, THALES, VISTEONSMEs:ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES,GEENSOFT, INTEMPORA,KNOWLEDGE INSIDE, OBEO,SEE4SYS, SHERPAResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CEA-LIST, INRIA,POLYTECHNIQUE, SUPÉLEC,PROJECT DATACoordinator:RENAULTCall:FUI3Start date:September 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16.2Funding (M2):6.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):IHS10, MEMVATEX,O4A PHASE II,USINE LOGICIELLEAutomotive & Transports WG23

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionE’MOTIVEEnvironment Modelingfor Perceptive Intelligent VehiclesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe E'MOTIVE project answers to the technical and cost challenges of the AdvancedDriver Assistance Systems (ADAS) with a "multi-sensor and environment simulationsystem". The solutions developed within the project allow the integrated and accuratevirtualization of sensor technologies (GPS, IR, RADAR, TV, LIDAR…), vehicle system(driving dynamics, sensors, commands…), vehicle environment, ADAS logic, and theintegration of test and tuning dedicated tools. These solutions relies on multiplesseamless interfaced software applications with integration capabilities in standardengineering environments.CONTACTPacôme MAGNINLMS IMAGINE+33 (0)6 48 26 83 24pacome.magnin@lmsintl.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe progress beyond the state of the art is to provide an accurate ADAS simulation andtesting platform integrating simultaneously the sensors simulations, the vehicle simulation,the environment simulation, and the tools and processes supporting the testingand tuning of the ADAS system.PARTNERSLarge companies:CIVITEC, INTEMPORA,LMS IMAGINE, OKTAL,SHERPA ENGINEERING,VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:LMS IMAGINE, OKTALSMEs:CIVITEC, SHERPA ENGINEERINGResearch institutes, universities:ENSTB, IFSTTAR, INSA ROUEN,IOGS, LASMEAMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:TS<strong>2012</strong>, EWGT 2011, DSC 2010, DSC 2009.◗ Patents: confidential.◗ Job creation: 3◗ Business creation:Creation of the CIVITEC companyPROJECT DATACoordinator:LMS IMAGINECo-label:MOV'EOCall:FUI6Start date:October 2008Duration:39 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.8Funding (M2):2.924Automotive & Transports WG

Human-Machine interfacesGEDRIVERGreen & Efficient DriverON GOINGPROJECTExperimental works of the geDRIVER project (“Green and Efficient Driver”) aim at developingand validating the simulator for training to ecological driving according to 3 majortopics within the “serious game” axis:◗ To develop the models allowing analysing eco-driving and the follow-up of performancesin a context of training using simulator, which latter logically follows training on real vehicle.◗ To reinforce the interest of driving experience in order to to support the attractivity oftraining. For that, the project will draw from the experiments and the techniques alreadyimplemented in video games.◗ To contribute to enrich knowledge in the field of validity of driving training simulators.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIn the context of emergent requirements regardingvocational training (European directive 2003/59 CE)and growing eco-driving trend recorded over thepast years, geDRIVER aims at exploring the feasibilityof affordable solutions for automotive training(<strong>des</strong>ktop simulators). Consequently, "SeriousGame" approach coupled with existing simulationsuite SCANeR is considered in the framework ofgeDRIVER project, according to the following axes:◗ enriched gameplay (based on real life situationssuch as home-to-work or taxi itinerary) allowingto involve the driver into the simulation,◗ virtual guiding metaphors (both visual and audible)allowing to push the simulation as far as possibleto the driving reality,◗ data reading / analysis from a real vehicle.A special attention is put on the evaluation of project'sresult (behaviour-based measures will be taken inorder to issue recommendationsand to makesimulator-based trainingas close as possible tothe real car-based training;simulator's sicknessanalysis is a part of evaluation).STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has produced and is testing prototypes/demonstrators allowing to:◗ integrate video "game"-based approaches and paradigms into "serious" automotivesimulation◗ integrate new interactive visual and auditive guiding techniques◗ get real vehicle data (via CAN bus).Demonstrations are available for light vehicles 'and buses' drivers.CONTACTAnton MINKOOKTAL+33 (0)5 62 11 92 92anton.minko@oktal.frPARTNERSLarge companies:MACIF, RENAULT,RENAULT TRUCKSIntermediate size enterprises:OKTALAssociated partners:MACIF, RENAULT TRUCKSSMEs:KEY DRIVING COMPETENCESResearch institutes, universities:ARTS, INSTITUT IMAGE,LABORATOIRE LE2I,LEAD-CNRSPROJECT DATACoordinator:OKTALCall:SERIOUS GAMINGStart date:December 2009Duration:23+5 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.7Automotive & Transports WG25

Software tools and MethodsHECOSIMHeterogeneous Co-simulationand system hybrid SimulationCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe <strong>des</strong>ign of a mechatronic system, inherently heterogeneous, is made currently with toolsadapted to each sub system (various modelers and simulators). Each sub system is validatedseparately, and the integration tests are performed at the end of the development cycle (physicalmock up); problems are discovered late and generate high cost to be corrected.The objective of the HeCoSim project is to provide simulation tools through two approaches ofco-simulation and global simulation based on available tools to:◗ control sizing and the integration of automotive components of heterogeneous nature,◗ optimize an electronic architecture through model simulation,◗ validate a system by scenarios filtered and generated by the tools,◗ validate the embedded code on its target in its physical environment.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTProblems treated and solutions sought:◗ remove a major technical issue on asynchronous co-simulation via the tool RT-Builder;◗ create co-simulation sockets between the tool RT-Builder and the tools: Statemate, Mat-Lab/Simulink, SystemVision, UNISIM;◗ have a good representativeness and interoperability of the simulation models of the microcontrollerStar12X and of the processor core ARM7 on the open source UNISIM tool;◗ extend the AGATHA semantics to the Statemate and Simulink models;◗ specify a filter for AGATHA to generate relevant tests regarding industrial criteria: un<strong>des</strong>irablecases, deadlocks, MC/DC approach.Consequences at technical level:◗ extension of the simulator RT-Builder to co-simulation;◗ achievement of a complete and continuous tool chain with the core activity tools;◗ validation of the embedded code with its physical environment;◗ achievement of a heterogeneous simulation core for AGATHA and a filter for the MC/DCapproach.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:Communications (conference):• IAEC’2008: “Improving Model Based Design Quality and Safety for Mechatronic Systemsvia Co-simulation”.• Workshop System@tic 2008.• EMM’2009: “A Model Based Design Compliant Framework for Mechatronics Systems Development”.• Workshop System@tic 2009.Articles:• Co-modelling and simulation with multilevel of granularity for real time electronic systemssupervision, England, 1-3 April 2008.• Observability Checking to Enhance Diagnosis of Real Time Electronic Systems Canada,October 27-29, 2008.• Validation of Electronic Architecture Properties Analysis Based on Automotive Platform,Italy, July 4-7, 2010.• Diagnosability of Embedded Architectures; Premise of analysis methodology.• Symbolic Execution Techniques Extended to Systems in ICSEA 2009.CONTACTJean-François BISSONVALEO+33 (0)1 45 13 82 55jean-francois.bisson@valeo.comPARTNERSLarge companies:VALEOSMEs:SEE4SYSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, UTC-HEUDIASYCPROJECT DATACoordinator:VALEOCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:39 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.7Funding (M2):1.4◗ Job creation:Two hiring, one at CEA-LIST/LSL and another one at SEE4SYS.26Automotive & Transports WG

Human-Machine interfacesInterface Homme-Système à 10 ansCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe target of IHS10 project is to develop a new R&D tool that will be dedicated to theHuman-System Interfaces (HSIs) for the Automobile. It consists in a Virtual Reality (VR)equipment, which will contribute to reduce development cycle time and cost of newvehicles and platforms. It will be used on the higher level of the two branches -Requirements / Validation - of the V-cycle, enabling actors to work in a collaborativeway, replacing physical by virtual prototyping and improving quality of results. The fieldthat this tool will cover is: geometry, styling, ergonomics, controls, displays, functionsand associated softwares. The sensorial channels of this new VR equipment are:3D vision, tactile / haptic and acoustic, in an immersive environment of the User.CONTACTJean DAUVERGNEVISTEON+33 (0)6 08 00 44 07jean.dauvergne@jd-ri.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ To use the new generation of HD projectors and 3D televisions for a better definitionand to make the simulator more transportable.◗ To develop and standardise the software and the equipment to facilitate the exchangeof information between car manufacturers and equipment suppliers.◗ To develop the sensory touch.PARTNERSLarge companies:PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN,RENAULT, VALEO, VISTEONSMEs:HAPTION, INTEMPORAResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CEA LISTMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Design and build a generic simulator for Human System Interfaces (HSIs) and relatedinterior equipments of a vehicle , based on Virtual Reality techniques, enabling <strong>des</strong>ign,tuning and evaluation of HSIs by the Development Engineers, characterized by:• Co-localization (Immersion of User “in" the 3D VR environment).• Multi-sensorial channels: Visual, Haptic / Tactile, Acoustic.• Multi-domains: Vehicle Interior Components (geometry, aspect, color, textures),controls, displays, Softwares.• Interactive: Model and Softwares changes and adaptations.• High definition.◗ Experimentations:PSA demonstrator (basis Peugeot 308).PROJECT DATACoordinator:VISTEONCall:FUI1Start date:March 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.5Funding (M2):1.928Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitectureIMOFISIngénierie <strong>des</strong> MOdèles<strong>des</strong> FonctIons SécuritairesCOMPLETEDPROJECT◗ IMOFIS developed a technology (process+method+framework) aimed to assist safetyengineers to analyse systems and to provide evidence that these systems meet safetyrequirements.◗ IMOFIS framework implements a risk analysis process compliant with internationalstandards and based on semi-formal (SysML) and formal (B, AltaRica) models of systemsand on a model of risk analysis (SOPHIA). Furthermore, IMOFIS frameworktracks the relationships between those models in order to maintain aglobal and consistentview.◗ IMOFIS framework is based on a collection of models of models (meta-models) ofsystem <strong>des</strong>ign and risk analysis which abstract from particular processes and techniques.It is implemented on Eclipse platform and is instantiated for automotive andrailway applications.CONTACTFernando MEJIAALSTOM TRANSPORTINFORMATION SOLUTIONS+33 (0)1 57 06 13 73luis-fernando.mejia@transport.alstom.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM TRANSPORTINFORMATION SOLUTIONS,RENAULTSMEs:ATEGO, OBEO, SYSTERELResearch institutes, universities:CEA-LIST, UTC-HEUDIASYCMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• F. Thomas, F. Belmonte.Using Topcased and a Viewpoint-based Framework to <strong>des</strong>cribeSafety Concerns of Railway Signalling Systems. In proceedings of the TopcasedDays, Toulouse, France, February 2011.• F. Belmonte, F. Thomas, LF. Mejia, A. Blas Evaluation <strong>des</strong> risques <strong>des</strong> systèmesferroviaires, supportée par <strong>des</strong> langages et outils de modélisation, CongrèsLambda-Mu 17, La Rochelle, octobre 2010.• D. Cancila, F. Terrier, F. Belmonte, H. Dubois, H. Espinoza and S. Gérard. Model-Based Safety Engineering. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop onModel Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACES-MB 2009)in conjunction with MoDELS Conference, October 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA.• D. Cancila, H. Dubois and M. Adedjouma. Sûreté de Fonctionnement dans unprocessus base sur l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles. Proceedings of 5èmeJournée sur l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, IDM’09. Mars 2009, Nancy, France.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• SOPHIA: Meta-model of risk analisys concepts (UML and DSL versions).• SOPHIA Modellers: Eclipse based modellers for SOPHIA (Papyrus and OBEO Designerversions).• Analyser of independence of functions in a SysML model.• Allocator of safety targets to functions in a SysML model.◗ Job creation:• 1 engineer at ALSTOM TRANSPORT INFORMATION SOLUTIONS• 1 researcher at CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALSTOM TRANSPORTINFORMATION SOLUTIONSCall:ANRStart date:June 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4Funding (M2):1.6◗ Business creation:Development of safety assurance modelling tools.Automotive & Transports WG29

Software tools and MethodsIMPROImplementability and Robustnessof Timed SystemsON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of project ImpRo is to address the issues related to the practical implementationof formal models for the <strong>des</strong>ign of communicating embedded systems: such modelsabstract many complex features or limitations of the execution environment. The modelingof time, in particular, is usually ideal, with infinitely precise clocks, instantaneous tests ormode commutations, etc.The objective of the project is thus to study to what extent the practical implementation ofthese models preserves their good properties. This inclu<strong>des</strong> an extensive theoretical studycoupled with a more practical application of the developed methods to a case study basedon the AUTOSAR architecture, a standard of the automotive industry, leading to thedevelopment of a demonstrator and, ideally, to automatic code generation for timed formalmodels.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main scientific advances expected from the project are:◗ the definition of a generic mathematical framework for the study of implementability.This will allow us to compare the existing theories and unify our developmentsthroughout the project;◗ a theory for the measure of implementability through probabilistic models to quantifyhow robust to implementation the models are;◗ new techniques for the verification, control and diagnostic of implementability. Thisinclu<strong>des</strong> answers to the following questions: isthe model implementable, can we automaticallymodify it to make it so, and can wemoni¬tor the implementation to make sure itbehaves as planned;◗ joint handling of the specific issues of clock precision,resource management, and distributedsystems (e.g. accounting for scheduling, clockdrifts and resynchronization, etc.)In addition, the project will produce a demonstrator for the validation of the developedtechniques, based on a real-time operating system implementing the AUTOSAR OSstandard. In the process, we would ideally be able to provide a code egenerationproto¬type for this target OS.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTDidier LIMEECOLE CENTRALEDE NANTES, IRCCYN+33 (0)2 40 37 69 76Didier.Lime@irccyn.ec-nantes.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:IRCCYN, IRISA, LIP6, LSVPROJECT DATACoordinator:IRCCYNCo-label:ID4CARCall:ANRStart date:March 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.4The project is now one year-old. Theoretical contributions are steadily being providedby the project members, with notably workgroups on distributed aspects, probabilisticaspects, concurrency aspects and diagnostic aspects. In particular, we have producedan quite complete overview of the many works on the subject. Work on the more practicalaspects of the project has not yet begun.30Automotive & Transports WG

Human-Machine interfacesIntegrated Human Modelling andSimulation to support Human ErrorRisk Analysis of Partially AutonomousDriver Assistance SystemsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe objective of the ISI-PADAS project is to develop an innovative methodology tosupport risk-based <strong>des</strong>ign, approval and acceptance of Partially Autonomous DriverAssistance Systems (PADAS) focusing on the elimination and mitigation of driver errorsby an integrated Driver-Vehicle-Environment (DVE) modelling approach.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTMain part of the DVE modelling approach is an effective and working simulation of driverbehaviour, based on modelling driver behavior and cognitive processes as well asPADAS behaviour, included in computerised simulations that can be applied in earlydevelopment stages to predict driver behaviour including driver errors to supportdecisions between system <strong>des</strong>ign alternatives and to test the need for specializedassistance systems.CONTACTJean-Yves COUSTENOBLEVISTEON SYSTEMESINTERIEURS+33 (0)3 21 13 91 98jcousten@visteon.comDr: Rainer HEERSVISTEON INNOVATION& TECHNOLOGY+49-2273-595-1423rheers@visteon.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT(ITALY), VISTEON (FRANCE,GERMANY)SMEs:KITE SOLUTIONS (ITALY)Research institutes, universities:CEA (FRANCE), CIDAUT (SPAIN),DLR, INRETS, OFFIS, SUPELEC,TU BRAUNSCHWEIG (GERMANY),UNIVERSITY OF MODÈNA (ITALY)MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• International scientific conference organised: “Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation(HMAT), May/June 2010.• <strong>Book</strong> published “Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation (HMAT), Springer Publishers.◗ Products or services:• Definition of traffic scenarios relevant for PADAS.• Driving studies and driving simulators studies (driving with/without PADAS support).• Task representation language.• Ontology of driving task achieved.• Implementation of time for accelerated / real-time testing.• DVE modelling completed.• Driving simulators studies completed (driving with PADAS support).• Data Analysis from Driving simulators studies (driving with PADAS support).• Dissemination and results prepared for industrial exploitation.PROJECT DATACoordinator:OFFISCo-label:OFFISCall:EU FP7Start date:September 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.5Funding (M2):1.9Automotive & Transports WG31

ICT & TransportExtension de itransportsaux perturbations et au véloà travers une démarche 2.0SUSTAINABLECITIES & ICTCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe project iTransports 2.0 develop from itransports content which is the only comprehensiveinformation on transport at the national level, collaborative content on two importantthemes of transport for the period ahead: the disturbances and thedevelopment of drawdowns by bikeThe entire contents on the disturbances in transport will be supplied from the informationtransport networks, but also from users on itransports and social networks.A PC Information on disturbances of transport will be implemented on an experimentalbasis over a period of 6 months.A collaborative information will be put in place for cycling on an experimental drawdownon the area of Val-Maubuée.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project outcomes iTransports 2.0 are important in different ways:◗ They can grow on one of the current difficulties of transport, information on disturbances,which darkens theirimage so that their developmentis expected and <strong>des</strong>ired.◗ They make this content availableto actors businesses, communities,media, vehicle manufacturers,.. that will make a very wideuse.◗ They confirm the advantageMoviken took on the transport informationmarket with a solutionthat will more than ever the onlyof its kind in Europe.◗ They should allow you to create arevenue stream for mobile webiTransports.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTDominique CARREMOVIKEN+33 (0)1 60 33 03 03dominique.carre@moviken.comPARTNERSSMEs:HAPLOID, MOVIKENResearch institutes, universities:INRETSPROJECT DATACoordinator:MOVIKENCall:WEB INNOVANTStart date:December 2009Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.4Funding (M2):0.2◗ Job creation: 8◗ Business creation:New information services.32Automotive & Transports WG

Human-Machine interfacesLIMALight Interaction Materials AspectON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of this project is to master the appearance of materials. The research will allowthe restitution and the control of visual appearance of materials at differents scales ofobservation by developing a series of physico-mathematical models. These models willbe based on scale transitions from pigments to material and will <strong>des</strong>cribe the material’sinteraction with light. The project aims to a twofold approach: from compositionto appearance and from appearance to composition. It relates thus the virtual visualisationof the appearance of a manufacturable material and the expression of its physicalcomposition.CONTACTAlexis PALJICARMINES+33 (0)1 40 51 91 61alexis.paljic@mines-paristech.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project will use a bio-inspired <strong>des</strong>ign whichallows to <strong>des</strong>ign multifunctional materials usingmultiscale models, this aims at reducing the environmentalcosts related to the process (reducingmass, chemical compounds and solvents,life cycles). A particular attention will be paid tothe industrial feasibility and to the definition of new procedures (reverse engineering) ina What You See Is What You Get approach. It is indispensable for the <strong>des</strong>ign and the evaluationof visual aspects of materials to allow the observer to move around the object andto visualise it through different angles of view. The use of virtual reality technologies(dynamic point of view, interactivity, stereoscopy) is thus necessary to allow a dynamicvisual restitution of models. Adapted and validated models will be proposed for real timeintegration into virtual reality or augmented reality systems. The research will be basedon the formulation of pigments used in the production of paints (for the automotive industriesas an example), with the aim of controlling all the steps that influence visual appearance,from creative <strong>des</strong>ign to manufacturing and industrialisation.PARTNERSLarge companies:PSA PEUGEOT CITROËNSMEs:ELDIM, NAXAGORAS,SCALABLE GRAPHICSResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES (4 RESEARCHCENTRES : CENTRE DEROBOTIQUE, CENTRE DESMATÉRIAUX CENTRE DEMORPHOLOGIEMATHÉMATIQUE, CENTREDES MATÉRIAUX DE GRANDEDIFFUSION, INSTITUT DESNANOSCIENCES DE PARIS)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Design of new ecological materials while mastering their visual aspect.◗ Avoid trial-error loops in the <strong>des</strong>ign process of materials end their aspect.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ARMINESCo-label:MOVEOCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.6Funding (M2):1.2Automotive & Transports WG33

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionLogiciels d'observation <strong>des</strong> vulnérablesCOMPLETEDPROJECTLOVe proposes to contribute to road safety by focusing primarily on the safety ofpe<strong>des</strong>trians. The objective is to achieve embedded software to observe vulnerables.These software must be reliable and safe and quickly implantable on the range. Anindustrial <strong>des</strong>ign process of software has been adopted to clearly specify the technicalconstraints (sensors, computers), contextual (scenarios considered) and methods forvalidation of algorithms. LOVe is rich of a large variety of approaches using data laser,mono and stereo-vision both for the detection, localization, recognition and tracking ofpe<strong>des</strong>trians. These solutions can then be combined with various levels of data fusionalgorithms to improve location accuracy and certainty.CONTACTLaurent TRASSOUDAINEUNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND 2+33 (0)6 78 55 31 03laurent.trassoudaine@univ-bpclermont.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe most significant advance concerns the visual target tracking. Tracking of LASER targetsbecomes also very powerful. Although information is very fragmented on a pe<strong>des</strong>trian,the quality of the recognition is generally good. Groups of pe<strong>des</strong>trians can beidentified too. The stereo has also grown in terms of speed, quality of the disparity map,segmentation of the road surface and segmentation of objects. Pe<strong>des</strong>trian recognitionhas especially increased in the rapidity of methods and a better classifiers choice. Thedata fusion significantly increases the rate of correct detection while decreasing the rateof false alarms. Especially, the lidar/mono-vision combination has provided good results.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Patents:2 deposits concerning pe<strong>des</strong>trians recognition.◗ Publications:• Journals - 2 book chapters - 36 conferences.• Object-level fusion and confidence management in a multi-sensor pe<strong>des</strong>triantracking system; 2009.• Combination of partially non-distinct consonant beliefs: the cautious-adaptive rule;July 2009.• Pe<strong>des</strong>trian Detection and Tracking in Urban Environment using a Multilayer Laserscanner;to appear in 2010.• Using stereo-vision to improve the reliability of obstacle detection systems.• Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.• Visual pe<strong>des</strong>trian recognition in weak classifier space using nonlinear parametricmodels; San Diego, USA, october 2008.• Pe<strong>des</strong>trian Accident Context and Technologic Development in LOVe; VersaillesSatory October 7 & 8, 2008.• Centralized fusion based algorithm for fast people detection in dense environment;12-17 May 2009, Kobe, Japan.• A Bayesian Classification of Pe<strong>des</strong>trians in Urban Areas: The Importance of theData Preprocessing; Seoul, Corée du Sud, 20 - 22 Août, 2008, pp. 195-201.• Robust obstacles detection andtracking using disparity for cardriving assistance; San Jose, USA,January 2010.◗ Business creation:3 start-up:• Arcure: Software for pe<strong>des</strong>triandetection;• Robocortex: Software for visualtracking;• Civitec: road scenes simulation.PARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULT, VALEOResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES/CAOR,ARMINES/CMM, CEA/LIST,CNRS/UTC/HEUDIASYC,CNRS/UBP/LASMEA,CNRS/UPS/IEF,INRIA/EMOTION, INRIA/ICARE,INRIA/IMARA,LCPC/INRETS/LIVIC,UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND 2PROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND 2Co-label:MOV’EO - VIAMECACall:ANRStart date:September 2006Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.5Funding (M2):3.834Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitectureMASCOTTEMAitriSe et COnTrôle<strong>des</strong> Temps d'ExécutionCOMPLETEDPROJECTBuild methods, techniques and tools to keep pace with execution times of real-timeapplications using static analysis, test on simulators and measures on the real target.In order to implement new services in cars, the project studies the impact on thedeterminism of hardware features in microcontrollers. It defines good practices to usethese mechanisms.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Technologies:Simulation (Harmless), static analysis (Otawa), test (PathCrawler).◗ Publications:• Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut - WCET analysis of multi-level noninclusiveset-associative instruction caches - 29th IEEE Real-TimeSystems Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, December 2008.• Rola Kassem, Mikaël Briday, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Guillaume Savaton, Yvon Trinquet- Simulator Generation Using an Automaton Based Pipeline Model for TimingAnalysis - International Multiconference on Computer Science and InformationTechnology, October 2008, Poland.• Roman Bourgade, Clément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Christine Rochange, PascalSainrat - Accurate analysis of memory latencies for WCET estimation - InternationalConference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2008), Rennes,October 2008.• Marianne de Michiel, Armelle Bonenfant, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat - Staticloop bound analysis of C programs based on flow analysis and abstract interpretationIEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systemsand Applications (RTCSA 2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 2008.• Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut - Predictable code and data paging for real-time systems- 20th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Prague, Czech Republic,July 2008.◗ Experimentations:Use of the technologies on an automotive application.CONTACTPascal SAINRATIRIT - UNIVERSITE PAULSABATIER+33 (0)5 61 55 84 25sainrat@irit.frPARTNERSLarge companies:FREESCALE, RENAULTSMEs:GEENSYSResearch institutes, universities:IEF, IRCCYN, IRISA/INRIA, IRIT,LAASPROJECT DATACoordinator:IRITCall:ANR - 2005Start date:January 2006Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.4Automotive & Transports WG35

Software tools and MethodsMEMVATEXModeling Methods for Validation& requirements TraçabilityCOMPLETEDPROJECTDefinition of a methodology for the modeling and the validation of requirements trougha <strong>des</strong>ign flow for embedded real-time systems. This <strong>des</strong>ign flow guaranty the fulltraceability and the validation of requirements from their initial request down to theirimplementation. A special focus is put on non-functionnal requirements, like timingrequirements.Project WebSite : www.memvatex.orgCONTACTArnaud ALBINETCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE+33 (0)5 61 19 73 30arnaud.albinet@continentalcorporation.comPROJECT RESULTS◗ Technologies:• A metamodel for requirements modeling,validation and traceability.• An implementation of the RequirementMeta-model as a specific UML-profile inArtisan Studio toolsuite.• The implementation in Artisan Studio toolsuiteof the MARTE profile.• A methodology under Eclipse-EPF for the expression and the modeling of requirementswhich integrates the standards EAST-ADL2, MARTE and RIF.◗ Publications:• RTCSA 2007 Multiform Time in UML for Real-time Embedded Applications.• SIES 2007 A multiform time approach to real-time system modeling. Applicationto an automotive system.• ECMDA 07 Model-based methodology for requirements traceability in embeddedsystems.•MCSE07 A Requirement-based Methodology for Automotive Software Development• ERTS08 The MeMVaTEx methodology: from requirements to models in automotiveapplication <strong>des</strong>ign.• ACESmb 08 From high-level modelling of time in MARTE to realtime schedulinganalysis.• ISORC09 Marte CCSL to execute East-ADL Timing Requirements.◗ Experimentations:A demonstrator of the methodology on an automotive case study based on ARTiSANStudio toolsuite and Rectify.• Job creation: 4 CDD.PARTNERSLarge companies:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVESMEs:SHERPA ENGINEERINGResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA, UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVECall:ANRStart date:January 2005Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.1Funding (M2):136Automotive & Transports WG

Software tools and MethodsFrom System Modelingto S/W running on the VehicleCOMPLETEDPROJECTDigital mock-up (DMU) has been the automotive industry best practice that for manyyears has enabled many engineers from different disciplines to collaborate in the virtualworld to define future real products better.However, until now this has been static – i.e. it did not take much account of productbehaviour. In particular, the dynamic behaviour of embedded systems and software wasneither managed nor simulated in DMU.The purpose of MODELISAR has been to introduce Functional Mock-Up (FMU), a nextgeneration of methods, standards and tools to support collaborative <strong>des</strong>ign, simulationand test of systems and embedded software.The objectives of MODELISAR were threefold to:◗ Enable concurrent <strong>des</strong>ign of embedded systems and software, leveraging state-ofthe-arttechnologies:• the open Modelica language for component-oriented systems modelling and simulation;and• the AUTOSAR standard for automotive embedded software.◗ Define advanced runtime interoperability interfaces to enable open co-simulation betweenvirtual product models, especially in Modelica, and the executable embeddedsoftware, with various configurations.◗ Deliver a smooth, traceable and integrated process for embedded systems and softwareacross the product life, based on Dassault Systèmes V6 Product Life Management(PLM).PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ A new standard has been defined: FMI(Functional Mock-up Interface) to enableFMI based co-simulation between variousmodeling, simulation tools and generatedembedded software, including ModelsExchange and simulation data managementaspects.◗ The support of FMI by >10 leading markettools, especially for Modelica and AUTOSAR,but also for other technologies and modellinglangages has been demonstrated.◗ More than 20 automative use cases havedemonstrated the capability of FMI basedsystem engineering activites for efficientlysupporting modelling systems for embedded SW, simulation, code generation, systemsintegration, test, business data management and enterprise project workflow with PLM.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:More than 100 communication actions including events participation, articles, papers,tutorails, community site, and web site.◗ Patents:FMI will be supported by a trademark through a defined and agreed organization.◗ Product(s) or service(s):34 tools of different domains (from 20 compagnies) declare they (will) implement theFMI standard. Already > 50% implementation exist.CONTACTFrançois BICHETDASSAULT SYSTEMES+33 (0)1 61 62 44 30francois.bichet@3ds.comPatrick CHOMBARTDASSAULT SYSTEMES+33 (0)1 61 62 74 63patrick.chombart@3ds.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALTRAN, AVL, DAIMLER,DASSAULT SYSTEMES,VOLKSWAGEN, VOLVO TECIntermediate size enterprises:ATEGO SYSTEMS, LMS INTLSMEs:ATB, DAVID, DS AB, GEENSOFT,INSPIRE, ITI, LMS IMAGINE,QTRONIC, SIMPACK, TRIALOG,TRIPHASE, TWT, VERHAERTResearch institutes, universities:AIT, ARMINES, DLR,FRAUNHOFER IIS EAS,FRAUNHOFER FIRST,FRAUNHOFER SCAI,IFP ENERGIES NOUVELLES,UNIVERSITY OF HALLEPROJECT DATACoordinator:DASSAULT SYSTEMESCall:ITEA2Start date:July 2008Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):28Funding (M2):NAAutomotive & Transports WG37

Electronics ArchitectureNEXTSTEPNext Solution for Thermaland Electrified PowertrainON GOINGPROJECTIn a context where by 2014 new vehicle will more environment friendly, fuel efficientand safer, NextSTEP project aims at developping a complete electronic solution andits associated embedded software dedicated to the control of new generation of lowemission and energy efficient powertrain. The outcomes of the project target the highelectrified internal combustion engine up to plug-in full hybrid powertrain systems.OLEA microcontroler developped within the project will bring innovative solutionsto engine energy efficiency, electronics systems increasing complexity and in-vehicleextension of the networking. OLEA features unique breakthrough technologies thatenable energy saving flexible hardwired powertrain control, multi-core based systemintegrity and deterministic Ethernet communication.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSNextSTEP will brings innovative solutions in three main directions:◗ Improvement in powertrain control efficiency at microcontroler level◗ Functional safety in real-time and multicore environment without compromise on performances◗ Simplification of in-vehicle network by use of Ethernet and time triggered / deterministicprotocol.CONTACTDavid FRESNEAUSCALEO CHIP+33 (0)4 97 15 20 00david.fresneau@scaleochip.comPARTNERSLarge companies:DELPHI AUTOMOTIVESMEs:MENTA, SCALEO CHIPResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IFP ENERGIESNOUVELLESSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ OLEA microcontroler solution.◗ Plug-in full hybrid demonstration vehicle embedding three OLEA based ECUs.◗ Mesurable and demonstrable benefits.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SCALEO CHIPCo-label:CAP ENERGIESCall:OSEOStart date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):18.1Funding (M2):6.738Automotive & Transports WG

Software tools and MethodsO4A2Open 4 Autosar Phase IICOMPLETEDPROJECTProposed a set of methods, tools and technologies that respect Autosar objectives andneeds for automotive ECU: Safety with the new standard ISO2626-2, independenceregarding hardware platform, ease application <strong>des</strong>ign and validationPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Provide a re-use low level solution Autosar and ISO2626-2 compliant.◗ Allow industrial to increasetheir productivity when theychange of hardware platformby providing a smartconfiguration.◗ Work on RTE middleware(Run-Time Environment), inorder to warrant a betterflexibility for the applicationintegration on low level platforms,and better performances.◗ Integrate PharOS technologyon Autosar Architecture.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Jean-Luc Béchennec, Mikaël Briday, Sébastien Faucou, Pierre Molinaro and YvonTrinquet. Trampoline : un support pour le développement d'applications temps réel,15 e Colloque National de la Recherche en IUT (CNRIUT'09), juin 2009, Lille, France.• Jean-Luc Béchennec, Sébastien Faucou.Trampoline: an open platform for (small)embedded systems based on OSEK/VDX and AUTOSAR, 10th Libre Software Meeting(LSM'09), juillet 2009, Nantes, France.• Khaled Chaaban, Sébastien Saudrais, Patrick Leserf, “Applying Holistic DistributedScheduling to AUTOSAR Methodology”. 5th international conference on EmbeddedReal-Rime Software and Systems (ERTS2). 19-21 may 2010, Toulouse, France.• S. Saudrais and K. Chaaban, "Automatic Relocation of AUTOSAR Componentsamong Several ECUs", To appear in proceedings of 14th International ACM SIG-SOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE-2011), June21th - 23th, 2011, in Boulder, Colorado, USA.• Chaaban K., Leserf P., Steer-by-wire development using AUTOSAR methodology,IEEE ETFA 09, 22-26 septembre 2009, Palma de Mallorca, Espagne.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• For See4sysNew Autosar Plateform provider with associated custmer service for customer. 10%of turn over come from AUTOSAR.• For Kerevalq- Certification de conformité AUTOSAR pour BSW.- Accréditation ISO 17025 – Organisme de certification AUTOSAR Juin 2011.◗ Job creation:• SEE4SYS: today, thanks to O4APHS2 and PETRA, 25 people are working on Autosar.• KEREVAL : 6 people around conformity test activity.◗ Business creation:The See4sys 3.1 plateform is currently used in many PSA department.CONTACTJean-Sébastien BERTHYSEE4SYS+33 (0)2 53 46 00 70js.berthy@see4sys.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AUTOLIV, DELPHI, PSAPEUGEOT CITROËNSMEs:KEREVAL, SEE4SYSResearch institutes, universities:CEA, ESEO, ESTACA, IRCCYNPROJECT DATACoordinator:SEE4SYSCo-label:ID4CARCall:FUIStart date:April 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.2Funding (M2):2.1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EDONA, PETRAAutomotive & Transports WG39

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionODIAACOdométrie Intégrée pour <strong>des</strong>Applications d'Aide à la Conduiteen milieu urbainCOMPLETEDPROJECTVehicle geo-location is essential to several automotive safety applications:◗ Assistance summoning and accident location warning;◗ Driver notification of visible or non-visible hazards (hidden vehicles at crossroads,sensitive area approach, speed limitation).Geo-location sensors capabilities such as GPS present some drawbacks in urban areawhich cause major variation to location accuracy or even losses of continuity of service.ODIAAC project has proven that an integrated camera can be used as a complementto GPS based geo-location systems.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTNowadays vehicle geolocation systems (GPS receiver mainly) have shown their ability tomeet the geolocation need only due to driver control on the vehicle. In case of AdvancedDriving Assistance Systems, as specified byautomobile industry, new criteria have to be met:◗ cost / accuracy compromise: next generationsatellite-based solutions accuracy should beof a meter. This accuracy is only theorical andhide issues of signal occultation (in tunnels)or multipaths (reflection of signals on buildings).Use of differential correction can improveaccuracy but has the drawback to needan expensive network of reference stations(user cost on priced subscription);◗ measure integrity: for a fully satisfying safetydevice for geolocation, the positioning systemhas to provide quality of service which resultsto a confidence indicator on measure. Thisconfidence is not fully assured by GPS systems;◗ continuity of service: geolocation has to be providedanytime in which satellite technologiesare ineffective due to occultations. It is thennecessary to propose an alternative to keep onlocalizing the vehicle during GPS losses.ODIAAC is a hybrid geolocation prototype of lowcoston-vehicle sensors (GPS, odometer, camera), which provi<strong>des</strong> on-demand accurateposition together with.integrity indicator.CONTACTFrançois GASPARDCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 46 84francois.gaspard@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULTSMEs:DOTMOBILResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, LASMEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:May 2007Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.7MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Patents: 1◗ Publications:5 publications including 3 international.◗ Experimentations:Realisation of an embedded demonstrator allowing quantitative evaluation of systemthanks to on the ground reality.40Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitecturePETRAPlateformes d'Exécutionde Référence AUTOSARON GOINGPROJECTDevelop a platform reference implementation consistent with AUTOSAR3.1 and 4.x andISO 26262, based on the microcontroller architecture mutli-core Leopard ST Microelectronicsand FreescaleTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Provision of a first platform for the entire sector (national manufacturersand supplierslocated in Fance) motor to accelerate the industrial exploitation of these technologiesand compliance with the standard.◗ Position technology "Power Architecture" as a world leader.◗ Provide access to all the players in the automotive sector and facilitate the deploymentof these innovative technologies to SMEs entering new (collective action DESTAR)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Consolidate the positions of SMEs and KEREVAL See4sys,◗ Initiate technology market PharOSCONTACTJean-Sébastien BERTHYSEE4SYS+33 (0)2 53 46 00 83js.berthy@see4sys.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AUTOLIV, CONTINENTAL,DELPHI, FREESCALE, JCAE, PSAPEUGEOT CITROEN, RENAULT,ST MICROELECTRONICS, VALEOSMEs:KEREVAL, SEE4SYSResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:SEE4SYSCo-label:ID4CAR, MOV’EOCall:FUI10Start date:October 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.8Funding (M2):2.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):O4AP2 - EDONAAutomotive & Transports WG41

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionRASSUR79Radar Automobile Standardisé pourla Sécurité Urbaine et Routière à 79 GHzON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of this project is to realize a feasibility study for a high definition and low costautomotive radar that will enable advanced driving assistance features and automaticemergency braking until 140 km/h. This radar will use the 77-81 Ghz bandwidth (79 Ghzband) recently allocated for high resolution automotive radar applications.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe 3 main innovations consist in:◗ Low-cost RF components compliant with the standard electronic manufaturingprocess lines used for mass-production electronic devices◗ Single front radar sensor to operate adaptive Cruise Control and emergency Brakingin Urban Conditions◗ Wide band / Wide Field of View Antenna to adress the different emergency brakingsituations with mobile & fixed targets, including cars or pe<strong>des</strong>triansSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESRASSUR79 will enable:◗ First, a significant reduction in road accidentsthanks to a high performance anticollision radarthat will equip low/mid-end cars.◗ Second, the development of RF components andradar industrial cluster, involving innovative startupsin the field of Simulation, Automatic embeddedsoftware generation and Signal Processing.CONTACTEric AMIOTVALEO (Valeo Radar System)+33 (0)6 71 71 49 53eric.amiot@valeo.comPARTNERSLarge companies:PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN, UMS,VALEOSMEs:CIVITEC, INTEMPORA, NEXYADResearch institutes, universities:IETR, XLIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:VALEOCo-label:ELLOPSYS, MOV’EOCall:FUI12Start date:November 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CO-DRIVE, ICADAC, QUASPER,SPEEDCAM42Automotive & Transports WG

Software tools and MethodsIterative Design Processfor Self-Describing Real-TimeEmbedded Software ComponentsON GOINGPROJECTDevelopment of a <strong>des</strong>ign method for self-adaptive systems that are built out of components.In order to integrate the latter into a (possibly already running) system, thecomponents need to <strong>des</strong>cribe their needs in terms of functional and non-functional requirements(self-<strong>des</strong>criptive components). Whereas the approach is domain independent,the main application area is the automotive domain (key domain of partnerFraunhofer ESK).◗ During <strong>des</strong>ign, we need to evaluate resource consumption of system parts and optimizethe estimation of overall system resource requirements.◗ During runtime, want to adapt resource allocation depending of estimated resourceconsumption and safety criteria, discover environmental changes or discover/use servicesthat appear dynamically.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe complexity of upcoming embedded systems can not be managed by traditional methods,as studied in the automotive domain, as exemplary application area. Self-adaptivesystems and self-organization paradigms are promising approaches to tackle arisingchallenges. But no suitable <strong>des</strong>ign methodology for self-adaptive systems allowing <strong>des</strong>ignand evaluation of self-adaptivebehavior exist: Today’s systems aredeveloped statically at <strong>des</strong>ign timeand lack the ability to <strong>des</strong>cribe theirstructure and status at runtime.This is inevitable information forself-adaptive systems enablingthese to identify the context andadapt adequately. This systemadaptability needs to be well defined,especially in real-time embeddedsystems which imposetiming and resource constraints onthe system behavior which must inparticular be meet during the adaptationprocess.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTAnsgar RADERMACHERCEA LIST/LISE+33 (0)1 69 08 38 12ansgar.radermacher@cea.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:CEA, FRAUNHOFER ESK,MUNICHPROJECT DATACoordinator:FRAUNHOFER - CEACall:ANRStart date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.6 (CEA)1.2 (CEA+Fraunh.)Funding (M2):0.3 (CEA)0.8 (CEA+Fraunh.)◗ The project has been presented at the PICF (Programme Inter Carnot Fraunhofer)event end of November 2009, at the <strong>Systematic</strong> workshop in December 2010 and at the3rd workshop on adaptive and reconfigurable embedded systems (APRES 2011).◗ Major use cases, a first meta-model for self-X information and an initial tool-chainsupporting self-X aware applications have been defined.Automotive & Transports WG43

Dependability ofmonitoring systemsSafety Check of Automotive Software& Hardware ArchitecturesCOMPLETEDPROJECTApplication of the ISO26262 standard on an example case of a motor control in anautomotive application. Safety and a tool associated for automotive embeddedelectronics systems. Develop and use a tool permitting to reduce the overloadintroduced by the ISO26262 standard in the automotive embedded electronics systemsprocess. Describe the electronic safety attributes from the component until thecomplete system at each step with the good safety level to be able to control it. Developand use an analysis tool to make a model of the system and his components with thefaults injection. Introduction of a TLM (Transaction Level Model) virtual component.Generate, from the tool, the associated documentation (safety booklet, …) to respectthe ISO26262 standard.CONTACTJochen LANGHEIMST MICROELECTRONICS+33 (0)1 58 077 52jochen.langheim@st.comPROJECT RESULTSThe SASHA project and the Safety SystemEngineering approach, as specified in theISO26262 standard, has helped KNOWL-EDGE INSIDE to develop and sale the followingproducts :• System Engineering Essentials(http://www.k-inside.com/web/produits-et-services/produits/pack-essentials/)• Module Safety(http://www.k-inside.com/web/produits-et-services/produits/module safety/)• Module Mechatronics (http://www.k-inside.com/web/produits-et services/produits/module-mechatronics/)Interact the arKItect tool with the business and office tools(http://www.k-inside.com/web/ressources/documentations-produits/)MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Publication and presentation of the project to the ERTS 2010.• Présentation of the project during the PREDIT-GO1 seminary on 01/12/2011.• 2 international publications of the project. (Titles of the 2 documents: "SupportingISO26262 with SysML, benefits and limits", "CO-Simulation Traces Analysis Tool(COSITA) for checking automotive HW/SW architecture properties")- Presentation of the project to the ERTS <strong>2012</strong>.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Creation of 4 products :• System Engineering Essentials : permits to the users to put in place in an easy waya System Engineering process.• Module Safety : extension of the System Engineering Essentials that permits to realizeSafety activities using functional and physical (organics) <strong>des</strong>criptions.• Module Mechatronics : extension of the System Engineering Essentials that permitsto complete models by specific elements to mecatronic systems.• Interact the arKItect tool with the business and office tools : Doors, Simulink, Aralia,X-FTA/ MS Word, MS Excel.◗ Job creation:9: 6 Permanent contracts, 3 Temporary◗ Business creation:• KNOWLEDGE INSIDE : 3 contracts in 2011 with some major companies. and 4 newcontracts are in progress to be signed.• ESG :The project permited to participate to 2 major projects in 2011 in the Safety domainwith a progression of 10% of the revenue.PARTNERSLarge companies:DELPHI, RENAULT,STMICROELECTRONICSIntermediate size enterprises:ESG FRANCESMEs:KNOWLEDGE INSIDEResearch institutes, universities:UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:STMICROELECTRONICSCo-label:MOV’EOCall:FUI8Start date:October 2009Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.4Funding (M2):1.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EDONA44Automotive & Transports WG

Electronics ArchitectureSystèmes Critiques pour l’Automobile :Robustesse <strong>des</strong> Logiciels ExécutifsTemps-réelCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main objective of the SCARLET project is to build methods and software techniques for theoptimized implementation of robustness mechanisms in multi-layered automotive software supportingfuture highly critical functions.The project will take into account automotive standards and practice such as AUTOSAR, futureISO26262 and the use of Off The Shelf Components, commercial or not.The project consists in three main work packages.◗ The first work package defines a methodology indicating the requirements, criteria and recommendationsfor the use of software robustness mechanisms.◗ The second work package aims at developing mechanisms for software robustness improvementfor open or closed (COTS) software.◗ And the third one consists in characterizing and validating the methodology and mechanisms ona demonstrator derived from a vehicle.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Requirements and industrial needs, constraints of automotive domain.• State of the art by the academics.• Fault model developed and shared.◗ Definition of the reflexive approach and experimentation going on an experimental Autosar platform.◗ Runtime environment for hard real-time constraints for automotive.First deliverable and mockup.◗ Taking into account the automotive context:• Autosar (study of mechanisms of latest specifications);• Under construction ISO 26262;• Interaction with silicon vendors: Freescale, Infineon.◗ Runtime environment real-time and robust for automotive [CEA LIST].• Dependability- Generic (application-independent mechanisms);- Reproducibility of the execution;- Automatic partitioning spatial and temporal;- Management of failure allowing the recovery of only the defective function without interferenceon the rest of the system.• Coexistence of different levels of criticality possible.• Requirements of industrials and ISO 26262 (ASIL D) addressed => Mockup made on chipS12XEP100.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:International conference• Robustness of modular multi-layered software in the automotive domain: a wrapping-basedapproach. Espagne, 22-26 Septembre 2009.• An approach for improving fault-tolerance in automotive modular embedded software. 17th InternationalConference on Real-Time Networked Systems (RTNS 2009), Paris, 26-27 Octobre 2009.• How to configure AUTOSAR OS timing protection. Paris, France, October 2009.• An analysis of the AUTOSAR OS timing protection mechanism. Spain, September 2009.• Temporal isolation for the cohabitation of applications in automotive embedded software. Valencia,Spain, April 2010.• A Spatial and Temporal Partitioning Approach for Dependable Automotive Systems. Majorque(Espagne), Septembre 2009.• Towards optimal priority assignment for probabilistic CAN-based systems. WIP session ofWFCS'2010, March 2010.• Towards optimal priority assignment for probabilistic real-time systems with variable executiontimes. Paris, October 2009.• Preliminary results for introducing dependent random variables in stochastic feasiblity analysison CAN. Dresden, May 2008.• Probabilistic real-time schedulability: from uniprocessor to multiprocessor when the executiontimes are uncertain.Doctoral Thesis• Robustness of multi-layered embedded software by reflexive approach : Automotive applicationCONTACTPhilippe QUERERENAULT+33 (0)1 76 85 63 60philippe.p.quere@renault.comPARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULT, VALEOSMEs:TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CNRS-LAAS,INRIA-LORIA, IRCCYNPROJECT DATACoordinator:RENAULTCall:ANR2006Start date:May 2007Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.7Funding (M2):1.5Automotive & Transports WG45

DiagnosisSEEDSSmart Embedded ElectronicDiagnosis SystemsCOMPLETEDPROJECTAutomotive electronic system's complexity is growing. With up to 4 km of wires, theimportance of the electrical harness in modern cars is improving. New functions (bywire systems, in wheel motors, fuel cell) in the near future will make the harness acritical function on its own.The objective of the SEEDS project is to <strong>des</strong>ign and develop an automatic diagnosis toolfor car harnesses, both for production or garage maintenance and for in-use diagnosis;able to detect - localize and characterize defects in a complex topology harness.CONTACTMarc OLIVASCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 48 83marc.olivas@cea.frPROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Cable or harness diagnosis systemfor external maintenance application(garage) applied to cars and trucks.◗ Patents:• FR 06 06531 – Procédé et dispositifd’analyse de réseaux de câblesélectriques (WO/2008/009566).• FR 08 50013 – Procédé pourl’amélioration de la précision dedétection et de localisation de défautspar réflectométrie dans unréseau électrique câblé.◗ Technologies:Cable and harness diagnosis methodbased on reflectometry, applicationto car and trucks harnesses.• Propagation models of diagnosis signals in cables.• Diagnosis theory and models: inverse scattering for defect detection and localisation,model inversion using genetic algorithm.◗ Publications:10 publications.◗ Experimentations:The external diagnosis prototype has been packaged and sent to Delphi's locationin Warwick (England) where it has been under test in real garage conditions sinceoctober 2008. During this test phase, several cars and trucks have been preparedwith various cases of harness defects. Both the project's representative and themechanics from Delphi have used the diagnosis system to find the defects and repairthem efficiently. Befor the system was available, usual time needed to repair suchharness defects could reach 2 days, now the average time is less than an hour.PARTNERSLarge companies:DELPHI, RENAULT TRUCKS,SERMA INGENIERIESMEs:MONDITECHResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CEA LIST, LGEP, INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:February 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.6SEEDS system under testSEEDS using the system46Automotive & Transports WG

Human-Machine interfacesSIFORASSImulation pour la FORmationet l'ASsistance [training Processand on Job training]ON GOINGPROJECTThis project aims to propose a set of methods, technologies and tools allowing a productivitygain, since the creation of educational contents until the assistance for the "onjob training".Indeed, the fast-growing in the sector of the transport and also in the sector of the automotivedrive to an increase of equipments technologies and new difficult constraintsof operation. All this require a high level of qualification for the staffs on the field of intervention.Needs in strong skills have to be quickly set-up, therefore new mo<strong>des</strong> oftraining have to be introduce. This new "training process" must be upstream adjustedthen completed during the operation, and finally adapt itself to the environment and tothe needs of operational staff.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ To extract as well as possible and as quickly as possible, the data from DESIGN andILS information systems for the request of technical training. (automatic process)◗ To <strong>des</strong>ign the whole architecture with "meta model" thrue an educational EngineeringWorkshop◗ To define and to support the concept ofinteractive creation of contents and educationalsessions◗ To <strong>des</strong>ign the best adapted plan according tothe different need of job (on job training), forsupport in operation and the associated qualification◗ To identify the difficulties linked to the conditionsin operation, and to propose news technologiesfor adapted means (ergonomics,usage)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESA complete process of extraction and exploitation of information system for thecreation of courses:◗ Retrieval of 3D digital model and semantics ILS (maintenance and productionprocess, Data module, and SCORM objextls)◗ A high level platform for the creation of educational content (AIP)◗ Interactive creation of scenarios and management of learning objects with the rightchoice of standards (SCORM, STEP, IMSLD ...)◗ A complete solution, supporting educational and remote qualicationCONTACTMichel FORNOSNEXTER TRAINING+33 (0)1 39 49 88 68m.fornos@nexter-group.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM, DCNS, NEXTERSYSTEMS, NEXTER TRAINING,RENAULT, SNCFSMEs:DAF CONSEIL, DELTACAD,VIRTUALYSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LSI/LVIC, ENI DE BREST,ENI DE SAINT ETIENNE,INSA RENNESPROJECT DATACoordinator:NEXTER TRAININGCo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUX, VIAMELACall:FUI 11Start date:October 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CORVETTEAutomotive & Transports WG47

Electronics Architecture /Dependability of monitoring systemsSIRSECSystème d’InformationReparti SécuritaireON GOINGPROJECTDriverless railways transport systems exhibit the growing need for information exchangewhich increases with every new generation of systems. The need of informationexchange has to be conciliated with the severe safety constraints imposed on thesesystems. Under the pressure of these constraints, system developers use almostuniquely proprietary ad hoc solutions which are reputed to be more easily certifiableagainst stakeholders' requirements than the solutions based on open standards. It isproven that the cost of acquisition and maintenance of open system is in general lowerthan the cost of proprietary solutions. SIRSEC project proposes through the developmentof Design Patterns a methodological and technological basis which allows using opensolutions and preserving the possibility of evaluation of safety with relative ease.CONTACTJean-Louis PROFZIALSTOM TRANSPORT+33 (0)4 72 81 59 60jean-louis.profizi@transport.alstom.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSIRSEC project objective is to develop process, technologies and tools for the safetyof information exchange. The safety level of these exchanges and services must becompatible with the SIL (Safety Integrated Level) required by the applications usingthese information.◗ The project aims at defining an architectural platform for data exchange for shared applicationsrespecting from SIL0 to SIL4.◗ The major constraint for the envisaged applications consists in maintaining the safetycharacteristics without sacrifying operational performance and taking in account thediversity of implementation environments. The proposed solution is based on the safetyfeatured middleware platform.◗ The industrial context of the project takes into account several constraints unachievedby todays technologies used in the railway applications. These constraints put intoconflict two main factors which determine application possession costs: the cost ofproduction and the cost of commissioning and maintenance of the solution. In clearterms, systems with high level of dependability which should be proven and certifieduse almost exclusively proprietary solutions strongly oriented towards application.The major commercial objective for the consortium members is in accessing themarket of solutions of high level of dependability. This will be achieved by the evolutionof currently proposed products with the incorporation of open standards such asCOTS and <strong>des</strong>ign models for distributed safety critical applications.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe major constraint for the envisaged applications consists in maintaining the safetycharacteristics without sacrifying operational performance, and taking into account thediversity of implementation environments. The proposed solution is based on the safetyfeatured <strong>des</strong>ign patterns of different middleware platforms.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM TRANSPORT,DASSAULT-GEENSOFT,PRIMSTECH, SERMAINGENIERIE, THALESResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IFSTTAR, IRITPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALSTOM TRANSPORTCall:FUI7Start date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.6Funding (M2):1.948Automotive & Transports WG

DiagnosisSODDASoft Defects Diagnosis in wired networksON GOINGPROJECTCables are present in many systems and their role is fundamental, from energy supplyto information transmission. However their maintenance is often neglected and nosystem for quick and accurate diagnosis does exist. Previous projects have allowed usto propose diagnosis methods and systems for complex wired networks that have proventheir very good capabilities for hard defects, and also their limitations for soft ones.SODDA will consider soft defects diagnosis with a two-step approach: first study of thedirect problem (physical modeling for the detection of soft defects using reflectometry)and then the inverse problem (reflectogram inversion to obtain the location of defects).An industrial follow-up will guide and validate the work on real cases.CONTACTFabrice AUZANNEAUCEA LIST+33 (0)16 90 89 20 70fabrice.auzanneau@cea.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe problem of cable soft defectsdiagnosis is today an open problemwhich becomes more andmore important, because harddefects (short-circuit and opencircuit) represent existing defects,meaning that their detectionis done after they appeared,and after they had consequenceson the system. A soft defect canalso be considered as the premiseof a future hard defect,which allows bringing extra information:defect forecast. The approachfollowed in the project willbe based on numerical and experimentalcharacterizations ofsoft defects signatures. To ourknowledge, this precise characterizationof soft defects doesnot exist yet. The main breakthroughsof the project relate tothe development of simulationmodules specialized in wiregeometries, the understanding ofthe signatures and the characterizationsof soft defects, thestudy of specific diagnosis methods for these defects and the study of signal processingmethods able to extract from the reflectograms the weak signatures of soft defects.PARTNERSLarge companies:SAFRAN ENGINEERINGSYSTEMS (PARTNER WITHOUTFUNDING)Research institutes, universities:ESYCOM, INRIA, LGEPSUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.4STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe results will be released through patents, conferences, PhD theses, future industrialor co-operative projects, industrial transfer. A start-up is being created to exploit theprevious results protected by a patents portfolio. It will be the privileged customer forthe project’s results. This will enable it to integrate the upstream results of SODDA inits products and acquire a decisive technological lead, in particular with regard to theonboard diagnosis.Automotive & Transports WG49

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionSPEEDCAMSpeed limit determinationusing camera and mapsON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of the project is the development of a multisensory fusion system combiningembedded frontal vision system and a Geographic Information System for thedetermination of the current speed limit. This so-called "Pre-set ACC" will be built onreal demonstrators (prototype vehicles) belonging to industrial partners.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Design and development of a single embedded camera visionsystem◗ Detection/recognition in all circumstances of all speed limitsign boards and supplementary signs◗ Development of a new multisensor data fusion algorithmcombining vision and GIS providing the speed limit and its associatedconfidence index◗ Production of "Bench tests" and number of relevant databases◗ Integration of the functionality in an equipped vehicle◗ Realization of a new ADAS systemCONTACTFawzi NASHASHIBIARMINES+33 (0)1 40 51 92 31Fawzi.Nashashibi@mines-paristech.frPARTNERSLarge companies:DAIMLER, VALEOResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES - HOCHSCHULEAALENSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Scientific and technical repercussions:• Development of new real time techniques for traffic signs recognition in all conditions;• Same approaches could be exploited for other traffic beacons;• Generic fusion approach: could be used in other driving assistance systems.◗ Societal and environmental impacts:• Accident reduction: new driving aids;• Less traffic congestion;• Pollution reduction;• Enhance transport efficiency;• Stress reduction;• Less speeding tickets due to inattent.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ARMINESCo-label:MOV'EOCall:ANRStart date:October 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.6Funding (M2):0.750Automotive & Transports WG

Dependability ofmonitoring systemsSYSPEOSYStem Proof Extended ObjectiveCOMPLETEDPROJECTSyspeo objective is to extend the usage of formal methods for the development ofmechatronic systems in the automotive industry. The ultimate goal is to enhanceproducts quality with reduced iteration in the development and validation cycle.The challenge is to deploy formal proof based on system requirements on hybridmodelsmixing discrete and continuous domains.◗ Formal monitoring of complete mechatronic models executed as black boxes.◗ Capability to use formal proof of system requirements on complete mechatronic systemsmodels.◗ Generation of scenarios for embedded software validation corresponding to discretemodel.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Modelling of a controlled chassis systemof a vehicle, using symbolic <strong>des</strong>cription techniquesof complex multibody systems, leading to a differential equations system representation.◗ Specification and implementation of algorithms to monitor simulations of modelswith respect to a formalized set of system safety properties.◗ Hybrid (discrete & continuous) model parsing, leading to an approximated set ofreachable system states.◗ Formal proof on parsed hybrid model.◗ Enrich system validation with automatic generation of scenario.◗ Formal proof methodology benchmarking, versus real system test bench validation.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• N.RAPIN, TAP’09 : Symbolic Execution based Model Checking of Open Systems with UnboundedVariables.◗ Patents:• « PROCEDE ET SYSTEME PERMETTANT DE GENERER UN DISPOSITIF DE CONTROLE A PAR-TIR DE COMPORTEMENTS REDOUTES SPECIFIES »◗ Product:• ARTiMon (run-time verifier)◗ Job creation:•1CONTACTArnaud BALMITGEREBWI France+33 (0)1 49 90 42 56arnaud.balmitgere@bwigroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BWI FRANCESMEs:WOWResearch institutes, universities:CEA-LIST, UCLPROJECT DATACoordinator:BWI FRANCECall:EUREKAStart date:September 2007Duration:30 + 12 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.4Funding (M2):1.2Automotive & Transports WG51

Human-Machine interfacesTICTACTInformation system usingan interactive tactile device“TICTact”SUSTAINABLECITIES & ICTON GOINGPROJECTTICTact (Information system using an interactive tactile interface) is part of the programVehicles for Land Transports of the works of the PREDIT 4. TICTact fits in the secondthematic axis “Efficiency of the transportation systems and increase in their quality, inparticular within the framework poductivity and service, for pe<strong>des</strong>trian informations”.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The aim of the TICTact project is to conceive a tactile interface with the developmentof a tactile language of communication and interaction, intended to offer an interactiveand continuous information service.◗ Current information systems are discontinuous, use different channels in rupture,and appeal, most often either vision or sense of hearing. These senses, which aretoo often requested, can not effectively answer to all expectations and situationsrelated to mobility.◗ TICTact will thus reduce the cognitive load and transmit guidance informations to anyperson in a situation of mobility by stimuli that will exploit the cutaneous sensitivity. Thisinterface will be bidirectional, non-intrusive, lightweight, portable, personal and customizable.After the analysis of the future users' needs, the contribution of “Virtual Reality”will help to test and validate partially the interface <strong>des</strong>ign, especially, the location onthe body and the optimal positionof the TICTact interfaceand to study its interactions.The mechanical realizationof TICTact could be donethrough the use of new technologiesof actuation and withprogress of miniaturization.Its connection with ambientinformation and communicationsystems will thus offer agreat choice of services tocustomers.The diagrams below shows thechain of informations of theTICTact project and the contributionof each partner to thevarious stages of its development.CONTACTPatrick ATTARDRATP/ING/SVM+33 (0)1 58 16 60 88patrick.attard@ratp.frPARTNERSLarge companies:RATPSMEs:CAMINEO, GOOBIEResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CEA LIST,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8 (THIM)PROJECT DATACoordinator:RATPCall:ANRStart date:November 2010Duration:32 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):1.1STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe TICTact project, now under development, is organized around eight workingpackages. The first stage consists in analyzing the users’ needs in order to feed theresearch of solutions and interface and interaction concepts. The second phase willhelp to define specifications to study and realize the tactile terminal of communication.The functionalities which the interface will have to carry will be defined under this stage.These functionalities will then come to support a stage in which will be realized theapplication that will establish the link between the information systems retained and thetactile interface. The intermediate paste-ups of the project as well as the technicaldevelopments will be then evaluated.The project will be concluded by tests on site and a phase of consolidation of the tactileinterface prototype for a possible industrialization.52Automotive & Transports WG

Digital Trust & SecurityWorking GroupJean-Pierre TUAL,WG Presidentjean-pierre.tual@gemalto.comGEMALTO“2011 has been a successful year in consolidating the portfolio of R&D projects,ensuring proper outcome of already completed projects and developingthe cooperation with several French and European clusters. The INTERREGproject “Signature”, that involves four European clusters pursued its activitiesin 2011 and will be a key tool to stimulate SMEs participating to or leading internationalcollaborative research and innovation projects.In 2011, the internationalization effort of the Technical WG has been amplified,focusing on the consolidation of these established links and also developingother available channels (e,g. EUREKA or EC program or though the activeparticipation of our members to several German-French projects selected inthe scope of the 2011 bi-lateral ANR CSOSG Call for proposal). Our membershave also been involved in several initiatives in 2011 such as the creation of aGerman-French working group on security or the national discussions initiatedby the SGDSN on the structuring of the domestic security industry ”.The challenges of this Working Group, as depicted in the new WG roadmap preparedin 2011 are to provide the methodological frameworks, components andsolutions needed (especially at ICT level) to ensure trust and security in highlycomplex environments, such as critical infrastructures (transportation, energydistribution and other vital infrastructure), decision-making centers, infrastructurefor smart-cities, complex transactional systems (e-government, e-commerce, national communication networks, payment systems), and ofcourse customer or citizen centric ICT environments"54

NEW CHALLENGESCitizens, companies, institutions, policy-makers andgovernments are facing a new set of risks (Seveso,health, natural, terrorism and cyber-terrorism, organizedcrime...) amplified by the major changes of our society:development of megacities; wi<strong>des</strong>preade-commerce and e-government, globalization of tradeand services, generalization of user and data mobility.These risks are related to:◗ The concentration and mobility of large groups of peoplein sensitive areas (public places, railway stations,airports): as a matter of example, 3 billion passengerstransit annually in the 30 largest airports in the world◗ The growing dependence of our society in Informationand Communications technologies (ICT), that are playingan increasing role in almost all areas of practicallife (health and wellbeing, commerce, citizenship, industry,transportation, trade, finance...)◗ The globalization of electronic transactions (trade, finance,etc...) in an ever increasing complex, ubiquitousand virtualized ICT environment, hencevulnerable to massive fraud or cyber risks and inwhich it becomes always more challenging to createand maintain trust and confidence among the variousstakeholder◗ The raising concerns of users, citizens and organizationsin front of possible privacy flaws in the managementof their personal or critical data by externalsystems. The development of new concepts such asmobility or cloud-computing is especially creatingnew concerns in this areaThe above mentioned security risks cannot be treatedwithout significant innovations or breakthroughs in bothSW technology, methodological framework, architectureand components, demonstrating the final ability to ensurea trustworthy management of the large complexsystems addressed in the Working Group. They mustalso address some critical social or societal challengessuch as privacy by <strong>des</strong>ign, impact of new technologieson organizational or educational processes, e-inclusionand children/minor protection.THE DIGITAL TRUST & SECURITY WORKING GROUPWITHIN SYSTEMATIC◗ R&D Financed Projects: 67◗ Partners: 151 including:◗ 81 SMEs◗ 6 ETIs◗ 41 Large companies◗ 23 Research institutes and universities◗ Total investment: 288 M2The Digital Trust & Security Working Group is positionedon five technology areas, called “Development Axes”:◗ Critical infrastructure protection◗ Trusted infrastructure for smart-cities◗ Digital trust for the citizen◗ Trust and transactional security in large systems,fraud management◗ Common technologies for multi-risk management,resilience, human and societal issuesJean-Louis SZABO,WG Vice-Presidentjean-louis.szabo@cea.frCEAJohan D’HOSE,Representative of Permanent Secretariatj.dhose@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICSteering Committee MembersALCATEL-LUCENT Bertrand MARQUET bertrand.marquet@alcatel-lucent.frCEA SACLAY Jean-Louis SZABO jean-louis.szabo@cea.frDEVERYWARE Stephane SCHMOLL stephane.schmoll@deveryware.comEADS INNOVATION WORKS Louis GRANBOULAN louis.granboulan@eads.netEOLANE Laurent BARATIER laurent.baratier@eolane.comEVIDIAN Thierry WINTER thierry.winter@evidian.comFRANCE TELECOM ORANGE Thierry BARITAUD thierry.baritaud@orange-ftgroup.comGEMALTO Jean-Pierre TUAL jean-pierre.tual@gemalto.comGENIGRAPH Didier PLAS dplas@genigraph.frINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Brigitte DUEME brigitte.dueme@inria.frINSTITUT TELECOM Hervé DEBAR herve.debar@telecom-sudparis.euMORPHO Samuel Vinson samuel.vinson@morpho.comTHALES Daniel PAYS daniel.pays@thalesgroup.comDigital Trust & Security WG55

Critical Infrastructure protectionElectro-assisted diamond based detectorsfor actini<strong>des</strong> spectrometry in aqueous solutionON GOINGPROJECTIn the ActiFind project, we propose to realize a novel sensor platform to probe theactivity of trace levels of actinide contaminants in water. So far, no system exists that isenabling the measurement of radioactive water in a portable, easy to handle systemthat can be established for early stage detection of “nuclear attacks” as well as forpermanent water quality monitoring.The technique will allow saving substantial timeduring the analytical process by combining within one single device the followingfunctionalities; water-pre-cleaning fluidic system to up-grate the liquid forcharacterization; electro-precipitating cathode used to accumulate actini<strong>des</strong> ions assolid hydroxi<strong>des</strong> onto an immersed detector for alpha radioactivity monitoring; postmeasurementcleaning of the sensor (“set-back”) for multiple detection applications.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSOur approach is unique and applies for the first time electro-precipitation as initial step(see for example, J. de Sanoit, M. Pomorski et C. Mer., Détecteur alpha électrochimiquementassisté pour la mesure nucléaire en milieu liquide et procédé associé. FrenchPatent # 1058150, 7th October 2010).The ActiFind project will aim at optimization of devices and to tune required technologieswith respect to market requirements.◗ Diamond electro<strong>des</strong> will be deposited on large area wafers (typically 6“ in diameter)after the processing of alpha-particle detectors.◗ The counter and reference electro<strong>des</strong> will be integrated into the sensor surface, toallow easy and reproducible detection.◗ To make these sensors reliable, the electro<strong>des</strong> will be contacted from the back-sideusing the Bosch etching process in combination with metallization.◗ The sensor will be mounted on a glass substrate to be placed in the fluidic system fordetection.◗ The fluidic system will be applied tohandle the liquid that is to be analyzedand if necessary pre-clean apart of or the whole sample.◗ A post-measurement electrodecleaning will be applied to “setback”the sensor to detection cycleswhich is required for long term applications.CONTACTJacques DE SANOITCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 86 75jacques.<strong>des</strong>anoit@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:CANBERRA FRANCEResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IRSNPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:April <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe system has been so far demonstrated experimentally in our laboratory. In thisresearch project, we intend to miniaturize and to combine the detection-elements intoa technologically developed sensor system for commercial applications. Thispreliminary sensor from CEA-LIST was developed on an internal CEA budget for tracedetection in waste waters.56Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionADMIN PROXYCertified security software projectfor identity and access management,users strong authentication, passwordmanagement and traceabilityON GOINGPROJECTThe goals of the AdminProxy project are:◗ To provide a centralized network access control mechanism to IT resources allowingfor an SSO capability, meaning that with the same password the user can launch differentservices requiring distinct credentials.◗ To develop the architecture along with the proxies for some selected protocols includingssh, telnet, rdp, and https.◗ To provide auditing, analysis, reporting, and tracing services on top of the architectureenabling a transparent access control.◗ networking experience for the user.◗ To evaluate and certify the resulting core architecture.◗ To test and experiment the resulting prototype.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe delivered system will:◗ Provide application relaying and access control mechanism based on user strongauthentication and entitlements (ACL).◗ Provide powerful traceability features through advanced logging and recording mechanisms.◗ Guarantee a high level of robustness and availability through the clustering features.◗ Guarantee security of target resources' information through signature and encryptionmechanisms.◗ Deliver and certify a core engine that will be released as an open source software.◗ Guarantee ease of deployment and user friendliness with an appliance driven througha web interface.CONTACTJean-Noël de GALZAINWALLIX+33 (0)1 53 42 12 90jndegalzain@wallix.comPARTNERSSMEs:ALTER WAY, MANDRIVA,OPPIDA, UNIVERSAL FLOWER,WALLIXPROJECT DATACoordinator:WALLIXCall:FUIStart date:January 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESProduct requirements definition is over, as well as some "user stories"following the Scrum methodology.• The "security target" is being edited; it will define the specific components that willbe certified according to Common Criteria.• Project has entered its main architecture <strong>des</strong>ign phase with core engine and firstproxies.Digital Trust & Security WG57

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionADS+An Open & Standard POI Architecturefor Secure ServicesON GOINGPROJECT◗ ADS+ is an innovative project of 10.000 man/days labelled by the French CompetitivenessClusters: TES and <strong>Systematic</strong> with the support of PICOM.◗ ADS+ is lead by a Consortium of 13 companies and research laboratories. It startedin March 2010 following the APP FUI9 call of the French governmental framework tosponsor innovation.◗ Its main goals are to <strong>des</strong>ign and validate an open and standard architecture for IPPOI (Point of Interaction) with a thin client approach.◗ The main deliveries of ADS+ are:• State of the art survey (payment, loyalty, POI managment).• List of requirements (functional, security, performance, economic, ...).• ADS+ architecture specification.• Use cases global <strong>des</strong>ign.• ADS+ component interfaces detailed specification, including the protocol betweenPOI's client and server.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Strong authentication for hardware Internet components: We <strong>des</strong>ign TLS based VPNwith low-cost PUF (Physically Unclonable Function) for POI device as an alternativeto legacy X509 certificate solution. We <strong>des</strong>ign and develop an ad'hoc protocol, basedon Diffie-Hellman and Schnorr protocols to optimize the message exchanges andlimit credential storage inside POI terminal. By doing so, the POI no longer storeskeys and thus the only sensitive component is the PUF (thatcan not be cloned).◗ Security formal proof about some critical source code with engineportage from C to Javacard◗ Design of an open architecture with Infrastructure service incharge of remote component authentication (PUF), service accesscontrol (based on merchant contract), client setup, secure softwarecomponent download & update & global monitoring◗ Services Oriented Architecture: M2M approach, mixing of criticalservices (with command control and no break of the application& no-critical services, open services (legacy navigation). Orchestration ofseveral conditional services is included, based on BPEL/BPMN approach.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project is structured in Work Packages (WP). WP1 (state of the art & globalspecification) is completed and some delivery items are available. The WP2 (detailedspecification) and WP3 (hardware & software component development) are alsofinalized. The following WP4 (component integration) and WP5 (experimentation &demonstrators) are in progress in parallel of WP6 (global communication anddissemination). A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with EPAS.org toendorse, publish and standardize the ADS+ protocol and agreements with partners forthe “live” pilot and demonstrators, such as Credit Agricole Normandie or the City ofValognes and its Merchants Association, have been validated as well.CONTACTJean Claude BARBEZANGEATOS WORLDLINE+33 (0)2 54 44 72 58jean-claude.barbezange@atos.netPARTNERSLarge companies:ATOS WORLDLINE, CEVGROUPE CHEQUE DEJEUNER,GEMALTO, GROUPEMENTDES CARTES BANCAIRESIntermediate size enterprises:GALITTSMEs:ELITT, MERCURYTECHNOLOGIES, SIMULITY,XIRINGResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, ENSI CAEN,HEI LILLEPROJECT DATACoordinator:ATOS WORLDLINECo-label:TESCall:FUI 9Start date:March 2010Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.1Funding (M2):2.158Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionASPICAide par la Simulation à la Protection<strong>des</strong> Infrastructures CritiquesCOMPLETEDPROJECT◗ The goal of the ASPIC project is to develop the demonstrator of a help tool for thepositioning and deployment of sensors in order to optimize the protection of criticalinfrastructure (airport, railway station, subway) in front of CBRN and fire threats.◗ This tool allows to locate sensors in a 3D virtual site, to check their threat coverage andtheir response to simulated chemical or fire threats. This demonstrator implementsas well a human behaviour module that allows to estimate the human damages dueto a threat according to various scenarios.CONTACTLaurens DUDRAGNETHALES SECURITY SOLUTIONS& SERVICES+33 (0)1 73 32 21 44laurens.dudragne@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Help tool to <strong>des</strong>ign a detectionsystem to mitigate CBRNimpact.◗ Assessment of the CBRN impacton human being andcountermeasures evaluationMAJOR PROJECTOUTCOMES◗ Products:The application allows the<strong>des</strong>ign of a detection system(number of sensors, location,time to detect). According tothe deployed sensor networkand alert detection time calculatedfor a given threat, thesimulation allows:• To assess CBRN impact onhuman being.• To verify the countermeasuresefficiency (air extraction,evacuation order).From a technical point of view, thanks to this first version of simulation tool we wereable to:- 1 Determine the calculation power needed for a realistic simulation;- 2 Verify the relevance of the models and the required level of exactness;- 3 Verify the relevance of the simulation of human behaviors;- 4 Estimate the ergonomics necessary for the tool in case of non-specialist end-user.For site safety/security purpose, this tool allows a sensitization of critical sitesmanager in front of fire or CBRN events with the display of the threat propagationwithin their infrastructure, the contaminated zones, the human impact.This tool can also bring help to the drafting of intervention procedures, particularlywith the ability to simulate a crowd.PARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, THALESIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:PARALLEL GEOMETRYResearch institutes, universities:INERISPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES SECURITY SOLUTIONS& SERVICESCall:ANRStart date:February 2007Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.8Digital Trust & Security WG59

Critical Infrastructure protectionBroadcast Encryptionfor Secure TelecommunicationsON GOINGPROJECTIn this project, we address the problem of securely and efficiently broadcasting digitalcontents from a service center to a large group of users over an insecure channel in asecure way. Protocols which adress this issue are Broadcast Encryption Scheme. Thisproblem is at the core of Pay-TV systems, on-demand video broadcast (VOD), mobile TV,wireless networks, military radio communications, positioning systems (GPS, Galileo).Our aim is to <strong>des</strong>ign new protocols which enables to send information to a dynamicsubset of receivers for a minimal cost (in terms of computational time, bandwith, memory).Two prototypes are to be realized to measure the increase of performance inducedby the new protocols:• one prototype under Pay-TV constraints;• one prototype under geolocalization constraints.wiki:http://crypto.di.ens.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe expected benefits arising from BEST are numerous:◗ Thwart piracy: deploying the new systems will result in asubstantial cut of financiallosses due to piracy;◗ solve the low bandwith issue: The transmission rate and traffic key refreshment wouldgrow linearly with the gain provided by replacing the currently implemented solutionswith the new broadcast encryption protocols;◗ enhances the quality of service and extends the capabilities supported by the service;◗ scientific progress: the aim is to extend beyond the state of the art;◗ provable security: security proofs constitute a scientific, convincing evidence that agiven security level is realized.CONTACTRenaud DUBOISTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 22 96renaud.dubois@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONSIntermediate size enterprises:NAGRA FRANCESMEs:CRYPTOEXPERTSResearch institutes, universities:CASCADE (ENS), UNIVERSITEPARIS 8PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):0.9STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe two prototypes have been developed. The aim is now to improve the currentprotocols and integrate them. Results have been obtained: a new protocol has beendefined and patented ("Procédé et système d'accès conditionnel à un contenunumérique, terminal et dispositif d'abonné associés"), and three publications onsecurity notions and algorithmic tools been accepted: at ACNS 2011, AfricaCrypt‘11 andProvsec’11. Seven more articles and one patent are under submission.60Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionBINGOTechnological bricksfor Gamma Neutron ImagingCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe project aims to develop technological building blocks of neutron detectionequipment such as a new photomultiplier, a new Gamma detector based on LaBr3christal, a compact electronic for acquisition and images computation, a software ableto merge video, X-ray and neutron images. The different regulations on nuclearactivities are studied at french, european, and north american level in order to <strong>des</strong>igna compliant equipment. The final equipment allows detection of illicit or dangerousmaterials such as Explosive, Chemical, Radiological and Drugs in an unattended lugageor suspicious package. Portable, it will be used by bomb squad or Police in airports,stations, or in open spaces. The final product will include a neutron generator, a X-raysemitter and gamma and neutron detectors and also a flat panel to mesure X-ray.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTBingo’s deal was to get out from the laboratory the neutron analysis with associated particletechnology, which the ability to detect dangerous materials has already been demonstrated.The benefits for this project were:◗ The characterization of unknown gamma detector in neutronenvironment The development of a new miniaturizedelectronics board with very good performances allowinga global weight reduction of 16 kg for the equipment;◗ The availability of a critical component for this technology(a multi anode photomultiplier) has been increased;◗ The imaging software with fusion of data has been presentedto potential users in order to consider all theiroperational constraints;◗ The sanitary study has concluded to a negligible impactregarding nuclear activation of the inspected objet.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:A new product is born named ULIS for “Unattended Luggage Inspection System”. Thepromotion of this equipment has just started and the customer interest (bomb squad,police or security officer) is excellent in different location of the world. It is inducing informationrequest, demonstration, trials to assess performance and usability of themachine in real conditions. The first prototype produced during 2009 is presented tothe end-users involved in Bingo’s project in order to check different functionality andoperational usability. Second equipment will be produced by the end of 2010.◗ Patents:Not directly link to Bingo but in relation with ULIS.◗ Experimentations:A confidential trial based on explosive detection was conducted abroad last year withlocal administration. The very good results obtain by ULIS open the door of new collaborations,new investments in science and technology to add innovative functionsas drug detection in collaboration with coast guards and customs or sensor integrationon Robot. Four demonstrations were organized in France and abroad.◗ Business creation:Sale network and distribution are studied, EADS-SODERN has a lot of choice and willtake time to select partners. Other information regarding business are sensitive andcannot be delivered.CONTACTKarim SOUDANISODERN+33 (0)1 45 95 71 30karim.soudani@sodern.frPARTNERSLarge companies:PHOTONIS, SODERNSMEs:REFLEX CESResearch institutes, universities:CNRS-LIMSI, IRSNPROJECT DATACoordinator:SODERNCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.4Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SIC, MOBISICDigital Trust & Security WG61

Critical Infrastructure protectionBMOSBiometric Matching On SmartcardON GOINGPROJECTBiometric authentication systems are based on comparison of a stored biometrictemplate with a fresh one. To increase the security of the authentication and theprotection of personal data, the Match-On-Card (MOC) paradigm has been introduced.This consists on executing the comparison directly within a smartcard. Existing MOCsolutions have the following problems: the trade-off between execution time andbiometric error rates is not very good. And adding a security layer, as this is made forcryptographic operations, is hard. In BMOS project, we aim to improve the currentsituation by <strong>des</strong>igning a hardware implementation enabling a fast and efficientmatching, with good biometric performance, while offering the protection of personalbiometric data thanks to a matching operation with integrated countermeasuresagainst side channel attacks.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSBMOS project can be overviewed through three big steps:◗ Analysing and <strong>des</strong>igning a hardware architecture enabling the acceleration of a fingerprintmatching with a low level of complexity and great biometric performances;◗ Securing the implementation to achieve a high level of protection of personal data;◗ Validating the effective security by internal evaluation.With their respective expertise in, biometrics, smartcard software security, embeddedsoftware security, electronic circuits countermeasures, the partners will contribute tohandle the following technical and scientific problems: vulnerabilities evaluation of MOCagainst side channel and fault injection attacks; scientific research of needed countermeasures; <strong>des</strong>ign and implementation of an architecture with low complexity fitting tosmartcard constraints while offeringhigh biometric performances and lowexecution time.Security of hardware implementations istoday mainly focused on cryptographicoperations and only a few on biometricones. Therefore, beneficial effects ofBMOS project could be on a scientificside as on an economic side. The goal isto create a technological breakthroughthat could be exploited in a short term: aMOC technology, which would be efficientand ensuring protection of personaldata.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESMain outcomes planned are:◗ Description of an algorithm for accurate fingerprint comparison that is interoperablewith existing systems and adapted to an hardware implementation;◗ FPGA prototype ensuring good performances (biometric errors and execution time);◗ FPGA prototype ensuring in addition the security during the execution;◗ Validation of the effectiveness of the security and the personal data protection by internalevaluations.The 1st point has been achieved during Y1. Partners are currently working mainly on thethree remaining points.CONTACTJulien BRINGERMORPHO+33 (0)1 58 11 38 96julien.bringer@morpho.comPARTNERSLarge companies:MORPHOSMEs:SECURE-ICResearch institutes, universities:This project is partially conductedwithin identity & security alliance(the morpho and telecom paristechresearch center)TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:MORPHOCo-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUXCall:ANRStart date:November 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.662Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionCEECCertification d’Environnementsd’Exécution de ConfianceON GOINGPROJECTCEEC is developing a new software development methodology that will accelerate thecertification of software products that require very high levels of security.During this project, the partners intend to create a new software developmentenvironment, based on Prove & Run innovative technology, that will include a fullyproven generation and compilation toolchain. By integrating security concerns withinthe development process of critical systems, this environment will enable thedevelopment of quality software with guaranteed security properties and will reducethe cost of high-level evaluations and certifications, such as the ones following theCommon Criteria methodology.CONTACTDavid GARNIERPROVE & RUN+33 (0)1 75 77 55 55david.garnier@provenrun.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe goal of this project is to enable the following workflow and to validate that it doesreduces the Time-To-Market of sensitive software components:◗ The conception language <strong>des</strong>igned by Prove & Run enables developers to specify theactual behavior of a program but also the security properties it must respect.◗ The development environnement <strong>des</strong>igned by Prove & Run can formally verify such aprogram and translate it into C source code.◗ Thanks to CompCert, a formally-verified C compiler that will be upgraded to targetARM platforms, this source code is compiled into a trustworthy executable binary.◗ Connections between the Prove & Run IDE and the SCADE environment allows thesecurity concerns of the avionics domain to be taken into account at the model level◗ At every step of this transformation process, this toolchain generates the evidencesrequired by the Common Criteria methodology for high levels evaluation.PARTNERSSMEs:ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES,PROVE & RUN, TRUSTED LABSResearch institutes, universities:INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:PROVE & RUNCall:BGLEStart date:February <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1.4STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESIn order to demonstrate its flexibilty, the toolchain supporting this new methodologywill be applied to two representative examples drawn from the following environments:◗ Trusted execution environments for smartphones;◗ Commercial avionics.The results of this projects will be dissiminated through conferences and other meansof communication.Digital Trust & Security WG63

Critical Infrastructure protectionCOherent quantum Cascade laser Arrayfor high SEnsitivity gas detectionON GOINGPROJECTThis project aims at improving the detection sensitivity of explosives and theirprecursors using photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). To this end, we propose to developa new and innovative approach for increasing the power of quantum cascade lasers(QCL) based on the realisation of coherent QCL micro-stripe arrays. Such QCL arrayswill be used as gain medium inside an external cavity (EC) taking into account thespecificity of the source to produce a widely tuneable Mid Infra-Red (MIR) source (EC-QCL) for PAS system. Increasing the QCL source power is also of critical importance forother strategic defense applications, according to the DGA POS, including remotesensingof explosives or Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) and Directional InfraRedCountermeasure (DIRCM).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main objectives to be achieved by the COCASE project are:◗ Design and fabrication of coherent QCL micro-stripe arrays with output power above1W (WPE of 10%) for a wavelength selected around 8 µm for the purpose of high-sensitivitydetection of acetone;◗ Design and fabrication of a compact external cavity to extend the usable wavelengthrange to 200 cm1;◗ Implementation of the QCL array and the EC in a compact easy-to use-PAS set-up;◗ Demonstration of a detection limit of acetone = 3 ppb using the improved PAS system.Beyond these specific objectives, several spin offs are expected for both civil (multigas sensing, complex molecule detection,…) and military (remote sensing of explosivesand CWA, DIRCM…) applications. To achieve the COCASE objectives, technicalworks have to be performed in three areas: high-power QCL µ-stripe array, compactExternal Cavity and photo-acoustic spectroscopy assessment.CONTACTMathieu CARRASIII-V LAB+33 (0)1 69 41 57 57mathieu.carras@3-5lab.frPARTNERSSMEs:III-V LABResearch institutes, universities:GSMAPROJECT DATACoordinator:III-V LABCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.3STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Innovation n°1: a high power coherent QCL μ-stripe array.◗ Innovation n°2: a compact high power EC-QCL: The second innovation of the projectis the realization of an external cavity based on a coherent quantum cascade laserarray used as a gain medium.64Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionCOP DRONECoordination et commanded'une plate-forme de dronesON GOINGPROJECTThese last years, miniUAVs arouse great interest for many applications, especially in thefield of civil security, major advances have been made. However, there are still areas forimprovement. This is the objective of COP-DRONE, for wider dissemination of such asystem.◗ Users are nor experts in robotics, the ideal tool would be a "mobile sensor" in whichorders are given in a high-level of abstraction. Several levels of intuitive controls arepossible, from the simple tele-operated mode to an autonomous navigation mode.◗ The flight duration of a miniUAV is short and inconsistent with the requirments ofmissions that could be entrusted.Two technologies are studied in the project COP-DRONE: fixed wings UAVs and rotarywings (helicopter and quadri-rotors) UAVs.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe technical objective of the project is to improve the autonomy of the miniUAV in termof navigation and localization and to provide the user with high level commands tooperate the flying robot. Dedicated monitoring sensors, including Global PositionningSystem (GPS) camera with large field of view (fisheye), inertial sensors (accelerometers,gyrometers, magnetometers), and barometer are embedded in the flying robot andrelated information is fused at several stages to produce a robust localization. Thisredundancy will help the system in case of momentary degradation or loss of information(GPS signal reflection near buildings, poor vision context) from one of the sensors.All this sensory information is processed incrementally when the UAV is flying and itallows managing online a sensory memory map of the environment. The localization ofthe drone is performed within this sensory map and adequate motion is generatedaccording to high level commands requested by the user: automatic stabilization over atarget, position or speed control, autonomous navigation over previously explored area.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe integration of research results will help to remove the bolts which are alreadylimiting the use of minidrones in civil applications such as civil security, environmentalsurveillance, architecture, tourism...CONTACTPatrick RAYNALPY AUTOMATION+33 (0)1 47 86 28 67p.raynal@py-automation.comPARTNERSSMEs:HYPERPANEL LAB,PY AUTOMATION,Research institutes, universities:CEA LISTPROJECT DATACoordinator:PY AUTOMATIONCall:FEDER1Start date:September 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.5Digital Trust & Security WG65

Critical Infrastructure protectionDétection et Gestion d'Incidentsdans une voiture ferroviaireON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of this project is to improve both passenger's comfort and safety in publictransports by detecting events such as physical aggressions or vandalism and byperforming people counting for optimizing passenger distribution.This project consists in developing a pre-industrial prototype of a smart multimodalsensor combining various sensing technologies like video cameras, audio detectorsand associated threat detection algorithms. A computational capacity will be embeddedin the integrated sensor in order to run these algorithms and merge their results. Itwill be able to analyze in real-time both the internal and external environments of thewagon, allowing to detect passengers and trigger an alarm in case of the detection ofan event (vandalism, physical aggression…).CONTACTStéphanie JOUDRIERTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 59 98stephanie.joudrier@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Use of photorealistic synthetic data to address the lack of actual data needed for algorithmsdevelopment and performance evaluation of the solution.◗ Use of innovative image processing algorithms in order to detect and recognize situationsof physical aggressions with an optimized false alarm rate.◗ Use of an integrated multimodalsystem composed of variousmodules (audio & video sensors,data processing, data fusion,communications, …) in order toimprove performances comparedto state-of-the-art distributedsystems.◗ Porting of algorithms on aconstrained architecture (computingpower, memory space,heating,…).◗ Development of a solution inwhich electronic devices withstandenvironmental constraintsinherent in rail transport (vibrations,temperature, electromagneticcompatibility, noise,variable luminosity, …).STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The main outcome of this project is an integrated pre-industrial sensor embeddingvarious technical sensors (audio, video, …) and event detection algorithms.◗ A second outcome of this project is an industrialisation plan allowing a fast industrialisationof the DéGIV system.PARTNERSLarge companies:MARTEC-EOLANE, MORPHO,THALESSMEs:ARKAMYS, ERTE, INPIXAL,MAC GUFFResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IFSTTARPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI11Start date:November 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.2Funding (M2):1.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):QUASPER66Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionDESCARTESCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe DESCARTES project results in an operational prototype of an Emergency ManagementInformation System including a Command and Control platform with an embeddedGIS and a suite of tools for decision making.The unique achievements of the DESCARTES system stem from its concept:• based on a standard decision making process, it addresses all the emergency managementactors: rescue units, police forces, health services, critical infrastructure or transportoperators…• it covers the whole crisis management cycle: the preparation phase (planning andtraining), the live crisis response and the restoration phase with post-crisis analysisand planning improvement,• organized in secured no<strong>des</strong>, it links the command levels from strategic to tacticaland the services’command posts providing full interoperability and digitizing thecrisis space.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTDESCARTES is the only systemwith the potential to provide:◗ integrated functional domainscovering the whole crisismanagement cycle (planning,training, live crisis response,after action analysis),◗ integrated functions for livecrisis management with toolsadapted to the users’profile(icons, emergency plans…),◗ numerous integrated tools fordecision making includingmission follow-up, optimaluse of assets, press releaseconsulting, CBRN plume propagation forecast, vehicle movement simulation, crowdbehavior simulation, 3D outdoor and indoor simulation for mission preparation, individualand collective training simulation, etc.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Aligne F. et Savéant P., « Prise en compte d’un contexte évolutif dans la coordination<strong>des</strong> opérations de secours », WISG 2011 (Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur laSécurité Globale), Troyes, France• Aligne F. and P. Savéant (2011), « Automated planning in evolving context: An EmergencyPlanning Model with Traffic Prediction and Control », Future Security 2011,Security Research Conférence, 5-7th of September 2011, Berlin, Germany.◗ Patents:Going on◗ Product(s):Operational prototype of a crisis management system◗ Job creation: 2◗ Maintened job: 10CONTACTGuy PANAGETTHALES SERVICES+33 (0)1 69 41 56 28guy.panaget@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONSAND SECURITY, THALESRESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY,THALES SERVICESSMEs:GEO212, GEOCONCEPT,MASA GROUPResearch institutes, universities:CEA DAM, CEA LISTPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES SERVICESCall:FUI5Start date:September 2008Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.4Funding (M2):2.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):MOBISIC, SICDigital Trust & Security WG67

Comprehensive risk management,prevention and resilienceDevelopment and Industrial Applicationof Multi-Domain Security Testing TechnologiesON GOINGPROJECT◗ DIAMONDS will leverage systematic, model-based testing and monitoring approachesfor security testing to enable highly secure systems by early testing and test automation.Advanced model-based security testing methods will allow the early identificationof <strong>des</strong>ign vulnerabilities and efficient system/test <strong>des</strong>ign targeting security aspects.◗ The DIAMONDS security test methodology will be adaptable to different multidomainsecurity standards, and enable a risk analysis-oriented test generation andrisk assessments by evaluation of the test results.◗ DIAMONDS will develop a well-visible European security test methodology of industrialscale, which demonstrates to be successful for security-critical systems in differentapplication domains.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ DIAMONDS will introduce four main innovations in the field of security testing methods andtechnologies. These innovations aim at building a pre-standard for model-based securitytesting targeting heterogeneous and distributed systems and services and represent theenabling technology necessary for the introduction of formal security testing in industry:• Advanced model-based security testing methods that combine different techniquesto obtain improved results applicable to multi-domain security.• Development of autonomous testing techniques based on automatic monitoringtechniques to improve resilience of dynamically evolving systems.• Pre-standardization work on multi-domain security test methodologies and test patternsallowing DIAMONDS to offer interoperable security test techniques and tools.• Open source platform for securitytest tool integration.◗ Through these innovations we willstrengthen the practices of securitytesting, stimu¬late a more wide rangeuse of security testing in projects ofdifferent domains and help improvethe quality, with respect to security, ofthe systems developed, reducing thesecurity risks and the risk relatedcosts during operation.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe results during the first half of the project include: the set-up of 6 industrial domaincase studies; the identification, extension and partial implementation of relevantsecurity testing techniques; and, the setup of an initial tool landscape for securitytesting. These activities are deem necessary to leverage systematic, model-basedtesting and monitoring approaches for security testing to enable highly secure systemsthrough the definition of a security test methodology adaptable to different multidomainsecurity requirements and standards, that integrate risk analysis-oriented testgeneration and risk assessments by evaluation of the test results. The disseminationefforts are substantial and include the publishing of book chapters, scientific papers,presentations, journal papers and whitepapers related to DIAMONDS. The firstdemonstrators have been shown at the ITEA Symposium where the DIAMONDS projectwon the ITEA Exhibition Award 2011. Contribution to new ETSI Industrial SpecificationGroup (ISG) on Information Security Indicators (ISI) has been undertaken. Within ETSIMTS (Methods for Testing and Specification), DIAMONDS is focusing on model basedsecurity testing and on extending the already existing reports.The french partners (THALES, GEMALTO/Trusted Labs, Montimage, Smartesting,FSCOM, IPG-Grenoble, IT-sudParis) are involved in several of the case studies, withnotable results obtained in those related to radio protocols and banking.CONTACTMichel BOURDELLESTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 30 38michel.bourdelles@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ERICSSON (FIN), GEMALTO (FR),GIESECKE & DEVRIENT (GER),METSO AUTOMATION (FIN),NORSE SOLUTIONS (NOR),THALES (FR), THALESCOMMUNICATIONS,TRUSTEDLABS (FR)SMEs:CODENOMICON (FIN),CONFORMIQ (FIN), CONSULTING(GER), DORNIER FSCOM (FR),ITRUST (LUX), MONTIMAGE (FR),SBA (AUSTRIA), SMARTESTING(FR), TESTING TECHNOLOGIES(GER)Research institutes, universities:FRAUNHOFER FOKUS (GER),GRENOBLE INP (FR),OUSPG (FIN), SINTEF (NOR),TELECOM SUDPARIS (FR),TU GRAZ (AUSTRIA), UL (LUX),UNIVERSITY OULOU (FIN),VTT (FIN)PROJECT DATACoordinator:FRAUNHOFER FOKUSCall:ITEA2Start date:October 2010Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):13.7 (EU) & 4.4 (FR)Funding (M2):2 (FR)Related Sytematic project(s):ESTER, VERDE68Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionElliptic Curve Leakage-ImmuneProcessing for Secure EmbeddedSystemsON GOINGPROJECTECLIPSES is meant to address the limitations met in the embedded security industryby providing a breakthrough <strong>des</strong>ign of the Elleptic curve processing which support:◗ field operations: binary, ternary, etc. and prime fields alike;◗ (higher-level) operations on the Elliptic curve itself such as point addition, point doublingor alternately point halving, point tripling, etc;◗ efficient conversions between coordinate systems (projective, cartesian, Jacobian,Edwards, etc);◗ any type of curve i.e. any choice of curve coefficients;efficient evaluation of pairings for pairing-friendly curves;while◗ improving execution time by an order of magnitude when compared to prior implementationsbased on RSA-dedicated cryptoprocessors;◗ providing a high-level of resistance against all known side-channel analysis and faultbasedattack.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ One important challenge regarding the project is to drastically improve the ECC processingperformance in relationship with the power consumption budget. ECC processingbased on modular multiplication accelerator takes time as opposed to thecontact-less requirement to perform a full transaction as fast as possible in reducedpower consumption. This forbids the use of EC cryptography in contact-less applicationstoday. The target of the project is to overcome limitations by using an EC-dedicatedprocessor supporting the contact-less mode by reducing the execution timeand taking into account the high constraints on power consumption.◗ Elliptic curves became popular well after the appearance of RSA-based algorithms.As both are sharing modular representations, elliptic curves are currently developedon the same RSA hardware basis. ECLIPSES also considers ECC pairings; the breakthroughis to create a dedicated solution which takes advantage of the particularitiesof the curves (smallest granularity for key size, ...). A significant improvement couldbe here targeted.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESAfter two years, the project is reaching its main objective by implementing the elementaryoperations for ECC and pairing application based on a dedicated co-processoraccelerator. High level behavior model has been developed allowing verifying thefundamental architecture choices and hardware /software partitioning. HDL model andFPGA board have been delivered for EC software development that will verify the pertinenceof the EC accelerator integrated with a 32 CPU core. During the last phase ofthe project, an ASIC, close to a smart card architecture, is being developed that will provideEC and pairing functions for real authentication and ciphering applications. Securityanalysis will be performed on.CONTACTYvon GRESSUSGEMALTO+33 (0)6 26 39 87 26yvon.gressus-external@gemalto.comPARTNERSLarge companies:GEMALTOSMEs:CRYPTOEXPERTS, INVIAResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, UVSQPROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:December 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.8Funding (M2):1.1Digital Trust & Security WG69

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionE-FRAUD BOXDetection and Investigation ofcredit card fraud on the InternetON GOINGPROJECTThe E-fraud Box project aims at developing an integrated toolbox of data-mining andsocial networks and business intelligence techniques, dedicated to:◗ Detection of credit card fraud on Internet• Detect as soon as possible cards used fraudulently on the Internet and alert cardowners as soon as possible◗ Investigation of credit card fraud on Internet• Identify Fraud origins (the place where card owner coordinates have been stolen :database of a merchant, a real fraudulent merchant…)• Identify new fraud behaviours and new modus operandiCONTACTStéphane LORINTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 41 30 30 58stephane.lorin@fr.thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSolutions to the following problems will be particularly investigated:◗ Rare events and very unbalanced data: structural and adaptative sampling methods andAUC (Area Under Curve)criteria optimization;◗ Fraudulent behaviour characterization:Typicality andexception analysis, clusteringmethods, kernel methodswith one class;◗ Fraud dynamics: conceptdrifting and evolutive predictionof behaviour;◗ Interaction data: socialnetwork mining, collectiveinference and adversialcomputing, co-clusteringand latent variable graphicalmodels.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Project launched on the 12th February 2010.◗ The main results concern :• Detection engine: Fraud detection algorithms developed in the project show interestingperformance. An important work is done around social network mining algorithms :• Data are seen as a social network between card owners and merchants where they buy• Social networks algorithms like community detection, navigation paths in the graph,information propagation through the graph are then developed and used• Investigation engine : New fraudulent behaviours have been identified• The same algorithms based on social network mining algorithms are used• GIE Cartes Bancaires CB and French Gendarmerie Nationale have defined scenariosand results will be tested on realistic cases• Architecture : as the data are very huge (hundreds of millions of transactions peryear), robust open source architecture based on Big Data have been tested :• NoSQL databases based on Hadoop/Hive/Pig• Column databases like InfiniDBPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONSIntermediate size enterprises:CENTRE TECHNIQUE DE LAGENDARMERIE NATIONALE,DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE DELA GENDARMERIE NATIONALE,DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE DELA POLICE NATIONALE,GIE CARTES BANCAIRES CBSMEs:ALTIC, KXENResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, LIPNPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:ANRStart date:February 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1.270Digital Trust & Security WG

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesESPRIExposition de soi, Privacy et Réseaux d'interactionON GOINGPROJECTThe Project ESPRI analyses problems raised by the collection of personal data andintrusion of privacy at the era of online social networks. The use of the internet as aplatform for social interaction does indeed pose new problems. The collection ofpersonal data has become mostly decentralized making the internet an open mine ofdata on individuals. The behaviors of internet users are ambivalent, seeking protectionwhile being quick in practice to give voluntarily or involuntarily sensitive data. Thesechanges reflect the fact that the Web has evolved into a participative web. What happensto privacy issues and how to regulate them when the transfer of personal data is theproduct of social interaction on digital platforms whose economy is based on theexploitation of these data?TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThis pluridisciplinary project in law, economics and sociology will be carried out usingseveral methodologies: econometric analysis of data, experiments in the lab and in thefield, as well as qualitative interviews. Field experiments will assess whether informationfound in one’s social network profile are used by recruiters during the hiringprocess. A Facebook quiz evaluates the specific influence of online friends in thepropensity to disclose personal information. Quantitative analysis of suits filed to theFrench national privacy regulator will allow us to test the hypothesis of the evolution ofprivacy issues since the 90s. The second aspect concerns the self-exposure on theinternet. A better understanding of the transformation of immo<strong>des</strong>ty on online socialnetworks is essential to the current privacy issues. The weakening of the feeling ofshame takes several forms, and using qualitative interviews will enable us to analyzethe motivations behind the various forms of immo<strong>des</strong>ty on the internet. This study willbe extended by an economic analysis of the dilemma between risks and benefits createdby online services that inclu<strong>des</strong> self-exposure on digital networks, using variousmethodologies — i.e. quantitative survey of two populations, lab experiments, fieldexperiments and qualitative interviews. A final study will analyze the behavior of individualsagainst the appropriation of location-based services that pose importantproblems associated with the traceability of individuals.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main outcome of the project is to build several scenarii tailored to the legal issuesof privacy on digital networks seeking new points of equilibrium between the evolutionof individual behavior, new business models and compliance with general principles.The expected outcome of the project is to help guide the necessary regulation ofidentified problems. Many options are indeed possible ranging from self-regulation tothe need for new legal instruments.CONTACTAlain RALLETUNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD 11+33 (0)1 40 94 18 51alain.rallet@u-psud.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGE LABSResearch institutes, universities:CERDI, UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD 11PROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD 11Co-label:CAP DIGITALCall:ANRStart date:November 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.4Digital Trust & Security WG71

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionEvolution of the securityin the telecommunicationsand network equipmentsCOMPLETEDPROJECTSome attacks are targeting telecommunications infrastructures in order to take control ofnetwork no<strong>des</strong> or to take advantage of security breaches of network management protocols.Current protections are mainly based on cryptography and tend to protect exchangeddata confidentiality but failed in preventing consequences of a corrupted infrastructure node.The project defined a new way of protecting infrastructures by integrating within no<strong>des</strong> anelectronic vault or “trusted computing base” providing a new dimension of trust by:◗ integrating devices with a high security assurance,◗ evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection provided by the integrated security solution.CONTACTJosé ARAUJOALCATEL-LUCENT+33 (0)1 30 77 26 20jose.araujo@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project led to significant advances including:◗ Improvements in security features of the OSPFprotocol:• Fight against cryptanalysis,• Possibility to use an HMAC,• Protection of secrets.◗ Security improvements in OSPF based infrastructures:• Generation of forged packets impossible.• Protection of the election of "<strong>des</strong>igned router/ backup <strong>des</strong>igned router".• Management of the metric to avoid possiblecost modifications.• Secret protection and integrity of the databases ensuring the non-propagation of attackson infrastructure elements.The results demonstrated on OSPF can be applied to a number of protocols and security featuresof the telecommunications infrastructure. A study has been provided to illustrate thecontribution of the solution on already secured protocols ie S-BGP.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The smartcards, protecting the control elements and the network management without asignificant degradation of the routers performances, provide protection against attacks thatintend to use, <strong>des</strong>troy or falsify critical elements for the infrastructure resilience. They cancontain these attacks to the router under attack preserving the resilience of infrastructure.The smartcard introduce a new level above the control plane in which are kept the secrets andthe sensitive operations: the trusted plan.◗ Patents:1 patent.◗ Publications:In addition to the publications in conferences, the project has issued two significant resultsin terms of standardization:• Proposition of two "IETF drafts", one <strong>des</strong>cribing the trust plan, the other a system of TLSkey generation.• Certification and publication of a protection profile by the the "French Network andInformation Security Agency" respecting the ISO15408 standard.◗ Experimentations:The results have been fully demonstrated with OSPF and can be applied to a number of protocolsand security features of the telecommunications infrastructure. A study has beenprovided for S-BGP.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT,TRUSTED LABS,TRUSTED LOGICSMEs:OPPIDAResearch institutes, universitiesTELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENTCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.6Funding (M2):172Digital Trust & Security WG

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesFederation of Circles of Trustand Secure Usage of Digital IdentitiesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main purpose of the FC² project is to drive innovation in user-centric identity managementthrough a cross sector vision. This resulted in two major types of objectives:◗ R&D objectives:• Develop and validate a comprehensive and INTEROPERABLE set of architecture and softwarecomponents, allowing new SECURE digital online services based on enhanced USER-CENTRICidentity management.◗ Implementations objectives:• Propose and develop prototype experiments to evaluate the resulting BENEFITS for all playersin the ecosystem.• Investigate innovative governance and business models for a new TRUST framework incorporatingprivacy-enabled Identity Federation and allowing the seamless interconnection of Circles of Trust(CoT).PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has delivered an innovative e-identity management infrastructure able to:◗ guarantee the confidentiality of e-transactions based on federated identity,◗ support the full dematerialization of electronic services, including digital signature mechanisms,◗ support advanced authentication mechanisms, including delegation accros Circles of Trust,◗ allow the end user a complete control of its personal data in a distributed context,◗ ensure a high-level of protection against all types of Identity frauds,◗ guarantee a high-level of user friendliness for service access,◗ ensure minimal operation costs for Service Providers and Operators,◗ guarantee a technical neutrality versus Identity management standards (Cardspace, Liberty Alliance).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The project has delivered advanced e-identity management components enabling new capabilitiessuch as seamless authentication, Interoperability of most popular e-identity managementtechnologies, new user interface based on an Infocard selector, available on PC, Mobile and “inthe cloud”. Is has also demonstrated enhanced smart-card support through low-cost pinpadreaders, compatible with the identity selector and supporting the most advanced version of theIAS-ECC or EMV standards. Enforced trust and security features have also been introducedthrough innovative PKI concepts and direct digital signature support.◗ Services:The project has produced several white papers or guidance documents related to the global e-Identityecosystem.◗ Publications:The project has generated over 10 scientific publications and participated to numerous Nationalor European conferences, exhibitions and round tables.◗ Experimentations:Several use cases have been developede in the project, demonstrating generic, complex servicedematerialization scenarios pertaining to the e-government, regional, financial and telecommunicationdomains.The setting-up of these scenatios has been done in close cooperation with either national Agencies(such as the ANTS), local city-administrations (city of Saint-Lô), external industrial partners(bank and car rental companies), the Ministry of Inner Affairs and the Caisse <strong>des</strong> Dépôts (“CDCNumérique”).◗ Business creation:The research and technology concepts as well as the components developed in the project are now onthe full exploitation path. Besi<strong>des</strong> inclusion of these concepts or components in the direct product offerfrom the industrial partners, a large national initiative has been launched with “CDC Numérique” to preparethe deployment of a mutualized e-Identity infrastructure targeting especially local administrations(cities, regional councils). This initative is fully endorsed by the <strong>Systematic</strong>, SCS and Pôle-Tes competitivenessclusters.CONTACTJean-Pierre TUALGEMALTO+33 (0)1 55 01 61 60jean-pierre.tual@gemalto.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AMADEUS, ATOS WORLDLINE,EADS DS, FRANCE TÉLÉCOM-ORANGE LABS, GEMALTOIntermediate size enterprises:CEV GROUP (CHÈQUEDÉJEUNER)SMEs:CONSTRUCTIVECARDTECHNOLOGIE, DICTAO,ENTR’OUVERT, EPHIFORMATION, ILEX, LEIRIOS,NTX RESEARCH,SMARTESTING, XIRINGPrescribers:GIE-CB, MINISTRY OF INNERAFFAIRSResearch institutes, universities:CNAM, ENSI CAEN, TELECOMMANAGEMENT SUD PARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCo-label:TESCall:FUI3Start date:July 2007Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16.6Funding (M2):6.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):PERSOPOLISDigital Trust & Security WG73

Critical Infrastructure protectionLocalisation en Environnement AdverseON GOINGPROJECT◗ The LEA project will benefit from TOCHA's inroads while specifically targeting to givea new and innovative advantage to law enforcement and security forces. It will alsooperate in <strong>des</strong>ert or maritime areas with scatered or no ground communicationcoverage. The consortium gathers the best specialists in electronics, software,antennas, and software platforms. Its steering committee will include a panelof typical uses of such new generation beacon. Tracking of vehicles, objects, andpeople can prevent and protect against various risks and threats.◗ The TOCHA project, started early 2008, will have demonstrated the feasibility of longtime,continuous tracking in multiple conditions, facing adverse physical constraints.But it was not conceived to face adverse scrambling, which has become a constantlygrowing fact, and now needs improvements.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The main technological innovations lie in the capabilities to use several technologiesto locate the beacons. The first one, called magneto-inertial location, is based oninertial navigation techniques which sensors are composed of gyroscopes andaccelerometers. The new MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) offer the opportunitiesto create miniature inertial sensors at a very low cost. Those small devicesopen perspectives for a wide range of applications including drone piloting and cardriving.◗ An another technology studied to locate beacons is the triangulation of RF signalsemitted from FM base stations. This way, the beacons could be targeted in a rangeof several kilometers. Adding an inertial platform and a magnetometer wouldfurthermore bring new information like trajectories directed towards the magneticNorth.◗ Finally, the use of the WIFI lan would allow the analyse by servers of routers and WIFIspot MAC addresses to target beacons with a good precision in an urban environment.CONTACTAntoine GUENINPHOTOSPACE+33 (0)9 51 31 06 80antoine.guenin@photospace.frPARTNERSSMEs:DEVERYWARE, PHOTOSPACE,SYSNAVResearch institutes, universities:ITERPROJECT DATACoordinator:PHOTOSPACECall:ANRStart date:December 2009Duration:31 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):TOCHA76Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionLOCINDOORLOCalisation and personal navigationsystem in INDOOR environmentCOMPLETEDPROJECTIn rescue operations, it is essential for Commanders to track the location of the firstresponders engaged inside a building; but nowadays no indoor positioning solution existsfor non pre-equipped infrastructures.The objective of LOCINDOOR was to develop an indoor localisation and navigation systemthat would provide real-time location positioning inside buildings, with personal navigationfeature and holder location tracking facilities.LOCINDOOR as personal indoor navigation system offers a positioning and guidancesolution inside buildings, Where and When GPS is not reliable.Without preinstalled infrastructure, based on motion sensors worn on body and a 3Dnumeric building cartography, the system is totally autonomous.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has delivered an innovative indoor positioning solution able to:◗ Measure human motion from a 9axis motion tracking device or an array of distributedmagnetometers◗ Estimate real time user location with innovative algorithms and map matching◗ Offer intuitive touch-screen user interface with 2.5D building mapping display andadvanced indoor navigation routing to join the <strong>des</strong>tination◗ Upload building cartography using various technologies, some contactless but otheroperating without power supply◗ Transfer location data through a secured tactical radio communication system◗ Monitor engaged resources location on a 2.5D building map display◗ Broadcast indoor real time video streamingMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTHervé MOKRANICASSIDIAN+33 (0)1 61 38 84 95herve.mokrani@cassidian.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CASSIDIANIntermediate size enterprises:EOLANESMEs:MOVEA, ROBOSOFT-PGESResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CEA LISTPROJECT DATACoordinator:CASSIDIANCall:FUI5Start date:June 2008Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.3Funding (M2):2.6◗ Publications:• "On-the-field calibration of an array of sensors" E. Dorveaux, D. Vissière, et N. Petit• "Combining Inertial Measurements and Distributed Magnetometry for Motion Estimation"E. Dorveaux, T. Boudot, M. Hillion and N. Petit.• "Harmonization of a multi-sensor navigation system", E. Dorveaux and N. Petit.• "An improved shoe-mounted inertial navigation system" N. Castaneda, S. Lamy-Perbal.• "An Improved Pe<strong>des</strong>trian Inertial Navigation System for Indoor Environments" SylvieLamy-Perbal, Mehdi Boukallel.◗ Patents:"Dispositif d’aide à la navigation, notamment à l’intérieur de bâtiments" (n°1054294).◗ Job creation: 1◗ Maintened job: 5Digital Trust & Security WG77

Digital Trust for citizensLightweight privacy-enhancing cryptographyfor mobile contactless servicesON GOINGPROJECTThe next generation of mobile and smartphones will integrate NFC (Near FieldCommunication) chips. With the fast emergence of this contactless technology, mobilephones will soon be able to play the role of e-tickets, credit cards, transit pass, loyaltycards, access control badges, e-cash wallets, etc.The main goal of LYRICS is to enable end users to securely access and operate thesecontactless services in a privacy-preserving manner that is, without having to disclosetheir identity or any other unnecessary information related to personal data. Morespecifically, we intend to <strong>des</strong>ign new innovative solutions that achieve the fundamentalprivacy principles such as data minimization, which states that only the informationthat is strictly necessary to complete a particular transaction should be disclosed (andnothing more).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSCryptography-based technologies exist that partially respond to these privacy requirementsin some contexts. Yet none of these has been specifically <strong>des</strong>igned for contactless transactions,where being offline, ensuring very low latency and being limited to constrainedresources are major issues. LYRICS intends to overcome these deadlocks by:◗ Providing an open, general-purpose architecture for privacy-preserving contactlessservices;◗ Inventing and specifying lightweight cryptographic mechanisms that can be used toprotect users’ privacy in the context of contactless mobile services;◗ Securely implementing these cryptographic tools on selected NFC-enabled mobilephones;◗ Developing and experimenting a pilot implementation of a privacy-preserving contactlessmobile service (e.g. an m-ticketing application).◗ These objectives will be achieved in the context of the social appropriation of technologicalinnovations and services.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTJacques TRAOREORANGE LABS+33 (0)2 31 75 93 81jacques.traore@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ATOS WORLDLINE, MICROSOFT,NEC CORPORATION,OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES,ORANGE LABSResearch institutes, universities:ENSI DE BOURGES, ENSICAEN,IRISA / UNIVERSITEDE RENNES 1, MODYCO /UNIVERSITE PARIS OUESTNANTERRE LA DEFENSEPROJECT DATACoordinator:ORANGE LABSCo-label:SCS, TESCall:ANRStart date:February <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.4Funding (M2):0.9We expect to specify a high-level applicative architecture for privacy-preserving contactlessmobile services which could serve as a basis for standardization and futuremarket offerings in this area. The innovations expected from the project are the emergenceof lightweight cryptographic primitives associated with relevant mechanisms andprotocols for the controlled disclosure of personal information in the context of contactlessmobile services.78Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionMANIFNew aerial devices for identification in the crowdCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of MANIF project is to study the interest of air devices (like for example UAV) inthe context of crowd conflict. This function "height view" is investigated as far as all theinformation can be coordinated and the systems are compatible. The air platforms mustbe defined with on board sensors, communication networks, and command tools inaccordance to operating needs in global security.The project is divided into three phases:◗ a phase of analysis of the need, the definition of the specifications and the choice ofa scenario (9 months);◗ a research phase study and development defining the architecture system(10 months);◗ a phase of realization of a simulation for demonstration of the interest of the function“height view” (7 months).PROJECT RESULTS◗ Technologies:• This project deals with the improvementof aerial vehicles used duringthe operations of maintenance of lawand order in the context of crowdconflict by combining analysis andsimulation. It has for objective to definea concept of use and the systemsrecommended for the implementationof a real-time surveillance, in directconnection with the authorities.• The main crowd movements canbe classified in 3 groups: dynamicevents (movement of protest likemarch or entertainment event likemusical event), static events (forexample sporting event in a stadium;politic events like G8) and urban violences(spontaneaous movement invariable areas). The reserved scenariois the one urban violence representingthe most complex case to be mastered (impossible anticipation,progress mainly by night, localization unpredictable).• The main specifications of need directed the choice of the air platform to a mini droneor MAV Micro Aerial Vehicle (simple, intuitive operation requiring minimal operatortraining, deployment and stowing operations accomplished rapidly, less expensivethan a helicopter, capable of doing day and night observation in urban areas, real-timevideo system for real-time surveillance) with the possibilities of transmissions representedon the illustration.• Two complementary devices in terms of observation have been proposed: one developedby Py Automation (Fixed Wing, high altitud, speed and endurance) and anotherby Bertin Technologies (Vertical takeoff and landing enables “hover and stare” missionprofile but with lower endurance compared to Py Automation device).◗ Experimentations:• The developed simulator demonstrates the interest of the”vision of the sky” for a betterand faster coordination of the operations to the ground of maintenance of law and order.• Besi<strong>des</strong>, this simulator could, after evolution and individual adaptation, become aninnovative tool, particularly well adapted for applications in the field of the training tothe use of drones within the framework of missions of surveillance / control of theviolence, in France and abroad.CONTACTAmandine VERDIERBERTIN TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 39 30 61 74verdier@bertin.frPARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIES,MARTECSMEs:COGISYS, PY AUTOMATION,SOFEMAResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM BRETAGNEPROJECT DATACoordinator:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESCall:ANRStart date:February 2007Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.8Digital Trust & Security WG79

Critical Infrastructure protectionMA-NRBCMoniteur d'alerte MA-NRBC(CBRN Alert Monitor)COMPLETEDPROJECT◗ MA-NRBC project aims to develop an alarm integrating CBRN risks (Chemical, Biological,Radiological, Nuclear) such as “dirty Bomb” or any biological or chemicalattack of terrorist origin. This system contributes in securing the critical infrastructures(ministry, parliament), public places (airport, station, subway, stadium, etc.) orheadquarters of sensitive organisations (UNO, EU parliament, etc.).◗ It consists in putting into network operation and exploitation of sensors being developedand supplied by different partners of common project (Saphymo, CEA, BERTINand PROENGIN). It also allows to take samples which could be necessary to eliminateany doubt in case of alarm activating.◗ The sensors have a common communication interface which allows an easy operationthru the supervision software.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTMA-NRBC project consists of finalising a demonstrator which has the following advantages:◗ The Saphymo/CEA common development has shown that it was possible to detect anddiscriminate gamma and neutron radiation thru use of basic plastic scintillator, which isnormally used for gamma detection only.◗ Bertin has adapted the existing technology Coriolis® dedicated from biologic to chemicalsamplings.◗ ProEngin has shown the feasibility of the biological and chemical detections in one sensoronly with a maintenance reduced for biological detection.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:• The equipment developed within MA-NRBC project allows to cover all risks (Chemical,Biological, Radiological, Nuclear). It enables all partners to propose to their customersa global offer, which represents a highly advantageous integrated solutionwith unique supervision and always remaining adjustable.• The different elements of the system can be proposed separately. For example, thebiological and chemical sensor associated to a radiametric probe represents acompact solution which allows to cover the R, B, C risks and may be reinforced forproblem resolution by biological and chemical collectors.• The MA-NRBC project allows Saphymo to present a product range to respond to allNR risks in the frame of “global security”.• The current technology to detect the fissible materials is based on Helium 3 detectors.There is currently a shortage of Helium 3. Gamma/Neutron plastic scintillationdetector represents a promising alternative solution especially for Saphymo.• The alpha, beta, gamma aerosol monitor will be an additional element to be proposedas an option. In fact, in case of attack (or serious nuclear accident), the environmentwill be the first exposition way for people. That is why the analysis ofaerosols (solid particles in suspension in the air) has to be reinforced. Moreover, therisks covering will be reinforced by use of GammaTRACER monitors with data transmissionby radio and supervised by PC in order to control the ambient radioactivity.◗ Patents:The CEA has developed two algorithms that have resulted in two patents. The first isabout the method for neutron/gamma discrimination on the solid organic scintillators.The second one is about the stabilisation of photomultipliers' saving. The last is importantfor the quality of measurements.CONTACTJean-François MOREAUSAPHYMO+33 (0)1 69 53 73 13jfmoreau@saphymo.comPARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:PROENGIN, SAPHYMOResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:SAPHYMOCall:FUI4Start date:December 2007Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.8Funding (M2):1.480Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionMARSHAL+Mecanisms Against Reverse-engineeringfor Secure Hardware and Algorithms.ON GOINGPROJECTMARSHAL+ focuses on the conception of effective, reliable means to guarantee thesecrecy of sensitive software running in embedded environments. This relates to severalcategories of scientific expertise, ranging from hardware <strong>des</strong>ign and countermeasuresto low-level de-compilation and software obfuscation techniques. MARSHAL+ intendsto collect a number of good practices among experts in these fields and to rely on theirindustrial know-how and/or research capabilities to come up with a clear understandingof what can be done to thwart reverse-engineering and make secure systems moreresistant against this threat.CONTACTAxel TILLEQUINEADS+33 (0)1 46 97 34 08axel.tillequin@eads.netTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ determine whether protectingsensitive software is possible inpractice by exhausting, understandingand modeling hardwareand software attacks;◗ identify and develop innovativeobfuscating approaches to effectivelythwart or substantially limitreverse-engineering of softwareIP by relying on new assemblycode transformations;◗ aggregate those under the formof an experimental secure deviceembedding sensitive cryptographicsoftware (thus implyingthe development of a highly securehardware and softwareplatform) and submit this secureplatform to public scrutiny.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESA prototype of secure device implementing new techniques against reverseengineering.In a typical use case, the device would perform access control to dedicateddata by relying on cryptographic facilities and would involve a proprietarydecompression algorithm. This prototype shall resist attacks targeting the recovery ofcryptographic keys (SCARE/FIRE), and attacks targeting the intellectual property ofproprietary software.PARTNERSLarge companies:CRYPTOEXPERTS, EADS,INSIDE, INVIA, SECURE-IC,TRANEFIntermediate size enterprises:INVIA, SECURE-ICSMEs:CRYPTOEXPERTS, TRANEFResearch institutes, universities:IRPI, LABRI, TELECOMPARISTECH, UVSQ, XLIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCo-label:SCSCall:FUI 12Start date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.3Related Sytematic project(s):BINCOA, SECURE ALGORITHMSDigital Trust & Security WG81

Critical Infrastructure protectionMéthodologie d’évaluation<strong>des</strong> algorithmes d’exploitation <strong>des</strong>enregistrements de la vidéoprotectionON GOINGPROJECT◗ Video protection systems include video recorders dedicated to forensic, and formalproof constitution. Time spent by operators to retrieve specific video data in suchlarge volumes can be very long. This research time is critical, with a direct impact onsafety and security of citizens.◗ The objective of METHODEO is to define methodologies to characterize various videoanalysis algorithms performing the same functionality from a set of <strong>des</strong>criptive parametersof observed scenes. Those parameters will be adaptable to various scenes,and will <strong>des</strong>cribe both the content and the context of the scene.CONTACTJean-François GOUDOUTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 59 96jean-francois.goudou@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Specification of video for testing in terms of content and conditions vs. a difficultylevel mark.◗ Ability to measure the genericity of video sequences (same behavior of an algorithmon two sequences having the same <strong>des</strong>cription).◗ Recommandations on the annotation process regarding the format and the influenceof a semi-annotation process on performance evaluation.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALESSMEs:KEENEOResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IRIT, SUPELEC,TELECOM SUDPARISSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESProject is ongoing. Needs are focused on very high level semantics and very precise details:be able to characterize a person compared to another in video surveillance footages. Videoevaluations are mostly done on a few videos with few <strong>des</strong>cription, thus difficult togeneralize. Video annotation is still a huge, very expensive and error-prone topic.This project is now focussing on providing extended video <strong>des</strong>criptions and annotationsin terms of scenarios, video semantics, video quality, content and environment,independently from the algorithms to be tested.Kick off meeting april 2011.PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:ANRStart date:April 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.8Funding (M2):1Related Sytematic project(s):QUASPER82Digital Trust & Security WG

Digital Trust for CitizensMOBILAO - Digital Signature in MobileEnvironments - by DictaoCOMPLETEDPROJECTIn a context of increasing user-oriented mobile applications and rising paperless technologies,digital signature becomes the keystone of the trusted ecosystem in the individualexchanges and the heart of the challenges for a modern society.The objective of the MOBILAO project is to:◗ Develop an architecture, a trusted secure platform and an "electronic signature book"application enabling new services based on digital signature over a smartphone,◗ Implement this application in demonstrators targeting eGovernment services, B2Bservices and C2C services.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTWe managed to reach the target we set in 2009:◗ Build on existing but isolated technologies in order to achieve a universal platform,open, but at the highest level of security that may be certified by official bodies.Concretely this means:◗ Validate new security concepts (dispersed secrets, mobile containers…) and humaninterface technologies and get the feedback of our today clients.◗ Interface the Dictao Electronic Signature <strong>Book</strong> with the other trusted functions such as:• Strong authentication means (such as OATH) and Access Control Server (such asDictao DACS product);• Electronic Vault giving legal-binding value to archived document (contracts for example)signed on an mobile device.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Patents:1 Patent is in progress.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Development of the new product Dictao Electronic Signature <strong>Book</strong>, already sold anddeployed by the General Council of Seine-et-Marne and Ubifrance.• Development of an enhanced Eletronic Signature <strong>Book</strong> for online Banking and onlinecontracting on an iPhone and on an iPad (in pilote phase in few banks)• Development of innovative security mechanisms to guaranty the same trust in a mobileenvironment as in a tarditionalfixed environment.• Development of an interfaceto the Dictao Secure StorageServer (D3S) to archive documentsigned in the ElectronicSignature <strong>Book</strong> and garantytheir legal value over the years.• Development of an interfaceto the Dictao Access ControlServer (DACS) to enableOATH mobile authentication.◗ Job creation:• 1 Program Manager,• 1 Senior Architect,• 5 Development Engineers,• 2 interns.CONTACTChristian KUHNDICTAO+33 (0)1 73 00 26 94ckuhn@dictao.comPARTNERSSMEs:DICTAOPROJECT DATACoordinator:DICTAOCall:WEB2.0Start date:January 2010Duration:15 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.3Digital Trust & Security WG83

Critical Infrastructure protectionMobile Securization Systemfor Critical InfrastructuresCOMPLETEDPROJECTMOBISIC project deals with both local crisis (attack bombing in urban environment, inconfined space such as an underground train tunnel …) and specific event securisation(football world cup, political meeting …).It consists in conceiving, developping and experimenting a mobile, modular ('plug andplay') and multi-sensors securisation system.Capacity of fast deployment by non-specialized operators and high energetic autonomyare key features of the system.CONTACTSophie CHAGUÉTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 59 98sophie.chague@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Development and validation of an automatic discovery of heterogeneous sensors solution(plug and play architecture)◗ Fast sensor integration to a mobile C2 with a wireless broad band connexion◗ On live experimentations with Police Force and First responders (ENSOP, SDIS 77)◗ Incresing of Technology Readiness Level in the field of indoor and outdoor UAVs, indoorlocalisation system, NRBCE sensors, on the move facial biometry, contact lessauthentification system, intrusion detection system based on video and audio analysis.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BERTINTECHNOLOGIES, GEMALTO,MORPHO, THALES, SODERNSMEs:EVITECH, MAGELLIUM,POLE STAR,Research institutes, universities:CEA, INRIAMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:« Tools for nuclear and radiological risk characterization » by CEA LIST, HCFDC 2009Price for Face On The Fly ® by Morpho◗ Patents:4 patents by Gemalto around the contact less badge system, for example: « Contactless emulation per Bluetooth », 1 patent in progress by CEA LIST « temporal fuzzy expertsystem ».◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Video suitcase Evitech, biometric gate Morpho, HoverEye - EX UAV Bertin Technologies,ULIS RCE threat detector Sodern are now available on the market.◗ Job creation:Making work 13 partners, MOBISIC project has strongly supported R&T during more than3 years. One job has been created at Thales.◗ Business creation:Common trade shows between Evitech and Alcatel-Lucent in progress.PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI 3Start date:October 2007Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):9.4Funding (M2):3.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):DESCARTES, LOCINDOOR,RAF, SIC84Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionNIMBLENETNimbleNETON GOINGPROJECTThe NimbleNET project deals with high data rate wireless networks offering scalableand flexible capabilities and able to support a great number of no<strong>des</strong>. The objectives arefixed deployments requiring a high tolerance to failure, <strong>des</strong>truction and jamming forapplications such as video surveillance of critical sites or overseas operations. Anotheroperational mode is related to fast and temporary deployment for public safety or incase of crisis management after terrorism attacks.◗ A typical network inclu<strong>des</strong> 50 to 200 no<strong>des</strong> monitored by 1 to 5 supervision centersand located on a around 10 km side square. It is deployed in urban or suburban environmentand its topology is based on a mesh centralized tree.◗ The project results are highlighted by a demonstration involving adapted on the shelfdevices for small configurations and by simulationTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The main technical innovation of the NimbleNET project is the combination, for thefirst time, of a set of techniques to improve the security and the flexibility of a wirelessnetwork made of a great number of no<strong>des</strong> against attacks such as jamming andrepeater <strong>des</strong>truction.◗ Well known solutions such as wide-band hopping techniques are mixed to innovativesolutions such as Fast Electronically Steerable Antennas (FESA) coupled to the TDMAprotocol of the WiMAX standard to ensure communications security and reliability.Scalability and flexibility of the network are managed by the application controlling therate of the data flows and assured by the algorithms related to the dynamic topologycontrol, allowing the network configuration update.◗ By this way, the wireless networkhas extended radio coverageand is tougher tofailure, <strong>des</strong>truction, jammingand interference. The radiocharacteristics are exploited byusing in real time the availablespectrum parts and mixing thefrequency and spatial reuses.The loss of a relay or a supervisioncenter is alleviated withan update of the network configurationdefined dynamicallyby the topology algorithms.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTFrédéric GOURMELENÉOLANE+33 (0)1 69 82 20 00frederic.gourmelen@eolane.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALESIntermediate size enterprises:EOLANEResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:EOLANECall:FUI 8Start date:January 2010Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):RAF◗ The market approach is done, as well as the technical analysis.◗ Development phase is done, on each topic required to fit the project requirements: lowlayers of the protocol stack, topological control, network monitoring and video applicationsurveillance.◗ Simulation models for topological control were running for huge networks and resultsare fruitful.◗ Integration nearly close to be ready for experimentation starting soon…Digital Trust & Security WG85

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesStandardization and Societal SecurityON GOINGPROJECT◗ CONTENT:• NOTSEG - Standardization and Societal Security.• Standardization, a major sector of the economy, henceforth formulates rulesconcerning the security for citizens.• Field of concerned standards: security management, information, coordination,communication and command systems, doctrine of use of technologies (NRBC,video surveillance).◗ OBJECTIVES:• Providing a state of art in the field of societal security management standardizationfor industrials and public authorities.• Providing a comparative analysis of major standards.• Analysing bodies and conformity assessment activities including certification andaccreditation.• Proposing a classification of standards and concepts related to security management.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The study will be based on cross themes and cross disciplines (social humanities,social sciences, engineering, standardization) and will take into account the issue ofconformity assessment.◗ Our approach is focused on the state of the art of standardization in the field of societalsecurity management in order to provide a strategic visibility to professionals andpublic authorities.CONTACTBrigitte JUANALSMODYCO, UNIVERSITE PARISOUEST NANTERRE LADEFENSE - CNRS+33 (0)6 77 24 07 95brigitte.juanals@orange.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AFNORSMEs:SECTOR GROUPResearch institutes, universities:CNRS, CQP2I, UNIVERSITÉTECHNOLOGIQUE DECOMPIÈGNE, UNIVERSITÉPARIS OUEST NANTERRELA DÉFENSESTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Taking part in the issuing of standards at an international level (ISO TC223 and CENTC 391).◗ Supporting public authorities concerning specific topics such as business continuityand crisis management.◗ Publishing in scientific and professional journals.◗ Organizing an international conference (<strong>2012</strong>), taking part in scientific and professionalconferences.PROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ PARIS OUESTNANTERRE LA DÉFENSECall:ANRStart date:February 2010Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.7Funding (M2):0.386Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionODYSSEE, Haut Débit SécuriséCOMPLETEDPROJECTUse of both encrypted high rate transmission and secure storage in small devices (USBkey, MP3 key, smart cards…) increases rapidly. Thus it becomes necessary to dispose ofhigh rate, low consuming cryptographic modules that must also be resistant againstphysical attacks. Stream ciphers are <strong>des</strong>igned especially for high rate applications. Theywere recently renewed by the eStream project, but without real interest in their resistanceagainst physical attacks.The goal of the Odyssee project is then to:◗ Select stream ciphers adapted to embedded environments.◗ Analyse their security against physical attacks.◗ Develop countermeasures and test their validity.◗ Measure and compare their performances.◗ Test their pertinence in real life applications.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe publications of the ODYSSEE's partners have shown that most stream ciphers arevulnerable to DPA (Differential Power Analysis) and DFA (Differential Fault Analysis).DFA attacks were precisely <strong>des</strong>cribed on Grain-128, Snow 3G and Rabbit.Countermeasures to protectstream ciphers against DPAwere developped and experimentallytested.Software and Hardware implementationsof secured and unsecuredstream ciphers wereperformed in embedded systems,allowing to take performancemeasures and makecomparisons.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:All publications presented in conferences with program committee:• Susceptibility of eSTREAM Candidates towards Side Channel Analysis. - SASC 2008.• Fault Analysis of Grain-128. Guilhem - HOST 2009.• Fault Analysis of the Stream Cipher Snow3G - FDTC 2009.• Alexandre Berzati, Cécile Canovas-Dumas, Louis Goubin: Differential Fault Analysisof Rabbit: Toward a Secret Key Leakage, In Proceedings of Indocrypt 2009.◗ Experimentations:• Smart cards software implementations of unsecured and secured stream cipherswere performed. This allowed to compare their performances with the performancesof the AES and to validate the countermeasures.• FPGA hardware implementations of unsecured and secured stream ciphers were performed.This allowed to compare their performances with and without countermeasuresand to choose the best stream cipher for a fast transmission of ciphered data.• The countermeasure validation were made by performing attacks on FPGA andsmart cards implementations. This showed that unsecure stream ciphers are vulnerableand the secure ones are suffiently protected against physical attacks.CONTACTBlandine DEBRAIZEGEMALTO+33 (0)1 55 01 59 40blandine.debraize@laposte.netPARTNERSLarge companies:GEMALTOResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, UVSQPROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.6Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SECURED ALGORITHMDigital Trust & Security WG87

Trusted Infrastructurefor smart citiesOPTIMUMProjet Coopératif pour le développement<strong>des</strong> technologies III/V en Ile-de-FranceCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe OPTIMUM project aimed to foster the III / V value chain in Ile-de-France and toallow all the players to become key actors in the worldwide competition for thoseapplications. By developping strong basic technologies for compound semiconductorsmaterials and related electronic components, the consortium will provide any highperformance or innovative hardware or devices required for the various developmentthemes of the Pole.Main applications domains are:◗ high data rate telecommunication networks (Optical fibers or WLAN),◗ transportation and automotives (safety radars lighting, inboard networks),◗ space (SatComs, observation, GPS infrastructure),◗ and Security (detection, observation).PROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Demonstrators : 40 Gbits/s transponder, chip set for car radar, chip set for 40 GHzWLAN.◗ Patents:20 filed patents.◗ Technologies:• Materials: development and industrialization of epitaxial structures for PHEMT,MHEMT and HBT devices on GaAS, InP or GaN sustrates.• Devices: Design and process technologies (including front end, packaging and test)for PHEMT, MHEMT and HBT (state of the art performances in Low Noise, Power,Linearity, bandwidth, and A/D signal processing).◗ Publications:35 publications or participation to international conferences.◗ Job creation:32 R&D jobs.CONTACTJean-Luc LEDYSPICOGIGA INTERNATIONAL+33 (0)1 69 31 61 12jeanluc.ledys@picogiga.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT III-V LABS,THALES, UMSIntermediate size enterprises:PICOGIGA INTERNATIONALSMEs:OMMICResearch institutes, universities:CNRS, IEF, TELECOMS PARIS,UPXPROJECT DATACoordinator:PICOGIGA INTERNATIONALCall:FUI1Start date:September 2006Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.8Funding (M2):3.788Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOS is a SecureOpen Source Operating Systemwhich Ought to be SimpleCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe ANR launched in 2008 a new type of call for projects: SEC&SI, where multiple teamsare competing. The goal is the conception of an easy-to-use and secured operatingsystem, which would allow standard (and risky) web browsing, but also to safely paytaxes, do e-banking or issue signed e-mails.This challenge will alternate conception phases and attack phases.The OSOSOSOS team selected containment with vserver. Special attention will be dedicatedto the management of updates, the communication between vserser, and themanagement of user's personal data.CONTACTLouis GRANBOULANEADS FRANCE+33 (0)1 46 97 31 76Louis.Granboulan@eads.netPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTOSOSOSOS has demonstrated that vserver can be used as a containment techniquewith a low ressource consumption. Integration of a package management with the useof multiple vservers and encrypted disk is one of the key achievements of the project.PARTNERSLarge companies:EADS DSS, EADS FRANCEResearch institutes, universities:SUPELEC RENNESPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADS FRANCECall:ANRStart date:October 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.3Funding (M2):0.1MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Experimentations:OSOSOSOS has gone through an intensive testing phase, in the context of the DéfiSEC&SI.Digital Trust & Security WG89

Digital Trust for citizensPassword AuthenticationPAMPA and Methods for Privacy and AnonymityCOMPLETEDPROJECTOne of the main goals of this project is to develop new protocols with passwordauthentication, which are not only more efficient but that can also provide a higher levelof security. Towards this goal, we also intend to investigate the relationship betweenthe different security models and the level of security that they provide. Next, we alsoconsider new security aspects for group protocols with password authentication,including robustness, dynamicity, insider corruptions, and adaptive security.Another goal of our project is to <strong>des</strong>ign more practical one-time password systems bycombining password-based and one-time password techniques. This could avoid forexample having to trust the client machine, which seems hard to guarantee in practicedue the existence of numerous viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTPAMPA has improved the provable security of PAKE protocols, while minimizing the impacton performance. The project has introduced a new approach for Group PAKE whereeach participant appears twice on a ring, and this allows an efficient protocol for addingparticipants or merging groups. PAMPA has also worked on combining PAKE and OTPand combining PAKE with privacy preservation. On privacy, PAMPA has developed efficientprotocols for signature delegation and for anonymous identity-based encryptionand robust encryption.Four PhD students have been working on PAMPA topics.An open-source plugin for pidgin implements PAKE and Group PAKE.Project web page: https://crypto.di.ens.fr/projects:pampa:mainCONTACTLouis GRANBOULANEADS+33 (0)1 46 97 31 76Louis.Granboulan@eads.netPARTNERSLarge companies:EADSSMEs:CRYPTOLOGResearch institutes, universities:ENSPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.4MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Contributory Password-Authenticated Group Key Exchange with Join Capability -CT-RSA '11• Smooth Projective Hashing for Conditionally Extractable Commitments - Crypto '09• Robust Encryption - TCC '10• Optimal Randomness Extraction from a Diffie-Hellman Element - Eurocrypt '09• Anonymous Consecutive Delegation of Signing Rights: Unifying Group and ProxySignatures - SICS '09◗ Maintened job: 190Digital Trust & Security WG

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesPersonnalization for identity and servicesCOMPLETEDPROJECTIn our world where so much data is exchanged,where institutions matter a lot aboutsecurity, where citizens care about their private sphere, means of secure identificationare needed. On the other hand, local authorities and service providers require a lot offlexibility to deploy proximity services or to enable security procedures specific to acompagny. The challenge lies in the <strong>des</strong>ign of procedures for administratives operationsor home aid in an "open" environment: it means an environment where the differentprocess co-exist without interfering with each other and without the emergence ofsecurity gaps.◗ The project targets to demonstrate the feasibility of such a platform.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has covered the following topics:◗ Risk Analysis of Personalization in an unsecured environment: by defintion an archtectureincluding all the concerned actors applying to two main use cases (Daily Life Card andCorporate Card).◗ Social acceptance and Legal framework an inquiry has been made among the city hallin France that has already some experience with Daily Life Card and a workshop withactors of the Region of Caen and the public transport to discuss about pratical andlegal way to enable such systems.◗ Design and implementation of two personalisation systems dedicated to the two usecases under consideration.CONTACTJean-Loup DEPINAYOBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 55 46 71 69jl.depinay@oberthur.comPARTNERSLarge companies:OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES,TRUSTED LABS,TRUSTED LOGICSMEs:CEV GROUP, EURODEMAT,NBSTECHResearch institutes, universities:ENSI CAEN, INRIAMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Experimentations:• Many use cases can illustrate Persepolis’s cases. In particular the initiators or the projecthave imagined a Multi Service Student card (“Carte d’Etudiant Multiservices” ou CEM).• An experimentation that illustrates that use case will be set up at EnsiCaen facilitiesfrom the 19th of April to 28th of May 2010.• 24 students, in 2nd year of engineer school specialized in electronic financial transactionsvia apprenticeship will be invited to participate to the experimentation setup by Persopolis Consortium from the 19th of April to the 28th of may 2010. Theywill be asked to test usage of a new concept of multiservice student card elaboratedduring Persopolis Project.• This experimentation will occur in a “electronic banking box” at EnsiCaen. This "box"is a glass room of around 20 m² in which we will install workstations and peripheralsmandated by the fulfilment of the experimentation.• During the kick-off day planned on the 19th of April 2010 students, assigned ingroups of 5 persons, will be invited to come and test different services proposed bythe partners of the Persopolis project according to pre-defined scenarios (A differentscenario will be proposed to each group). At the end of the experimentation,students will receive a questionnaire to get their opinions on proposed services,ergonomics and most important on the administration of them.• Following that day and until the 28th of May new test sessions will be organized whilethe partners will enrich the system. Access to the box, due to industrial confidentiality,will be securely controlled (badge and keys). So, those sessions will be supervisedby an authorized person (This person will be a member of the teaching staff).• The set of deployed services will be simulated: access to library, school restaurant,exam access control, Public transport…) Students that will have access to the Multiservices Persopolis Card will not be able to use it in the Real world.PROJECT DATACoordinator:OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIESCo-label:TESCall:FUI5Start date:June 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.8Funding (M2):1.6Digital Trust & Security WG91

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionPlates-Formes de ConfianceCOMPLETEDPROJECTPFC addresses security issues for governmental applications and critical infrastructuressuch as transports, energy…It also aims at reducing Total Cost of Ownership of IT systems.The third issue involved ease-of-use and ergonomics. Indeed, PFC will enable:◗ an authenticated trust framework, allowing to get rid of the multiple authenticationsby providing trust definition schemes between all systems;◗ consolidation of all informations on a unique terminal allowing secure access to multipleindependent networks, some secure and some “unsecure” such as Internet.CONTACTElie ZNATYBERTIN TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 38 30 62 81znaty@bertin.frMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OFTHE ARTPFC platforms overcome the need for manual transfer ofinformation between different systems or to perform multipleauthentication by providing a highly secure and versatilearchitecture suitable to provide secluded access todifferent IT environments. PFC added value has beendemonstrated on workstations and embedded systems◗ Publications:• Géraud Canet, Pascal Cuoq and Benjamin Monate. A Value Analysis for C Programs. In3rd IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'09),20-21 September 2009, Edmonton, Canada, 2009.• Jean-François Couchot, Alain Giorgetti and Nicolas Stouls. Graph-based Reduction ofProgram Verification Conditions. In Hassen Saïdi and N. Shankar, editors, AFM'09, colocatedwith CAV'09, pages 40-47. ACM Press, 2009.• Alain Giorgetti, Julien Groslambert, Jacques Julliand and Olga Kouchnarenko. Verificationof class liveness properties with Java modelling language. IET Software, 2(6):500-514, December 2008.• Benjamin Monate and Julien Signoles. Slicing for security of code. In Peter Lipp, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Klaus-Michael Koch, editors, TRUST, volume 4968 of Lecture Notes inComputer Science, pages 133-142, Springer, 2008.• Nicolas Rousset. Automatisation de la Spécification et de la Vérification d'applicationsJava Card. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Sud, June 2008.• Julien Blond. Modélisation et implantation de politiques de sécurité dans <strong>des</strong> systèmes d'exploitation.Thèse d'Université. Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI. Novembre 2010.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Bertin Technologies, with PFC project, has demonstrated the need for a secure operatingsystem allowing strong and trustable separation between networks of different sensitivitiesGemalto is marketing their parts of PFC project's results in its secure Token global solutionAchatpublic-Forsup, as one one the SME in PFC, has been able to demonstrate the professionalservices offered by their security products Bull has integrated parts of PFCproject's results in its global GLOBULL offer.◗ Job creation:The number of job creation thanks to PFC is estimated around 10. To that figure, it is worthto quote that PFC project has been the opportunity for more than 4 PhD thesis at differentlocations.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BULL,EADS, GEMALTO, SAGEMSECURITE, THALES,TRUSTED LABSIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:APPLITEAM, DICTAO, FORSUPCONSEILResearch institutes, universities:CEA, ENS CACHAN, INRIA,LIP6, TELECOM PARITECH,TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESCall:FUI2Start date:March 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):17Funding (M2):5.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):TSC92Digital Trust & Security WG

Digital Trust for citizensPersonal Information Managementthrough InternetON GOINGPROJECTThe future Internet will bring a growing number of networked applications (services),devices and individual data (including private ones) to end-users (citizens, consumers,employees). The important challenges are the organization of their access, and theguarantee of trust and privacy. The objectives of the PIMI project are the definition of amodel-based <strong>des</strong>ign environment and a deployment platform for Personal InformationManagement System (PIMS). The future PIMS must provide the end-user personal dataaccess with services that are relevant to his needs. In order to take mobility into account,the PIMS will be accessed both by mobile devices (smartphone) and Internet-connectedPersonal Computers.CONTACTOlivier NICOLASGENIGRAPH E-CITIZ+33 (0)5 34 60 92 83pimi@genigraph.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Electronic reputation and trust in services.◗ Secured private data transfer between PIMS and between services (Identity Federation).◗ Ergonomic Human Computer Interface including mobile ones.◗ Service composition and re-composition based on end-users requirements (lifeevents), on e-service trust and runtime feedback.◗ Quality of Service / Quality of Experience self adaptation.◗ Advanced algorithms to monitor the PIMS, the private data and service accesses.PARTNERSSMEs:GENIGRAPH, MONTIMAGEResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, IRIT, LRI, TELECOMSUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:GENIGRAPHCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.6Funding (M2):1.1Related Sytematic project(s):DESCARTES, MOBISICSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe state of the art regarding personal information management systems and toolshas been elaborated and a first version of the project case study has been defined andimplemented for both web and mobile versions. Environment aware e-services areunder investigation to allow dynamic composition based on QoS/QoE performanceindicators and security properties. Event notification and management architecture hasbeen defined and a set of quality and business indicators has been identified. Somedirections are emerging to integrate partners methods and tools within the PIMI.Digital Trust & Security WG93

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionPRINCEProven Resilience against Informationleakage in Cryptographic EngineeringON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of the PRINCE project is to <strong>des</strong>ign new cryptographic schemes andcountermeasures with a provable level of security against side-channel attacks. Forthis we must take into account every aspect of the implementation of secure systems,from the security protocols to the cryptographic algorithms and from these algorithmsto their implementation on concrete devices. This is an industrial research project thatbrings together theoretical cryptographers and industrial experts in embedded security.CONTACTJean-Sebastien CORONTRANEF+33 (0)1 79 30 91 95jscoron@tranef.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe expected scientific results are new security models that take into account all possiblephysical attacks, and new cryptographic schemes and countermeasures that areprovably secure in these (maximally extended) models, and that at the same time canbe efficiently implemented even on embedded devices with low processing power suchas smart cards.The PRINCE project is therefore quite ambitious since currently no known practicalcryptographic primitives are known to achieve security against all attacks.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCurrently all existing implementations of classical cryptographic algorithms are onlyheuristically secure against a very restricted class of side-channel attacks. In a nutshell,the expected final outcome of this project is the <strong>des</strong>ign and implementation ofcryptographic algorithms that can resist all possible physical attacks in a provable way.PARTNERSLarge companies:INGENICO AND GEMALTO,OBERTHURSMEs:TRANEFResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE NORMALESUPÉRIEURE, UNIVERSITÉ DEVERSAILLES SAINT QUENTINEN YVELINES.PROJECT DATACoordinator:TRANEFCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.9Funding (M2):194Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionQUASPERQualification of perception systemsON GOINGPROJECTFor critical infrastructures, transports and automobiles, security requirements are intensifyingin particular due to regulatory changes. Whether perception systems arefixed or on board, used technologies (sensors associated to algorithms) are often similar.Thus industrial and academic actors from the Security, Transportation and Automotivesectors have teamed up to face the main technological lock-in: the performanceassessment of perception systems.QUASPER R&D has three operational objectives in the service of companies and laboratories:◗ contributing to the development of new technologies of sensors and perception systems;◗ supporting the setting-up of European standards on functional performance qualificationfor perception systems;◗ providing scientific and technological elements to help structure the development ofa future operational platform which will provide qualification and certification servicesfor sensors and integrated systems.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSQUASPER R&D will be a first answer to an important problem faced by manufacturers, integratorsand laboratories developing and using perception systems. Nowadays to assess theperformance of these systems they rely on costly and time-consuming self-created tests.Thus the work done withinQUASPER R&D is fundamental: itwill pave the way towards the establishmentof operational methodsto qualify and certify perceptionsystems.QUASPER R& D will:◗ define qualification methodologiesfor each domain;◗ create an initial corpus of datareferences;◗ specify the targeted architecturefor the development in a second phase of an innovation platform;◗ initiate the setting-up of European standards on functional performance qualification forperception systems.Therefore the results of research undertaken within QUASPER R&D will on one hand guidethe ongoing R&D (in regards to the development of perception systems) of the actors withinSecurity, Automotive and Transportation domains; on the other hand it will be a first step towardsa European standard.Finally, QUASPER R&D provi<strong>des</strong> the founding elements of an operational platformnamed “QUASPER” that will offer qualification and certification services for companiesand laboratories.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project was started in June 2010 and is under development.During the 24 months of QUASPER R&D, the platform specifications will be defined:qualification methods, reference data, architecture and technical components.The opening of the platform is planned for the second half of 2014.CONTACTEmmanuel MICONNETTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 59 99emmanuel.miconnet@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AFNOR, AKKA,DURAN DUBOI,MORPHO, SOPEMEA,ST MICROELECTRONIC,THALES, VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:SOPEMEASMEs:CITILOG, CIVITEC, DURANDUBOI, ERTE, HGH, SOPEMEA,Research institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRETS, INRIA,INSTITUT D’OPTIQUEGRADUATE SCHOOLPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCo-label:MOV'EOCall:FUI9Start time:June 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.9Funding (M2):1.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):LOVE, MOBISIC, ODIAAC,SAFEAROUND, SIC, VICOMO,X-VISIONDigital Trust & Security WG95

Critical Infrastructure protectionRECONSURVEA Reconfigurable SurveillanceSystem with Smart Sensorsand CommunicationON GOINGPROJECTThe RECONSURVE project has been motivated by the need of better tackling the stakesand the increasing number and complexity of the maritime surveillance issues, such asillegal immigration management and illegal trafficking using small vessels. Data issuedfrom heterogeneous sensors are used as input (unmanned aerial vehicles with imagingcapability, sonar networks, AIS transmitters...), and the project focuses on detection,clustering/classifying, behavioral analysis and tactical situation awareness for decisionmaking enhancement. A coherent processing network will be <strong>des</strong>igned with interoperabilityinterfaces between these heterogeneous systems, which will enable decision supportcapabilities and the execution of adapted responses for the globally evaluated situation.CONTACTSimon FOSSIERTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 56 89simon.fossier@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The RECONSURVE system is composedof two sets of interacting architecturalcomponents.◗ First, the proposed maritime surveillancesystem will contain electro-opticand infrared sensors,radar and sonar networks, deployedon ground, on boats, UAVs,land mobile platforms, satellitesand underwater platforms. Theprovided data, as well as informationfrom the existing AIS network,will be used in routing, safe navigationcapabilities and deploymentstrategies for UAVs.◗ A Command and Control systemwill then be <strong>des</strong>igned. A data processingblock will first ensure detectionof targets, classification,tracking and multilevel data fusion,and this information will be used ina preliminary threat analysis. Thisblock will then feed a situationalawareness block, which will betasked with understanding the intentionsof the target through itsstatus/actions and its environment,and raising alerts accordingly. Moreover, an interoperability framework will be <strong>des</strong>ignedthrough a common language (ontology), to allow interfacing with other maritimesurveillance systems.PARTNERSLarge companies:ASELSAN, CASSIDIAN SYSTEMS,THALESSMEs:EVITECH, GMTC, SRDCResearch institutes, universities:ÉCOLE NAVALE/IRENAV,GREYC, TCGC,TÉLÉCOM BRETAGNE/ATOLPROJECT DATACoordinator:ASELSANCall:EUREKA 4Start date:January 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.7Funding (M2):3.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES• Year 1: first operational and functional view of the system, specified and prioritizedrequirements.• Objective for year 2: define operational scenarios, develop a first version of the systemblocks and the algorithms.96Digital Trust & Security WG

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesROLE-IDRole-centric identityON GOINGPROJECTRole-ID is developing an organization-oriented identity extension based on a rolecentricvision.Role-ID will provide a set of innovative and modular security components and processesthat will enhance the role management within the infrastructure identity level andprovide innovative role functionalities.CONTACTAline ANDRILLONCASSIDIAN+33 (0)1 61 38 81 57aline.andrillon@cassidian.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe idea is to extend the vision of role and identity in the following directions:◗ role-ID will introduce an innovative concept of function in identity that will improvenotions of context sharing, delegation,and work sharing;◗ role-ID will introduce a newconcept of virtual user that willallow a rich dynamic role attribution;◗ role-ID will develop news meansfor organizations to modelling agreat complexity of identitiesand roles;◗ role-ID will adapt and improvethe existing methodologies to administrate complex organisations identity database;◗ role-ID will provide enhanced tools for identity provisioning that are relevant to the reallife constraints.The purpose of role-ID is to base its work on identity products, standards and conceptsthat have been already developed by the different partners of the consortium. The objectiveis to extend these products, standards and concepts. We will also capitalize onthe existing theoretical concepts and methodologies that have been developed all overthe world. We will extend them and implement them in real life existing products. Furthermore,we will introduce some innovative concepts in the field of identity management.We will develop several new organisation-oriented identity modules and provethese concepts through demonstrator.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe focus has been put on the elaboration of relevant use cases in the areas of publicand healthcare, ensuring a strong and stable base for building the relevant use cases.The project also listed all requirements, technical and non technical, in all possibledomains, defined the modular project architecture and specified the main modules.The implementation of the notion of function and virtual role user has been started, toillustrate these concepts.The final demonstrators integration is in progress.PARTNERSLarge companies:CASSIDIAN, EVIDIAN, INSTADEFSEC LTDSMEs:ENTR'OUVERT, ILEX, SWID,UBISECUREResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM BRETAGNE,UNIVERSITY OF OULU,UNIVERSITY OF EASTERNFINLAND, VTTPROJECT DATACoordinator:CASSIDIANCo-label:ITEA2Call:EUREKA 3Start date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):9.9Funding (M2):3.9Related Sytematic project(s):FC²Digital Trust & Security WG97

Critical Infrastructure protectionSafeAroundCOMPLETEDPROJECTSafeAround project consists in the <strong>des</strong>ign and the realization of a future perimetricprotection demonstration system.The protected area can be a peri urban zone, a coastline, an open field countryside ora <strong>des</strong>ert. SafeAround must allow highly reliable detections and an intelligent syntheticmanagement of threats information. The <strong>des</strong>igned system can detect and classify theintrusion of people, groups, vehicles, and flying objects in any directions of thehemispheric space. Different kinds of sensors such as a thermal infrared + visible lighthemispheric imager, and a set of new generation geophonic sensors are linked to acommon data fusion control console.The main goal of this project is to prove and illustrate the efficiency of the associationof the optronic and the geophonic sensors in typical surveillance scenarios.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThis Project allowed to built the first demonstrator of a system fusioning the followingkinds of intrusion sensors:◗ Optronic IR+visible Hemispheric camera.◗ Set of geophonic sensors.The fusion system allows computing detections coming from either single or multiple sensors.The integrated system is based on an Ethernet architecture using a modern standardizedsupervising protocole: SNMP.The optronic system is the first using uncooled IR detectors to perform hemisphericcameras. Furthermore, the visible and IR channels are integrated into a single system.The geophonic sensors allow an improved localization of the threats using the triangulationof the geophonic signals.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The project led to the realization of a new kind of optronic sensor that may have a good lifetime due to its structural robustness. A new generation of geophonic sensor system wasalso optimized and is now a new product as its own. Its improved signal filtering processallows a better target classification and detection. The data processing monitoring anddisplay system was specifically <strong>des</strong>igned for the purpose of SafeAround. Its user friendlyfunctions and its ability to present synthetic information from various sensors.◗ Patents:The new scanning concept of IR panoramic imager using uncooled detectors is theobject of a patent application file.◗ Publications:The optronic sensor was presented to the scientific community during the OPTROconference in Feb. 2010. A new article related to it was published: "Panoramic ImagesWith Uncoled Detectors".◗ Experimentations:The whole system was successfully tested in the ETBS in Bourges in June 2009. It wasinstalled in realistic conditions, outside, in a place where it was possible to test thefunctions of the system, playing realistic scenarios of detection and tracking.◗ Job creation:SafeAround made possible the hiring of about 10 engineers.◗ Business creation:The turnover related to the commercial success of equipments <strong>des</strong>igned thanks tothe project SafeAround will reach 2.5M€ per year after <strong>2012</strong>.CONTACTVincent LEBOUCHERHGH SYSTEMES INFRAROUGES+33 (0)1 69 35 47 70vincent.leboucher@hgh.frPARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:MARTEC-ERYMASMEs:EVITECH, HGHResearch institutes, universities:IEFPROJECT DATACoordinator:HGH SYSTEMES INFRAROUGESCall:FUI2Start date:December 2006Duration:32 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.6Funding (M2):1.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SIC98Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionSAFESTSocial Area Frameworkfor Early Security TriggersON GOINGPROJECTPublic spaces such as airports, railway stations or stadiums bring together largenumbers of people to use a security-sensitive infrastructure. Electronic securitysystems help providing better, faster security, and safety for the general public, allowingfor instance intrusion detection and monitoring of large crowds in order to provideguidance in case of unexpected events (e.g., a mass panic). However, current securitysystems are typically expensive, non-trivial to deploy, difficult to operate and maintain,prone to malfunction due to individual component failures, and generally lack citizenprivacy-friendliness. SAFEST is a project that aims at providing a better system, moredistributed based on sensor networking and more citizen-friendly, that will bedemonstrated at the Berlin ariport at the end of the project.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSAFEST proposes a novel approach to public area surveillance based on a distributedmulti-sensor system, where low cost alerting sensors are deployed to detect suspiciousevents, video or image sensors are activated selectively. Various types of sensorno<strong>des</strong> and sensors provide ad hoc gathering of information. Observation sensors willbe completed by RFID for staff tracking and recognition or for baggage tracking or fordetection of stolen objects. The distributed surveillance network will thus provide smartcollecting and sharing information, coupled with advanced information analysis withhigh reliability required for security application, including easy integration within existingIP-based infrastructure. Distributed information management (image processing,multi-sensor correlation, data fusion) will provide global situation awareness, correlatedto the site map, with the potential ability to couple situation anticipation and guidancesystem. These powerful software and hardware abilities are possible due toan innovative modular mix of cheap and yet powerful enough components for each node(configurable modules include cameras, small uncooled infrared cameras, audiosensors, light sensors, PIR sensors, GPS), as well as advanced energy consumptionmanagement.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESStarted May 1 st <strong>2012</strong>.CONTACTEmmanuel BACCELLIINRIA+33 (0)1 69 33 41 01emmanuel.baccelli@inria.frPARTNERSLarge companies:SAGEMSMEs:DAVIKO, FBSResearch institutes, universities:FÖS, FRAUNHOFER, FREIEUNIVERSITAET BERLIN,HAMBURG UNIVERSITAET,INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:FREIE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN,INRIACall:ANRStart date:May <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):0.6Digital Trust & Security WG99

Comprehensive risk management,prevention and resilienceSAIMSISuivi Adaptatif Inter-lingueet multi-source <strong>des</strong> informationsON GOINGPROJECT◗ Watch of the information on persons identified by the security services as havingil-legal activities. This watch is done over the internet using different kind of sources(social networks, specialized sites, RSS, ...), different media (text and speech) and differentlanguages (French, English, Arabic, Russian, Chinese).◗ Processing of the variation of the spelling of proper names when using differental-phabets like Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic or Chinese ideograms. Processing of homonymsfor person names and place names.◗ Interlingual information structuring based on both linguistic processing and professionalknowledge.◗ Identification of text or speech authors using multiple linguistic criteria (vocabulary,syntax, argumentation) and vocal biometrics.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Merging of information from various languages and various sources.◗ Combining linguistic processing and professional knowledge.◗ Combining linguistic processingwith metadata from the informationgathering process.◗ Determination of a text orspeech author based on linguisticcriteria and voice biometrics.◗ Detection of illegal activitiesbased on automatic reasoningon the interlingual structureddatabase built using the multilingualgathered information.◗ Geolocalization of illegal activities.All the functionalities are webservicesof the integration plateformWEBLAB from CassidianSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES2 use cases have been defined: activities linked with islamist terrorism and phishing.• A tool giving all possible spelling in Latin character of Arabic names has beendeveloped and validated by the users.• Interlingual ontology has been built for the both use cases.The first prototype SAIMSI has been delivered on January <strong>2012</strong>.CONTACTChristian FLUHRGEOLSEMANTICSGROUPE CADÈGE+33 (0)6 81 01 01 08Christian.fluhr@geolsemantics.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CASSIDIANSMEs:GEOLSEMANTICS, MONDECAResearch institutes, universities:IREENAT, LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:GEOLSEMANTICSCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.2Funding (M2):1.3100Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionSAMOSAMicrowave Scanner for Airport SecurityON GOINGPROJECTSAMOSA project falls within the context of airport security. Its objective is to develop asystem, based on microwave imaging technology, allowing the detection of embeddedexplosive on a flight passenger. The explosive could be carried closed to the body orimplanted in the body of the passenger. This new technology has many advantages andcould allow detecting explosives implanted in human body without revealing theintimate anatomy of passengers. The project is in the current tendency of developingadvanced vision technology. However, addressing social and ethic aspects of this kindof systems, the project will bring a new lighting about civil security tools and theirintegration in civil society.CONTACTLuc DUCHESNESATIMO INDUSTRIES+33 (0)1 69 29 81 56luc.duchesne@satimo.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main innovation is the use of the microwave frequency band. This would allow detectingexplosive material carried closed to the body or implanted in the body of the passenger.The innovative technological concept is the development of a multiprobe scanner,with a multistatic imaging process. That would allow scanning the passenger in a veryshort time and would provide a global imaging with hot spots in case of presence of materialexplosive. The intimate anatomy of passenger won't be revealing. A first activity willbe the characterization of products that have to be detected and the qualification of thebody environment. These results will guide to define the working frequency bands. Anotherinnovative aspect of the project is the study of the social and ethic aspects thatwill bring a new lighting about the integration of new security tools.PARTNERSLarge companies:CEA GRAMAT, ONERA,STACSMEs:SATIMO INDUSTRIESResearch institutes, universities:GRSG, LAMIH, UNIVERSITEDE VALENCIENNES ET DUHAINAUT-CAMBRESISSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPROJECT DATACoordinator:SATIMO INDUSTRIESCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:March 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):1The project began in March 2011. A state of the art review has been performed and theusers and technical specifications have been defined. Ongoing technical actions arededicated to system dimensioning and feasibility. Studies on juridical and socialacceptability aspects are currently running.Digital Trust & Security WG101

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionSecurity and Analysis of Primitivesof Hashing Innovatory and Recent 2ON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of the Saphir2 project is to follow and take part into the NISTcompetition about hash functions. There is no ambiguity that this competition is aunique opportunity to study hash functions and propose its own <strong>des</strong>ign, as the AEScompetition has been for block ciphers.The goals of Saphir2 project are:◗ to propose and support hash function candidates,◗ to cryptanalyse some of the candidates,◗ to develop software and hardware implementations of some of the best candidates.Thus, the SAPHIR 2 project may have a large impact, on the whole world cryptographiccommunity.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSaphir2 will deliver information and analysis on NIST hash candidates:◗ inventory the use of hash-function in standards and evaluate the impact of using SHA-3,◗ realize mathematical and physical cryptanalysis of NIST hash candidates,◗ implement and optimize attacks on NIST hash candidates,◗ realize software and hardware implementation and analysis of NIST hash candidates,◗ study <strong>des</strong>ign criteria and impacts of using SHA-3 on applications,◗ follow-up and support of Saphir2 candidates.CONTACTJean-François MISARSKYFRANCE TELECOM ORANGE+33 (0)2 31 75 93 18jeanfrancois.misarsky@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CASSIDIAN, FRANCE TELECOMORANGE, GEMALTO, MORPHOSMEs:CRYPTOLOG INTERNATIONALOther:ANSSIResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, LIENS, UVSQSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESSaphir2 has 10 Tasks divided into 5 Work Packages. 8 deliverables published duringthe two first years. But, the main results will be appeared at the end of the 3rd year ofproject and at the end:◗ 8 deliverables during the two first years,◗ 8 deliverables at the end of T0+36,◗ 11 deliverables at the end of project.PROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOM ORANGECall:ANRStart date:March 2009Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.6Funding (M2):2.5102Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionSCALPSecurity of CryptographicALgorithms with ProbabilitiesON GOINGPROJECTOur day-to-day lives increasingly depend upon information and our ability to manipulateit securely. For this reason much effort is put on developing systems with guaranteedsecurity properties. The development of information security systems has to evolve froman art to a science. To this end, engineers need tools that assist them in developingsecurity systems with provable security guarantees. The aim of the SCALP project is todevelop general computer-aided tools for verifying cryptographic systems with strongcorrectness guarantees. These tools should have the following characteristics:◗ Support the provable and exact security frameworks.◗ Be reasonably automated.◗ Be applicable to realistic systems.◗ Put emphasis on proof checkability and certification.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSNo matter how carefully crafted cryptographic systems are, experience has shown thateffective attacks can remain hidden for years. This may be caused by poor <strong>des</strong>ign oroften unclear and poorly defined security properties and assumptions.Therefore, provable security, where new systems are published with a rigorous definitionof their security goals and a mathematical proof that they meet their goals, is beingincreasingly advocated. While the adoption of provable security significantly increases,the complexity and diversity of <strong>des</strong>igned systems tend to increase too. Hence, it islargely agreed on that the point has been reached where it is no longer viable to constructor verify cryptographic proofs by hand (Bellare& Rogaway 2004, Shoup 2004,Halevi 2005) and that there is a need for computer-aided verification methods for cryptographicsystems. The goal of this project is to achieve a major step towards buildingautomated tools for the verification of cryptographic systems. In order, to reconcile generality,imposed by the high diversity of cryptographic systems, and automation, weshall build our tools upon Coq.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESAn automated tool for the verification and certification of cryptographic systems. Wemanaged to prove encryption schemes such as IND-CCA OAEP, signature schemessuch as FDH and PSS and water marking algorithms.CONTACTYassine LAKHNECHUNIVERSITY OF GRENOBLE 1+33 (0)4 56 52 03 81Yassine.Lakhnech@ujf-grenoble.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:CNAM, CNRS,ENS LYON, INRIA,UNIVERSITY OF GRENOBLEPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITY OF GRENOBLE 1Co-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.5Digital Trust & Security WG103

Digital Trust for citizensSECULARSecure and Large image databases indexingON GOINGPROJECTSince their invention, content based image retrieval systems (CBRS) and biometricsystems have evolved separately. This is due to the fact that they originate from differentresearch and industrial communities. The Basic Research project <strong>des</strong>cribed in thisapplication, called SecuLar, groups researchers from both communities who haveobserved that both type of systems have indeed a lot in common in terms of goals andtechnological blocks. These techniques are used, however, in quite different settingspossibly explaining the gap between the two. The people involved in this SecuLar projectbelieve that what is specific to each family of approach can now benefit the other for thetwo following fundamental reasons.CONTACTTeddy FURONINRIA RENNES+33 (0)2 99 84 71 98teddy.furon@inria.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ There are many initiatives related to the protection of biometric data. However, thereis no known practical solution, which is secure, accurate and computationally efficient.The scientific challenge is the indexing of a large collection of protected datain order to foster the search of the nearest neighbours of a protected query.◗ Content Based Retrieval Systems manage large scale collections of multimedia contents.The focus of SecuLar is on ‘confidentiality’ and ‘privacy’, concepts completelyabsent from the vocabulary of the CBRS community. This functionality is offered byPrivate Information Retrieval protocol, whose complexity is prohibitive and inadequatewhen tackling multimedia objects.◗ The knowhow of the face recognition community is the <strong>des</strong>ign of efficient algorithmsfor the robust detection and the discriminative <strong>des</strong>cription of faces. However, thesemethods were almost never coupled to an indexing strategy, and their metrics arevery specific and quite exotic for general-purpose CBRS indexing methods. This isthe technical bottleneck explaining why no fast search over large collections of facesexists today. The second technical challenge is the evaluation of the security of facerecognition.PARTNERSLarge companies:MORPHOResearch institutes, universities:GREYC, INRIA RENNES,TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA RENNESCo-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUXCall:ANRStart date:April <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe final product of SecuLar is naturally emerging from the above mentioned technicalchallenges: it is the architecture of a global system performing fast identification ofindividual faces from a very large collection of protected templates. This system issecure, enabling confidentiality and privacy so that the database could be public. Thebest procedure to delude the face recognition and its performance (probability ofsuccessful hack vs. distortion) are well established.104Digital Trust & Security WG

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionSECUREDALGORITHMSecured Algorithmfor platform subjectto physical attacksCOMPLETEDPROJECTWhile implemented on embedded devices, cryptographic algorithms become vulnerableto numerous physical attacks such as side channel attacks and fault attacks. In orderto protect embedded cryptographic implementations, developers have to <strong>des</strong>ignappropriate countermeasures which often induce an important overhead in theirperformances.This overhead could be significantly reduced if cryptographic algorithms were <strong>des</strong>ignedwith specific criteria. Secured embedded systems could then have their own standards,appropriate for their uses and their constraints.The main issue of this project is to analyze the security of cryptographic primitives vs.the efficiency of their secured implementation as well as to define a symmetriccryptographic algorithm specific to embedded applications.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTResults have been obtained through a better modelisation of physical leakages: estimationof probability density functions, use of mutual information analysis, estimation of theefficiency of EMA… New significant contributions have also been obtained regarding countermeasuresagainst side-channel attacks, particularly masking. Finally, the overallstructure of a new block cipher taking the expertise acquired into account has been fixed;we are still working on a detailed specification of the block cipher components. Practicalimplantations of the block cipher are also foreseen.CONTACTGilles PIRETOBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 47 85 40 15g.piret@oberthur.comPARTNERSLarge companies:OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIES,THALESIntermediate size enterprises:NAGRAResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8,UNIVERSITÉ VERSAILLESSAINT QUENTINMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Patents: 3.◗ Publications:• Higher Order Masking and Shuffling for Software Implementations of Block Ciphers-- CHES 2009.• First-Order Side-Channel Attacks on the Permutation Tables Countermeasure --CHES 2009.• Evaluation of Countermeasure Implementations Based on Boolean Masking toThwart Side-Channel Attacks. -- SCS 2009.• Overview of Dual Rail with Precharge Logic Styles to Thwart Implementation -- LevelAttacks on Hardware Cryptoprocessors. -- SCS 2009.• Mutual Information Analysis: a Comprehensive Study -- Journal of Cryptology.• Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Mutual Information Based Side Channel Analysis-- IJACT 2010.• Unrolling Cryptographic Circuits: A Simple Countermeasure Against Side-ChannelAttacks. -- CT-RSA 2010.• About Probability Density Function Estimation for Side Channel Analysis -- F. Flament,H. Maghrebi, -- COSADE 2010.• Side-Channel Analysis based on Rainbow Tables -- S. Guilley -- COSADE 2010.• The Variance Power Attack -- P. Hoogvorst -- COSADE 2010.• Towards a Third Order Side Channel Analysis Resistant Table Recomputation Method-- COSADE 2010.• Evaluation of Power-Constant Dual-Rail Logics Counter-Measures against DPA withDesign-Time Security Metrics -- IEEE Transactions on Computers.• Efficiency of Far EMA for different distances between the antenna and the FPGA --DATE 2010.• BCDL: A High Speed Balanced DPL for FPGA with Global Precharge and no EarlyEvaluation -- DATE 2010.PROJECT DATACoordinator:OBERTHUR TECHNOLOGIESCall:FUI5Start date:September 2008Duration:30 (=24+6) monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):0.9Digital Trust & Security WG105

Trusted Infrastructurefor smart citiesSEFPGASecured FPGACOMPLETEDPROJECTThis project aims at improving the security of FPGAs embedding cryptographicapplications. The goal is to study countermeasures to fight side-channel attacks andfault attacks against the programmed cryptoprocessor. The protections are studied atdifferent levels: intrinsic, i.e. depend on the FPGA architecture, or extrinsic, i.e; dependon the application netlist . The FPGA topology is either Mesh-based, which correspondsto a matrix shape which is used in off-the-shelf FPGAs, or tree-based which is a newcustom structure. The intrinsic security will be carried out by a test chip of the treebasedFPGA. The extrinsic security will lead to a CAD tool which can add differentcountermeasures at the <strong>des</strong>ign flow stages and allow the <strong>des</strong>igner to find the bestcompromise between complexity and robustness.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThere are two major scientific achievements in this project.◗ To provide a secure FPGA <strong>des</strong>ign flow which allows the <strong>des</strong>igners to add.robustnessproperties. At the front end stage this is obtained by taking advantage of differentiallogic styles as WDDL, BCDL which permit the balance of the consumption. The backend stage depends on the FPGA topology. Specific partitioning and routing algorithmshave been obtained for tree-based FPGAs.◗ A novel custom FPGA which has a tree topology.This circuit is <strong>des</strong>igned in 65nm technology andis able to received the protected DES algorithmbitstream by using a differential logic type.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications: 11• E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez. Security-CentricFPGA CAD Tools to BalanceDual-Rail Routing in WDDL Designs. A apparaîtredans Southern ProgrammableLogic Conference, Argentina, 2011.• E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez. Controlled Placement and Routing Techniquesto Improve Timing Balance of WDDL Designs in Mesh-Based FPGA. 2010 IEEE AsiaPacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,December 2010.• E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez. Impact of Dual Placement on WDDL Design securityin Mesh-Based and Tree-Based FPGAs. 2010 IEEE Conference on Ph.D. Researchin MicroElectronics and Electronics (PRIME'2010), berlin, Germany, July 2010.• E. Amouri, H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, Placement and routing techniques toimprove delay balance, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, andSystems, 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia.• E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez, Improving the Security of Dual RailLogic in FPGA Using Controlled Placement and Routing, International Conference onReconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 2009, Cancun, Mexico.◗ Patents:J. L. Danger, S. Guilley et P. Hoogvorst, (2008), Procédé de protection de circuit de cryptographieprogrammable et circuit protégé par un tel procédé, Rapport de recherche,n° FR 08 51904.◗ Business creation:This project contributed to help the Telecom ParisTech and LIP6 spin-offs: secure-ichttp://ww.secure-ic.com and flexras http://www.flexras.com)CONTACTJean-Luc DANGERTELECOM PARISTECH+33 (0)1 45 81 81 17danger@telecom-paristech.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:TELECOM PARISTECHCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:45 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SECURED ALGORITHMS106Digital Trust & Security WG

Digital Trust for citizensSymmetric Encryptionwith QUantum key REnewalCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main goal of the project SEQURE (Symmetric Encryption with QUantum key REnewal)is to develop a complete system capable of performing fast data encryption over an installedfibre optics link, with extremely high security standards. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) iscombined with Symmetric Encryption in order to allow a fast renewal of highly secure sessionkeys.The project gathers two industrial partners (Thales Research and Technologies: TRT andThales Communications: TCF) and two academic partners (Telecom ParisTech: TP andInstitut d’Optique Graduate School: IOGS), in order to develop and implement all aspects ofa high-speed encrypted link, including quantum security proofs and hardware, symmetricencryption appliances, up to network protocols allowing field demonstration of the system.CONTACTThierry DEBUISSCHERTTHALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)1 69 41 55 50thierry.debuisschert@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTWe have developed a quantum cryptography prototype based on continuous variable producingsecret keys at a rate over 1 kbit/sec at 25 km. It is interfaced with Thales MistralGbit appliances allowing symmetric encryption at the Gbit/sec rate. The overall securityis increased using the secret keys for fast renewal of the symmetric algorithm sessionkeys. The whole set-up as been implemented on a fiber optics link installed between twoThales subsidiaries in Palaiseau and Massy. It has been operated for six month producingsecret keys at a 600 bit/sec rate and allowing for session key renewal every 10 sec.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• R. Alléaume et al. “Using Quantum Key Distribution for cryptographic purposes: aSurvey”, submitted to the special issue of TCS for the 25th anniversary of BB84,http://www.iota.u-psud.fr/~sequre/Publications/Publications.htm• S. Fossier, E. Diamanti, T. Debuisschert, A. Villing, R. Tualle-Brouri, and P. Grangier.“Field test of a continuous-variable quantum key distribution prototype”. New J. Phys.,11(4) :045023, 2009.• A. Leverrier, P. Grangier, "A simple proof that Gaussian attacks are optimal amongcollective attacks against continuous-variable quantum key distribution with a Gaussianmodulation", Phys. Rev. A 81, 062314 (2010).• A. Leverrier, P. Grangier, "Continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocols witha non-Gaussian modulation" arXiv:1101.3008.◗ Patents:Leverrier Anthony [FR]; Grangier Philippe [FR], Procédé de distribution quantique declés à variables continues, FR2933833 (A1), 2010-01-15.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):High security communication link combining fast classical algorithm and quantum keydistribution.◗ Job creation:One scientist has been recruitedby the start-up SEQURENET inorder to develop quantum key distributionprototypes.◗ Business creation:The know-how on continuousvariable quantum key distributionhas been transferred to the startupSEQURENET. The objective isto develop products exploitingquantum key distribution.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALES RESEARCH ANDTECHNOLOGIES (TRT) ANDTHALES COMMUNICATIONS(TCF).Research institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECH (TP)AND INSTITUT D’OPTIQUEGRADUATE SCHOOL (IOGS)PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES RESEARCHAND TECHNOLOGIESCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.4Funding (M2):0.6Digital Trust & Security WG107

Critical Infrastructure protectionSécurité <strong>des</strong> Infrastructures CritiquesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe SIC project adresses the securisation of critical infrastructures with innovative solutionsenabling to cope with the present and future threats. It inclu<strong>des</strong>:◗ technological developments of a variety of smart sensors,◗ a proof of concept of a new system integrating sensors and implementing a smartalarm management based on complex event processing.This project has been led in close cooperation with the operators of critical infrastructuresin the Paris area and the supervisory authorities, all the while being in coherencewith the French and European initiatives.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe SIC system implements innovativesensors, among which:◗ smart video cameras with algorithmsallowing tracking of personsor detection of abnormalbehaviours and intrusions,◗ biometric sensors for accesscontrol,◗ sensors able to detect and qualifyNRBC agents.The SIC middlewares have beendeveloped in order to integrate allthe alarms coming from the sensorsand to present the operatorwith a high level alarm for aneasier understanding of the current situation. This is made possible thanks to theimplementation of a CEP (Complex Event Processing) engine and the writing of CEPrules based on the infrastructure risk analysis.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications: 3 publications.◗ Patents:FR2927713 (A1) Dispositif d'acquisition d'empreintes digitales à la volée.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• The CEP module will be integrated in the supervisors offer by 2014.• Bertin chemical gas detection "SecondSight" equipment is now proposed for indoorsurveillance.• Several new products should be put on the market (from <strong>2012</strong> to 2016) : Bull intrusiondetection video equipment, Gemalto authentification solution, Morpho's FingerOn the Fly® biometric equipment, Telecom SudPAris signature reconnaissance pad,Thales Communications video compression system, etc.◗ Job creation:13 jobs have been created and 43 preserved.◗ Business creation:• The INRIA has tranfered the SIC know-how to Keeneo, firm in charge of the commercializationof videosurveillance technologies developped by the INRIA team.• The SIC team had a leading action in order to have the ISO edit new metadata videostandards which will be a business booster from <strong>2012</strong> onward.CONTACTGuy PANAGETTHALES DSC+33 (0)6 08 36 45 90guy.panaget@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BERTINTECHNOLOGIES, BULL, EADS,GEMALTO, MORPHO, RATP,SODERN, THALESSMEs:TRUSTED LOGICResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA,TELECOM SUDPARIS,UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUDPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI1Start date:October 2006Duration:45 monthsGlobal budget (M2):24.9Funding (M2):7.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):KIVAOU, MOBISIC, VIDEO ID108Digital Trust & Security WG

Security Innovation ClusterSIGNATUREON GOINGPROJECTSIGNATURE: The European Security Innovation Network aims to expand the existingsecurity sector cluster infrastructure within North West Europe and become a leadingEuropean security network. The supply side of the security market is fragmented, andthe network will address this.The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) throughthe INTERREG IVB programme.CONTACTBen ATTFIELDNGAGE+44 (0)1494 568 953Ben.Attfield@ngagesolutions.co.ukTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe objectives of the project are:◗ To facilitate innovation by developing and implementing collaboration between clusters,SMEs and other organizations in the security sector.◗ To create specific opportunities for collaboration in the security sector through commonclassification and micro-cluster activity.◗ To create highly focused Security Transnational Interest Groups within three themednetworks of world class excellence: Security of Information Systems, Critical Infrastructure,and Citizens.◗ To improve the quality of partnerships by providing SMEs with a better understandingof their role in complex innovation & research partnerships.PARTNERSSMEs:NGAGE (UK - LEADER)Clusters:LSEC (LEADERS IN SECURITY)(BE), SITC (SECURITYINNOVATION TECHNOLOGYCONSORTIUM) (UK),SYSTEMATIC PARIS-REGION(FR)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Organization of a number of transnational seminars.◗ Creation of five new Security Transnational Interest Groups in the fields of IdentityManagement, Cyber Security, Data Protection & Data Intergrity, Coordination of CriticalInfrastructure Security, and Safe Cities.◗ Creation of a shared classification for the wider security sector (taxonomy) that willenable our partners to locate potential business partners for their members acrossnational boundaries.◗ Development of a searchable transnational database of security sector organisationsthat will publish on the SIGNATURE website (www.securityinnovationnetwork.com)and that will enable SIGNATURE members to search for transnational partners.◗ Identification of gaps in the membership base of the SIGNATURE partners that currentlyhinders the succesful development and exploitation of security products.◗ Support action to build new partnerships in other European countries.Project supported by:ASSOCIATE PARNERSFUTURSECURITY BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG (GER),SEGURIDAD MADRID (SP),TELETRUST (GER)PROJECT DATACoordinator:NGAGECall:INTERREG IVBStart date:April 2009Duration:43 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.9Digital Trust & Security WG109

Critical Infrastructure protectionSystème multi senseurde détection d’objets cachéspour une meilleure gestiondu flux passagerSMARTVISION COMPLETEDPROJECTThe SmartVision project deals with the development of an innovative multi-sensorsystem for detecting suspicious objects which are concealed on moving human bodies.A first part consists in optimizing a passive commercial millimeter wave (mmW)detector by adding a phase mask in order to increase the depth of field of the system.The second part concerns the development of an active mmW imager based onsynthetic aperture radar in order to obtain more accurate data about the suspect areafirst detected by passive imager (shape, nature of the material…). These two sensors willbe then integrated and tested in a non-collaborative passenger screening system inorder to demonstrate theirs performances to the end users.CONTACTThierry LAMARQUETHALES SERVICES+33 (0)1 69 41 55 23thierry.lamarque@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Improvement of the performances of a commercial full field millimeter-wave imager.◗ Development of a low-cost focused active millimeter-wave imager at 77 GHz.◗ Development of advanced video analysis algorithms for the detection of suspiciousareas on millimeter-waves images.◗ Integration of these sensors and algorithms in a global system for automaticinspection of a pe<strong>des</strong>trian: 'on-the-move' screening procedure.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Système multi-senseur dedétection d’objets cachéspour une meilleure gestion duflux passager (SMARTVISION)- WISG 2011, Troyes.• Multi-sensor millimeter-wavesystem for hidden objects detectionby non-collaborativescreening - SPIE Defense,Security & Sensing 2011,Conference 8022, Orlando,USA.PARTNERSLarge companies:CEA LIST, THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY, THALESSERVICESSMEs:ATELIERS LAUMONIER, SARTResearch institutes, universities:CERAPS, INSTITUT TELECOM,LABORATOIRE C. FABRY,INSTITUT D'OPTIQUEGRADUATE SCHOOLPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES SERVICESCall:ANRStart date:June 2009Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):MOBISIC, SIC110Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionSmart system based on dedicatedOptical Fiber Sensing cableand distributed measurementfor perimetric detectionCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe aim of SmartFence project was to develop an integrated system devoted topermanent monitoring of critical infrastructures perimeters. The technology, based onOptical Fiber Sensing and Brillouin scattering remains operational 24/7 in any weatherconditions, and is easy to deploy on fences (CEA patented solution). This distributedfiber sensing system allows to determine in real time the profile of strains along thededicated fiber cable attached to the fence with a remote localization of 1 m resolution,up to tens of kilometres range, and is able to detect and localize any intrusion attempt.CONTACTDr Pierre FERDINANDCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 83 39pierre.ferdinand@cea.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe approach is based on the fiber optic distributed technology. Sensitive fibers are used ascontinuous transducers up to tens of kilometers range. Based on a straightforward opticalmeasurement, this approach addresses many of the difficulties inherent in the more traditionalmethods. During the project several sensing cables have been developed and testedon various fences with the help of commandos, in order to select the optimum <strong>des</strong>ign andto validated the deployment procedure, the software detection and the data processing.PARTNERSLarge companies:ACOME, RTE, SITESMEs:SITEResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CEA SPACIMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• M. Giuseffi, V. Dewynter, P. Ferdinand, S. Magne, S.Rougeault, J.-M. Palut, M. Pinabiau, C. Canepa, J.C.Darocha, B. Gauvain, A. Le Gall, D. Lenan, R. Blin, S.Piot, J.-F. Sageau, L. Devatine et G. Pasteur, Barrièreintelligente à haute efficacité de détection et localisationprécise d’intrusion à fibres optiques pour lasurveillance périmétrique de sites sensibles. ConférenceWISG'08, 29-30 jan. 2008.• P. Ferdinand, M. Guiseffi, V. Dewynter, S. Magne, C.Prudhomme, S. Rougeault, J.-M. Palut, M. Pinabiau,C. Canepa, J.-C. Da Rocha, A. Le Gall, S. Cabon, R.Petit, R. Blin, S. Piot, J.-F. Sageau, L. Devatine et G. Pasteur, Le projet SmartFence : vers une surveillancepérimétrique <strong>des</strong> sites sensibles par fibres optiques, WISG’09 - Workshop Interdisciplinairesur la Sécurité Globale, Université de Technologique de Troyes, 27 & 28 janvier 2009.• M. Giuseffi, V. Dewynter, P. Ferdinand, S. Rougeault, J.-M. Palut, M. Pinabiau, C. Canepa, J.-C. DaRocha, A. Poulain, R. Blin, S. Piot, J.-F. Sageau, L. Gourit, D. Brunet et C. Finck, SmartFence: une barrièreintelligente au service de la surveillance périmétrique par fibres optiques <strong>des</strong> sites sensibles,WISG’10 - Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, Université de Technologiquee de Troyes.• M. Giuseffi, D. Quenson, S. Rougeault, P. Ferdinand, J.-M. Palut, M. Pinabiau, C. Canepa, J.-C. DaRocha, A. Poulain, R. Blin, S. Piot, J.-F. Sageau, H. Lancon, C.H. Pourchier, H. Fievet, L. Gourit, D.Brunet et C. Finck, SmartFence : un système de surveillance périmétrique basé sur <strong>des</strong> Capteursà Fibres Optiques répartis par rétrodiffusion Brillouin, WISG’11 - Workshop Interdisciplinaire surla Sécurité Globale, Université de Technologiquee de Troyes, 25 & 26 janvier 2011.• M. Giuseffi, N. Roussel, S. Rougeault, P. Ferdinand, M. Pinabiau, C. Canepa, J.-C. Da Rocha, A.Poulain, R. Blin, S. Piot, L. Gourit, D. Brunet et C. Finck, SmartFence : Où comment les fibresoptiques et l'effet Brillouin peuvent assurer la sécurité périmétrique <strong>des</strong> sites sensibles, WISG’12- Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, Université de Technologiquee de Troyes,24 & 25 janvier <strong>2012</strong>.• M. Giuseffi, P. Ferdinand, N. Roussel, S. Rougeault, M. Pinabiau, C. Canepa, J.-C. Da Rocha, A.Poulain, R. Blin, S. Piot, L. Gourit, D. Brunet et C. Finck, Smart System based on dedicated opticalfiber sensing cable and distributed measurement for perimetric detection, OPTRO-<strong>2012</strong>, 8-10 feb.<strong>2012</strong>, Paris, France.◗ Patents:S. Rougeault, V. Dewynter, M. Giuseffi, P. Ferdinand, et M. Pinabiau, Système de surveillancepérimétrique par fibre optique, déposé à l'INPI le 1 er septembre 2010 (réf. BD11041 BH).◗ Business creation:This project convinces ACOME to launch an external buisiness unit ti push such detection technologyon the market.Digital Trust & Security WGPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:March 2008Duration:45 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.8111

Critical Infrastructure protectionSMARTMESHON GOINGPROJECTDefinition and experimentation of an autonomous, distributed, discrete, modular, reconfigurablesurveillance system for several sites, mainly isolated and powerless.◗ Main challenge of the project is to <strong>des</strong>ign and realise a autonomous, wireless, generic,modular network of sensors (acoustic, video, seismic, PIR) including a secure communication,an optimised power system and an embedded computer.◗ The reduction of the global consumption is a major goal of the project through a generalapproach of the <strong>des</strong>ign using low power equipment, efficient power managementand smart algorithms of fusion and communication.CONTACTCaroline SENZIERSAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE+33 (0)1 58 11 97 28caroline.senzier@sagem.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ To define an architecture for an autonomous sensor dedicated to security, modularand based on existing standards, allowing to fulfill the needs for surveillance of closedor open areas.◗ To improve the power autonomyof the system:• by reduction of the powerconsumption of the sensors;• by introduction of smart algorithmsinto the sensorsto reduce the power consumption;• by an optimized powersupply management includinga fine battery andsolar cells management;• using low power consumptioncommunications.◗ To improve the sensors, includingacoustic detection and embedded video processing to detect intrusion.◗ To make easier the deployment for the end user, by using simplified adhoc communicationsfor sensors network.◗ To include some intelligence/fusion capacity and be able to host some decentralisedapplication software.◗ To allow remote control and global fusion and optimisation (health management, ability to send qualified results to fusion and in the other side to integrate informationfrom global situation awareness).◗ To validate the concept of such a multifunction autonomous sensor and the technicalissues in some use-cases with a real experimentation.PARTNERSLarge companies:INEO DEFENSE, SAGEMDEFENSE SECURITESMEs:ACCUWATT, EVITECH, ORELIA,PRODOMO, REFLEX-CESResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IEF, INRIA, TELECOMSUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITECall:FUI8Start date:February 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.2Funding (M2):1.9STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has been restructured in November 2010 (introduction of a new partner:Accuwatt).User's requirement collection has been ended in February 2011. The global architecturehas been finalized in September 2011. Detailed studies of the components of the demonstratorhave started in January 2011. Most of them are now finished and first items aremanufactured. IR micro-cameras and smartno<strong>des</strong> are available. The integration starts inMarch <strong>2012</strong>. The scenarios for the experimentation are now defined and must be refinedfor the field experimentation which is now scheduled during Autumn <strong>2012</strong>.112Digital Trust & Security WG

Comprehensive risk management,prevention ans resiliencePortable Inspection Systemusing X-rays for Detectionand identification of Explosivesand chemical Risks for SecurityCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe discovery of a suspect object in a public domain creates a crisis situation and resultsin implementing protocols to evaluate the threat and secure the area.The aim of the SPIDERS project is to validate the feasibility of a new enhanced portableinspection system based on complementary X rays techniques.PROJECT > 3 SCIENTIFIC ISSUES + DEMONSTRATOR◗ 3D & bi energie imaging without mechanical displacement using multiple X raybeams based on carbon nanotube photo-catho<strong>des</strong>.◗ CdZnTe high resolution spectrometric linear detector working at ambient temperature.◗ 3D diffraction imaging allowing spectral analysis for identifying illegal materials.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ First significant lifetime demonstrationof a CNT cathode in a Xray diode during 3months incontinuous operation.◗ Developpment of a new spectralanalysis method based onEnergy Dispersive X-Ray Diffractionusing a limited databaseof illegal substances.◗ A dedicated 3D reconstructionalgorithm, based on an iterativetechnique implemented within a multi-resolution approach has been developed.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:10th ECNDT, Moscow 2010, 07 – 11 juin 2010 “Feasibility study of X-ray diffraction for a portableinspection system” – Angela Peterzol, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian and PascalPonard: [INSA Lyon, TED]; “Spatial super-resolution for line parallel imaging in energy dispersiveX-ray diffraction” – Ferréol Soulez, Charles Crespy, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle,Angela Peterzol, Pascal Ponard: [INSA Lyon, TED]; “Design and optimization of atomosynthesis system using a multiple X-ray source based on carbon nanotubes” – Anne Frassati,Véronique Rebuffel, Vincent Moulin [CEA LETI, INSA].◗ Patents:• Réf TPI 65213: Source de rayons X à photocathode à nanotubes de carbone -ExtensionPCT/EP2009/050809 le 23.01.2009.• Réf TPI 65981: Source de faisceau électronique collimaté à cathode froide -ExtensionPCT/EP2010/057734 le 2.06.2010.• Réf TPI 65213: Source de rayons X à photocathode à nanotubes de carbone (2008) Dépôt brevetFrance 08.00397 le 25.01.2008.• Réf TPI 65981: Source de faisceau électronique collimaté à cathode froide (2009) - Dépôt brevetFrance 09.02733 le 05.06.2009.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Definition of the system architecture for the imaging in transmission and diffraction.• Optimization of 3D reconstruction method based on X ray multi-sources and compatible with theoperational constraints.• Realization of X ray CNT dio<strong>des</strong> at 100 kV.• Sept. 2010: final evaluation of a demonstrator in Bourges ETBS / DGA with explosive materialshidden in objects.◗ Business creation:A spin-off called MultiX SA has been created by Thales Electron Devices and will develop spectrometricdetectors for Security market.Digital Trust & Security WGCONTACTPascal PONARDTHALES ELECTRON DEVICES+33 (0)4 50 26 83 77pascal.ponard@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES ELECTRON DEVICES,THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:CYXPLUS, D-LIGHTSYSResearch institutes, universities:CEA - LETI, ECOLEPOLYTECHNIQUE - LPICM,INSA - LYON-CNDRIPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES ELECTRON DEVICESCo-label:MINALOGICCall:ANRStart date:March 2008Duration:33 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.9Funding (M2):1.5113

Critical Infrastructure protectionSRPMSecurity Radiation Portal MonitorON GOINGPROJECTDevelopment of a system for detection and identification of gamma radioisotopes usingplastic scintillator, combined with neutron detection.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The Saphymo’s and CEA’s common development has shown in a previous project(MA-NRBC) that it was possible to detect and discriminate gamma and neutronradiation using basic plastic scintillator (PVT) purchased in the shop, which is normallyused for gamma detection only.◗ In the SRPM project, partners will develop a low cost system to identify the radioisotopesby spectroscopy to avoid “innocent” alarms AND detect and discriminategamma and neutron radiation.◗ The main development axis will be in the signal processing, data processing and materialsstudy.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTFrançois CHLOSTA,SAPHYMO+33 (0)1 69 53 73 00chlosta@saphymo.comPARTNERSSMEs:SAPHYMOIntermediate size enterprises:ADENEOResearch institutes, universities:CEA LISTStartup of the project.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SAPHYMOCall:FU10Start date:January 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1Related Sytematic project(s):MA-NRBC114Digital Trust & Security WG

Comprehensive risk management,prevention ans resilienceTARANISTechnologie pour l’Apprentissage<strong>des</strong> Risques majeurs parl’ANImation de SimulationsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe ability to promptly and appropriately react to critical events during a crisis is acrucial skill for crisis managers (operationals, politics, industrials) confronted tocomplex environments, facing a diversity of actors, and in particular the media. Relyingon upcoming behavioural simulation, cutting edge visualization and interaction interfaceand world leader GIS system, TARANIS aims to research and develop in collaborationwith potential end-users and experts a crisis management solution providing: simpleplanning and crisis management tools, an easy way to build crisis complex scenarios,GIS-based visualization of the entire situation, value for money training and exercisingwith collaborative sessions potentially available from the web.CONTACTJérome COMPTDAERMASAGROUP+33 (0)1 55 43 13 30jerome.comptdaer@masagroup.netPROJECT RESULTS◗ Technologies:Researches on crisis managementconducted during theproject lead on both the enhancementof a unique decisionnalsimulation and thecreation of an innovative Timelinefor crisis tasks, phone discussionsand video recordingmanagement.• The simulation <strong>des</strong>cribes and implements new dynamic population behaviours incase of emergency, implements the procedures of security services while integrating3rd part-simulation information (weather or CBRN clouds) making it possibleto take into account information like the state of main transport, energy,communication, water networks as well as some major natural risk factors andtechnological risk factors;• the Timeline provi<strong>des</strong> a very intuitive and accurate look-and-feel tool to display hundredsof tasks, assign organization staff roles and monitor the crisis cell. Thesetools smoothly interact together in order to provide a coherent and homogeneousplatform to prepare, run, replay and analyse crisis management exercises.◗ Publications:• “Se préparer à l’impensable : la simulation comportementale et la plate-formed’entraînement à la gestion de crise TARANIS - Actes du Workshop Interdisciplinairesur la Sécurité Globale” (WISG’07).• “TARANIS, de la préparation au débriefing, retour d’expérience sur un exercice degestion de crise - Actes du Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale(WISG’09)”.◗ Experimentations:The TARANIS platform has been used in real conditions during a crisis managementexercise organized by the CODAH (Le Havre agglomeration clusters) on December2008 and March 2009. The exercises lasted one full day in instrumented rooms andtargeted public security organizations, emergency operationals, politics and industrymanagers. The animation room was featured with two large screens displaying thetimeline and the simulation, a call center and monitoring tools. At the end of theexercise, the user feedbacks concerning the platform use were: disturbing, structuringand improving. The final demonstration is planned on June 2009.◗ Business creation:The TARANIS platform enables crisis management organization to prepare theirexercises online and use them during training and exercising without any technicalskills. Since the simulation embbeds a decisional AI technology and hence is highlyautonomous, it requests very low manpower to handle it through a web-browser. TheTARANIS platform may revolutionize crisis management training.PARTNERSSMEs:ESRI FRANCE, MASAGROUPResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11(LRI)PROJECT DATACoordinator:MASAGROUPCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1Funding (M2):0.6Digital Trust & Security WG115

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionTechnologies et investigationssécuritaires pour téléphones mobileset appareils numériques mobilesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main goal of the TISPHANIE project is to propose a cost/efficient and structuredmethodology, together with the related tools and evaluation process enabling theconcerned users (MNOs, application developers, police laboratories, civil securityoperators) to assess rapidly the security of all major components embedded in personaldevices (mobile handsets, PDAs, netbooks, PMR terminals) for critical or value-addedapplications.CONTACTJean-Pierre TUALGEMALTO+33 (0)1 55 01 61 60jean-pierre.tual@gemalto.com116PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe TISPHANIE project has put in evidence new ways of attacking Mobile Platforms fromthe HW, SW or Cryptographic standpoints. It has developed new HW equipment enablingto assess the security of mobile devices as well as some efficient SW mechanisms proposingcountermeasures against possible malicious SW injection in classical platformssuch as Symbian, IoS or Android (some of them are classifed).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Mobile phone hypervisor testing for vulnerabilitiesdiscovery, Smart Mobility 2011, A. Gauthier, C.Mazin, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Nice France, September2011.• Enhancing fuzzing technique for OKL4 syscallstesting, SecSE 2011, A.Gauthier, C.Mazin, J.Cartigny,J.-L.Lanet, Vienna Austria, August 2011.• Testing micro-kernel syscalls to discover vulnerabilities,3SL 2011, A.Gauthier, C.Mazin, J.Cartigny,J.-L. Lanet, Saint Malo France, May 2011.• “ElectroMagnetic Analysis (EMA) of software AESon Java mobile phones” by D. Aboulkassimi, L. Freund,J. Fournier, M. Agoyan, B. Robisson & A. Tria, in the proceedings of the IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS’11), November 2011.• “Sécurité du Système ANDROID” de Nicolas RUFF lors de la conference STTIC 2011, Rennes Juin 2011.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):At the end of the project, the following results are available:• several innovative equipment enabling to perform security assessment of Mobile HW platformsagainst e.g. side channel attacks such as power or electromagnetic analysis, fault injection by laserillumination or glitch injection. Some of them have been installed in the CIMPACA MicroPacks platform,a mutualized set of equipment hosted inside the buildings of the ENSM Saint Etienne in Gardanne,for the benefit of all interested industry,• a complete security analysis of main mobile SW platforms such as IoS, Android, Symbian and majorassociated frameworks (Java JEM2, OKL4 hupervisors),• an analysis of all efficient potential HW or SW countermeasures aimed at counter all major types ofattacks against Mobile platforms,• an in-depth analysis of all major cryptoalgorithms used in Mobile Platforms (GSM/3G, Bluetooth,WiFi, Broadcast ptocols),• a set of Forensics tools aimed at reconstructing, upon legal or judiciary requests, the content of somemobile platforms critical parts (e.g. Flash memory),• a quick and extensive methodology aimed at guiding Mobile Operators and/or Service Providers forassessing the security of Mobile Platforms within a reasonable risk analysis.◗ Job creation: 3◗ Maintened job: 10◗ Business creation:Trusted Logic has developed in the project a new prototype of its Trusted Execution Environment andis currently proposing the productized version of it among the Mobile Chipset industry. Several majorlicensing agreements with world players have been concluded (confidential information) or are currentlyin discussion.Digital Trust & Security WGPARTNERSLarge companies:CASSIDIAN, EADS-IW,GEMALTO, TRUSTED LABS,TRUSTED LOGICIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:CRYPTOEXPERTSUSERS: MINISTRY OF INNERAFFAIRSResearch institutes, universities:CEA-LETI, ENSM SAINT-ETIENNE, UNIVERSITÉDE LIMOGES, UNIVERSITÉVERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTINEN YVELINESPROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCo-label:ELOPSYSCall:FUIStart date:September 2009Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.5Funding (M2):2.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CRYPTOSMART, PFC, TSC

Critical Infrastructure protectionTraçabilité OpérationnelleContinue à Haute AutonomieCOMPLETEDPROJECTTracking of vehicles, objects and people can prevent and protect against various risksand threats, as to protect citizens against organized crime and terrorism. Use ofminiaturized beacons to locate their bearers in preventive or crisis frames - cooperativeor not. Such beacons are a mean to collect information and develop intelligence tomonitor criminal and terrorist organizations. They can also protect vulnerable peopleas well and precious or dangerous goods or assets.The TOCHA project shall prove feasibility of long-time, continuous tracking in multipleconditions, facing adverse physical constraints or counter-measures.Goal is to enable long-term, real-time tracking in open or covert environment, duringone or several years, without limitations in installation or remote controllability ofmissions.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTTOCHA demonstrated the feasibility for a real-time tracking beacon capable of high autonomy,and adapted to the constraints of security missions.Important innovations were made in the areas of maximum isotropic antennas andmicro fuel cell. They were successfully tested. Many of the innovations arising from theproject have already been integrated into Photospace and Deveryware productions, andare already available for security missions. Tocha beacon will be available in late 2011MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.8, 2009.• "Quasi Unidirectional Radiation Pattern of Monopole Coupled Loop Antenna".• IEE Electronics letters, vol 45, n°23, "Frequency tunable Monopole Coupled LoopAntenna with broadside radiationpattern".• 15ièmes journées Nationales microon<strong>des</strong>(JNM 2007 - Toulouse).◗ Patents:R20070006787 20070927 "Antennecompacte et accordable pour terminald'émission et/ou de réception"; EP2008/062870; 2009/0047900A1.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Product: new beacon (availability2011 Q4) including multi-technologylocation techniques (A-GPS, GSMCell-Id, radiogoniometry) with seamlessswitch to most appropriate technology,high autonomy (‹‹ 1 year),optimized isotropic antennas.• Services: Advanced secure web services for beacon control "on the fly", missionmanagement functions (alert escalation, areas management,…).◗ Job creation:4 jobs at Deveryware and Photospace.CONTACTAlain SOULIERDEVERYWARE+33 (0)6 68 48 44 81alain.soulier@deveryware.comPARTNERSSMEs:DEVERYWARE, PHOTOSPACEResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IETRPROJECT DATACoordinator:DEVERYWARECall:ANRStart date:February 2008Duration:34 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):1.1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):LEADigital Trust & Security WG117

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionTrusted Secure ComputingCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of the TSC project was to provide the basic components enabling and enforcing securityand trust in Information and Communication Technologies. More precisely, the project focused onthe following aspects:◗ develop the HW (and embedded SW) silicon devices enforcing secure and trusted computing,including: Trusted Processor Modules, Hardware Security Modules, Trusted Software Stacks,Secure Personal Tokens,◗ develop suitable trust concepts and architecture elements for all application domains targetedby the project, including computing, mobile and consumer,◗ coordinate all European contributions related to Trusted Computing standards, and especiallyin the scope of the Trusted Computing GroupTM (TCG) initiative.The TSC project is a Eureka/Medea+ project, also labelled by the <strong>Systematic</strong> and SCSCompetitiveness clusters.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe TSC project has delivered new generations of trusted secure components, pushing forwardexisting architecture, bandwidth and performance limitations. It helped the creation of completetrusted platforms in all TSC target application domains, including new fields such as PMR,consumer electronics or wireless products. In addition, component scalability, mobility, multilevelsecurity and infrastructure concepts were introduced enhancing the scope of applicability ofthe Trusted Computing group (TCG) standards. The project developed also new advanced methodologyconcepts such as Trust Metrics and made several contributions to the ISO and TCG organization,leading especially the international work on Authentication in the relevant working groups.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products: At the end of the project the followingcomponents were available:• New 32bit TPM circuits with faster I/Os and providing3 to 10 time increase in overall performance• New generation of Personal Secure Token and relatedmanagement infrastructure, aimed at enforcingboth the secure remote administration offixed and mobile terminals and user-privacy• New high-performance crypto-engines (HSM) forservers, offering a ten-times improvement incryptographic operations◗ Patents: 6 patents submitted during the life of theproject◗ Publications: 3 presentations made at international conferences, 8 scientific papers were sumittedin international journals◗ Experimentations:The TSC components were integrated by the partners in several demonstrators showing new capabilitiesin the global security area, such as e-banking or e-government from a TV SetTopBox, DRMtranscodig, PMR terminals, File sharing in Wide Entertainment Networks, Anonymity Managementin Mobile Networks, Virtualization and Multi-level security computing platforms.◗ Business creation:The immediate exploitation of project results has started by all TSC partners, e.g.:• Gemalto is already exploiting the industrialized version of the Personal Secure Token and relatedinfrastructure on a world-wide basis (IAM and Mobile Identity management)• Bull SAS is currently working with government agencies for the use of the HSM developed inthe project in relation with the deployment of the next biometric passport generation• EADS and Bertin are exploiting the project secure boot and virtualization SW in their securecomputing service offer.• STMicroelectronics is commercializing the TPM solutions developed in TSC towards all majorPC manufacturers in Asia and US.• Orange Labs is starting integrating the Anonymous Access Control Services innovation of theproject in their global NFC service infrastructure.CONTACTJean-Pierre TUALGEMALTO+33 (0)1 55 01 61 60jean-pierre.tual@gemalto.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, CELESTICAVALENCIANA, EADS,FRANCE TELECOM, GEMALTO,STMICROELECTRONICS,PHILIPSIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLGIESSMEs:TB-SECURITY, TB-SOLUTIONS,TECHNIKONResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, ENSM SAINT-ETIENNE, FUNDACIONEUROPEAN SOFTWAREINSTITUTE, LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCo-label:SCSCall:MEDEA+Start date:October 2007Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16,6 in France, 32 globallyFunding (M2):5,2 in FranceRelated <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):PFC, TISPHANIE118Digital Trust & Security WG

Critical Infrastructure protectionVIDEO-IDentificationON GOINGPROJECTVIDEO-ID is intended for the protection and for the security of complex and open spaces asa station, a place of interconnection of various ways of transportation, a shopping center, anairport hall, …Its principal objective is to follow and identify a person through cameras networks using itscalculated visual signature (color, texture, face, iris, behavior).It aims to:◗ Define the concepts of use of people identification by videosurveillance.◗ Analyze the legal and societal aspects which will bring an improvement of the securitywhile preserving the fundamental liberties of individuals.◗ Define strong quality criteria which will allow to reduce the false alarms (reliable identificationsin not cooperative situations and in real environment).◗ Demonstrate the automatic workflow and performance of these operations in real conditions.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ WP1 – People detection &tracking• People detection in a robustway in crowded scenes andtracking through a networkof cameras using two levels:• At the first level, moving objectsdetection in 3D staticscenes thanks to pre-calibratedcameras.• At the second level, applyinglocal features such as Haar,HOG, colors and Covariancein the movements areasfrom the first level, especiallywhen there’s occultations.◗ WP2 – Face detection & tracking• SoftBiometrics (height, weigth, color…) to help the detection and tracking.◗ WP3 – Iris Identification on video images• Non collaborative Iris acquisition and recognition, based on a previously Face detectionand tracking.◗ WP4 – Ethical and Legal aspects (link with KIVAOU project)• Comparative approach with China and the USA - even more (United Kingdom of coursewith different reports, Home Office, House of Lords).◗ WP5 – Demonstration• Complete integrated system.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe deliverable D1, including the update D4 and scenarios D5, has been sent the 17/03/2009.The deliverable D2, public VIDEO-ID Web site, is online: http://www-sop.inria.fr/pulsar/projects/videoid/The deliverable D3 & D6 (annual reports) have been been delivered.VIDEO-ID poster and article presented at WISG09 27-28 January 2009 and WISG10 26-27January 2010 and WISG11 25-26 January 2011.Equipment installation and acquisition of videos on the ENP Oissel-Rouen site in commonwith KIVAOU, SCARFACE, QuiAVU projects (early December 2009) - 23 Terabytes of noncompressed videos (STSI/CTSI).Ethical and Legal aspects Workshop in common with KIVAOU project (November 10, 2009).CONTACTManuel CARBALLEDATHALES SECURITY SYSTEMS& SOLUTIONS+33 (0)1 73 32 26 51manuel.carballeda@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES SECURITY SYSTEMS& SOLUTIONSResearch institutes, universities:CREDOF-PARIS X, EURECOM,INRIA, TSPPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES SECURITY SYSTEMS& SOLUTIONSCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:February 2009Duration:36+6 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.9Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):KIVAOU, MOBISIC, VIDEO-IDDigital Trust & Security WG119

Trust and security in large transactionalsystems - Cybersecurity and fraud preventionVisualisation, Interpretationet Gestion <strong>des</strong> Interceptions ElectroniquesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of the VIGIEs project is to provide French authorities a demonstrator to capture,to store and to analyze efficiently all intercepted information from fixed telephony, VoIP,mobile telephony, etc but also from the Internet network. The project takes then intoaccount the new needs related both on Legal Interceptions and connection DataRetention. The overall treatment function will be supported by a common open softwareplatform which allows to define a common definition of data structure, to shareefficiently data and to integrate rapidly new treatment services. The demonstratorshould facilitate the behavioural analysis of the targets by the authority and assist themwith decision making processes which provide the most appropriate level of information,analysed, correlated and marked with a level of assurance.CONTACTArnaud ANSIAUXALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 26 21arnaud.ansiaux@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe results have been obtained at several levels on both aspects theoretical but alsopractical.• Improvements in signal processing for speech to text translation have been made.• Recognition patterns of behavior have been developed.• Models of knowledge representation were implemented.• Innovative mo<strong>des</strong> of storage have also been developed.• Developpement of prototypes.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, CEA LIST, ONERA,ORANGE R&DIntermediate size enterprises:VECSYS, VECSYS RESEARCHSMEs:CABINET ALAIN BENSOUSSAN,INTELLIGENCES, SICXResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, TELECOM SUDPARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications: 3.• Visual Analysis of Implicit Social Networks for Suspicious Behavior Detection.• In Databases Systems For Advanced Applications (DASFAA). 2011 - Aide à l’AnalyseVisuelle de Réseaux Sociaux pour la Détection de Comportements Suspects.• In Conférence Internationale Francophone en Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances(EGC). Brest, 2010 - publication à ICDE 2011.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:ANRStart date:January 2009Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.7Funding (M2):1.9120Digital Trust & Security WG

Social and societal aspects,Social and Human SciencesVerification of Indistinguishability PropertiesON GOINGPROJECTThe Internet is a large common space, accessible to everyone around the world. As anypublic space, people should take appropriate precautions to protect themselves againstfraudulent people and processes. It is therefore essential to obtain as much confidenceas possible in the correctness of the applications that we use to secure our data andour transactions. Because security protocols are notoriously difficult to <strong>des</strong>ign andanalyse, formal verification techniques are extremely important. However, nearly allthe studies do not allow one to analyse privacy-type properties that play an importantrole in many modern applications.CONTACTStéphanie DELAUNELSV / CNRS+33 (0)1 47 40 75 63delaune@lsv.ens-cachan.frhttp://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/Projects/anr-vip/TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The novel part of this project is to formallyanalyse modern applications inwhich privacy plays an important role.Many applications having an importantsocietal impact are concerned byprivacy, e.g. electronic voting, safetycritical applications in vehicular adhoc networks, routing protocols inmobile ad hoc networks, or RFID tagsthat are now embedded in many devices.Moreover, each applicationcomes with its own specificities, e.g.e-voting protocols often rely on complexcryptographic primitives, somerouting protocols rely on recursivetests, … In mobile ad hoc networks,taking into account mobility issues isalso an important challenge.◗ Formal verification of security protocols has known significant success during the twolast deca<strong>des</strong>. The techniques have become mature and several tools for protocol verificationare nowadays available. However, nearly all studies focus on trace-based securityproperties, and thus do not allow one to analyse privacy-type properties that playan important role in many modern applications. Moreover, the envisioned applicationshave some specificities that prevent them to be modelled in an accurate way withexisting verification tools.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:LSV / CNRSPROJECT DATACoordinator:LSV / CNRSCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.2The goal of this project is to <strong>des</strong>ign verification algorithms to analyse privacy-typesecurity properties on several applications having an important societal impact. Somerecent studies have revealed the existence of a flaw in the French implementation of theBAC protocol, which means that anyone carrying a French e-passport can be physicallytraced.Digital Trust & Security WG121

Critical Infrastructure protectioneXtended VISIONCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe XVISION project aims at developping a new ultra-wide dynamic range camera. Thiscamera provi<strong>des</strong> a high quality image of a scene by keeping the contrast informationindependent of the scene physical contrast without any optical, electrical and mechanicaladjustment. Thus the <strong>des</strong>igned camera is ideal for a large variety of applications wherethe scene illumination is either difficult or highly contrasted such as automotive vision,surveillance… The second purpose of the project is to suggest new intelligent imageprocessing algorithms fitted to the image provided by the camera and to validate itsefficiency in several situations like public transportation and the sensitive sites protection.CONTACTMathilde BERNARDINHGH SYSTEMES INFRAROUGES+33 (0)1 69 35 47 70mathilde.bernardin@hgh.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe XVISION project offered the possibility to develop a true logarithmic sensor usingan array of photodio<strong>des</strong> operated in photovoltaic mode. Contrary to most logarithmicimager <strong>des</strong>igns, the array of photodio<strong>des</strong> is operated in photovoltaic mode and the opencircuitvoltage across the p/n junction is proportional to the exact and pure logarithmicvalue of the incident light intensity. An analog camera which incoporates this sensor hasbeen developped. Secondly, new intelligent image processing algorithms fitted to theimage provided by the camera have been developped. Thus, the advantages and the waysof improvement have been highlighted.PARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:MARTECSMEs:EVITECH, HGH SYSTEMESINFRAROUGES, NIT, SINOVIAResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, TELECOM SUD PARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:• Ten prototypes of Analog Cameras have been produced and tested in different applications:- Surveillance - Intrusion detection - Face recognition - obstacle detection. Foreach application, the camera integrating the new sensor has been compared withstandard cameras. Besi<strong>des</strong>, new algorithms have been developped in order to takeinto account: - noised light conditions (glare), highly dynamic scenes. The results of thedifferents tests have shown that the XVISION camera has the following advantages:- low noise - High image quality in backlight or through light halos. Thus, the automaticdetection is made easier and face recognition is more efficient particularly when thescene illumination is highly contrasted. Finally, the cameras developed in the projectcould, after evolution and adaptations, become an innovative product, particularlywell adapted for applications in the field of surveillance serving cities, sensitive sites,industrial sites and buildings, face recognition or obstacles detection by stereovision.◗ Publications: 3.• Promotion of the XVISION camera during various exhibitions.◗ Job creation: 2.PROJECT DATACoordinator:HGH SYSTEMES INFRAROUGESCall:FUI4Start date:January 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.9122Digital Trust & Security WG

Free & Open Source SoftwareWorking GroupStefane FERMIGIER,WG Presidentsf@fermigier.comNUXEO"Our Working Group was founded around a unique vision: to bringtogether SMEs, major companies, universities and researchcenters around R&D projects and business activities, to fostercooperation, innovation and value creation, within the frameworkof the open source values. With already more than 90 members,this ecosystem represents a huge opportunity for the Free &Open Source Software community (FOSS)."124

FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE, FROM DISRUPTION TO VALUE CREATIONOpen source is still reshaping all aspects of the softwareindustry, specially high growth sectors such as Big Data,Enterprise 2.0 or Mobile Applications. NOT using opensource components is now considered the exceptionrather than the rule in almost all companies that producesoftware, creating a tremendous opportunity for theParis Region open source ecosystem, whose leadershiphas been recognized for a long time, from academic researchteams to young innovative software vendors, fromspecialized consultancies to large systems integrators.FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE WORKING GROUPWITHIN SYSTEMATIC◗ R&D Financed Projects: 28◗ Partners: 95 including:◗ 58 SMEs◗ 3 ETIs◗ 13 Large companies◗ 21 Research institutes and universities◗ Total Investment: 92 M2◗ PLATFORM◗ Development Tools◗ Middleware◗ INFRASTRUCTURE◗ Distributed◗ Embedded◗ Green ITThe goals of the FOSS (Free & Open Source Software)Working Group are:◗ to federate all the actors in the Paris Region, promotinga healthy and prosperous industry for opensource in partnership with the world of education andresearch◗ to promote the development of innovative softwarewhich will take advantage of scientific advances in theParis Region.The Free & Open Source Working Group is positioned onseven technology areas, called “Development Axes”:◗ APPLICATIONS◗ Web 2.0 / 3.0◗ Enterprise ApplicationsRoberto DI COSMO,WG Vice-Presidentroberto@dicosmo.orgUNIVERSITE PARIS 7 DENIS DIDEROTLaurent SEGUIN,Representative of Permanent Secretariatl.seguin@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICSteering Committee MembersADACORE Romain BERRENDONNER berrendo@adacore.comALCATEL-LUCENT Philippe CARRE philippe.carre@alcatel-lucent.comBULL Christian REMY christian.remy@bull.netCAP GEMINI Jean-François CAENEN jean-francois.caenen@capgemini.comCNAM Maria-Virginia APONTE aponte@cnam.frCS Gilles LEHMANN gilles.lehmann@c-s.frHENIX Philippe VAILLERGUES pvaillergues@henix.frINRIA Patrick MOREAU patrick.moreau@inria.frINRIA ILE-DE-FRANCE Fabrice LE FESSANT fabrice.le_fessant@inria.frLOGILAB Nicolas CHAUVAT nicolas.chauvat@logilab.frOPEN WIDE Pierre FICHEUX pierre.ficheux@openwide.frOW2 CONSORTIUM Jean-Pierre LAISNE jean-pierre.laisne@ow2.orgSMILE Patrice BERTRAND patrice.bertrand@smile.frSYSTAR François ARMAND francois.armand@systar.frUNIVERSITE PARIS 1 PANTHEON SORBONNE Selmin NURCAN nurcan@univ-paris1.frUNIVERSITE PARIS NORD 13 Laure PETRUCCI laure.petrucci@lipn.univ-parisparis13.frUNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE PARIS 6 Amal EL FALLAH SEGHROUCHNI amal.elfallah@lip6.frUNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE PARIS 6 Emmanuel CHAILLOUX emmanuel.chailloux@lip6.frWALLIX GROUPE IF RESEARCH Frédéric LEPIED flepied@gmail.comZENIKA Pierre QUEINNEC pierre.queinnec@zenika.comFree & Open Source Software WG125

DistributedAEOLUSON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of the Aeolus project is to tackle the scientific problems that needto be solved in order to bridge the gap between Infrastructure as a Service and Platformas a Service solutions, by developing theory and tools to automate deployment,reconfiguration, and upgra<strong>des</strong> of variable sized, non-homogeneous machine pools. Weexpect that the results of this research work will allow to efficiently deploy, maintain,and administer, in a cost-effective way, the dynamically changing distributedarchitectures which are at the heart of Cloud services.CONTACTRoberto DI COSMOUNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTroberto@dicosmo.orgTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe technological steps forward that Aeolus will make are threefold:◗ Design an abstract model of a Cloud, that encompasses the software packages installedon every (virtual) machine, as well as the dynamic dependencies among software,machines, and services.◗ Design a powerful high-level reconfiguration request language allowing to expresssophisticated reconfiguration requests of (virtual) machine pools.◗ Develop specialised solver algorithms to efficiently satisfy reconfiguration requests bytranslating them into low-level reconfiguration plans, which are close to the actionsimplemented by common software deployment toolkits.To each of the above technologicalsteps forward correspond precisescientific challenges that will beaddressed in the project. For example,concurrency theory, and in particularprocess calculi, provi<strong>des</strong>natural models for the <strong>des</strong>criptionof the interdependencies betweenservices, packages and machinesthat will need to be accounted for inthe cloud <strong>des</strong>cription model; andthe planning problems that areforeseen pose novel challenges tooptimization.STATUS - MAINPROJECT OUTCOMESAeolus will build the tools anddevelop the scientific knowledgenecessary to enable simple, costeffectivedeployment, management,and administration of the OpenSource software infrastructurewhich is at the core of tomorrow'scomplex and dynamic softwarearchitectures, thus unleashing thepotential for innovation of SMEs andservice providers. More generally, end-users and service providers will be able to usetools based on the outcome of this project to significantly reduce the cost anddevelopment time of the flexible, on demand applications that are a key factor ofinnovation in the next decade.PARTNERSSMEs:MANDRIVAResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, CNRS, UNIVERSITÉNICE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTCo-label:PEGASE, SCSCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.9Funding (M2):0.9Related Sytematic project(s):Compatible One126Free & Open Source Software WG

Web 2.0 and 3.0FWOSRSEOpen-source framework for thedevelopment of social and collaborativeECM Apps for Enterprise Social NetworkON GOINGPROJECTThis project is the opportunity for the Alfstore Company (SMB) to collaborate with theSaint-Gobain Group, in the area of Enterprise Social Networking applications. The maindeliverable will be an open-source framework (API) made for the development of newsocial ECM Apps for the existing Enterprise Social platforms.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThis project will allow the merge of 3 worlds: ESN, DM and BPM.Through the injection of social and collaborative features in business processes and/ordocument management processes, this framework will give the opportunity to buildnew productivity tools for the enterprise, and new web 2.0 solutions for end-users.As a result, the combination of each solution all together (ESN, DM and BPM) will leadsto more powerful applications.CONTACTEnguerrand SPINDLERALFSTORE+33 (0)6 31 25 20 27e.spindler@alfstore.comPARTNERSLarge companies:SAINT-GOBAIN, ALFSTOREPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALFSTORECo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:OUTILS WEB INNOVANTS ENENTREPRISEStart date:April <strong>2012</strong>Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.2Funding (M2):0.1Free & Open Source Software WG127

Enterprise ApplicationsMultimedia CollaborativePublishing ChainsON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of the C2M project is the collaborative creation of structured multimediadocuments. It aims at integrating XML publishing chains, enterprise content managementsystems (ECM) and multimedia creation tools.C2M completes the Scenari project (ANR platform). In order to manage the collaborativedimensions, the strategy is to extend Scenari's functions (planning, versioning,communication, ...); to integrate it with ECM (Open Source); and to add possibilities of“aesthetically-oriented” publications (between totally automated and totally manualones).INA offers an ideal case, because of its audiovisual problem and its enterprisecharacteristics. The results of the project are also expected to be available for manyother applications (for instance enterprise documentation).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ C2M is at the intersection of two documentary evolutions: structured documents andcollaborative production.◗ ECM systems propose powerful collaboration management, but they are mainly <strong>des</strong>ignedto manage non structured documents, based on the hypothesis “1 document= 1 file”. Publishing chains allows structured document editing, reuse and polymorphism.One fundamental corollary is that a document is always a dynamic reconstructionfrom several fragments linked together: “1 document = a network of files”.◗ The first problematic of the project is to reinvent technical and ergonomical behaviourof ECM functions stating on this new paradigm, taking into account that thestructured documents we have to managed are expected to be multimedia.◗ The document fragmentation has many consequences on collaboration management(transactions processes, modification propagations, versioning, document comparison,...) when each fragment belongs to several documents and is modified by severalauthors.◗ Other needs rise from integration of collaborative and structured worlds: structured editingavailable for occasional reviewers, semi-automatic and high quality publication, ...STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Research work: document genealogy (history, comparison), collaborative writingmodels (transaction, editing interfaces), multimedia publication (automatic publicationcontrol)◗ Generic Framework: Scenari 4 integrated with customized ECM (Nuxeo, Alfresco,etc.)◗ Demonstration Software: INA specific applications (augmented webradio, audiovisualarchives republishing, ...) and other applications (courses, documentation, communities, etc.)CONTACTStéphane CROZATUTC+33 (0)3 44 23 49 32stephane.crozat@utc.frwww.utc.fr/ics/c2mPARTNERSLarge companies:INASMEs:AMEXIO, KELISResearch institutes, universities:CNRS, INRIA, UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:UTCCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:ANRStart date:September 2009Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.8128Free & Open Source Software WG

Development toolsCOnvergence de la Communauté Libre<strong>des</strong> Infrastructures CollaborativesOuvertesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe Coclico project aims at reinforcing software forges communities by structuring anopen source ecosystem, which gather a critical amount of stakeholders in France. Thedynamics of Forge platforms development is now a key issue in addressing the challengeswhich businesses/companies are facing as far as collaborative and distributeddevelopment is concerned.The project will focus on several areas: information exchange between the forges, dataconfidentiality and integrity, support for software engineering methods, open integrationmodel, etc... All results will be available in open source and contributed into theFusionForge community so as to maximize the international impact of the work.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Specification of an open integration mode for servicesinto forges, based on Web standards (RDF,Oauth, Rest, …) validated through contribution toseveral communities (OSLC/Eclipse Lyo, Forgeplucker,Jenkins).◗ Implementation of a Role-baseAccess Control model into FusionForge anduse of Oauth for user identity management.◗ Specification and implementation into theproject forges (Codendi, FusionForge and NovaForge)and Trac of tools to exchange databetween forges in real-time : definition of aforge ontology, export/import tools, research/indexationon forges federations.◗ Integration of industrial tools within forges toimprove efficiency and quality of the developmentsdone with the forges : requirements traceability, support of SCRUM methodology, integration of the developper'senvironment with the forge.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:presentation during ICSSEA Nov. 2011, Paris.“Introducing OSLC, an open standardfor interoperability of open source development tools”Project results have been presented in a number of congress and Open Source Events: Solution Linux Paris2010 and 2011, think-tank on forges in OWF 2010, presentation at OWF 2011, RMLL 2010.◗ Products:Project results have significantly improved all the 3 forges implied by sharing implementations (between Codendiand FusionForge) and common functional specifications, for all of them (eg, in the interoperability domain).Precisely, the benefits are the following for each of the forges:thanks to the project, the Codendi forge has been moved from the R&D environment of one partner to becommercially produced and exploited by another partner. Moreover, taking advantage of its Open Source status,an other company has been created to develop business based on it. So, from initially 6 persons workingon Codendi, the current staffing is now the double.The FusionForge community has been greatly increased during the project as stated by the download statistics.The project results have been directly put into production on several user's forges.NovaForge has been enhanced thanks to the project and is used by the French Service Center of the partnerdevelopping it, according to an Onshore model.◗ Job creation:n addition to the figures given above about Codendi forge, 3 positions have been created in the SME partnersof the project.The Service Center <strong>des</strong>cribed above is expected to grow from 60 to 200 people.◗ Maintained Job:About ten persons are needed to operate, support and maintain the forges within the partners and peopleinvolved in current services activities for customers, based on these forges, are estimated to another ten.◗ Business creation:Best example of business creation is <strong>des</strong>cribed above, concerning the Codendi forge.CONTACTChristian REMYBULL+33 (0)6 74 65 21 18christ78.remy@gmail.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, ORANGE LABS, XEROXSMEs:BEARSTECH, CELI FRANCE,OBJET DIRECTResearch institutes, universities:INRIA,TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:BULLCo-label:MINALOGICCall:FUI 7Start date:October 2009Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.2Funding (M2):1.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):HELIOS, SQUALEFree & Open Source Software WG129

Web 2.0 and 3.0Coordination, dynamicityand efficiency for XMLON GOINGPROJECTOur research work seeks to push the fronteer of XML technology innovation in threeinterconnected directions.◗ First, we propose to study languages, algorithms, and develop prototypes for efficientand expressive XML processing, in particular advancing towards massively distributedXML repositories.◗ Second, we consider models for <strong>des</strong>cribing, controlling, and reacting to the dynamicbehavior of XML corporas and XML schemas with time.◗ Third, we propose theories, models and prototypes for composing XML programs forricher interactions, and XML schemas into rich, expressive, yet formally groundedtype <strong>des</strong>criptions.CONTACTIoana MANOLESCUINRIA SaclayIle-de-France+33 (0)1 72 92 59 20ioana.manolescu@inria.frhttp://codex.saclay.inria.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSCODEX aims at innovating both in the fundamental area of XML languages and typesand in the development of multiple technical building blocks (efficient algorithms) aswell as platforms integrating these building blocks. In particular, significant effort is devotedto the constructions of large-scale distributed content management platforms.Some of the innovative reults expected from this project are:◗ Efficient XML query and updatealgorithms based on XML types,parallelism, pipeline evaluation,and memory footprint reduction◗ Models, algorithms and platformsfor efficient managementof RDF and XML data in largepeer-to-peer networks◗ Contract theory for the dynamiccomposition of Web services◗ Decentralized, distributed updateprotocols and update reconciliation◗ Efficient algorithms and platformsfor complex XML processingtasks expressed in theXProc language.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESWork in CODEX has lead to significant development, testing, and technological innovations.• First, we have advanced on our distributed Web data sharing system called ViP2P(http://vip2p.saclay.inria.fr),whose scalability was tested on real-life WAN deploymentsof hundreds of machines across France, in the Grid5K network. ViP2P supportsdistributed subscriptions to sources of XML and RDF (Semantic Web) data, aswell as efficient query processing.• Second, INRIA Lille and the Innovimax start-up have initiated a close collaborationon the topic of streaming XML processing.Finally, the project is particularly well-recognized in the international scientific arena, aswitnessed by the numerous prestigious publications (ACM PODS, IEEE ICDE, InternationalConference on Extending Database Technologies etc.).PARTNERSSMEs:INNOVIMAXResearch institutes, universities:INRIA GRENOBLE, INRIA LILLE,INRIA SACLAY (LEO), LRI, PPS,UNIVERSITE DE BLOIS-TOURS,UNIVERSITE DE MARSEILLE,UNIVERSITE PARIS 1LA SORBONNE,PROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIACall:ANRStart date:March 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.4Funding (M2):0.8130Free & Open Source Software WG

MiddlewareCompatibleOneON GOINGPROJECTCompatibleOne is an open source project with the aim of providing interoperable middlewarefor the <strong>des</strong>cription and federation of heterogeneous clouds comprising resourcesprovisioned by different cloud providers.CompatibleOne aims at being interoperable with most platforms to provide maximumfreedom to users and developers and consequently breaking vendor lock-in.CompatibleOne is open to any partner wishing to contribute efforts and tools for the buildingof an Open Cloud respecting open standards. CompatibleOne is part of the OW2 Open SourceCloudware initiative (OSCi).CONTACTJean-Pierre LAISNEBULL+33 (0)1 30 80 74 30jean-pierre.laisne@bull.netTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ CompatibleOne DesignerUser requirements take the form of a manifest file, precisely <strong>des</strong>cribing the required servicesin terms of both technical and economical criteria. Additionally the manifest may indicateparticular constraints that are to be respected. The structure of the manifest filecorresponds to the model <strong>des</strong>cribed by CORDS. This model is based on OCCI.◗ CompatibleOne SchedulerThe manifest is received by the SLAP MASTER allocation engine which triggers thegathering of events required for accounting and billing. It is then transmitted to theCORDS Parser which transforms the XML <strong>des</strong>cription of the manifest file into a provisioningplan. It also performs a syntactic verification of the manifest _le prior to engagingthe <strong>des</strong>criptive resources used to represent the resulting architectural planrequired to meet the specific requirements.◗ CompatibleOne BrokerThe CORDS Broker is in charge of executing the provisioning plan for a service instanceto be actually delivered to the user. The broker instantiates a service graph forthe control of the contractual components <strong>des</strong>cribed in the plan. In doing so, theCORDS Broker collaborates with different CompatibleOne service providers as requiredfor the realization of the plan while respecting the constraints and conditionsexpressly defined.◗ CompatibleOne ProviderThe CORDS Broker coordinates the activity of the CORDS Procci for the selection ofthe specific cloud providers for the delivery of the provisioningservices required by the consumer. ACCORDS is actuallythe Provisioning System for CompatibleOne. Communicationwith the Provider is performed through standard CORDS OCCIclient/server.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main CompatibleOne project deliverables are:◗ a meta-model, to abstract the underlying cloud architecture complexity,◗ an open source Cloudware as a reference implementation,◗ 6 demonstrators to verify the quality of the meta-model and Cloudware.Status (November 2011): The first cloud brokerage proof of concept demonstration byCompatibleOne. The cloud broker enables the deployment of applications across differentOpenNebula and OpenStack cloud computing heterogeneous infrastructures.PARTNERSLarge companies:BULLSMEs:ACTIVEEON, CITYPASSENGER,ENOVANCE, EUREVA,MANDRIVA, NEXEDI, NUXEO,PROLOGUE, XWIKIAssociation:OW2 CONSORTIUM(OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARECOMMUNITY)Research institutes, universities:INRIA, INSTITUT TELECOMPROJECT DATACoordinator:BULLCo-label:SCSCall:FUI 10Start date:November 2010Duration:26 months (24+2)Global budget (M2):10.7Funding (M2):5.3Free & Open Source Software WG131

EmbeddedCouvertureCOMPLETEDPROJECTAlong with a growing worldwide influence of Free Software, computer programs are beingincreasingly used for safety-critical purposes such as in aircraft or train control systems.In this context, the Couverture project was motivated by three driving goals:• Develop innovative coverage analysis tools to help the certification of safety-criticalapplications, in accordance with official guidelines such as the DO-178B standard,• Introduce the notion of Free Certification Artifact, open material allowing qualificationof Free Software for use in DO-178B like certifications,• More generally, encourage synergy between Free Software projects and Industry oncertification issues.All those principles are now promoted on a much wider scale through the Open-DO initiative(www.open-do.org).PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Free Software technology allowing non-intrusiveobject and structural coverage analysisfor safety critical applications, up the strictestlevel of DO178-B◗ Extensions to the Qemu simulation environment,widening the range of industrial usepossibilities◗ Modular framework relying on virtualization toaccommodate Agile development processes◗ Formal grounds, with object/source coverage properties elaborated and proven aspart of the project formalization effortMAJOR PROJECTS OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "Object and Source Coverage for Critical Applications with the Couverture OpenAnalysis Framework", proceedings of the 5th "Embedded Real-Time Software andSystems" (ERTS²) international congress, may 2010• "Non Intrusive Structural Coverage for Objective Caml", proceedings of the 5thWorkshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (Bytecode),march 2010• "Technical Report on OBC/MCDC properties", part of the Couverture project documentation,v1 june 2010, work in progress for conference or journal publication◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• OpenDO initiative (www.open-do.org)• Addition of GNATcoverage and GNATemulator offerings to AdaCore's product linesfor safety critical development• Development of Qemu based services at OpenWide◗ Job creation:• 2 permanent and 7 temporary positions opened during project timeframe• Sustained activity for 10 persons now, to support further developments, marketing,sales and maintenance activities◗ Business creation:Ongoing industrial qualification for operational use by an avionic software developmentteam, producing safety critical components to be DO178-B certified at level A. The teamis setup to follow very dynamic Agile principles and resort to modern technologies forthis kind of software (Ada 2005, object oriented constructs)CONTACTOlivier HAINQUEADACORE+33 (0)1 49 70 67 16hainque@adacore.comPARTNERSSMEs:ADACORE, OPEN WIDEResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIECURIE (LIP6),PROJECT DATACoordinator:ADACORECall:FUI 5Start date:September 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.2Funding (M2):1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):LAMBDA132Free & Open Source Software WG

Web 2.0 and 3.0Data PublicaCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of Data Publica is to develop and populate the most complete, richest and bestequipped directory of PSI (Public Sector Information) data.◗ Complete : the objective is to cover all the existing PSI data in France◗ Richest : the system provi<strong>des</strong> data with its associated meta-data (structure, date, editor,format etc.)◗ Best equipped : the system inclu<strong>des</strong> a search engine to access the data based onboth data and meta-dataAt this stage, we have gathered data from 180 public editors, consisting of 1850 datasets, representing 4,500 publications. This represents the largest French PSI directory,and the third national PSI directory in the world after the US and the UK.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTAs opposed to its US and UK competitors, Data Publica indexes data sets on both dataand meta data, thus allowing to search not only on meta data but also on content.It provi<strong>des</strong> classification of data sets by tags and categoriesIt provi<strong>des</strong> complete statistics on Public Sector data sets,It automatically supports updates to the data sets, based on their frequency of changeCONTACTFrançois BANCILHONDATA PUBLICAfrancois.bancilhon@data-publica.comPARTNERSSMEs:ARAOK, NEXEDI, TALEND,DATA PUBLICAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ARAOKCall:WEB 2.0Start date:January 2010Duration:12 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.4Funding (M2):0.2MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESWe have developed the first French directory of Public Sector Information. It is also bysize the third largest PSI Directory in the world after data.gov and data.gov.uk. Processconsists in identifying existing public data sets, importing them in the Data Publica warehouse,extracting the meta-data, indexing both data and meta-data, thus providing asearch engine to search for public data sets based on both meta-data and content.◗ New product:The first French directory of Public Sector Information. It is also by size the thirdlargest PSI Directory in the world after data.gov and data.gov.uk.◗ Job creation: 5◗ Business creation:The company Data Publica was created in November 2010 to leverage the technologydeveloped in the project. We plan to be 10 by the end of 2011. The company plans tobecome the first generalist data marketplace for electronic data in France.Free & Open Source Software WG133

Green-ITThe ecological <strong>des</strong>ktopON GOINGPROJECT◗ Optima energy use is one of the key achievements we must a reach in the comingyears. We intend to improve the energy use of computers by optimizing the timeduring which they are switched on. For existing <strong>des</strong>ktop computers studies show thatthe possible economy is around 35€/year.◗ Desko o wi provide an infrastructure to:• Gather the presence or absence of users.• Suspend and resume a computer execution.• Measure the energy used and provide hints on possib e economies.• Provide a centra web sites for gathering statistics for a users a owing to compareenergy used to simi ar sites / organisation.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Integrating asset management /ecologica assessment.◗ Technology for measuring theenergy.◗ Sleep / Awake centralized multioperatingsystems technology.◗ Integration with multiple systemsaccess management.◗ Integration of many disparatetechnologies to obtain a profile"low consumption" for distribution.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Bundle of Open Source software dedicated to the measurement of power and paperconsumption and their optimization◗ Leading solution in the IT management:• For local and national authorities which are aware of ecological stakes.• For companies aiming to reduce their energy costs.◗ Redefine the market of the IT management and of the network supervising in a GreenIT perspective.CONTACTJean-Noël DE GALZAINWALLIX+33 (0)1 53 42 12 90jndegalzain@wallix.comPARTNERSSMEs:MANDRIVA, WALLIXResearch institutes, universities:CEA LISTPROJECT DATACoordinator:WALLIXCall:FEDER1Start date:April 2009Duration:24 + 6 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.6134Free & Open Source Software WG

Development toolsDORMDerived Objects Repository ManagerON GOINGPROJECTDesign and implementation of a management system for derived objects, derived fromthe software building process (binaries, libraries, documentation, etc). The DORMsystem manages the objects' inter-dependencies while being technology and languageagnostic(Ada/C/C++/Java/OCaml/Flex, etc).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The DORM system needs to scale to hundreds of terabytes of data and to tens of thousandsof developers concurrently accessing the system, as it is classic in our clientsenvironments.◗ It is needed that the dependency graphs need to scale well in a technology-agnosticway, and the solving needs tobe fast while retaining completeaccuracy.◗ Last but not least, the visualizationsneed to be both scalableand accessible, as theprimary users will be industrialintegration managers that needto be able to absorb largeamounts of data in a simpleand summarized way.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The resulting repository will be fully open-source and used by major industrial clients,and its use covered by support contracts.◗ The DORM repository manager fills a huge gap by industrializing the last softwaredelivery step and also by enabling a real control on the client's full software portfolio,the different mix of licences used or the stableness of the different libraries usedas a whole.CONTACTPierre QUEINNECZENIKA+33 (0)1 45 26 19 15pierre.queinnec@zenika.comPARTNERSSMEs:ZENIKA, NUXEOResearch institutes, universities:INRIA SACLAY,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTLABORATOIRE PPSPROJECT DATACoordinator:ZENIKACall:FEDER4Start date:November 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.5Free & Open Source Software WG135

Development toolsDistributed Revisions for Open DocumentON GOINGPROJECTThe project "Distributed Revisions for Open Document" aims to manage the changetracking on distributed and decentralized documents, insuring the traceability of revisionsin an unforgeable way, on the basis of OpenDocument Format ISO standard.Corporates will use DROD to trace their document production (who wrote what andwhen) in an unforgeable way, while supporting remote editable copies (distributed anddecentralized model).CONTACTLuis BELMAR-LETELIERITAAPY+33 (0)1 42 23 67 45luis@itaapy.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSChange tracking of documentation when duringthe document life many people should be able to:◗ Trace and certify the tree of versions (changetracking management)◗ Manage selective fusion and combination ofchanges (distributed model)◗ Integrate the functionalities at the documentlevel rather than to the application level (on theOpenDocument Format basis)◗ Keep traceability of changes of several usersthrough their respective tools (interoperabilityat the document level).These core functionality will be achieved by:◗ Integration in the ODF format of a distributed version control engine◗ Elaboration of a version change model and of the best suitable diff XML algorithm tosupport it◗ Disposal of changes in a usable format from a semantic point of view for comparisontools◗ Adaptation of distributed version control tools to manage meaningful structured XMLchanges.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSSMEs:ITAAPY, ADACOREResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:ITAAPYCall:FEDERStart date:May <strong>2012</strong>Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.5◗ Specification of an API to manage versioning and branching of document upon ODF.◗ Specification of an API to manage authentication of authors of changes in documentsin a distributed model (cryptographic layer).◗ Detection of meaningful XML changes between documents versions and optimizationof concurrent merges.◗ Implementation in the LPOD library and technical validation in actual industry case.◗ Proposal of evolution of the ODF standard to the OASIS consortium.136Free & Open Source Software WG

MiddlewareEASYSOAEasySOAON GOINGPROJECTDesigning an information system's SOA is still a rare skill: required technologies arecomplex, and too often hide process and organizational aspects. Even worse, Cloud andmobility now require SOA to scale up by and order.EasySOA makes Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) easier by adding a lighter, agilelayer around “traditional” SOA, at both technical and organizational levels, involving allactors of the SOA process: business users, SOA architects and developers, IT staff.CONTACTMarc DUTOOOPEN WIDE+33 (0)6 08 77 93 29marc.dutoo@openwide.frwww.easysoa.orgTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSMain innovations are:◗ EasySOA Light: web-oriented, agile, social, sandboxed SOA focusingon business users (“Excel, word, data, analytics people”)& com¬plementing "traditional" SOA middleware◗ EasySOA Core, a Nuxeo-based collaborative service registrysolution tying together business as well as technical actors ofthe Information System’s SOA process◗ Managing a light, versioned service model inspired by INRIA work (Galaxy, EclipseSOA) and Open Group’s SOAML, easily filled thanks to ex nihilo service discovery, supportingmultiple point of views, available through its own APIs, CMIS and Talend'sETL◗ Providing enterprise IT architects with a simple, fully packaged SOA framework◗ EasySOA Integration, an on-demand Open Source SOA and BPM solution that buildson top of an ecosystem of widely acknowledged, mature and robust Open Source technologiesthat are supported by EasySOA partners, like Apache CXF & Camel, INRIA /OW2 Frascati, Nuxeo DM, Talend Data Inte-gration, Bull / OW2 Jasmine, Eclipse SOAtooling◗ Reuse of Light assets (requirements, samples and tests) when redeveloping them inIntegration; SOA sandboxing, HTTP mining; and related to con¬tinuous integration,testing, business processes and monitoring.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Prototype releases of the future collaborative service registry. Already featuring exnihilo service discovery (using web browsing, HTTP monitoring and architecture import),FraSCAti integration & proxied SOAP testing.See http://github.com/easysoa◗ Also releases of improved partner solutions: Talend Data Services, Camel Editor,Service Runtime & Activity Monitoring; Bull JASMINe; INRIA FraSCAti; Nuxeo DM◗ Already 4 conference talks with demos about EasySOA, 13 others about involved partnersolutions, 2 scientific publications, a website & blog: http://www.easysoa.org◗ Use cases planned at EasySOA Partner Enterprises in the banking, public sector, defensefields. Also Web 2.0 demo and integration in EasySOA partners’ solutions.PARTNERSLarge companies:BULLSMEs:NUXEO, OPEN WIDE, TALENDResearch institutes, universities:INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:OPEN WIDECall:FUI10Start date:November 2010Duration:26 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.0Funding (M2):1.9Related Sytematic project(s):COMPATIBLE ONEFree & Open Source Software WG137

Development toolsHarmoniser l'Environnement Logicielet Industrialiser avec l'Open SourceCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe HELIOS project (http://heliosplatform.sourceforge.net/) aims at bringing a solution toindustrialization problems through an Open Source ALM (Application LifecycleManagement) platform by using a continuous integration approach. To match with themany different process in an Open Source environment (from pure software projects toheterogeneous projects including products from vendors as well as Open Sourcedependencies), it is important for the HELIOS platformto be able to adapt to any qualityprocess. As a result the HELIOS platform has a non-intrusive and “best of breed” approach.HELIOS allow the users to select the tools adapted to their needs and processes.CONTACTLaurent LAUDINETTHALES SERVICESlaurent.laudinet@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe HELIOS platform, in order to create integrated industrialization dashboards with abroad functional field, combines Business Intelligence (BI) technics and continuous integrationover a semantic data warehouse.MAJOR PROJECTS OUTCOMES◗ Product(s) or Service(s):ALCATEL-LUCENT: Alcatel-Lucent has an internal forge named (ACOS). It is very useful for thesuccessful sharing of software development within Alcatel-Lucent. Nonetheless, <strong>des</strong>pite theuse of a very rich forge like ACOS, it does not provide all the functionalities required in an industrialenvironment. The aim of Alcatel-Lucent is to use HELIOS in order to provide solutionsrelated to the following concerns:• System integration consideration• Upstream phases (specification, <strong>des</strong>ign) consideration• Integration of test in the forge• Handling of a legacy application by a new team• Acceptance of the reuse/refactoring of an application• Refactoring of an application• AgilityThe goal Alcatel-Lucent is aiming at is reusing HELIOS to fill the lacks listed above. The outcomesfor Alcatel-Lucent are mainly internal at first (even if the system allows external partnerson the internal forge of Alcatel-Lucent). This use of the project results is major as it will allowsoftware valuation to have an industrial reference site.KALIS: Regarding the HELIOS outcome valuation, KALIS is considering multiple scenarios:• Conquest of new services markets through the raise of collaborators productivity thanks to theHELIOS tools. The HELIOS tools will also be a KALIS know-how showcase in its expertisedomains.• Valuation through the creation of an on-line service for documentation extraction and sourcecode quality analysis (in a SaaS mode). As an example, a KALIS partner is already providing arelated service of this type. The analysis of a project is priced at 10,000€ per project and peranalysis.MANDRIVA: The exploitation by Mandriva the works led within the Helios project articulatearound two axes:• the creation in 2011 of a Mandriva ALM server product <strong>des</strong>tined to companies willing to develop,test and analyze Linux distributions. This product will integrate components developed in theHELIOS project that will provide targeted companies with increased productivity, traceability andquality in their software production, qualification and exploitation processes.• The heterogeneous documentation management portal Doc4 for the whole Mandriva products:while providing a solution to the disparity of information related to open source software, thisportal will allow Mandriva to progress in its business market share as well as increasing Mandrivacollaborators productivity.THALES SERVICES: HELIOS project direct contribution to THALES tool suite is keyed to somecomponents, developed within the HELIOS project, that cover functional domains little or notcovered by the current offer (for example the reverse documentation, legal analysis tools).HELIOS indirect contributions are multiple. At first the HELIOS project has to facilitate the adoptionof open source components inside the group. The second is the impulse given by the HELIOSproject for the creation of an open source community around industrialization. Such a communitycan, if it turns out viable, initiate a virtuous circle of improvement for the quality of the availabletools in the field of industrialization.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT,THALES SERVICESSMEs:ARTENUM, KALIS, MANDRIVAResearch institutes, universities:INSTITUT TELECOMPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES SERVICESCall:FUI5Start date:September 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.7Funding (M2):1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SQUALE138Free & Open Source Software WG

Software engineering /Development toolsProject also supported by System <strong>des</strong>ign and Development Tools WG.HI-LITEHigh Integrity Lint Integratedwith Testing and ExecutionON GOINGPROJECTHi-Lite's goal is to promote the use of formal methods in developing high-integritysoftware. It loosely integrates formal proofs with testing and static analysis, thusallowing projects to combine different techniques around a common expression ofproperties and constraints.Hi-Lite's focus on modularity allows scaling to large software systems and encouragesearly adoption. By relying only on sound static analyses, Hi-Lite qualifies for being atool of choice for industrial users needing to apply the Formal Methods Supplement ofthe upcoming DO-178C standard.Hi-Lite is completely based on free software. The project is structured as two differenttool-chains for Ada and C based on GNAT/GCC compilers (Ada and C), the CodePeerstatic analyzer (Ada), the SPARK verification tool-set (Ada), the Frama-C platform (C)and the Why platform (Multi-language), all integrated inside AdaCore IDEs.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ By defining a common language of annotation for testing, static analysis and formalproofs, Hi-Lite will allow industries to switch gradually from an all-testing policy to amore efficient use of modern assurance methods. Most of this annotation language,if not all of it, is expected to be included in the next version of the Ada language, Ada<strong>2012</strong>, which will make it an international standard.◗ Hi-Lite defines industrial workflows for separate verification which could be as beneficialto critical software development as separate compilation was beneficial to softwaredevelopment in general. Non-experts will be able to apply separate verificationearly in the development cycle thanks to the integration of mature existing tools forAda and C inside powerfulIDEs, defining many possibleuser interactions.◗ Hi-Lite will leverage thedeca<strong>des</strong> of experience ofindustrial formal verificationwith SPARK to definean extended SPARK programminglanguage andmore powerful SPARK verificationtools. Projects willbe able to create verifiedsoftware using commonprogramming abstractions like containers and dynamic polymorphism. Traceability ofverification activities and results will facilitate software certification.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTArnaud CHARLETADACORE+33 (0)1 49 70 67 16charlet@adacore.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALTRAN, EADS ASTRIUM,THALES COMMUNICATIONSSMEs:ADACOREResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA PROVALPROJECT DATACoordinator:ADACORECall:FUI9Start date:May 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.9Funding (M2):1.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):LAMBDA, USINE LOGICIELLEHi-Lite will create a set of workflows for critical software verification based on tools. Itis expected that various products will be defined and commercialized based on theseworkflows by the owners of the base tools:AdaCore, Altran, CEA and INRIA. The large scale experiments performed by industrialpartners Altran, Astrium and Thales will give them a strong advance in the applicationof these workflows in their industrial context.Free & Open Source Software WG139

EmbeddedHigh-Integrity Model CompileON GOINGPROJECTThe Hi-MoCo project (High-Integrity Model Compilers) aims at developing and makingfit for industrial use an open-source and qualifiable code generator for heterogenousmodels like Simulink, Scicos, and UML. The application domain involves high-integrity,safety-critical embedded applications such as those found in the avionics, space andautomotive industries.Hi-MoCo plans at adressing practical industrial needs that are not currently adressedby the market:◗ The need for a generic and reusable code generation technology◗ The need for qualification material◗ The need to integrate UML within the Hi-MoCo code generation technologyTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Hi-MoCo will be the only tunable and open-source code generator for embedded systemswhich could be qualified accordingly to DO-178C and which supports:• Simulink, Stateflow and Scicos as input modelling languages; specific subsets ofUML state machine and activity diagrams will be considered in the context of theFUI collaborative project Project P; and• Ada and C as output programming languages.◗ As such, Hi-MoCo will be one of the first collaborative projects to tackle the challengeof supporting the DO-178C standards along with its related supplements (ToolQualification, Object-oriented <strong>des</strong>ign, Formal methods and Model-based <strong>des</strong>ign).◗ As an additional innovation point, Hi-MoCo will consider the whole model compilationchain as a single logical tool which must guarantee traceability and verifiability ateach abstraction level. We thus plan to conceive the code generation strategy to assuresource and object code verification techniques could complement model-levelverification. Hi-MoCo will deliver a methodology to complement model-level verificationswith formal analysis on the generated code to prove platform-specific propertiessuch as absence of run-time errors, precision of floating point calculations andmemory/timing requirements.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project is currently in its early stages.CONTACTJamie AYREADACORE+33 (0)1 49 70 67 16ayre@adacore.comPARTNERSSMEs:ADACORE, IB KRATES (ESTONIA)Research institutes, universities:INPT/IRITPROJECT DATACoordinator:ADACORECall:EUROSTARSStart date:March 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.5Funding (M2):0.3Related Sytematic project(s):PROJECT P140Free & Open Source Software WG

MiddlewareINFRA-JVMTowards a Java Virtual Machinefor pervasive computingON GOINGPROJECTPervasive computing is now a reality, with the massive deployment of mobile appliances,particularly smart phones. Nevertheless, providing adequate computational resourcesfor pervasive applications remains a challenge. Indeed, pervasive applications varygreatly in their resource requirements: for critical systems, the maximum amount of resourcesthat may be needed must always be available, while for multimedia applicationsthe resource requirements may change over time. Middleware for supportingpervasive applications is typically implemented in Java, because of its safety, flexibilityand mature development environment. Nevertheless, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)specification was <strong>des</strong>igned to execute only one application at a time, and does not provideresource accounting or per-application resource reservations, as needed to satisfythe requirements of pervasive applications. In this context, we are investigating how toenhance the <strong>des</strong>ign of Java virtual machines with new functionalities to better manageresources.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSWe have identified three key functionalities for which the Java virtual machine does notprovide an adequate interface or for which the current implementation is a bottleneck:◗ Resource reservation: the Java virtual machine was not targeted to support more thanone application. We propose to define the notion of resource container inside the Javavirtual machine able to account and reserve resources on a per-application basis.◗ Scheduling policies: the Java virtual machine provi<strong>des</strong> a time-sharing scheduler thatis unable to accept CPU reservations. We propose to define a new language to allowthe pervasive middleware to define its own scheduling policy.◗ Resource optimization at the middleware level: optimally placing applications on devicesrequires resolving a number of conflicting constraints. We propose to use theconstraint solvers to find optimal placements.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main scientific objective of the project is to enhance Java virtual machines to bettersupport emerging pervasive applications. This objective is subdivided into three subobjectives,each targeting a specific functionality of the Java virtual machine: thescheduler, the resource manager and the memory manager. To address these subobjectives,we propose three new innovations in the Java virtual machine: a resourcereservation and accounting functionality, the ability of an application to define its ownscheduling policy, and a memory snapshot mechanism.CONTACTGaël THOMASLIP6/UPMC (REGAL)+33 (0)6 10 39 31 17gael.thomas@lip6.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:EMN, IRISA, LABRI,LIP6/UPMCPROJECT DATACoordinator:LIP6/UPMC (REGAL)Co-label:IMAGES ET RESEAUXCall:ANR InfraStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.7Funding (M2):0.7Free & Open Source Software WG141

Development toolsProject also supported by System <strong>des</strong>ign and Development Tools WG.MAGNUMMétho<strong>des</strong> Algorithmiques de Générationaléatoire Non Uniforme, Modèleset applicationsON GOINGPROJECTThe central theme of the MAGNUM project is the elaboration of complex discretemodels that are of broad applicability in several areas of computer science. There aretwo major motivations for the development of such models:◗ first, <strong>des</strong>ign and analyse efficient algorithms dedicated to simulation of discrete systemsand random generation of combinatorial structures;◗ second, revisit the area of average-case complexity theory under the angle of realisticdata models.The sound mathematical methods developed during the past deca<strong>des</strong> make it possible toenumerate and quantify parameters of a large variety of uniform combinatorial models.The MAGNUM project proposes to depart from the uniformity assumption and developnew classes of models that bear a fair relevance to real-life data while being, at the sametime, still mathematically tractable.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC IN-NOVATIONSThe MAGNUM project presents ambitious goals of research ondiscrete models. The aim is to investigate the structural propertiesof fundamental complex objects that recurrently appearin a variety of application contexts across several areas ofcomputer science. This, in order to <strong>des</strong>ign algorithms for simulatingdiscrete systemsand samplingcombinatorial structures,and eventuallyestablish on a firmbasis probabilistic andcomplexity propertiesof corresponding algorithms.We plan to developan integrated setof methods dedicatedto the elucidation ofstructural and probabilisticproperties ofnon-uniform structures,as well as developa toolbox ofalgorithms targetted at random generation and simulation in such contexts. This projectis built on the combination of complementary approaches, including combinatorial,probabilistic, analytic and dynamic frameworks. The originality of our project is also todevelop software for testing and simulation, in order to help understanding and analysingthe models, as well as generate random structures modeling real-word objects, such asbiological structures or complex networks.CONTACTMichèle SORIALIP6 UPMC+33 (0)1 44 27 70 96michele.soria@lip6.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:IGM (UNIVERSITÉ PARIS EST-MARNE LA VALLÉE), INRIA(PARIS-ROCQUENCOURT),LIAFA (UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 7-DENIS DIDEROT), LIP6(UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 6-UPMC),LIPN (UNIVERSITÉ PARIS13-VILLETANEUSE), LIX (ECOLEPOLYTECHNIQUE)PROJECT DATACoordinator:LIP6/UPMCCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.1Funding (M2):0.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe collaboration between the partners will lead to significant publications in top levelacademic journals, international conferences and workshops in fundamental ComputerScience. Regarding software, our developments are intended for being integrated inpublic libraries, such as SAGE. Finally, we hope to build a unique center of expertise inall aspects of the generation of non-uniform objects, as well as applications incombinatorics, bio-informatics and interaction graphs.142Free & Open Source Software WG

DistributedDistributed transactional object databasefor large data storage and proofCOMPLETEDON GOINGPROJECTof associated peer-to-peer protocolNEOPPODNEO is a distributed, redundant and transactional NoSQL store compatible with ZopeObject Database (ZODB). It is <strong>des</strong>igned as an alternative to ZEO and FileStorage whichare used by numerous ERP, document management and Cloud Computing applications.The NEOPPOD project provided the first high performance implementation of NEO anda model of the protocol which demonstrates its fault tolerance and transactionalconsistency.CONTACTJean-Paul SMETSNEXEDI+33 (0)6 29 02 44 25jp@nexedi.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTNEO is one of the very fewif not the only NoSQLdatabase which provi<strong>des</strong>data distribution, redundancyand transactions.With NEOPPOD, NEO protocolhas gone through athorough Petri-net basedmodel checking processlead by Paris Universityresearchers and is nowready for early industrialadoptions.MAJOR PROJECTS OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Verification of large-scale distributed database systems in the NEOPPOD project.In Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE’09, associated withPetri Nets 2009) - poster paper, pages 315–316, 2009• DZUG 2010 presentation• Official website◗ Patents: N/A◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Thanks to NEOPPOD project, ERP5 will be able to sustain very high loads such asthose found in a global banking or in a payment system. This opens new marketsfor Nexedi, such as tolling systems. Thanks to NEOPPOD, Nexedi is now able to deployERP5 in different projects of SANEF group. Thanks to NEOPPOD, ERP5 can beused for SlapOS decentralized cloud operating system. Nexedi hopes to create20 new jobs in the next 5 years thanks to NEOPPOD and increase its annualturnover by 1 MEUR.◗ Job creation: 10◗ Business creation:• VIFIB, a subsidiary of Nexedi (300 KEUR capital investment), relies on SlapOS to offerdecentralized Cloud Computing. NEO is used to cache files which are distributedworldwide and to provide fault-tolerance to SlapOS.• The billing engine of SlapOS is used by the COMPATIBLE ONE (FUI) project and relieson NEO for its scalability. In the RESILIENCE projet (FUI), NEO is used to providehigh performance database to SlapOS Master.PARTNERSSMEs:NEXEDI, PILOT SYSTEMSResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 13,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 6,MINES PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:NEXEDICall:FEDERStart date:February 2009Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):1Related Sytematic project(s):COMPATIBLE ONE,EASI CLOUDS, RESILIENCEFree & Open Source Software WG143

Cloud Pass+ Cloud ApplicationsOPENCLOUDWAREThink to PaaSfor multi-IaaSCloud ComputingON GOINGPROJECTThe OpenCloudware project aims at building an open software engineering platform, forthe collaborative development of distributed applications to be deployed on multipleCloud infrastructures. It will be available through a self-service portal. We target virtualizedmulti-tier applications such as JavaEE - OSGi. The results of OpenCloudwarewill contain a set of software components to manage the lifecycle of such applications,from modelling (Think), developing and building images (Build), to a multi-IaaS compliantPaaS platform (Run) for their deployment, orchestration, performance testing,self-management (elasticity, green IT optimisation) and provisioning. Applications willbe deployed potentially on multi IaaS (supporting either one IaaS at a time, or hybridscenarios). The results of the project will be made available as open source componentsthrough the OW2 Open Source Cloudware initiative.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main technological issues addressed by the project are:◗ End-to-end (retro-)modelling, from applications to the PaaS and IaaS services of thecloud computing platform. This also inclu<strong>des</strong> application migration, and should enableto quickly generate a model for an existing application and facilitate its migration to thecloud.◗ Automated orchestration of the platform modules to manage the Dev to Cloud lifecycleof virtualized applications.◗ Autonomic management of the dynamic changes that occur in Cloud PaaS applications,allowing elasticity (self-adaptation to load), energy optimisation (automatedplacement, capacity management, network management – Green IT), as well as thereliability of the deployment and the deployed services (self-repair).◗ Multi-Cloud IaaS interfaces for interoperability, taking into account IaaS capabilities◗ Taking into account the global application context and its usage in the intelligent PaaSengine, in order to optimize the service in terms of performance, energy efficiency,cost, …◗ Security: isolation of applications, encryption and security of images, identity and rolesmanagementSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe OpenCloudware projectstarted in January <strong>2012</strong>. Thecomponents on which Open-Cloudware developments arebased can be found throughhttp://ow2.org. They includeSirocco, ProActive, Entropy,CLIF, JOnAS, JASMINe, JORAMand Petals ESB. More informationabout the project outcomeswill be published gradually onthe project public website,http://opencloudware.org.Note: the project was submitted under the name “CloudForce”.CONTACTAlexandre LEFEBVREFRANCE TELECOM+33 (0)4 76 76 45 63alexandre.lefebvre@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, FRANCE TELECOM,THALES COMMUNICATIONS,THALES SERVICESSMEs:ACTIVEEON, EBMWEBSOURCING, ENOVANCE,EXO PLATFORM, PEERGREEN,USHARESOFTResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, IRIT – INP TOULOUSE,TÉLÉCOM PARISTECH,TÉLÉCOM SAINT-ÉTIENNE,UNIVERSITÉ JOSEPHFOURIER, UNIVERSITÉ DESAVOIE – LISTICAssociations:ARMINES, OW2PROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOMCall:FSN-CLOUD1Start date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):13Funding (M2):5.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):COMPATIBLEONE144Free & Open Source Software WG

Web 2.0 and 3.0Programmation du Web DiffusON GOINGPROJECTThe Web is the new ubiquitous platform where applications of tomorrow will be deployed.Though already wide, the Web will become even wider when it connects all theappliances that surround us.The PWD project aims at defining a radical new way of thinking Web applications in thiscontext, relying on the following principles: A Web application is not a federation of dynamicpages but a single, coherent program with multiple projections on servers or(perhaps roaming) clients. A typical application syndicates multiple data sources and,at the same time, is driven by multiple event streams.This will require appropriate programming languages, whose semantics and compilationprocess must be studied, and suitable programming environments.Managing home appliances, organizing multimedia streams are typical targets for thesenew Web applications.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSModern Web applications requiresome parts of the computation to beexecuted server side, some other inthe browser. Most of the time, bothare written using different languages.This makes things complicatedand not really suitable forubiquitous applications, involvingmore than two parts.The PWD project aims at providinguniform platforms for programmingWeb applications as a whole, usinghigh level languages. It relies on software developped by the partners, namely:• Hop, a dialect of Scheme devoted to Web programming, that focuses on a simplerintegration of client and server side co<strong>des</strong>;• Ocsigen, a framework for programming Web applications using the OCaml language,focusing on the expressiveness of concepts and reliability of applications.The project will extend these platforms for ubiquitous Web applications. A part of theproject will be dedicated to theoretical foundations of Web programming: semantics ofWeb programming languages and Web interaction. It will also work on the implementationof these techniques (compilation, execution platform ...), on the creation of appropriatedeveloppement environments, and some applications, from home automationto multiplayer games.CONTACTManuel SERRANOINRIA Sophia Antipolis+33 (0)4 92 38 76 39Manuel.Serrano@sophia.inria.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:INRIA SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIECURIE (LIP6), LABORATOIREPREUVES, UNIVERSITÉ PARISDIDEROT - PPSPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA SOPHIA ANTIPOLISCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.5STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Hop and Ocsigen have now achieved a very high level of expressiveness, making possibleto write complex client-server Web applications in very few lines of code. Wehope this will make possible the emergence of new kinds of Web applications, mixingin a new way server and client side behaviours.◗ Among the other realizations of the project: a CSS compiler, and an efficient Caml toJS compiler. We are also working on improving safety of programs in the context ofubiquitous programs.Free & Open Source Software WG145

Distributed Cloud Iaas+ Cloud ApplicationsRESILIENCERésilience Répartie pour l'IntelligenceEconomique et la Protection<strong>des</strong> Données Sensibles sur le CloudON GOINGPROJECTRESILIENCE aims to protect private data in the cloud, to reduce the risk of economic espionage,data loss and ensure continuity of service in case of "force majeure". As recommendedby the <strong>Systematic</strong> competitiveness cluster, RESILIENCE develops a "SlapOS"Cloud without central point, running on a large number of geographically distributedservers within independent entities. RESILIENCE is also developing the "OfficeJS" technologyallowing duplication, distribution, intelligent encryption and backup of office documentscreated or shared in the cloud. OfficeJS ensures that the same document isautomatically saved on several online services, cut into several pieces and encrypted. Therisk of data loss or leakage of information becomes close to zero.CONTACTJean-Paul SMETSNEXEDI+33 (0)6 29 02 44 25jp@nexedi.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ RESILIENCE will extend SlapOS distributed Cloud to support a multi-master architecturewhich can resist the technical or social failure of a Cloud provider, will add automateddetection of malware in SlapOS application market and introduce a loganalysis architecture to detect and prevent attacks.◗ RESILIENCE will provide a new javascript library, JIO (javascript input output) to unify allforms of access to document content from Javascript applications. JIO is a modular librarywhich supports encryption, splitting, duplication on all kinds of Cloud storage (S3,localStorafe, Unhosted, ERP5, XWiki, etc.).STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ JIO: A framework allowing universalaccess to data in the cloudfrom Javascript applications.◗ OfficeJS: A free web-based, distributed,secure and resilient officesuite.◗ SafeOS: An Operating System fordistributed Cloud allowing strongresilience in situations of forcemajeure.PARTNERSLarge companies:EADS ASTRIUMIntermediate size enterprises:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, MORPHOSMEs:ALIXEN, ALTER WAY, NEXEDI,WALLIX, XWIKIResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA, INSTITUT TELECOM,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 13PROJECT DATACoordinator:NEXEDICall:FUIStart date:September 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.6Funding (M2):2.8Related Sytematic project(s):COMPATIBLE ONE,EASI CLOUDS, NEOPPOD,TIOSAFE146Free & Open Source Software WG

EmbeddedReal Time Embedded LinuxFor IndustriesCOMPLETEDPROJECTRTEL4i project deals about creating an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) inorder to make migration from proprietary hard realtime embedded systems (RTOS forReal Time Operating System, such as VxWorks® or pSOS®) to Linux environmenteasier. Of course same IDE will be used for creating native realtime applications forLinux.RTEL4i is not targeted in new RTOS definition. In the opposite, we want to integrateseveral free and validated software components such as Linux kernel, GNU toolchain,Eclipse, Xenomai, RTAI, PREEMPT-RT or Busybox in a unified and certified environment.Most of existing (free or proprietary) solutions focus on ONE technology (example:PREEMPT-RT vs Xenomai). RTEL4i IDE will propose a bunch of solutions depending onproject constraints.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Kthiri, M.; Kadionik, P.; Lévi, H.; Loukil, H.; Ben Atitallah, A.; Masmoudi, N.; , "Aparallel hardware architecture of deblocking filter in H264/AVC," Electronics andTelecommunications (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on , vol., no.,pp.341-344, 11-12 Nov. 2010doi: 10.1109/ISETC.2010.5679363• Kthiri, M.; Kadionik, P.; Lévi, H.; Loukil, H.; Ben Atitallah, A.; Masmoudi, N.; , "AnFPGA implementation of motion estimation algorithm for H.264/AVC," I/V Communicationsand Mobile Network (ISVC), 2010 5th International Symposium on , vol.,no., pp.1-4, Sept. 30 2010-Oct. 2 2010doi: 10.1109/ISVC.2010.5654826• P. Ficheux: Le projet RTEL4I, séminaire « systèmes embarqués » Technifutur Liège(Belgique), mars 2009◗ Patents: NONE (open source)◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Quality of service regarding embedded/realtime Linux distribution was greatly improvedas creating distribution is much easier thanks to GUI.• Xenoscope tools is a very useful tool for realtime debug.• Multiplatform approach is very important too as customer as to learn only ONE interface.• A new product called "Mandriva build platform" was prototyped. The product is dedicatedto Linux distribution production including code analysis, compilation and test.◗ Job creation: 5◗ Business creation:• No new activity/companycreated.• Embedded systemtraining was greatlyimproved at OpenWideCONTACTPierre FICHEUXOPEN WIDE+33 (0)1 42 68 28 00pierre.ficheux@openwide.frPARTNERSLarge companies:SAGEM COMMUNICATIONSIntermediate size enterprises:MANDRIVA, OPEN WIDEResearch institutes, universities:ENSEIRB-MATMECAPROJECT DATACoordinator:OPEN WIDECall:FUI6Start date:December 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.4Free & Open Source Software WG147

Enterprise ApplicationsSemi-automatic and Collaborative Retrievalof Information Based on OntologiesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe SCRIBO project's goal is to develop algorithms and collaborative tools for extractingknowledge from unstructured documents and images. Its distinguishing features relyon the combination of semantic and statistical approaches for natural languageprocessing (NLP) and on its focus on the collaborative dimension of the knowledgeextraction process. SCRIBO provi<strong>des</strong> an integrated tool chain forextracting lightontologies from a corpus of documents, for acquiring knowledge by leveragingontologies, and for extracting structures from digitalized documents. The tool chainwill be available as an integrated modular environment building upon standard APIsand facilitating advanced collaboration by providing graphical widgets for annotatingsemantically evolving texts and images. SCRIBO outcomes will be released under anopen-source license.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe SCRIBO project provided two major advancements.• On one hand research-oriented partners have provided and improved their algorithmsfor automated ontology extraction and semi-automated conversion of textand image into exploitable knowledge;• on the other hand technological partners have had the chance to experiment withthese technologies and to integrate them in their products in order to provide aricher experience for their users.The outcome is a set of tools and products that have been effectively used to improveinformation management processes and that are available for other people as opensource software.MAJOR PROJECTS OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "Extracting and VisualizingQuotations from NewsWires", LTC 2009• "Milena : Write GenericMorphological AlgorithmsOnce, Run on Many Kindsof Images", ISMM 2009• "Word Sense InductionFrom Multiple SemanticSpaces", RANLP 2009• "A Deep Ontology forNamed Entities", ISA 2011• "Bridging Mono/.NET andJava in the SCRIBO Project:TheWay to UIMA.NET",UIMA French Workshop2009◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• EPITA/LRDE Dematerialisation module for Milena• Nuxeo Automated Document Categorization and Semantic Entities extensions• Mandriva Smart Desktop• Proxem Ubiq E-Reputation extension• SCRIBO Semantic Workbench• XWiki Annotation and Semantic analysis framework◗ Job creation: 6 (5 R&D engineers spread among different partners and 1 postdoc)CONTACTFabio MANCINELLIXWIKI+33 (0)6 26 83 91 37fabio.mancinelli@xwiki.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AFPSMEs:MANDRIVA, NUXEO, PROXEM,TAGMATICA, XWIKIResearch institutes, universities:CEA-LIST, EPITA-LRDE, INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:XWIKICall:FUI5Start date:July 2008Duration:24+6 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.7148Free & Open Source Software WG

Development toolsSoftware QUALity EnhancementCOMPLETEDPROJECT“You can’t control what you can't measure.” - Tom DeMarco -◗ Qualimetry - quality measurement - is the key to better software quality. However, mostefforts towards better software quality face the same obstacles: lack of operational standards,implementation costs, difficulty to estimate a return of investment. The purpose ofthe Squale project is to address these issues by offering an open-source qualimetry platformwhich aims at becoming the “de facto” standard in the field of software quality. Toachieve this goal, Squale provi<strong>des</strong> open quality models (both technical and economical)and an open-source tool that knows how to aggregate raw quality data into high level factors.The result is a web portal that offers dashboards to monitor quality evolution overtime, and return-of-investment estimations based on the quality results.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTToday, the Squale project hasreached its two main goals. First,the quality models developedwith the researchers are used byseveral companies to assess thequality of their software developments.Secondly, the Squaleapplication - that uses thosemodels to aggregate raw datainto high quality factors – is currentlydeployed in many companies,the two most importantones being Air France and PSAPeugeot-Citroën, where morethan 15 millions of line of code(Java, C/C++ and Cobol) are regularlyanalyzed by Squale. Whileproven to be operational in an industrialcontext, Squale and itsquality models are still under developmentto be sure that theywill constantly meet the customersneeds.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Open-source software quality platform: analyze Java, C/C++ and Cobol applications.◗ Services:• Squale on-demand services: on-site installation and maintenance, quality model customization,platform administration;• Squale customization: support for new langagues, connectors to third-party analysis tools, ...;• Squale as a Service: quality audits on a Qualixo centralized Squale platform.◗ Publications:• 13th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering in Kaiserslautern (Germany),March 2009: "SQUALE: Software QUALity Enhancement";• 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance in Edmonton (Canada), September2009: "The Squale Model - A Practice-based Industrial Quality Model".◗ Job creation:• 10 jobs at Qualixo (4 R&D engineers and 6 consultants);• 2 researchers and 1 engineer at INRIA and Paris 8.More jobs are expected to be created within the following years.CONTACTFabrice BELLINGARDQUALIXO+33 (0)1 42 31 02 02fbellingard@qualixo.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AIR FRANCE, PSASMEs:PAQTIGO, QUALIXOResearch institutes, universities:INRIA LILLE,UNIVERSITE PARIS 8PROJECT DATACoordinator:QUALIXOCall:FUI5Start date:June 2008Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):HELIOSFree & Open Source Software WG149

Development toolsSoftware QUality ASsuranceenHancementON GOINGPROJECTSQUASH aims at rationalizing and giving structure to the different activities of functionaltesting : test management, test automation, test data management, and administrationand management of software quality service centers.SQUASH inclu<strong>des</strong> four research lines:◗ Standards and models: to provide software reliability and conformity models tobet¬ter control testing activities and improve quality software measurement.◗ Methodology and skills: to set up an educational and methodological knowledge basefor software testing.◗ Technical tools: to develop open source tools to optimize and simplify testing activities.◗ Organisation: to provide a tool based methodology to perform testing activities as partof a software quality service center.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIn addition to methodology and technical open source tools covering the entire functionaltesting process, SQUASH comes with several technological and scientific innovations:◗ Objective assessment grid for functionality and reliability factors of the ISO 9126 standard:based on aggregation models of metrics, this grid provide concrete indicatorsof the functional quality of a software.◗ Predictive bug localization model: based on data reported in a pooled repository provideby SQUASH, this model allow to stress source code patterns who have been statisticallyidentified as potential source of bug.◗ Correlation between application source code and functional test case: this correlationallow to establish a test plan based on modified source code of a new release, ormeasure the parts of the source code covered by the functional test cases.◗ Method for the measurement of the ROI of the functional testing process: this methodallow to steer the functional testing process according the relation betweencost/charge of testing and risk of residual bug.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The first versions of the Squashtools, including an operationalversion of the test managerSquash TM are already availableon www.squashtest.org, alongwith other informations (roadmap,online demo, FAQ…).◗ A user community has growedfrom the french Club Qualité Logicielle(www.clubqualitelogicielle.fr)CONTACTMichaël BELKASMIHENIX+33 (0)1 42 31 02 05mbelkasmi@henix.frPARTNERSLarge companies:GENERALISMEs:HENIX, KALISResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8PROJECT DATACoordinator:HENIXCall:FUI10Start date:March 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):1.3Related Sytematic project(s):HELIOS, SQUALE150Free & Open Source Software WG

Development toolsTYPEXTypeful certified XML:integrating language, logic,and data oriented best practicesON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of this project is to produce a new generation of XML programming languagesstemming from the synergy of integrating three approaches into a unique framework: alogical approach, a data-oriented approach and a programming language approach.Languages whose constructions are inspired by the latest results in the PL research;with precise and polymorphic type systems that merge PL typing techniques with logical-solver-basedtype inference; with efficient implementations issued by latest researcheson tree automata and formally certified by latest theorem prover technologies;with optimizations directly issued from their types systems and the logical formalizationsand whose efficiency will be formally guaranteed; with the capacity to specify andformally verify invariants, business rules, and data integrity. Languages with a direct andimmediate impact on standardization processes.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project focuses on languages with specific support for XML. These languages canbe roughly classified in two categories: languages that support XML at document level(e.g.,XSLT, XPath, and XQuery) and statically typed laguages with specific support forXML types/schemas (e.g., XDuce, Xtatic, CDuce, XHaskell, Xact ). The projects aims at:◗ Providing exact type systems which are missing for the first category of languages (inparticular XQuery) and add to them advanced features such as higher-order functions,pattern matching, and statically verified assertions (as proposed in theXQuery 3.0 draft).◗ Improving and certifying the implementations of the first category of languagesand enhance their XML processing capabilities by enriching them with syntacticconstructs developed in the second category of languages (in particular for XDuceand CDuce),◗ Extending the type systems of the second category of languages (in particular CDuce)with polymorphism, a features often bespoken for the languages in the first category.The final goal being to transpose the results we will obtain on polymorphic functionsfor CDuce also to the languages of the first category.CONTACTGiuseppe CASTAGNACNRS – UNIVERSITE PARISgiuseppe.castagna@univ-paris-diderot.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITE PARIS 7 (PPS),UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD (LRI) /WAM EPIPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.3Funding (M2):0.3Free & Open Source Software WG151

Web 2.0 and 3.0WIKI3.0Wiki3.0ON GOINGPROJECTThe Wiki3.0 project's goal is to create a new generation platform that will providecollaborative working and interaction based on the capabilities of social networks,realtime and collaborative edition of documents and that will take advantage of cloudinfrastructures. The final outcome of the project is to deliver to enterprises a solutionthat will greatly ehnance their productivity in terms of knowledge exchange and creationwith respect to their core business. The 3.0 generation, as it is envisioned by thepartners of the project, is characterized by the following elements: conceiving andtaking advantage realtime features on the Web, integrating social network andcollaboration functionalities, enriching the content using semantic annotations andscaling-up the platform by adopting and integrating a cloud infrastructure.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe major scientific innovation and challenge will be the adaptation and the integrationin the Wiki3.0 platform of realtime editing algorithms that will be at the core of the platformto the collaborative aspects. These algorithms, once put at work, will power thecollaboration and the creation of new business knowledge. The technological innovationswill concern the integration of social network features with the collaborative work:the creation and modification of the content representing the business knowledge willbe carried on in the context of a social environment where collaborators will take part,possibly in realtime, to its continuos evolution. The challenge and the resulting innovationis to conceive a platform that will merge all these elements in an effective, productiveand user-friendlyway.CONTACTFabio MANCINELLIXWIKI+33 (0)6 46 48 15 94fabio.mancinelli@xwiki.comPARTNERSSMEs:MANDRIVA, XWIKIResearch institutes, universities:INRIA/LORIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:XWIKICall:WEB2.0Start date:December 2009Duration:31 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.1Funding (M2):0.5STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The project is in its final phase and most of the developed prototypes havebeen integrated in the partner's products. The current distribution is available at the followingaddress: http://github.com/xwiki-contrib/wiki30◗ More information is available on the project's web site at the following address:https://wiki30.xwikisas.com◗ The consortium is working for delivering a complete solution for providing realtime andsocial oriented features integrated in platform based on collaborative edition.152Free & Open Source Software WG

PRIORITIES AND PROJECTSCap Digital, Medicen Paris Region and <strong>Systematic</strong> Paris-Region have organised their initiatives and innovationprojects into several “Development Axes”:◗ Knowledge management◗ Modelling and simulation◗ Digital imaging◗ Medical devices◗ E-health and telemedicineinvested in R&D.Between 2009 and 2011, 10 R&D projects were fundedas the result of the partnership between the three clusters.These projects are: 3D-VOR, ADOC, arHOME,e-Thérapie, Intense, Picado, Pramad-2, RéVAD, Street-Lab and Sympad. They represent more than €80 millionSTAKEHOLDERSThe Health & ICT initiative consolidates the expertise ofthe three clusters' ecosystems by first of all bringing togetherprofessionals in the field from more than 400companies and research laboratories.The initiative also involves the following healthcare-relatedbodies:◗ The National Reference Centre for Home Healthcareand Independent Living (CNR-Santé)◗ The Paris Region Health Agency◗ The General Council of Industry, Energy and Technologywith financial support from:◗ The Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment◗ Investissements d’Avenir (“Investing for the Future”government-sponsored programme)◗ Local authoritiesJacques GUICHARD,<strong>Systematic</strong> Reporting Expertjacques.guichard@orange.comORANGE LABSMarc BOURGAREL,Representative of Permanent Secretariatm.bourgarel@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICExpert Committee MembersINRIA Philippe GESNOUIN philippe.gesnouin@inria.frALTRAN Jérôme FAGGION jerome.faggion@altran.comCIRA Sylvain HOCHBERG sylvain.hochberg@waaves.comSCILAB ENTREPRISES Christian SAGUEZ christian.saguez@orange.frHealth & ICT Initiative155

Smart Energy ManagementWorking GroupLaurent Schmitt,WG Presidentlaurent.schmitt@power.alstom.comALSTOM GRIDSmart energy management focuses on the ICT technologies tomanage end to end Smart Energy Systems leveraging the scopeof expertise as already developed in other domains by <strong>Systematic</strong>.The Working Group was launched early this year.The technologies and services developed through the collaborativeprojects coordinated by this new Working Group, will allowfor the optimal integration of distributed energy resources(renewable, consumption and storage) into the Smart energysystems. It covers residential, urban and industrial energy systems.158

NEW CHALLENGESEnergy systems are undergoing rapid changes, in 3 criticaldirections:◗ To maintain grid reliability and stability◗ To improve energy efficiency across the value chain◗ To integrate intermittent CO² free energyThe rising cost of energy, the mass electrification ofeveryday life and the growing climate change pressure,increase the urgency of the required technology transformation.Roll-out of smart grid technology requiresfundamental re-engineering of information systemsmoving to new distributed architectures.Regardless how quickly utilities will be able to embracethe new smart grid concepts, technologies and architecture,a significant industry transformation is required.It is a move that will not only affect business processesbut also organizations and technologies.THE SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT WORKING GROUP WITHIN SYSTEMATICSince its launch in February <strong>2012</strong> the Working Grouphas set up a dedicated ecosystem to develop newsynergies between industrial actors, Small & Mediumsize companies, large corporations and Research Institutesand Universities.As per today,◗ 4 R&D projects have been labeled and financed,initiated through Telecom and System Design &Development tool Working Group.◗ 4 new projects have been labeled since the launchPartners: 33 including:◗ 14 SMEs◗ 11 large companies◗ 6 Research institutes and universitiesThe Smart Energy Management Working Group is positionedon new architectures and critical technologicalcomponents to develop new Smart Energy Systems.Yolaine BOURDA,WG Vice-Presidentyolaine.bourda@supelec.frSUPELECDidier MOITY,Representative of permanent secretariatRepresentative of permanent secretariatSYSTEMATICThe steering committee membersADVANCITY Bernard GUEGUEN bernard.gueguen@advancity.euAIR LIQUIDE Vincent GOURLAOUEN vincent.gourlaouen@airliquide.comALSTOM TRANSPORT Marius IORDACHE marius.iordache@transport.alstom.comALTERNATIV VISION OF BUSINESS Anthony ROUX aroux@avob.frARTELYS Laurent FOURNIE laurent.fournie@artelys.comBOUYGUES TELECOM INITIATIVE Arnaud MICHARD amichard@bouyguestelecom.frCEA FONTENAY Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE jean-marc.alexandre@cea.frDOTVISION Guillaume PELLETIER guillaume.pelletier@dotvision.comECOLE CENTRALE PARIS Etienne de ROCQUIGNY etienne.de-rocquigny@ecp.frEDF Olivier DEVAUX olivier.devaux@edf.frGDF SUEZ Etienne GEHAIN etienne.gehain@gdfsuez.comIJENKO Serge SUBIRON ssubiron@ijenko.comINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Anne-Céline LAMBALLE anne-celine.lamballe@inria.frMI2020 Jean-Marc MOLINA jmmolina@mi2020.comRTE Patrick PANCIATICI patrick.panciatici@rte-france.comSAGEMCOM Marc LE GOURRIEREC marc.legourrierec@sagemcom.comSmart Energy Management159

Projects Smart Energy ManagementCOOLIT – Project labelised by Systems Design and Development Tools WGThe whole electrical power consumption of a data centre may go beyond twice the sole electrical power needed by processor's unitsit houses. The project aims at optimising the total energy needed by a data processing plant, through the four following progresses:◗ new server's cooling methods◗ new strategies in control, integration and optimisation of the electrical power paths◗ collecting and merging energetic information in order to improve the efficiency of the data centre management◗ optimising hardware resources allocation with regards to the processing needsThe best resolution of these four areas of improvement could lead to energy savings up to 20%.Coordinator: BULL / Partners: ALTERNATIV VISION OF BUSINESS, ATRIUM DATA, BULL, CEA/DAM-IDF EURODECISION, INRIARENNES, SINOVIA SPLITTED-DESKTOP SYSTEMS, WILLIAMSON ELECTRONIQUE.Call: FUI10 / Global budget: 7,7 M€ / Funding: 2,5 M€.Page 185EconoHom - Project labelised by Telecoms WGEconHome main objectives are to reduce by 70% the power consumption and the emitted electromagnetic radiations of residentialelectronic equipments. Internet gateways, set-top-boxes, CPL plugs and NAS are the primary targets of the project. EconHome isfollowing a three axis approach to bring a comprehensive solution. Partners are working on the <strong>des</strong>ign of low power chips (STB, CPL,WiFi), <strong>des</strong>ign of low power platforms for STB and Internet gateways with modular functionning support, and management ofsleep/wake up states of devices on the LAN.Coordinator: SAGEMCOM/ Partners: CEA LETI, CEA LIST, COMSIS, ETIS, DOCEA POWER, INRIA, ORANGE LABS, SAGEMCOM, SPID-COM, ST ERICSSON, ST MICROELECTRONICS, UTREMA.Call: FUI10 / Global budget: 10,9 M€ / Funding: 3,9 M€.Page 309EnergyPositive IT – Project labelised by Systems Design and Development Tools WGThe objective of this project is to set up an open software platform dedicated to energy services and carbon footprint managementfor sustainable urban areas. It is intended to address the needs of urban and property developers, facility managers, energy serviceproviders as well as end-users.Coordinator: ALSTOM / Partners: ALSTOM, AVOB, BOUYGUES, CEA, DBT, DOTVISION, ECONOVING, FONDATERRA, PULSE-AR,RENAULT, SAGEM COMMUNICATIONS, SUPELEC, UVSQ, ZAMIREN.Call: FUI11 / Global budget: 7,8 M€ / Funding: 2,9 M€.Page 194WINPOWER - Project labelised by Systems Design and Development Tools WGWINPOWER project aims at developing a wide control strategy to manage large scale High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) multi-terminalnetworks that will interconnect renewable energy sources (RES) to the main power network. Proposed work deals with controlstrategies in a wide sense, from off-line optimization of network itself before its construction; to real time, multi layered,decentralized stabilizing control that is embedded into its components. This DC grid will allow for multi-RES generators efficientinterconnection, for example off-shore Wind Farms and solar plants. This DC grid will also manage their connection to: the mainAC grid; large loads (big cities or industrial facilities); other DC grids like a future European SuperGrid.Coordinator: EECI / Partners: ALSTOM POWER, AREVA T&D (ALSTOM GRID), ARMINES, CEA, CNRS, EDF, EECI, SUPELEC, WINNOVE.Call: ANR / Global budget: 3 M€ / Funding: 1,2 M€.Page 284160

162Systems Design andDevelopment Tools Working GroupGérard POIRIER,WG Presidentgerard.poirier@dassault-aviation.comDASSAULT AVIATION"The activities of our Working Group are essentially transverseto other Working Groups of the cluster: these tools and systemswill be used in aerospace, energy, services, as well as in automotive,transportation, telecom or security and defence. OurWorking Group has developed innovative projects structuredthrough our roadmap enhancing innovative applications for technologyof the future. Within our Working Group, more than240 partners are gathered working on an “Open innovation” way.Among these partners, the WG counts 120 SMEs, includingBalyo, ESI Group, Esterel Technologies, Spring Technologieswhich were selected for the first panel “<strong>Systematic</strong> Paris-RegionCluster Champions” with one promising development project.

A MAJOR CHALLENGE: INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITYThe aim is to develop digital tools and method which willhelp to <strong>des</strong>ign, develop, manufacture and maintainphysical objects or software, embedded systems, better,faster and cheaper than today.It is remarkable that the leading European players inthis field are located in the Paris region.THE SYSTEMS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS WORKING GROUPWITHIN SYSTEMATIC◗ R&D financed Projects: 124◗ Partners : 232 including:◗ 120 SMEs◗ 10 ETIs◗ 55 Large Companies◗ 46 Research institutes and universities◗ Total investment: 701 M2The Systems Design and Development Tools WorkingGroup of High Performance Computing areas, called“Development Axes”:◗ Modelling systems simulation◗ Software engineering◗ Data analyticsAmong the industrial and technological priorities forSystems Design and Development Tools Working Group:◗ Calculation up to PetaFlops and PetaBytes wide (HPC)◗ Complex system early <strong>des</strong>ign optimization◗ Product Simulation◗ Design of software systems◗ Simulation of production process and factories optimization◗ Life cycle Management tools◗ Data fusion and Knowledge management◗ Test, verification, validation and certification tools,◗ Engineering of complex, software dependent systems◗ Information processing and analysis in large or complexsystems◗ Development of synergies between key players Aerospacevalleyand Minalogic (Lambda), ASTech(Quick_GPS), MOV’EO (O2M), I-Trans and Vehicle duFutur (AND), Medicen, Images et Reseaux (IRIMI)◗ Development of software tools for the platform eco<strong>des</strong>ignof the Clean Sky JT◗ ...Pierre LECA,WG Vice-Presidentpierre.leca@cea.frCEAKarim AZOUM,Representative of Permanent Secretariatk.azoum@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICSteering Committee MembersADACORE Cyrille COMAR comar@adacore.comBERTIN TECHNOLOGIES Philippe RAVIER ravier@bertin.frCONSULTANT Philippe PASQUET ph.pasquet@gmail.comCS Michel NAKHLE michel.nakhle@c-s.frDASSAULT AVIATION Gerard POIRIER gerard.poirier@dassault-aviation.comDISTENE Laurent ANNE laurent.anne@distene.comEADS ASTRIUM Denis CLERC denis.clerc@astrium.eads.netEDF R&D CLAMART Ange CARUSO ange.caruso@edf.frENGINSOFT Marie-Christine OGHLY m.oghly@enginsoft.comHPC PROJECT Jacques DUYSENS jacques.duysens@hpc-project.comINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Yves SOREL yves.sorel@inria.frRENAULT Jean-Marc CREPEL jean-marc.crepel@renault.comSCILAB Christian SAGUEZ christian.saguez@orange.frSPRING TECHNOLOGIES Gilles BATTIER gbattier@springplm.comTHALES RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Gerard CRISTAU gerard.cristau@thalesgroup.comUNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMPIEGNE Benoit EYNARD benoit.eynard@utc.frSystems Design and Development Tools WG163

Modelling systems simulationADNAlliance <strong>des</strong> Données NumériquesON GOINGPROJECTSimulation has, today, a crucial place throughout the development cycle of a productespecially in the preliminary phases of <strong>des</strong>ign cycle. The need of structuration,collaboration and coherence of knowledge used in numerical models is essential. It isin this context that ADN project was born. The cornerstone of differents managementsystems for products, knowledge and simulation data, the ADN project will deliver ageneric collaboratif software environment as support of a methodology based on a tradeknowledge in order to share organised dynamic technical data, between various <strong>des</strong>ignmodels and simulation models of a system.CONTACTPatrick GRIMBERGDPS - DIGITAL PRODUCTSIMULATION+33 (0)1 30 08 22 80patrick.grimberg@dps-fr.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Dynamic management of groups of parameters: aiming at delivering a tool able ofmanaging thousands of interdependent parameters according to configurations◗ Definition and management of multiple rendering parameters◗ Propagation of constraints between parameters: non-bijective rules can be reversedwith no rework by the users ofthe ADN tool◗ Extraction of knowledge afterwards:setting rules from a databasewhich may include missingspaces in the <strong>des</strong>ign areas◗ Methodologies related to ADN:Project deliverable is a tool aswell as a methodology incorporatingmultiple user processes◗ Knowledge lifecycle management◗ Advanced search engine for computingresults in the knowledgedatabase using data settings:to avoid multiple computingwhen working with case basedreasoningSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project officially started on March, 8th 2010.PARTNERSLarge companies:EADS, FAURECIA, PSAPEUGEOT CITROENSMEs:DELTACAD, DPS, EIRIS,SOYATECResearch institutes, universities:ARTS, UTBM, UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:DPS - DIGITAL PRODUCTSIMULATIONCo-label:VEHICULE DU FUTUR,I-TRANSCall:FUI9Start date:March 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.4Funding (M2):2.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL164Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringAccesSim (Simulateuren Réalité Virtuelle pourl'accessibilité <strong>des</strong> Bâtiments)ON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of this project is to propose a Virtual Reality Simulator to work on theaccessibility of buildings and urban environnements.The tool will allow the user to simulate wheelchair movement around the premises,and therefore test and demonstrate its accessibility to people with restricted mobility(people in wheelchairs, senior citizens, pushchairs).CONTACTAlain SCHMIDEDF R&D+33 (0)1 47 65 44 07alain-cc.schmid@edf.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ A Virtual Reality System to load 3D scenes and run scenariis.◗ A dynamic platform to interact with à wheelchair.◗ Integration of accessibility rules.◗ Realistic physic simulation of the wheelchair.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ December 2010: first protoype of AccesSim and test dignostic on the renovation of aschool building.◗ Avril 2011: first prototype with dynamic platforme for Laval Virtual.PARTNERSLarge companies:CEA, EDFSMEs:CEREMH, HAPTIONResearch institutes, universities:ARTS, LISVPROJECT DATACoordinator:EDF R&DCo-label:MOV’EOStart date:Februar 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.8Systems Design and Development Tools WG165

Software engineeringACOSEAtelier pour le CO-développementlogiciel/matériel <strong>des</strong> SystèmesEmbarquésON GOINGPROJECTThe ACOSE project will develop a rigorous system development framework allowingthe <strong>des</strong>igned system to be represented at different levels of detail, from applicationsoftware to its implementation on one or several platforms. ACOSE will addresshardline issues such as complexity, separation of communication and computation,quality of service, correctness, model-based and component-based <strong>des</strong>ign, legacyintegration, optimal power usage and industrial concerns such as integrated reporting.Such environment will allow SoC and system integrators putting in place a real strategyfor product life cycle management.CONTACTEmmanuel VAUMORINMAGILLEM+33 (0)1 40 21 35 50vaumorin@magillem.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe outcome of ACOSE will be an integrated HW/SW development flow based on theemerging IP-XACT standard (IEEE 1685-2009), that provi<strong>des</strong> requirements managementfor product life cycle management and critical systems certification. Developed bya consortium sampling the whole value chain of complex embedded systems, theACOSE Workshop will drive dramatic development costs reduction for embedded systemwhile improving significantly quality and time-to-market for French leaders in keyembedded industries.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started in december 2011; no outcome available yet.PARTNERSSMEs:CYBERIO, MAGILLEMResearch institutes, universities:CEA, TIMA, VERIMAGPROJECT DATACoordinator:MAGILLEMCo-label:MINALOGICCall:BGLE1Start date:December 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.8Funding (M2):2.9Related Sytematic project(s):AGESYS, EDONA, LAMBDA,HOSPI, MOPCOM-SOC,PROTEUS, SOFTSOC, SOCKET,VERDE166Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationACTIVOPTACTIVOPTCOMPLETEDPROJECTOptimization and robust <strong>des</strong>ign are now growing concerns in the industry. For many years,the research has focused on <strong>des</strong>ign optimization. Some bricks of software are resultingfruit of this research and are already used in some companies. But today, softwaresolutions, key components in <strong>des</strong>igning products, lack interoperability and integration ofthese optimization algorithms. Activopt is an opportunity to create and use a communityof developers in this field that will propose and implement solutions to federate research.This is done preserving the knowledge and expertise on Paris region while enhancingthese skills nationally and internationally.This project is also creating a brick that supportsthe use of results of projects already funded under the competitiveness clusterSYSTEMATIC, research agencies such as the ANR and association.PROGRESS BEYONDTHE STATE OF THE ARTCentrale research proposed new operationalparameters to classify <strong>des</strong>igns onthe Pareto front. A first solution that consistsin substituting Crowding distance bysecondary distance is proposed. A subspacepartitioning is also proposed to obtaina well spread Pareto front.New scripting capabilities have been integrated and now allows Eurodecision to fully integratetheir optimisation algorithms mixing Design of experiments and response surfacemodeling techniques inside modeFRONTIER.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• « A deterministic approach using game theory for multi-objectiverobust optimization" », META'10.• “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Space Partitioningfor Many-Objective Optimization”, META'10• «Optimisation de forme Fluide-Structure par un jeu de Nash»par Badr Abou El Madj, dans larevue « Arima », Septembre 2010 *• "Les apports du projet Activopten optimisation multidisciplinaire"Armelle Le Gall - Conférence <strong>des</strong>utilisateurs modeFRONTIER 2010◗ Products:3 New modeFRONTIER features:• Scilab application node since version4.2.0• Scilab scheduler bridge is avalaiblesince version 4.3.0 and now fullydocumented• Pam Crash node beta is availableand under testsEurodécision developed a topologicaloptimisation algorithm with Scilab and integrated custom algorithms inside mode-FRONTIER from Electre / Alternova thanks to ModeFRONTIER's scheduler bridge.◗ Job creation: 5◗ Maintened Job: 2Systems Design and Development Tools WGCONTACTMarie-Christine OGHLYENGINSOFT FRANCE+33 (0)1 41 22 99 30m.oghly@enginsoft.comPARTNERSSMEs:ENGINSOFT FRANCE,EURODECISIONResearch institutes, universities:DIGITEO, ECOLE CENTRALEPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:ENGINSOFT FRANCECall:FEDERStart date:January 2009Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL167

Software engineeringAtelier de Développementet Noyau Pour Système EmbarquéON GOINGPROJECTThe software has become the engine of innovation for all embedded systems: it is avital component of industrial competitiveness. It must now fullfil strong constraintsregarding safety and time-to-market, unfortunatly these objectives is not achievablewith current RTOSs.However, the RTOS PharOS, from CEA, has unique properties enabling a developmentthat is both fast and safe by construction. Therefore the partners of ADN4SE projecthave decided to rely on the characteristics of PharOS technology in order to establisha top-down and seamless process, based on a continuous toolchain, matching theirsafety and time-to-market requirements .CONTACTDamien CHABROLKRONO-SAFE+33 (0)1 77 93 21 58damien.chabrol@krono-safe.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe results of ADN4SE project will enable to perform a top-down and seamless developmentof the sofware for various safety-related applications. This major improvementwill help developers to reduce the time-to-market of the products while guaranteeingthe respect of safety requirements.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe outcomes of ADN4SEproject are:◗ KRONO-DESIGN: graphicaltool for timing <strong>des</strong>ign◗ KRONO-TEST: true realtimesimulation tool◗ KRONO-SIZE: hybrid toolfor WCET measurement◗ KRON-OS: real-time kernelformaly proven◗ Connection between MAT-LAB, ARTISAN, PLC andPharOS technology◗ E-STONE: multi-domain drivers optimized for KRON-OS◗ Use cases based on railway, automotive, robotics and lift applicationsPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM TRANSPORT, DELPHI,SCHNEIDER ELECTRICSMEs:ATEGO, BA SYSTEMES,ITRIS AS, KRONO-SAFE, OBEO,SHERPA ENGINEERING,SPRINTE,Research institutes, universities:CEA, CETIM, INRIA, LCISPROJECT DATACoordinator:SHERPA ENGINEERINGCo-label:MINALOGICCall:BGLE1Start date:July <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):13Funding (M2):5.9Related Sytematic project(s):EDONA, FLEX-EWARE,O4A PHASE 2, PETRA,SCARLET168Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringAtelier de Génie SystèmeON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of the AGeSys project is the development of a systems engineeringworkshop dedicated to embedded systems, for all industrial sectors without restriction.This workshop is made of open, integrated tools that allow a model based <strong>des</strong>ign ofembedded systems and software, and coupled with multi-physics models.The objective is to allow an industrial process with a clean definition of thesystem/software/hardware steps.CONTACTEric BANTEGNIEESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 30 68 61 70eric.bantegnie@esterel-technologies.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Allow users from different domains to use system modelization technologies relyingon open source COTS, based on the OMG standart SysML, and developed specificallyto match the needs of embedded system <strong>des</strong>igners.◗ Integration of complete, coherent and efficient tool chain that covers all activities ofsystem engineering processes, including multi-physics modelling and simulation,software engineering, requirements management, data management, safety analysis,versions and variants management, documentation generation.◗ AGeSys encompasses not only technological innovations, but also a new economicalmodel with a large part of open source components, and is validated by a large set ofmajor french compagnies that covers strategic industrial domains aerospace, automotiveand railway.PARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, ALSTOM, ATOS,CONTINENTAL, PSA,RENAULT, SAGEM, SNECMA,THALES, VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:LMS IMAGINE,SMEs:ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES,SCALEO CHIP, SCILABResearch institutes, universities:CEASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Development of 3 annual versions of the workshop at the end of each yearly periodof the project.◗ Industrial use cases set up by aerospace, automotive and railway mayor players.◗ Dissemination by the french competitiveness poles that are partners of the projectthrough the organization of annual «AGeSys Days ».PROJECT DATACoordinator:ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIESCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):21.2Funding (M2):7.5Systems Design and Development Tools WG169

Software engineeringAGREGATIONContrôle commande sûrpour les moyens d’essaisON GOINGPROJECTThe chain of aerospace subcontracting is reorganized around the the major actors whotake the responsibility to provide systems incorporating multiple subcontractors toaircraft manufacturers. One such organization is conceived in a fashion <strong>des</strong>ign basedon a complete model of aircraft components. If the major manufacturers have fullyintegrated the benefits to be derived from the model-based approach, the chain ofsubcontracting progressing too slowly in that direction. For several reasons: lack offinancial resources, lack of trained staff, work habits, leaving the R & D at the client. Theproject AGREGATION positions on this issue to provide tools to demonstrate the goodfit between the products developed and modeling.CONTACTEmmanuel SOHMSDI+33 (0)1 34 18 78 28emmanuel.sohm@sdi-tech.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe technological innovations are focused on three main subjects:◗ Parallelization of control command over a distributed heterogeneous architecture ofcomputers connected by a deterministic synchronous network.◗ Coordination between a numerical modeling of phenomena and analog controls.◗ Integration of multiphysical models in mechatronic problems.The project is link to open source software.PARTNERSSMEs:ARION ENTREPRISE,HPC PROJECT,SCILAB ENTREPRISES, SDIResearch institutes, universities:ENSEASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The main project outcome is the PFCC (PlatForm for Control Command), which isintegrated in the product line COBRA.◗ The COBRA product line allows to the aero suppliers to test the full compliancebetween specification and final product.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SDICo-label:ASTECHCall:FUI 10Start date:February 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.9Related Sytematic project(s):LAMBDA170Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationAMELHYFLAMImprovement of industrial electrolyticprocesses for hydrogen, fluorine and aluminumby modeling of electrochemical phenomenaand two-phase coupled hydrodynamicsON GOINGPROJECTThe AMELHYFLAM project consists in developing a numerical model strongly couplingbiphasic hydrodynamics and electrokinetic calculations in industrial electrolysers,taking into account the electrochemical phenomena present at the electrode interfaces/ bath and modeling the behavior of electrogenerated bubbles. This model will beapplied to aluminum production for the Rio Tinto group, to the synthesis of fluorine forthe Areva group and for hydrogen production (hybrid electrochemical / thermal cycle -Westinghouse process) for CEA. The numerical model will be built using two tools:Flux-Expert (Astek company), very well adapted for modeling of electrochemicalphenomena, and Fluidyn MP (Fluidyn company), multi-physics and multi-methodscode.CONTACTHervé ROUSTANALUMINIUM PECHINEY(GROUPE RIO TINTO)+33 (0)4 76 57 89 06herve.roustan@riotinto.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main innovations on this project are those concerning the understanding of the behaviorof bubbles in an electrolyzer when bubbles are generated. For an analysis ofthese phenomena, acoustic emission tools were used and it was necessary to focusthe attention on the signal obtained with a single bubble in order to decorrelate it fromthe global signal of a foam of bubbles. It was necessary to develop electro<strong>des</strong> with onlyone active site where bubbles car appear and growth. A non conventional process forthe development of controlled wettability of electro<strong>des</strong> was also developed on order toobtain a large range of bubbles size in aqueous electrolysis. An other innovation was thedetermination of bubbles behavior in zero-gravity. To realize such experiences, a partnershipwas establised with the CNES and an experimental apparatus was installed ina dedicated zero-G Airbus A300. The analyse of the results is in progress.The method of coupling between co<strong>des</strong> was also a very useful tool for the modeling ofsuch phenomena. For instance, it is possible to see that bubbles have a strong influenceon equivalent electric conductivity of electrolyte and modify the rate of bubbles generationat the surface of the electro<strong>des</strong> showing a very strong coupling between fluidmechanics and electric simulations.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Interface between co<strong>des</strong> has been developed by ASTEK and FLUIDYN.◗ Lab experiments on bubbles behaviour are done at the LGPM with EURO PHYSICALACOUSTIC support (acoustic emission tools used).◗ Mathematical modelling of bubbles release is done at the LEPMI.◗ Micro-gravity experiments are done at the LIMATB to understand occuring phenomena.PARTNERSLarge companies:AREVA NC, ASTEK,MISTRAS, RIO TINTO ALCANSMEs:FLUIDYN TRANSOFTResearch institutes, universities:CEA, ECOLE CENTRALEDE PARIS (LGPM), INSTITUTNATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUEDE GRENOBLE (LEPMI),UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNESUD (LIMATB)PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALUMINIUM PECHINEY(GROUPE RIO TINTO)Co-label:AXELERA, TENERRDIS,TRIMATECCall:ANRStart date:May 2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):1Systems Design and Development Tools WG171

Modelling systems simulationAquateamON GOINGPROJECTInnovative decision-support tools to improve water resources management in agriculture.◗ Objectives:• To increase the effectiveness of irrigation to optimise water supplies• To reduce nitrate and pestici<strong>des</strong> transfers to groundwater and surface waters• To increase revenues and minimize impacts◗ Target users: water managers, agricultural sectorCONTACTClaire BILLYFOOTWAYS+33 (0)2 38 63 64 65c.billy@footways.euTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSTo optimise irrigation management:◗ Better knowledge of the water soil content capacityand its dynamics◗ Studies on wheat water use efficiency to reveal possibledifferences between varieties◗ At the plot scale, development of an innovative, automaticand remote recording system to enable a betterestimation of water volumes used for irrigation in real time◗ At the regional scale, building of a modeling tool predicting the water volume availablefor irrigation, based on precipitation and groundwater levelTo improve water quality:◗ At the plot scale, implementation of software solutions which allow its users to assessthe transfer of pesticide and nitrate through the soil and the resulting risk forwater resources◗ At the regional scale, simulations of pesticide and nitrate transfer from the soil surfaceto the groundwater abstraction siteAll solutions will be commercialised as web services.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has just started.First operational versions of the software tools are expected at the end of 2013.PARTNERSLarge companies:ANTEA GROUP,SUEZ-LYONNAISE DES EAUXSMEs:FOOTWAYS, NOVIMET,S2BVISIOResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,INRA ORLEANS,UNIVERSITE D’ORLEANSOther partners:AGROPITHIVIERS,CHAMBRE D'AGRICULTURED'EURE ET LOIR, CHAMBRED'AGRICULTURE DU LOIRETPROJECT DATACoordinator:FOOTWAYSCo-label:DREAMCall:FUI12Start date:September 2011Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4Funding (M2):2172Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationASAPImproving Vehicle Safety by developinga new method to inspect spot-weldsON GOINGPROJECT◗ Apply a new and non-<strong>des</strong>tructive ultrasonic-based method to proceed a more reliable,faster and easier diagnosis of spot-welds consistency◗ Reduce the amount of <strong>des</strong>tructive controls◗ Manage multi-axial dynamic strength tests to refine criteria of ultrasonic-baseddiagnosis and to optimize spot-welds crash behavior in numerical simulationsCONTACTChristophe LARUERENAULT+33 (0)1 76 85 16 45christophe.larue@renault.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Development of small phase-array ultrasonic sensors due to technical environmentand to sopt-weld geometries to inspect◗ Development and implementation in an instrument of "real time" algorithms to adaptto variable indentations, to inspect spot-welds and to treat rough datas of inspection◗ Integration of an automated and relevant diagnosis in an industrial environment◗ Correlation between characteristics of spot-welds obtained by NDC and their dynamicmultiaxial mechanical strength◗ Macroscopic modeling to predict spot-welds dynamic behavior and rupturePARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULTSMEs:EXTENDE, M2MResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, UNIVERSITE DEVALENCIENNES / CNRS, LAMIHSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Intensive use of NDE simulationfor development of methodsand algorithms, and for performancedemonstration◗ Development of a new equipment,dedicated to the qualitycontrol people in the plant, andable to adapt instantaneously tothe external geometry of thespot-weld◗ Refined diagnosis criteria forspot-welds control◗ Experimentations on the strengthof spot-welds under dynamic multiaxial loadings◗ Improved numerical macro model to predict spot-welds crash resistancePROJECT DATACoordinator:RENAULTCo-label:I-TRANS, MOV'EOCall:ANRStart date:November 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.8Related Sytematic project(s):GERIM, ONTRACSystems Design and Development Tools WG173

Software engineeringStatic Analysis and OPTimisationON GOINGPROJECTASOPT (Static Analysis and OPTimisation) is a fundamental research project, whose aimis to develop new resolution techniques to improve the quality of static program analysis,especially for embedded control programs which high-level of criticality, and, in the longerrun, for numerical simulation programs. It exploits the abstract interpretation method,which allows one to determine a priori some invariants of a program (properties whichare valid for all executions). These invariants can often be expressed geometrically.For instance, the index variables in nested loops typically lie within convex polyhedra.Then, methods from convex programming and game theory can be applied to find invariants.The project develops and exploits the emerging interactions between global optimization,game theory, and static analysis, in order to compute accurate invariants.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main research topics concernthe development of:◗ refined new domains for the estimationof numerical (real orfloating-point) values of variables;◗ analysis techniques for complexdata structures;◗ new solution techniques for semanticequations, specially viaoptimization and game theorymethods;◗ modular analysis techniques.Our backbone technical objectiveis the integration of our implementationsinto open source librariesand tools, with thedevelopment of a generic solver,to be connected with the library APRON, the interprocedural analyser Interproc, andthe Newspeak frontend to tackle C programs.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESIn order to compute accurate invariants, we developed new domains like zonotopes (anextension of interval arithmetics modeling correlations between variables) nowimplemented in the library APRON, tropical polyhedra (representing disjunctiveinvariants) implemented in TPLib, non-linear templates (modelling Lyapunov functions),as well as new solution methods to compute or approximate the smallest fixed point ofthe semantic equations, based on policy iteration, semidefinite programming, and onmodular abstraction.CONTACTBertrand JEANNETINRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes+33 (0)4 76 61 52 76Bertrand.Jeannet@inrialpes.frStéphane GAUBERT (local)INRIA Saclay Ile-de-France& CMAP+33 (0)1 69 33 46 13Stephane.Gaubert@inria.frhttp://asopt.inrialpes.frPARTNERSLarge companies:EADS INNOVATION WORKSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST / MEASI, CMAP ÉCOLEPOLYTECHNIQUE, INRIAGRENOBLE / EPI POPART,INRIA SACLAY / EPI MAXPLUS,LIX ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE,VERIMAG - CNRSPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA GRENOBLE / EPIPOPARTCall:ANRStart date:December 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):0.7174Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringBACCARATManagement of Timing Constraintsin Electronic System Design FlowsON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of this project is to resolve the issue of timing budget and management of timingconstraints during early <strong>des</strong>ign phases of complex electronic systems, or in the frameof a retro-fit for obsolescence management. Systems that are targeted in this projectare made of several electronic boards, called PCB, and may be <strong>des</strong>igned by severalteams, using different <strong>des</strong>ign flows in function of the domain (RF, digital, analog, …), ormay be reused from another project. While seting up the budget of timing constraints forthe whole system, one must allocate timing specification for each board and ensure thatthe assembly respects the constraints at system level. This project proposes to useextensions of IEEE 1685 IP-XACT standard for managing the <strong>des</strong>cription of these timingspecifications among the several steps of the system <strong>des</strong>ign flow.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ State of the art:• There is no industrial solutions for timing budget and constraints management, atall level of the system and independent from <strong>des</strong>ign flows;• The work is done manually: excel sheets, in house scripts, <strong>des</strong>ign review between teams;• This methodology has reach its limits: multi-teams, multi-domains, multi-formats,IP reuse, growing complexity, safety.◗ Objectives:• Taking in account timing performances of the system early in <strong>des</strong>ign flow phases;• Static analysis of timing performances from system level, down to component level;• Top-down and bottom up management of timing constraints.◗ Technical Issues to be solved:• Multiple formats (Excel, MATLAB, SDC, LIB, etc.) must be managed in IP-XACT forthe timing constraints;• Static timing analysis (STA) based on IP-XACT;• IP-XACT based configuration of AMS IPs;• Management of tracability in the flow for timing information.CONTACTEmmanuel VAUMORINMAGILLEM DESIGN SERVICES+33 (0)1 40 21 35 50vaumorin@magillem.comPARTNERSSMEs:AVERTEC, MAGILLEM DESIGNSERVICES, SAFERIVERResearch institutes, universities:UMPC-LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:MAGILLEM DESIGN SERVICESCall:FEDER2Start date:January 2010Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.7STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Management of timing information into IEEE 1685 standard (IP-XACT).◗ Traceability management of timing information through the <strong>des</strong>ign flow.◗ Traceability management of timing information through the hierarchical levels of thesystem.Systems Design and Development Tools WG175

Modelling systems simulationProject also supported by Free & Open Source Software WG.Numerical modeling of multi-scale fluid solidcoupled systems: advanced hybrid methodsfor reduction of uncertainty on stability limitsand optimization of nuclear safety barrier reliabilityON GOINGPROJECTIt is a research project involved in the development of modeling and advanced numericalmethods for simulation of large size systems involving multi-physics in the field ofmechanics. It addresses the hard issue of stability analysis of dynamical systemssubmitted to external turbulent flows and aims to establish accurate stability mapsapplicable for heat exchanger <strong>des</strong>ign. The purpose is to provide stability limitdimensionless modeling suitable in a variety of configurations with a maximal accuracyin spite of the large scale of the systems to be considered. The challenge lies inpredicting local effects possibly impacting global systems. Therefore the combinationof several strategies convenient simultaneously for multi-physics, multi-scale and largesize system computation is required, based on hybrid modeling and numerical methods.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project originality lies in the challenge proposal to go to real scale by developing advancedimproved numerical methods and optimization algorithms to address a multiphysicsmulti-scale problem including development of:◗ Numerical integration schemes through hybrid direct iterative methods for solvingfully coupled fluid solid systems◗ Mesh control combining moving and non moving grid formulations to deal with smalland large displacement solid boundary dynamics◗ Turbulence modeling to deal in the same time with near-wall and isotropic turbulence◗ Data assimilation and numerical solution enrichment with interpolation for real largescale modeling◗ Reduced order model hybridation to use combined reduced and high order solutionsto face up with very large degree-of-freedom number systems◗ Multi-scale formulation combining micro- and meso-scopic scale approaches to goto real scale.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Solver diffusion for multi-physics multi-scale large size system computation in theframework of the Opensource Salomé platform with possible external libraries◗ Data basis of model problems involving flow-induced vibrations of cylinder arraysunder cross flows◗ Dimensionless model for dynamic stability limit analysis of cylinder arrays◗ Publications on numerical methods for uncertainty reduction on dynamic stabilitylimits of complex mechanical systems : review, results and perspectivesCONTACTElisabeth LONGATTELAMSID+33 (0)1 30 87 80 87elisabeth.longatte@edf.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AREVA, EDF R&DResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IMFS, IMFT, IRIT, LAMSIDPROJECT DATACoordinator:LAMSIDCall:ANRStart date:December 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1176Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringBINCOABINary Code AnalysisON GOINGPROJECTProject BINCOA aims at increasing the state-of-the-art of machine code analysis. Thisis a basic research project aiming at developing adequate models and algorithms.Potential applications include automatic analyses of malware, COTS as well as lowlevelC programs incorporating assembly code.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Elicite users needs and interesting properties to check on machine code;◗ Design a formal model (DBA)fits to machine code analysis;◗ Design algorithms to check theproperties on the model;◗ Develop a decoder extracting anDBA <strong>des</strong>cription from an executablefile;◗ Develop analysers taken asinput DBAs and checking theproperties on them.CONTACTSébastien BARDINCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 54 16sebastien.bardin@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:EDF, SAGEM, TRUSTED LABSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, UNIVERSITEBORDEAUX 1, UNIVERSITEPARIS 7STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ A generic model (Dynamic Bitvector Automata, DBA) with precise semantics to encodemost common architectures and instruction sets.◗ Tool support for DBAs: test generation (CEA LIST), value analysis (LABRI), CFG recovery(CEA LIST)◗ Precise, robust and efficient CFG reconstruction, i.e. recovering a safe approximationof the program behavior from its executable file◗ Innovative solver for formulas expressed into bitvector theory◗ On-going work: programs with dynamic memory allocation, more properties (ex: recoveryof local variables), scalability◗ Some publications:• S. Bardin and P. Herrmann. OSMOSE: Automatic Structural Testing of Executables.International Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR),2011.• S. Bardin, P. Herrmann, J. Leroux, O. Ly, R. Tabary and A. Vincent. The BINCOAFramework for Binary Code Analysis. In CAV 2011.• S. Bardin, P. Herrmann and F. Védrine. Refinement-based CFG Reconstruction fromUnstructured Programs. In VMCAI 2011.• S. Bardin, P. Herrmann and F. Perroud. An Alternative to SAT-based Approaches forBit-Vectors. In TACAS 2010.PROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:January 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.9Systems Design and Development Tools WG177

Modelling systems simulationCAMPASCalculs MassivementParallèles multi-cycle /multi-cylindre de moteurs àpiston par une approche SGECOMPLETEDPROJECTThe objective of the CaMPaS project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a multi-cycleLarge-Eddy Simulation (LES) of the reactive flow inside a complete multicylinder internalcombustion engine using the AVBP CFD code on a massively parallel supercomputer.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe LES code AVBP was improved todeal with all the specific and until thenunaddressed problematics required toset up and carry out the world's firstmulticycle LES of a fired multicyclinderengine. This opens unprecedented perspectivesfor the study and understandingof combustion instabilities in fullinternal combustion engines, which aresources for increased fuel consumptionand pollutant emissions.CONTACTBenjamin RÉVEILLÉIFP+33 (0)1 47 52 62 68benjamin.reveille@ifp.frPARTNERSLarge companies:PSASMEs:CINESResearch institutes, universities:CERFACS, EM2C (CNRS), IFPMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The AVBP code is now capable of:• dealing with an arbitrary number of moving patches using the Conditioned TemporalInterpolation algorithm• parallel interpolation of solutions between grids• parallel partitioning of grids using the ParMETIS package; postprocessing multicyclindermulticycle engine simulations• automatically adjustment of combustion model parameters using a coupled filteringmodule based on the Germano identity◗ Services:Adressing multicylinder and multicycle issues such as cylinder to cylinder and cycleto cycle variabilities which have a negative impact on on engines effeciency will bepossible.PROJECT DATACoordinator:IFPCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.4178Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationNano-magnetic sensors appliedto non-<strong>des</strong>tructive evaluationON GOINGPROJECTTo reinforce the reliability and the safety of the products, industries use non <strong>des</strong>tructivetesting (NDT) methods, like Eddy currents method (EC). This method knows today a deepchange to fulfil performances for detection of very small flaws (‹100µm) and burried flaws,while decreasing time inspection. To answer these constraints, new technologies of magneticsensors are investigated. These technologies present a high sensitivity and a good resolution.CANOE aims at proposing technical development making reliable the manufacture of arrayEC probes containing magnetic nano-components. This project will lead to the realisation ofdemonstrators integrating giant magneto-resistances and magneto-impedances. CANOEwill propose for NDT market a new more senstitive and more performant method of controlbased on electromagnetic sensors.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSCANOE aims at proposing the innovative realisation of sensible demonstrator based onmagnetic nano-elements. The technical development will make reliable the manufactureof array EC probes containing giant magneto-resistances (GMR) and magneto-impedances(MI) elements. In the field of the GMR, technological developments will beimplemented to improve the sensitivity of the sensors. Concerning the nanocomponentthe replacement of the IrMnbarrier by the use of antiferromagneticinsulating (NiO)will reduce the effects ofshunt, the improvement ofthe packaging of the probewill reduce the lift-off. An exploratorywork will in additionbe done to transposeGMR technology on flexiblesubstrate. In the field of themagneto-impedances, thescientific developments willmake possible the realisationof array probe containingMI nano-components.Innovating developments willbe implemented such as the<strong>des</strong>ign of array architecture,the realisation of microwindingaround the nanocomponentto increase thesensitivity and linearity.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTNatalia SERGEEVA-CHOLLETCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 15 09natalia.sergeeva-chollet@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AREVA NP,EADS INNOVATION WORKS,THALES TRTSMEs:STATICEResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CNRS, IEF,SUPELEC/LGEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):0.9◗ CANOE will propose more sensitive array EC probe based on innovative magnetic sensorsfor detection of small flaws and buried flaws located in a complexe shape parts.◗ New fabrication techniques of magnetic sensors will be developed.Systems Design and Development Tools WG179

Software engineeringCERtification Compositionnelle <strong>des</strong>Logiciels Embarqués critiques et Sûrs(Compositional Certification of Criticaland Safe embedded Software)ON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of the project is to solve the problem of the integration tests based on thecapitalization on the certification of components. i.e., how, from the tests associatedwith each pre-certificated component, create a comprehensive battery of tests showingthat the directed assembly meets the system requirements and inherite thecertification. Automation expected that creation of tests will lead to a reduction in thecost of certification of the assembly.CONTACTFabien PAGANELLISAGEM+33 (0)1 58 11 29 84fabien.paganelli@sagem.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSStarting from a high level formal systemmodel and on the basis of libraries of componentmodels with according componenttest cases, the expected toolset will allowcomposition of appropriate componentsusing the concept of refinement of the highlevel system model, putting the focus ofcertification on non certified components,in order to reach the objective of a compositionalapproach to certification. Technologyinnovations to be developed in thisscope will rely on formal model fusionapproach, a combination of the B workshop with additional modules to be developed, inconjunction with the Scade toolset and its Lustre based formal language.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Evolution of the B methodology.◗ Additional modules to the B worskhop.◗ Scade/Lustre code generation based on B formal content.◗ Open source toolset.PARTNERSLarge companies:SAGEMSMEs:CLEARSYResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, PPSPROJECT DATACoordinator:SAGEMCall:ANRStart date:March 2011Duration:44 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.6Related Sytematic project(s):COUVERTURE180Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringCETRACCommutateur Ethernet TempsRéel pour Applications CritiquesON GOINGPROJECTThe complexity and the performance of the modern real time applications areincreasing. They are more and more distributed and consisted of a plurality ofequipments that are to be interconnected according to system contraints.The object of this project is to <strong>des</strong>ign and realize a ethernet component for criticalapplications offering the most safety demanding.The project will also supply tools allowing to simulate and model a network based onthis component as well as a kit of certificability (DAL A).CONTACTJacques DELBOSARION+33 (0)1 69 35 39 02jacques.delbos@arion.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe component CETRAC is innovative with regard to the current solutions because itoffers at the same time very good real-time performances, a very high level of safety offunctioning (DALA and SIL4 certifiable), the capacity to completely model the communication,to natively offer a set of essential services (time stamping, data integrity…)and to be able to support synchronous and asynchronous communications. This set ofproperties gives CETRAC an advantage over all the solutions at present available onthe market. Besi<strong>des</strong>, CETRAC is the only pretender in its category that can be used forthe most sensitive applications, no other rival solution is certified higher than DALBand\or SIL3.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESIn the stemming from the project we shall obtain:◗ An IP (intellectual property) of the CETRAC component. This one will be integrated onthe basis of a FPGA into equipment so as to supply to End Users a useful switch fortheir applications.◗ The kit of certificability associated with the IP of the component.◗ The behavioral model of the component and the platform on the basis of the sizes ofarchitecture.◗ The model of safety of generic functioning on the basis of the sizes of architecture.PARTNERSSMEs:ARION, RTAWResearch institutes, universities:ENSTAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ARIONCo-label:ASTECHCall:FEDERStart date:October 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.4Funding (M2):0.7Systems Design and Development Tools WG181

Software engineeringCHAPICalcul embarqué Hautes performancespour les Applications Industrielles,petites & moyennes sériesON GOINGPROJECTThe collaborative project CHAPI supports the emergence of a new generation ofprogrammable logic devices, which aims to serve the market demand in high performance& flexible integrated circuits for embedded computing. CHAPI will focusmainly on two topics:◗ the optimization and validation of a first generation of circuits on use cases from severalindustrial application domains, and◗ the integration of complementary software development tools to facilitate the developmentof new applications.CONTACTChristophe LECLUSEKALRAY+33 (0)6 48 09 94 55christophe.lecluse@kalray.euTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Prototyping of industrial applicationsusing first generation ofKalray's MPPA technology in thedomain of HD video encoding,image processing, transportationand industrial automation.◗ Adaptation of a time-triggeredoperating system and toolchain for safety critical applicationsupport.◗ Integration of high level parallelprogramming environments foreasier application development.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project began in January 2010. First application prototypes have been developed bythe partners using the development environment proposed by Kalray (dataflowprogramming language & tools). Lower level APIs have also been proposed as targetfor code generation by the high level programming environments considered in theprojet (SPEAR from Thales, HMPP from CAPS ENTREPRISE, XCOS from SCILABENTERPRISES).PARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM, THALES, THOMSONSMEs:CAPS ENTREPRISE, KALRAY,LEADTECH DESIGN, UXPResearch institutes, universities:CEA, SCILAB ENTERPRISES,VERIMAGPROJECT DATACoordinator:KALRAYCo-label:MINALOGICCall:FUI8Start date:January 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):12,4Funding (M2):5182Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationCollavizON GOINGPROJECTThe Collaviz program is an innovative multidomain remote collaborative platform forsimulation-based <strong>des</strong>ign applications. In partnership with 28 French and internationalpartners, Collaviz makes remote analysis and collaboration easily available and scalableto the scientific and industrial community. Web-based technologies enable researchersand engineers to handle very large data sets, including 3D data models, using a singleworkstation wherever in the world. Just a “standard” internet connection is required.Collaviz, a 42 months project, proposes a smart solution to break the bottlenecks of datavolume production and processing that the industry is facing every day.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThere were 2 different phases into the Collaviz project. During the first 24 months, workgroupsdefined the framework architecture specifications and developed 2 prototypesfor it. The next 12 months corresponded to the second phase: demonstrators set up asa proof of concept. The last 6 months of the project being mainly used for promotionpurposes. Collaviz:◗ Provi<strong>des</strong> applications <strong>des</strong>igned for habits of very different communities (geophysics,fluid dynamics, structure, biochemical, drug <strong>des</strong>ign...).◗ Uses mainstream technologies for the service access (low bandwidth internetaccess, standard hardware for visualization...).◗ Delivers interactive and participative collaboration, not only remote “shared display”visualization.CONTACTAlban SCHMUTZOXALYA+33 (0)1 49 58 45 70alban.schmutz@oxalya.comPARTNERSLarge companies:EDF, FAURECIASMEs:ARTENUM, DISTENE,KITWARE, MCLP CONSULTING,NECS, OXALYA, TECHVIZResearch institutes, universities:AGCO, BRGM, CEA DIF, CEI,COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES,DIGITEO/SCILAB, ECP, EGID,IFP, INPT, INSA DE RENNES,INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE DUGLOBE DE PARIS, INSTITUT DERECHERCHE POUR LEDEVELOPPEMENT FROMNEW CALEDONIA, LIRIS,TERATEC, UNIVERISTE OFCARDIFF, UNIVERSITE PARIS 6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe development phases are now behind and the assessment of the industrializedsoftware solution has been done by demonstrators partners. The Collaviz frameworkhas also been adapted and tested to match the demonstrators needs in the third yearof the project. This last phase was a success and the final review already took placewith the ANR experts (January ’12). Collaviz is now in the last moments of itsdissemination and promotion period. During these 6 months, partners have againdemonstrated their commitment to the community, keeping publishing papers,participating in conferences and events, and even experimenting with other partnersabroad (UK, USA, etc.).PROJECT DATACoordinator:OXALYACo-label:IMAGINOVECall:ANRStart date:January 2009Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4Funding (M2):2.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CARRIOCAS, OSCOSSystems Design and Development Tools WG183

Software engineeringConception et Co-Emulationsur Plateforme en Temps réelDesign & Co-emulationon a Real Time PlatformCOMPLETEDPROJECTDevelopment of a real time emulation & prototyping platform covering the entire <strong>des</strong>ignchain from end product to electronic system and to System-on-Chip (SoC).Beyond the SoC validation, ease of configuration of the platform and softwareenvironment should allow different approaches to analyze the system architecture in itselectronic environment representative of the application, to retain the best alternativeto meet specifications of the application and limit its risks and costs of development.CONTACTJean-Luc WEISSALTIS SEMICONDUCTOR+33 (0)1 60 88 58 63jean-luc.weiss@altissemiconductor.comPROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:• The main result of the ConCEPT project is the development and validation of theFCM4 platform that allows the integration in a system environment of a true representationof a SoC to validate the specifications and architecture.• The platform will be used for the modeling of automotive calculators using multiprocessorarchitectures, which will be necessary to meet the needs of computingpower, for example an engine controller. This is one of FP7 AutoCoreS projectobjectives, currently under evaluation and involving Scaleo chip.◗ Technologies:• The platform allows the integration of new concepts such as multi-core architecturesand thus anticipates the evolution of automotive, telecom and multimedia domainsin line with the trends seen in the field of electronics.• The CEA MPSoC (Multi Processor System On Chip) structure, prototyped on platform,has led to the optimization of applications management using very high dataflow. This concept is continued in the ARTEMIS SCALOP project involving TCF, Scaleochip and the CEA.◗ Publications:• Article Electronique International Hebdo.• Journal du Sitelesc.• Journée du LEAT : "Multiprocessor Architecture for Dynamic Embedded Systems".• RTS (Mars 07 et Avril 08).• International Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE DATE2009): "System-Level Hardware-Based Protection of Memory against Soft-Errors".◗ Business creation:• The ConCEPT project has allowed Altis to improve its position in the automotiveand communication markets (specific automotive quality requirements and readinessfor Flash technology in association with its performance requirements).• The FCM4 platform is today the reference platform of Scaleo chip for future developmentsand will enable it to position itself competitively in the targeted markets.• The FCM4 platform allows the prototyping of a large family of tececommunicationapplications and Thales Communications has already positioned the use of thisplatform as a alidation environment in the context of internal developments.• The project has enabled Trialog to assess the possibilities for automated testingtechnologies offer On Chip Debugging, which is increasingly used in UCEs.• The project contributes to the positioning of Valeo in the supply of computers compatiblewith the AUTOSAR standard.PARTNERSLarge companies:PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN,THALES, VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:ALTISSMEs:SCALEOCHIP, TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALTIS SEMICONDUCTORCall:FUI1Start date:September 2006Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.7Funding (M2):2.7184Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationCOOL ITOverall optimisation of datacentre energy consumptionON GOINGPROJECTThe whole electrical power consumption of a data centre may go beyond twice the soleelectrical power needed by processor's units it houses. The project aims at optimising thetotal energy needed by a data processing plant, through the four following progresses:◗ New server's cooling methods◗ New strategies in control, integration and optimisation of the electrical power paths◗ Collecting and merging energetic information in order to improve the efficiency of thedata centre management◗ Optimising hardware resources allocation with regards to the processing needsThe best resolution of these four areas of improvement could lead to energy savings upto 20%.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Integration of liquid cooling pipes within server’s hardware, while still allowing theirserviceability (repair, upgrade and maintenance).◗ Stabilisation of laminar air flows in specific areas of the server.◗ Integration of supercapacitors in each server, along with their monitoring software.This can avoid using huge equipments (batteries, generators) currently in charge ofovercoming short electical power cuts.◗ Energy savings shall be <strong>des</strong>igned with no compromise to performance, reliability,availability and serviceability of the data centre. This calls for identification and modellingof the relationships between these four requirements and the energy footprintof the data centre.◗ Design and development of management softwares that dynamically detect any configurationevolution of the hardware resources, and that allows to merge all these inputsin a unique application.◗ Optimisation of all the hardwareresources with regards tothe overall energy consumptionof the data centre. This calls formethods that allocate loadsthroughout the hardware resource,in a dynamic, real-timemanner.◗ Management of the processorsinternal frequency within amulti-server system.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Liquid cooled prototype server is available.◗ Monitoring software for supercapacitors is available.◗ Analysis of the energetic consumption of a large data centre has been done.◗ Software optimisation of load allocation by metaheuristics has been compared withsoftware optimisation expected with Entropy application.◗ Rules and interfaces for monitoring the power consumption have been proposed.CONTACTXavier SAINT-MARTINBULL+33 (0)1 30 80 74 40xavier.saint-martin@bull.netPARTNERSLarge companies:BULLSMEs:ALTERNATIV VISION OFBUSINESS, ATRIUM DATA,EURODECISION, SINOVIASPLITTED-DESKTOP SYSTEMS,WILLIAMSON ELECTRONIQUE,Research institutes, universities:CEA/DAM-IDF, INRIA RENNESPROJECT DATACoordinator:BULLCall:FUI10Start date:January 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.7Funding (M2):2.5Related Sytematic project(s):DESKOLOSystems Design and Development Tools WG185

Modelling systems simulationCOntrôle Robotisé Traitementet EXploitation 3DON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of the project CORTEX 3D is to integrate the technological bricks into aprototype manufacturing process, in order to deliver robotized inspection tool. Thisproject addresses different field of application such like Energy and Transport,Aeronautical or Terrestrial. Through the project, hardware and software solutions willbe developed for the integration of robotized Non Destructive Testing (NDT) to be flexibleand leading to high throughput especially for complex structures either very large orhighly curved.CONTACTHubert VOILLAUMEEADS+33 (0)1 46 97 37 94hubert.voillaume@eads.netTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Scenarios and test configuration have been defined. Experiments are now conductedwith large scale components from EADS, Dassault and CEA.◗ Effector developments are focused on ultrasonic for composite part inspection. Verylarge diameter water jet nozzle has been realized opening the way for 2D phasedarray matrix sensor use.◗ First results have been obtained with the SAUL function, a new algorithm for ultrasonicsurface adaptation process, which will be tested with the phased array water jetsensor.◗ A specific NDT module is under development, based on the CADFIBER software.◗ Achievement in CIVA software for trajectory tools and complex sensors modelling.PARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT AVIATION, EADSSMEs:CORIOLIS COMPOSITES, M2M,VISIOLASERResearch institutes, universities:CEASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe developments on both software and hardware are progressing in a significant way.CIVA developments are going to enrich the next commercial version. Also to be noticedthe arrival of first specific tools for NDT application in CADFiber. The SAUL method isgoing to be available in the next M2M electronics. The largest squirter we have neverused has been successfully tested with a 2D array and will be soon operated with theSAUL processing.PROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCall:FUI8Start date:December 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):USINE NUMERIQUE 1 & 2186Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationCOSMOS+Couplage d'Outilsde Simulation Multiphysiquepour l'aérOnautique et l'eSpaceON GOINGPROJECTDevelopment of an open and modular coupling environment for multi-physicssimulation targetting massively parallel computing. One of the key objective ofCOSMOS+ is to allow spatial and aeronautic industries as well as research partners totackle what today remain great scientific computational challenges requiring bothinterdisciplinarity and state of the art modeling of each physic involved. This willenhance both the fidelity and trustability of <strong>des</strong>ign studies done early in the conceptioncycle of new and competitive products.CONTACTThomas FEDERICISAFRAN+33 (0)1 60 59 44 54thomas.federici@snecma.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSAbility to develop, test and optimize new coupling algorithms with full control of thestrategy. Development and integration of advanced interpolation methods allowing thecoupling of all possible mesh elements like arbitrary polyedra in CFD. Adaptation ofthe coupler to massively parallel computational architectures. Graphical User Interfaceto set up a new coupled simulation. Provide unprecedented insight through simulationin industrial problems involving physics with very heterogeneous time and lengthscales.PARTNERSLarge companies:EADS IW, SAFRAN (SNECMA,TURBOMECA, SPS)Intermediate size enterprises:SAMTECHSMEs:ANDHEO, CENAERO FRANCE,PARALGO, STILOG ISTResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CERFACS, CNES,ONERASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ First version of OpenPALM including developments from both CERFACS and ONERAavailable◗ On-going implementation of "OpenPALM"-plugs in softwares of interestPROJECT DATACoordinator:SAFRANCo-label:ASTECH, AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:FUI12Start date:August <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):1.1Related Sytematic project(s):CSDLSystems Design and Development Tools WG187

Software engineeringConfidence, Proof and ProbabilitiesON GOINGPROJECTIn the context of safety proofs for critical software, the CPP project studies the joint useof probabilistic and deterministic semantics and analysis methods, in a way to improvethe applicability and precision of numerical programs static analysis. We aim at definingstatic analysis frameworks for control programs, e.g. PID controllers, that contain manyfloating point arithmetic computations, non-deterministic and probabilistic behaviors.Thus, we must construct good approximations of the semantics for non-deterministicand probabilistic behaviors. Next, we will abstract these semantic models for thetractable static analysis of complex programs. Finally, we will refine the informationdelivered by the previous analysis for characterizing the imprecision error, usingbisimulation metrics and/or extreme value analysis.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSNew mathematical tools and techniques: credibilities, previsions, bisimulation metricsand new probabilistic error bounding techniques; generalizations of P-boxes; advancesin guaranteed numerical integration and ODE solving; advances in static analysis domainsand algorithms for numerical software, and for software in interaction with aphysical environment.CONTACTJean GOUBAULT-LARRECQLSV+33 (0)1 47 40 75 68goubault@lsv.ens-cachan.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA SACLAY, LSV,SUPELEC L2S, SUPELEC SSEPROJECT DATACoordinator:LSVCall:ANR Blanc 2009Start date:October 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.5STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESNew arithmetic combining affine set and P-Boxes arithmetic that significantly reducesthe over-approximation (publication at SCAN 2010 and in the journal Computing, <strong>2012</strong>).New application of P-Box arithmetic for signal reconstruction in oversampled filterbanks.188Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationComplex Systems Design LabON GOINGPROJECTThe CSDL project (Complex Systems Design Lab) aims at developping a comprehensivecollaborative environment for decision making at the earliest stage of a project. At thisstage that simulation tools are the most strategic to obtain the best <strong>des</strong>ign possible byexploring in a systematic manner the crucial parameters to optimize the system andenable innovation, by estimating risks and uncertainties through an anaylis in depth ofrobustness criteria, and provoding tools enforcing the coherence across all the levelsof models and permitting better decisions thanks to an accurate interactive synthesisof the necessary information.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The tools used for the <strong>des</strong>ign of complex systems in the upstream phases must:• facilitate the exploration of the <strong>des</strong>ign space;• provide quantified robustness criteria and tradeoffs between the different <strong>des</strong>ignoptions;• synthetize efficiently all the generated knowledge to support decision making;• allow to do all the above in a collaborative environment.◗ The scientific and technological challenges are:• the technologies to generate in a systematic manner a hierarchy of interoperablesurrogate models;• the methodologies and techniques to compute robustness criteria and tradeoffsbetween different technologies;• the dynamic management of the level of fidelity of the models based on the impactof the decision to be made and the associated level of risk;• the synthesis of results through interactive visualization to support decision making.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe use cases from the aeronautical and the automotive industry have been defined.The scientific as well as the process integration challenges have been identified.CONTACTMichel RAVACHOLDASSAULT-AVIATION+33 (0)1 47 11 52 01michel.ravachol@dassault-aviation.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BULL,CS-SI, DASSAULT AVIATION,DASSAULT-SYSTEMES, EADS,EDF R&D, MBDA, RENAULT,THALES SERVICESIntermediate size enterprises:ANSYS FRANCE, ESI GROUP,LMS-IMAGINESMEs:DISTENE, ENGINSOFT,EURODECISION,HPC-PROJECT, LOGILAB,OXALYA, SAMTECHResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, ASSOCIATIONLEONARD DE VINCI,DIGITEO/SCILAB,ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,ENS CACHAN, INRIA, ONERA,SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:DASSAULT AVIATIONCall:FUI7Start date:October 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):17Funding (M2):7.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):IOLS, EHPOC,CARRIOCAS,OPEN-HPCSystems Design and Development Tools WG189

Software engineeringDesign of fixed-point embedded systemsON GOINGPROJECTMany embedded systems contain applications integrating mathematical processing. Tosatisfy the constraint (area, energy consumption, execution time) inherent to embeddedsystems, fixed-point arithmetic is widely used and preferred.But the applications are <strong>des</strong>igned and simulated using floating-point arithmetic andthen implemented into fixed-point architectures. The manual fixed-point conversion isa tedious, time-consuming and error prone task that requires high-level developmenttools to automate fixed-point conversion.The main objective of DEFIS project is to propose new approaches to improve theefficiency of the fixed-point conversion process and to provide a complete <strong>des</strong>ign flowfor fixed-point refinement of complex applications.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIn the DEFIS workflow, the application is <strong>des</strong>cribed at the system level through a set ofblocks (C code using floating-point data types or some parameterized block like signalprocessing (DSP) systems or polynomial evaluation). A complete application is handledthrough a hierarchical approach in four modules:◗ The first module defines for each block the numerical accuracy constraint accordingto the global application quality.◗ The second module corresponds to the algorithm-level transformation and carriesouta set of transformations tofind the best structure for thecomputation.◗ The third module evaluates thedynamic range to determinethe number of bits for the integerpart (static analysis willguarantees the dynamic rangeand a minimization of the integerpart word-length will beperformed by tolerating someoverflows as long as the globalperformances are maintained).◗ The fourth module determinesthe number of bits for the fractionalpart : the objective is tooptimize the fixed-point specificationto minimize the implementationcost for a givennumerical accuracy constraint.Finally, the infrastructure generatesa new C code with fixed-pointdata types to be implemented inthe targeted architectures (aSIMD accelerator, a hard-codedIP block and a processor (ARMCortex)).CONTACTOlivier SENTIEYSINRIA/IRISA+33 (0)2 96 46 90 41olivier.sentieys@irisa.frPARTNERSLarge companies:THALESSMEs:INPIXALResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA/IRISA, LIP6, LIRMMPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA/IRISACall:ANRStart date:November 2011Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.5Funding (M2):1190Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationDIffusion Acoustique en Milieux Aléatoireset Non linéairesON GOINGPROJECTOur project brings together an industrial issue (ultrasonic characterization of stronglyscattering media like steel, concrete or biological media) and a question of morefundamental interest (random matrices and wave propagation in complex non-linearmedia). The general problem we consider is the propagation of ultrasonic waves inrandom and non-linear scattering media, with arrays of multiple transmitters/receivers.Aside from direct applications (NDE of materials, medical or seismic imaging), theproject raises fundamental issues.In the linear regime: ultrasonic imaging, detection and characterisation of randomscattering media by separating the «single scattering» from the «multiple scattering»contributionsNon-linear propagation of ultrasound in random heterogeneous media, in the multiplescattering regime.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Design of a "smart ultrasonic antenna" for imaging and characterization of scatteringmaterials, based on the separation of single and multiple scattering contribution◗ Tests on actual samples (polycrystalline samples with complex microstructures),evaluations of the potential improvements in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and probabilityof detection, in the linear regime, by comparison with standard techniques.◗ Numerical and theoretical modeling of structural noise in heterogeneous media.◗ Experimental and numerical studies of the impact of non linearities on multiple scatteringof ultrasound.◗ To address these challenging issues, wehave gathered a compact and efficientteam of 7 permanent researchers from3close laboratories with complementaryskills. The work programme associatesexperimental, numerical and theoreticalaspects.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ First experimental tests on austenitic steel sample, with a limited 64-channel ultrasonicarray◗ The <strong>des</strong>ign of a new, more powerful antenna, as well as the modeling of propagationin linear and non-linear regimes is on handCONTACTArnaud DERODEUNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT -INSTITUT LANGEVIN+33 (0)1 40 79 46 01arnaud.derode@espci.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:INSTITUT JEAN LE RONDD'ALEMBERT, INSTITUTLANGEVIN, MATIERE ETSYSTEMES COMPLEXESPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITE PARIS DIDEROT -INSTITUT LANGEVINCall:ANRStart date:October 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.6Systems Design and Development Tools WG191

Modelling systems simulationEHPOCHigh Performance Environmentfor Optimization and DesignCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main goal of EHPOC consits in delivering industrial platforms, multiscale andmultiphysics software dedicated to global <strong>des</strong>ign in order to produce best in classnumerical <strong>des</strong>ign tools, especially in the materials field, enabling robust multidisciplinaryoptimization of complex products and systems. These platforms and software suite area corner stone for industrial innovation and competitiveness, <strong>des</strong>ign and developmentcycles reduction, productivity improvement.CONTACTJacques DUYSENSCS+33 (0)1 41 28 40 26jacques.duysens@c-s.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTEHPOC has enabled the following developments: HPC environment for numerical <strong>des</strong>ign(solvers coupling, visualization algorithms for multiphysics simulations analysis, largescaleautomatic meshing tools), a complete suite of numerical <strong>des</strong>ign tools includingmulti-disciplinary optimization capabilities, models pre-processing automation and takinginto account uncertainties. Large-acale simulation demonstators were run by optimizingsoftware on massively parallel multi-cores supercomputers. In the materialsfields, challenging simulations were conducted for predicting materials behaviors andfatigue in severe conditions. Specific tools and calculation procedures were developed for<strong>des</strong>igning artificial materials within specific optical and acoustial properties.PARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, DASSAULT AVIATION,EADS, EURIWARE, MESSIERDOWTY, RENAULT, SNECMA,THALESIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN, ESI GROUP,LMS IMAGINESMEs:DISTENE, SAMTECHResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CSTB, ECOLE CENTRALEDE PARIS, ENS, ENSMP, IFP,INRIA-SCILAB, LABORATOIREJACQUES-LOUIS LIONS PARISVI, ONERA, PARIS XIMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:• Delamination models for composite materials (integrated into SAMCEF);• Multi-physics models for welding (integrated into PROCESS);• DISTENE module for parallel meshing & remeshing.◗ Services:Open source grid generator for hexahedral meshing (available in SALOME platform).◗ Business creation:To be measured in details later with the exploitation of software platforms integratingtools and algorithms developped within EHPOC (CSDL, OPENHPC,...) and with theimpact of new advanced technologies coming from EHPOC and embedded into ISVssoftware (ESI Group, Distene, Samtech,...).PROJECT DATACoordinator:CSCall:FUI3Start date:June 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16Funding (M2):6.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):IOLS, FAME2, POPS,OPENHPC, CSDL192Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringNHANCEMENT OF MRAM MEMORYYIELD AND RELIABILITYON GOINGPROJECTMRAMs are very promising memories for embedded as well as mass memoryapplications due to the fact that they offer a rare accumulation of qualities: nonvolatility,high integration density, speed and resilience. Nevertheless, the MRAMssuffer from the problems of a still young technology. The EMYR project aims at studyingtest and repair methods to improve the production yield and the lifetime of MRAMs.Our goal is to transfer these results to an innovating SME in order to help it reach aworld leader position in this domain. Taking benefit of a silicon run during the project,the studied methods will be prototyped and implemented by the consortium.CONTACTJean-Pierre NOZIERESCROCUS TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)4 38 12 10 70jpnozieres@crocus-technology.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSHere, we propose a way to increasethe capacity of masking memorycolumns with isolated defectivestorage cells using spare memorycolumns. For this purpose, singleerror correction and double errordetection (SEC-DED) co<strong>des</strong> alreadyavailable for the protection againsthigh defect densities are extendedsuch that all double-bit errorswhich affect a fixed sub-set of bitpositions in the code words can becorrected. The cardinality of thissub-set is significantly higher thanthe number of spare columns. Abit-swapper is employed to mapthe bit positions that are protectedby the extended SEC-DED codeagainst double-bit errors to thememory columns with defectivestorage cells. In this way, single-biterrors affecting any bit position canbe corrected simultaneously withsingle-bit errors induced by anysub-set of defective memorycolumns. The bit-swapper can bedynamically reconfigured based onstatus information from productiontest that <strong>des</strong>ignates the memorycolumns with defective storagecells. This facilitates the integrationinto built-in self-repair schemes.PARTNERSSMEs:CROCUS TECHNOLOGYResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, LIRMMPROJECT DATACoordinator:CROCUS TECHNOLOGYCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.7STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project is in an incipient phase (T0+3) and no major outcomes besi<strong>des</strong> the firstscientific innovations can be reported.Systems Design and Development Tools WG193

Software engineeringENERGY POSITIVEIT 2.0Système d'InformationOuvert pour le Pilotage<strong>des</strong> Eco Quartiers(SIORE)ON GOINGPROJECTTo develop a software solution which enables an energy smart management of ecocitiesin production, storage and consumption optimizing with innovating informationsystemsTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSoftware solution delivery of the optimal managing of energy consumption and productionfor buildings and eco-cities of tomorrow. Delivery of peripheral products basedon energy management software. For users: comfort improvement and act to reduceenergy consumption and carbon footprint.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESFirst year of the execution of the project, all partners are focus on the delivery of thefonctionnal architecture named SIORE.CONTACTJean-Marc LEBOUVIEREMBIX+33 (0)6 76 30 68 20jean-marc.lebouvier@embix.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM, BOUYGUES, RENAULT,SAGEM COMMUNICATIONSMEs:AVOB, DBT, DOTVISION,EMBIX, PULSE-AR, ZAMIRENResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CEA LITEN,ECONOVING ET FONDATERRA,SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALSTOMCo-label:ADVANCITY, TENERRDISCall:FUI11Start date:October 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.8Funding (M2):2.9194Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationE-PLU PLATEFORME DU DEVELOPPEMENTURBAIN DURABLEON GOINGPROJECTTransform the paper urban planning document into a digital urban development 3Dsimulation platform service that estimates the legal building possibilities according tomorphological and urban criteria.e-PLU will enable digital city plans access on the Internet, viewable in 3D. It will become:◗ A tool for <strong>des</strong>igning the cities future, help local authorities and partners in makingstrategic land use, urban programming,◗ A dynamic tool for presentation of new projects to stake holders and citizens,◗ A collaborative platform for territorial engineering work.The core of e-plu consists of a building capacity simulator that transforms the legal rulesin geomatic data embeddable in a 3D buildings environment.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSCONTACTManuel VERRIERQUELLEVILLE?+33 (0)1 80 89 60 33manuel.verrier@quelleville.frPARTNERSSMEs:OSLANDIAResearch institutes, universities:IGN◗ Create automatically or semi-automatically specific urban planning 3D models fromexisting aerial pictures reducing significantly production cost◗ Development of pattern recognition algorithms for the identification and qualificationof openings in walls(windows and doors of different sizes) from aerial photos in orderto integrate 3D urban data bases◗ Spatial analysis and topological functions solution on 3D volumes (intersection, union...) , robust and usable with spatial databases◗ CityGML via WFS: integration of standards within TinyOWS, modelisation of a newapplication architecture meeting the modularity of CityGML and its extensions◗ Load, store and distribute urban data in a reliable, highly available and multiuserapplication◗ Processing and analysis urban data engine ( topological querying of 3D data) for thesimulation of urban planning projects.PROJECT DATACoordinator:QUELLEVILLE?Co-label:ADVANCITYCall:FEDER6Start date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.4Funding (M2):0.7STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESProject starting now !Systems Design and Development Tools WG195

Software engineeringEVODEducational Video On DemandON GOINGPROJECTTechnological solutions to enable mass deployment of mobile video-on-demand (VoD)services dedicated to educational use and on-demand delivery of audiovisual archives(25 000 hours of content). The project specifically addresses the fragmentation of mobiledevices and delivery networks capabilities by massive transactional data processing toadapt multimedia content to the high variable access conditions of the users.CONTACTFrederic BOUILHAGUETRESONATE MP4+33 (0)6 63 40 99 12bouilhaguet@resonate-mp4.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Adaptability of multimedia content encoding to the wide fragmentation of mobile devicesand networks (3G, Edge, WiFi home, Wi-Max) capabilities.◗ Massive data processing (transcoding, indexing, encryption) on huge volumes of multimediacontent.◗ Performance and accuracy of faces recognition in huge volumes of video data.◗ Innovative ergonomics of video on demand services for mobile devices: adpatabilityof user interfaces to the device capabilities.PARTNERSSMEs:BACKELITE, RESONATE MP4Research institutes, universities:INSTITUT NATIONALDE L'AUDIOVISUEL (INA),TELECOM SUDPARISSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ On demand video processing platform available on cloud and HPC infrastructures fortranscoding anf faces recognation.◗ Two field trials of educational video on demand services for Institut National de l'Audiovisuel(INA) and Telecom SudParis.PROJECT DATACoordinator:RESONATE MP4Call:FEDER3Start date:September 2010Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.1Funding (M2):0.5Related Sytematic project(s):NEPTUNE, POPS, PCS196Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationEXPAMTIONExperimentation of a simulationinfrastructure shared by all actorsof the mechatronic <strong>des</strong>ign chainCOMPLETEDPROJECTExperimentation of a collaborative <strong>des</strong>ign methodology involving ALL players of thesupply chain using the existing simulation software solutions available from the softwarevendors and accessing to the overall expertise, human resources, hardware andsoftware to optimize the collaborative <strong>des</strong>ign process.Principle Targeted Goals :◗ Undertaking the current unachievable technical challenges in the automotive mechatronic<strong>des</strong>ign process◗ Elaborate a new collaborative <strong>des</strong>ign process method with the implications of varioussimulation solutions for future use.◗ Identify the requirements and needs involving the simulation tools for the upcomingcollaborative <strong>des</strong>ign process◗ Expose the automotive market to the SMEs automotive supply chain and simulationsoftware providers.◗ Open a new market for the simulation software providers.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ The growth of the SMEs is conditional to new industrial needs and demand.◗ Facilitating the collaboration between laboratories and industrial companies.◗ Unique tools and means to increase the reliability and quality of the automotive electronicand mechatronic parts, that play a major role for innovation.◗ Stimulus for researchers.◗ The competitiveness and attractiveness of the industrial players.◗ The possibility is available to contribute the emergence of a world Excellency Centerin Mechatronics - VEDECOM - and this allows the authority significant means for <strong>des</strong>igningand simulating the innovative automotive mechatronic parts.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:• The world first ever experimental carrealization• The operational and implemented toolsand methodology for several productdevelopment project for VALEO• These tools and methodology are availableto SMEs.• Significant progress on the securityand encryption process.• An actual need not available today.The related partners (particularly SMEs)gains knowledgeable, skillful and competent.CONTACTAlain DUBOISSIMPOE+33 (0)1 60 33 29 90adubois@simpoe.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:ALTAIRSMEs:CADLM, INTES, MDP, SIMPOEResearch institutes, universities:CETIM, USVQ, UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:SIMPOECo-label:MOV'EOCall:FUIStart date:December 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.2Funding (M2):3,3Systems Design and Development Tools WG197

Modelling systems simulationCOMPLETEDPROJECTIntegrate the needs for High Performance Computing and data processing in the <strong>des</strong>ignof a new generation of multiprocessor servers for the 2008 timeframe. Developprogramming tools and libraries to facilitate a high level of parallelisation for futureapplications, demonstrate the efficiency on some applications requiring high computingperformance and processing high volume of data.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:PC system and HPC software.◗ Services:Optimization of architectures and applications.◗ Patents:No joint patents, but new IP for partners.◗ Technologies:• Functional mock-up and specifications for future servers available.• Threads management, iterative compiling and multicore parallelisation have beenworked in view of scientific processing and used for some applications.• ILOG solver on large SMP servers available.◗ Publications:26 publications, project presentations in HPC Europe Workshop and Ter@tec Events.◗ Experimentations:• Data base for 20 million images created first time with tools allowing “intelligentsearch”.• Airflow for a complete airplane simulated with 20 million elements.• Oil reservoir simulated with 112 million elements, spanning over 300 exploitationdays.◗ Business creation:Start up creation; new position in market for several partners.CONTACTJean-François LAVIGNONBULL+33 (0)1 30 80 30 38jean-francois.lavignon@bull.netPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, DASSAULT AVIATION,Intermediate size enterprises:ILOGSMEs:CAPS-ENTREPRISE,NEWPHENIX, RESONATE MP4Research institutes, universities:CEA, ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DUPÉTROLE, INRIA, INT-ARTEMIS,UNIVERSITÉ D’ÉVRY,UNIVERSITÉ DE VERSAILLESSAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESPROJECT DATACoordinator:BULLCall:FUI0Start date:March 2006Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.3Funding (M2):4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CARRIOCAS, IOLS, ParMA198Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationFLACOMAREComportement au feu<strong>des</strong> matériaux compositesON GOINGPROJECTComposite materials are more and more used from their quality (weight, resistance,aging..) for the <strong>des</strong>ign of structural needs: walls in maritime, self-weight partitions inbuildings, doors in rail transportation, fuselage in aeronautics… In spite of their quality,one of the main problems of composite is their fire resistance, that is at the time beingonly dealt with experimental assessment as fire resistance test. The aim of theFlacomare project consists on developing a methodology for the assessment of thethermo-mechanical behavior of composite structures in case of fire. It needs a couplingof the capabilities in modeling, in combustion, thermal behavior, and structuralbehavior at elevated temperature. This development is based and validated onexperimental data.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSAs scientific point of view, the main task consists on couplingthe fire development data with the fire behaviour of a productthat is combustible and that has a role on compartmentationor/and as loading structure. Either such numerical analysis isdone on incombustible and well known material as steel orconcrete, or the characterization is obtained from large scaletests. In the present situation, methodology has to be definedto deduce the properties of the different material composed onthe compartmentation product from small scale tests in orderto assess the fire behaviour within different configuration of theproduct (thickness, dimension, thermal actions received on exposedsurface, homogenous or not). Such configuration shouldallow firstly to determine the classification as standardizationconcepts and secondly to determine its fire behaviour within afire engineering process.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main outcome is a methodology to assess the fire behaviour of composite products,combining firstly small scale tests for obtaining thermal, structural and combustiblecharacteristics of materials, and numerical advanced approach for modelling theproduct in its end use.CONTACTDaniel JOYEUXEFECTIS FRANCE+33 (0)1 60 13 83 81daniel.joyeux@efectis.comPARTNERSSMEs:SAMTECH EFECTISResearch institutes, universities:LNEPROJECT DATACoordinator:EFECTIS FRANCECall:FEDERStart date:January 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.0Funding (M2):0.5Systems Design and Development Tools WG199

Software engineeringInfrastructures d'exécutionflexibles pour l'embarquéCOMPLETEDPROJECTBuilding and deploying future component-based applications require innovativearchitectures and methodologies. The purpose of the Flex-eWare project is to providea platform for the creation of execution and communication infrastructures for suchapplications. These infrastructures are to be optimized, open and flexible; they targetcomponent-based embedded systems. In this context, flexibility means the ability tochange the application structure without recompiling all the code.CONTACTThomas VERGNAUDTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 56 11thomas.vergnaud@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTA canonical component model, theFlex-eWare Component Model, hasbeen <strong>des</strong>igned. It is a synthesis anda generalisation of industrial andacademics experience and bestpractices on component-basedmodeling. The FCM has been integratedin existing frameworks tobring component-based modelingapproach. Besi<strong>des</strong>, flexibility pointshave been studied and implementedin very low footprint platforms capableof component replacement atruntime (Fractal/Think) or reconfigurationwith real-time guarantees(MyCCM-HI).PARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGE, SCHNEIDERELECTRIC, THALESIntermediate size enterprises:TEAMLOGSMEs:TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA,TELECOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIECURIE LIP6MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:About 20 publications in international conferences.◗ Experimentations:Developed or improved 5 component-based infrastructures: MyCCM-HI (Thales),Fractal/Cecilia (INRIA), Fractal/Think (Orange Labs), eC3M (CEA), OASIS (CEA).PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCo-label:MINALOGICCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.4Funding (M2):2.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):PARSEC200Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringFormal Proofs of ScientificComputation ProgramsON GOINGPROJECTFOST aims at developing and applying methods to formally prove the soundness ofprograms used in numerical analysis. In particular, we are interested in programswhich often appear in the resolution of critical problems and in increasing their safetylevel. Many critical programs come from numerical analysis, but few people have evertried to apply formal methods to this kind of programs. One reason is that formalmethods were too immature to handle such problems. Formal method tools and inparticular formal proof systems are becoming mature and are now able to deal withthe real numbers and with floating-point numbers, which makes it possible to applythese systems to numerical analysis programs. Moreover, FOST aims at providingreusable methods that are understandable by non-specialists of formal methods.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSFOST aims at providing:◗ a gallery of formally proved numerical analysis programs;◗ a library of mathematical facts to base upon in order tobound the method error;◗ several generic methods and tools for formally provingnumerical analysis programs;◗ a toolbox for computing scientists to add confidence intheir programs.This means that FOST will deal with two very different kindsof bounds:◗ the method error mostly amongst to mathematical demonstrations.We will therefore need to formally prove manymathematical results and go into the very details of thepen-and-paper proofs;◗ the floating point error requires a deep study of the program.We will look into manual and automatic methods tobe able to bound the final error due to roundings at each operation.The chosen steps are:◗ study a real program computing the solution of the one-dimensional acoustic waveequation;◗ study a large range of numerical programs. Some methods and results obtained previouslycan be applied (or not);◗ provide a toolbox for computing scientists. Formal methods are rather obscure formany mathematicians and we need a lot of pedagogy to bring them to formal tools.CONTACTSylvie BOLDOINRIA+33 (0)1 74 85 42 26sylvie.boldo@inria.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:INRIA ROCQUENCOURT,INRIA-SACLAY, LIPN-CNRS,UNIVERSITE PARIS 13PROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA SACLAYCall:ANRStart date:January 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.5Funding (M2):0.1STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started on January 1st 2009. We have studied a program that solves theone-dimensional acoustic wave equation. Three papers in international peer-reviewedconferences have been accepted (Calculemus 2009, ICALP 2009, ITP 2010).Systems Design and Development Tools WG201

Modelling systems simulationFramework and Programmingfor Post Petascale ComputingON GOINGPROJECTComputational science through applications of high performance computing enables usto explore uncharted fields of science, and has now become indispensable for thedevelopment of science and technology of the 21st century. High performancecomputing systems used for cutting-edge of advanced computational science havereached to petaflops (a million billion calculations per second) performance, and will betargeted to the next generation of exascale systems as a post petascale system. Ourgoal is to contribute to establish software technologies, languages and programmingmodels to explore extreme performance computing beyond petascale computing, onthe road to exascale computing.CONTACTSerge PETITONINRIA+33 (0)6 15 15 29 80serge.petiton@inria.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe post petascale computers will likely be built as a very large, hierarchical, and heterogeneousarchitecture, integrating different existing and new programming paradigmsto push forward the frontiers of HPC. They would require the use of novel adaptedsystems, methods, algorithms and languages not previously available for existing supercomputingsystems. The main goal of the ANR-JST FP3C project is to be able topropose to future end-users and software developers a global analysis and solutions onhow to program these platforms. We will address different problems from the applicationsto the codetuning for multi-core processors and modern accelerators, in particularmodern GPUs that offer Teraflops of computing power on a single chip. There areother cross-cutting topics as fault resilience and low power/poweraware optimizationwhich are intrinsically associated with the targeted large scale post petaflops computingplatforms, and the future exascale computing. These would be the sine qua noncondition for any efficient petascale and exascale computing and perhaps the main criteriato evaluate an application solution. All along the project, these topics will be consideredas a critical topic.PARTNERSLarge companies:CEA/DENResearch institutes, universities:CNRS IRIT, CNRS PRISM,INRIA BORDEAUX, INRIARENNES, INRIA SACLAY,KYOTO UNIVERSITY, TOKYOINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO,UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA, UNIVERSITYOF TSUKUBACall:ANRStart date:September 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.1Funding (M2):1.4STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe consortium agreement was signed beetween Japanese and French teams. Thekickoff meeting was organized on september 6-7, 2010, at INRIA Saclay. The first resultsare expected soon, even if the recent Japanese situation perturbed several of thescheduled meetings and researcher exchanges.202Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringHDL Code generationfor Safety critical applicationCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe aim of the project is to study an HW <strong>des</strong>ign environment able to fulfil the strongcontraints linked to the safety of critical embedded systems. The project is mainlyfocused on HDL code generation and its "certificability" for FPGA target based uponhigh level requirements but also the verification and validation activity. The applicationdomain is mainly avionics but the approach could be also adopted for automotive,process automation and railway. Indeed, the avionics standard is often considered aspioneering the best pratices later adopted in the other domains.Tools are developed by SME companies based on requirements provided by industrialpartners which afterwards validate the tools on use case. The impact of certificationoverhead is also investigated.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe state of the art in avionics isto express the HW requirementsby means of text using (Word,Framemaker,) or dedicated toolssuch as (Doors or Requisite Pro)and "translate" them manually towrite VHDL code. The GENCODproject aims at providing tools towork progressively at an higherlevel of abstraction using also automaticHDL code generation. Allthis approach has to be compliantwith DO254 and safety relatedsafety verification and validationactivities.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Development of a generation code prototype fulfiling the DO254 constraints.◗ Experimentations:Evaluation and comparison of the generated code and the initial code.CONTACTMichel SARLOTTETHALES+33 (0)1 46 13 29 72michel.sarlotte@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, DASSAULT AVIATION,SAGEM, THALESSMEs:ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES,GEENSOFTResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11 -LRIPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI3Start date:September 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.9Funding (M2):1.1Systems Design and Development Tools WG203

Data analyticsHigh Performance image ProcessingCOMPLETEDPROJECTHiPiP aims at building affordable solutions for high throughput image processing ofpotentially very large and heterogeneous data sets, and improving the use of multi-coretechnologies to the participating companies. The project is addressing the demand forshorter image-processing times in five main areas: detailed brain imaging, minimalinvasive surgery, real-time radiation therapy planning, mass screening for early cancerdetection and faster operation of high resolution electron microscopes. The main usersof the technology are companies that need fast and affordable complex imageprocessing. Success will have a major impact on their offering to clients who will be ableto get more informative data readily from their images.CONTACTFrederic SOINNEBULL+33 (0)4 76 29 75 11Frederic.Soinne@bull.netPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Parallelisation of medical image processing reducingthe latency time to be real-time during interventionand to a few minutes for diagnostic andmedical research.◗ Protocols, scheduling, resource management, andvirtualisation, to process low latency algorithms onmulti-core processor as background processing.This inclu<strong>des</strong> supporting both real-time and nonrealtime operating systems on the same multicorechip.◗ Processing of one subject against a large database ona standard multi-core/multiprocessor HW platform.◗ Data mining and cognitive model: Discovering linksbetween large number of variables (genetics, imaging,psychophysics, and cellular characteristics). Use of demanding statisticalMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:9 presentations, 1 PhD thesis.• Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain.• Task complexity analysis and QoS management for mapping dynamic video-processingtasks on a multi-core platform - Journal of Real-Time Image Processing v. 6 no. 1.◗ Products or services:• Real-time platform based on Bull HPC technology, for new commercial projectsand real-time applications.• Service improvement of CEA neuroimaging research plateform, with better performancewith very low material investment.• New generation of Dosisoft ISOgray radiotherapy planning system and DosisoftSIMAgo virtual simulation workstation for radiotherapy enabling higher performancesand optimized simulation of the patient treatment.• New generation of IMSTAR automated high-throughput image scanning systems formass cancer screening, using the image processing parallelisation made in HiPiP.◗ Job creation: 1 engineer for Dosisoft, 1 engineer for CEA◗ Maintened job: 4 engineers for Bull, 1 engineer for Dosisoft◗ Business creation:The unique expertise developed for HiPiP and real-time HPC platform of Bull are to beused in commercial projects, in areas such as military, aeronautics and healthcare.PARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, FEI, PHILIPSHEALTHCARESMEs:DOSISOFT, IMSTAR,TECHNOLUTIONResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:PHILIPS HEALTHCARECall:ITEAStart date:October 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.8Funding (M2):1.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):FAME2, TER@OPS204Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationILMABInfrastructure Logicielle pour la Modélisationet l’Analyse <strong>des</strong> BâtimentsON GOINGPROJECTThe purpose of the project is to highlight, based on a demonstrable prototypeimplementation, that the conditions are now met to integrate the subjects related tothe building trade through a consistent virtual representation which may integrate allaspects of the business chain. Since all main pieces of the puzzle already exist (formalmodels of buildings, direct physical simulation software from component scale tobuilding scale, regulatory practices digitization, etc.), the industrial partners of theproject consider that this objective is now very realisticCONTACTJean-Michel DECUQCS SYSTÈMES D’INFORMATION+33 (0)1 41 28 47 87jean-michel.decuq@c-s.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ CAD/calculation links.◗ CAD coming from engineering consultantsoften lack accuracy and rigour. But, aboveall, CAD files exchanges result in greatlosses of accuracy which make the CAD unusablefor the meshing step.◗ Some industrial solutions, based on the digitalmodel concept, begin to appear, but theyare expensive.◗ Multi-scale digital modeling of concrete materials.◗ The difficulty comes from:• Creation and analysis technologies of representativeelementary volumes for simulatingphysical behaviours at mesoscopic scale.• Digital homogenization technologies forprocessing complex geometries for materialsat macroscopic scale.• Using in situ information (eg surfacecracking) in models update.• HPC simulations, standards and bestpractices.• The purpose is to implement an architecturewhich leverages the most advanced HPC simulation and is able to provide a service toengineering consultants: approaches which include analysis and <strong>des</strong>ign processescompliant with best practices and which can support standards and regulations are tobe materialized.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main project outcomes are: major evolutions for some tools: Euroco<strong>des</strong> in Scilab,SALOME interfacing with IFC’s, realistic demonstration tools allowing building analysisaccording to different points of view (seismic sensitivity, fire hazard), an operating planfor complete industrialization of demonstration tools.PARTNERSLarge companies:EDF, NECS (GROUPE VINCI),SETEC TPI CS SYSTÈMESD’INFORMATION)Intermediate size enterprises:ESI GROUP, OPENCASCADE,SAMTECHSMEs:DISTENE, EUROSTEP, OXAND,OXALYA, SCILAB ENTERPRISESResearch institutes, universities:ASSOCIATION LÉONARD DEVINCI, CSTB, CEA, ENSCACHANPROJECT DATACoordinator:CS SYSTÈMES D’INFORMATIONCo-label:ADVANCITYCall:FUI11Start date:October 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.5Funding (M2):2.6Related Sytematic project(s):EHPOC, OPENHPCSystems Design and Development Tools WG205

Modelling systems simulationINDIACINversion et DIagnostic Automatiqueen Contrôle non <strong>des</strong>tructifCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe INDIAC issue is to assist diagnostic after a non <strong>des</strong>tuctive testing with calculatingtools based on inverse algorithms and strong direct models. The goal of this project isto enhance the early development in modelisation to built helping tool for diagnosticbased on an optimal use of simulated data.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe INDIAC project developed software tools to assist diagnostic. These tools are basedon eddy current or ultrasonic models. An inverse model is developped for EC data interpretation(EDF), for UT testing, methods developped are based on specific data post-processing(CEA LIST) and neural network (CEV) in order to improve flaw characterisation.In order to optimize these models, tools are built like adaptative data-base (L2S) or "realtime" (M2M) related to the platform CIVA.CONTACTSéverine PAILLARDCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 46 95severine.paillard@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:CEA LIST, CEV-VALLOUREC,EDFSMEs:M2MResearch institutes, universities:L2SPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:April 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.4MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "Adaptive database for eddy-current testing of metal tube" accepté au "8th InternationalSymposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields", EMF 2009 qui s'est tenu enmai 2009 à Mondovi (Italie) présenté par SUPELEC-L2S.• "New ultrasonic array imaging of crack-type defects based on simulated-helpedprocessing", accepté au "10th European conference on non<strong>des</strong>tructive testing",ECNDT 2010 qui s'est tenu en 29 juin 2010 à Moscou (Russie) présenté par CEA LIST.206Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringINTENSEInitiative NationaleTechnologique d’Envergurepour une NeuroStimulation EvoluéeHEALTH& ICTON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of the project is to develop an innovative, communicating implantableneurostimulation electronic platform for the treatment of major diseases. The firsttargeted applications concerns vagal nerve stimulation for heart failure refactory tomedical treatment and severe obesity.The project aims to create in Europe a new biomedical industrial sector, neurostimulation,a fast growing field, for which France has skills and assets and which represents a stronginvestment for the future.CONTACTAlain RIPARTSORIN CRM+33 (0)1 46 01 33 04alain.ripart@sorin.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project will include:◗ The development of an innovative, multi-sensors, low current-consumption, embeddedmicro-electronics platform ,with RF communication capabilities.◗ The implementation of optimized neurostimulation and data storage algorithms leadingto an auto-adaptative therapy◗ Device miniaturization through the introduction of a new multi-chip 3D stacking technology.◗ The <strong>des</strong>ign of innovative electro<strong>des</strong>,for a better selectivity and energy stimulation optimisationPARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:SORIN CRMSMEs:3DPLUS, OBELIAResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, CHU ET UNIVERSITEDE RENNES1, HEGP, INRA,INRIASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project will start in <strong>2012</strong>.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SORIN CRMCo-label:EUROBIOMED, MINALOGICCall:PSPCStart date:April <strong>2012</strong>Duration:72 monthsGlobal budget (M2):53.5Funding (M2):17.3Systems Design and Development Tools WG207

Modelling systems simulationIOLSInfrastructures and SoftwareTools for SimulationCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe 1st target of IOLS was the <strong>des</strong>ign and the development of generic software andplatforms for products and process global <strong>des</strong>ign and optimisation (coupling, largescalemeshes, visualisation, …). The 2nd goal was the development of methodologies formultiscale simulations and multi-disciplinary optimisation. Demonstrators wereessentially focused on industrial computer-aided solutions for materials applications:aging, multi-materials assemblies, new advanced materials for optics. IOLS was alsothe first project to deal with Simulation LifeCycle Management and CAD-CAE linksapplied to crashworthiness analysis.CONTACTJacques DUYSENSCS+33 (0)1 41 28 40 26jacques.duysens@c-s.frPROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Platform and tools: Integration/Coupling of new “black box software tools” (CNES);New coupling tool integration (applications for CEA, EDF); Large-scale data visualization(filtering/décimation); Meshing tools; Commercial tools (ESI Group, Samtech …).◗ Services:Crashworthiness analysis ofmulti-materials assemblies;Injection component optimization(plasturgy); Optics properties(Periodical structuredmaterials <strong>des</strong>ign).◗ Technologies:Multi-Scale & Multi-Physics calculationfor behaviour and agingof metallic materials and concrete;Welding process simulationtools.◗ Publications:• J. Duysens, “IOLS: A FrenchInitiative for Developing Platformsand Software dedicatedto High PerformanceMultiphysics and Multidcale Global Design Optimization”, 7th World Congress onComputational Mechanics, July 16-22, 2006, Los Angelès, CA, USA.• Duysens J., Langlois St., Nakhlé M., “High Performance Computing Approach forAdvanced Polymer Injection Molding Simulation”, 9th US National Congress onComputational Mechanics, July 22-26, 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA.◗ Job creation:Global figure estimated to 50 or 60.◗ Business creation:Industrial deployment of Simulation Lifecycle Management technology; new businessfor commercial software (crashworthiness and welding process fields).PARTNERSLarge companies:CS, DASSAULT-AVIATION,DASSAULT-SYSTÈMES, EADS,EDF, RENAULT, SNECMA,THALESIntermediate size enterprises:BERTIN TECHNOLOGIES,ESI GROUPE, OPEN-CASCADESMEs:DISTENE, SAMTECHResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CNES LAMSADE, CSTB,ECP, ENS, ENSMP, IFP, INRIA,ONERAPROJECT DATACoordinator:CSCall:FUI0Start date:November 2006Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.4Funding (M2):4.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EHPOC, MACAO (AerospaceValley)208Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationIOMCAIncluding Ontologies in Monte-CarloTree Search, with applicationsON GOINGPROJECTMonte-Carlo Tree Search is a revolution in highdimensionalplanning. The first very impressiveresults of MCTS were in the game of Go; the TAOteam also realized applications in other fields ofcomputer science. In this project, we will investigate:◗ improvements of MCTS,◗ its application to energy production management.CONTACTOlivier TEYTAUDTAOolivier.teytaud@inria.frwww.lri.fr/~teytaud/iomca.htmlTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Improvements of Monte-Carlo Tree Search.◗ Experimentations in artificial and real world problems, including energy planning.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ New developments around MCTS (publications).◗ New experiments (in particular around scaling).◗ Experimental results on energy problems.PARTNERSSMEs:ARTELYSResearch institutes, universities:CNRS, INRIA, NUTN(NATIONAL UNIVERSITYOF TAINAN, TAIWAN),UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11(TAO)PROJECT DATACoordinator:TAOCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.3Systems Design and Development Tools WG209

Modelling systems simulationIRIMIImageur Robotisé pourles Interventions Mini-InvasivesON GOINGPROJECTWorlds of Interventional Radiology and Cardiology on one side and Surgery on the otherside have been converging is the past few years. The difference between interventionalrooms and image guided surgery suites starts vanishing. Many clinical institutions wantto migrate toward solutions combining attributes of these two worlds: sterile environment,surgery table, high-end imaging system, … Therefore, it becomes necessary to integrateinterventional imaging systems inside the surgery room without compromisingergonomics, sterility, and imaging performance, while not imposing additional constraintsupon the medical staff nor extra costs. The IRIMI project’s objective is to demonstrate thefeasibility of a robotic imaging system that meets the needs of both interventional andsurgical procedures.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSConfidential.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESConfidential.CONTACTFrançois KOTIANGE HEALTHCARE+33 (0)1 30 70 98 12francois.kotian@ge.comPARTNERSLarge companies:GE HEALTHCAREIntermediate size enterprises:C&K COMPONENTSSMEs:BA SYSTEMESResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CR2I, IRCCYNPROJECT DATACoordinator:GE HEALTHCARECo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUXMEDICENCall:FUI9Start date:April 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):18.6Funding (M2):5.7210Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationJASMINJalon pour l’Amélioration <strong>des</strong>Stratégies de ManufacturingINtelligenceON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of the JASMIN project is to extend Smart Manufacturing to the wholecompany and its suppliers. This extension of production optimizations techniquesoperates on several axes: handling multiple objectives (in terms of quality, defect ratio,ecological footprint…), retrieving product data coming from suppliers or other factories(multi-site architecture), ability to optize batch production, improvement of thecalculation of the risk to produce un<strong>des</strong>ired results. The elaboration of a supportmethod and of simulation tools should help actors adapt to the new SmartManufacturing approach.CONTACTYann D'ARAMONINTERCIM+33 (0)1 44 76 81 83ydaramon@intercim.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project will rely on the scientific know-how of the three partners in the machinelearning, process optimization and computer science fields. The main innovation will bethe ability to propose a unified, easy to understand rule-based model to assess risk andsolve complex production issues in an industrial company, extended to its supply chain.The improvement of the risk prediction will aim at reducing overfitting, a well-knownacademic problem, which occurs when a model learned on test data does not work inactual production conditions.PARTNERSSMEs:CADLM, INTERCIMResearch institutes, universities:TAO RESEARCH GROUP(INRIA / CNRS / LRI)PROJECT DATACoordinator:INTERCIMCall:FEDERStart date:December 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.6Systems Design and Development Tools WG211

Modelling systems simulationJeu Educatif pour la StimulationMultisensorielle d’Enfants atteintsde troubles envahissantsdu développementON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of the JEStiMulE project is to better define and further expand theuse of serious games. The work will be based on the development of a low-costdemonstrator. This demonstrator will be an interactive multisensory game combiningvisual, auditory and tactile feedback. The game will be used as a complement to thepsychotherapy of children with pervasive developmental disorders, including autism.These children have impaired social skills and communication. Therefore, theinteractive game will focus on teaching these skills (e.g. emotions recognition, abilityto converse). The final demonstrator will be evaluated with end users and with acombination of HCI and neuroscience methods.CONTACTJosé LOZADACEA LIST+33 (0)1 46 54 90 49jose.lozada@cea.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Expanding the use of serious games on the basis of a practical health-related application.Involving users very early in the <strong>des</strong>ign of the serious game.◗ Analysis, modeling and integration of current therapies, which are particularly effectivefor autistic children.◗ Integration of haptic and tactileinterfaces to ensure richer interactionwith the real world.◗ Development and evaluation of atactile language for the transmissionof emotional cues andinformation.◗ Evaluation of the utility, usabilityand user experience with the seriousgame.◗ Use of a combination of evaluationmethods from HCI, psychiatryand neuroscience.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started on 5th January 2010. Preliminary user evaluation with existingtechnologies and 12 autistic children have been done. The game scenario was <strong>des</strong>ignedand the technological specifications were done. The technological developments (gameand tactile interfaces) are currently finished. A new evaluation campaign is. The Finalevaluation is on-going to validate the enhancement of emotional competences ofchildren with autism thanks to the serious gamePARTNERSSMEs:HLP TECHNOLOGIES,IDEES 3COMResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CHU NICE,UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPHIAANTIPOLISPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:SERIOUS GAMINGStart date:January 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.6212Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationLattice Boltzmann SolverON GOINGPROJECTDevelopment of a numerical tool for computational fluid dynamics based on LatticeBoltzmann Method and optimized for massively parallel computing.◗ Application fields: automotive, railway and aeronautic industries.◗ Target applications: aerodynamic simulations (calculation and optimization of aerodynamicdrag and lift coefficients), aeroacoustic simulations (<strong>des</strong>ign optimization fornoise sources reduction) and acoustic simulations (porous materials modeling).One of the key objectives of LaBS is to offer the first commercial software with directaeroacoustic simulation capabilities (simultaneous simulation of aerodynamic noisesources and their acoustic propagation).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Immersed Boundary conditions approach and octree-based mesh forfull automatic meshing on very complex geometry.◗ Code performance optimization for massively parallel computationon very large mesh.◗ Development and validation of Large Eddy Simulation turbulence models to captureunsteady flow physics on industrial configurations.◗ Direct noise calculation with improved numerical schemes for acoustic propagation.◗ Microscopic characterization of porous materials and development of condensedmodels of acoustic porous materials for the Lattice Boltzamnn Method.◗ Development of numerical methodsfor sensitivity and error analysis,and for aeroacoustic source identification.◗ Drafting of the best practices gui<strong>des</strong>for industrial simulation based onextensive software validations.◗ Development of a dedicated GUIsoftware and integration of LaBS ona web platform for a commercialdistribution based on a CPU-on Demandservice.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ First operational version of the GUI softwareavailable.◗ Solver under validation on industrial flowconfigurations.◗ Parallel solver available on the Virtual No<strong>des</strong>platform (CPU on Demand) for validationphase.◗ First works on acoustic impedance boundary condition and moving solid modelsdone.◗ Five publications published in international scientific journals by academic partners:complex differentiation of LB scheme, time-reversal LB model, dispersion an dissipationpreserving LB schemes for computational aeroacoustics, improvement of LB.CONTACTDenis RICOTRENAULT+33 (0)1 30 03 20 25denis.ricot@renault.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, ALSTOM, CS-SI,RENAULTSMEs:MATELYS ACOUSTIQUE& VIBRATIONS, OXALYA,SIGNAL DEVELOPPEMENTResearch institutes, universities:ENS LYON, ONERA,UNIVERSITE PARIS 6,UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11PROJECT DATACoordinator:RENAULTCo-label:LUTB, MOV'EO, MTACall:FUI8Start date:November 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.7Funding (M2):1.9Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL, SCOSSystems Design and Development Tools WG213

Software engineeringLibraries for Applying Model-BasedDevelopment ApproachesCOMPLETEDPROJECTIn the context of embedded software deployed on "off the shelf" execution platforms, theLAMBDA project has two major goals:◗ To demonstrate the technical feasibility and the interest of model libraries by formalisingthe key properties of execution platforms,◗ To reconcile appropriated standards (SysML, MARTE, AADL, IP-XACT) with de factostandards (already implemented by wi<strong>des</strong>pread analysis and simulation tools).CONTACTJoseph MACHROUHTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 57 21joseph.machrouh@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTLambda focuses on systems composed of complex assemblies of COTS, on test casesthat are representatives of system integrators issues (control of network latencies, taskscheduling, configuration). Based on SysML/MARTE architectural <strong>des</strong>criptions, differentkinds of analytical and simulation models are developed. Models are calibratedand validated against measures performed actual platforms.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Espinoza (CEA LIST); B. Selic (Malina Software Corp.); D. Cancila (CEA LIST); S.Gérard (CEA LIST), Challenges in Combining SysML and MARTE for Model-BasedDesign of Embedded Systems, H. ECMDA’09, The Netherlands, June 2009.• Sébastien Gérard and Huascar Espinoza, A profile for embedded systems development,International School on Model Driven Design for Distributed Real-time EmbeddedSystems, Aussois, France, April 2009.• Frédéric Mallet, Charles André, Julien DeAntoni: Executing AADL models withUML/MARTE, ICECCS – UML & AADL’09, Postdam (Germany), June 2009 (pp 371-376).• Charles André, Frédéric Mallet, Aamir Mehmood Khan, Robert de Simone: IP-XACTcomponents with abstract time characterization, FDL’09, Sophia-Antipolis (France),Sept 2009.• JOUAULT, J.-S. SOTTET. AnAmmA/ATL Solution for theGraBaTs 2009 Reverse EngineeringCase Study, in "5th InternationalWorkshop onGraph-Based Tools, GraBaTs2009", 2009.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):cade System, Cofluent, Papyrus,Obeo Designer.◗ Job creation:Creation: 2 CDI, 2CDD.Preservation: 5 CDI.PARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, KONTRON,STMICROELECTRONICS,THALESSMEs:ADACORE, ARION, ATEGO,COFLUENT DESIGN, ESTERELTECHNOLOGIES, OBEO,PRISMTECH FRANCEResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA, SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI5Start date:June 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.3Funding (M2):2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):VERDE, CESAR214Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationMANIFMathematical and Numerical Issuesin first-principle molecular simulationON GOINGPROJECTFirst-principle molecular simulation allows to better understand, or to predict, theproperties of matter from the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. It is a majortool in chemistry, condensed matter physics, and materials science, used on a dailybasis by hundreds of research groups in academy and industry. It is also becoming afruitful approach in molecular biology and nanotechnologies.Due to the complexity of the models and of the numerical methods used in the field, abetter understanding of the mathematical setting is necessary to optimize the efficiencyof the computations, and provide error estimates.This project is concerned with the mathematical analysis of models for electronicexcited states, and on the numerical analysis of the models issued from DensityFunctional Theory.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Mathematical analysis of models forelectronic excited states, issued fromTime-Dependent Density FunctionalTheory and GW methods.◗ Numerical analysis for orbital-freeand Kohn-Sham calculations: constructionof a priori and a posterioriestimators, implementation of twogridmethods◗ Computation of eigenvalues in spectralgaps and applications to the calculationof bound states in crystalswith local defects◗ <strong>Systematic</strong> comparison of basis sets for electronic structure calculations◗ Fast algorithms for polarizable continuum models used in the simulation of solvatedmoleculesSTATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMES◗ Mathematical analysis of the random phaseapproximation◗ Numerical analysis of the spectral pollutionproblem for perturbed periodic Schrödingeroperators◗ These works have been submitted for publicationin leading international peer-reviewedscientific journalsCONTACTEric CANCESECOLE DES PONTS -PARISTECH+33 (0)1 64 15 35 69cances@cermics.enpc.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE DES PONTS –PARISTECH, UNIVERSITEPARIS 6PROJECT DATACoordinator:ECOLE DES PONTS -PARISTECHCall:ANRStart date:September 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.3Funding (M2):0.1Systems Design and Development Tools WG215

Software engineeringMANYCORELABSSoftware tools for Manycoreembedded platformsON GOINGPROJECTGeneric embedded computing platforms based on "manycore" processors oraccelerators are very promising for high performance embedded applications in thearea of image & video processing, signal processing and telecom infrastructure.Availability of efficient software development tools remains a key challenge for theseemerging platforms. The integration and maturation of several software developmentsolutions around the MPPA manycore platform is the main objective of theManycoreLabs projectThe proposed solutions will be demonstrated on a set of complementary applicationsin the area of:◗ Video transcoding◗ Sound broadcast platforms◗ Driving assistance systems for Automotive◗ Software radioTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSTechnological innovations will be developped in found directions◗ High level development environments for manycore platforms: dataflow programming,openMP, Java◗ Performance and power consumption optimization◗ Support of acceleration application, use of multi-chip manycore acceleration platformsfor video processing or scientfic computing applications◗ Support of heterogeneous & dynamic applicationsSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project will start in March <strong>2012</strong> and will last three years. First technology orapplication demonstrators will be available in 2013.CONTACTChristophe LECLUSEKALRAY+33 (0)6 48 09 94 55christophe.lecluse@kalray.euPARTNERSLarge companies:RENAULT, THALESSMEs:ASYGN, ATEME, DIGIGRAM,DOCEA POWER, CAPSENTREPRISES, IS2T, KALRAY,KRONO-SAFE, SCILABENTERPRISESResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA, VERIMAGPROJECT DATACoordinator:KALRAYCo-label:MINALOGICCall:BGLE1Start date:March <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):28Funding (M2):14.9Related Sytematic project(s):CHAPI216Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringMERGEMulti-Concerns Interactions System EngineeringON GOINGPROJECTMerge aims at providing tools and solutions for combining safety and security concernsin systems development in an holistic way. It provi<strong>des</strong> academically solid and practiceproven solutions and models to tackle the challenges of <strong>des</strong>igning seamless effectivesafe and secure solutions conformant to the model driven engineering paradigm. Thisis done by tightly integrating the following paradigms: requirement engineering, safety,security and risk management in an over-all <strong>des</strong>ign process supported by adequatetools and methods. The main technical innovation is the application of state of the art<strong>des</strong>ign tools tailorisation capabilities and "multi concern engineering" core technologiesto the issue of interactions of "Safety" and "Security" concerns as well as otherconcerns like "Performance" or "Timing" in the <strong>des</strong>ign process.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The central aim of MERgE is to develop tools and methods for integrated engineering andmanagement of safety and security concerns and their traceability. The MERgE innovationresi<strong>des</strong> in a multi-concern framework that defines concepts, tools and methods to enable• a set of common concepts to model all concerns in an aligned model• a seamless integration of multi-concern processes with general software developmentprocesses• a systematic identification of interactions among two or more concerns and aninter-concern analysis and trade-off.◗ The MERgE project provi<strong>des</strong> a core platform and a tool suite that aims for• Applying "multi viewpoints engineering" core technologies to the issue of combining ofin particular "Safety" and "Security" concerns as well as other potential concerns likeperformance or certification in the <strong>des</strong>ign process;• Applying state of the art <strong>des</strong>ign tools tailorisation capabilities;• Enabling reuse of proven processes and methods/tools.◗ Among the innovative aspects of the MERgE project is the use of multi-view/multiconcerntechnology to support mainly safety and security concerns at the earlierstages of the <strong>des</strong>ign process.CONTACTPhilippe MILSTHALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)1 69 41 60 39philippe.mils@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:EADS, EDF, ESCRYPT GMBH,SIEMENS AG, SPACEAPPLICATIONS SERVICES NV,THALES COMMUNICATIONSAND SECURITY, THALESCST/EPM, THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY, TÜV SÜDSMEs:ALL4TEC, E2S, IKV++, MELEXIS,MODELON GMBH, NSENSE OY,OBEO, SCOPESET, TESTINGTECHNOLOGIES IST GMBHResearch institutes, universities:BAUHAUS LUFTFAHRT, CEA,FRAUNHOFER FOKUS, INRIA,IRIT, KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEITLEUVEN, UNIVERSITE PARIS VI,UNIVERSITY OF AUGSBURG,UNIVERSITY OF OULU, ONERASSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Multi-view point technology for Safety & Security as well as other concerns like performance.◗ Support for traceability of specific concerns throughout large project life cycle.◗ Support for execution of development processes to guide not well-trained modellersand <strong>des</strong>igners through the processes.PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYCall:ITEA2Start date:June <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):22Funding (M2):7Systems Design and Development Tools WG217

Software engineeringMHANNMemristive Hardware Artificial Neural NetworksON GOINGPROJECTMemristors constitute an ideal and very timely implementation solution for synapses ofhardware artificial neural networks. Memristors would be far denser than currentSRAM-based implementations but they would also require far less power since thememristor is a non-volatile memory. Hardware ANNs with an architecture composedof analog circuitry coupled with the aforementioned memristors open the possibility tobuild high-performance accelerators able to tackle the large computational tasks ofRMS (Recognition, Mining, Synthesis) applications. The MHANN project is multidisciplinaryin the sense that it proposes new physical concepts for devices (physics) andaims at integrating them into on-chip bio-inspired architectures (micro-electronics,computer science and architectures).CONTACTSylvain SAÏGHIIMS LABORATORYUNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUX+33 (0)5 40 00 27 69sylvain.saighi@ims-bordeaux.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ New memristor devices with long life◗ Programming and using memristive cross bar arrays with integrated technologythanks to a medium-scale demonstrator◗ Training algorithms for ANN based on heterogeneous and faulty components◗ Large-scale industry relevant applications and bio-inspired architectures based onthe Memristive Hardware ANNSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESUnder progress.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALESResearch institutes, universities:CNRS, INRIA, IMS LABORATORY/ UNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUXPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ DE BORDEAUX /IMS LABORATORYCall:ANRStart date:October 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.5Funding (M2):0.8218Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationMIELMIxed ELement - 3D MesherON GOINGPROJECTThe main goal of the MIEL project (MIxed ELement - 3D Mesher) is to optimize themeshing activity prior to a numerical simulation by addressing two main challenges:technical (simulation requires robust, high quality and fast meshing technology) andstrategic (since meshing is cost effective in human resources, it often takes place inlow cost structures). MIEL will give powerful tools for meshing and modelisation in apragmatic frame with a reasonnable ambition. These tools aim at being used bycommercial software as well as open source environments.CONTACTPhilippe BARABINOTLMS SAMTECH FRANCE+33 (0)1 69 59 22 80Philippe.Barabinot@lmsintl.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe three phases <strong>des</strong>cribed hereafter will end with tools allowing concepts verification.The final goal is to provide engineers with an open strategy to mesh a volumestructure, using either tetrahedra or hexahedra, or a mixture of both. The quality of themesh (element shapes, number of elements) must be the only criterion; so that engineerscan concentrate on the sole physical side of the simulation. Finally tools will beimplemented in SAMCEF in order to be validated.Three main phases followed by tools' implementation in a simulation environment andvalidation on industrial cases.◗ First phase: generalized volume meshing algorithm filling any closed surface,◗ Second phase: algorithm of frontal volume multi-element meshing and◗ Third phase: combination of both previous methods.DISTENE and INRIA will work mainly on theory and generic tools.Mesh of the GMP use case (System@tic project CSDL)built by the tools developped into MIEL3D-MesherSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESAfter over 30 months of project progress, INRIA (PhD) continues to work on the automaticmesh for solving Maxwell's equations, DISTENE improves its algorithms on meshes mixedwith a majority of hexahedra (Hexotic tools). These automatic mesh generators integratedas a plugin in SAMCEF Field built a very capable industrial tool, robust and fast.PARTNERSSMEs:DISTENE, LMS SAMTECHFRANCEResearch institutes, universities:INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:LMS SAMTECH FRANCECall:FEDER 1Start date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1Funding (M2):0.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL, EHPOC, ILMABSystems Design and Development Tools WG219

Modelling systems simulationMOHYCAN : MOdélisation HYbrideet Couplage Analytique -Numériquepour le CND / HYbrid MOdeling(Numerical/Analytical) for NDTCOMPLETEDPROJECTNon Destructive Testing (NDT) aims at detecting, sizing and characterizing possibleflaws inside components. NDT is largely involved in industrial sectors for which safetyis a key issue (energy, transportation,…) and needs to adress complex configurations(structures, materials, geometry…). Simulation tools may provide efficient solutions forconceiving inspection techniques and/or probes, interpreting complex results,predicting inspection performances and qualifying procedures, but such skills have tobe reached with computation times compatible with industrial use. In this framework,The MOHYCAN project, supported by ANR (French National Research Agency) aims atcoupling numerical methods (Finite Elements) and semi-analytical methods (integraltechniques) to provide fast and accurate results to assess complex industrial needs.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTA new coupling method has been definedand implemented for 2D configurations,which allow to reduce computation timeswhile keeping precise and robust simulations.In order to access 3D configurationson different OS platforms, a protocol hasbeen achieved to run parallelized 3DFinite Element computations on distantmachines (clusters).Dedicated visualization and analysis toolshave also been developed for better interpretationand understanding of complexphysics phenomena involved in the echoformation for complex flaws interactions.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The hybrid simulation tool will be available in a further commercial version of theCIVA software developed at CEA.◗ Publications:2 communications in national (Journées COFREND 2008, Toulouse) and internationalconferences (ECNDT2010, Moscow).CONTACTSteve MAHAUTCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 47 14steve.mahaut@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:EDFSMEs:CEDRATResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CNRS, ENSTA,INRIA (POEM)PROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:March 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1Funding (M2):0.4220Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringMiddleware Ouvert pourSystèmes d'Informations CritiquesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of MOSIC project is to gather partners experience and create a full middlewarefor critical information systems. The new middleware will integrate in a consistentmanner both service oriented and data-centric architectures. It will also come withmodel oriented engineering tools that will ease application components implementation,their deployment and the middleware configuration. Then a service offer will be madearound this open solution in compliance with standards. Result product will integrate andimprove two major middleware standards from the Object Management Group (OMG)(CCM - CORBA Component Model; DDS - Data Distribution Service). Target is criticalinformation systems.CONTACTJérome FICHEZTHALES AIR SYSTEMS+33 (0)1 79 61 14 62jerome.fichez@thalesgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has managed to find an efficient way to combine Component approach withData Distribution Services but also to identify and select relevant use cases that are actuallyused to <strong>des</strong>ign critical information systems. Moreover, a set of Quality Of Service havebeen specified and can be verified on the early stages of the system architecture.The project is a success for all the partners. From a technical point of view, the consortiummanaged to define a new OMG standard, to provide a reference implementation and todevelop a modeling tool chain. Others implementations of this new standard have beenannounced. This middleware, gatheringService Oriented Architecture and Data DistributionServices is already being used toanswer critical information systems needs.Parts of the results of the MOSIC projecthave been provided as Open Source Softwareunder the OW2 consortium andOpenSplice.org and professional servicesare available as for industrial qualitymaintenance. PrismTech is also offeringan enterprise version of the modelingtools, providing added value for the <strong>des</strong>ignand development of complex and criticalsystems such as Air Traffic Managementat European scale or other internationalprograms.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES AIR SYSTEMSSMEs:OBEO, PRISMTECHResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES AIR SYSTEMSCall:FUI4Start date:December 2007Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.2Funding (M2):1.7◗ Products:Project allowed Obeo to realize evolutions on his products:• ATL;• EMF Compare;• Obeo Designer;• Acceleo;• Added value COTS products offer: developing tools PSM for CCM and for CCM -DDS integration.◗ Services:« Entreprise » version of Open Source products (OSS): industrially supported version• Services offer: consulting, portings, specific developments◗ Job creation:3 + 5 to be created.Systems Design and Development Tools WG221

Software engineeringMOdelling VIews and Decisionsupport for ArchitectsON GOINGPROJECTThe industrial needs are growing for proper tools to support trade-off decisions ofsystems engineers and architects when <strong>des</strong>igning complex systems with significantnon functional requirements and constraints. The difficulty to embrace the wholecomplexity of the concerns and the difficulty to manage their inter-relations has raisedthe interest of the engineering community for “concerns driven” engineering. This isaddressed today through the exploration of “viewpoint modelling” technologies and themulti-criteria analysis. The MOVIDA project aims at developing a tool environment thatsupports model-driven viewpoint engineering in response to these needs.CONTACTJérôme LE NOIRTHALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)3 31 41 60 56jerome.lenoir@thalesgroup.comhttp://movida.gforge.inria.fr/TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSComplex system engineering requires the use of advanced modelling techniques to define,exploit and analyse system architectures. While the current practices provide an adequatesupport to build traditional systems, a growing complexity brings in new requirements forprocesses and tools. Architecture frameworks have been introduced to manage this complexityby formalising architecture <strong>des</strong>criptions in a series of viewpoints covering stakeholder-specificconcerns. The main contribution of this project is to refine this standard,addressing the model-based system engineering concerns from the perspective of toolingan Architecture Framework. In particular, it elicits four main concerns that appear in ArchitectureFramework, how do we: guarantee consistency between views, define the representationsof views, integrate variability into views and how do we help system engineersto perform multi-views trade-off analysis.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYSMEs:OBEOResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, UPMCSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ MOVIDA Studio available containing:• Obeo Designer for viewpoint speficiation.• Praxis tool for inconsistency detection between views.• A tooling for feature modelling and model derivation.◗ Publications:• Operation Based Model Representation: Experiences on Inconsistency DetectionManaging variability in multi-views engineering, A live Demo at Journée Lignes deProduits in Paris.• Towards Automated Inconsistency Handling in Design Models.• Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels.• On the robustness for the Choquet integral.PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYCall:ANRStart date:January 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.9222Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringMultiobjective System on Chip ExplorationCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe project targets complex SoC (System on Chip) <strong>des</strong>igns using a large number of IP(processors, memories, network-on-chip, hardware accelerators, peripherals) for highperformance multidomain embedded applications (wireless, multimedia). The selectionof the IP parameters and the automation of the network-on-chip <strong>des</strong>ign as well as anautomated mapping on a multi-FPGA prototyping engine are the main functionnalitiesprovided by MPSOCEXPLORER through multiobjective <strong>des</strong>ign space exploration.As a result of the project a complete top-down flow is available. Starting from high levelapplication constraints (performance, bandwidth, latency) the user will obtain aninterconnect architecture well suited for the level of traffic required by the application.MPSOCEXPLORER have been applied to various manycore ranging from 16PE to2400 PE NOC Based SOC on very large scale EVE emulators.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTFirst fully automatic NOC basedSOC <strong>des</strong>ign space explorationtool based on emulation.The flow integration with EVE'sZebU emulator and ENSTA optimizationtechniques allows thento refine the choice at incomparablespeed and to do analysisthat are impossible in a classicalverification environment.In the latest developement of theproject observability techniqueshave been activated in order tomeasure the real activity of thesytem in term of latency andbandwidth.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• An Automatic Design Flow for Data Parallel and Pipelined Signal Processing Applicationson Embedded Multiprocessor with NoC Application to Cryptography(Xinyu Li and Omar Hammami).Automatic Embedded Multicore Generation and Evaluation Methodology: a CaseStudy of a NOC Based 2400-cores on Very Large Scale EmulatorO.Hammami, X.Li,L. Burgun and S. Delerse, WARP 2010, St Malo, France.• more in www.mpsocexplorer.com◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Exploration <strong>des</strong>ign envrionment for manycore on EVE FPGA Based Emulation platform.Network-on-chip (NOC) monitoring environment on EVE FPGA Based EmulationPlatform. Exploration functionnality has been added to FlexNoC from Arteris.◗ Job creation:Arteris 1, ENSTA 2 PhD, EVE 1.CONTACTPhilippe DI CRESCENZOARTERIS+33 (0)1 61 37 38 58mpsocexplorer@arteris.comPARTNERSSMEs:ARTERIS, EVEResearch institutes, universities:ENSTAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ARTERISCall:FEDERStart date:September 2009Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.7Related systematic project(s):Ter@opsSystems Design and Development Tools WG223

Modelling systems simulationN-POEMNano-objets périodiques impriméssur polymères pour l'électromagnétismeON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of N-POEM proposal is to <strong>des</strong>ign, fabricate and characterize emerging periodicnanostructures for three electromagnetic and optical functionalities: microwave regimeabsorption, filtering and antireflecting. This project groups expertise of differentpartners in nanofabrication, nanosciences including <strong>des</strong>ign and simulation.Nanofabrication processes will be based on nanoimprint on flexible polymer film. Theirinterest is a reduction of technological steps, resulting in a decrease of production costand time. The aim of this project is to develop technological processes for industrialapplications. It will lead to a high maturity level of nanoimprint technique, compatiblewith industrial requirements in new domains such as devices for aircraftmanufacturing, photovoltaic’s, information and communication technologies…TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main innovation of this project is the use of nanoimprint processes on flexible substratesfor industrial applications. The functionalities which will be addressed are : absorptionin the microwave regime, filtering in the infrared range, and anti-reflexion inthe [500nm-5μm] spectral domain. These three functionalities are representative ofthree kinds of demonstrators which will be realized during the project. Industrial applicationsrequire large surface and light-weighted devices, especially for aircraft manufacturing.Thus, the substrates have to be flexible, thin and larger than 10x10 cm².Moreover fabrication processes have to be robust and low cost. This project highlightsemerging large-scale lithography which combines high resolution and large surfacewith the nanoimprint technique. It is also cheaper than standard lithographies used inmicroelectronics. The challenge consists here in using flexible substrates. It is the solesolution to produce nanostructured large surface coating. In order to limit the numberof technological steps and to reduce the fabrication cost, specific patterns (shape, aspectratio ...) and processes (highly directional deposition technique) will be developed.CONTACTCécile GOURGONLTM+33 (0)4 38 78 98 37cecile.gourgon@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ARKEMA,DASSAULT-AVIATION,THALES OPTRONIQUE SAResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CNRS-LTM, IM2NPPROJECT DATACoordinator:CNRSCo-label:MINALOGICCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.4Funding (M2):1.0STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started at the end of 2010. Until march 2011, patterns have been specifiedfor the different demonstrators, and NIL processes have been already tested on aspecific polymer.224Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationphase 1Outils de Modélisation et de conceptionMécatronique Phase 1 (Modelling andDesign Tools for Mechatronics)COMPLETEDPROJECTToday there is no global solution for supporting the development of mechatronical products,and there are a lot of fractures within the cycle of conception. Therefore the<strong>des</strong>ign phase is time consuming, with too much risk in terms of reliability, safety, performances,and failures during the industrialisation phase.O2M develops a new generation of tools to support the conception of mechatronicalproducts, especially for automotive applications. All process levels are addressed:"pre-dimensioning", integrated <strong>des</strong>ign, multi-physic simulation and validation. Duringthe phase 1, business needs (170 use cases) and functional specifications have beendefined.After feasibility studies, this phase will be closed by the presentation of mocks-up by theend of July 2009.The phase 2 will focus on detailed specifications and the progressive delivery of theSolution.PROJECT RESULTS PHASE 1◗ Products: The project inclu<strong>des</strong> 8 sub-projects:• SP1 PTRONIC - Infrastructure.• SP2 AROME – Reliability Analysis and multi-physics optimization.• SP3 PREDIM – Multi-domains pre-dimensioning (architecture definition).• SP4 PEPS CEM & M CEM – Electro-magnetic compatibility.• SP6 ELEC3D – 3D integrated Design.• SP7 eSPACE – Interconnection between Electricity & Electronics.• SP8 BADOI – Database for Material definition and behavior identification.The <strong>des</strong>ign process of 3 main mechatronical products has been detailed and all difficultiesor issues have been identified (use cases) in order to define the needs for thenew tool generation.We propose to build a common software platform able to manage a continuum of datafor the global mechatronical <strong>des</strong>ign process, including the different steps of modeling:requirement, functional, logical, physical <strong>des</strong>ign and a global 3D view supporting allcomplex simulation disciplines.After the phase 2, the Solution will provide a single data referential to ensure there isno replication of data. This is a key starting point to guarantee a global collaborative tool.◗ Business creation:• Challenges for AutomotiveIndustry:- Increase by 30% to 50% theefficiency of our <strong>des</strong>igners.- Improve the quality of thecomplex products by a factor5 to 10.- Speed up the process of <strong>des</strong>ign and simulation to promot faster innovations.- Allow our engineers to focus on tasks with high added value.• Challenges for Software Editors- Take position as a leader on a market which presents a potential of 20 billionsEuros within next 10 years.• Regional and National stakes:- Contribute to set up a pole of excellence on Mechatronics within the Region.- Create a know-How reusable in other sectors of the industryCONTACTDenis BARBIERVALEO+33 (0)1 40 55 21 84denis.barbier@valeo.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALTAIR DEVELOPMENT,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE,DASSAULT SYSTEMES, EADS,LEONI, LIGERON® SONOVISIONITEP, RENAULT SAFRAN,SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC,THALES, TOSHIBA SCHNEIDER,VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:ALTAIR ENGINEERINGSMEs:CADLM, CEDRAT,SHERPA ENGINEERINGResearch institutes, universities:AMPERE (ECOLE CENTRALELYON), ARMINES, CNRT BASSENORMANDIE, ENSEA, ESTACA,G2ELAB (ENSE3), IRSEEMESIGELEC, LGEP, LNE, ONERA,SATIE (ENS CACHAN), SUPELEC,SUPMECA, UVSQPROJECT DATACoordinator:VALEOStart date:November 2007Duration:22 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.8Funding (M2):4.8Related systematic projects):CSDL, O2M P2, PCSSystems Design and Development Tools WG225

Modelling systems simulationphase 2Outil de Modélisation etde conception MécatroniqueCOMPLETEDPROJECTO2M develops a new generation of tools for <strong>des</strong>igning mechatronical products, especiallyfor automotive applications. All process levels are addressed: "pre-dimensioning",integrated <strong>des</strong>ign, multi-physic simulation and validation.◗ Phase 1: business needs (170 use cases) and functional specifications definition.◗ Phase 2: focus on the delivery of prototypes and their validationPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has led to the implementation of a demonstrator. The scenario of an EV powertrainsystem <strong>des</strong>ign has been successfully implemented. This collaborative platform is developedwith DASSAULT SYSTEMES andother software vendors like CADLM,CEDRAT, ALTAIR and SAMTECH. Itopens the way to collaborative workon mechatronics products in the automotiveindustry based on methodologiesfrom CONTINENTAL, LEONI,RENAULT and VALEO.With a strong involvement of laboratorieslike IRSEEM, LNE, SUPMECA,methodologies, models and testbedshave been developed on topicssuch as materials or electromagneticcompatibility.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications: (among 14 theses and 55 articles)• Modélisation et simulation de composants électroniques pour les systèmes mécatroniques, Y. LeFloch, D. Baudry, F. Duval, M. Bensetti, C. Gautier, B. Revol, J. Ben Hadj Slama, C. Vollaire, E.Clavel, in Proc. ITT’09, Paris, France, October 2009• EEE Transactions on Magnetics 46, 8 (2010) pp 2892-2898,"EMC Modeling of an Industrial VariableSpeed Drive With an Adapted PEEC Method",Vincent Ardon, Jérémie Aimé, Olivier Chadebec, EdithClavel, Jean-Michel Guichon, Enrico Vialardi, 08/2010.• EMC Modeling of an Industrial Variable Speed Drive With an Adapted PEEC Method, Vincent Ardon,Jérémie Aime, Olivier Chadebec, Edith Clavel, Jean Michel Guichon, and Enrico Vialardi, IEEETRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 8, AUGUST 2010.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• DASSAULT SYSTEMES: Evolution of the V6 platform PLM 2.0 for mechatronics, integration ofelectrical data in 3D tools.• ALTAIR: optimization of performances and additional features for new domains.• CADLM: Algorithms for optimization of product <strong>des</strong>ign.• CEDRAT: strong improvement of InCa3D and Portunus.• CNRT, LNE, IRSEEM: development of new testbeds.◗ Job creation:• 50 jobs maintained or created during the project (More than 20 permanent contracts).• Creation of 23 permanent jobs planned in addition.◗ Business creation:CEDRAT has developed its offer for the EMC market, the connexion with the platform is an opportunityfor a better integration within the R&D Information Systems. The project also allowedCEDRAT to solve a critical and strategic issue for its own development. CADLM has developedmethodologies for the optimization of the <strong>des</strong>ign and is in a better position to address the automotivemarket. CONTINENTAL, LEONI, RENAULT and VALEO have optimized their <strong>des</strong>ignprocess; tools are now available to avoid a comeback to paper-based tasks; methodologies foroptimization of products (performances and robustness) have been improved. An "ecosystem"has been built with small companies like EIRIS Conseil, Sherpa Engineering and CADLM. SUP-MECA is in a position to develop new research projects in aeronautics and aerospace.CONTACTDenis BARBIERVALEO+33 (0)1 40 55 21 84denis.barbier@valeo.comDaniel MARSONDASSAULT SYSTEMES+33 (0)1 61 62 75 63daniel.marson@3ds.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CONTINENTAL, DASSAULTSYSTEMES, LEONI, RENAULT,SCHNEIDER, THALES, VALEOIntermediate size enterprises:ALTAIRSMEs:CADLM, CEDRAT, DPS,EIRIS CONSEIL, LIGERON,SAMTECH, SHERPAENGINEERINGResearch institutes, universities:AMPERE, ARMINES, CNRT,ENSEA, ESTACA, G2ELAB,IRSEEM, LNE, SATIE, SUPELECLGEP, SUPMECA, UVSQPROJECT DATACoordinator:VALEO, assisted byDASSAULT SYSTEMSCo-label:MOV'EOCall:FUI8Start date:Septembre 2009Duration:20 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16.2Funding (M2):5.9Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL226Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationOASISOptimization of AddendumSurfaces In StampingON GOINGPROJECTThe Objective of "OASIS" project is to develop a software tool to simulate and optimizethe stamping process using hign limit elestiocity steel. This projet aims to reduce thetime needed by engineers to <strong>des</strong>ign stamping process lines for high performance steel.Extending the use of such material in automotive applications will lead to fuel economy,and thus meet new requirements in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ New optimization tools using game theory and multilevel approach will be developed.These developments will lead to optimzation tools that can be aplied to complex problemssuch as the use of new material or the developmentof innovative concepts for stamping process.◗ The second innovation deals with the form deformationmethods during the optimizationprocess. A method based on free form deformationand dynamic parametrization will be developed.◗ The automatization of the parametric process takinginto account the stamping process constarints(fabrication constraints) presents also an innovativeaspect of the project◗ All these developments will be linked and integratedto obtain a complete suite for the automaticsimulation and optimization of complexsheet forming process.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUT-COMES◗ Development and adaptation of optimization tools to complex stamping process.◗ Automatization of parametric tools dedicated to stamping process.◗ Development of a plateform based on free softawre tools and <strong>des</strong>igned to the simulationof stamping process.CONTACTSylvestre LEDRUSCILAB ENTERPRISES+33 (0)1 39 63 57 34sylvestre.ledru@scilabenterprises.comSimon GARESTESCILAB ENTERPRISES+33 (0)1 39 63 55 47simon.gareste@scilabenterprises.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ARCELOR MITTAL, EDF, NECSSMEs:DELTACAD, EURODECISION,SCILAB ENTERPRISESResearch institutes, universities:ASSOCIATION LEONARDDE VINCI, CNRS,INRIA SOPHIA ANTIPOLISMEDITERRANEE,LABORATOIRE ROBERVALPROJECT DATACoordinator:SCILAB ENTERPRISESCo-label:I-TRANSCall:FUI9Start date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.2Funding (M2):2.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL, EHPOC, IOLS,OPENHPC, PCS, SCOSSystems Design and Development Tools WG227

Software engineeringOCELLEOutils Logiciels pour le processeur Cellcomme Exemple pourles applications EmbarquéesCOMPLETEDPROJECTOCELLE aims at efficiently programming new manycores CPU such as the IBM Cellwhile preserving software productivity. Regarding the embedded system domain, thegoal is to exploit the underlying computation power using together a model-basedapproach and a low level code generation. Thus both SPMD parallelism at model leveland SIMD at language level are combined. Several application types (Monte Carlo,image, dataflow and matrix computations) are addressed to cover embedded systemsdomain. A particular focus is made on a radiotherapy application.CONTACTSerge TISSOTKONTRON MODULARCOMPUTERS+33 (0)4 98 16 33 56serge.tissot@kontron.comPROJECT RESULTS◗ Patents:Patents: Dépôt APP / Cell_MPI : librairie d'encapsulation et d'abstraction pour letransfert de données sur le Cell via passage de messages.◗ Technologies:SPEAR code generation, Cell_MPI, Assembly code optimizer.◗ Publications:"Parallelization Schemes for Memory Optimization on the Cell Processor: a casestudy on the Harris Corner Detector", "XLR8: tool for optimisation and automatic parallelizationon the Cell processor", "Data transfers aware programming on TLP basedarchitectures: application with the Cell BE" (3 Journals); "Programmation parsquelettes algorithmiques pour le processeur Cell", "Parallelization Strategies forthe Points of Interests Algorithm on the Cell Processor", "Parallélization Schemes forMemory Optimization on the Cell Processor: A Case Study of Image Processing Algorithm"(3 Proceedings).◗ Experimentations:PEAR Design Environment, Cell_MPI communication middleware.◗ Business creation:Start up creation; new position in market for several partners.PARTNERSLarge companies:KONTRON MODULARCOMPUTERS SA,THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYSMEs:DOSISOFTResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IEFPROJECT DATACoordinator:KONTRON MODULARCOMPUTERSCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:31 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.4Funding (M2):0.6Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):Ter@ops228Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationOLDPOn Line Digital ProductionCOMPLETEDPROJECTDevelop the basis of the first on line, web 2.0 type, services platform in Digital Production,in order to set up an advanced node of a future world wide network, supported byhubs for extended enterprise. Provide to the french industrial community, and especiallythe SME, a seamless process and tools to co-develop and co-monitor the productionchain on the extended enterprise scheme.CONTACTBernard BOIMEEADS INNOVATION WORKS+33 (0)1 46 97 32 42bernard.boime@eads.netPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Deliver a first set of on line services enabling the <strong>des</strong>ign of the whole supply chain (processeditors, and resources and behaviour editors, tools for sheduling edition, etc.).◗ Deliver an on line architecture on a 6 levels basis, enabling digital extended factory modelisationby simple combination(on line generic components database, including behaviour models,easily combined on line).◗ Intregrate digital factory and realworld on line• by managing various real eventsthat need to be exchange on linewith the digital factory;• integrating haptic and/or motioncapture devices, providing arealistic immersive environmentfor real operator experimentationof the virtual model (usecase for instance: validate the ergonomy of an assembly station). Software modulesare developed in VIRTOOLS, and data defined in CATIA V6 (geometry, kynematics,dynamics, etc.).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Industrial softwares CATIA-DELMIA-3DVIA, MKM (virtual mannequin), ILOG, PERTINENCEsuite.◗ Services:1 dissemination platform under feasability evaluation.◗ Experimentations:On-line service for:• digital production engineering;• digital production experimentation;• digital production/virtual reality integration;• digital production/Manufacturing execution systems integration;• collaborative database of digital production components.◗ Business creation:New business model services around shared/owned software suites.PARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT AVIATION,DASSAULT SYSTEMES,EADS INNOVATION WORKSIntermediate size enterprises:ALTIS SEMICONDUCTOR, ILOGSMEs:INTERCIM, TROCHETResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IRISA, SUPMECAPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADS INNOVATION WORKSCall:FUI6Start date:July 2009Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.5Funding (M2):3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):USINE NUMÉRIQUE 1 & 2Systems Design and Development Tools WG229

Modelling systems simulationOPARUSOptimization and Parallelizationfor Analysis and Reconstructionof ultrasonic NDTON GOINGPROJECTThe project OPARUS "Optimization and Parallelization for Analysis and Reconstructionof ultrasonic NDT" focuses on the development of modelling tools and treatments forreconstruction of ultrasonic testing data. The objective of the project is to optimize theperformance of numerical algorithms and to extend significantly the actual limitationson the use of accurate models for visualization, analysis and diagnosis. The kinds oftechnology pointed are clearly oriented on multi-core processors and GPGPU, allincluded in single "workstation". The developments are focused on applicationsrepresentative of industrial cases and industrial constraints. Project results will bedirectly integrated in systems and software already operating in industrial environments.CONTACTStéphane LE BERRECEA+33 (0)1 69 08 66 03stephane.leberre@cea.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The three complementary systems involved are based on innovative reconstruction algorithms,simulation and signal processing.◗ The entire procedure of control is covered and the expected progress relate both theprocessings made during the acquisition and the calculations made in the post-analysisstep.◗ Optimization will be apply to Acquisition systems M2M, CIVA simulation software, andNDT-KIT diagnosis tools in order to adapt process control tools to new hardware configurations,particularly in terms of parallelization and use of dedicated processors(GPGPU).◗ Acquisition: optimizing data transfers for reconstruction algorithms, integration ofsimulation algorithms and optimized reconstruction.◗ Simulation and Processing: simulations and pre-processing for the acquisition withthe transfer to Multi2000 systems. Simulation and reconstruction for post-acquisitiondata processing for analysis.◗ Post-processing (NDT-kit): Reconstruction and image processing of data acquisition,automated diagnosis.PARTNERSLarge companies:EADS, EDFSMEs:CAPS ENTREPRISE, M2MResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IEFPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEACall:ANRStart date:October 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.7Related Sytematic project(s):CORTEX3D, INDIAC, ONTRACSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Specification of industrial use case.◗ First analysis and implementation of optimized algorithm. GPU / CPU Benchmark.230Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringOPEN GPUON GOINGPROJECTIn the next five years, GPU power is expected to dramatically increase while maintainingits unmatched performance / power consumption ratio. The Open GPU project aims tobuild an OpenCL based Open Source platform to take advantage of the GPU assets inindustrial applications such as simulation, scientific computing, biology, defense,security or applied mechanics. Open GPU will also serves as basis for the building of aParis region cluster federating high performance computing skills and actors.CONTACTJean-Noël DE GALZAINWALLIX+33 (0)1 53 42 12 90jndegalzain@wallix.comSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESTo take advantage of the GPU performance targeting three main goals:◗ Build a OpenCL based Open Source integrated platform;◗ Industrialize hardware and software architectures allowing an optimized and balanceduse of both CPU and GPU in a Green IT perspective;◗ Initiate and develop a high performance computing cluster based in the Paris Regionand committed to work worldwide.PARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYIntermediate size enterprises:ESI GROUPSMEs:AS+, ATEJI, CAPS ENTREPRISE,HPC PROJECT, NUMTECH,TERATEC, WALLIX GROUPE IFRESEARCHResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES PARIS, CEA DAM,CEA SACLAY, DIGITEO,ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,INRIA SACLAY, UNIVERSITEEVRY VAL D'ESSONNE,UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIECURIE PARIS 6PROJECT DATACoordinator:WALLIXCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:FUI9Start date:March 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):13.7Funding (M2):5.3Systems Design and Development Tools WG231

Modelling systems simulationOpen HPCCOMPLETEDPROJECTSimulation and High Performance Computing are a strategic stake for the competitiveness.Both for Industry and Research one of the key elements of the HPC chain is applicationsoftware. It has to be accessible to all the actors of the market, especially for the small andmedium-sized firms. Users ask for global software solutions on HPC architecture, mixingboth free and commercial software. In the context of this project, Open Source software willbe improved in term of quality, interoperability and performance. These developmentshave to be structured and connected in order to create a coherent software platform, inconnexion with other initiatives such as the Complex System Design Lab CSDL.CONTACTJacques DUYSENSCS+33 (0)1 41 28 40 26jacques.duysens@c-s.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTOpen HPC aims at building a coherent, interoperable and accessible HPC software platformaddressing both commercial and Open Source software. A strong implication ofcompagnies like ESI Group, Digiteo Scilab, C-S SI, CSTB and Logilab working togetherconfirms the way choosen by the project. The parallelisation and the adaptation of computingtools are a necessary step forward the building of the Open HPC software platform.Then, in order to reach the goals a focus on the process management of the wholecomputing chain is done.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:The virtual Open HPC platform is made of several Open Source and Commercialproducts. For exemple the Logilab company launched an open source case studymanagement tool. This Internet tool can gather the whole knowledge on a study caselinked to the solver datamanager.ESI Group worked with CS-SI and the CSTB in order to increase and adapt its processmanager VDot to the building market.◗ Services:The CSTB worked on simulation with real experiment comparison. So the CSTB usedand increased different solvers developed in IOLS in order to run simulation at differentscale (city quarter, bridge, anchorage…).◗ Business creation:Based on the result of the project, a business plan on the Building Market is in discussionbetween the Open HPC partners.PARTNERSLarge companies:CS, EDF, NECSIntermediate size enterprises:ESI GROUPSMEs:DISTENE, LOGILAB, OXALYA,TERATECResearch institutes, universities:CEA/DEN, CSTB,DIGITEO SCILAB, ONERAPROJECT DATACoordinator:CSCall:FUI6Start date:January 2009Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.6Funding (M2):1.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL, EHPOC, IOLS, MOBIL,OPUS, OSCOS232Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationOPtimisation de SIMulationsOPSIM pour la conceptionCOMPLETEDPROJECTNumerical simulation, optimization and robust <strong>des</strong>ign techniques become a prerequisitefor complex systems <strong>des</strong>ign as ground vehicles. The mass is a major constraint when limitingCO 2 emissions is a challenge. Reducing the mass has to be done considering theservice to provide the customer (safety, acoustic, …). Optimization techniques is a way ofdimensionning innovation with the best trade-off between cost , mass and performance.In order to do so, OPSIM is organized around 3 main topics : numerical simulation qualityimprovement (soft efficiency, precision of finite elements models), high performancecomputing, optimization and robust <strong>des</strong>ign tools.Results have been applied on 4 studies of synthesis and innovation for ALSTOM andRENAULT industrial <strong>projets</strong>.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Increase of PAM-CRASH speedup and global performance (reduce by 20% on RENAULTmidsize car model).◗ Precision improvement of crash model: include stamping properties and improve the numericalspot weld behavior.◗ Development of news multicriteria optimisation tools (for example, genetic algorithms NS-GAII and Electre for high dimension multicriteria decision aid) and integration in RENAULToptimization toolbox ALTERNOVA.◗ Improvement of the RENAULT global optimizationtool for mass saving on thecar-body, demonstation on a RENAULTcase-study (multi-physics optimizationwith more than 200 parameters).◗ New optimization tool for robut <strong>des</strong>ignin crash analysis, demonstration on aRENAULT case-study.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications: 11• "Optimisation pour la conception de produits par simulations numériques: Application à une étudede synthèse RENAULT", 11 e Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aideà la Décision, ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, Février 24-26.• "Optimisation pour la conception de produits par simulations numériques : problème d’optimisationmulticritère de grande dimension" ,11 e Congrès de la SFRO et d’Aide à la Décision, ROADEF 2010,Toulouse, Février 24-26.• "Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Space Partitioning for Many-Objective Optimization“, acceptéà la conférence Meta10 « International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing ».◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• An improved version of PAM-CRASH for ESI customers.• An offer of "HPC on demand" proposed by BULL.• An improved toolbox ALTERNOVA with new functionnalities.◗ Job creation:EURODECISION Stability of the team (7 persons). Sales and marketing: +1 person during this 3 years.◗ Business creation:• ALTERNOVA is the toolbox developped by EURODECISION for RENAULT, enabling an optimisationworkflow in the product <strong>des</strong>ign process.• The signature in January 2011 of an important cooperation contract between RENAULT andEURODECISION. This contract is strategic for EURODECISON enabling the SME to sell to newclients licences and services exploiting ALTERNOVA. The contract is also important for RE-NAULT in order to maintain viability of the toolbox in the long term.Exploitation of OPSIM results (Alternova toolbox or some components such as Electre or NSGAII ) is alsoplanned in other EURODECISION activities than the product optimisation <strong>des</strong>ign one. In this case thenew products will participate to the goblal growth of EURODECISION (15%-20% per year in average).Systems Design and Development Tools WGCONTACTMarie-Maud CHATILLONRENAULT+33 (0)1 76 85 13 84marie-maud.chatillon@renault.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM, BULL, RENAULTIntermediate size enterprises:ESISMEs:EURODECISIONResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON,EC LILLE, UNIVERSITE DEVERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESPROJECT DATACoordinator:RENAULTCall:FUI5Start date:September 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.6Funding (M2):1.6Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):ACTIVOPT - RODIN (EN COURS DELABELLISATION)233

Modelling systems simulationOPTIDISOptimisation d'un code dedynamique <strong>des</strong> dislocationsON GOINGPROJECT◗ The materials used in the nuclear industry undergo various and complex constraints.Modeling efforts offers the opportunity to understand the mechanisms leading to theageing of these materials.◗ Dislocations are linear defects which are quite abundant in crystalline metals. Theyare responsible for their plastic behavior. Irradiation induced defects strongly interactwith dislocations, therefore modifying the mechanical properties of these materials.Understanding these mechanisms is therefore crucial.◗ Dislocation dynamics is a simulation technique suite to follow the motion of a largenumber of dislocations along time. Taking full advantage of HPC is critically neededto simulate to simulate representative volume elements. The goal of OPTIDIS, is tooptimize such a code within a team including CEA, INRIA and CNRS.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The goal of OPTIDIS is tooptimize a dislocation dynamicscode named NU-MODIS enabling large scalesimulations of scientific interest.This goal requiresthe development of threespecific algorithms:• optimized calculation ofthe interactions betweendislocations using multipoleapproach;• optimized linear and nonlinearsolvers taking fullThe interaction between a dislocation and a radiationinducedloop.advantage of the topological structure of dislocations;• development of new load-balancing strategies as the spatial distribution of dislocationstends to be extremely heterogeneous. Each of these three tasks will be addressedusing a combination of advanced High-Performance Computation schemes(MPI and POSIX threads) and the development of new algorithms. As a final "grandchallenge", NUMODIS will be used to address a problem of major scientific and industrialinterest: the channeling of deformation in irradiated zirconium cladding.CONTACTLaurent DUPUYCEA / DEN+33 (0)1 69 08 53 45laurent.dupuy@cea.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:CEA/DEN, HIEPACS, INP,INRIA, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-ESTCRÉTEILPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA/DENCall:ANRStart date:October 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.4STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThis project started 6 months ago. The first meetings were held to define more preciselythe different tasks. Several trainees and one PhD student were recruited by the differentpartners.234Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationOpen source Platform for Uncertaintytreatment in SimulationCOMPLETEDPROJECTNumerical simulation has gained more and more place in the modern practice of engineering.A huge number of industrial studies require numerical models in order toforecast the behavior of complex systems. Whatever the purpose of the study, it is crucialfor engineers to assess the uncertainty tainting the model’s outcomes and the decisiongoing with. Undoubtedly, we have observed during these last years a rise ofinterest in these problems within the scientific and technical community.The OPUS project had the following goals:◗ Let some reference methods/tools arise by gathering innovative methods and algorithmsand creating a lasting dynamics at the interface academic research-industryservice,◗ Capitalize the French know-how in the framework of uncertainty analysis around acommon basis of methods/tools and a reference communityPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Development of innovative methodologiesand algorithms for performingprobabilistic calculations on CPU timeconsuming models: adaptive krigingbasedmetamodels for estimating theprobability of rare events, efficientpolynomial chaos expansion, inversemodeling, low probability quantiles robustestimation, certified reducedbasis for fast resolution of EDP’s.◗ Software production: 7 open source contributions,running within industrial andlasting free software platforms (Scilab,Octave, Open TURNS, R) put at disposal of the industrial and scientific community.◗ Key contribution to structure a reference French community, as witnessed by severalworking groups and training courses initiated.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• J. Bect, D. Ginsbourger, L. Li, V. Picheny, E. Vazquez. Sequential <strong>des</strong>ign of computerexperiments for the estimation of a probability of failure. Statistics and Computing(in press), 2011.• A. Buffa, Y. Maday, A. T. Patera, C. Prud’homme, G. Turinici. A priori convergence ofthe greedy algorithm for the parametrized reduced basis. ESAIM-Math. Model.Numer. Anal. Special Issue in honor of David Gottlieb (in press), 2011.• A. Antoniadis, A. Pasanisi (Eds.) Special Issue: Modeling of Computer Experimentsfor Uncertainty Propagation and Sensitivity Analysis. Statistics and Computing (inpress), 2011.• T. Crestaux, J.M. Martinez, O. Le Maître. Polynomial chaos expansions for sensitivitiyanalysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 94 : 1161–1172, 2009.• C. Cannamela, J. Garnier, B. Iooss. Controlled stratification for quantile estimation.Annals of Applied Statistics, 2(4):1554–1580, 2008.◗ Product(s) or Service(s): 7 open source software components.◗ Job creation: 4 post-doctoral temporary fellowships and 1 permanent job (at Softia).CONTACTAlberto PASANISIEDF R&D+33 (0)1 30 87 80 85alberto.pasanisi@edf.frPARTNERSLarge companies:CEA, DASSAULT AVIATION,EADS IW, EDF R&DSMEs:SOFTIAResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,INRIA, SUPELEC, UNIVERSITEJOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE1,UNIVERSITE PARIS 7PROJECT DATACoordinator:EDF R&DCall:ANRStart date:April 2008Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.2Funding (M2):1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EHPOC, CSDLSystems Design and Development Tools WG235

Software engineeringPROJET PProjet PON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of Project P is to facilitate the development of hard real-time, critical,embedded systems. Thanks to a comprehensive toolset built around an automatic codegenerator, it will use a strong model-based approach. Project P aims to develop anopen source, multi-domain code generation toolchain. It will handle, in a coherentmanner, the relevant behavioral and architectural language subsets, and synchronousand asynchronous modeling. It will target a number of programming and synthesislanguages, as well as mono- and multi-CPU computers. It will come with a qualificationkit, the material necessary to gain certification credit from the use of the toolset.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe final goal of Project P is to develop a code generation framework that could becommercially exploited by the project partners. This tool chain will encompass a codegenerator for mono and multi -core processors targeting Ada/C/C++ with the possibilityof instrumenting the generated code, a code generator targeting VHDL and SystemCand a set of verification tools focusing on verification of co-modeling consistency andreal-time properties. The main technological innovations of Project P with respect to thepoints above consist in improving the tool interoperability from the perspective of multimodelcode generation and verification and in providing an open-source tool chain allowingqualification in the context of the DO-178, ISO-26262 and ECSS-E-ST-40C /Q-ST-80C standards. From a business and strategic perspective, the project will proposea first migration path from a non-European, proprietary and monopolistic product(Simulink) to a European open-source alterative (Xcos, Scicos) and will promote aneconomical ecosystem based on open-source software.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESIn 2011 work essentially focussed on user requirements specification and a start on thework on UML and Simulink importers.CONTACTRobertus VINGERHOEDSCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVEFRANCE+33 (0)6 11 98 69 5robertus.vingerhoeds@continental-corporation.comPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, ATOS ORIGIN,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVEFRANCE, EADS ASTRIUM,MORPHO, ROCKWELL COLLINSFRANCE, THALES ALENIASPACE, THALES AVIONICSIntermediate size enterprises:ALTAIRSMEs:ABOARD ENGINEERING,ACG SOLUTIONS, ADACORE,SCILAB ENTERPRISES,ST INFORMATIQUE SERVICESResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, IRIT, LABSTICC, LAMI,ONERAPROJECT DATACoordinator:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVEFRANCECo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:FUIStart date:October 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):9.8Funding (M2):3.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CESAR, EDONA, LAMBDA,MEMVATEX, OPEES, USINELOGICIELLE236Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringPISI PAJEROON GOINGPROJECTPAJERO is an innovative project formed to develop a Cloud-based WorkforceOptimization platform. Proposed as an on-demand application (SaaS), it will provide areal-time capability to solve complex resource management problems through a set ofgroundbreaking features:◗ A new generation of optimization solver using advanced Constraint Programming extensionsand parallel algorithms◗ HUDL: A natural business-oriented metalanguage aimed to allow a computer illiteratebusiness specialist to set up reusable business rules and solver programmation◗ A set of programming tools to transparently exploit hardware environments of the15next years: massively parallel devices (many-core, GPGPU) and Cloud Computing◗ This platform will provide to vertical markets ways to solve its workforce resourcesoptimization problems and to get the needed computing powerTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ A horizontal platform built on a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) which can be adaptedto any vertical sector and solve complex multiple resources management problems◗ HUDL: An accessible parameterization language. Its natural and business-oriented nature willallow the horizontal platform to be adapted to any specific vertical context without writingcode. It will provide too an easy way to <strong>des</strong>cribe the optimization problems for the solver◗ A new generation Constraint Programming Solver integrating multiple CSP extensionsin the same engine:• Soft constraints (weighted CSP) and multi-criteria optimization are addressed by extendedOptimal Soft Arc Consistency and conservative dual consistency methods,• A new consistency algorithm based on failed values,• Conditional constraint satisfaction with preferences,• Uncertainty and Stochastic constraint programming: scenario-based algorithm.• Intensive use of parallelismat all project stages bringingsuperlinear performance:• HMPP Platform allowingportable parallel co<strong>des</strong> in aCloud Computing environmentindependent from hardwaretargets◗ Parallel solver algorithms:• Models portfolios,• Homogenous and heterogeneoussolvers portfoliosSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTJean-Claude BONINHORIZONTAL SOFTWARE+33 (0)9 82 30 40 00jcbonin@horizontalsoftware.comPARTNERSSMEs:CAPS ENTREPRISE, EQUITIME,HORIZONTAL SOFTWAREResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITE LENS ARTOIS,UNIVERSITE NICE-SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS, UNIVERSITEVERSAILLES-SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESPROJECT DATACoordinator:HORIZONTAL SOFTWARECall:OSEOStart date:March 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):16.5Funding (M2):7.6Related Sytematic project(s):OPARUS, OPEN GPU, POPS2 families of products:◗ PAJERO Product: it is a horizontal platform <strong>des</strong>igned to optimize enterprise workforceresources. It will be adapted to a specific vertical market by business partners withthe natural parameterization language HUDL. EquiTime will develop the Healthcaresector adaptation.◗ HMPP Platform: Programming tools <strong>des</strong>igned to make developed software independentof the target parallel runtime environment (Cloud, Computing, Many-core,GPGPU…).Systems Design and Development Tools WG237

Software engineeringPANDAParallelism And Distribution AnalysisON GOINGPROJECTThe validation of concurrent and distributed programs is difficult because the numberof accessible states is too large to be enumerated, and even the number of controlpoints, on which abstract collecting semantics are based, explo<strong>des</strong>. This is due to thegreat number of distinct scheduling of actions in legal executions.The objective of this project is to develop theories and tools allowing for tackling thiscombinatorial explosion, in order to validate concurrent and distributed programs in anefficient manner.We will consider various paradigms of computation and interaction, encompassing mostof the classical ones, as well as more recent ones such as the ones found in Singularityfor instance, which will provide a good "test case" for the formal semantics and methodsthe project is aiming at developing.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main objectives of the project are as follows:◗ Give the theoretical tools for comparing the modelsfor concurrent programs at hand, and in particular,the new ones such as the geometric models forconcurrency.◗ Compare several rising models to more classicalones:• Geometric models vs Transition Systems,Mazurkiewicz traces and Event structures;• Models based on higher order categories vsRewriting systems, Event structures, and Mazurkiewicz traces.◗ Bring together models for concurrency completing each other so we can take intoaccount various aspects of parallelism. In particular, we think the interactionbetween spatial/separation logics and geometric models will raise breakthrough inunderstanding concurrent tasks behaviour.◗ Implement a common platform for the static analysis of concurrent programs, basedon the existing ALCOOL analyzer (developed by CEA LIST). In particular we wish to provethe adequacy of our approach on a representative piece of code (provided by Airbus).◗ Develop a comprehensive framework for probabilistic concurrent systems that wouldapply to several models of concurrency; understand how usual concepts and toolsfrom probability theory such as limit theorems apply to those models. A challengingpart is to deal with asynchrony.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Study of the category of future-paths components, providing a geometric interpretationfor concurrent processes.◗ Study of a notion of distance between probabilistic systems and continuous propertiesin the metric.◗ A general construction to associate an event structure to a rewriting system.◗ Development of model-cheching techniques to verify properties of probabilistic systems.◗ Release of the "heaphop" tool, a proof-checker for concurrent heap-manipulatingprograms using Separation Logic.CONTACTCatuscia PALAMIDESSIINRIA+33 (0)1 69 33 41 17catuscia@lix.polytechnique.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUSResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA,UNIVERSITE PARIS NORD,UNIVERSITE DE LAMEDITERRANEEPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIACall:ANRStart date:October 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.1Funding (M2):0.6Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CPP238Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringPARAL-ITPPervasive Parallelismin Highly-Trustable InteractiveTheorem Proving SystemsON GOINGPROJECTCoq and Isabelle are the leading European systems for mathematical modeling andinteractive proof checking, with fully formal logical foundations. Applications includehuge mathematical proofs and semi-automated verifications of complex hardware andsoftware systems. This demands substantial computing power of technical workstations,which today means explicit parallelism on multi-core hardware.The project addresses all aspects of parallel proof checking and asynchronousinteraction for Coq and Isabelle in a pervasive manner: from internal prover architectureto front-end technology in the style of modern IDEs like Eclipse or Netbeans. Ultimately,both Coq and Isabelle will become more powerful and more accessible, to support evenlarger proof formalization efforts.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ High-performance parallel proverarchitecture, specifically for Coqand Isabelle and their underlyingML platforms.◗ Common prover integration layerfor uniform access of parallelCoq and Isabelle by genericfront-ends, with uniform documentmodel for formal proofs and built-in change history.◗ Novel prover front-end technologies with parallel and asynchronous interaction:Prover IDE with continuous checking of formal theories, as rich client platform.◗ Formal analysis of key aspects of the pervasive parallel approach, to retain hightrustability of Coq and Isabelle in the tradition of the original LCF approach.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESKickoff in November 2011.Formation of the for action-lines of the project.CONTACTBurkhart WOLFFUNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11/LRI+33 (0)1 69 15 66 40wolff@lri.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:INRIA ROCQUENCOURT,INRIA SACLAY, UNIVERSITEPARIS SUD 11/LRIPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11/LRICall:ANRStart date:November 2011Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):0.5Systems Design and Development Tools WG239

Modelling systems simulationPARMATPARallélisation pourla simuilation <strong>des</strong> matériauxCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe european project PERFECT has developed a computation chain for the simulationof the ageing under neutronic irradiation of the alloys (steel mainly) involved in materialsof the nuclear reactors. This chain is made of seven co<strong>des</strong>, the accuracy of each of themdepends on the size of the simulated systems. The goal of the project PARMAT is tooptimize three co<strong>des</strong> (ab initio, Monte Carlo, chemical kinetics) in the chain in order toprepare for the future petaflopic architecture made of some hundreds of thousands ofcores, as prefigured by the IBM BlueGene machines. Then, the size of the simulatedsystem will be satisfying.CONTACTGuy BENCTEUXEDF - R&D+33 (0)1 47 65 30 88guy.bencteux@edf.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Ab initio simulations: semi-empirical models of nanotubes with up to 10^5 carbonatoms can be simulated with the efficient use of hundreds of processors.◗ 3D mesoscale simulations of irradiation damage: kinetic Monte-Carlo simulationscan be efficiently distributed over a dozen processors.◗ Spatially homogenized model: the dynamic of cluster defects containing self-defectsand up to 100 solute atoms can be simulated over a long period (0.5 dpa) in half aday, which represents a tenfold increase in the maximum number of solute atoms.PARTNERSLarge companies:CEA, EDFSMEs:CAPS-ENTREPRISEResearch institutes, universities:CNRS-UMET, ENPC-CERMICSMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "Analysis of a Quadratic Programming Decomposition Algorithm", paper publishedin SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis• "Domain Decomposition for Electronic Structure Computations", communicationin ParCo 07, published in the proceedings.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Ab initio simulations : a new O(N) algorithm has been implemented in a parallel version.Weak and strong scalability up to thousand processors have been proved on anIBM Blue Gene/L architectures. This version is limited to nanotube-type systems.• 3D mesoscale simulations of irradiation damage: efficiency of kinetic Monte-Carlointegration has been significantly improved with or without the resort to multiprocessors.Parallelisation over a dozen processor via spatial domain decompositionhas revealed efficient.• Spatially homogenized model: efficiency of cluster dynamics has also been dramaticallyimproved thanks to the use of classical techniques of parallelisation oflinear systems (Schur complement). A new way of simulating cluster dynamics hasbeen developped, with a stochastic treatment of the biggest clusters. This methodis a first step towards integration of models with highly complex defects containingmore than one solute specie.PROJECT DATACoordinator:EDF - R&DCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):SHPCO2240Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringPARSECProduction d'Applications RépartiesSûres pour l'Embarqué CritiqueON GOINGPROJECTThe PARSEC Project aims at providing development tools for critical real-time distributedsystems requiring certification according to the most stringent standards such as DO-178B (avionics), IEC 61508 (transportation) or Common Criteria for Information TechnologySecurity Evaluation. The approach proposed by PARSEC provi<strong>des</strong> an integrated toolsetthat helps software engineers to meet the requirements associated to the certification ofcritical embedded software.CONTACTHugues BALPTHALES+33 (0)1 69 41 55 09hugues.balp@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSPARSEC will provide an innovativeintegrated process based onModel Driven Engineering techniquesadapted to the implementationof critical software.◗ The first step of the process isthe reconciliation of the specificationprocess which is a topdown approach, and the component-basedapproach which is abottom up approach that emphasizesthe reuse of existingsoftware components. This willprovide a means to obtain botha validated specification of thesystem and the correspondingcomponent oriented <strong>des</strong>ign.◗ The second step is to obtain a deterministic implementation of this <strong>des</strong>ign by developingspecific code generation tools providing a synchronous execution of the distributedsystem, deployed on a minimum operating system and generated accordingto the exact list of required functionalities (therefore eliminating dead code that wouldforbid certification of the system).◗ The last step is the integration of new code analysis tools allowing the generation of testcase scenarios in order to check that the observed behavior matches the specification.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project will provide a tooled development process for the development of criticaldistributed embedded systems. The MyCCM-HI component framework will be adaptedto support distributed, deterministic execution platforms (SynDEx and AADL). TheSynDEx tool will be extended to support partitioned (ARINC 653) execution environmentsand time consuming mode management. The Ocarina tool will be adapted to generatesynchronous statically scheduled code.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM, THALESSMEs:ELLIDISS, OPENWIDE,SYSTERELResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INRIA,TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCall:FUI8Start date:October 2009Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):FLEX-EWARESystems Design and Development Tools WG241

Software engineeringPErformances GAranties pour lesSystèmes Embarqués communicantsON GOINGPROJECTModern embedded systems are made of dozens of interconnected computers, eachone handling hundreds or thousands of data flows. The delay introduced by the network(WCTT, Worst Case Traversal Time) must be bounded, with scalable formal methods.Network Calculus is such a method, but it makes to pessimistic over-evaluation, leadingto an over-dimensioning of the network which involves extra weight and powerconsumption. The aim of the PEGASE project is to improve the theory of NetworkCalculus (tighter bounds, help for network <strong>des</strong>ign, modeling of new technologies), andto transfer the result to the industry.CONTACTMarc BOYERONERA+33 (0)5 62 25 26 36Marc.Boyer@onera.frhttp://sites.onera.fr/pegaseTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe industrial objectives are:◗ simplify the <strong>des</strong>ign of such networks(dimensioning, routing)to reduce conception costs,◗ tighten the computed worstend to end delay to reduceover-provisioning which leadsto extra weight and power consumption,◗ have available some analysistools to facilitate the validationof critical real time embeddeddata networks transporting differentclasses of traffic.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALES ALENIA SPACEFRANCE, THALES AVIONICS,THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGIESSMEs:REAL TIME AT WORKResearch institutes, universities:ENS, INRIA GRENOBLE,LABORATOIRE DEL’INFORMATIQUE DUPARALLELISME, ONERASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESFrom the theoretical point of view, a lot of results have been obtained, in particular onthe improvement of bounds, on classification of some theoretical related models, orthe modeling of Wormhole routing, leading to several international publications.From the industrial transfer point of view, the development of the software prototypeoffers to the community a (min,plus) interpreter, and a first version of the AFDX analyzerhave been released. Experiments have shown that it can divide by a factor of two thepessimism of the method.More details can be obtained on the WEB site. http://sites.onera.fr/pegasePROJECT DATACoordinator:ONERACo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:October 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.8242Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringPHERMAParallel Heterogeneous Energy efficientReal-time Multiprocessor ArchitectureCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe PHERMA project aims to reconsider the control scheme (RTOS) in a MPSOCarchitecture:◗ To propose an efficient Sw/Hw architecture model with deterministic behaviors in away to guaranty maximum response times.◗ To adapt and ease the schedulability analysis on the basis of this architectural modelto hold an “a priori” verification of task deadline meeting.◗ To propose methods for offline and online optimization of power consumption consideringthis architectural model.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Development of new online and offline power management techniques (DVFS andDPM).◗ Development of a multiprocessorexecution simulator (STORM:http://storm.rts-software.org)under a creative commons licence.◗ The <strong>des</strong>ign of a HW power managercoupled to the scheduler ofthe SCMP platform and its demonstrationon an Eve FPGA emulationboard.◗ The integration of new schedulingand power management policiescoupled to Linux SMP.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:4 publications. The 5 most important are:• S. Bilavarn, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin, T. Dupont, A-M. Fouilliart: "Multicore Implementationof H.264 Decoder with Power Management Considerations", 11th EuromicroConference on Digital System Design, DSD 2008, Parma, Italy, 03/09/08-05/09/08.• K. Ben Chehida, R. David, F. Thabet, A.M. Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, R. Urunuela, M.K.Bhatti, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin, F. Broekaert, V. Seignole, A.M. Fouillart: "Une approcheglobale de gestion de la consommation au niveau système pour <strong>des</strong> architecturesMPSoC temps réel hétérogènes" 8èmes Journées Faible Tension FaibleConsommation, FTFC 2009, Neuchâtel, Suisse, 03/06/09-05/06/09.• M.K. Bhatti, F. Muhammad, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin: "Improving resource utilization underEDF-based mixed scheduling in multiprocessor real-time systems" 16th IFIP/IEEE Int.Conf. on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SOC'2008, Rho<strong>des</strong>, Grèce, 13/10/08-15/10/08.• D. Aoun, A.M. Déplanche, Y. Trinquet: "Pfair scheduling improvement to reduce interprocessormigrations" 16th Int. Conf. on Real-Time and Network Systems,RTNS'08, Rennes, France, 16/10/08-17/10/08.• M. Bhatti, F. Muhammad, C. Belleudy, M. Auguin, O. Mbarek: "Assertive dynamic powermanagement (AsDPM) strategy for globally scheduled real-time multiprocessor systems"19th Int. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulationon Digital System Design, PATMOS 2009, Delft, Pays-Bas, 09/09/09-11/09/09.◗ Patents:Patent n°2930355: Procédé de gestion de la consommation d'énergie pour les systèmesmultiprocesseurs. (a PCT extention to Europe, USA and Japan is ongoing).CONTACTKarim BEN CHEHIDACEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 86 45Karim.benchehida@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONSResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, IRCCYN, LEATPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):GRECOSystems Design and Development Tools WG243

Software engineeringPICADODevelopment of an innovativeand polyvalent technologicalinfrastructure for DomomedicineHEALTH& ICTON GOINGPROJECTThe PICADo project aims to build, experiment and evaluate a multi-pathology homecareplatform (domomedicine):◗ Development of a polyvalent infrastructure for homecare◗ Experimentation and evaluation of the clinical, organisationnal and socio-economicvalue of the demonstrator, to anticipate the technical, human, organisationnal andeconomical problems of large-scale deployment and build a suited and durable businessmodel.CONTACTOlivier DE LA BOULAYEALTRAN+33 (0)1 48 88 73 88olivier.delaboulaye@altran.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Technological innovations include the development of a multi-channel infusion pumpand communicating sensors◗ New supporting solution for co-morbidities medical management◗ Specific algorithms (predictive models)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Integrated system composed of different technological components: medical and nonmedical devices (portable or implanted), aggregation box, user-friendly interfaces forpatients and caregivers, information system◗ Evaluation results: acceptability, health benefits…◗ Business ModelPARTNERSLarge companies:ALTRANIntermediate size enterprises:AXON CABLESMEs:BLUELINEA, FSI, VOLUNTISResearch institutes, universities:INSERM, UNIVERSITE DEREIMS (OMI-EA 2065), UTTPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALTRANCall:FUI12Start date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.6Funding (M2):2.1244Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Data analyticsPOPSPeta Operations Per SecondCOMPLETEDPROJECTDesign and develop data processing systems suited to the largest spectrum of HighPerformance Computing applications, targeting the Petaflops range.Anticipate the programming tools and features needed to obtain efficient applicationsin such systems.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Hardware architecture, integration and performances > technological options >prototype.◗ Basic tools (OS, libraries,…) + performance improvement tools (threads management,adaptive optimisation).◗ Applications: simulation co<strong>des</strong>, management of large databases, multimedia dataprocessing (life science, entertainment).CONTACTJean-François LEMERREBULL SAS+33 (0)1 30 80 72 66jean-francois.lemerre@bull.netPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, CS, DASSAULT AVIATION,EDFIntermediate size enterprises:ESISMEs:CAPS ENTREPRISE,EURODECISION, MEDIT,RESONATE MP4Research institutes, universities:CEA, ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS,IFP, INRIA,INT-ARTEMIS,UNIVERSITE D'EVRY,UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11,UVSQMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Optimization of co<strong>des</strong> from Dassault, ESI, Eurodecision, EDF; Bull petaflopic architectureand tools; Astek codlet finder by CAPS.◗ Services:VOD transcoding service offer by Resonate MP4; intensive computing services ondemand by Bull; Creation of an Intensive computing Master by UVSQ and ECP; …◗ Publications:About 50 publications, mainly written by the laboratories.◗ Experimentations:Big Video challenge (finding 1video in 100,000 hours in 10 s; realtime video transcoding;crosslanguage research of multimedia content; protein visualisation.◗ Job creation:About 30 jobs created, on which 3: in start-up Infinite Web Media.◗ Business creation:Extrem computing Business unit created by Bull for the HPC market.PROJECT DATACoordinator:BULL SASCall:FUI3Start date:September 2007Duration:23 monthsGlobal budget (M2):13.5Funding (M2):5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CARRIOCAS, EHPOC, IOLS,MEDIATIC, MULTIVAL,MUSCLE, NUMASIS, PARA,ParMA, SAPHIR, TELEDOSSystems Design and Development Tools WG245

Software engineeringPPRPlateforme de Prototypage RapideON GOINGPROJECTThis project aims at providing a complete software/hardware solution for rapidprototyping of large integrated circuits (SoC and ASIC). The provided solution willaccelerate productivity and reduce the time to market of complex circuits development.The main product corresponds to a board <strong>des</strong>ign based on Xilinx FPGAs which can becustomized depending on applications specification. In addition, WASGA suite tools(FLEXRAS Technologies) will be provided for netlists partitioning and routing. ADACSYStools will be used for functional debugging and verification. REFLEX CES will <strong>des</strong>ign amulti-FPGA board as a demonstrator.CONTACTZied MARRAKCHIFLEXRAS TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 49 22 00 23zied.marrakchi@flexras.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThis project proposes:◗ To realize a performant prototyping system based on FPGA. This demonstrator willuse the latest FPGA technology with large logic capacity and high speed communicationfeatures.◗ To develop a complete suite tool to map a <strong>des</strong>ign on multi-FPGA platform. WASGAsuite tool will allow <strong>des</strong>igners to see a multiple FPGA platform as one large FPGA witha standard flow of Synthesis, Place and Route. Partitioning and inter-chip routing willbe automated and transparent for the <strong>des</strong>igners thanks to WASGA. To implement suchfeatures, WASGA will integrate an advanced technology of partitioning that optimizesinter-FPGA communications and improves the performances of the prototyping.◗ To use ADACSYS verification platform. This technology brings crucial flexibility, efficiencyand simplicity to the development and verification cycles so that products reachthe market on time and with high quality standards.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe PPR project started in April 2011. The duration will be two years. The academicpartner LIP6 will recruit a PhD student then we will begin the specification phase.PARTNERSSMEs:ADACSYS, FLEXRASTECHNOLOGIES, REFLEX-CESResearch institutes, universities:LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:FLEXRAS TECHNOLOGIESCall:FEDER3Start date:April 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.7246Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringPlate forme pour la RobotiqueOrganisant les Transferts entreUtilisateurs et ScientifiquesON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of the PROTEUS project is to create a portal and associated tools dedicated tothe French robotic community as embodied by the GDR Robotique and its associatedpartners' club. This will facilitate exchanges (knowledge, algorithms, ...) inside andoutside the community. The software tooling tool is of utmost importance to tackle with'robotic field' concerns and 'software engineering' aspects simultaneously and to allowas easy as possible exchanges.Challenges will be organised in order to validate the portal concept and disseminate itsexistence throughout the community. At the end of the project this portal will becomethe responsibility of the GDR Robotique in order to allow its existence afterthe end ofthe project. Public website: http://www.anr-proteus.frCONTACTBruno PATINDASSAULT AVIATION+33 (0)1 47 11 58 54bruno.patin@dassault-aviation.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSSuch an innovative platform will allow the members of the community to:◗ Identify problems. These problems would be delivered as specifications or simulationsincluding models and eventually real data (could be compared to the Robocup approach);◗ Design solutions to the problems by creating architectures and algorithms with theirown environments and tools;◗ Integrate their solutions into the corresponding simulations, in order to verify the consistencyof the solutions with respect to the problems;◗ Assess the solution into its proper environment starting from the integrated simulation;◗ Publish and Compare solutions through a public area the problems and their solu-tions,storing them in the PROTEUS database;◗ Test solutions on real industrial robots, the interface of those robots being consistentwith the interfaces of the simulated robots as expressed in the validated simulations.STATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMESShared products at the end of the project:◗ Ontologies;◗ Robotic Domain Specific Language;◗ Reference robotic scenario, that willprovide challenges;◗ Set of tools associated;◗ Testing products that could be thebasis of a benchmark culture.These products will be delivered throughthe PROTEUS portal. Status:◗ Ontologies produced;◗ Platform coming out this year;◗ Call for Roboticists open projects;◗ Portal in its second embodiement.PARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT AVIATION, THALESTOSA, THALES TRTIntermediate size enterprises:ECASMEs:GOSTAI, INTEMPORAResearch institutes, universities:CEA, GREYC, INRIA, LASMEA,LIP6, PRISMEPROJECT DATACoordinator:DASSAULT AVIATIONCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEY,VIA-MECACall:ANRStart date:November 2009Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.4Funding (M2):2.1Systems Design and Development Tools WG247

Modelling systems simulationPUMACOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of the Puma project is to break the current wall between the product/process<strong>des</strong>ign (PLM world - Product Lifecycle Management) and the shop floor production(MES world - Manufacturing Execution System).◗ On one hand, the objective is to transfer the know-how accumulated during the<strong>des</strong>ign phases to the production, using the 3D as much as possible.◗ On the other hand and in a symetrical way, the objective is to give a feedback of theaccumulated production and quality knowledge to the <strong>des</strong>ign: for instance, using anas-built view of the final assembly or a report of unexpected events encounteredduring the production.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTIn partnership with Dassault Systemes:◗ Specification of a common model for shop ordersand production data.◗ By integrating production data from the MES in a3D view of the product or sub-product, it is possibleto provide a real-time as-built view of the assemblyor fabrication of a product (installed parts, parts onhold, unavailable parts, etc.).◗ By generating shop order data from the DS ProcessPlanning, it is possible to provide context-dependent3D work instructions in the MES.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Production Unit Live Collaboration (3D as-built view of the product), Digital WorkInstructions Player (3D work instructions in the MES).◗ Experimentations:On-going with several customers.◗ Job creation: 2.◗ Business creation:On-going.CONTACTYann D'ARAMONINTERCIM+33 (0)1 44 76 81 83ydaramon@intercim.comPARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT SYSTEMESSMEs:INTERCIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:INTERCIMCall:OSEOStart date:April 2009Duration:12 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.6Funding (M2):0.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):OLDP248Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationQUICK-GPSGénération automatique etoptimisation du tolérancementfonctionnel <strong>des</strong> mécanismesdans l'usine numériqueON GOINGPROJECTThe problem of functional tolerancing of mechanisms has still not been well resolvedthrough taking into account geometrical part defects in three dimensions. The purpose is toboth optimize part specifications and maximize tolerances in order to reduce the costs ofproducts and <strong>des</strong>ign studies. This project will define or improve tolerancing methods in 3Dby demonstrators and industrial, cases-tests by the ways of:• Translation of the functional needs in ISO & 3D tolerancing,• Generation and solving of tolerance chain equations using the three-dimensional method,• Optimization of tolerances in order to limit manufacturing cost,• Use of statistic tolerancing in a 3D approach,• Management of tolerancing through <strong>des</strong>ign, manufacturing and testing during productslifecycle.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main difficulties encountered focus on six points:◗ The recognition of part shapes for the identification ofsymmetry properties (with independent parameters beingthe offset of each surface compared to the nominal initialsurface);◗ The recognition of entities on parts and the mechanism toimplement tolerancing schemes or rules;◗ The development of a tolerancing process authorized by <strong>des</strong>igners,with three-dimensional transfer (one of the criticalpoints here is the assessment of uncertainties in the contacts between surfaces with defects,especially for the hyperstatic system). The goal is to generate functional specifications in ISO;◗ Generation of equations expressing the value of a tolerance chain result for the worst caseand fora statistical approach;◗ Optimization of nominal dimensions and tolerances: The ultimate goal requires a systemto generate, for example, up to 1,000 equations and 2,000 unknowns fora gearbox (theequations are piecewise linear or quadratic with the statistical approach). The unknownsare the tolerances and specification offsets of each functional area compared to the initialnominal model. In addition to the calculation problem itself, we must detect conflicting requirements,thus making the problem unsolvable for proposing a compromise. This stepmust also provide the <strong>des</strong>igner with a "dashboard" to visualize the result along with themeans to control the distribution of tolerances or negotiate compromises;◗ The diversity of products and production resources, such as generic tolerancing, will undoubtedlynot fulfill all needs. Each user will then be offered the ability to write customtolerancing patterns whose consistency and integration with the rest of the system wouldthen need to be ensured.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESDefining Functional tolerancing and manufacturing tolerancing three-dimensional methods:◗ Development of demonstrators that contains the expertise and are able to test the functionalitiesrequired to support softwares of Computer-aided tolerancing, Optimization oftolerances and Tolerances data management within industrial contexts.◗ Application on case studies in <strong>des</strong>ign with a full application in production and inspection,or with customers to evaluate the relevance and acceptance of this new tolerancing procedureby all stakeholders in the product life cycle.◗ Evaluations of the profitability of these new methodologies through identifying the areas ofuse (benefits derived from<strong>des</strong>ign studies, product quality, product costs and the entiremanufacturing and inspection cycle).CONTACTHacène CHEROUALISNECMA+33 (0)1 60 59 76 37hacene.cherouali@snecma.frPARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT SYSTÈMES, EADSINNOVATION WORKS,RENAULT, SNECMASMEs:AMETRA, SOKARIS INGENIERIE,TROCHETResearch institutes, universities:LURPA ENS CACHAN, UTCPROJECT DATACoordinator:SNECMACo-label:ASTECHCall:FUI7Start date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.3Funding (M2):1.8Systems Design and Development Tools WG249

Modelling systems simulationRADIOLASimulation Numérique dela radiographie industriellepour le contrôle non <strong>des</strong>tructifCOMPLETEDPROJECTNon Destructive Testing (NDT), involved in all sectors having important security issues(power, transports, oil&gaz,…), aims at detecting, localizing and caracterizing potentialflaws in a given structure. Simulation is now commonly used in NDT as it permits toefficiently contribute to the control methods <strong>des</strong>ign & optimization, their analysis, andtheir qualification. Radiographic Testing (RT) is one of the major techniques in NDT.The goal of the RADIOLA project was to federate the 3 french simulation co<strong>des</strong> in RT(from CEA LETI, EDF R&D and INSA) in order to provide a unique software tool, leaderon the market. This module is integrated in the multitechnique platform CIVA(Ultrasounds, Eddy Current, Radiography). This new product benefit from the feedbackof industrial users: SAFRAN and EDF.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART3 main axis of development:◗ A single architecture whatever the source type ( X-ray or Gamma) allowing:• Homogeneisation of possibilities;• Access to all existing detector models;• An easy maintenance for future evolutions.◗ Dramatic improvement of numerical performance:• Selection of the best algorithms from the 3 existing co<strong>des</strong> for radiation computation;• Deletion of redundancies;• Multi-threaded calculation.◗ New features for users:• Improvement of measurementand processing tools;• Integration of a detectabilitycriteria;• Increased user interactivityby giving the possibility to"re-run" fastly some configurationswhen some parameterschanges (exposure time,film,…).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Civa 10.0 - module RT, released on the market in June 2010.◗ Publications:5 Publications in international NDT Conferences: "Simulation studies of radiographicinspections with Civa", J. Tabary, P. Hugonnard, A. Schumm, R. Fernandez,(COFREND 2008 and WCNDT 2008); "A proposed benchmark problem for scatter calculationsin radiographic modelling”, G.-R. Jaenisch, C. Bellon, A. Schumm,J. Tabary and Ph.Duvauchelle (QNDE2008), “Inspection of Complex Geometries usingradiographic simulation in CIVA”, R.Fernandez, A. Schumm (ICNDE 2009), “RadiographicBenchmark Problem 2009 - Scatter Calculations in Modeling”, G.-R.Jaenisch,C. Bellon, A. Schumm, J. Tabary and Ph. Duvauchelle (QNDE 2009).CONTACTVincent LECONTECEDRAT+33 (0)4 76 90 50 45vincent.leconte@cedrat.comPARTNERSLarge companies:EDF, SAFRANSMEs:CEDRATResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INSA LYONPROJECT DATACoordinator:EDFCall:ANRStart date:March 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.5250Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringTaming Hard Reachability ProblemsON GOINGPROJECTThe ReacHard project considers some fundamental algorithmic questions in theautomatic verification of counter systems, a simple class of infinite-state computationalmodels that play a prominent role in many areas of computer science. The mainquestion we tackle is the reachability problem for VASS, or equivalently Petri Nets. Thisproblem is central and its decidability, first proved in '82, has been widely used inseveral fields ranging from automated deduction to communication protocols. However,the reachability problem for VASS has been solved in an incomplete and unsatisfactoryway (no implementation is known).The main objective of ReacHard is to propose a satisfactory solution to the reachabilityproblem for VASS, that provi<strong>des</strong> significant improvements both conceptually andcomputationnally.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ ReacHard's research program is essentially based on three recent breakthroughs thatopen new avenues for the algorithmic verification of counter systems:- A new approach to the reachability problem for Petri nets;- Complexity-theory for well-structured systems;- Extending the scope of Rackoff's EXPSPACE technique.◗ Thanks to the expertise of the different participants, we propose to develop originaltechniques in order to solve the following difficult issues:• To understand the mathematical structure of reachability sets and relations in vectoraddition systems,• To develop new techniques for the computational analysis of reachability problemsthat are verification problems connected in some way to the reachability problem forVASS or their extensions,• To <strong>des</strong>ign algorithms, most probably on the lines of Karp and Miller algorithms,plus relating flattening methods and semilinearity,• To widen the scope of our analysis to models richer than VASS, including modelswith restricted zero-tests or with branching computations.• The participants of the project are currently writing a joint book on counter systems,which will present an up-to-date view of the techniques to solve reachability problemsfor counter systems.CONTACTStéphane DEMRIENS DE CACHAN / LSV+33 (0)1 47 40 75 46demri@lsv.ens-cachan.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:LABRI, LSVPROJECT DATACoordinator:LSV / ENS DE CACHAN / LSVCall:ANRStart date:September 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.3(c) Baarir et al. 2011STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ A. Finkel (LSV) and J. Leroux (LABRI) will chair the program committee of the 6th annualworkshop on Reachability Problems, which takes place on 17--19 September<strong>2012</strong>, Bordeaux, France.◗ An advanced course on Algorithmic Aspects of wqo Theory will be taught at ESSLLI<strong>2012</strong> by S. Schmitz (LSV) and Ph. Schnoebelen (LSV). The course will be part of theLogic and Computation .◗ 6 publications submitted to international journal and conferences since september 2011.Systems Design and Development Tools WG251

Modelling systems simulationSimulation <strong>des</strong> Grands Espaceset <strong>des</strong> Temps longsON GOINGPROJECTThe REALisTIC project objective is to break down the theoretical and technological lockof large scale and long time processes simulations problems. The worldwilde tendencyis to provide industry with hardware platforms hosting new generation simulationsoftware, using the latest generation parallelism algorithms. The REALisTIC projectintends to analyze and propose alternative numerical algorithms capable to reach the« few days » target for simulation time of a classical heating or quenching installation,coupled with the metallurgical evolution of the parts. To obtain such ambitiousobjectives, the work program of the project is divided into 4 main work-packages. Thefocus will be set on self adaptative meshing techniques and anisotropic time stepsapproaches.CONTACTChantal DAVIDSCIENCES COMPUTERSCONSULTANTS+33 (0)4 77 49 75 82chdavid@scconsultants.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe REALisTIC project combines two scientific and two technological objectives in orderto updating, modifying developed solvers to take into account large spaces and longterm simulations :◗ one scientific task concerns a powerfull mesh adaptation technique in order to savemesh size;◗ the second one scientific task deals with the problem of advanced time algorithm;◗ the third subject concerns the availability of scientific results through simulation softwareas a first technical task;◗ the fourth objective has to analyze as a technical point of view the added value of thethird previous results, regarding the industrial objectives.PARTNERSLarge companies:AREVA CREUSOT FORGE,AUBERT ET DUVAL,INDUSTEEL-ARCELOR MITTAL,SNECMASMEs:SCIENCES COMPUTERSCONSULTANTS, TRANSVALORResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES-CEMEFSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The scientific program started with the 2 PhD for the scientific work (WP2).◗ The integration of the developments within the framework of existing software hasbeen prepared and a reference release of the sofwtare has been provided to endusers.◗ The consortium agreement has been signed by the partnership at the end of the firstyear.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SCIENCES COMPUTERSCONSULTANTSCo-label:VIAMECA, PEGASE, PNBCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.7252Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationREaching Petascale for advancedfluid-structure DYNamicsON GOINGPROJECTThe REPDYN project, bringing together CEA, EDF, ONERA, INRIA and LaMCoS fromINSA Lyon, aims at identifying and overcoming all algorithmic locks harming parallelefficiency necessary to high scale computing in the framework of fast transientdynamics involving structures and fluids in interaction. It also considers exploringinnovative solution procedures dedicated to most recent hardware, especially takinginto account multi-core computational no<strong>des</strong> and GPUs into a multi-level parallelapproach. Algorithms and methods will be extensively tested and qualified usingEUROPLEXUS software, dedicated to this kind of analyses.CONTACTVincent FAUCHERCEA+33 (0)1 69 08 40 18vincent.faucher@cea.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSStarting from a classical parallel framework dedicated to distributed memory clusters, scientificinnovations are expected in two main areas: first, reaching high extensibility for largescale parallel simulations involving models of differents kinds, both continuous (Finite Elements,Finite Volumes) or meshfree (SPH particles, discrete elements), with complex kinematiclinks (such as intermittent unilateral contact or fluid-structure links) handled exactlyby means of Lagrange Multipliers, and second, <strong>des</strong>igning a multi-level parallel frameworkable to benefit from most recent hardware composed of interconnected no<strong>des</strong>, each representinga multi-core SMP architecture to which can be agregated one or several GPU(s) tospeed-up local solution. In the former area, finding a robust and efficient strategy to identifycoupled kinematic links, which may involve several distributed processes, and a solutionprocedure to compute LagrangeMultipliers that preserves globalextensibility, is difficult and mandatory.In the latter area, the researchfields mainly correspond to theneed for specific local parallel algorithmsadapted to each kind ofmodels potentially interacting in asimulation and for advanced loadbalancingstrategies, possibly dynamic,at both local and globallevel.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESProject started on December 1, 2009 and kick-off technical meeting occured on February 3,2010. First parallel performance evaluation tasks have been launched to clearly locatealgorithmic locks using existing MPI approach, and a research program oriented to hybridparallelism (distributed no<strong>des</strong>/local multiple cores/GPU) is being defined.PARTNERSLarge companies:EDFResearch institutes, universities:CEA, ONERA, INRIA, LAMCOS(UMR CNRS-INSA LYON),LAMSID (UMR CEA-EDF-CNRS)PROJECT DATACoordinator:CEACall:ANRStart date:December 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.6Systems Design and Development Tools WG253

Software engineeringREVERProgramming reversible recoverable systemsON GOINGPROJECTThe REVER project aims to develop semantically well-founded and composableabstractions for dependable distributed computing on the basis of a reversibleprogramming model, where reversibility means the ability to undo any program executionand to revert it to a state consistent with the past execution. The critical assumptionbehind REVER is that by combining reversibility with notions of compensation andmodularity, one can develop systematic and composable abstractions for dependableprogramming.The REVER workprogramme is articulated around three major objectives:◗ To investigate the semantics of reversible concurrent processes.◗ To study the combination of reversibility with notions of compensation, isolation andmodularity in a concurrent and distributed setting.◗ To investigate how to support these features in a practi.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSScientific advances from REVER should include:◗ New models for causality in distributed systems, providing the foundations for acausal semantics of reversible systems.◗ New topological and categorical models for the semantics of reversible systems andlanguages.◗ A new REVER process calculus featuring controlled reversibility, compensation forirreversible actions, and distributed localities.◗ A comprehensive behavioral theory for the REVER calculus, including proof techniquesto reason about reversible distributed systems in presence of failures.◗ A new theory of behavioral contracts for reversible and recoverable components.Technological advances from REVER should include:◗ The definition of new programming language primitives for the construction of recoverableand dependable systems;◗ Their integration in a practical (object-oriented, functional) programming language(the REVER language).◗ The formal specification, proof of correctness and prototype implementation of anabstract machine for the REVER programming language.◗ A discrete-event simulator for distributed reversible systems to aid in the specificationof recoverable distributed systems using the REVER calculus.◗ A formal analysis of version control software using the semantical models developedby REVER.CONTACTJean-Bernard STEFANIINRIA GRENOBLE-RHONE-ALPES+33 (0)4 76 61 52 57jean-bernard.stefani@inria.frPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:CEA (LIST/MEASI TEAM),CNRS-PARIS 7 (PPSLABORATORY), INRIA (FOCUSAND SARDES TEAMS)PROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIAGRENOBLE-RHONE-ALPESCo-label:minalogicCall:ANRStart date:December 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.2Funding (M2):0.6STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe REVER project has started on Dec. 1, 2011.254Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringDesign of a Defect Tolerant FPGAON GOINGPROJECTSRAM based FPGA circuits are becoming increasingly popular because theirperformance and ability to integrate very complex applications have directly benefitedfrom CMOS technology scaling down. A key issue with deep submicron CMOS is thesignificant reduction of the manufacturing yield that makes production of newgeneration chips more and more expensive.Robust FPGA main objective is to provide architecture and software level solutions tomake the SRAM based FPGA tolerant to manufacturing defects.CONTACTLirida NAVINERTELECOM PARISTECH+33 (0)1 45 81 76 61lirida.naviner@telecom-paristech.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSRobust FPGA intends to deal with defecttolerance problem in a holistic way and sopropose solutions including different aspects:◗ Analysis and improvement of robustnessof the basic blocks◗ Development of diagnostic/test methodsfor generating a map of defective/functionalresources◗ Development of synthesis tool for FPGAdefect tolerance◗ Development of tools for configuring adefect tolerant FPGASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESRobust FPGA is in its initial phase (T0+3). At the end of the project, the expected resultsare:◗ Complete solution for defect tolerant FPGA.◗ Robust basic blocks, enriched with mechanisms to detect and bypass defects.◗ Defect aware synthesis and configuration tools.PARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, TELECOM PARISTECH,TIMAPROJECT DATACoordinator:TELECOM PARISTECHCo-label:MINALOGICCall:ANR/INS 2011Start date:October 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.6Systems Design and Development Tools WG255

Modelling systems simulationROMMARObust Mechanical Models for AssembliesON GOINGPROJECTThe structural simulation of assemblies is initiating a new range of simulation modelsforming the future of industrial needs as identified by aerospace and aircraft companies.These new generations of simulation will help to improve robustness of <strong>des</strong>ign processby allowing more detailed and representative models needed to estimate more accurate<strong>des</strong>ign margins.ROMMA project will contribute to develop tools, processes and mechanical behaviormodels in order to speed up, automate and make robust the simulation phase of boltedjoints assembly. The ROMMA consortium aims at fully mastering each simulation stepof large structural assemblies: CAD model pre-processing, 3D idealization and meshing,accurate behavioral modeling, simulation error estimation and physical validation.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe proposed approach consists in processing 3D digital mock-up of assemblies in asystematic manner to work out FE simulation models incorporating structural components(beams, plates, shells) connected together through dedicated connectors expressingjoint behaviors. Starting from an enriched assembly CAD model withtechnological and mechanical information capitalized, significant improvements areexpected regarding to the:◗ Product development cycle: thanks to a reduced FE simulation time cycle and liveCAD model consistency with FE simulation models.◗ Margins monitoring: thanks to systematic procedures for extracting all relevant inputparameters & monitoring simulation through error estimator and physical validation.◗ Certification costs: thanks to robust FE simulations easily set upCONTACTStéphane GUINARDEADS+33 (0)5 61 16 88 51stephane.guinard@eads.netPARTNERSLarge companies:EADSSMEs:SAMTECH FRANCE, ANTECIM,DISTENEResearch institutes, universities:G-SCOP, LJK, LMT CACHANPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.6Funding (M2):1STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESDuring 2010-2011 first half-period, significant steps have been accomplished:◗ Extraction/formalization of Functional Definition: A new ontology based approach has beendeveloped, based on Functional Interfaces, linking CAD together with functional informationrelated to the assembly, fitting to engineers practices examined in ROMMA.◗ A preliminary exercise has been performed, demonstrating an automated CAD to FEMderivation with all relevant data incorporated to FEM, allowing for a dedicated solving procedurethrough global/local iterative computations.◗ <strong>2012</strong> EVENTS:Congrès NAFEMS France <strong>2012</strong>, «Simulation numérique: moteur de performance», Paris,6-7 juin <strong>2012</strong>.256Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringRetro-ingénierie de Tracesd'analyse de SIMulation etd'EXécution de systèmestemps-réelON GOINGPROJECTRT-Simex addresses the general challenge of improving methods and tools for the<strong>des</strong>ign of embedded software. Its goal is the development of techniques to relatedifferent predictions and observations of real-time software behaviour.Expected behaviours and timing constraints will be formalized in a <strong>des</strong>ign model withthe standard UML/MARTE.Observations (simulation and execution) will be recorded by « execution traces », providedby several execution environments: Real-time Java, LinuxRT, general purpose processor.Interpretation of data will be done by an analysis of static information (model based<strong>des</strong>ign, reverse-engineered code) and by graphic representations in order to helptesting, validation, or debug activities.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Real time <strong>des</strong>ign by extending existingmodelers (Papyrus and Obeo Designer)for UML <strong>des</strong>ign and Marte timinganalysis.◗ Provide an unify trace format and extendingreal-time platforms.◗ Eclipse analysis platform for dynamic,static and <strong>des</strong>ign feedbacks.STATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMES◗ Step 1: Choice a Marte methodologyfor <strong>des</strong>ign and analysis, definition of anunify trace format.◗ Step 2: Improve tooling for observabilityof execution platform by customizecode generators, create architecture configurators or improve real time engines.◗ Step 3: improve reverse engineering tooling to support runtime traces, static codeanalysing and create debugging graphical view points complient with Marte <strong>des</strong>igners.◗ The RT-Simex platform now allows to graphically specify timing constraints on activitydiagrams and sequence diagrams, and to view the flow execution of any realtime program,whatever the used runtime.◗ By creating a bridge between the trace format, Timesquare and Obeo Designer, wewill allow a step-by-step debugging and a timing violation analysis direclty at the <strong>des</strong>ignmodel.CONTACTEtienne JULIOTOBEO+33 (0)2 51 13 55 94etienne.juliot@obeo.frPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES (TRT)SMEs:ATEGO, OBEOResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, INRIA, LISYC / UBOPROJECT DATACoordinator:OBEOCall:ANRStart date:September 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.1Funding (M2):1Systems Design and Development Tools WG257

Software engineeringSALTYSelf-Adaptive very LargedisTributed sYstemsON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of the SALTY project is the provision of an autonomic computingframework for large-scale service-oriented infrastructures. The project will result in acoherent integration of models, tools and runtime systems to provide an end-to-endsupport to the development of autonomic SOA applications in a model-driven way. Thisinclu<strong>des</strong> never-covered aspects such as the monitoring requirements, the decisionmaking model, and an adaptation model tackling large-scale underlying managedcomponents. Use cases covering a wide application domain are used for validating theapproach and tooling: geo-tracking of very large truck fleets, regulation of GRIDinfrastructures and CBRN crisis management system with workflow reconfigurations.CONTACTPhilippe COLLETUNIVERSITÉ DE NICE - SOPHIAANTIPOLIS+33 (0)4 92 96 51 08Philippe.Collet@unice.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe SALTY project addresses a set of coherent scientific challenges:◗ Applying autonomic computing principles to distributed SOA applications.◗ Making explicit the controlled system integrity constraints to dynamically assess thecorrectness of its operation.◗ Using and end-to-end modeldriven engineering approach, to integrate in the softwareengineering process the full modelling of feedback control loops.◗ Addressing current issues in the monitoring process, such as its quality of service, thequality and usability of data acquired, and the dynamic adaptation to the clients constraintson data.◗ Putting forward the use of models at run-time to enable the kind of high-level reasoningneeded to cope with unanticipated adaptation situations.◗ Tackling the distributed nature of the controlled system in the whole cycle of the controlloops (delays, data integration, coordination of adaptations...).◗ Addressing the large-scale nature of the controlled systems.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:THALESSMEs:DEVERYWARE, MAAT-G,PETALS LINKResearch institutes, universities:INRIA LILLE NORD EUROPE,UNIVERSITÉ DE NICE - SOPHIAANTIPOLIS, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8,UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE & MARIECURIEPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ DE NICE - SOPHIAANTIPOLISCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:November 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.2Starting from the analysis and definition of representative scenarios from the validationuse cases, first software models and architectures have been <strong>des</strong>igned, experimented,incrementally refined and extended. This has led to the final definition of the SALTYframework model at the beginning of <strong>2012</strong>. Integration work on the different parts of theframework implementation is ongoing, as well as large scale experimentations.258Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationOpen Standards for ComputingOriented SystemsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe OSCOS starting point is simple and it answers to a real problematic. One have tohelp scientific communities to make a breakthrough in multi-physics, multi-scales etmulti-domains. One have to create the scientist group dynamics, which don't existing.This can be possible by making communicate the different communities one with eachother. By setting up standards, labels and industrialization tools, The OSCOS projectcontributes to the answer through a non-intrusive approach.In order to be as effective as possible, the OSCOS approach has been shared by its4 WorkGroups:◗ System Interoperability◗ Applicative Interoperability◗ Industrialization Tools◗ Community Building.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Into the Industrialization Tools WorkGroup, the OSCOS-V3D part built the landmarkof its future project of scientific remote collaborative visualization: Collaviz. Basedon the ShareX3D standard, numerous components have been developped during the24 months of the project. More info about collaviz, its inputs and outputs are availablehere: www.collaviz.org.◗ Services:OSCOS has delivered its Specifications ofInteroperability as a frame of the OSCOSlabelling process. There are 3 labelinglevels: Gold, Silver and OSCOS Compliant.The OSCOS Labels are partly basedon the LSB and they respect the non intrusiveapproach choosen by the project.Giving a way shared by much of the scientificapplications, OSCOS enhances theproductivity and their ability to communicateone with each other. Labelingprocess is a long term approach. In orderto make it spread, OSCOS will first focuson its "Compliant Label". More info onthe OSCOS Labeling Process availablehere: www.oscos.org.◗ Publications:• ShareX3D, a scientific collaborative 3D viewer over HTTP. Web3D 2008: 13th InternationalSymposium on 3D Web Technology, August 9-10, Los Angeles, California,USA, New York, NY: ACM, 2008, pp. 35-41.• Collaborative exploration of 3D scientific data, VRST 2008,27-29 octobre 2008, Bordeaux.• Strategic & Economic Study of Scientific Computing Software, paper submitted onsummer 2008 and accepted as official paper at World Comp 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada.CONTACTAlban SCHMUTZOXALYA+33 (0)8 20 48 44 40alban.schmutz@oxalya.comwww.oscos.orgPARTNERSLarge companies:BULL, CS, EDFSMEs:ARTENUM, GROOVIZ,MANDRIVA, OXALYA, TERATECResearch institutes, universities:CEA, DIGITEO SCILAB,ECP, ENS CACHAN, IFP,INSTITUT TELECOM, LIRIS,UMR 5205 CNRSPROJECT DATACoordinator:OXALYACall:ANR2006Start date:December 2006Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):COLLAVIZ, CSDL, IOLS, LaBS,OPEN HPCSystems Design and Development Tools WG259

Modelling systems simulationSHANShape Modeling New theories and AlgorithmsON GOINGPROJECTNURBS surfaces (Non Uniform Rational B Splines) are usually adopted in Design andEngineering. With these surfaces geometric models are easily created with control pointsor weights, but there are many computational problems with NURBS, because they do nothave a mathematical close form. We study new research avenues in mathematicalrepresentation of curves and surfaces in order to solve some fundamental problems suchas projecting points and curves on surfaces, fitting, skinning and stitching. Moreover, weconstruct a new system of continuity theories and propose a new way to computenumerical simulations on these surfaces directly. All the novel approaches will be testedon Engineering applications and compared with classical methods.CONTACTJean-Claude PAULINRIA+33 (0)1 39 63 53 22paul@tsinghua.edu.cnTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Design: Improving the precision of NURBS based geometric models with new optimizationtechniques and a new system of continuity theories.◗ Engineering: Computing numerical simulations on NURBS surfaces directly.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The Project began on December, 2009. It is a join Project between INRIA and TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing, China.◗ The goal of the Project is to propose new research avenues. However, accuracy/convergenceanalysis are tested on applications with industrial partners.◗ The Project duration is 36 months.PARTNERSLarge companies:CHIDI (CHINA),DASSAULT AVIATION, EADSSMEs:DISTENE,SPRING TECHNOLOGIES,Research institutes, universities:INRIA, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY(CHINA)PROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIACall:ANRStart date:December 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):CSDL260Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulationHigh Performance Simulationof CO2 Geological StorageCOMPLETEDPROJECTCO2 Geological storage is among the solutions widely studied to reduce greenhousegas emissions and hence represents a major environmental issue.The objective of the SHPCO2 project is to solve the difficulties arising in CO2 Geological Storagemodeling by studying advanced algorithms and validating them on a real study test case.In order to solve these difficulties we have proposed three ways of research : domaindecomposition methods in space and time in order to solve efficiently the various timescales, preconditioned Newton Krylov algorithms for the solution of the large nonlinearreactive transport systems, and controlled mesh dynamic partitioning to obtain goodperformances in parallel.CONTACTAnthony MICHELIFP ENERGIES NOUVELLES+33 (0)1 47 52 60 32anthony.michel@ifpen.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTWe have build an efficient parallel CO2 storage simulator adapted to super-computerslike JADE cluster at CINES.We have simulated CO2 injection in a large scale 3D geological model with 3.5 millioncells on 1024 processors.We have developped a new version of the open-source geochemical software Arxim.The partners have <strong>des</strong>igned a common reactive transport benchmark for CO2 geologicalstorage that may contribute to the definition of new standards in this field.Thanks to the support of « Pôle <strong>Systematic</strong> IDF », we have organized in 2010, a successfulinternational workshop on high performance computing for CO2 geological storage.PARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:BRGM (EPIC), ENSMSE,IFP ENERGIES NOUVELLES,INRIA, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 13PROJECT DATACoordinator:IFP ENERGIES NOUVELLESCall:ANRStart date:2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.5MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• L. Amir, M. Kern and A. Taakili (2010), Linear and nonlinear preconditioning for reactivetransport, Computer Methods in Water Resources, Barcelone, juin 2010.• F. Caetano, M. Gander, L. Halpern and J. Szeftel (2010), Schwarz waveform relaxationalgorithms for semilinear reaction-diffusion. Netw. Heterog. Media Vol 5, n°3,pp 487-505, 2010.• F.Haeberlein, L.Halpern and A.Michel, Schwarz Waveform Relaxation and KrylovAccelerators for Nonlinear Reactive Transport. 20th International Conference onDomain Decomposition Methods, San Diego, USA. 2011.• P. Audigane, A.Michel, L.Trenty, H.Yamamoto, S.Gabalda, A.Anciaux Sedrakian andC. Chiaberge (2011), CO2 injection modeling in large scale heterogeneous aquifers,presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. 2011.• A.Michel, B.Gueslin, F.Wertz, C.Kada-Kloucha, M.Kern, F.Haeberlein, L.Trenty,L.Halpern, J.Moutte, J.M.Gratien and P.Audigane, SHPCO2 Reactive TransportBenchmark. Partners contributions and results. To be submitted.Systems Design and Development Tools WG261

Modelling systems simulationSICODYNpour <strong>des</strong> SImulations crédibles viala COrrelation calcul-essai et l'estimationd'incertitu<strong>des</strong> en DYNamique <strong>des</strong> structuresON GOINGPROJECTQuantification and improvement of the credibility of numerical models in structure dynamicsthanks numerical-experimental correlation and estimation of uncertainties:demonstration on an industrial structure in complex environment◗ Application fields: electricity production, petrol exploitation, transport and aeonauticindustries◗ Scientific structuration:• Observation of the experimental variability (related to specimen, measurementmeans, treatment of measured data) thanks to an experimental benchmark• Observation of the total numerical variability thanks to a numerical benchmark• Numerical characterisation of model form uncertainties and parametricaluncertainties• Confrontation of observed and calculated variabilities and elaboration of a data baseof methods to a priori estimate the uncertainties function of the problem typeTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Organisation of an experimental benchmarkin situ, with independent teams,in view of observing the variabilityof modal properties and dynamicresponses◗ Organisation of a numerical benchmarkin condition of a study performedby a society, in view of observing thetotal numerical variabilty of a dynamicsimulation◗ Application of methods tested on academicstructures to complex industriallarge number of degree offreedom structures◗ Improvement of the modelisation atmacro level of bolted structure assemblies◗ Taking into account the environment, represented by complex boundary conditions◗ Model improvement by adaptation and comparison of numerical-experimental correlationmethods◗ Numerical estimation of the model form uncertainty, and not only the parametricaluncertainty◗ Improvement of the model robustness relative to uncertainties◗ Confrontation of observed and calculated variabilities and recommandation for theuse of numerical methods to a priori estimate the result confidence◗ Establishment of empirical laws to a priori estimate the credibility related to a givendynamic simulationSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESNot yet begun.CONTACTSylvie AUDEBERTEDF+33 (0)1 47 65 34 75sicodyn@edf.frPARTNERSLarge companies:EADS-ASTRIUM, EDF, NECS,SULZER POMPES FRANCEIntermediate size enterprises:LMS-SAMTECHSMEs:PHIMECA ENGINEERING,SOPEMEA, VIBRATECResearch institutes, universities:CETIM, ENS CACHAN,INSA LYON, UNIVERSITÉDE FRANCHE COMTÉ,UNIVERSITÉ DE PARIS-ESTMARNE-LA-VALLÉEPROJECT DATACoordinator:EDFCo-label:PNBCall:FUI 12Start date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.5Funding (M2):1.7Related Sytematic project(s):CSDL, EHPOC, ROMMA262Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringSIMILANSIMulation & Implementationhigh performance fittedto digitaL signAl processiNgON GOINGPROJECTProcessors technologies have progressed for few years and the main evolution to usethe maximum of transistors is to juxtapose calculation units. Thus, the simple-coreprocessor is now replaced with many-core processors. However, to take advantage ofthe powerful calculator, the algorithms have to be developed in parallel form. Indeed,only parallelization experts are able to use parallel machines and the technical expertson signal processing subjects cannot use parallelization easily.Two main objectives are:◗ To make access to parallel technologies easier for signal processing experts (nonspecialistsof parallel technologies).◗ To optimize parallelization tools thanks to the knowledge of needs and constraintslinked to digital signal processing.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ This tool will use a highlevel<strong>des</strong>cription, multilanguageslibraries anda material architecture<strong>des</strong>cription.◗ The main technologicaland scientific innovationsadressed by SIMILAN are:• Using Scilab scientificcomputation abilities inJava programming toadd specific instructionin the java virtual machineable to process.These instructions will allow to run Scilab software on this java virtual machine.• Making access to parallel technologies easier for signal processing experts (nonspecialistsof parallel technologies). The approach is to set up rules or tools, likespecific graphical operator or information, which will help the developers to writea software code optimised for parallel tools and targets.• Automatic management of data sharing to optimize the parallelization. Severalmethods will be studied like the advanced pavement analysis techniques or softwarepipeline.• Furthermore, using Scilab in ASTRAD platform instead of Matlab scientific com-putationsoftware is also a real economical interest.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ SIMILAN’s aim is to share a tool with a signal processing community to optimize it andimprove it considering mutual constraints. This tool will be validated for several domains:radar applications, telecommunications, image processing and electro-magnetic testsdata processing.◗ SIMILAN will make the way from new algorithms to real-time implementation easier andwill let a software environment enable to manage signal processing from the simulationto computer code generation.CONTACTMarie-Anais MARSALYTHALES AIR SYSTEMS+33 (0)1 64 91 73 77marie-anais.marsaly@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT AVIATION, THALESAIR SYSTEMS, THALESRESEARCH & TECHNOLOGYSMEs:DXO, HPC PROJECT, IS2T,KALRAY, SCILAB ENTREPRISESResearch institutes, universities:ONERA, SUPELEC, UNIVERSITEPARIS DESCARTESPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES AIR SYSTEMSCall:FUI10Start date:June 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.2Funding (M2):1.9Related Sytematic project(s):OPENHPC, TER@OPS,OPENGPU, CHAPISystems Design and Development Tools WG263

Modelling systems simulationSISTAESimulation and Statistiquesfor Non-Destructive EvaluationCOMPLETEDPROJECTInspection reliability is one of the key issues in ensuring safety of critical structuralcomponents.Strong efforts have been conducted in order to determine the reliability of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) methods that are <strong>des</strong>igned to detect flaws in suchcomponents.The SISTAE project addresses inspection evaluation using probabilistic criteria in fieldssuch as aeronautics, the maritime sector and the nuclear power industry.This project aims at reducing the time and cost of the analyses that are required todetermine quantities such as POD (Probability of Detection) curves.A method based on existing NDE simulation tools is developed in order to replace someof the experimental data used in statistical studies with simulation results.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTDevelopment of a POD module implemented in the software CIVA which groups togetherthe basic tools required to determine POD curves from NDT simulation results. Applicationcases representative of the industrial needs were selected and the correspondingexperimental data were gathered. These data allowed us to validate the numericalapproach for an eddy current case.CONTACTFrédéric JENSONCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 59 22frederic.jenson@cea.comPARTNERSLarge companies:BUREAU VERITAS, EADS-IW,EDF R&DSMEs:CEDRATResearch institutes, universities:CEA-LIST, CMAP (ECOLEPOLYTECHNIQUE),LCND (UNIVERSITE DELA MEDITERRANEE)MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCall:ANRStart date:March 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.6◗ Products:1 software module proposed in CIVA release 10.◗ Publications:9 publications in international conferences. More specifically, the POD module waspresented during the 4th European-American Workshop on Reliability of NDE,(Berlin, 2009) and the ICNDE (Yokohama, 2009), ASME (Prague, 2009) and QNDE(Rho<strong>des</strong> Island, 2009) conferences. Proceedings were also published during theseconferences.264Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringSoCLibCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe SoCLib project addresses a particular class of embedded systems: the multiprocessorssystem-on-chips (MP-SoC), which are now used in a great majority of industrial domainssuch as telecom, video and multimedia, automotive, transportation and others. SoCLibenables the development of virtual prototyping platforms and facilitates architectureexploration of embedded applications by offering a complete toolchain composed of:◗ An Open Source library composed of simulation models for hardware components(IP cores) and embedded operating systems.◗ Software tools to <strong>des</strong>ign embedded applications: simulation accelerator, configurationand debugging, automatic generation of simulation models.◗ Virtual prototyping makes available SoC technology (on ASIC or FPGA) to several kindsof users, such as OEM, Innovative PME, laboratories, and others.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTAfter three years of developments, the SoCLib project has produced more than a hundredof components integrated in an Open Source Library: processors (Mips, PPC, Arm,etc), memory controllers, DSP, interconnects, peripherals, operating systems, andothers. The SoCLib website contains all information relative to virtual prototyping and thecommunity of users is growing. Moreover,SoCLib partners have proposed a new modelingstandard called TLM-DT that shouldfavour the parallelization of the SystemC simulatorand therefore increase simulationperfor-mances. This performance increaseshould play a key role for adoption of virtualprototy-ping techniques by industrials.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Services:• The SoCLib library is Open Source and can therefore be used by any developer. Therange of services proposed by the library covers different domains from applicationdevelopment to architecture exploration and customization. A large range of toolshave also been developed in the scope of the project. They assist the user in thedevelopment of the virtual platform and provide debugging and analysis facilities.• The library can also be used by EDA vendors to complete their offer and proposenew services to their customers. Magillem Design Services and Silicomp have proposeda brief market overview and established a potential exploitation strategy.◗ Publications:SoCLib partners have directly participated to 10 publications and 14 communicationactions. A live cd integrating a pre-installed version of the library and tools has beendeveloped and proposed to participants of the DATE conference in 2009 and 2010.Moreover, two tutorials have been accepted to the NoC Symposium (May) and DACconference (June).◗ Experimentations:Industrial partners have proposed three use cases that validate the efficiency of thelibrary: an audio decoder, a video decoder and a modem. The audio decoder validatesthe reliability of the proposed methods and tools by checking the validity of generatedbits at the output of the application. The video decoder, was used to evaluate theperformances of TLM-DT components and the modem validates interoperability ofcomponents.CONTACTFabien COLAS-BIGEYTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 33 04fabien.colas-bigey@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGE,STMICROELECTRONICS,THALES COMMUNICATIONS,THOMSON R&DSMEs:MAGILLEM DESIGN SERVICES,TURBOCONCEPTResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, CEA LIST, CITI,INP TIMAINRIA RENNES,INPG GIPSA/LAB,INRIA SACLAY,TELECOM PARISTECH,UBS LLABSTICC, UPMC LIP6,UPMC LISIFPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCo-label:IMAGES ET RESEAUX,MINALOGICCall:ANRStart date:December 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.3Funding (M2):2.5Systems Design and Development Tools WG265

Modelling systems simulationCOMPLETEDPROJECTStimulee is an online tool for cognitive stimulation intended to improve the wellbeingand the communication capacities of elderly but also people with Alzheimer disease.Connected to the memOree.fr website, Stimulee uses already stored memory contentsto propose tools for three kinds of end-users: elderly, families and caregivers.Based on their expertise in cognitive stimulation, <strong>des</strong>ign and ergonomics of the services,the partners carried out with the end users the tool features specification and thescenarii for use.Stimulee inclu<strong>des</strong> three modules for managing, editing and viewing cognitive stimulationworkshops. The facial recognition module is available for digital content organization.The tool also benefits from the use of nosql-type based multimedia storage.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ With regards to cognitiveworkshops, caregivers haveaccess to more personnaland public content in a morecollaborative manner, whichhelps adapting workshops tothe audience.◗ With regards to digital memoryorganisation, processesleveraging face recognitionhave been <strong>des</strong>igned. This faciliatesthe automated annotationof visual content atdifferent ages.◗ With regards to scalability,the processes in place havebeen implemented so as torun on a fully distributed environment so as to offer the service via a centralized platform.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:Klinger E, Martinet E and Perret D.Towards a Web 2.0 based software for the <strong>des</strong>ignand the animation of cognitive stimulation workshops. Proceedings of CybertherapyConference, June 2011, Gatineau Québec.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Stimulee will produce a new type of service for elderly and especially for institutionsin terms of cognitive workshops. In addition to the "stimulee software", several serviceswill be developped to produce contents, to outsource cognitive workshop animationor driving, and it will help the deployment of multimedia interfaces ininstitutions for elderly. The market concerns all institutions for elderly worlwide. Anindividual version for all elderly will be created later.The integration of face recognition to the XediX massive video datastore is an opportunityfor new services on the long run either in video surveillance or internet andmobile application.◗ Job creation:4 persons during the project.CONTACTSamuel VINSONSAFRAN MORPHO+33 (0)1 58 11 34 71samuel.vinson@morpho.comPARTNERSLarge companies:SAFRAN MORPHOSMEs:ERGONOMICA, SOVAME, XEDIXResearch institutes, universities:ARTSPROJECT DATACoordinator:SAFRAN MORPHOCo-label:CAP DIGITAL, IMAGE ETRESEAUXCall:WEB 2.0Start date:December 2009Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.9Funding (M2):0.4266Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Modelling systems simulatioSTRUCTURALStructural and ComputationalProof TheoryON GOINGPROJECTThis project is about bringing together different aspects and developments in structuralproof theory, namely deep inference, the correspondence between proofs and programs,term rewriting, and Hilbert’s ε-calculus.The aim is to develop fundamental tools and techniques of structural proof theory withapplications in computer science. In particular, for the purposes of models ofcomputation and the extraction of programs and effective bounds from proofs.CONTACTMichel PARIGOTUNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROT+33 (0)1 57 27 92 51parigot@pps.univ-paris-diderot.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Foundational Issues in Deep Inference: Find an appropriate notionof proof nets for classical deep inference proofs together with acombinatorial correctness criterion.◗ Computational Interpretations of Deep Inference: Improve on thelambda calculus by studying it from the point of view of deep inference,rather than natural deduction.◗ General Analytic Calculi in Deep Inference: A method for generatinganalytic calculi for non-classical logics.◗ Deep Inference as Term Rewriting: use combinatorial techniquesfrom term rewriting to automate semantic techniques typicallyused in deep inference.◗ Deep Inference in Modal Logic: A systematic way of translatingmodal axioms into analytic calculi.◗ Proof Compression via Cut-introduction: A systematic way of compressing proofs byintroducing cuts to factor out repeated parts of a proof.◗ Herbrandt-disjunctions and Computational Interpretations of Proofs: ComputeHerbandt-disjunctions of proofs based on Gödel's Dialectica interpertation.◗ Gödel's Dialectica Interpretation versus Cut Elimination: Extract bounds from proofsusing cut elimination, similarly to how the Dialectica interpertation is used in proofmining.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ A notion of proof nets for classical logic and applications to proof normalisation◗ An atomic version of the lambda-calculus with bounded cost rewrite steps◗ Nested proof systems implementing simple analytic calculi for intuitionistic modallogic and the calculus of explicit substitutions◗ A proof-of-concept compression method based on cut-introduction◗ A result showing how polarization and focusing can be applied to deep inference◗ A semantics of linear logic proof nets without units◗ Investigations into order-theoretic characterisations of primitive recursive functions◗ Research on computation with bounded resource, in particular on complexity preservingprogram transformation.PARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:INNSBRUCK UNIVERSITY,INRIA LIX, TECHNICALUNIVERSITY OF VIENNA,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DIDEROTCall:ANRStart date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.4Systems Design and Development Tools WG267

Modelling systems simulatioSTURM4Simulation de la Turbulence à haut Reynoldspar Multi-Maillages et Multi-Métho<strong>des</strong>COMPLETEDPROJECTFor industrial applications such as thermal stripping, aeroacoustics and turbulent flowinduced vibrations, a refined spectral representation of the flow is required. LES provi<strong>des</strong>detailed predictions of turbulent phenomena and High Performance Computing makesthis approach feasible at least for intermediate Reynolds numbers. Coupled co<strong>des</strong>imulations on multiple overlapping grids can also lead to a technological breakthrough.This project aims at exploiting these multi-mesh and multi-model developments, firstin an unstructured finite volume CFD code for refined predictions of near wall turbulentflows, and also in a high-order finite difference aeroacoustics code for direct acousticsimulation. The methods will be extended to fluid structure coupling thanks to movingoverset grids.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Evaluation of structured and unstructured grids for the accuracy of LES results near walls.◗ Application of HPC for the creation of a date base of LES results for cylinders in cross-flow.◗ Creation of an original experimental data base for the validation of LES and aeroacousticssimulations: example of the Valeo airfoil.◗ Application of HPC and overset grid technique for first direct noise computation onconfigurations of industrial interest.CONTACTPhilippe LAFONEDF+33 (0)1 47 65 37 08philippe.lafon@edf.frPARTNERSLarge companies:EDF, VALEOResearch institutes, universities:CNRS/LAMSID, UPMCPROJECT DATACoordinator:EDFCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.7MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:One PhD thesis, four post-docs, six reports, seven communications, four submittedpapers, a web site: http://cfd.mace.manchester.ac.uk/Main/Sturm4Project, two invitedpartners: University of Manchester and Ecole Centrale Lyon.268Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringSyGeO, l'usine à ERP 2.0 -Système de Gestion OuvertCOMPLETEDPROJECTSyGeO is a flexible and open platform that can adapt to the specific needs of customers.Based upon OPA, the state-of-the-art programming language developed andcommercialized by MLstate, SyGeO will make available to business applications thesecurity and safety guarantees provided by MLstate’s solution.SyGeO produces standalone web-apps which include the web site of an organizationand business « 2.0 » applications where both internal and external stakeholders cancollaborate, produce and exchange.Technically, SyGeO uses a compiler that generates OPA code from high-level businessorientedspecifications. Together with SyGeO specific libraries this code is thencompiled to generate a full web application.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Innovative aspects of SyGeO are manifold. On the technological side, SyGeO aims tobuild business applications and libraries on the top of the existing state-of-the-artprogramming language OPA created by MLstate. This new specification languageaims to enable fast and secure development of business applications that implementnot only classical functions such as business workflows, but also incorporate novelfeatures from the Web 2.0, such as a social network with blogs and Wikis.◗ The combination of entrepriseapplications and the Web 2.0paradigm raises many questionsrelated to human and socialsciences. Whereas thebenefits of the Web 2.0 are wellknown in terms of communicationspeed.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:« La longue route vers l'ERP 2.0 », B. Grabot, A. Mayère, R. Houe, F. Hémont◗ Patents:• "Trip Planning"• PCT/IB2011/0555415 since decembre 2011 -- initial filed 19 Janvier 2011◗ Products:• demo product Jetleague / Triptizer• product Opa Poker• demo product iServer SaaS• opensource project Opalang.org◗ Job creation: 3◗ Maintened job: 1◗ Business creation: opensource project Opalang.orgCONTACTMathieu BAUDETMLSTATE+33 (0)1 83 64 44 66mathieu.baudet@mlstate.comPARTNERSSMEs:MLSTATE, SCAN & TARGETResearch institutes, universities:CERTOP, ENIT, HECPROJECT DATACoordinator:MLSTATECall:WEB 2.0Start date:November 2010Duration:21 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.5Funding (M2):0.7Systems Design and Development Tools WG269

Modelling systems simulationSystem for the simulation and optimisationof the request for tasks aimingat satisfying user's readiness needsCOMPLETEDPROJECTSYS-MCO stands for SYStem for MCO, where MCO is a french acronym for "Maintien enConditions Opérationnelles" which encompasses all necessary actions aimed atsatisfying users' needs for the readiness of their systems.The project gathers one majorcorporation (GIMA), three SME's (Spring Technologies, Elapse and Kayentis) and twoacademic partners (CEA-LIST and Paris 8 University/MGSI Laboratory) to work on allthe necessary tools for optimising the organization, processe and procedures, requiredfor the in-service support of a given system.CONTACTGilles BATTIERSPRING TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)6 86 37 27 70gbattier@springplm.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Development of the SPL (Système Physique Logistique) demonstrator which is theoperational pilot of the maintenance and whose goal is to control the shop-floor maintenancein operational conditions in an automatic, reliable, integrated and predictive way.◗ Development of the SML (Système Management Logistique) demonstrator which is thestrategical pilot of the maintenance whose goal is to aid for busisness decision taking.◗ That needs to:• Human capture of technical facts and events (FTECH).• Automatic capture of technical data (ACQ).• Human Machine Interface of data analysis devices (HMI).• Numerical simulations of the health components (ISIM).• Modelisation and simulation of Human Ressources (R).PARTNERSLarge companies:GIMASMEs:ELAPSE, KAYENTIS,SPRING TECHNOLOGIESResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, PARIS 8 UNIVERSITY/MGSI LABORATORYPROJECT DATACoordinator:SPRING TECHNOLOGIESCall:FUI7Start date:May 2009Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1.5MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Job creation: 5270Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringAn integrated computing machinefor complex embedded systemsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe objective is the definition of a multi-domain massively parallel architecture andcorresponding tool flow. The proposedarchitecture will be able to embed heterogeneousaccelerators optimised for the targeted application domains.A homogeneous programming model will ensure hardware independence of theapplication. A <strong>des</strong>ign environment will allow to optimize and map the application on theparallel architecture.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Technologies:A homogeneous hardware framework has been developed to embed heterogeneousaccelerators. It is based on tiles on a common NoC (Network on Chip) from Arteris forcommunication and synchronisation, a hierarchy of memories and the I/O. The tilesembed a processor dedicated to the control part, a DMA, a local memory and thededicated accelerator to the targeted domain. Three types of accelerators has beenembedded in the context of Ter@ops: a SIMD dedicated to image processing, a reconfigurableaccelerator based on AboundLogic technology and the SCMP processors fromCEA LIST for dynamic computation. They are also RISC processors dedicated forinstance to floating point computations. This architecture is able to target a large panelof domains by embedding the corresponding accelerators. Depending on these lastones, the computing power of this architecture is roughly 500 Gops or 100 Gflops for aconsumption of 15 W. A systemC simulator has been developed to make performanceevaluations of mapped applications. We have also developed a complete <strong>des</strong>ign environmentfrom algorithm to executablecode. The tools allow tomake the <strong>des</strong>cription of the applicationand the architecture, tomake the optimisation (betweenand inner tiles) and the partitionningon the parallel architecture.The programmation isdone through a homogeneousprogrammation model and itscorresponding API which ensurehardware independence ofthe application. Validations hasbeen done on applications forradar, image processing andvideo compression.◗ Job creation:Major corp : 5, SMEs : 2, Academics: 10.CONTACTFabrice LEMONNIERTHALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)1 69 41 59 51fabrice.lemonnier@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT AVIATION,EADS ASTRIUM, MBDA,THALES OPTRONIQUE SA,THALES RESEARCH &TECHNOLOGY, THOMSON SA,VALEO ETUDESELECTRONIQUESSMEs:ABOUNDLOGIC, ARTERIS SA,ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIESResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES CRI, CEA LIST,CNRS LABORATOIRE ETIS,ENSTA, INRIA ALCHEMY,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS SUD(LABORATOIRE IEF),UNIVERSITÉ DE VERSAILLESSAINT QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES(PRISM)PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES RESEARCH& TECHNOLOGYCall:FUI1Start date:December 2007Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):9.6Funding (M2):3.5Systems Design and Development Tools WG271

Modelling systems simulationTRIDIMICNew microscopic techniquefor 3D super-resolution imagingON GOINGPROJECTImagine Optic, the worldwide leader in adaptive optics, and two academic teams fromthe Physics and Biology departments at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) have joinedforces to develop a new imaging technique for the 3D localization of single particlesfixed or living cells with an isotropic resolution of a few nanometers. The adaptive opticssystem allows to correct for both the residual aberrations of the optical system of themicroscope as well as those generated by the sample itself by shaping the Point SpreadFunction of a microscope thereby providing a user defined asymmetry along the Z axis,thus enabling very precise axial position determination. This first proof of concept willprovide the foundation for the industrialization and commercialization of a system.CONTACTXavier LEVECQIMAGINE OPTIC+33 (0)1 64 86 15 60xlevecq@imagine-optic.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The project's main objective is to develop a new microscopic technique based on 3Dimaging of single molecule stochastic photo-activation (PALM / STORM).◗ This means solving the following issues :• Correction of optical defects between the sample and imaging camera to achieve twomain goals: first, optimize the focalization of photons on the detector because is fundamentalto get the best signal to noise ratio, which is the primary criterion for preciselocalization. Second, achieve a 3D imaging technique whose performances do notdepend on optical aberrations related to the sample itself or in its preparation.• The axial localization isenabled by introducing"beam shaping" that adaptsthe shape of the PSF (focalspot). PSF shape control iscrucial for an accurate axiallocation.• Realization and optimizationof the algorithms for3D localization at nanometricscale.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe implementation of this 3D imaging technique would produce 3D images in a singleprocessacquisition of images and thus reduce by a factor of 10 the time needed toobtain 3D images, and even all phototoxicity or fluorescence "lifetime" issues. Thisrepresents a major advance to be able to use these techniques on a larger scale, forexample, to screen for drugs or test a large number of factors in a systematic way tounderstand many diseases mechanism at cellular level.PARTNERSSMEs:IMAGINE OPTICResearch institutes, universities:IBENS FIT, LABORATOIREKASTLER BROSSELPROJECT DATACoordinator:IMAGINE OPTICCall:ANRStart date:December 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.6272Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringU3CATUnification of Critical C CodeAnalysis TechniquesON GOINGPROJECTVery large applications are now commonly embedded in various systems and often usedto perform critical tasks, for which a failure would result in serious economic loss oreven casualties. From this observation stems a strong need to provide architects ofcritical systems with tools that allow them to state precisely the required properties ofthe application and to verify that the implementation complies with these properties. Anumber of formal analysis techniques can meet this need, and they all have their prosand cons. Rather than choosing arbitrarily, it is <strong>des</strong>irable to let them cooperate andprove properties that could not have been established by a single technique. This is theoutstandingchallenge that is addressed in U3CAT, built upon the Frama-C platform,one of the main results of CAT, U3CAT's predecessor.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project provi<strong>des</strong> tools facilitating the development of C software with strong safety guarantees.This involves in particular the Euclide test-cases generator, the Frama-C frameworkfor program analysis and the CompCert certified compiler. Work on these tools can begrouped in three categories. A first goal is to tackle additional domains of analysis, such asfloating-point computations and temporal properties. These domains require specific analysistechniques which are implemented according to requirements gathered from the industrialpartners of the project. The second aspect concerns putting existing analyses intoaction techniques to achieve a given verification task. Various methodologies of use ofFrama-C’s plugins have been devised, and some of them are supported by their own pluginsthat gather the results of basic analyses and/or guide them toward the objective. In addition,the base plug-ins themselves have seen major enhancements in theirimplementation and API. This has been validated by the industrial partners on some usecases on real-size industrial applications. Similarly, the usability of tools has been greatlyimproved. An Eclipse plug-in, FCDT, allows to use Frama-C within the Eclipse IDE. In addition,the Why3 user interface facilitates the usage of automated theorem provers over theproof obligations coming from the Jessieplug-in of Frama-C. Last, an importantwork has been conducted for the verificationof the tools themselves, providing astrong basis for a trusted framework fordeveloping critical software. This inclu<strong>des</strong>theoretical work on the formalization ofmemory models as they are used byFrama-C plug-ins and the CompCert compiler,as well as preliminary reflections onthe qualification of the tools for use in activitiescovered by the DO-178-C.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESAll tools have been significantly enhanced during the project, and are available under anOpenSource licence (mainly LGPL or EPL). Frama-C is packaged in the major Linuxdistributions (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu), and enjoys a steadily growing user base.Furthermore, plug-ins have been developed by external parties, showing the existence of athriving eco-system around the platform. This is also materialized by various internationalcollaborations, and the 3 training courses proposed by Atos Formation on Frama-C, as wellas the increasing usage of Frama-C for teaching formal methods and program analysis atvarious universities. In addition, more than 30 articles <strong>des</strong>cribing the results of the projectshave been published at scientific or industrial conferences or journals. Frama-C also securedthe industrial challenge’s prize at ICPC 2011, while U3CAT has been granted an internalinnovation prize at Atos. All in all, the project has been very successful, both at the technicallevel and for the dissemination of static analysis in the outer world.Systems Design and Development Tools WGCONTACTVirgile PREVOSTOCEA LIST+33 (0)1 69 08 82 98virgile.prevosto@cea.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS, ATOS ORIGIN,CS COMMUNICATION &SYSTEMES, DASSAULTAVIATION, SAGEMResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, CNAM,INRIA RENNES,INRIA ROCQUENCOURT,INRIA SACLAYPROJECT DATACoordinator:CEA LISTCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:February 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.4Funding (M2):1.8273

Software engineeringUSINELOGICIELLECOMPLETEDPROJECT274Today, 15 to 40% of the value of high technology products (from cell phones to satellites and cars)is provided through software. Customers are asking for more services, more features andreliability, and all of these requirements make these products more complex to build while thereis an increasing pressure for lower price.Within the SYSTEM@TIC PARIS-REGION Cluster, the "Usine Logicielle" project promotes modelbased software engineering which allows standardizing and automating the <strong>des</strong>ign, the integration,the validation and the maintenance of the software embedded in these high technology products.The solution proposed by "Usine Logicielle" will materialize in new tools, new organizational structures,new jobs and new trainings that will allow a productivity increase, quicker time to market and highercompetitivity.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:• LIP6: First public version of SoCLib platform (January 2008).• Thales Communication: MyCCM Component Framework transfered in operations: 2007, industrializationof MyCCM issued from previous R&T projects (MERCED).• EADS IW: Design of the Newspeak language simplest as possible to build l’analyse staticanalysis programs. Penjili component (C overflow static detection).◗ Services:• TRIALOG: Usine logicielle projects MERCED/COMPARE have enabled Trialog to win contractsrelated to AUTOSAR (Automotive domain).• EADS IW: Partnership with Esterel technologies.• DASSAULT AVIATION: model transformer from Rose-Esterel to SCADE 6 models.• OBEO: Industrialisation of ATL a model transformation component from the INRIA.• ESTEREL TECHNOLOGIES:- Prototype of the MTC Analyzer test generator.- UML/SysML gateway to SCADE Suite.- Adaptation et integration with Papyrus modeler.- SCADE/EMF pour Eclipse (CS-SCADE) key component of the “Open SCADE Architecture”.• CEA:- UML Extensions for the modeling & analysis of embedded real time systems: MARTE.- Implementation of the Papyrus, the only Open Source UML modeler supporting the MARTE profile.- Implementation of an IDM platform integrating the modeler and and the specialized modelingcomponents.• Verification and validation- Test generator conformant to TTCN3 format from UML models (Agatha).- Extension of the static analyser of numeric precision of C programs (Fluctuat).- Implementation of a static analysis tool and test generator for binary code (Osmose).- Implementation of a simulator of hardware architecture using micro-processeurs (usingUnisim technology).◗ Job creation:CS 6 jobs, Thales Com 6 jobs, TRIALOG 5 jobs. CEA Thèses: 6, Post doctorants : 4, Hiring: 2.◗ Publications:• C. Gaston, MoDels2006. A Formal Semantics for UML Symposium.• Gerard, S., A. Cuccuru, and F. Loiret, 2006, Zurich. A methodological approach for model-baseddevelopment and validation of RT/E systems in Artist2 workshop.• Frédéric Boulanger, Guy Vidal-Naquet, INSTICC Press 2006. "A Primitive Execution Model forHeterogeneous Modeling".• S. Gérard, H. Espinoza, 2006. Rationale of the UML Profile for MARTE (<strong>Book</strong> Chapter). “FromMDD Concepts to Experiments and Illustrations”.• C. Petriu and Murray Woodside, Computer Science, 2006. Annotating UML Models with NonfunctionalProperties for Quantitative Analysis.• Medina Julio, Lopez Patricia and Drake José María, FDL'06. Towards a UML Profile for Real-Time Modelling of Component-Based Distributed Embedded Systems.• Huáscar Espinoza, Julio Medina, Hubert Dubois, François Terrier, andSébastien Gérard. InternationalWorkshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Towards aUML-Based Modeling Standard for Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems.• C. André, A. Cuccuru, R. de Simone, T. Gautier, F. Mallet, J-P. Talpin. Modeling with logical timein UML for real-time embedded system<strong>des</strong>ign. In Proceedings ofMARTES 2006 atMoDELS 2006,the InternationalWorkshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems. ISBN:82-7368-299-4.• Frédéric Jouault, Jean Bézivin et Ivan Kurtev, GPCE 2006, Portland. "TCS: a DSL for the Specificationof Textual Concrete Syntaxes inModel Engineering".• Alain Le Guennec et Bernard Dion, ERTS 2006, Toulouse. Bridging UML and Safety CriticalSoftware Development Environments.Systems Design and Development Tools WGCONTACTPhilippe MILSTHALESRESEARCH &TECHNOLOGY+33 (0)1 69 41 60 39philippe.mils@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:CS, DASSAULT AVIATION,EADS, EDF, HISPANO-SUIZA,MBDA, THALESSMEs:ESTEREL, SOFTEAM, TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:CEA, IFP, INRIA, LIP6, LRI,POLYTECHNIQUE, SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES R&TCall:FUI0Start date:February 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):15Funding (M2):5.4

Modelling systems simulationUSINENUMERIQUECOMPLETEDPROJECTSignificant saving in development cycles and costs of the manufacturing systems aretargeted, especially for complex and high technology products in automotive, aeronauticand micro-electronic industry, with the increasing use of enhanced simulation tools.Extensive use of 3D display, and immersion technologies, enables friendly understandingof situations, provi<strong>des</strong> communication tools among various specialists, and supportstraining.Various processes of the production process and related controls are addressed withrealistic behaviour rendering.CONTACTBernard BOIMEEADS INNOVATION WORKS+33 (0)1 46 97 32 42Bernard.boime@eads.netPROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Industrial softwares CATIA-DELMIA, CIVA (Non <strong>des</strong>tructive testing), MKM (virtualmannequin).◗ Technologies:Simulation of manufacturing processes and Non Destructive Testing, logistic, sheduling,preparation, Virtual & augmented reality, virtual mannequin.◗ Publications:11 conferences, 2 Technical paper, 1 press conference, 7 articles in newspapers,1 technology show.◗ Experimentations:• Manufacturing processes engineering.• Realistic simulation demonstrators for 4 industrial use cases (Micro-processorPhotolithography, Machining, automotive & aeronautic assembly).• Including balanced production line scheduling and Virtual mannequin in the loop.• Inspection engineering.• Extensive numerical modeling of automated systems, addressing production monitoring,supporting analysis and prediction of industrial efficiency.• Hardware (multi-element sensors- robots) & software (NDI) development.• Factory engineering.• Ontology of factory based development of SW infrastructure required for modelingin CATIA/DELMIA.PARTNERSLarge companies:CIMPA, DASSAULT AVIATION,DASSAULT SYSTÈMES,EADS IW, EDF, RENAULT,SNCF, VIRTOOLSIntermediate size enterprises:ALTIS, ILOGSMEs:EURALTECH, M2MResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, ENS-LURPA,ENS-SATIE, ESPCI - LOA,INRETS, INRIA, SUPELEC,SUPELEC/L2S, SUPELEC/LGEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCall:FUI0Start date:February 2006Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.9Funding (M2):4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):OLDP, USINE NUMÉRIQUE 2Systems Design and Development Tools WG275

Modelling systems simulationUSINENUMERIQUE 2COMPLETEDPROJECT◗ Data base management enabling the production sytems simulation.◗ Implement tools for collaborative engineering for digital production in the extendedenterprise (intregrators with suppliers network).◗ Manage the multi-scale simulation in the production system.◗ Implement real time simulation and realistic model behaviour, for a virtual/real synchronousmonitoring.◗ Integrate in the simulation scenario, a virtual mannequin, with realistic physical andcognitive behaviour.PROJECT RESULTS◗ Products:Industrial softwares CATIA-DELMIA-3DVIA, CIVA (Non <strong>des</strong>tructive testing), MKM (virtualmannequin); NCSIMUL-TOOLSIMUL, ILOG.◗ Services:1 dissemination platformunder feasabilityevaluation.◗ Technologies:Simulation of manufacturingprocesses andNon Destructive Testing,logistic, real timesheduling, preparation,virtual & augmented reality,virtual mannequin.◗ Publications:12 conferences,1 Technical papers.◗ Experimentations:• Extended and collaborativefactory.• Development of thedata and concept architectureof the digital factory, including versioning, life cycle and configurationmanagement (in Dassault Systèmes SW suite).• Virtual/real integration (in Spring SW suite).• Development of an accurate and realistic model of scheduling and resynchronisationwith real status, failure real time detection, on-line integration of Non DestructiveTesting, in-depth modelisation of machining processes, assembly regardsto tolerancing…• Virtual reality and virtual mannequin.• Complex cognitive behavior modeling of: technical gestures and postures (prehensionof rigid or flexible parts…), multi-contacts situations.• Development of intuitive interfaces for the monitoring of virtual humans.CONTACTBernard BOIMEEADS INNOVATION WORKS+33 (0)1 46 97 32 42Bernard.boime@eads.netPARTNERSLarge companies:CIMPA, DASSAULT AVIATION,DASSAULT SYSTÈMES,EADS IW, EDF, RENAULT,SNECMAIntermediate size enterprises:ALTIS, ILOGSMEs:M2M, PDF SOLUTIONS,REALVIZ, SPRINGTECHNOLOGIESResearch institutes, universities:CEA LIST, ENS-LURPA,ENS-SATIE, ESPCI - LOA,INRIA-IRISA, SERAM,SUPELEC/L2S, SUPELEC/LGEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:EADSCall:FUI3Start date:July 2007Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):15.6Funding (M2):5.5Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):OLDP, USINE NUMÉRIQUE 1276Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringVACSIMValidation of the control of critical systemesby coupling simulation and formal methodsON GOINGPROJECTThe VACSIM project is an industrial research project whose aim is to show the benefitsof coupling simulation techniques and formal methods to validate the control of criticalsystems. The demonstrator that will be developed during this project, on the basis ofthe software tool ControlBuild, will permit to illustrate these benefits by proposingdifferent coupling mo<strong>des</strong>. Design and implementation of this demonstrator require bothmethodological (definition of new uses of simulation tools, rules to couple simulationand formal methods) and formal (adaptation, extension or novel proposals of formaltechniques based on discrete event systems theory or constraint programming)contributions.CONTACTJean-Marc FAURELURPA - ENS CACHAN+33 (0)1 47 40 22 16jean-marc.faure@lurpa.ens-cachan.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ New algorithms for progressive test of logic systems◗ Simulation scenarii automation from safety properties and required coverage rate◗ Development of formal validation techniques based on identification of closed-loopdiscrete event systems◗ Formal validation of quantitative properties: new techniques based on analysis, monitoringand verification of timed automata◗ Formal validation of quantitative properties: new techniques based on constraint programmingand error-localization◗ Demonstrator (software prototype in the ControlBuild environment) of the benefitsof coupling simulation and formal methodsSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe first results of the project will be available at the last quarter <strong>2012</strong>.PARTNERSLarge companies:DASSAULT SYSTEMES,EDF R&DResearch institutes, universities:I3S, INRIA, LABRI, LURPA -ENS CACHANPROJECT DATACoordinator:LURPA - ENS CACHANCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEY, PEGASE,SCSCall:ANRStart date:October 2011Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1Systems Design and Development Tools WG277

Software engineeringVAUCANSON 2Vaucanson 2:A Finite-State MachineComputation PlatformON GOINGPROJECTThis project is a collaboration between three partners, which are members of<strong>Systematic</strong>, and with the National Taiwan University. It aims to realize a new platform,named Vaucanson 2, dedicated to the computation and the manipulation of finite statesweighted automata, which are a quite simple, but very efficient, computation model. Thisplatform will be dedicated both to academic teaching or research, and to any people orindustrial interested in using weighted automata. The programmation using generic C++should garantee good performances. The access to the platform will be possible at threelevels: the C++ library, a set of binaries which read and produce XML <strong>des</strong>criptions ofautomata and which apply various algorithms, and at last, a graphical interface.CONTACTSylvain LOMBARDYUNIVERSITÉ PARIS-ESTMARNE-LA-VALLÉE+33 (0)1 60 95 77 41Sylvain.Lombardy@univ-paris-est.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe innovations of this project come from the goals we want to achieve. The weightedautomata are actually a common <strong>des</strong>cription for very different compution models, dependingon the nature of the labels, and the nature of weights. Our platform will havethe possibility to handle any type of label or weight. This simple model is interesting becauseit allows fast computations. This both requirements lead us to choose genericC++, which is used at each level of the project. Another innovation is that the conceptionof the platform involves theoricians of the algorithmic of finite automata, whichmeans that we want that every operation uses the best algorithm and that the implementationrespects the complexity of the algorithm. The API of the library will offer thefunctions to write algorithms in a way as close as possible of their mathematical <strong>des</strong>cription.Last, our ambition is that the platform interests both teachers interested inshowing automata with about ten states, and industrial or linguistic applications whichmanipulates automata with millions of states.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has just began. We have achieved the specifications of the new interface.The implementation of the new core has started.PARTNERSSMEs:EPITAResearch institutes, universities:NATIONAL TAIWANUNIVERSITY,TÉLÉCOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-ESTMARNE-LA-VALLÉEPROJECT DATACoordinator:CNRS, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-ESTMARNE-LA-VALLÉECall:ANRStart date:March 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.6Funding (M2):0.2278Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringFormally-verified static analyzersand compilersON GOINGPROJECTIn its quest for software perfection, the critical software industry has been progressivelyembracing the use of formal verification tools (static analyzers, program provers, modelcheckers) as a complement, or even as an alternative, to traditional software validationtechniques based on testing and reviews. The usefulness of verification tools in thecertification of critical software is, however, limited by the amount of trust one can havein their results. Two major risks exist: unsoundness of verification tools (failing to detecta misbehaving program) and miscompilation (post-verification introduction of bugsduring the production of executable code). The Verasco project investigates a radical,mathematically-grounded solution to these issues: the formal verification of compilersand verification tools themselves.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSWe set out to develop a generic static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for theC language, along with a number of advanced abstract domains and domain combinationoperators, and prove the soundness of this analyzer using the Coq proof assistant.Likewise, we continue our work on the CompCert C formally-verified compiler, the firstrealistic C compiler that has been mechanically proved to be free of miscompilation, andwill carry it to the point where it could be used in the critical software industry. We alsoinvestigate the tool qualification issues that must be addressed before formally-verifiedtools can be used in the aircraft industry. Critical software<strong>des</strong>erves the highest-assurance developmentand verification tools that computer science can provide.By going all the way to a full formal verification ofsuch tools, our work will generate unprecedented confidencein the results of source-level static analysis,therefore fully justifying its role in the development andcertification of critical software.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started on Jan 1st, <strong>2012</strong>.CONTACTXavier LEROYINRIA PARIS-ROCQUENCOURT+33 (0)1 39 63 55 61Xavier.Leroy@inria.frPARTNERSLarge companies:AIRBUS OPERATIONSResearch institutes, universities:INRIA PARIS-ROCQUENCOURT,INRIA SACLAY, UNIVERSITERENNES 1, UNIVERSITEJOSEPH FOURIERPROJECT DATACoordinator:INRIA PARIS-ROCQUENCOURTCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.2Funding (M2):0.9Related Sytematic project(s):U3CATSystems Design and Development Tools WG279

Software engineeringVERification-oriented & component-based modelDriven Engineering for real-time embedded systemsON GOINGPROJECTVERDE defines a methodological framework for iterative, incremental, validation-driven<strong>des</strong>ign of component-based architectures. It integrates and adapts model-basedtechniques with testing and analysis tools to meet industrial domain requirements(space, software radio, railway). The project is build on the experiences and results fromother research projects, and with a strong partnership between major corporations,SME, and academics from European countries (France, Germany and Norway), theproject results in a novel approach that is ready for large-scale deployment in theIndustry. The expected outcome is the net improvement of productivity, predictabilityand cost control in the development process. The solution will be readily exploitable bysoftware engineering vendors and end users. VERDE has its dedicated website availableat www.itea-verde.orgTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Assessment of currents processes and domain requirements for a new methodologyfor component based RTE systems.◗ Definition of a methodological framework and support for tools integration. This impliesa study for alignment of current UML extensions impacted (lwCCM, MARTE...).◗ Adaptation of multiple existing component frameworks to support this iterative incrementalmethodology (lwCCM, SCA, AUTOSAR, SystemC).◗ Selection and integration of tools and methodologies for the analysis of non-functionalproperties (timing performance,power consumption,reliability).◗ Adaptation of appropriate existingtest generation techniquesand definition of new ones totarget the specific needs ofreal-time embedded systems.◗ Evaluation by domain of theVERDE solution. It is essential toensure that the incrementalprocess adapted to componentbased MDE in RTE systemsreaches the expected results andthe domain specific requirements.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Methodological modeling patterns are defined based on the analysis of end user requirementsand practices. These patterns are extracted from MARTE, UML2 andSysML profiles◗ A Common component oriented software <strong>des</strong>ign approach for lwCCM, AUTOSAR, SCAand SystemC) is defined and integrated as patterns.◗ The associated testing strategies are defined and integrated to the VERDE approach.It is currently experimented in railway, space and radio communication use cases.CONTACTOlivier HACHETTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 69 41 55 97olivier.hachet@thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM TRANSPORTS,THALES (TAS, TCS, TRT)SMEs:GEENSOFT, OBEO,SMARTESTINGResearch institutes, universities:CEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCall:FUI7Start date:June 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):9.4Funding (M2):2.8Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):USINE LOGICIELLE, LAMBDA280Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringVirtualize U'r EnterpriseCOMPLETEDPROJECTVUE is a solution to grow the added value which brings a real technological innovationallowing the increase productivity of the corporate stakeholders.This product of 3S Informatique Group offers finaly, in a lesser cost and with a potentialof strong profitability, the opportunity to companies and universities to have an informationecosystem dedicated to the training through a Web 2.0 platform.It gives necessary, personal and customizable tools for organizing and managing trainingscommunities, at a school or professional level (each around a common interest).Allowing a real interactivity between trainers and learners, VUE is the link necessary forany learning community.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThis is the first communication and learning platform wich offer a real community:◗ synchronous (virtualization of classrooms, conferences, meetings and real time workshops);◗ asynchronous (video recording of different meetings and others likened to the e-Learningand the serious games);◗ informal (communication tools and others likened to the social learning).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Product(s) or Service(s):ALL THE SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY• A center of resources: on the model of a media library;• Opportunities of exchanges: forum and chat;• Spaces of didactic and practical trainings:- Participative workshops.- Immersive classrooms;A PERSONAL SPACE• Manage his/her user profile;• Reach his/her e-mails (professional and private);• Store his/her public and private documents;• Manage his/her schedule (professional and private);• Edit his/her documents by means of a toolkit;• Follow his/her evolution (professional and private);• Prepare his/her trainings;• Access to a reviewing space.CONTACTHenri OVADIA3S INFORMATIQUE+33 (0)1 70 92 23 32henri.ovadia@3s-informatique.comPARTNERSSMEs:3S INFORMATIQUE, TALENDResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM PARIS TECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:3S INFORMATIQUECall:FEDER 3Start date:October 2010Duration:13 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):0.5TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES• Light solution: full Web platform;• Mobile: compatibility with all the types of medium (Apple version for the industrialization);• Independent: 100% VUE license thanks to Open-Source technologies LGPL (in PaaS mode orin licence mode);• Ecosystem of information, interactive, collaborative and participative: Web 2.0 solution;• Secured: access guaranteed by client servers, by dedicated hosted servers or by mutualized hostedservers (in the choice of the customer);"• Fast, evolutionary and reliable: flexible platform developed in Java J2EE;• Bandwidth: reduced consumption for a class with 30 pupils.◗ Job creation: 4◗ Maintained job: 11Systems Design and Development Tools WG281

Software engineeringWAAVES GPWAAVES GPCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe main purpose of this project is to develop prototypes of an electronic componentembedding wavelet based Waaves image encoding technology to make it available formobile devices such as smartphones, netbooks and tablets. This hardware componentwill have to take into account exsiting constraints related to this market, i.e, lowcalculation power, reduced memory availability, low consumption and manufacturingcost. On top of algorithm fine tuning, hotspot identification and memory managementstudy, different technologies will be evaluated like DSP, FPGA and SoC to identify thebest optimization to meet previously <strong>des</strong>cribed criteria.CONTACTGabriel PORTILLOPARTELEC+33 (0)1 64 05 58 81g.portillo@partelec.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTAs a breakthrough technology, Waavesimage encoding solution achieves veryhigh compression ratio while keepingoriginal image quality, including medicalquality for diagnosis. As an examplefrom a clinical evaluation, a nativeDicom chest X-ray of 10MB will becompressed to around 150KB thusdramatically decreasing transfer timefor remote access through telecommunicationnetwork from about30minutes down to less than 30seconds.Waaves availability to mobile devices will enable on call physicians to receiveimages on their smartphone from emergency units. Waaves components will also provi<strong>des</strong>olution to telemedicine programs like tele-expertise in the imaging specialties.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESWaaves GP research project has been completed recently so all commercial outcomeshave not yet been validated at this time. However this project is considered with high interestby various electronic components actors like founders or mobile device manufacturersthus hopefully promising a successful future. This has already been confirmedwith two industrial contacts as <strong>des</strong>cribed in the Business creation section.Moreover a second phase project is schedule to industrialize the component and integrateadditional features dedicated to animated sequences and video.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Waaves GP technical results:• Concept validation and first version of Waaves algorithm.• Source code fine tuning and optimization based on identify hotspots.• Demonstration prototype based on a DaVinci board.• Validation of encoding treatment compatibility with Waaves software version.• Architecture identification for product industrialization.◗ Job creation:2 persons, including one person in charge of sales management and customer relationshipwith silicon manufacturers directly generated by Waaves GP outcomes.◗ Business creation:2 industrial contracts have already been signed with 2 OEM French companies: a siliconmanufacturer and a mobile device manufacturer.PARTNERSSMEs:CIRA, PARTELECResearch institutes, universities:ENSEA, INSERM, LIP 6PROJECT DATACoordinator:PARTELECCall:FEDER2Start date:March 2010Duration:12 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.5Funding (M2):0.3282Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Software engineeringWARMWaaves Real-time MultimodalON GOINGPROJECTWaRM project objective is to provide a system architecture on a chip that can embbedWAAVES multi-modal encoding image technology on mobile devices and addresses thevideo market. The underlying electronic architecture conception will have to start witha study of video diffusion mechanisms and bandwidth optimization while protecting themedical quality provided by WAAVES technology. Main new technological barriers aresound integration, geographic localization and chip system resource management.CONTACTGabriel PORTILLOPARTELEC+33 (0)1 64 05 58 81g.portillo@partelec.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe WaRM project is pattern writted to broadcast multimedia qualified contents. Thisproject is dedicated to solve the multimodality issue from the Waaves compression algorithmand his real time integration on mobile devices. It must allow to expand the Waavestechnology in e-Medical fieldusing low power devices assmartphone or netbook. InFrance , Antares network (lowdata flow ) dedicated to securitydepartment wishing to carryboth medical and operationalimages have requested thistechnology. This will completeMedical mobile applicationsdemand.STATUS - MAIN PROJECTOUTCOMESThe WarM project bringing compression technologywithout perceptual loss on embedded devices will beused to broadcast video contents coming from theWaaves algorithm.This will qualify it on medical field adding multimodalityon Waaves, for example combining images with soundand GPS localization.PARTNERSSMEs:CIRA, PARTELECResearch institutes, universities:ENSEA, INSERM, LIP 6PROJECT DATACoordinator:PARTELECCall:FEDER2Start date:May 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.0Funding (M2):0.7Systems Design and Development Tools WG283

Software engineeringWind energy Integrationby DC NetworkON GOINGPROJECTWINPOWER project aims at developing a wide control strategy to manage large scaleHigh Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) multi-terminal networks that will interconnectrenewable energy sources (RES) to the main power network. Proposed work deals withcontrol strategies in a wide sense, from off-line optimization of network itself before itsconstruction; to real time, multi layered, decentralized stabilizing control that isembedded into its components. This DC grid will allow for multi-RES generatorsefficient interconnection, for example off-shore Wind Farms and solar plants. This DCgrid will also manage their connection to: the main AC grid; large loads (big cities orindustrial facilities); other DC grids like a future European SuperGrid.CONTACTGilney DAMMEUROPEAN EMBEDDEDCONTROL INSTITUTE - EECI+33 (0)1 69 85 17 68gilney.damm@lss.supelec.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ WINPOWER aims at defining successful conditions for connecting renewable energysources to the transmission networks (DC and AC). It is necessary to manage all thechain from generation; intermediate energy storage (local or remote); multipointHVDC transmission (including the DC flows within the grid); connection to larger DCgrids (SuperGrid); interaction with the main AC grid.◗ To reach these objectives, WinPower will develop several essential theoretical andtechnological components:• DC network modelling and estimation of its parameters.• Distributed hierarchical control strategy from high level communicating multi-agentsystems, to low level adaptive and robust control schemes. This strategy assumesseveral control mo<strong>des</strong> (loops) at each AC/DC (or DC/DC) converter.• Smart grid DC flows monitoring and control.• Storage technology investigation: definition of what are the various candidate technologiesfor what energy amounts, how to optimize storage positioning in order toease network load.• Energy Storage placing intopology optimization andsimulation: defining and simulatingthe placement ofdistributed and embeddedstorage at various positionswithin the grids.• Energy Storage managementsystem communicating withthe grid.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESWinPower will develop control tools that, based on weather forecast, load and priceprevisions and remote system’s states information, will allow stable renewable energyproduction. In other words, WINPOWER aims at defining successful conditions forconnecting renewable energy sources to the transmission network. Furthermore it willalso develop control algorithms for controlling DC flows within the DC grid, and itsinteraction with the AC main grid or another DC Grid.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALSTOM POWER, AREVA T&D(ALSTOM GRID), EDFSMEs:WINNOVEResearch institutes, universities:ARMINES, CEA, CNRS, EECI,SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:EECICall:ANRStart date:February 2011Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.0Funding (M2):1.2284Systems Design and Development Tools WG

Telecoms Working GroupThierry HOUDOIN,WG Presidentthierry.houdoin@orange-ftgroup.comFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGE"In the past 10 years, the major evolutions of the telecommunicationsworld, mobile phone, broadband access and Internetservices, have positively impacted everybody's life in Europe.Telecoms Working Group goals are to federate and boost ParisRegion’s ICTs ecosystem and to conduct experiments in the fieldof telecom technologies and services with global visibilities. Itrises to the challenge of global competition by offering companiesand citizens new application solutions and helping to setindustry standards. The experiments planned will concretelycontribute to the attractiveness of Paris region.”286

REQUIREMENTS AND NEW USESInformation and Communication Technologies, both fixedand mobile, are present in the professional and private livesof individuals. The needs are still growing, for example withnew video usages wi<strong>des</strong>preadingin the telecommunicationnetworks, soseeking with higher bitratesis mandatory, bothfor fixed and mobile domains.With the availabilityof smart phones, usages inmobility are exploding today, and the <strong>des</strong>ign of solutions allowingsecure pervasive access to remote content (e.g. distributedin clouds) is a priority for the working group.Efficient usage of complementary radio technology such asWiFi and 2G/3G/4G is one example of topics investigated inresearch projects.In the business area, the development of Cloud Computingwill require new network solutions. The next few yearswill see the real startof "Internet of Things",so we will have todevelop mechanismsto handle very largenumber of deviceswith communicationscapabilities. Minimizationof the ICTs ecological impact will be an importantresearch field in the next years.Users require controlling their communications withhigh qua-lity, low cost and simplicity, this is a challengefor the industry and operators. Network security and reliabilityis a key point for achieving this mandatory users'requirement.The <strong>des</strong>ign of new services linked to technologicaladvance in telecommunication is also a priority of theWorking Group.THE TELECOMS WORKING GROUP WITHIN SYSTEMATIC◗ R&D financed Projects: 73◗ Partners: 143 including:◗ 83 SMEs◗ 8 ETIs◗ 25 Large companies◗ 27 Research institutes and universities◗ Total investment: 337 M2Nunzio SANTORO,WG Vice-PresidentNunzio.Santoro@it-sudparis.euINSTITUT TELECOM-TELECOM SUDPARISMarc BOURGAREL,Representative of Permanent Secretariatm.bourgarel@systematic-paris-region.orgSYSTEMATICSteering Committee MembersALCATEL-LUCENT Olivier AUDOUIN olivier.audouin@alcatel-lucent.frALTRAN Mehand GUIDDIR mehand.guiddir@altran.comCEA Jean-Noel PATILLON jean-noel.patillon@cea.frCITY PASSENGER Bruno DUVAL bduval@citypassenger.comEGIDE Ignace DUPON idupon@egide.frINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Bernard ODIER bernard.odier@inria.frIPLABEL William RANG wrang@ip-label.netSAGEMCOM Thierry LESTABLE thierry.lestable@sagemcom.comSEQUANS COMMUNICATIONS Guillaume VIVIER gvivier@sequans.comSUPELEC Merouane DEBBAH merouane.debbah@supelec.frTHALES COMMUNICATIONS Jean-Jacques MONOT jean-jacques.monot@fr.thalesgroup.comUNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLESSAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES Samir TOHME samir.tohme@prism.uvsq.frUNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11 Veronique VEQUE veronique.veque@ief.u-psud.frTelecoms WG287

High speed networks100GRIA100Gbit/s Réseau Internet AdaptifON GOINGPROJECTThe objective of 100GRIA is to <strong>des</strong>ign, assemble and testa prototype of the new generationof 100 Gb/s terminals and to redefine rules of conception and exploitation for 100 Gb/soptical networks. The goals of the project are to optimize new technologies which aremandatory for this high bit rate transmission: new integrated photoreceiver compatiblewith advanced modulation formats, pump modules integrating powerful semiconductordio<strong>des</strong> for distributed Raman amplification, planning and dimensioning tools with newengineering rules enabling at least 1500 km reach. One of the important outcome of theproject will be the test of a photoreceiver on an Alcatel-Lucent product platform.CONTACTChristian SIMONNEAUALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 27 97Christian.Simonneau@Alcatel-Lucent.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSDesign and assembly of a new generation coherent receiver prototype, achieving betterintegration and compatibility with new modulation formats which will increase the reachof the transmission systems. The prototype will be tested on an Alcatel-Lucent productplatforms.◗ Powerful dio<strong>des</strong> (> 500 mW) to allow for higherpower Raman amplifiers, and to simplify thearchitecture and lower the cost of existing Ramanamplifiers.◗ Rules of conception of the connections at 100 Gb/sat least 1500 km reach, with and without Ramanamplification, which will allow the migration fromsystems operating at 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s towards100 Gb/s systems.◗ Develop tools able firstly to dimension the networkthanks to routing which optimizes the usage of resources, while taking into accountthe physical impairments for 100?Gbit/s signal; and secondly to estimate the influenceof packet aggregation and its interaction with the 100 Gb/s optical layer.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, FRANCE TELECOM,III-V LABIntermediate size enterprises:EGIDESMEs:3S PHOTONICS, ADVEOTECH,RED-C OPTICAL NETWORKS LTDResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARIS,UNIVERSITE DE NANTESSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The project started June 2010.◗ Expected main outcomes at the end of the project:• New engineering rules for optical network with 100 Gb/s channels enabling ultralongreach, compatiblity with 10 Gb/s systems;• A Packaged photoreceiver integrating Wideband (28 GHz) and linear (up to 10 mA)photodiode and Differential Trans-Impedance Amplifier will be test on a productplatform;• A Packaged pump module with 1.2 W output power integrating the high powersemiconductor dio<strong>des</strong> (550 mW) developed in the project.• Hybrid Raman/EDFA amplifier modules.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:FUI9Start date:June 2010Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.4Funding (M2):1.6288Telecoms WG

Wireless Connectivity3MINGMobilité Multi technologieMulti-homingCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe aim of the 3MING project is to develop solutions for multi-homing managementthat allow the simultaneous use of access technologies, one per interface. It inclu<strong>des</strong>concurrent sessions management, opportunistic session redirection, interface selectionand load sharing. In addition, this project aims to develop mechanisms for mobilitymanagement in a multi-homing context. The current solutions are not able to managesimultaneous access of several radio access technologies. The 3MING project targetsto enable seamless mobility, to optimize mobility and to deliver solutions for securityissues. Demonstrations have been realized, highlighting the interest of multi-homingfunctionnalities and validating the choices done.CONTACTErick BIZOUARNALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 17 24Erick.Bizouarn@alcatel-lucent.frPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe 3MING project has studied in depth the multi-homing topic, and the interactions withother topics such as the mobility. DiA as a new algorithm for MADM method, FPS mechanismfor solving the reordering problem in load sharing, mobility optimizations by using alternativeinterfaces, new authentication proposals, Mobike-X for use of IPsec inmulti-homing/mobility context are ones of thechallenges solved in the 3MING project. Five IETFdrafts have been submitted.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, ORANGE LABSSMEs:BEARSTECHResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, TELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• B. Liu, N. Boukhatem, and P. Martins, “NewEfficient Cross-layer And Multihoming MechanismsAt Layer-2 For Inter-RAT HandoverBetween UMTS And WiMAX”, accepted fopublication in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) Journal,2010.• T. Cheneau, A. Boudguiga, M. Laurent, "Significantly Improved Performances of the CryptographicallyGenerated Addresses thanks to ECC and GPGPU", Journal of Computers &Security, Elsevier, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 419-431, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2009.12.008,Dec. 2009.• X. Zhang, T.M.T. Nguyen and G. Pujolle, “Cooperative Mobility.• Management in Multihomed End-to-End Communications”, 4th IFIP/IEEE.• International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, Paris, France,February 2011.• M. A Tran, P.N Tran, and N. Boukhatem, “Strategy game for flow/interface associationin multi-homed mobile terminals”, in proceedings of the IEEE InternationalCommunications Conference (ICC’10), Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2010.• A. Boudguiga, M. Laurent, “An ID-based Authentication Scheme For the IEEE802.11s Mesh Network”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless andMobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), Niagara Falls,Canada, ISBN 978-1-4244-7741-8, October 11-13, 2010.• Kassar Meriem, Kervella Brigitte and Pujolle Guy, « An Overview of Vertical HandoverDecision Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks », Elsevier ComputerCommunications Journal, doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2008.01.044, January 2008.Five IETF drafts have been accepted.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Presentation at ETSI during the FMCA interoperability event of the 802.21 framework(5-7 October 2009). Open source delivery is foreseen.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:ANRStart date:February 2008Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.3Funding (M2):1.1Telecoms WG289

High speed networks6_PODCircuits Intégrés PhotoniquesPour haut DébitCOMPLETEDPROJECT6_POD aims to:◗ Master a key technology within the field of very high bit rate METRO Access telecomapplication.◗ Answer to new markets needs linked to new services (Video on Demand, Entertainment…).◗ Realise technological breakthrough thanks to new technologies development like PIC(Photonic Integrated Circuits) to adress fabrication of very high bit rate (4x10 Gb/s)emitter receivers development to transmit @ 4 wavelength [WDM «Wavelength DivisionMultiplexing» technology] up to 40/80 km (Metro telecom market in a first step)& potentially long haul -Intercity connexions- in a second step.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTA new technology platform to manufacture very high bit rate 4x10 Gb/s transmitters &receivers modules.All components and modules identified at the beginning of the project were producedand optical budget of the project between a 4x10Gb/s transmitter module and a4x10 Gb/s receiver module was achieved with good margins.Demonstration integrated components (PICs and Bar driver) made in 6_POD is a worldfirst.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTEmmanuel GRARD3S PHOTONICS+33 (0)1 69 80 58 59egrard@3SPGroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LABSMEs:3S-PHOTONICS, EGIDE, KYLIAResearch institutes, universities:ENSEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:3S-PHOTONICSCall:FUI 7Start date:July 2008Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6Funding (M2):2.3◗ Product(s) or Service(s):4x10 Gb/s receivers & transmitters modules developed in the 6_POD project canbe quickly proposed as prototypes which will allow 3S Photonics' customers andproject partners to increase their product portfolio of 4x10 Gb/s innovative products.◗ Job creation: 3290Telecoms WG

High speed networksHigh Performance and High AvailabilityPacket Processing Engine for MulticoreProcessorsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe 6WINDGate project aims at developing high performance packet processingsoftware to extract the highest level of performance from the new generation ofmulticore processors.This software improves performance of standard operating system networking stack upto 10x without modifying the interfaces between applications and the operating system.6WINDGate implements layer 2 to layer 4 protocols (routing, security, firewall, QoS,multicast, IPv6, all kinds of encapsulation…) and high availability mechanisms. It hasbeen <strong>des</strong>igned to ensure complete software portability on market-leading multicoreprocessors.6WINDGate is integrated in equipment (mobile and cloud computing infrastructure,security, DPI, policy enforcement…) that have to process a fast growing amount of datahas to be processed at wire speed (several tens of Gbps).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Patents: In Progress.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Development of the new version of 6WINDGate software for the new generation of multicoreprocessors (Intel, NetLogic, Cavium) with an open architecture to interface easily differentfamilies of applications.◗ Job creation: 4◗ Business creation:- Business creation (best example): Software licensing with a tier-1 security and cloud computinginfrastructure provider.CONTACTEric CARMES6WIND+33 (0)1 39 30 92 10eric.carmes@6wind.comPARTNERSSMEs:6WINDPROJECT DATACoordinator:6WINDCall:OSEOStart date:December 2009Duration:17 monthsGlobal budget (M2):Not disclosedFunding (M2):Not disclosedTelecoms WG291

Personalised Services& CommunicationsAG@PEApplications GéolocaliséesAccessibles aux Petites EntreprisesCOMPLETEDPROJECTDeliver a set of marketing tools aiming at SMEs, which are quickly available and operational,can be easily customized, and include new technologies such as: mobility, location-basedservices, mapping services, context aware services.AG@PE services are based on a Software as a Service co-operative platformPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTA collaborative web-based aggregation platform including a high-level virtual machine,a server-based internet platform and advanced location-based and mapping servicesto easily create on-demand business orientated applications for SMEs.CONTACTEric GODEFROYEGYLIS+33 (0)6 24 60 08 84eric.godefroy@egylis.comPARTNERSSMEs:BOTTIN CARTO, DEVERYWARE,EGYLISResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:5 publications and 1 conference◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• The project has set the basis of a multi-service Mobile solution that can addressmany markets : retail, technical maintenance, support, home services, sales forces,etc.• The project has achieved the integration of different complementary services: location-basedservices, mapping services, mobility, statistics, reporting, data analysis,multi-media communication.• For each partner, this has helped enhancing existing products and solutions:- EGYLIS: The Move-On Platform: a Mobility as a Service environment for on-demandMobile applications.- DeveryWare: the GeoHub, a set of location-based services for positioning, alerting,tracking etc.- Bottin Carto: advanced web to print and mobility mapping services for eCommerceand and other business applications.◗ Job creation: 8PROJECT DATACoordinator:EGYLISCall:FUI6Start date:December 2008Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.6Funding (M2):0.8292Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityAntenne Mobile émission réceptioncompacte pour liaison satelliteON GOINGPROJECTThe main objective of the AMORCE (www.anr-amorce.fr) project is to develop a newvery low-profile and low-cost beam steering antenna platform for IP on the move applicationswith emphasis on broadband connection between a mobile platform (e.g. ahigh speed train) and a geostationnary satellite. This antenna platform must be able totrack the satellite over a large field of view in elevation (up to 70°, electronic scanning)and for all azimutal angle (360°, mechanical scanning).The project will focus on several areas: system and antenna array architecture, activeantenna <strong>des</strong>ign, integration of power amplifiers and phase shifters, development of thefull plateform including the mechanics and control/tracking algorithms, assessment ofthis platform on a 3-axis motion simulator.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main technolgical and scientific innovations are the following:◗ development of an innovative low-profile and low-cost active antenna with beam steeringcapabilities,◗ development of low-weight and low-cost mechanical platform to accommodate forthe antenna onto the mobile,◗ investigation of new antenna concepts for low-cost beam steering without phase shiftersin Ku and Ka band,◗ development of new integration techniques for distributed amplification inside largeantenna arrays.CONTACTRonan SAULEAUIETR, UNIVERSITY OF RENNES 1+33 (0)2 23 23 56 76ronan.sauleau@univ-rennes1.frPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES ALENIA SPACEIntermediate size enterprises:IX MOTIONSMEs:INNOVATIVE BUSINESSPARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM BRETAGNE(LAB-STICC), UNIVERSITYOF RENNES 1 (IETR)STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESDemonstration of an innovative and very low-profile active antenna platform for IP onthe move applications.PROJECT DATACoordinator:UNIVERSITE RENNES 1Co-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUX,AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.0Funding (M2):0.9Telecoms WG293

Personalised Services& CommunicationsAméliorer la QUalitE DU serviceà la personne et au CitadinON GOINGPROJECTThe population growth implies an increasing demand of home care services inparticular for the care of elderly. This sector is experienced strong growth but the lowprofitability of this market slows the creation of new services. The aim of the AQUEDUCproject is to provide an infrastructure to improve and professionalize the work of thedifferent stakeholders by improving coordination, tracking, transmission. Stakeholdersare the beneficiary of the service, the family of the beneficiary, the carers and thecoordinators of the home care service agency.The instrastructure in the AQUEDUC project will use the standard Internet communication,mobile and Ambient Intelligence technologies.CONTACTBruno JEAN-BARTTRIALOG+33 (0)1 44 70 61 08bruno.jean-bart@trialog.comhttp://www.projet-aqueduc.euTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The definition of decision-makingtools to improve the ecosystem ofservices organisation. This toolwill be based on generic ontologiesto standardise all datarelated to the application domain.◗ A contribution to the interoperabilityof exchange databetween back office applicationsand mobile applications.◗ A contribution to the contextawaremechanism for the AmbientAssitive Living.◗ A way to provide more smartnessto the Home Environnement.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESA survey has been carried out with care service coordinators. Based on results, anevaluation of requirements has been performed in order to extract the functionnalrequirements of the complete system. Taking these requirements as inputs, the generalarchitecture is currently <strong>des</strong>igned. The next steps will consist in implementing andtesting. Finally, a field operationnal test will be set up in order to assess the systemfunctionnalities.PARTNERSSMEs:ASSISTEO, KELCODE, TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:TRIALOGCall:FEDER 3Start date:September 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.7294Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityATTITUDE 4G+Architecture & TechnologieInnovantes pour ModulesAmplificateurs Multistandards/Multiban<strong>des</strong> pour Systèmes deTélécommunications 3G et 4GCOMPLETEDPROJECTThis project proposes an innovative solution for the power emitter of the reconfigurable(multi-standard/multibande) base station based on a recent semi-conductor technology,the Gallium Nitride on Silicon Carbide (GaN on SiC).On one hand, this project links together the development and the optimization of arecent wide gap semi-conductor technology (HEMT GaN on SiC) and on other hand, thecircuit packaging technology and the associated assembly, in order to exploit thepromising performance of the GaN. For the same purpose, active biasing devices willbe evaluated and performed in order to improve the linearity and the electrical yieldtogether. A wide band Amplifier will be realized and evaluated in order to demonstratethe capability to address the needs of the future Software Defined Radio base stations.CONTACTDidier BAGLIERIUNITED MONOLITHICSEMICONDUCTORS+33 (0)1 69 86 32 16didier.baglieri@ums-gaas.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTTwo demonstrators combining two power packages containing two 12 mm GaN power barhave been realized to cover the 3G UMTS W-CDMA, 4G LTE and Wimax standards.Output power is above 130W and Power added efficiency above 35%. The use of the Enveloptracking technique has demonstrated an improvement of 15 dB on the linearity and10 points on the PAE. These results are very promising for the future SDR base station.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Development of InAlN/GaNHEMTs Power Devices in S-Band, S. Piotrowicz, E. Chartier,O. Jardel, J. Dufraisse, G. Callet,J-C. Jacquet, D.Lancereau, E.Morvan, R. Aubry, N. Sarazin,C.Dua, M. Oualli, M-A Di-FortePoisson, S.L.Delage – CSIC2011 International Conference.• Performances of AlInN/GaNHEMTs for Power Applicationsat Microwave Frequencies, O.Jardel, G. Callet, J. Dufraisse, N. Sarazin, E. Chartier, T. Reveyrand, M. Oualli, D.Lancereau, M-A. Di Forte Poisson, S. Piotrowicz, E. Morvan, S.L. Delage – EumW2010 Conference.• Characterizations of InAlN/AlN/GaN transistors for S-band applications J.Dufraisse, G. Callet, O. Jardel, E. Chartier, N. Sarazin, S. Piotrowicz, M-A Di FortePoisson, S.L. Delage, P. Bouysse, R. Quéré – EuMW 2011 Conference.• Caractéristiques électriques <strong>des</strong> transistors en technologie InAlN/AlN/GaN pourles applications en bande S, J. Dufraisse, G. Callet, E. Chartier, O. Jardel, J-CJacquet, N. Sarazin, E. Morvan, R. Aubry, M-A Di Forte Poisson, S.L. Delage, S.Piotrowicz, P. Bouysse, R. Quéré - JNM2011.• Simulations d’un amplificateur GaN avec polarisation de drain variable pour larecherche de conditions de fonctionnement linéaire et à haut rendement entechnologie InAlN/AlN/GaN, T.Elmazova, G.Callet, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D.Barataud, J-M. Nebus, S. Piotrowicz - JNM2011.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):This project contributed to support the new business line "power transistors" inside UMS.◗ Business creation:This project was a benefit for all the partners. Among others, it participated at supportingthe GaN product development inside UMS and new business opportunities.PARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, ALCATEL-LUCENT,UNITED MONOLITHICSEMICONDUCTORSSMEs:RFPA, SYSTRELResearch institutes, universities:XLIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:UNITED MONOLITHICSEMICONDUCTORSCall:ANRStart date:December 2008Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.4Telecoms WG295

Personalised Services& CommunicationsBLINKSTERBlinksterCOMPLETEDPROJECTBlinkster is a free and easy to use mobile application.Blinkster uses pictures taken from a mobile device to search the internet.Blinkster is composed of a client and a server platform. The client application usesmobile's camera and GPS if available to build a search request for the Blinkster server. TheServer receives the request, analyses the picture and return to the client a list of structuredresults to display.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe global system is based on a combination of mobile, location, broadband and highspeedtechnologies. Using the flexibility of Cloud Computing architectures, it makes anoriginal use of state-of-the-art image recognition techniques and search heuristics appliedto lightweight mobile and fixed applications for access to cultural information.CONTACTPhilippe MARTINEAUEUREVA+33 (0)1 43 36 92 41philm@eureva.frwww.blinkster.euPARTNERSSMEs:EUREVA/MUSETREKResearch institutes, universities:IRI/INSTITUT TÉLÉCOMMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Centre Pompidou - with augmented reality - visits will be done with Blinkster applicationin the coming months.◗ Job creation: 2.PROJECT DATACoordinator:EUREVACo-label:ADVANCITY, CAP DIGITALCall:PROXIMA MOBILEStart date:November 2009Duration:12 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.6Funding (M2):0.3296Telecoms WG

High speed networksCAlcul Réparti sur Réseau InternetOptique à CApacité SurmultipliéeCOMPLETEDPROJECTCARRIOCAS project studied and deployed an ultra high bit rate optical network (up to 40?Gb/s perchannel) able to answer the industrial needs in terms of interactive numerical simulations onremote supercomputers and of processing of huge volumes of distributed data. The investigationsencompassed optical components and systems optimised in performance and cost, network andservice architecture, protocols and algorithms enabling dynamic provisioning of services fittingapplication requirements, and solutions for distributed storage of massive volumes of data andfor high resolution visualisation. The results have been validated on an experimental test bedinterconnecting 4 industrial and academic research centres in Paris region.CONTACTOlivier AUDOUINALCATEL LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 26 30Olivier.Audouin@Alcatel-Lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTCARRIOCAS achieved one of the first worldwide deployment of 40?Gb/s prototypes integratedinto a commercial transmission platform. Optical components and sub-systems (fibers, integratedreceivers and laser-modulators) at the edge of the state of the art have been produced.Advances brought by CARRIOCAS in bundled network/computing/storage service managementhave been acknowledged by the major international teams working in the domain.CARRIOCAS enhanced the LUSTRE distributed file system to adapt it to servers remotelylocated. The visualisation system which has been implemented, featuring a 24?Mpixels imagewall, is one of the highest resolutions ever achieved for this type of single-screen device.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM optical transmission commercial platform integrates CARRIOCAS40?Gb/s transceiver <strong>des</strong>ign. Draka has transferred into industrialisation the dispersioncompensation fibers. Alcatel-Thales III-V lab commercialises high frequency photodio<strong>des</strong>and pre-amplifiers. Oxalya commercialises VisuPortal, a portal managing visualisationsessions and Medit commercialises MED-SuMo fragmentor, a tool for drug <strong>des</strong>ign.◗ Services:CARRIOCAS results pave the way towards high added value services for high performancedata and computing-intensive applications. The developed solutions will enable networkoperators, data centers operators and service brokers/integrators to propose to endapplication users optimised services associating the different required resource and connections,with tailored performance guarantees.◗ Patents:CARRIOCAS generated 3 Patents on algorithms for resource selection and scheduling.◗ Publications:More than 60?international publications and conferences. CARRIOCAS organized or participatedto 7?workshops and got 4?invited papers.◗ Experimentations:The project demonstrated the performances of the deployed infrastructure in terms ofhigh resolution visualisation and of high bit rate remote access to data and computing fordifferent applications of industrial interest in sectors such as energy production, reservoirprospection and drug <strong>des</strong>ign. The real scale experimentations performed a set of simulationsand post-processing achieving transparency to the actual localisation of the data.A public demonstration has been organised in September 2009.◗ Job creation:The project generated about 16 direct jobs.◗ Business creation:The products generated by CARRIOCAS (40?Gb/s transmission systems and components,VisuPortal… found their first commercial successes. In addition, INRIA is launching thespin-off LY@Tiss which is technologically based on the CARRIOCAS outcomes on virtualisationand service management.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BULL,CGG VERITAS, DRAKA, EDF,FRANCE TELECOM,III-V LAB, HP, RENAULTSMEs:KYLIA, MARBEN PRODUCTS,MEDIT, N2NSOFT, OXALYAResearch institutes, universities:CEA, CNRS, ECP, IEF,INRIA, SUPELEC,TELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARIS, UVSQPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:FUI1Start date:October 2006Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):24.8Funding (M2):10.4Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):6POD, COHDEC40, COLLAVIZ,CSDL, MINOS, PCS, TCHATERTelecoms WG297

Personalised Services& CommunicationsContext Based Digital PersonalityON GOINGPROJECTWithin the next years, as digital technologies become increasingly pervasive, we mightfind ourselves living within intelligent interactive systems formed by hundreds ofsensors and actuators. Interacting with them will be complex, time-consuming and notpossible for certain groups of people: third-age persons, handicapped persons and soon. To solve this problem the CBDP project suggests the creation of a context-baseddigital personally (DP) as a proxy between digital surroundings and the final user. DPswill benefit from mobile technologies for context-creation, maintenance and usage;and from semantic technologies for formal decisions and verifications. Usage of DPwill simplify everyday interaction between users and digital environments and willprovide a framework for implementing value-added services for mobile operators.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Ontology-based methodology specifying context-based Digital Personality creationand use to gain benefits for mobile providers and final users◗ Framework for Digital Personality creation, maintenance and decision taking. Theframework will allow seamless integration between hardware, applications and DPs.◗ Framework extension for service providers - Allow third-party mobile service providersto benefit from the CBDP project results.◗ Pilot applications in the domestic and automotive domains - the French consortiumwill develop an Ambient Assisted Living application.CONTACTSébastien ROCHERATEGO+33 (0)1 41 46 19 74sebastien.rocher@atego.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ACCIONA, INDRA, TELEVES,TURKCELLSMEs:ATEGO, CARETTA,CODE SYNTAX, MOBILERA,TAZGANIA, TRIALOGResearch institutes, universities:ESI/TECNALIA, SUPELEC,UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTOSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The project has been labelized by CELTIC, <strong>Systematic</strong> and FEDER.◗ CELTIC founded consortiums (Spanish and Turkish) started on October 2008.◗ FEDER founded consortium (French) started in April 2009.◗ Requirements, scenarios and architecture have been defined.◗ CBDP framework implemented (CELTIC release) and enforced with success in 5 use cases.◗ CELTIC Final Review accepted on March 24, 2011.◗ CBDP Project continues within the French consortium (FEDER) until March <strong>2012</strong>.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ATEGOCall:FEDER 1 + CELTICStart date:April 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.6Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):EDONA, FLEX-AWARE,LAMBDA, SCRIBO298Telecoms WG

High speed networksCHRONOSChromatic dispersioncompensatorsON GOINGPROJECTThis project aims at the development of broadband fiber Bragg grating based dispersioncompensator modules. This component is dedicated to be placed at long-haul terminalsto compensate the accumulation of residual dispersion along an optical link. Therealization of such component requires the implementation of high-precision equipmentto perform UV laser writing at nanometric scale over 100cm.The environmental conditionsimplies to develop a package which guarantee the performance of the compensator over80°C temperature range. The module will finally be tested on WDM system to evaluatetransmission impairements at very high data rates (10Gb/s and above).CONTACTPhilippe YVERNAULT3S PHOTONICS+33 (0)1 69 80 53 78pyvernault@3Sphotonics.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ A holographic writing technique to allow the manufacturing of long fiber Bragg grating,the <strong>des</strong>ign of which being software controlled.◗ A passive temperature-compensated packagefor coiled fiber Bragg grating.◗ A hermitically sealed package with the particularityof having to deal with a hermetic fiber feedthrough.◗ Measurement methods and software adapted tosuch a long optical fiber component.PARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:ALCATEL-LUCENTSUBMARINE NETWORKS,EGIDESMEs:3S PHOTONICSResearch institutes, universities:CNRS NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS/PHLAM,TÉLÉCOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SUD 11STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The specification of the module has been established.◗ The UV-laser writing bench has been set-up for Fiber Bragg Grating manufacturing.◗ An athermal prototype of the first FBG generation has successfully passed the environmentaltest.◗ System test of a dispersion compensator has been realized.◗ Mechanical sample of the hermitically sealed package has been realized.◗ A specialty fiber is being evaluated.◗ An innovative method has been implemented for Fiber Bragg Grating charaterization.PROJECT DATACoordinator:3S PHOTONICSCall:FUI8Start date:November 2009Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):1.48Telecoms WG299

Personalised Services& CommunicationsGestion de la continuitéde service dans l'habitatON GOINGPROJECTCOHABIT aims at deploying an open service platform to improve the quality of life andglobal wellness of disabled and elderly people. This project will give access to a panelof services at home, within buildings and in the city. Targeted terminals are TVs at homeand mobile phones or telethesis in mobility.As a research perspective, COHABIT's purpose is to explore context awareness aspectssuch as service continuity: how to provide the same service in different places ondifferent terminals.From an industrial point of view, COHABIT will be the starting point to a new generationof Set Top Box (STB) for IPTV and an innovative telethesis.The project will be deployed in the city of Evry (91).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ User profile definition and management: from specific personal habits to confidentialmedical data, getting the correct information at the right moment without compromisingprivacy is a challenge.◗ Human interfaces adaptation to the user specific disabilities: everyone has its particularneeds and interacting with your environment is the first step away from dependency.◗ Surrounding equipments interoperability: the environment is filled with devices youneed to control, however many of them are incompatible and do not communicateusing the same protocols.◗ Large scale outdoor deployment: service continuity on such a complex environmentis quite unpredictable.CONTACTStéphane RENOUARDHANDCO+33 (0)1 60 04 17 09stephane.renouard@handco.frPARTNERSSMEs:HANDCO, STREAMVISIONResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARIS(HANDICOM)PROJECT DATACoordinator:HANDCOCall:FEDER1Start date:April 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.3Funding (M2):0.9STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Specifications of COHABIT user requirements and scenarii.◗ Service Plateform specifications.◗ Indoor deployment is on-going.300Telecoms WG

High speed networksCOHDEQ40COHerent DEtectionfor QPSK 40Gb/s systemsCOMPLETEDPROJECTProject COHDEQ 40 intends to demonstrate the potential of coherent detection, multilevelmodulation format and the association with Digital Signal Processing for nextgeneration high density 40?Gb/s WDM systems optimized for transparency andflexibility. Key integrated optoelectronics components and specific algorithms will bedeveloped and system evaluation performedPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTCoherent detection field has beenan extremely active topic duringthe last 4 years. Demontrationshave almost unlimited amount ofchromatic dispersion, of PMD, anddetection of polarization multiplexedformat have been demonstratedthanks to advance digitalsignal processing algorithms.Transmission at 40?Gb/s and100?Gb/s have been demonstratedover transoceanic distance.High performanceoptoelectronic components havebeen realized and evaluated inlong distance transmissions.CONTACTGabriel CHARLETALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 27 08gabriel.charlet@alcatel-lucent.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT,ALCATEL-THALES III-V LABSMEs:KYLIA, PHOTLINEResearch institutes, universities:IRISA, TELECOM SUDPARIS,XLIMMAJOR PROJECTOUTCOMES◗ Products:• Kylia has developed its expertise for the integration of optical demodulator andphotodiode and commercialize now such kind of product as well as coherent mixer.• Photline commercializes QPSK modulator developed within the project.• Alcatel-Lucent is currently developing 40G and 100G product defined within theproject which will be available this year.These products will be used for terrestrial as well as submarine applications.◗ Patents: 1.◗ Publications:30 publications in international conferences and journals.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENTCall:ANRStart date:January 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.2Funding (M2):1.3Telecoms WG301

Personalised Services& CommunicationsCONNECTContent-Oriented Networking:a New Experience for Content Transfer.ON GOINGPROJECTCONNECT will contribute to the definition and evaluation of a new paradigm for thefuture Internet: a content-centric networking (CCN) architecture where, rather thaninterconnecting remote hosts like IP, the network directly manages the informationobjects that users wish to exchange. The project will build on existing CCN proposals,adopting as a starting point the concept promoted by the Palo Alto Research Center(PARC). While the CCN paradigm has some clear advantages in terms of mobilitymanagement, security, and in realizing bandwidth economies, the architecture isincompletely defined and it remains to thoroughly evaluate the technical and economicfeasibility of the proposal. CONNECT will concentrate on the development of newmechanisms and protocols aimed at enhancing CCN performance and on thedemonstration of their scalability.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIn the PARC vision of CCN, content is divided into packet-size chunks identified by aunique name with a particular hierarchical structure. The name and content can becryptographically encoded and signed, providing a range of security levels. Packetscarry names rather than addresses and this has a fundamental impact on the way thenetwork works. Content is supplied under receiver control, and chunks are freely replicatedfacilitating caching and bringing significant bandwidth economies. CONNECTaims to complement the existing work on CCN with original proposals in the followingthree technical areas.◗ Traffic control must be completelyrethought: TCP is no longer applicableand queue management willrequire new, name-based criteriato ensure fairness and to realizeservice differentiation.◗ Naming, routing and forwardingare addressed in the PARC proposal.However, choices are oftenexpedients to facilitate overlay implementation.It is necessary toprove the name-based routingand forwarding mechanisms arescalable and to <strong>des</strong>ign algorithms suitable for full-scale implementation.◗ In-network storage is a fundamental feature of CCN that relieves network bandwidthutilization and reduces data transfer delays. We plan to investigate the consequentbandwidth/storage tradeoff.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTGiovanna CAROFIGLIOALCATEL LUCENT ,BELL LABS+33 (0)1 30 77 32 73giovanna.carofiglio@alcatel-lucent.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL LUCENT FRANCE ,BELL LABS FRANCE,FRANCE TELECOM ORANGELABSResearch institutes, universities:CRI PARIS - ROCQUENCOURT /EPI RAP, TP, TELECOMPARISTECH, INRIA SOPHIAANTIPOLIS MEDITERRANEEPLANETEPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.8Funding (M2):1.1CONNECT will advance understanding of a new content-centric networking paradigm.The project output will include:◗ a framework for resource management and traffic control in CCN,◗ a scalable and relisient routing and naming scheme,◗ the <strong>des</strong>ign of caching strategies and of mechanisms for network-wide coordination,◗ a report on CCN use cases, highlighting potential for security enhancements,◗ a simulation environment based on ns-3 and an emulation platform built overGRID'5000.302Telecoms WG

High speed networks /Wireless ConnectivityCONnexion Radio sans fil Haut DébitModules InP pour transmissionoptique à 40 & 100 Gb/sCOMPLETEDPROJECTCONRAHD-MINOS (project for the III/V activities) places the European III/V microelectronicsactivities at the world state of the art.Objectives of CONRAHD-MINOS are based on a new approaches of RF modules forPTP/PMP Radio Applications and for Optical Applications.◗ On CONRAHD part:• Miniaturised Transmitting / Receiving modules;• 1 W high power amplifier above 45 GHz;• Transmitters-Receivers for 2,3,4G BTS: module blows up barriers for low noise(0.6?dB balanced) & power transistors @2?GHz;◗ On MINOS part:Design and fabrication of key 100?Gbit/s circuits:• Driver amplifiers, photoreceiver preamplifiers;• Multiplexing/demultiplexing;• Development of an associated 100?Gbit/s packaging technology;• Based on an InP-based heterojunction bipolar technology (0.7?µm process).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:RF transmitters at 42 GHz deployed in Bratislava for triple-play application.◗ Patents:More than 10 patents.◗ Publications:More than 50 publications.CONTACTJean-Yves DADENTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 41 30 48 86jean-yves.daden@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALU, ALCATEL LUCENT III-VLAB,THALES COMMUNICATIONS,UMSIntermediate size enterprises:EGIDE, PICOGIGASMEs:OMMIC, SYSTRELResearch institutes, universities:IEF, LPN, TELECOMPARISTECH, UNIVERSITEPARIS X, UNIVERSITEPARIS SUD 11PROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCall:FUI3Start date:April 2007Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.1Funding (M2):3.7Telecoms WG303

Wireless ConnectivityCORRIDORCOgnitive Radio for RaIlway throughDynamic and Opportunistic spectrum ReuseON GOINGPROJECTThe CORRIDOR project will <strong>des</strong>ign, develop and evaluate the bricks of a Cognitive Radiosystem adapted to high speed railway to solve the problem of interoperability and costlydeployment of incompatible wireless systems along the railway lines and to contributeto spectrum efficiency and global cost reduction. The outputs of the project will beevaluated in simulation and in real operational conditions, along the TGV East line basedon implementation on the OpenAirInterface platform. Preliminary trials are planned inorder to obtain information on channels, noises and signals encountered in the TGVenvironments. The CORRIDOR project is the first proposal devoted to Cognitive Radiosystems for Railway applications in France, taking into account three specific wirelessapplications: GSM-R, CCTV and Internet on board.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe originality of the CORRIDOR project relies on four main points.◗ First, it is the first proposal in France that aims at <strong>des</strong>igning, developing and evaluatingbricks of a CR system for Railway applications in order to avoid costly deployment ofseveral different wireless systems and taking into account the three specific wirelessapplications: control-command, CCTV and Internet on board.◗ Second, the <strong>des</strong>ign and evaluation of the different technological bricks will be performedtaking into account real data (channel, signals and noises) acquired at thebeginning of the project thanks to preliminary trials along the TGV east line and thesystem evaluation on chosen scenarios that will be conducted at high speed(320 km/h) with the IRIS320 measuring coach of SNCF.◗ Third, the platform integration of the different outputs of the technical tasks will beperformed using a common simulation and implementation environment, the OpenAirInterface well known in the CR community and shared by all the partners.◗ Fourth, the collaborative approach between the Intelligent Mobile Terminal and theIntelligent Telecommunication Infrastructure can also be highlighted as a part of theproject novelty.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Design and development of a new architecture for CR for HST.◗ Development and evaluation of new algorithms: spectrum sensing, channel estimation,modeling and tracking, source separation and classification.◗ Optimization of mobility management and QoS.◗ Analysis and evaluation of resources distribution mechanisms to address heterogeneouswireless networks and to find the most adequate trade-off for channel allocation.◗ Integration on OpenAirInterface platform.◗ Evaluation with HST trials.CONTACTMarion BERBINEAUIFSSTAR+33 (0)3 20 43 83 31marion.berbineau@ifsttar.frPARTNERSLarge companies:SNCF, THALESResearch institutes, universities:EURECOM, IEMN, IFSTTAR,UBOPROJECT DATACoordinator:IFSTTARCo-label:I-TRANSCall:ANRStart date:November 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):Funding (M2):Related Sytematic project(s):URC304Telecoms WG

Personalised Services & Communications/ Wireless ConnectivityCultureClic, la cultureaugmentée sur mobileCOMPLETEDPROJECTCultureClic, created and edited by i-Marginal for Proxima Mobile, is the most completeculture-on-mobile application for France to check out geolocated works in high definition— more than 800 from BnF and Rmn — geolocalized and available in augmented realitymode; access to the 1,350 French museums, geolocated, with all practical information;also what's on near you with more than 600 cultural events in France, taken from theCulture Portal of the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. This amazing app,available free of charge on iPhone, was uploaded 250,000 times.In the future, CultureClic wants to be — within a wide offer, available on more screens,leading smartphones — the main window for Culture, Tourism and leisure. Beginningin France, then in Europe.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThis application is still the most advanced of its kind, as regard Augmented Culture.With augmented reality mode, kind of a journey into time on iPhone, you will see theplace where you are located as it was several centuries ago: the Louvre in the oldendays, the first photos of Notre Dame Cathedral, Pont Neuf or the Eiffel Tower underconstruction – and many more treasures...CONTACTSacha QUESTER-SÉMÉONI-MARGINAL+33 (0)1 40 46 83 50sacha@imarginal.comPARTNERSSMEs:I-MARGINAL, MEMO AGENCYResearch institutes, universities:BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALEDE FRANCE, LA RÉUNIONDES MUSÉES NATIONAUX,LE MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTUREET DE LA COMMUNICATIONMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:220 Press quotations (cf. http://ow.ly/4KsVr).◗ Patents:CultureClic ® owned by i-Marginal.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):This mobile plateform will be developed in thenext month with a lot of new functionalities, on alltypes of screen, from mobile to tablets, up to PC's(HTML5), and translated (english first and otherlanguages)…◗ Job creation: 3◗ Bisiness creation:CultureClic as a brand, new services for cultureand tourism.PROJECT DATACoordinator:I-MARGINALCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:PROXIMA MOBILEStart date:December 2009Duration:14 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.0Funding (M2):0.5Telecoms WG305

High speed networksDIQDOTDispersion Immune Quantum Dot based sourcesfor next generation access networksON GOINGPROJECTThe DIQDOT project will develop novel GREEN optical sources for low cost, lowconsumption, athermal, access network infrastructure that will support a number ofaccess network topologies. These high performance transmitters are based on a novellow dimensional material system consisting of quantum dashes grown on InP to reachthe 1.55 µm fiber window. Besi<strong>des</strong> high power and high bit rate (10 Gbit/s) operation,these transmitters will be capable of achieving transmission spans on standard fibrewell beyond chromatic dispersion limits. More precisely we consider the disruptiveintegration of two innovative building blocks: a directly modulated DFB laser with verylow chirp based on high differential gain p-doped nanostructures and a monolithicallyintegrated InP-based ring resonator.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThese high performance transmitters are based on a novel low dimensional materialsystem consisting of quantum dashes (QD) grown on InP to reach the 1.55 μm fiberwindow. Besi<strong>des</strong> high power and high bit rate (10 Gbit/s) operation, these transmitterswill be capable of achieving transmission spans on standard fibre well beyond chromaticdispersion limits. More precisely we consider the disruptive integration of twoinnovative building blocks:◗ A directly modulated DFB laser (DML) with very low chirp based on the combinationof high differential gain p-doped nanostructures, inducing low adiabatic chirp even athigh current and high temperature, and an optimized laser technology leading to avery low transient chirp. (A further major asset of this QD-DML is its ability to operateisolator-free).◗ A monolithically integrated InP-based ring resonator allowing the efficient dampingof “0 levels” for recovering an extinction ratio (ER) fully compatible with current accessstandards (ER > 6 dB).CONTACTFrançois LELARGEIII-V LAB+33 (0)1 30 77 68 81francois.lelarge@3-5lab.frPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, FRANCE TELECOMResearch institutes, universities:FOTON, IT-TSP, LPNPROJECT DATACoordinator:III-V LABCo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUXCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.8Funding (M2):1.1STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESKick-off was organized in March <strong>2012</strong>.306Telecoms WG

High speed networksECOFRAMEEléments de COnvergencepour les Futurs Réseaux d’Accèset MEtropolitains hauts débitCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe objective of this project is to propose a new metropolitan packet network based on an opticalpacket switching technology offering a limited power consumption, an effective reduction of theCAPEX and OPEX, and new perspectives in terms of capacity increase when compared to otheralternatives. The focus of the project will be then on the proposal, the <strong>des</strong>ign and theimplementation of an optical packet ring network, on the <strong>des</strong>ign and the realisation of an opticalpacket switch for a mesh topology, on the study of a LDPC-based FEC, on the realisation ofintegrated optical components, on physical modelling and simulation of the network, on the MACprotocol <strong>des</strong>ign and on the performance analysis of the network concept proposed.CONTACTDominique CHIARONIALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 26 34dominique.chiaroni@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTProposal and realisation of a new optical time slotted ring metro network concept with new technoeconomicadvantages with respect to to competitive solutions: Ethernet or R-OADM-based solutions.The project has demonstrated that this solution is less power consuming, less hardwaredemanding and less expensive than the two technologies previously mentioned, for different capacitydemands. The technical proposition, has also new functions required to lead to a high networkefficiency, when compared to similar apporaches studied by competitors, in the research area.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Realisation of an optical time slotted ring metro network test-bed demonstrating for the firsttime, full bit rate transparency (from 10G to 100G) with small sensitivity or OSNR penalties (lessthan 2?dB in a 40 channels configuration), high network efficiency enabling traffic engineering,<strong>des</strong>ign of a packet FEC based on LDPC coding. A techno-economic analysis has demonstratedthe interest on the concept when compared to other competitive alternatives. Realisation of asub-equipped optical label switching architecture operating at 10žGbit/s to address mesh topologies.Definition and study of different MAC protocols, and demonstration of a high networkefficiency. Physical simulations demonstrating the scalability of the network. Desing and firstevaluations of a new packet FEC based on LDPC algorithms.◗ Patents: 1.◗ Services:Services supported by the ring network: circuit and packet connections, multi-CoS compliant,Radio over Fiber technology on the top of the ring analysed. Finally a network model from theaccess part to the metro part has been realised to estimate the end-to-end latency.◗ Publications:More than 50 publications, in National and International conferences, including internationalscientifc review.◗ Experimentations:Two demonstrators: one optical packet ring network (ALU BL F) and one Optical Label Switch(France TelecomOrange Labs).◗ Job creation:15 creations ofjobs, and PhDs.◗ Business creation:Not yet.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT,BELL LABS FRANCEORANGE LABSSMEs:KLOEResearch institutes, universities:PRISM, TELECOM BRETAGNE,TELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARIS, XLIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:ANRStart date:February 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):ANTARESTelecoms WG307

Wireless Connectivitye-CompagnonCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe major goal of this project was to define, <strong>des</strong>ign, develop and make demonstratorsof a new type of connectable mobile terminal. This new terminal being the support ofnew services providing both utility and entertainment.It has been prefered the aproach of a plurality of optimised terminals aiming at makingworldwide firsts rather than one universal but less efficient version.Modularity and reuse of the results of the collaborative research have been encouragedfor making possible the implementation of the results in a wide range of attractiveproducts for the worldwide consumer market.CONTACTRaoul MALLARTARCHOS+33 (0)6 84 58 32 64mallart@archos.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTAlready some industrial fallback of the results of the project (Archos).◗ A product line of “Internet tablets” that are a worldwide first implementations ofAndroid system on terminals having a large screen with a high resolution …◗ Another product line called “PC tablet” implementing Microsoft Windows 7 on a newlow power intel processor. It is the finest true PC to date and the only one implementinga zero fan solution for cooling. It has been presented as a reference at CES 2010by Steve Balmer, Microsoft's CEO…PARTNERSLarge companies:SNCFIntermediate size enterprises:ARCHOSSMEs:DEVERYWARE, OPENWIDEResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, TELECOM SUDPARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:two product ranges.◗ Patents: 1.◗ Publications:to be done in the next 6 months.◗ Experimentations:to be done in the next 6 months.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ARCHOSCall:FUI5Start date:April 2008Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.2Funding (M2):2.5308Telecoms WG

High speed networkseco-<strong>des</strong>ign of home networkON GOINGPROJECTEconHome main objectives are to reduce by 70 % the power consumption and theemitted electromagnetic radiations of residential electronic equipments. Internetgateways, set-top-boxes, CPL plugs and NAS are the primary targets of the project.EconHome is following a three axis approach to bring a comprehensive solution.Partners are working on the <strong>des</strong>ign of low power chips (STB, CPL, WiFi), <strong>des</strong>ign of lowpower platforms for STB and Internet gateways with modular functionning support,and management of sleep/wake up states of devices on the LAN.CONTACTEric MASERASAGEMCOM+33 (0)1 57 61 31 17eric.masera@sagemcom.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Highly integrated powerful STB chipsets with low power consumption, bringing batterypowered device optimizations in a plugged equipment.◗ Low power WiFi chips and CPL platforms.◗ Gateways and STB supporting low power modular operating mode.◗ Sleep mo<strong>des</strong> and fast wake up of platforms and components.◗ Network controlled wake up and sleep mo<strong>des</strong>.◗ Power aware data transmission.◗ Low power security mechanisms.PARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGE LABS,ST ERICSSON, SAGEMCOM,ST MICROELECTRONICS,Intermediate size enterprisesSPIDCOMSMEs:COMSIS, DOCEA POWER,UTREMAResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, CEA LIST, ETIS,INRIASTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Scenarios and technical requirements are completed.◗ Hardware platforms are progressing well and will soon be available to target partners.◗ Demonstratrors are being defined and roles of partners is under final definition.◗ Solutions for LAN energy optimization are identified and are discussed at internationalforum.PROJECT DATACoordinator:SAGEMCOMCo-label:MINALOGICCall:FUI10Start date:January 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):10.9Funding (M2):3.9Telecoms WG309

Wireless ConnectivityECOSCELLSEfficient COoperating Small CellsON GOINGPROJECTThe need for bandwidth and the incitation to reduce power consumption leads to thereduction of cells’ size in cellular networks. This reduction implies issues for cellsorganization and deployment, mainly interferences. The project aims at developing thealgorithms and solutions required to allow efficient Small Cells Network (SCN)deployment. The algorithms will be based on most recent development in distributedalgorithms, game theory and reinforcement learning. The architecture and the algorithmsfor the backhauling network will also be proposed. Finally, the developed solutions in theproject will be validated thanks to simulations and will be implemented on the top of anindustrial development platform with the objective to deliver a prototype of SCN basestation. The project targets to validate the industrial value of the SCN concept.CONTACTAfef FEKIALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 15 48afef.feki@alcatel-lucent.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project aims to provide a complete solution for SCN, from relevant technologicallocks analysis to an effective realistic experimental situation:◗ Optimization of cell site deployment, configuration& tuning, energy usage.◗ Assigning Resources for Service Continuity andCoverage.◗ Set up of an innovative cells backhaul.Theoretical studies will develop required algorithms and study these algorithms’ performanceby simulation. Thereafter the identified solution will be implemented in a prototypeof Small Cell base station. This prototype will be deployed on a restricted sizearea (few cells) in order to demonstrate the value and performance of the whole conceptin realistic conditions.The outcome of ECOSCells will deliver the means to exploit the density of small cells:innovative concepts and algorithms on one hand, simulation results and equipmentsprototype demonstrating their validity on the other hand. The ambition of ECOScells isto address the SCN concept as a whole, from theory to implementation, allowing a fastmarket acceptance.The project is organized in 6 tasks:◗ Coordination, communication and valorization: T1.◗ Analysis, theoretical studies and <strong>des</strong>ign: T2, T3 and T4.◗ Prototyping and validation: T5 and T6.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Project launched on November 1st, 2009.◗ The project is at mid-term and has provided all planned deliverables. The deploymentscenarios and the global parameters (radio models, system parameters, and backhauling)have been defined and will be used to evaluate proposed solutions for self-configurationin SCN. These will be mainly based on learning algorithms and optimizationmechanisms for resource allocation for which a complete survey has been produced.Finally, a prototype based on Open Air Interface is planned to demonstrate the performancesof chosen algorithms in addition to a backhaul prototype.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, ORANGE LABSSMEs:3ROAMS, SEQUANS, SIRADELResearch institutes, universities:EURECOM, INRIA, LAAS-CNRS,SUPELEC, UNIVERSITED'AVIGNONPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT,BELL LABS FRANCECall:ANRStart date:November 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.2Funding (M2):1.3310Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityELHANE-Band pour Liaisons Haut-débit Numériques(E-Band for High bit rate digital links)ON GOINGPROJECTThe ELHaN project main target is to enable the capability to get low cost high bit rate(> 1Gbits/s), high spectrum efficiency (> 7bits/s/Hz), short range (> 4km) point to pointradio links on the newly worldwide standardized E-Band (71-76/81-86?GHz) frequencyband by developing all the basic components and technologies needed for this purpose.By achieving this first target we aim to achieve a most important target by becoming thereal enabler for the Broadband Mobile Wireless deployments in urban and sub-urbanareas which mainly suffer today from the backhauling bottleneck (from capacity andtotal cost of Ownership point of view) to reach an acceptable level of customer experienceby giving 2 Mbits/s minimum data bit rate to anybody, anywhere on those areas.CONTACTEdouard PEREIRAALCATEL-LUCENT+33 (0)6 12 74 61 48edouard.pereira@alcatel-lucent.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main technological innovation that will raise with ELHaN will be:◗ The definition and <strong>des</strong>ign of full integrated efficient mm-wave transceiver includinginnovative packaging which can be also used for other application in similar frequencybands (or at least the technologies developed for).◗ The definition and <strong>des</strong>ign of a high bit rate MODEM using all full digital technologiesto relax the constraint in RF part, and which will permit to take all advantage of thepacket transmission.◗ Definition and <strong>des</strong>ign of a new kind of high efficiency low cost antenna and diplexer.All those technologies will be <strong>des</strong>ign in order to fit an innovative system definition basedon the new needs of backhaul generated by the deployment of the data broadband wirelessaccess (HSDPA, HSDPA+, LTE, Wimax) which will particularly care of the powerconsumption and discretion.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Status:The initial system and component specification phase is ended and the basic component<strong>des</strong>ign is on going. First run will be available for testing in June 2010.◗ Main outcomes:• System definition and components specifications;• Basic MMIC components including low cost and security like packaging;• High bit rate high efficiency full digital dedicated MODEM;• Low cost diplexer and high efficiency antenna;• New Low cost PCB concept;• Concept link demonstrator.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, THALES,UMSIntermediate size enterprises:EGIDE, ELVIA, RFSSMEs:NOVAPACKResearch institutes, universities:SUPELEC, UPOND/GEAPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENTCall:FUI7Start date:June 2009Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11.2Funding (M2):3.1Telecoms WG311

High speed networksEPODEnhanced PON using OFDM modulation formatCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe EPOD project aims at contributing to develop new systems to meet the requirementsof future access networks in terms of extended reach and bit rate. It will contribute to theFSAN objectives in the definition of new technological solutions in order to overcome thehurdle of bandwidth botleneck when high bit rate services will be massively in demand.The impairments of optical fibre at high bit rates, such as chromatic dispersion, will beovercome through novel and robust techniques. The EPOD project will address themigration scenarios linked to the evolution of the access network which would be basedon GPON systems that are available today. The infrastructure deployed could be leftunchanged while just changing or superposing the terminal equipment.CONTACTNaveena GENAYORANGE LABS+33 (0)2 96 05 11 44naveena.genay@orange-ftgroup.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe EPOD project has enabled the development of analogue lasers and receivers forOFDM transmission in a TDM-PON architecture. A test bed has been set up to enablethe validation of OFDM modulation for theaccess network. Direct modulation and directdetection which are cost-effective forthe access network have been experimentallydemonstrated over an optical fiberlink. The modules had highly linear characteristicswhich enabled them to achieveanalogue modulation and detection. It hasbeen shown that 40 Gbit/s was possibleusing OFDM modulation over a 17 GHzbandwidth laser.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "Up to 40 Gbit/s optically amplified AMOOFDM for Next Generation PON networks",L. Anet Neto et Al, OFC 2011, Los Angeles, USA.• "On the interest of chirped lasers for AMOOFDM transmissions in long distancePON networks", L. Anet Neto et al, OFC 2011, Los Angeles, USA.• "High bit rate burst mode optical OFDM for Next Generation Passive Optical Networks",L. Anet Neto et al, ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy.• "Very High bit rate transmission for NG-PON using AMOOFDM direct modulation oflinear laser", T. N. Duong et al, OFC 2010, Los Angeles, USA.• "Multi-band power allocation in AMOOFDM high data rate NG-PON downlink transmissiondirect modulation of linear laser", A. Gharba et al, OFC 2010, Los Angeles, USA.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):The new modules have enabled to contribute to the discussions at FSAN on the NG-PON2on the potentiality of using OFDM for increased bit rate at 10 Gbit/s and beyond (40Gbit/s).At Orange Labs, work on OFDM has benefited from the EPOD project: several PhD theseshave been proposed for in-depth study of applications of OFDM for PON.There have been 2 emitter modules developed by 3S Photonics and evaluated withinthe framework of the EPOD project (1915 LMA and 1925 LMA corresponding to differentpackages (Butterfly and TOSA).◗ Job creation:5CDDs and 1 CDI (sum from all partners)◗ Business creation:Lasers and receivers developed within the framework of EPOD project opened themarket for 3S Photonics for analogue applicationsPARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGE LABSSMEs:3S PHOTONICSResearch institutes, universities:UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES (XLIM),UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIECURIE (L2E)PROJECT DATACoordinator:ORANGE LABSCo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUXCall:ANRStart date:February 2008Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.7Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):TRILOB312Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsEtude & expérimentation<strong>des</strong> outils et technologies IMScompatibles avec les usagesCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), last evolution in telecommunication core networks,represents a real opportunity for telecommunication actors facing the competition ofInternet actors in a market moving towards the supremacy of IP services.However some blocking points have been identified:◗ Standards on interoperability mechanisms and services composition are stillincomplete.◗ There are no existing methods for formal checking and validation of IMS services.◗ There are currently too few existing IMS services, moreover not leveraging on thepossibility to easily create innovative services, to make IMS viable for end-users.The ExoTICus project aims at overcoming those limitations to help the adoption of IMS.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe aim of the project was to overcome the weaknesses of standardization on integrationand services composition processes, initiate a momentum for innovative andreusable IMS services creation; speed up the development process of IMS services andallow end-user experimentation to validate innovative IMS servicesTo make it real, the project has deployed in Nozay (91) a complete IMS infrastructure todevelop and trial innovative converging IMS services with real users. In addition, Adaptationof modeling tools (Real Time developer studio from Pragmadev) and the IMSarchitecture have been performed to speed-up the development cycle of innovativeIMS services.CONTACTYann GASTEALCATEL-LUCENT+33 (0)1 30 77 27 62yann.gaste@alcatel-lucent.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENTIntermediate size enterprises:ARCHOS SASMEs:CITYPASSENGER,DEVERYWARE, LEGOS,PRAGMADEV, TRANSATELResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, TELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARISMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Implementation of the JSR 289 Service Broker solution in Alcatel-Lucent 5400 IMSApplication Server, and implementation of the IF verification method in Pragmadev'sReal Time Developper Studio.◗ Services:Legos and one of his customers are ready to deploy and commercialize an extendedreachability service based thanks to the project results.◗ Publications:2 book chapters (A. Gouya and N. Crespi, “Chapter 14: Service Orchestration in IMS,”in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Handbook, CRC Press, 2008 and Bertin E, CrespiN., chapter 1: "IMS Service, Models and Concepts" in "IMS Handbook", CRC Press,ISBN 9781420064599), 10 accepted contributions to 3GPP normalization, and5 accepted papers.◗ Experimentations:7 concepts were experimented in real condition by hundreds of users recruited via theTransatel Exoticus website.◗ Business creation:INRIA "Ambientic" demo won the « 11ème concours national d'aide à la créationd'entreprises de technologies innovantes OSÉO - Catégorie "en émergence" ».PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENTCall:FUI4Start date:November 2007Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.8Funding (M2):3Telecoms WG313

Personalised Services& CommunicationsF-LabON GOINGPROJECTThe F-Lab project works towards enabling an open, general-purpose and sustainablelarge-scale shared experimental facility that fosters the emergence of the FutureInternet. The project builds on a leading prototype for such a facility: the OneLabfederation of testbeds. F-Lab will enhance the OneLab federation model with theaddition of SensLAB’s unique sensor network and LTE-based cellular systems, anddevelop tools to conduct experiments on these enriched facilities.F-Lab presents a unique opportunity for the French community to play a stronger rolein the <strong>des</strong>ign of federation systems; for the SensLAB testbed to reach an internationalvisibility and use; and for the pioneering of testbeds based on LTE technology.CONTACTTimur FRIEDMANUPMC SORBONNEUNIVERSITES+33 (0)1 44 27 71timur.friedman@upmc.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Through federation, F-Lab aims to allow users easy access to the resources of threeheterogeneous testbeds: 1) PlanetLab Europe, offering access to over a thousandgeographically distributed PlanetLab no<strong>des</strong>; 2) four SensLAB testbeds, each offeringseveral hundred fixed and mobile sensor no<strong>des</strong>; and 3) a completely new LTE-basedcellular system, currently under development.◗ F-Lab will also develop a single experiment control interface, through which the userwill be able to pilot their experiment, and exploit tools from across the three testbeds,thanks to uniform monitoring standards.◗ The project inclu<strong>des</strong> a detailed use case, GMES (Global Monitoring for Environmentand Security), which will run across all three testbeds, evaluating large-scale monitoringapplications that will use advanced techniques (geo-location, processing anddata caching, P2P) to meet non-functional requirements (energy efficiency, robustness).The figure below shows how the different testbed facilities can help to supportengineering and studies on the different parts of the GMES system.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, THALESCOMMUNICATIONSResearch institutes, universities:INRIA, UPMC SORBONNEUNIVERSITESPROJECT DATACoordinator:UPMC SORBONNEUNIVERSITESCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:November 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.1Funding (M2):1.3STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ LTE: simplification of "Evolved Packet Core" functionalities (ongoing).◗ Federation: SensLAB compliance with SFA federation standard (ongoing), extensionof common to cover all testbeds (ongoing).◗ GMES use case: now thoroughly specified (e.g., step-by-step storyboard, messageflows, required software and hardware) and is currently under development.314Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsGENGHIS KHANAlInN/Gan Evaluationfor low Noise - hiGH power,and Integrated circuitSin and above KA baNdON GOINGPROJECTThe development of high power sources above Ka band (26-40 GHz) is a key technologyfor the next generation of broadband mobile and security services in Europe. The aimof this project is to provide a breakthrough in the field of semi-conductor compoundsthrough the development of AlInN/GaN wide bandgap technology for high frequencyapplications. The mains objectives of the project are:◗ Evaluate and develop AlInN/GaN technology for high frequency operations from Ka-Band to Q-Band (40 GHz).◗ Demonstrate the capabilities of AlInN/GaN technology to provide high output powerat high frequency by developing power amplifier functions with output power in therange of 8 to 10 W with associated efficiency of 35%.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIn the recent years, many efforts weredevoted to the research and developmentof the AlGaN/GaN HEMT technologyand applications covering frequencyrange from 1 to 20 GHz have been targetedas first objective. A second step isnecessary to investigate higher frequenciespushing the limits of wide bandgapdevices in the millimeter wave range.No stabilized wideband gap technologiesexist today around the world. Fewpublications pointing out the greatpotentialities of such technology inKa band and up to W-band (110 GHz).The main objective of this project isto demonstrate high power GaN HEMT technology operating up to Q-Band. This projectinclu<strong>des</strong> highly challenging aspects:◗ Material aspect: One of the outputs is the validation of the AlInN/GaN material as acandidate for high frequency applications.◗ Technology aspect: Definition of a process flow is expected as key output, targetingmillimeter-wave. This technological definition would include the epitaxial structure,process modules and transistors architecture.◗ Transistor aspect: Design of a family of transistors operating potentially up 1 W at40 GHz. Transistors for robust low noise amplifiers will be also studied.◗ Circuit aspect: Circuit layouts demonstrating low noise amplifier and high power amplifiers(8-10 W) up to 34 GHz.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESGENGHIS KHAN started one year ago. All the partners involved in the project have initiatedvery interesting work. At AlInN/GaN material level, first 3’’ wafers were realized and arein processing for transistor realisations. Chemical analyses of the surface of the epilayerstructure were conducted for a better understanding of the surface state properties of thisnew heterostructure, which plays an important role in the realization of transistors withgood characteristics. Thanks to the specifications at circuit level, transistor layouts withvarious topologies were <strong>des</strong>igned and test benches are currently in development. Finally,building blocks at package level are being investigated in order to manage the high powerdissipation of GaN technologies, the high frequency targeted in the GENGHIS KHANproject taking also into account the cost constraints of the market.CONTACTStéphane PIOTROWICZIII-V LAB+33 (0)1 30 77 69 29stephane.piotrowicz@3-5lab.frPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB,THALES COMMUNICATIONS,UNITED MONOLITHICSEMICONDUCTORIntermediate size entreprises:EGIDEResearch institutes, universities:INSTITUT LAVOISIER DEVERSAILLES, LAAS CNRSUNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEPROJECT DATACoordinator:III-V LABCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.9Funding (M2):1.3Telecoms WG315

Wireless ConnectivityGReen Wireless Communicating ObjectsON GOINGPROJECTThe power consumption of embedded systems is a major concern for self-powered devicesbased on energy harvesting. Today, to reduce it, technologies exist at several levels. Indigital architectures, low-power mo<strong>des</strong> are implemented (DVFS, DPM). In the radiotransceiver, blocks are optimized with respect to energy according to sensitivity andinterference robustness constraints. Converters are <strong>des</strong>igned for optimal trade-offbetween performance and energy. Various communication protocols are available tooptimize the energy per transmitted bit ratio. GRECO proposes a global <strong>des</strong>ign approachrelying on the behaviour and power modelling of the different components. The aim is the<strong>des</strong>ign of an autonomous communicating object. To be operational, its power consumptionmust be well balanced considering the harvested energy available from its environment.CONTACTFlorian BROEKAERTTHALES COMMUNICATIONS& SECURITY+33 (0)1 46 13 32 18florian.broekaert@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSMany techniques tend to reduce power consumptionof embedded systems. Unfortunately,they are generally developed without deep analysisof the impact they have on each other. We believethat it is possible to save even more energyby using a more global <strong>des</strong>ign approach. GRECOproposes a global approach for <strong>des</strong>igning a communicatingobject that is completely autonomousin energy. The study relies on modelling, in termsof performance and energy, the different blocksthat are required for the object <strong>des</strong>ign (RF blocks,converters, modem, digital architecture, application,power generator, battery). This approachimplies a large model diversity that needs to beaddressed with great care. Choice of modellingand simulation tools and techniques is thereforea key aspect for the project as well as the selectionof low power components (RF, analog anddigital) and low-power protocols. For systemspowered with an energy harvester, it is theenergy available at a given time which is criticalbecause this energy may vary depending on thelocation of the sensor. A major component is thepower manager which has to handle efficientlythe energy needed for ensuring functional behaviourwith respect to the energy harvested.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe main project outcomes will be, for a given power source and a target application,to evaluate the available and necessary power allocation for different parts of thecommunicating object. The innovative solution proposed should allow to reachsignificant power gain allowing to envision the <strong>des</strong>ign of communicating objectscompletely autonomous in energy. Another key outcome will lie in the <strong>des</strong>ign of thepower manager that will handle the energy trade-offs. At the end of the first year, threecase studies with different profiles have been defined and their power consumptioncharacterized: audio communication, health usage and monitoring system, smartbuildings. Two simulation environments, satisfying the wide analysis needs, will host themodels and will be cross-evaluated: a co-simulation OMNET/SystemC and aco-simulation WSNet-WSIM/Matlab.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONS& SECURITYSMEs:INSIGHT-SIPResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, CEA LIST, IM2NP,IRISA, LEATPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALESCo-label:SCSCall:ANRStart date:October 2010Duration:40 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.5Funding (M2):1.3316Telecoms WG

High speed networksHigh Spectral Efficiency 400G/1T OpticalNetworks Powered by Very High SpeedDigital-to-Analog ConvertersON GOINGPROJECTHENIAC project adresses challenges related to the physical layer of tomorrow'sInternet. Driven by video, including emerging 3D applications, and exploding mobiledata trafic fueled by the democratisation of smartphones, the global telecommunicationnetwork is experiencing major technological challenges. After the recent introductionof 100 Gb/s optical communication systems, next generations providing 400 Gb/s and1 Tb/s capacities are already asked for by companies like Facebook and Google, oroperators like Verizon.HENIAC project aims at developing new very high speed digital-to-analog converters toenable next generation optical communication systems based on multilevel opticalmodulation formats, allowing to reach 400 Gb/s per modulated wavelengths, and pavingthe way to future 1 Tb/s systems.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSHENIAC project will provide innovations in 6 key areas:◗ Very high speed digital-to-analog converters (up to 60 GBd) with high output swing (upto 4Vpp_diff) will be <strong>des</strong>igned and fabricated using an advanced 0.7-µm InP DHBTtechnology.◗ Extensive electro-magnetic simulationswill allow to specify and optimiseall critical RF interfaces, especiallythe one between the DAC and theelectro-optical modulator.◗ Packaging technologies will be developpedin order to provide deviceswhich are compatible with Surface-Mountable-Technology.◗ System implementation will be donethrough ad-hoc FPGA-based evaluationboards in order to provide flexibleand optimised sub-systems.◗ Advanced digital signal processing for optical communications will be implementedto provide demodulation and error correction algorithms in order to improve the system'sperformance when using complex modulation formats like PDM 16QAM andPDM 64QAM.◗ Multilevel optical modulation formats, such as PDM 16/64QAM, will be investigatedthrough system experiments in back-to-back and transmission configurations. Theirproperties with respect to OSNR requirements and transmission distance will beassessed. During these system experiments, 400 Gb/s will be achieved and 1 Tb/swill be demonstrated through a dual-carrier technique.CONTACTJean-Yves DUPUYIII-V LAB+33 (0)1 30 77 67 76jean-yves.dupuy@3-5lab.frPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, ALCATEL-LUCENTBELL LABS FRANCEIntermediate size entreprises:EGIDESMEs:VECTRAWAVEResearch institutes, universities:XLIM, SUPELECPROJECT DATACoordinator:III-V LABCo-label:ELOPSYSCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1.2STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ First phase will aim at a 400 Gb/s initial demonstration based on hybrid implementationof 60-GBd 2-bit Power-DAC and 2:1-Mux modules.◗ Second phase will aim at realising an optimized 400 Gb/s demonstration with anintegrated implementation of 60-GBd 2-bit Power-DAC and 2:1-Mux modules.◗ Third phase will aim at demonstrating 500 Gb/s and 1 Tb/s with integrated 50-GBd 3-bitPower-DAC and 2:1-Mux modules, implemented in an FPGA-based evaluation board.Telecoms WG317

Personalised Services& CommunicationsINCOMEMulti-Scale Context Management SoftwareInfrastructure for the Internet of ThingsON GOINGPROJECTINCOME main objective is to provide a software infrastructure for the extension ofpervasive applications to the scale of the Internet of Things and so to ease the deploymentof new mass market mobile applications.Those applications consume high-level context data provided by context manager software,through processing and filtering of numerous raw context data collected from the userenvironment and over the Internet of Things. INCOME aims to propose multi-scale contextmanagers (from ambient to Internet through clouds). For multi-scale purpose, contextmanagers have to tackle heterogeneous context data, distribute both processing and flowsof data, insure scalability, manage the quality of context for appropriate decision-making,enhance privacy of personal context data during the whole context management process,adapt context management itself to dynamic environments.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSINCOME targets the infrastructure level for mass market context-aware applications. Thoseapplications have to be deployed at a wide scale both in terms of the number of deploymentlocations and the number of users. For this kind of applications, available contextdata vary according to both geographical and temporal dimensions. In these conditions,autonomous deployment strategies for context management entities are essential. Thesestrategies allow the infrastructure to automatically support the instability and openness ofthe environment. At the same time, they preserve both the quality of context and the contextprivacy. The scientific program of INCOME inclu<strong>des</strong> three main tasks:◗ Multi-scale context management,◗ Management of extrafunctional concerns (quality of context and privacy),◗ Autonomous deployment of context management entities. INCOME is a contribution interms of generic software and middleware components to ease the <strong>des</strong>ign and developmentof mass market context-aware applications built upon the Internet of Things.CONTACTJean-Paul ARCANGELIINSTITUT DE RECHERCHE ENINFORMATIQUE DE TOULOUSE+33 (0)5 61 55 63 49Jean-Paul.Arcangeli@irit.frPARTNERSSMEs:ARTALResearch institutes, universities:TÉLÉCOM SUDPARIS, UPS-IRITPROJECT DATACoordinator:UPS-IRITCo-label:AEROSPACE VALLEYCall:ANRStart date:February <strong>2012</strong>Duration:44 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.8STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESINCOME starts in february <strong>2012</strong>. One expected outcome is to propose an alternative to adhoc solutions which have to be implemented specifically for each application domain. It willprovide instead a generic software infrastructure for multi-scale context management tocollect and distribute flows of data, and transform raw data into directly exploitable data fornew generation of mobile and pervasive applications and their decision-making process.318Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsQualité IP temps réelON GOINGPROJECTIPchronos goal is to enable Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring of internet servicescertified. This will substancialy increase customer confidence.Operation of realtime services like video of remote applications requires the master ofthe IP path quality to avoid any disruption. Disruptive events can be anticipated with anaccurate measurement of the Packet Delay Variation (PDV). Recent progress in thenetwork equipements are taking benefits from direct physical layer synchronization toreach a 1000 fold increase in the measurement accuracy.IPchronos will dedicate tools for remote services providers and operators to enablerealtime measurement and correlate it with QoE.CONTACTGilles BOIMEOROLIA - SPECTRACOM+33 (0)1 64 53 94 24gilles.boime@spectracom.orolia.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Realtime services operation like video or remote applications demand to master thenetwork IP path quality in order to avoid service deny. The collapse resulting from thelink congestion is most of the time sudden. This collapse can be anticipated with aprecise (< 1µs) measurement of the packet delay variation through out the path. Upto now, the lack of normalized accès to the physical signal layer on the link limitedthe precision to the 1ms range, unless you use very high cost tools.◗ Development of direct embedded measurements on the physical layer inside networkequipments enable to reachan accuracy never accessiblebefore.◗ The residence time of packets inthe network is closely linkedwith the path instantaneous trafic.The fine measurement of thepacket delay variations can providea reliable estimate of theQualité de Service (QoS) variation.The relationship betweenPDV and QoS and between QoSet QoE will be evaluated andverified on a proof platform. Theresults will be compared withother existing metrics.◗ New metrics will be integratedin tools for QoE monitoring. This will create a new generation of remote probes for theQoE measurement.PARTNERSLarge companies:IP-LABEL NEWTESTIntermediate size entreprises:OROLIA-SPECTRACOMResearch institutes, universities:INRIAPROJECT DATACoordinator:OROLIA-SPECTRACOMCall:FUI11Start date:Septembre 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.3STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESProject is in the initial phase with the development of the accurate measurement toolsand the validation of their remote operation.Telecoms WG319

Wireless ConnectivityIP Network Monitoring for Qualityof Service Intelligent SupportON GOINGPROJECTThe focus of IPNQSIS is to develop continuous monitoring systems to study thebehaviour of Quality of Experience (QoE) through the analysis of network and serviceperformance and their impact on end customers. The outcomes of the project willprovide crucial knowledge for <strong>des</strong>igning future multimedia networks and systems forintelligent network control to cope with QoE and Service Level Agreement (SLA) in anetwork-centric approach, with a lower cost compared to traditional solutions operatingin border devices. This approach for network operation will be scalable and robust.Besi<strong>des</strong>, it is intended to fit better to demanding applications such as IPTV, based onmulticast services, and convergent transport architectures to support them, forinstance, Digital Subscriber Line technology (xDSL), 3G Mobile and Fiber To thepremises (FTTx).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSIPNQSIS proposal is based on previous projects of traffic modelling, traffic monitoringand QoE measurement and optimization. The main goals are to go beyond the stateof the art in these fields, both in accuracy, reaction times, and application to control. Asignificant contribution will come from the combined application of these improvementstowards new control algorithms which take into account traffic models and actual measurementsas well as the correlation of those with the users´subjective perception ofquality. This combination of different monitoring systems and traffic modelling within anintelligent exploitation system to manage QoE can be presented as a relevant contributionto Future Internet challenges for network governance. Control mechanisms such asaccess control, traffic shaping,packet marking for optimal routingand traffic differentiation andaccess network selection may beimplemented and tested, withQoE as the ultimate measure ofperformance.Based on the trafficmodel, developed network probesand routing repositories implementation,an intelligent managementsystem will be<strong>des</strong>igned to exploit traffic monitoringand BGP data versus QoEsettings that may be consideredas the basis of a refined networkmanagement architecture.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESIn summary, the major outcomes of IPNQSIS will be:◗ the analysis of the relation between QoS and QoE parameters and how they can beused to supervise the network so that strategies can be developed to maintain theneeded quality;◗ the introduction of improved traffic measurement software and hardware probes thatoperate at different levels, ranging from the network core to the end-user applications;◗ the creation of routing repositories that can benefit from simulations and data traffic.CONTACTNuria GOMEZINDRA+33 (0)9 14 44 74 60ngomez@indra.esPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, ERICSSON,EXFO, INDRA, PPOSMEs:ALKIT, DYCEC, GIGLE,GOODMILL SYSTEMS,IP-LABEL, NAUDIT,SOFTTELECOM, VIERLINGResearch institutes, universities:CREO, INDRA, INSTITUTTELECOM, LUND UNIVERSITY,UNIVERSITY PARIS-ESTCRETEIL, VTTPROJECT DATACoordinator:INDRA SISTEMAS (ESP)Call:CELTICStart date:October 2010Duration:27 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.5Funding (M2):5.8320Telecoms WG

High speed networksJASMINJump-up of high speed long reach (25-40 Gb/s)Access networks and Services using MonolithicIntegration of traNsceiversON GOINGPROJECTJASMIN ambition is aiming at developing innovative engineered monolithicallyintegrated SOA/UTC components to exploit their high performance characteristics andachieve much beyond state of the art photoreceivers (Rx). JASMIN objectives are topush the limits of the new SOA/UTCs in two directions: speed/sensitivity and TE/TMlight polarization independence. For 25 Gb/s access applications, 1.55 µm SOA/UTC willbe developed exhibiting very low (< 1 dB) PDL (polarization dependence loss) and highsensitivity. A very challenging 1.55 µm SOA/UTC will then be optimized for 40 Gb/sapplications with a record gain bandwidth product of 3 THz. Un-cooled operation will beassessed for subscriber terminals. A 1.3 µm DFB laser will be combined with 1.55 µmSOA/UTC into an innovative bi-directional full duplex transceiver for low cost accessapplications.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSJASMIN project is clearly targeting a real breakthrough in very high sensitivity photoreceiversoperating at very high speed:◗ While at 25G b/s, the goal is to push the SOA performances to a level where SOA/UTCphotoreceivers are of practical use for applications like access network, photoreceiversoperating in both TE andTM mo<strong>des</strong> and with very highsensitivity will also be demonstratedfor the first time.◗ More challenging at the devicelevel will be an SOA/UTC withrecord gain bandwidth productfor 40G b/s applications.◗ Breakthrough is also expectedon bi-directional device integratinga 1.3 µm transmitterand a 1.55 µm receiver with theobjective to demonstrate fullduplexoperation with high isolationbetween up- and downstreamsignals.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ 1.55 µm 25 Gb/s SOA/UTC with a PDL of 1dB and 50A/W responsivity (C-band).◗ 1.55 µm 40 Gb/s SOA/UTC with a record gain bandwidth product of 3 THz.◗ Un-cooled SOA/UTC and demonstration of 1.3/1.55 µm transceiver operation.CONTACTMohand ACHOUCHEIII-V LAB+33 (0)1 30 77 65 06mohand.achouche@3-5lab.frPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, FRANCE TELECOM -ORANGE LABSSMEs:ADVEOTECResearch institutes, universities:LPCNO/INSAT-CNRS-UPS,LPNPROJECT DATACoordinator:III-V LABCall:ANRStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.4Funding (M2):0.8Telecoms WG321

Personalised Services& CommunicationsKIVIKiosk VirtuelCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe KIVI project (Virtual Kiosk) aims at developing the use of selfservice in thehospitality sector all along the customer's journey. The fullweb-based solution built byAriane is proposed to the hotels as a subscription to a Software as a service. It enablesthe hotels' guests to realise themselves their check-in and check-out when and wherethey want through all selfservice channels, web and mobile regardless of the devicethey use.CONTACTMichel LAVANDIERARIANE SYSTEMS+33 (0)1 48 10 61 03mlavandier@ariane.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTKIVI is know fully operationnal under the commercial name of "Allegro V6".Allegro is linked to the major PMS (property management systems) and is running onthe major smartphone plateforms : Iphone, Blackberry, Google Androïd and Microsoftand on any web device.The application Allegro V6 inclu<strong>des</strong> many web modules. Some are "guest oriented" asthe check-in and check-out modules, the others are "back office oriented" as the "hoteldashboard", the scenario builder or the statistics module.PARTNERSSMEs:ARIANNE SYSTEMS,HOTEL PERFORMANCE,LEMON WAYResearch institutes, universities:LIP6MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Allegro V6 has already been deployed in a few hotel properties in Europe and severalmajor hotel chains are planning to massively deploy Allegro V6 in the next two years.The target is to install more than 1000 properties within the next two years.◗ Job creation: 5◗ Maintained job: 5PROJECT DATACoordinator:ARIANE SYSTEMSCall:FEDERStart date:October 2009Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.2Funding (M2):0.6322Telecoms WG

Algorithms & data fusionfor localisation and visionMACICOMulti-agency cooperationin cross-border operationsON GOINGPROJECTMACICO main objective is to reply in a short term to the Public safety organisation needson radio communication systems for cross-border operations and for cooperative crisismissions. The organisations will communicate without functional perturbance andcorrupting the network's security. MACICO will also study interoperability issues thatraise for the transition period between the existing networks and next broad bandgeneration.CONTACTLaurent DROUGLAZETCASSIDIAN+33 (0)1 61 38 81 69laurent.drouglazet@cassidian.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSMACICO's main challenge is to allow interoperability at the technical and at the operationallevel between different PMR networks without modifying the currently deployednetworks in order to meet public safety users requirements. Vendor lock-in is anotherchallenge MACICO takes up. Proprietary architectures do not allow system interoperabilityof base stations and dispatcher workstations from other vendors. Another practicalproblem faced by end-users is the inflexibilityof existing infrastructuresolutions to perform software upgra<strong>des</strong>step-by-step, to adapt a regionspecific configuration, or to findsolutions for redundancy in order toachieve high availability. Finally, in along-term perspective, MACICO proposesto prepare solutions today toallow in the future when the broadband networks for public safety willbe available the period of coexistenceor migration towards the new technology.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESTwo majors way to interoperate are introduced:◗ User entering the foreign network,◗ Gateways will be introduced to connect to networks.MACICO project shall consist in:◗ Getting Security Organisations requirements,◗ Proposing an architecture,◗ Demonstrating on concrete implementation (Tetra Tetrapol, Tetrapol Tetrapol andTetra Tetra network interoperability).PARTNERSLarge companies:ABERTIS (SPAIN), CASSIDIANOY (FINLAND), CASSIDIAN SAS(FRANCE), EOLANE (FRANCE)SMEs:AJECO (FINLAND), ALTEC(SPAIN), GENAKER (SPAIN),PRESCOM (FRANCE),Research institutes, universities:LAUREA (FINLAND)PROJECT DATACoordinator:CASSIDIANCall:EUREKA CELTIC 2011Start date:November 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):8.8Funding (M2):2.2Telecoms WG323

Personalised Services& CommunicationsMCUBEMultimedia for Machine to MachineON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of the MCUBE project is to develop a MachineTo Machine (M2M) technology tocapture, process and analyze multimedia data stream from sensors’ networks, withlow consumption and GPRS/EDGE communication bandwidth constraints.This project covers the entire monitoring solution, from the data acquisition to its availabilitythru a web service. In particular, data processing and analysis are distributed on the M2Mgateway and the SI platform to accommodate the bandwidth and processing powerconstraints. It leverages the M2M services provided by the cellular network operators.The targeted markets are the video monitoring of industrial buildings or installationsand the growth monitoring of agricultural fields.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThis project’s innovations are:◗ The addition of multimedia capabilities to a M2M gateway in a way that is compatiblewith the bandwidth provided by a GPRS/3G connection and without compromising itspower consumption.◗ The creation of an information system platform with new distributed algorithms foraudio and video applications.◗ The development of new types of services for the industrial and agricultural markets.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started 11 months ago. The first phase was focused on the specification ofthe M2M gateway and the associated information system platform. The first testcampaigns will be done in the next months for the solar and agricultural applications.CONTACTPhilippe FAUGERASWEBDYN+33 (0)1 39 04 29 40philippe.faugeras@webdyn.comPARTNERSSMEs:CAP2020, SOLARNET,WEBDYNResearch institutes, universities:ISEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:WEBDYNCall:FEDER 3Start date:May 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.7324Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsMultimedia services to know moreCOMPLETEDPROJECTMediatic carries out new services to interactively enrich in real time multimediacontents and to combine broadcast contents with VoD and Audio on Demand services.Mediatic will create and propose a selection of relevant additional contents taking intoaccount the choices and preferences of users to enrich the broadcasted contents.The project has developed real-time indexation of multimedia contents and relatedontology, real-time association between contents and services and personalized addedvalueservices. It will create new opportunities for existing actors, content providersand service providers and will make emerge new actors.CONTACTGérard DELEGUEALCATEL LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 27 13gerard.delegue@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe project has developed software tools to analyzt metadata from the Electronic ProgramGuide and from transcripts of the speech.The textual analysis system allows to build a relevant mapping between streamed contentsand documents.An MPEG-7 based search engine was developed. It also provi<strong>des</strong> visualization capabilities,navigation and interaction features.New algorithms were developedto build a personalization enginemanaging user profiles and recommendationsof multimedia content.A new technology using an adaptivenotification engine has beenimplemented. This technology canwarn users of interesting eventson their preferred medium (SMS,set top box, ...).MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has developed 3 demonstrators based on innovative scenarios.◗ First one proposes a new service (mobile and setup box) for TV viewers. It suggests atanytime additional customized contents based on the implicit and explicit profile of theuser and on tags associated to the content. The objective of the personalization enginemanaging profile and recommendations is to integrate these features into a product forpersonalized mobile portals. Ten publications in international conferences have beenwritten during the project. For Expway, the benefits are threefold: marketing analysisof new services made possible by the enrichment of metadata of the EPG, validation oftheir server BCAST 3G and evolution of their middleware offer toward an “application”offer (propose a user interface more dynamic and graphically rich).◗ Second demonstrator, developed by Telecom Sud Paris, is a search engine based onMPEG-7 and a platform for indexing audio-visual contents with visualization, navigationand interaction capabilities.◗ Third demonstrator “Provisioning tool”, developed by Bull and Alcatel-Lucent Bell LabsFrance, is a scheduler performing following tasks: content provider identification, checkvalidity of provisioning, establishing contacts with the content provider and the contentmanagement and notification of new content to generate associated meta-data.◗ Publications:9 publications.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, BULL,RADIO FRANCE, SFRSMEs:EXPWAY, LAB RADIO,LA BANQUE AUDIOVISUELLEResearch institutes, universities:CEA, SUPELEC,TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:FUI4Start date:November 2007Duration:26 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.2Funding (M2):2.9Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):MEDIATICTelecoms WG325

Wireless ConnectivityMobile Networks Evolutionfor Individual CommunicationsExperienceON GOINGPROJECTMEVICO is a Celtic research project dealing with network aspects of the 3GPP LTE- mobilebroadband network and its evolution in the mid-term. A large increase in bandwidth onmobile networks is expected with the development of service offerings and the emergenceof powerful new devices. The project is to follow an end-to-end system approach onevolution of the Evolved Packet Core network. The target is to innovate and develop newnetwork concepts for meeting the future requirements of: the evolving LTE radiotechnologies; the evolution of mobile service usage; a strong increase in the number ofmobile users and devices; the optimization of the network for capacity and cost, as wellas ways to provide end-user services with improved quality of experience.CONTACTEdgardo MONTES DE OCAMONTIMAGE+33 (0)1 53 80 35 77edgardo.montesdeoca@montimage.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe goal of MEVICO is to contributeto the technical drive andleadership of the Evolved PacketCore (EPC) 3GPP network, andthus support the European industryto maintain and extend itsstrong technical and market positionin the mobile networks market.The results can be used ascontributions for the further developmentof the 3GPP standardon EPC in Rel11/13. The scope of the project is mobile network evolution in the mid-term.The technical research areas of the MEVICO project will cover relevant topics in theareas of network architecture, mobility & routing, packet transport, traffic management,network engineering and techno-economic aspects. The project will include bothconceptual research and demo/trial system implementations. Attention will be paid tothe further optimization of the network for capacity and cost, as well as ways to provi<strong>des</strong>ervices with the more individual user experience.The different concepts will be evaluated in the test environments, which will be providedby the consortium partners. The experiences achieved from setting up those environmentsand from running the evaluation tasks, will be available for the furtherdevelopment of the Pan European Lab.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project has passed its mid-term review with success. The MEVICO architecture <strong>des</strong>ignwas completed and inclu<strong>des</strong> the proposed architecture with a concrete mappingof technologies into the EPC architecture. The result is a coordinated effort from all thepartners and cross-work package activity where detailed analysis of the different technologiesand its integration and coexistence with the evolution of EPC architecture wasdone. The system validation plan was also completed and it inclu<strong>des</strong> the definition ofthe KPIs to evaluate the different technologies proposed by the MEVICO architecture.This validation plan aims at collecting the tools and mechanisms (i.e. simulations, prototypes,theoretical studies) to be used to evaluate the performance improvements ofthe technologies contributed by all the partners that will become part of the future mobilearchitecture. Considerable amount of dissemination activities has been carried out,including the publication of papers in international conferences and standards contributionsto IETF and IRTF. Several demonstrations and presentations are planned for theCeltic Event (February 22-23 <strong>2012</strong> in Stockholm) and the Future Network and MobileSummit (July 4-6 <strong>2012</strong> in Berlin). The French partners (FT, ALU, CEA, Montimage andArtelys) have leading roles in the project and contributed extensively in defining the architectureand in setting up the validation scenarios.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABS,AVEA ILETISIM HIZMETLERI AS,DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG,ERICSSON AB, ERICSSONTELEKOMUNIKASYON A.S., EXFONETHAWK, FRANCE TELECOM,NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS,RAD DATA COMMUNICATIONSLTD., TELEFÓNICA O2 GERMANY,TÜRRK TELEKOMÜNIKASYON ASSMEs:ARTELYS, MONTIMAGEResearch institutes, universities:AALTO UNIVERSITY, BUDAPESTUNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY &ECONOMICS, CEA-LIST, CENTEROF FINLAND, CHEMNITZUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY,TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄTBERLIN, UNIVERSITY OF OULU,UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, VTTTECHNICAL RESEARCHPROJECT DATACoordinator:NOKIACall:CELTICStart date:May 2010Duration:33 monthsGlobal budget (M2):14.6326Telecoms WG

High speed networksMICROSMultilevel modulation format opticalIntegrated Coherent Receiver on CMOSON GOINGPROJECTMICROS will demonstrate an integrated Polarization Division Multiplexing QuadraturePhase Shift Keying (PDM-QPSK) receiver compatible with 40 and 100 Gb/s bit rate. Allthe passive and active photonic functions will be integrated on the same chip, usingCMOS compatible fabrication processes. The CMOS process compatibility shouldensure a seamless subsequent integration of the optical receiver with the ADC and DSPelectronic circuits.MICROS will directly address backbone or metro-core networks applications at 40 Gb/sand 100 Gb/s.CONTACTPierre LABEYECEA LETI+33 (0)4 38 78 59 37pierre.labeye@cea.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe activities within MICROS are manifold:◗ Development of high performance generic building blocks: local oscillator source byIII-V/Si heterogeneous integration, fast detectors, passive circuits and packaging◗ Demonstrating the power of this integration scheme by realizing an integrated100 Gbit/s PDM-QPSK coherent receiver◗ Pave the way of further integration with digital signal processing circuits by developingintegration strategies that are fully compatible with CMOS fabrication processes.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, III-V LABResearch institutes, universities:CEA, INSTITUT DESNANOTECHNOLOGIESDE LYON, UNIVERSITEPARIS-SUD 11STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESDuring the first year of the project, we have demonstrated each function integratedseparately: passive optical functions for phase measurement, efficient optical fibercoupling, PIN balanced Germanium photodetectors, and single mode InP laserintegrated on silicon. Main effort is now focused on integrating all these building blockson a silicon wafer.PROJECT DATACoordinator:CEACall:ANRStart date:April 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.1Funding (M2):1.2Telecoms WG327

Personalised Services& CommunicationsMONISOLON GOINGPROJECTThe MONISOL project aims to propose an innovative monitoring system of photovoltaicpower plants. This monitoring tool should allow performance analysis of a plant, thediagnosis of malfunctions and predicting production at 1 hour and 48 hours. This toolis intended to be as generic as possible to be easily adaptable to any PV system.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSHardware innovations: ability to monitor all types of installations by managing themaximum of inverter protocols, electrical meters and sensors, ability to manage theplant security by isolating each modules string in case of maintenance or detection ofcurrent leakage to ground, and ability to know the production at the chain moduleslevel. Software innovations: visualization of production facilities, analysis of multi-siteproduction, administration of production sites, rights management, troubleshooting,fault detection and decision support for maintenance, production assumption of 1 hourto 48 hours, performance analysis of the solart power plant.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe string boxes has been develloped and the first prototype has been installed on thesolar power plant at INES. The management of the string boxes by the communicationgateway has been develloped, tested and validated. 3 solar power plants have beenequiped with the prototype system and are currently used to developpe the predictionand monitoring software.CONTACTFranck VERNEREYWEBDYN+33 (0)1 39 04 29 44franck.vernerey@webdyn.comPARTNERSIntermediate size enterprises:MERSEN, TENESOLSMEs:FLEET TECHNOLOGY, WEBDYNResearch institutes, universities:INESPROJECT DATACoordinator:FLEET TECHNOLOGYCo-label:TENERRDISCall:FUIStart date:March 2011Duration:25 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2Funding (M2):0.9328Telecoms WG

High speed networks /Wireless ConnectivityNEPTUNE PlatformPLATFORMNEPTUNE aims to implement a mobile broadband experimental platform fortechnological trails, uses and service tests. This network will be based on LTE, thefuture 4G Technology. The main objective of the project is to allow the applications'developers to test their services providing them a set of different users andconsequently to help them to develop their business model and to find their position inthe telecommunication market. The proposed offered by NEPTUNE will offer technical,functional and operational validation aspects. A legal entity will be created to makelong-lasting investments and to stimulate the mobile services innovation process.CONTACTMéhand GUIDDIRALTRAN+33 (0)1 48 88 73 86mehand.guiddir@altran.comDESCRIPTION OF THE PLATFORM EQUIPMENTSAND SERVICESThe main technological innovation is the use of the new telecommunication technology:the LTE. For Long Term Evolution, this standard will soon be used to replace thestandard mobile broadband network, using UMTS technology. With LTE, we can redefineall the uses of the mobile services, because of the very high speed data rate thatpermits LTE. From the landa user, watching a streaming film on his mobile phone, tothe professionnal uses, for exemple in the healthcare, allowing distance consultations.The services allowed by the LTE are so consequent that we can't imagine all the usesfor the moment. On the NEPTUNE platform, we will test devices using LTE technology,but also his services, for example the "cloud computing", the "mobile virtualization", the"augmented reality", the "live broadcasting", or the "mobile HD video streaming".PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, ALTRAN,FRANCE TELECOM, TDFSMEs:CITYPASSENGER, IP LABEL,OPTICSVALLEY, SAPHIR,UCOPIAResearch institutes, universities:HEC, POLYTECHNIQUE,SUPELEC, UNIVERSITEPARIS-SUD 11DATE OF AVAILABILITYRoll out in summer <strong>2012</strong>.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALTRANCall:FUI6Start time:February 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.6Funding (M2):2.2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):E-COMPAGNON, EXOTICUS,MEDIATIC,POSEIDON, RAF,URCTelecoms WG329

High speed networksOCELOTDéveloppement d'un Oscilloscope deConstellations à Base d'EchantillonnageLinéaire tout OptiqueON GOINGPROJECTThe OCELOT project aims at developing the optical linear sampling of very high rate(› 100 Gbps) optical signals with advanced modulation formats, especially in phase(x PSK), in order to extract amplitude and phase information and display it in aconstellation diagram. The main purpose of OCELOT is the transfer of this technologyfrom a research industrial laboratory to a SME by realizing the prototype of a futureproduct, which is planned to be launched on the very competitive constellationoscilloscope market.CONTACTAntoine DA SILVAAPEX TECHNOLOGIES+33 (0)1 69 63 26 30tony.da.silva@apex-t.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe two major obstacles identified in the project refer on one hand to the pulse lasersource used for linear sampling, on the other hand to the acquisition and processingof the sampled and digitized signals, with display refreshment rate (› 1Hz) matchingend users requirements about real time measurement and analysis.The laser source must provide short (‹ 1ps), stable pulses, with relatively low averagepower (› -3dBm) but also low pulse rate (40MHz-300MHz), in order to fit the economicalrequirement of simple implementation and reduced cost. This source, containing anamplifying quantum dot chip, will be developed in a specific task, with close collaborationof several partners of OCELOT project.The digital acquisition board (CAN) will be <strong>des</strong>igned with digital signal processing integratedcircuits (DSP, FPGA) enabling the end display of the constellation diagram. Arobust and fast algorithm must be <strong>des</strong>igned, developed and implemented in FPGA, andtransferred to APEX with the CAN for its integration in the prototype.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LABSMEs:APEX TECHNOLOGIESResearch institutes, universities:ENSSAT-FOTON, ENSSAT-IRISA, TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:APEX TECHNOLOGIESCo-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUXCall:ANRStart date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):NOT DISCLOSEDFunding (M2):NOT DISCLOSED◗ Most areas of the project are still in the study however some preliminary results have beenobtained. Those results concern the development of the laser which is the core of theoptical sampling. Several lasers have already been produced and characterized.◗ In a near futur, acquisition boards and algorithms for the signal processing will be developedby differents partners of the project.330Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsODISEAOpen Distributed and NetworkedStorage ArchitectureON GOINGPROJECTThe ODISEA project aims to provide an open and distributed storage cloud by <strong>des</strong>igningan architecture exploiting storage resources and services deployed within the networkas well as that of the end users. The latter is particularly interesting since a largequantity of today's as well as tomorrow's content is user generated.The project analyses requirements emerging from three domains. The first domain ishealth with the emergence of telemedicine and the needs to store, process and servemedical images. The second addresses domestic users to allow them to backuppersonal content on the cloud as well as to share such content in a manner similar tosocial networks. Finally the project also analyses use cases emerging from small andmedium companies.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Open and federated storage architecture integrating storage and network capacity atgeographically dispersed locations.◗ Exploit network services to improve quality of service.◗ Exploit storage capacity at the user's edge leveraging state of art redundancy mechanisms.◗ Algorithms to intelligently place data and content.◗ Security mechanisms to preserve confidentiality, integrity and anonymity.CONTACTRuby KRISHNASWAMYFRANCE TELECOM+33 (0)1 45 29 60 34ruby.krishnaswamy@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:TECHNICOLOR,FRANCE TELECOMSMEs:ENOVANCE, UBISTORAGEResearch institutes, universities:INSTITUT TELECOM,UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIECURIESTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESClose to the 6th month of project, ODISEA is completing a concise set of requirementsaddressing three category of users: medical imagery for health sector, backup and sharingof data for domestic users and finally storing and distribution of web content forsmall and medium scale companies.PROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOMCo-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUXCall:FUI11Start date:October 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4Funding (M2):1.4Related Sytematic project(s):COMPATIBLE ONETelecoms WG331

Personalised Services& CommunicationsONDEMANDNETWORKRéseau virtuelet à la demandeON GOINGPROJECTThe OnDemand Network project aims at providing physical elements type routers andsoftware elements associated to particular security, QoS and optimization of energymanagement system. The proposed virtual network represents provide end-to-endsecurity with the capacity to manage different type of networks under the same networkequipments. This concist an emerging needs for the Cloud network with the necessityto go from "OnDemand Cloud services" to "OnDemand cloud networks" .CONTACTIbrahim HAJJEHINEOVATION+33 (0)1 70 06 04 04ibrahim.hajjeh@ineovation.netTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ End-to-end security between virtual networks, applications and users.◗ Network optimization through a quality of service adapted to target applications andvirtual networks.◗ Reducing energy consumption in information systems through the dynamic managementof network equipments (ability to dynamically turn off unused routers / servers / .. ).PARTNERSSMEs:ETHERTRUST, GREENCOMMUNICATIONS,INEOVATIONResearch institutes, universities:LIP6, LRI, TELECOM PARISTECHSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Emergence of a new network equipements (software/hardawre) capable to be simplyadapted to end user special needs (dedicated VoIP network, high secure end-toendnetwork, …).◗ Emergence of a new concept on "OnDemand Network" after the "OnDemand services"in the cloud environements.PROJECT DATACoordinator:INEOVATIONCall:FEDERStart date:June 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.6332Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityPilOte de Services et d’ExpérImentationDu haut débit sans fil de Nouvelle générationCOMPLETEDPROJECTPOSEIDON speeds up the development of new broadband wireless technologies byexperimental research. It aims to develop the tools and concepts required to face to theincreasing complexity of next generation networks that offers wireless Internet services.On field experiment is setup Université d'Orsay campus where about 100 users willvalidate the prototypes of product and services that will make use of the broadbandwireless networks : WiMAX and LTE. POSEIDON objective is provide a unique large scaleexperimental facility to foster innovation of System@tic partners, creating new businessopportunities in various domains like video delivery, base station market, M2Mproducts.CONTACTOlivier MARCÉALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 27 42Olivier.Marce@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OFTHE ARTPOSEIDON provided a unique "real scale" testbed forbroadband wireless (OFDM + IP) experimentations andmeasurements. The installed network and the panel ofdozen of users allow to experiment advanced conceptsand to validate these with in real cases. The measurementsand the feedbacks gained from the experimentationhelped to develop and validate adaptation algorithmsfor network operation and video delivery. Solutions for fastprototyping platform have been evaluated.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, ORANGE LABS,THALESSMEs:BE FREE NETWORKS,E-BLINK, SEQUANS, WEBDYNResearch institutes, universities:CEA LETI, SUPELEC, TMPS,UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• « Efficient Self-optimization of Neighbour Cell Lists in Macrocellular Networks »,VM Nguyen, H Claussen, PIMRC 2010, Istanbul.• "Outage Performance of Cooperative Small Cell Systems under Rician FadingChannels", J. Hoydis, A. Kammou, J. Najim and M. Debbah, submitted to 2011IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC, Kyoto, Japan.• Tien Anh Le, Hang Nguyen, and Hongguang Zhang, "Multi-variable cost functionfor application layer multicast routing," in IEEE Globecom 2010 - CommunicationsSoftware, Services and Multimedia Applications Symposium (GC10 - CSSMA),Miami, Florida, USA, 6-10 December 2010.• B. Gadat, "Embedding protection inside H.264/AVC and SVC streams”, EurasipJWCN 2010.• «Perception-based Application Layer Multicast for scalable video conference», ICC2011 Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (ICC'11 CQRM),Kyoto, Japan («IMS-based distributed multimedia conferencing service for LTE»,ICC 2011 Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (ICC'11CQRM), Kyoto, Japan.◗ Patents:Neighbor List Clustering, 09305189.4; Adaptive scanning time allocation to reducethe scanning impact and enhance the handover, 08291265.0; Jitter buffer model forvideo tool analyser (Video Inspector), patent number pending.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Wireless antenna link for WiMAX Base Station; Video Quality Analysis Tool; WiMAXchipset and firmware evolution.◗ Job creation:Increase of about 20 full time position over all partners in relation with Poseidon.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:FUI5Start date:June 2008Duration:32 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.6Funding (M2):2.5Telecoms WG333

Wireless ConnectivityPUMAProduit Ulra haut débitsur bande Millimétrique AllouéeON GOINGPROJECTTarget aims at the realisation of a high capacity last mile PtmP network to accessbuildings and backhaul LTE base stations or hot spots for security (surveillance). PUMAbackhaul Gigabit network is being deployed over Paris from buildings on the 19th &20th districts to UPMC (5th) down to Telecom Paristech (13th). The product <strong>des</strong>igned isa very compact PtmP communication node working on the 40.5-43.5 GHz regulatedspectrum. It comprises transceiver GaAs modules, flat patch antennas, very high speedmodems with switching, aggregation and routing, with OLSR modified protocols. Thispermits to broadcast and collect a huge quantity of multimedia and Internet services.CONTACTFrançois MAGNEBLUWAN+33 (0)1 30 15 96 41francois@bluwan.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Main innovation 1 pertains to radios and antennas <strong>des</strong>ign on advanced technology. Smallsurface mounted transceivers of 10cmx10cm based on a chip set of MMICs integratingseveral functions. Patch antennas directive (for terminals) and sectors (for relay no<strong>des</strong>)have been <strong>des</strong>igned and are integrated upon the radio modules.◗ Second innovation pertains to networking, the no<strong>des</strong> are integrating high speed modems,these modems are multiplexed by a circuit <strong>des</strong>igned to multiplex 4 modems with a pipeline capability. The node comprises a small router that is capable to span the tree of theorganisation of the network so as to route the data through the no<strong>des</strong> to the terminals.PARTNERSLarge companies:THALESSMEs:BLUWAN, LUCEOR,VECTRAWAVE, WIZEOResearch institutes, universities:PRIMS, TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:BLUWANCall:FUI 7Start date:June 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.9Funding (M2):1.9Related Sytematic project(s):RAFSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe radios and antennas are being produced, integrated in boxes with radome and withthe modem (for the terminal), for the no<strong>des</strong> an outdoor rack comprises the multiplexer,the modem stack and the router. Ten of these equipments are now being installed overParis on the GigaCom platform. The program is completed and first pilot is now sold toan operator abroad for LTE backhaul.334Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityQoS garanties pour réseaux WiFiON GOINGPROJECTQoS-WiFi consists in the <strong>des</strong>ign and implementation of an improved WiFi protocol fullyinteroperable with current 802.11n standards. The aim of the project is to allow reliabletransmission of TV, voice, Hi-Fi and telephone communications over 802.11 networkswith "cable" like performance. It will be possible to introduce the new WiFi cards in anexisting 802.11 network without degrading the legacy equipment and transparentlycommunicating with them. QoS-WiFi will guarantee a better throughput for streamingapplications, reduced access times and network latency (both average and variance),reduced collision and it improves the goodput when many stations are using theresources. At the end of the project an evaluation of a SoC (System on Chip integratedcircuit) will be performed in view of <strong>des</strong>igning a low price QoS-WiFi card.CONTACTPatrick BROWNFRANCE TELECOM+33 (0)4 92 94 52 55patrick.brown@orange-ftgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The legacy 802.11 or WiFi technology was <strong>des</strong>igned for data applications, offering “BestEffort” quality of service but by no means guaranteed performances. The recent 802.11nstandard has focused on improving transmission speeds. WiFi now offers the necessarythroughput to carry streaming applications but still no performance guarantees. This isinsufficient for certain services like TV over home ADSL (or cable or FTTH) accesses andother services. The 802.11e standard has addressed this problem by allowing voice andvideo services to be much more aggressive in their access to the radio medium. But asa consequence this can lead instability and to the breakdown of the WiFi network.◗ This project addresses these problems by improving the WiFi MAC access protocol whileguaranteeing interoperability with existing WiFi equipment. QoS-WiFi is based on a patentedtournament mechanism which guarantees low collision rates, bounded accesstimes and a distributed architecture. It presents several innovations compared to previoussolutions: minimal possible collisions, possibility for strict priorities, round robinscheduling, avoiding hidden terminal problems. More generally, the technology allowsfor distributed coordination of competing stations over a WLAN.PARTNERSLarge companies:FRANCE TELECOMSMEs:COMSISResearch institutes, universities:LSS/SUPELEC, TELECOMSUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOMCall:FUI10Start date:October 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.8Funding (M2):0.8STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe development of a WiFi prototype (based on a COMSIS platform), compatible withlegacy 802.11 equipment, and allowing transporting TV, voice and data streams withguaranteed performance in a home or professional environment. The project will alsoprovide the feasibility study of an integrated circuit (IC) allowing characterizing the performanceand cost of an industrial production.Telecoms WG335

Personalised Services& CommunicationsQuatrième Unité AutonomeTerminale du Réseau, OuverteON GOINGPROJECTThe QUATRO 2 project aims at providing an end-to-end system comprising specializedservers, adequate applications and advanced terminals in order to provide innovativeservives with unprecedented diversity and richness both for the consumer and theenterprise markets. The Quatro servers aim to process multiple sources of informationexpressed in various standards in order to provide terminal-independent applicationsin SaaS mode. The Quatro terminals implement in affordable (100-150 €) portableelectronic devices the convergence between multimedia consumption, domesticwireless phone and home control, three domains that are currently isolated.During the projet, several proofs of concept will be performed in eEducation,ePublishing and in the vertical professional application of dynamic customer flowmanagement.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe main technological issues addressed by the project are the following:◗ Emergence of a novel family of portable Internet terminals at a very affordable pricepoint (starting below 100€ retail price) while providing the power, flexibility and opennessof state of the art tabletscombined to extended connectivityin the home. In particularthe integration of DECT CAT-iqwireless phone standard in Androidbased Internet devices.◗ Emergence of a novel serviceinfrastructure insuring terminal-agnosticaccess to a broadrange of applications and datasources. In particular the aggregationof content from heterogeneousdigital contentplatforms while providing anhomogeneous approach to the terminal in terms of management of updates, rights,usage statistics, monetization, data persitence and synchronization.◗ Deployment of an eEducation and ePublishing cloud infrastructure in a multi-campushigher eduation ecosystem.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ A first generation of Quatro terminals is well underway with first prototypes runningin the lab.◗ The server infrastructure is being specified. The modeling of some key componentssuch as download connector, back-office and statistics agregation egine has started.◗ Architecture of the ePublishing infrastructure is <strong>des</strong>igned and first applications areemerging.CONTACTRaoul MALLARTARCHOS+33 (0)6 84 58 32 64mallart@archos.comPARTNERSLarge companies:NEOTILUS, ORANGE VALLEEIntermediate size entreprises:ARCHOSSMEs:ESIIResearch institutes, universities:INSTITUT TELECOMPROJECT DATACoordinator:ARCHOSCall:FUI10Start date:October 2010Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.6Funding (M2):2.2Related Sytematic project(s):eCompagnon336Telecoms WG

QoEQuality of Experience Estimators in NetworkON GOINGPROJECTThe QuEEN project aims at producing multiservice Quality of Experience (QoE)estimator agents based on models of human perception. Each individual agent will havethe capability to communicate with other agents through the network, exchangingprofile information so that services and applications could adapt to both-endexpectations. By participating in the agent's network, service providers can obtain QoErelevantuser information so as to be able to adapt the resource provisioning from thenetwork and thus optimize both user experience and cost of operation. Opportunitiesoffered by the availability of pertinent measures for the QoE will be investigated. Newmodels of business and evolved Service Level Agreements based on the QoE as well asapplications able to adapt the QoE they provide to end-users will be defined.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project has for main objectives to define:◗ Foundations, key concepts and unambiguous terminology for objective QoE.◗ Sofware agents based on models of human perception for the evaluation of the QoEin a multiservice framework.◗ Protocol for inter-agent communication.◗ New models of business involving the QoE.◗ Evolved Service Level Agreements based on the QoE.◗ QoE-aware applications and services able to adapt the QoE they provide to end-users.CONTACTFrédéric GUYARDFRANCE TELECOM R&D+33 (0)4 92 94 53 17frederic.guyard@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ERICSSON, EXFO NETHAWK,FRANCE TELECOM, INDRASISTEMASSMEs:EMBOU, INFO24,IP-LABEL.NEWTEST, IRITEC,MOBISOFT, PPO, RUGGEDTOOLING, TELNET REDESINTELLIGENTESResearch institutes, universities:ACREO, BTH, FTW, IBBT,INRIA, TECHNOLOGICALINSTITUTE ARAGON,TU BERLIN, VTTSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project started 6 month ago. The current on-going work concerned the definitionof the structure of the estimator agent as well as the definition of the use-cases thatwill be demonstrated at the end of the project.PROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOMCall:CELTICStart date:September 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):11Telecoms WG337

Wireless ConnectivityRéseaux Ad hoc à Forte efficacité(Ad hoc networks with high QoS efficiency)COMPLETEDPROJECTThis project aimed at the development of networks of circumstance, for data, voice andvideo services with high QoS efficiency, in fast deployment, based on low-cost radio stations.The current applications, thanks to this ad hoc network type, concern mainly Public Safetyforces (Police, Fire briga<strong>des</strong>, Emergency medical service) in urban and rural areas but alsocivil ones for internet access through relay no<strong>des</strong>.The demonstrations were based on 802.16 WiMAX technology, the first one experimentinga nomadic infrastructure-based ad hoc network, the second showing a Mesh network in"white" zones and the final one illustrating a pure ad hoc mobile network in a Public Safetyapplication.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ New PHYSICAL LAYER based on cooperative relaying (virtual MIMO).◗ New DISTRIBUTED ACCESS PROTOCOLwith high QoS efficiency, including distributedsynchronization and dynamic routing.◗ Nomadic infrastructure-based ad hoc network,for unattended event, based onWiMAX COTS equipment.◗ Ad hoc backhauling network for "white"zones, based on COTS equipment.◗ Pure mobile ad hoc network, composed ofWiMAX pico stations, for Public Safetyforces and based on new ad hoc networkingalgorithm, called RAFNET, in chargeof the management of the dynamic treebasedarchitecture, developed and testedsuccessfully.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Composite Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Networks in Disaster Areas, POMPORTESand all.• Joint Resource Optimization and Relay Selection in Cooperative Cellular Networkswith Imperfect Channel Knowledge, AHMAD and all.• "Beyond Mobile Ad-hoc Networks towards cooperative networks" EADS.• "Coexistence of radio networks using Aloha", BLASZCZYSZYN and all.◗ Patents:Relayage synchronisé: "STATION RELAIS A DOUBLE RADIO", HETHUIN and all, PCTn°PCT/EP2009/053311.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):Different modules under commercialization: Network analysis tool (Eolane), RAFNET(THALES), …◗ Job creation: 3◗ Business creation:EADS PMR extension.CONTACTSerge HETHUINTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 24 44serge.hethuin@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT, EADS DS,SAGEM, THALESIntermediate size enterprises:MARTEC (EOLANE NOW)SMEs:BLUWANResearch institutes, universities:IEF (DIGITEO LABS), INRIA, LIX,LRI, LSS, SUPÉLECPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCall:FUI4Start date:November 2007Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):7.7Funding (M2):2.9Related Sytematic project(s):NIMBLENET, SEANET338Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityRéseau de Communication haut-débitpour les Services de SécuritéON GOINGPROJECTThe project ReCoSS aims at defining and validating experimentally a new generation ofPMR system (Private Mobile Radio). The civil security services (fire service, police, ...)currently use these PMR systems that are limited in data rate and allow to transmitvoice applications. The system that will be defined in the ReCoSS project will increasethe capacity of these PMR networks in order to transmit larger data streams like video.The project also aims at limiting the spectral use associated to these new services byintegrating techniques based on a frequency opportunistic access.CONTACTBertrand MARINTHALES COMMUNICATIONS& SECURITY+33 (0)1 46 13 28 36bertrand.marin@thalesgroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe demonstrator that will be developed and validated through experiments is composedof a communication system and a sensors network. The major technological innovationsassociated to this demonstration are the following:◗ High data rate system. The communication system proposed is based on LTE architectureand will reach high data rate (several Mbps).◗ Frequency opportunistic access. The sensors network will measure the radio-electricalactivity and will indicate the transmitting frequencies to the communicationsystem. This solution allows to manage efficiently the frequencies use and thereforeto decrease the needed radio spectrum.◗ Optimized performance of the sensor network. The involved innovations concernthe deployment of the associated sensor network (covering a maximum area with aminimum number of sensors), the sensing algorithms implemented (compromisebetween accuracy of information and complexity of implementation) and the interfacebetween the communication system and the sensors network (optimization of thearchitecture, synthesis of data)◗ Spectrum control capability: The network of sensors will be able to evolve into a systemof spectrum control.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:EADS CASSIDIAN, TDF,THALES COMMUNICATIONS& SECURITYSMEs:ETSA, LS TELCOM, SILICOMResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM-PARISTECH, XLIMPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONS &SECURITYCo-label:ELOPSYSCall:FUI10Start date:April 2011Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6Funding (M2):1.9◗ The project started in April 2011. During the first year, the main specifications havebeen defined: The architecture of the system and the interfaces between the communicationsystem and the sensors network.◗ Use-case scenarios have been proposed and classified. Two scenarios that concernsituations of “Disaster Relief” and “Large emergency and/or public events” have been<strong>des</strong>cribed and will be adapted considering the demonstrator characteristics in orderto validate the ReCoSS system.Telecoms WG339

High speed networksRLDORéseau Local Domestique OptiqueON GOINGPROJECTFTTH deployments, as well as the multiplication of communication equipments willstimulate data rate increase at home. If this data rate increase is an important factor,another crucial one resi<strong>des</strong> in the heterogeneity of transported signals. RLDO projectthus aims at developing and field demonstrating a complete solution of high data rateand multiformat Optical Home Network with high scalability. It covers all necessarytechnological blocks: a novel silica optical fibre supporting the successive generationsof Home Network, a novel fast and simple connectivity, the integration and field testingof a first generation of multiformat network, as well as the exploration of solutionsrequired later on by the data rate increase and the growing flexibility need.CONTACTPierre SANSONETTIDRAKA COMTEQ FRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 69 55pierre.sansonetti@prysmiangroup.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Development of a novel silica optical fibre able to support the successive generationsof Home Network. Development as well of the cable.◗ Development of novel fast and simple connectivity adapted to the novel fibre andHome Network constraints.◗ Integration and field testing of a first generation of multiformat network, as well asexploration of new solutions required by data rate increase and growing flexibilityneed.PARTNERSLarge companies:DRAKA COMTEQ FRANCE,FRANCE TELECOM, LEGRANDIntermediate size enterprises:RADIALLSMEs:IDIL, IFOTECResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARIS,UNIVERSITE DE RENNESSTATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESDefinition of specifications has started.PROJECT DATACoordinator:DRAKA COMTEQ FRANCECo-label:IMAGES & RÉSEAUXCall:FUIStart date:January <strong>2012</strong>Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6Funding (M2):1.9340Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivitySeamless and adaptive servicesover multiple access networksCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe SEAMLESS project aims to provide technical solutions to ensure mobility andseamless services over heterogeneous radio access technologies.It considers the context and the environment of the French public transportation company,the RATP, including cellular networks such as GPRS and UMTS as well as non-cellularwireless networks such as WiFi inside and around stations and on board busses.Several challenges are addressed at decisional, architectural and protocol levels.Among them:◗ The diversity of environments and wireless technologies, with what follows in termsof vertical handover and multi-homing.◗ The heterogeneity of terminals.◗ Context information management in order to make the right decisions for mobility,multi-homing and service adaptation.◗ Decision-making processes based on complex, rich and incomplete information.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTThe scope of the SEAMLESS project considers the general problem of mobility managementwith what's next in terms of service adaptation and context management.On mobility management, the project has considered both terminals mobility and network mobility.After analyzing the state of the art in these areas, two important issues were consideredas SEMALESS priorities:◗ Smart management of mobilityand multihoming◗ Protocols for vertical mobilityand multihoming◗ Service adapatation basedon the context.MAJOR PROJECTOUTCOMES◗ Publications:11 publications of which:• Alexandru Petrescu andAlexis Olivereau, « Mobile VPN and V2V NEMO for Public Transportation », Lille,The 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, ITST 2009 Lille, October20-22, 2009.• BELAID Djamel, MUKHTAR Hamid, and OZANNE Alain, "Service composition basedon functional and non-functional <strong>des</strong>criptions in SCA", The 1st International Workshopon Advanced Techniques for Web Services (AT4WS 2009), in conjunction withthe 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information, Systems (ICEIS 2009),6-7 May 2009, Milan, Italy, 2009.• BELAID Djamel, MUKHTAR Hamid, OZANNE Alain, and TATA Samir, "Dynamic componentselection for SCA applications", The 9th IFIP Conference on e-Business,e-Services, and e-Society (I3E 2009), 23-25 September, Nancy, France, IFIP, 23-25September 2009, France, 2009.• MUKHTAR Hamid, BELAID Djamel, and BERNARD Guy, "Session continuity andsplitting of multimedia applications using qualitative user preferences", ACM MobilityConference 2009: The International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applicationsand Systems, ACM, 02-04 September 2009, Nice, France, 2009.CONTACTBadii JOUABERTELECOM SUDPARIS+33 (0)1 60 76 42 08Badii.Jouaber@it-sudparis.euPARTNERSLarge companies:CEASMEs:DEGETEL/NEOTILUSResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:TELECOM SUDPARISCall:ANRStart date:April 2008Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1.4Telecoms WG341

Wireless ConnectivitySmart Enhanced Ad hoc NETworksON GOINGPROJECTSEANET project consists in developing ad hoc communication networks dedicated forhigh data rate ship-to-ship exchanges.The network has to withstand the mobility of the no<strong>des</strong> by using mechanisms of dynamicconnectivity reconfiguration.Range and data rate needs (30 NM, 10 Mb/s) require the use of relaying functions andsmart directional antennas. Moreover, spectrum efficiency of this type of network isimproved through the introduction of spatial frequency «re-use».The SEANET network is based on:◗ A dynamic tree-based architecture,◗ Multi-hops relaying,◗ Smart antennas such as FESA or multi-sectorial types,◗ Advanced frequency allocationalgorithms,◗ UHF and Ku frequency bands.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Study and development of a Ku band transceiver based on a frequency converter followinga 5.5 GHz WiMAX radio.◗ Study and development of a multi-sectorial antennas in 5 GHz and Ku band, enablingelectronically azimuth scanning and in a particular version dealing with pitch and rollthanks to embedded elevationcompensation.◗ Study and development of a lowcost mechanical stabilizer (antiroll device) for handling antennasin vertical position.◗ Ad hoc networking based ondynamic tree-based architecture,spatial frequency reuse,use and control of smart antennas.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Field-tests experiments in 5 GHz and Ku frequency bands, generation of an over thesea propagation model,◗ Smart antenna in 5 GHz and Ku bands with the associated control algorithms,◗ Spatial frequency reuse algorithm for all the links of the network,◗ Demonstration platforms in 5 GHz and Ku bands enabling significant campaigns ofexperiments for characterization of the connectivity stability.CONTACTSerge HETHUINTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 24 44serge.hethuin@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:THALES COMMUNICATIONSSMEs:DETI, ESTAR, SATIMOResearch institutes, universities:ENIB, TECHNOPOLEBRETAGNE, TELECOM BRESTPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCo-label:PÔLE MER BRETAGNECall:FUI9Start date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):4.3Funding (M2):2Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):RAF342Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsSensCity : Citywide M2MSENSCITY ecosystemCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe project aims at providing an open and operator grade network infrastructure forthe creation of M2M urban services, e.g., public lighting automation, utility - water, gas,electricity metering, environmental monitoring, waste management. The project alsointegrates Sustainable Development concerns by focusing on ecoconception ofinfrastructural elements and evaluating environmental impact of the deployed services.Currently M2M urban services are provided in a vertical fashion. Each service providerdeploys their own infrastructure for the network. This results in sub-optimal cost andgreatly increases deployment and maintenance complexity for the public authorities.The project provi<strong>des</strong> a horizontal platform with standard and open interfaces to connectto the sensors and actuators.CONTACTGiyyarpuram MADHUSUDANORANGE LABS+33 (0)4 76 76 24 82giyyarpuram.madhusudan@orange.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Product Service System (PSS) offers a mix of products and services. The project has investigatedthe passage from basic services to vertical M2M services and finally to amutualised infrastructure for M2M services in the city.◗ Eco<strong>des</strong>ign of M2M products with a particular attention to an analysis of recyclabilityusing a tool called ReSICLED developped by INP G-SCOP.◗ A diagnostic system for a water distribution network coupled with a simulator for thesaid network◗ NUMTECH has developed a new geo-statistic method to map urban air-quality usingonly measurements from a network of air-qaulity sensors.◗ Experiment in Grenoble with the local gas and water utilities(GEG and REG).PARTNERSLarge companies:ELSTER, ORANGESMEs:ALCION ENVIRONNEMENT,AZIMUT MONITORING,BH TECHNOLOGIES,DOTVISION, E-GEE, NUMTECH,WEBDYNResearch institutes, universities:GRENOBLE INP G-SCOP,GRENOBLE INP G2ELAB,GRENOBLE INP LIG, MINDMAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• [Lelah, A., Mathieux, F., Brissaud, D.] Contributions to Eco-<strong>des</strong>ign of Machine-to-Machine Product Service Systems: the example of Waste Glass Collection, Journalof Cleaner Production (2011)• [Lelah, A., Mathieux, F., Brissaud, D., Vincent, L.] A Collaborative Network withSMEs Providing a Backbone for Urban PSS: A Model and Initial Sustainability, PlanningProduction & Control (2011)• B. Pavkovic, F. Theoleyre, D. Barthel, A. Duda, «Experimental Analysis and Characterizationof a Wireless Sensor Network Environment», ACM PE-WASUN 2010.• Bogdan Pavković, Fabrice Theoleyre, Andrzej Duda, «Multipath Opportunistic RPLRouting over IEEE 802.15.4» , ACM MSWiM 2011.◗ Product(s) or Service(s):• Azimut Monitoring - GreenBee: noise and pollution station with GSM and Wavenisconnectivity.• BH Technologies - REDIN: incentive based voluntary waste drop-off systemElster/Coronis - software architecure for the Excelyo platform.• Webdyn - new gateway platformWebdynRF integrating Wavenis.◗ Business creation:M2ocity has been created by Orange and Veolia water and acts as an operator formutualized M2M services on a shared network.PROJECT DATACoordinator:ORANGE LABSCo-label:MINALOGICCall:FUI 7Start date:May 2010Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):6.1Funding (M2):2.8Telecoms WG343

Wireless ConnectivitySESAMEconSistent EStimationand lArge random MatricEsON GOINGPROJECTSesame Project is founded by the "Agence Nationale de la Recherche" within its MassData and Knowledges Program. It is a four years project (2008-<strong>2012</strong>). Goals of theproject are to promote and develop mathematical technics issued from the randommatrix theory to the study of the mobile communications systems. A particular attentionwill be done to the problems of statistical estimation where we will have as manyparameters to estimate as possible observations. We often have a such configurationwithin digital communications.CONTACTJamal NAJIMTELECOM PARISTECH+33 (0)1 45 81 78 51najim@telecom-paristech.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSAcademic articles, forthcoming academic conference.PARTNERSResearch institutes, universities:EURECOM, SUPELEC,TELECOM PARISTECH,UNIVERSITE DE MARNELA VALLEEPROJECT DATACoordinator:TELECOM PARISTECHCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:48 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.1Funding (M2):0.5344Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityS4TSmart4G TabletON GOINGPROJECTThe goal of Smart 4G Tablet is to integrate several innovations in one device. The firstone is to guarantee a communication data flow equivalent to wired solution thanks tothe 4G/LTE capability. An additional software security layer is provided by the TEEtrusted execution environment to allow new digital content services.Secondly, a transparent photovoltaic layer integrated in the tablet screen and a powerfulsolution of energy management will provide larger autonomy to the device.At last, this tablet will offer the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology inassociation with the UICC (SIM card) to open new applications domains.CONTACTLaurent MANTEAUGEMALTO+33 (0)6 86 46 90 19laurent.manteau@gemalto.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ The main innovation is the capabilityof the tablet to be permanentlylinked to its data environmentthanks to the access to the broadbandnetworks: WiFi and LTE. Thetablet will be also capable to communicatewith NFC devicesthanks to a dedicated UICC providingalso the authentication to theLTE network.◗ The second innovation will be toenhance the security of an Androidtablet. This improvement ofthe security execution of the applicationswill be provided by theTrusted Environment Execution (TEE). Moreover, this security will be also extended tothe energy management system, to the user interface, and to the NFC solutions.◗ The third innovation is in the production and the management of the energy. It will bedone by a transparent photovoltaic film applied over the screen of the tablet. It will beoptimized by an electronic monitoring system to control all the resources. This monitoringwill be used to build statistics and custom usage profiles thanks to the UICC andglobally consolidated at operators back-office.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe project is expected to deliver one prototype by end of 2011 implementing the newconcepts for a tablet device and a final delivery one year later.It will allow ARCHOS tomaintain its position of technologic leadership. For Gemalto, the objective is to assessoperator services and gain new market opportunities. Trusted Logic Mobility is toposition the TEE as security differentiator for open OS device market. Validating the PVfilm on actual device is the objective for WYSIPS.PARTNERSLarge companies:GEMALTOIntermediate size enterprises:ARCHOSSMEs:TL MOBILITY, WYSIPSResearch institutes, universities:EURECOM, IMN, LPICMPROJECT DATACoordinator:GEMALTOCo-label:CAP ENERGIES, SCSCall:FUI12Start date:November 2011Duration:24 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.5Funding (M2):1.9Telecoms WG345

Wireless ConnectivitySpectrum Opportunistic Accessfor Public SafetyON GOINGPROJECTThe SOAPS project targets the radio communication systems for the Public Safetyservices. Currently as purely voice-based and low datarate systems, they must now beadapted to the changing society and to the new demands from end-users. These newservices require new high speed data transfer radio technology. From an economicalpoint of view, it is interesting to leverage the technology evolution coming fromcommercial domain as IEEE WiMax or 3GPP LTE. As the US Public Safety community,which has endorsed the 3GPP LTE technology, Europe also considers this technologyas a good basis and this is also the technology considered in this project. Severaladaptations have nevertheless to be done for the specific Public Safety market and theSOAPS project concentrates on these adaptations.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSAmong the specific adaptations requiredon the LTE standard for the PublicSafety market, the future broadbandradio communication system will beable to:◗ work on a low frequency band(400 MHz),◗ have a capability to cohabitate withlegacy radios in the same band,◗ improve resilience & security,◗ add the specific functions like directmode or group communications.Two main axis are considered in SOAPSproject:◗ Improvement of frequency ressourcesscheduling through opportunisticself-adaptive allocation mechanisms as a function of the network demand (routine casevs. major localized event), to cope with the lack of new frequency bands in Europe,◗ Adaptation of the physical layer to cope with the low frequency band. The project willexplore 3 different solutions: the use of filter banks to limit more strictly the signalspectrum, the use of SIMO/MIMO and beamforming techniques to reduce the interferencesand a joint cross-layer optimization (low-layers to application layer) for efficientvoice and video transport on LTE.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe overall objective of project is to maximize the network capacity without requirementsfor additional frequency bands. This leads to:◗ New mechanims for the optimization of frequency resource usage through opportunisticaccess,◗ Better spectral efficiency of the low layers (spectrum constriction and interferencesreduction) and more efficient voice and video transport.CONTACTGuy PHILIPPECASSIDIAN+33 (0)1 61 38 77 90guy.philippe@cassidian.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALTRAN, CASSIDIAN,THALES COMMUNICATIONS &SECURITYSMEs:LS TELCOM, SEQUANS,SILICOMResearch institutes, universities:CNAM, DIGITEO, INSTITUTTELECOM, UVSQ,PROJECT DATACoordinator:CASSIDIANCall:FUI12Start date:October 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):10.3Funding (M2):4Related Sytematic project(s):ReCoSS346Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsSolidarité mobileCOMPLETEDPROJECTSolimobile is a collaborative project that aims to <strong>des</strong>ign, develop and implement apackage of innovative services focused on persons in situations of instability oremerging from instability, to help them to find useful information such as jobs, offersof housing, welfare, medical assistance, etc. The charity association partner in theproject observed that a large majority of people in unstable situation own a mobilephone that is considered as a link with family, friends or society. The project aims tofacilitate for the vulnerable people process to access charities services using theirmobile phone from anywhere.CONTACTGabriel KEPEKLIANATOS+33 (0)1 73 26 21 74gabriel.kepeklian@atos.netPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ Developing a mobile application through Streamezzo technology that enables a deploymenton 80% of phones on the market (not necessarily a smartphone mobile).◗ Services personalization: different services are not suitable for all persons in a precarioussituation. For example, a single mother needs child services such as pediatricsor nursery while an unemployed needs services to find a job or professional training.The role of the project is to enhance and customize services to users according to theirprofiles and needs.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• Renata Ghisloti, Raja chiky, Zakia Kazi, Open Source Recommendation Systems forMobile Application, in Recsys-PRSAT, PRSAT, 2010.• Raja chiky, Zakia Kazi, Renata Ghisloti, Development of a distributed recommendersystem using Hadoop Framework, in EGC <strong>2012</strong>, DBLP, <strong>2012</strong>.◗ Job creation:1 post-doc, 2 trainees.PARTNERSLarge companies:ATOSSMEs:STREAMEZZOAssociation:ACSCResearch institutes, universities:ISEPPROJECT DATACoordinator:ATOSCo-label:CAP DIGITALCall:PROXIMA MOBILEStart date:February 2010Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.8Funding (M2):0.4Telecoms WG347

High speed networkTRADE / Slightly-multimodalTRAnsmission and DEtectionON GOINGPROJECTThis project focuses on long-haul optical telecommunication systems, coveringdistances between 100km to more than 6000 km. In this context the system vendorsshould face the ever-growing demand for higher capacity. The optical fiber capacitylimit approaches and there is the need for technological break-ups that would not forceoperators and service providers to simply employ more fiber pairs. In this project theuse of more than one “mode” of the optical field is seen as a potential solution for amulti-path propagation in fiber, where each path could potentially carry the actual totalcapacity of a single-mode fiber. New theoretical models, simulation software,algorithms, components and system <strong>des</strong>ign rules are needed for this disruptiveapproach to high capacity optical transport systems.CONTACTMassimiliano SALSIALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 22 25massimiliano.salsi@alcatel-lucent.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe partners of this project will have to realize a demonstrator of a repeatered opticaltransmission system relying on multi-mode fibers, components, transmitters and receivers.This system will show for the first time the potentials of mode division multiplexingfor ultra-high capacity optical networks of the future.In particular, the main bricks that will support the realization of this prototype are:◗ theoretical and numerical models for electromagnetic propagation in multimodefibers over ultra-long distances including nonlinear effects;◗ multiple-input multiple-outputalgorithms for the digital signalprocessor of a multimode coherentdetector;◗ dynamic mode multi plexer/demultiplexers;◗ multimode erbium doped fiberamplifiers;◗ 2-/4- mo<strong>des</strong> fiber with high effectivearea, low loss and largeglass diameter.The final system demonstratorcould show an increase in totalcapacity of a factor of 2, 4 or morewith respect to present long-hauloptical systems.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe experimental demonstrators of 2-mode and 5-mode transmission realized in theframework of the project have been presented at the most important conference of theoptical domain (OFC 2011 and ECOC 2011, at the post-deadline sessions). The mostrecent activities concern the realization of a 5-mode optical amplifier and a compactmode multiplexer/demultiplexer.PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, DRAKA COMTEQSMEs:KYLIAResearch institutes, universities:IRISA/INRIA,TELECOM SUDPARIS,UNIVERSITE DE LILLEPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECall:ANRStart date:November 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1.1Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):TCHATER348Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsSURFONHERTZSoftware-definedbroadcast mediaindexing engineON GOINGPROJECTBy 2011, T-DMB and DRM digital radio broadcasts will share the French airwaves withtraditional AM and FM analogue stations. This change will substantially enrich not onlythe diversity of available content, but also the possibilities of indexing this content, eithervia existing meta-data tags, or using original features extracted from the radio signalthemselves. Broadcast radio will become a new - but until now under-exploited - sourceof multimedia content. Just as it took web browsers like Google to transform theinternet from a simple computer network into a searchable worldwide database, it willbe indispensable to develop new types of navigators capable of searching and organizingthe multimedia streams becoming available in broadcast radio. The SurfOnHertz projectaims to <strong>des</strong>ign this new radio navigator.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Study, simulation and <strong>des</strong>ign of a multi-standard receiver for analog and digitalbroadcast bands (AM, FM, DRM and T-DMB) with channelizing capabilities.◗ Study, simulation and <strong>des</strong>ign of indexing engine to search and identify metada.◗ Study, simulation and <strong>des</strong>ign of large band front-end, from 150 kHz to 1.5 GHz.◗ Demonstration of the technique in national regions.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESCONTACTPr. Olivier ROMAINETIS+33 (0)1 30 73 66 22http://www-etis.ensea.frPARTNERSSMEs:YACASTResearch institutes, universities:CEA, ESPCI, ETIS,INSTITUT TELECOM, LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:ETISCall:ANRStart date:January 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.9Funding (M2):1◗ Project launched on January 28th, 2010.◗ Development of a large band front end: from 150 kHz to 1.5 GHz.◗ FPGA-based multi-channel demodulator for analog and digital broadcast standards.◗ Real-time audio indexing engine for monitoring and radio on demand applications.◗ Demonstrations: planned, the 1st foreseen Q2 of 2011, the 2nd end of <strong>2012</strong>.◗ References• "Automatic Detection of Known Advertisements in Radio Broadcast with Data-drivenALISP Transcriptions", Houssemeddine Khemiri, Gérard Chollet and Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz,9th international workshop on content-based multimediaindexing, 2011.• “Software radio FM Broadcast Receiver for Audio Indexing Applications”, BrunelHappi, Olivier Romain, Bruce Denby, Laurent Benaroya, Francois De Dieuleveult,Bertrand Granado, Houssem Kherimi, Gerard Chollet, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz,Raphael Blouet, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, <strong>2012</strong>.Telecoms WG349

High speed networksTCHATERTerminal CohérentHétérodyne Adaptatif TEmps RéelCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe goal of Tchater project is to realize a coherent optical receiver at 40 Gb/s able todetect a Polarization Division Multiplexed (PDM) Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)signal. This modulation format is very promising for ultra high bit rate opticaltransmission, when associated at the receiver end with a coherent detector and apowerful digital signal processor. For that purpose, state of the art Analog to DigitalConverters at 20 Gs/s have been successfully developed. A system board, with real timedigital processing able to process 400 Gb/s has been realized. It is based onoptoelectronic devices developed inside COHDEQ project, the specifics ADCs and themost powerfull FPGAs commercially available.CONTACTJean-Marc TANGUYALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 26 95jean-marc.tanguy@alcatel-lucent.comPROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART◗ 5bits/20Gs/s ADC were realized.◗ Optimized VHDL co<strong>des</strong> of receiver algorithmstaking into account the parallelismconstraints as well as bestprecision compromises have beenwritten.◗ A fully reprogrammable coherent opticalreceiver at 40Gb/s is currentlyunder test. This will be of great help totest new algorithms in real time. Inparticular, it should help to mitigatenon linear impairments that are difficultto well track with non real time receivers.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:• "12.8Tbit/s Transmission of 160 PDM-QPSK (160x2x40Gbit/s) Channels with CoherentDetection over 2,550km".• Proceedings of ECOC'07 (European Conference on Optical Communications), PDP1.6, September 2007, Berlin.• "A 128-tap complex fir filter processing 20 giga-samples/s in a single FPGA." In44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2010.• “Space-Time co<strong>des</strong> for optical fiber communication with polarization multiplexing”ICC 2010.• "Investigation of <strong>des</strong>ign options for overlaying 40Gb/s coherent PDM-QPSK channelsover a 10Gb/s system infrastructure ".• Proceedings of OFC'08, OTuM5, 24-26 Feb 2008, San-Diego (Ca).PARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCESMEs:E2V SEMICONDUCTORSResearch institutes, universities:ENS LYON, IRISA,TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECo-label:MINALOGICCall:ANRStart date:January 2008Duration:42 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.4Funding (M2):1.3Related <strong>Systematic</strong> project(s):COHDEQ 40350Telecoms WG

High speed networksModules de Transmission et Réceptionpour Liaison Optique à fort BudgetON GOINGPROJECTTRILOB project targets are:◗ Design, development and integration of OE components & modules for transmission &reception dedicated to PON ( (Passive Optical Networks) future generation of Access& Metropolitan applications.TRILOB will benefit of an excellent background to adress these targets thanks to the complementarityskills of consortium partners: (FT Orange for specifications & tests forfuture PON network development; ALCATEL THALES III-VLAB & 3SP respectively for OEcomponents and modules development, EGIDE for package, ESPCI&TELECOM Paris-Tech academic partners for simulations & tests of critical parts of <strong>des</strong>ign).TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSTRILOB innovations lead in very high power laser modulatoremitter development associated to very highsensitivity receiver. This will result in a very high opticalpower budget opening the way of new PON generationdevelopment.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESHigh power EMLTOSA modulesuccessfullytested in PR20During this phase (RUN2) of TRILOB project, following tasks have been fulfilled:◗ New ILM-SOA (Run2) components have been fabricated. Tests on submount of thesecomponents have been performed showing results compatible with defined specifications.◗ A high power emitter EML (TOSA) module has been built and successfully tested inPR20 PON applications within FT/Orange Labs.◗ A Receiver module (ROSA APD TIA) has been built and successfully tested in PR20PON applications within FT/Orange Labs.◗ A complete thermal model has been fulfilled on the emitter module and assessedexperimentally.◗ System and components simulations & tests have been performed on developedemitters & receivers.Several paper have been published dealing with simulations and components tests aswell as thermal modeling.Project orientation to finalize TRILOB project have been defined and tasks are currentlyon going: Built emitter modules using last version of ILM-SOA to obtain a margin vsspecifications & built a receiver with a cost compatible with high volume market of targetedapplications.CONTACTEmmanuel GRARD3SPHOTONICS+33 (0)1 69 80 58 59egrard@3Sphotonics.comPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LABFRANCE TELECOM R&D,Intermediate size enterprises:EGIDESMEs:3S PHOTONICSResearch institutes, universities:ESPCI, TELECOM PARISTECHPROJECT DATACoordinator:3S PHOTONICSStart date:November 2009Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3Funding (M2):1.3Telecoms WG351

Wireless ConnectivityTRIMARANTime-Reversal MIMO OFDMGreen communicAtions basedon MicRo-structured ANtennasON GOINGPROJECTThe aim of this project is to achieve high throughput and high system robustness, inwireless networks, under a low transmit power consumption constraint, with largebandwidth and a very large number of antennas over small terminals and access points,in indoor and indoor-outdoor environments. Solutions adapted to highly scatteringpropagation, radio conditions variations due to users low speed are targeted.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe project proposes a joint <strong>des</strong>ign of OFDM-MIMO and space-time focusing withmicro-structured antennas. Focusing quality will be controlled for a better robustnessof the receiver performance against implementation impairments and multi-path propagation.Innovative algorithmsbased on time reversal andspace-time focusing techniqueswill be proposed and evaluated bylink and system level simulations.New metrics to measurerobustness and human exposure,in addition to traditional metrics,will be defined.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESThe most important challenge of this project is to produce an experimental prototypewhich will provide a proof-of-concept of data transmission with a maximum bandwidthof 40MHz, OFDM-MIMO, time reversal, and NTxNR micro-structured antennas. Theprototype will include up to NT=8 transmit antennas and up to NR=4 receive antennas.CONTACTDinh-Thuy PHAN-HUYFRANCE TELECOM ORANGE+33 (0)1 45 29 65 82dinhthuy.phanhuy@orange-ftgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:FRANCE TELECOM ORANGE,THALES COMMUNICATIONSSMEs:TIME REVERSALCOMMUNICATION - TRCOMResearch institutes, universities:IETR INSA OF RENNES,LANGEVIN INSTITUTE,TELECOM BRETAGNEPROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOM ORANGECo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUXCall:ANRStart date:January 2011Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.0Funding (M2):1.1352Telecoms WG

Wireless ConnectivityUBIQ-XPUBIQ-XPON GOINGPROJECTThe UBIQ-XP project (from the latin word «ubique» meaning ubiquitous) is aimed atbringing remote expertise directly to the field, via mobile and video technologies. Usinga tablet or Smartphone, mobile workers (maintenance technicians for example) cancontact an expert (office-based or out in the field) and share pictures and videos of anissue. The expert can clearly visualize the situation and provide assistance via a sharedwhiteboard in real-time. UBIQ-XP brings numerous benefits to companies with fieldworkers:◗ Time/cost savings: issues can be solved on the spot (reduced number of repeat interventions),◗ Knowledge sharing: one expert can assist a large number of field workers withoutwasting time in transport,◗ Knowledge management: interactions are saved and can be accessed during futureinterventions or for training.CONTACTPierre LAVIGNEPRAXEDO+33 (0)1 40 33 71 95pierre.lavigne@praxedo.comPARTNERSSMEs:IMPAIR, PRAXEDOTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe innovation of the UBIQ-XP project resi<strong>des</strong> in three main areas:◗ Ability to adjust (in real-time) the quality of images and videos transferred, dependingon the bandwidth of the mobile network, especially as the upload bandwidth (from thedevice to the internet) tends to be smaller than the download bandwidth.◗ Providing these capabilities via a standard web browser (enriched using HTML5 components)to avoid the need to download a mobile client on the device, and thereforeensuring UBIQ-XP can run on a wide variety of mobile OS and devices.◗ Recording and storage of interactions between experts and mobile workers for futurereference (knowledge sharing, training, etc.).STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ The outcome of the UBIQ-XP project will be a functional prototype and a field trialphase to test usage in real-life situations. This will allow Praxedo to better understandmobile networks’ capabilities, the adoption of the solution by end-users and quantifybenefits.◗ If the trial is successful, the UBIQ-XP technology will be integrated into and commerciallydistributed as part of Praxedo’s SaaS-based mobile workforce managementsolution to complement its existing features.PROJECT DATACoordinator:PRAXEDOCall:FSNStart date:Octobre 2011Duration:18 monthsGlobal budget (M2):0.2Funding (M2):0.1Telecoms WG353

High speed networksUltra-Wideband Integratedamplifying Device for EnhancedWDM optical systemsON GOINGPROJECTThe UltraWIDE project addresses the issue of increasing the total capacity ofwavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems through a disruptive approach. Basedon the combination of high performance photonics components with free space opticstechnologies, the project aims at developing a disruptive 100 nm-large wideband opticalamplifier covering more than C and L bands together so as to overcome the foreseencapacity bottleneck in optical networks. The project aims at <strong>des</strong>igning and validatingoriginal WDM system configurations numerically and experimentally, which are bestsuited to the specificities of the new optical amplifier. The potential of the novel amplifierwill be assessed while emulating a full WDM link in large-scale experiments at up to100 Gbit/s per channel.CONTACTJeremie RENAUDIERALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE+33 (0)1 30 77 27 95jeremie.renaudier@alcatel-lucent.comTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSThe UltraWIDE project addressesseveral areas in the research domainof very high bit rates opticalcommunications:◗ Specification, <strong>des</strong>ign, and fabricationof high performance photoniccomponents paired withadapted characterisation andmodelling methods.◗ Integration of photonic componentsinside innovative polarizationdiversity architectures; thepolarization diversity structureswill combine free space opticstechnologies together with thephotonic components.◗ Accurate modelling of the device itself, and of a full WDM link with optimized systemparameters (modulation format, dispersion mapping and power levels).◗ Proposal and validation of original system <strong>des</strong>igns and of node <strong>des</strong>igns taking advantageof the new amplification solution.◗ Experimental test of the integrated device in a WDM link with the use of advancedmulti-level modulation formats at up to 100 Gbit/s channel rate.◗ Considerations on manufacturability and environment to determine a trade-off betweenperformance, power consumption, cost and footprint.The project aims at demonstrating the transmission of 100 Gbit/s channels spanningover 100 nm bandwidth, over 1000 km distance, i.e. more than a hundred-fold improvementfrom the best demonstrated capacity times distance product of SOA based transmissionsystems.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESPARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, ALCATEL-LUCENTBELL LABS FRANCESMEs:KYLIAResearch institutes, universities:ECOLE NATIONALED'INGENIEURS DE BREST,SUPELEC, TELECOM SUDPARISPROJECT DATACoordinator:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCECo-label:IMAGES & RESEAUXCall:ANRStart date:December 2010Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):3.3Funding (M2):1.2By enabling the increase of total system capacity of metro-core and long-haulapplications, the wideband optical amplifier realized in the UltraWIDE project willprovide an efficient gateway between backbone and access networks, thus makingeasier the development of end to end broadband solutions. As a consequence, theproject is conducted to give rise to a solution that can be rapidly turned into a productand placed onto the market.354Telecoms WG

Personalised Services& CommunicationsUser-Centric Personalized ubiquitOusand secUre ServicesON GOINGPROJECTUP-TO-US aims to elaborate, prototype, and evaluate an open European solutionallowing IPTV services personalization over different IPTV systems (having differentarchitectures and belonging to different network operators and service providers),through content personalization according to each user, to the network and devices’contexts while preserving users’ privacy.UP-TO-US focuses on two use-cases for service personalization: users in nomadicsituations (allowing the user to access his personalized IPTV content in a hotel forinstance and be billed on his own bill "My Personal Content Moves with Me"), and users’mobility in his domestic sphere (allowing the user to move around within his domesticsphere while continuing accessing his IPTV service personalized according to his locationand devices in his proximity “My Content Follows”.TECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS◗ Full user interactivity proposing an evolution of IPTV standard architecture to includea context-awareness module capable of gathering and managing different types ofcontext information related to users, networks, terminals and services. This modulewill allow distinguishing each user through personal identifier(s), and tackle the usersatisfaction “QoE”, the resource level (access network capabilities, terminal(s) capabilities),and the semantic level (content and service metadata, user profile and preferences).◗ Enhanced nomadic services access as well as services continuity: allowing each userto access his personalized IPTV content in nomadic situation (for instance, while beingin a hotel) and be accounted on his own bill, which in turn will create new businessopportunities between different actors in the IPTV value chain. In addition, user mobilitywithin his personal sphere will be considered, allowing the user content to followhim to the more appropriatedevice according to context.◗ User profile and content adaptation:allow dynamic updating of users’profiles according to different contexts(including user contexts, networksand terminals’ contexts), andusers’ QoE. In turn the IPTV contentwill be personalized in a continuousmanner according to users' profiles.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Context-awareness module interfacing with different IPTV architectures allowing toacquire the explicit and implicit user experience related information through gatheringand matching user, network and terminal contexts,◗ Identity management module incorporating privacy enhancement and integrating amulti-identity mechanism.◗ Personalized service delivery module able to capture/model individual and group IPTVlifestyles and to provide users with a personalized IPTV experience.CONTACTHassnaa MOUSTAFAFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGELABS+33 (0)1 45 29 63 89hassnaa.moustafa@orange.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABSFRANCE, ERICSSON, FRANCETELECOM, TELECOM POLAND,RTVSMEs:FON, GESFOR, IP-AUSTRIA,MARBEN PRODUCTS,METADAT, PARADIGMATECHNOLOGIA, VMODALResearch institutes, universities:TELECOM SUD-PARIS,SALEBURG RESEARCH,UNIVERSIDAD OBERTADE CATALANYA, UNIVERSITYOF CARLOS III IN MADRIDPROJECT DATACoordinator:FRANCE TELECOMCall:EUREKA - CELTIC CALL7Start date:Septembre 2010Duration:30 monthsGlobal budget (M2):5.6Telecoms WG355

Wireless ConnectivityUrban planningfor Radio CommunicationsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe radio spectrum is a natural resource more and more sollicited by the emergenceof new wireless systems. Authorities have to manage this common resource to facilitatethe admittance of new actors while maintaining the quality of the incumbent services.The Ile-de-France is one of the region in the world where the density of radio networksis the strongest. However certain bands are overloaded during the rush hours whilethe others are under used. In an international context were we try to find solutions bymodifying the regulation, new means must be thought to insure at the same time anoptimized spectrum, a controll of the quality (jammings, availability, coverage) as wellas a control of the urban planning (levels of field strenghts, impact on the environment).PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTValidation of the role that collectivities can take in spectrum management. Support to initiativesand stimulation of the R&D in the field of dynamic spectrum access and cognitiveradio. Breakthrough in thefield of DSA algorithms andsimulation. Breakthroughin architecture of radio systemsdealing with flexibleuse of the spectrum havingshown the perfect coherencebetween the studieson the models, the usagescenarios and the exploitationof the radio measurementsin Ile-de-France.Breakthrough in productfor spectrum managementand monitoring, the WiFiand the WiMax.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Products:Dynamic Spectrum management tool. Adaptation of spectrum monitoring tools tosensor dissemination, smart radios and spectrum flexible devices.◗ Services:New regulatory model.◗ Patents: 1.◗ Publications:53 publications including contributions to IEEE and ITU-R, 50 seminars or conferences.◗ Experimentations:5 radio spectrum measurement campaigns.◗ Job creation:Positive impact of URC for all partners.◗ Business creation:Dynamic spectrum management.CONTACTYvon LIVRANTHALES COMMUNICATIONS+33 (0)1 46 13 24 73yvon.livran@fr.thalesgroup.comPARTNERSLarge companies:ALCATEL-LUCENT,FRANCE TELECOM, TDF,THALESSMEs:COMSIS, LS TELCOM SAS,PY-AUTOMATION, SEQUANSResearch institutes, universities:ENSTA, PRISM, SUPELEC,TELECOM PARISTECH,TELECOM SUDPARIS, UCP,UNIVERSITE DE CERGY-PONTOISEPROJECT DATACoordinator:THALES COMMUNICATIONSCall:FUI1Start date:October 2006Duration:39 monthsGlobal budget (M2):14Funding (M2):5.2356Telecoms WG

High speed networksVERSO-MODULESource optique intégréeà MOdulation DUaLEpour réseaux locauxet métropolitainsON GOINGPROJECTThe present deployment of FTTH services together with the development of newprofessional services have generated many new challenges in the <strong>des</strong>ign of low cost,small size, low consumption, optical. The monolithic integration of a semiconductorlaser and of an electro-absorption modulator bring forward many of these advantagesdue to its small size, low driving voltage, and high operating velocity. By exploiting thesimultaneously modulation of both the laser and the modulator (dual modulation), theMODULE project develops applications in higher bit-rate digital transmission as well asin radio-over-fibre and access networks (single-side-band modulation, OFDM). Thisrequires new component <strong>des</strong>igns, new dual drivers and the determination of theoperating condition through advanced modelling and experimental characterisations.CONTACTDidier ERASMETELECOM PARISTECH+33 (0)1 45 81 74 20didier.erasme@telecom-paristech.frTECHNOLOGICAL OR SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONSTwo-electrode EMLs constitute simple and cheap components for communicationtransmitters due to their small size, low power consumption and high speed. Thesefeatures are crucial in network growth. New industrial standards for 10 Gb/s access,100Gb/s (4x25Gb/s) short reach interfaces, etc already include EMLs. Our project aimstowards new smart usages of this simple component in order to enhance its applicationsfields in terms of distance, transmission penalty, but also to stimulate new oneslike, radio signal transport or orthogonal modulation. If successful, this hardware convergencemay lead to a larger market and lower costs via a more generic componentfor different network segment equipment. The "dual modulation" concept arose froma previous successful collaboration. Now these EMLs require some more componentorientedresearch so as to efficiently leverage the performance and application fields.Difficulty arises when devices are pushed toward higher bit rates (25, 40Gb/s) and tolinear formats (single sideband, OFDM). The MODULE consortium associates anoperator's vision, academics modelling and testing capability to fabrication of componentsand driving electronics.STATUS - MAIN PROJECT OUTCOMESMODULE introduces novel applications for well-mastered EMLs to complete solutionsat 10Gb/s, evolutions toward higher modulation speeds and new smart applications foracces networks; it establishes new knowledge with models, simulations andmeasurements for expertise on optoleectronic components and systems. We shoulddemonstrate the feasibility of dual modulation EMLs in high rate transmissions and inanalogical systems. A transfer toward pre-production can latter be envisaged.PARTNERSLarge companies:III-V LAB, FRANCE TELECOMORANGE LABSResearch institutes, universities:CNRS-LPN,TELECOM PARISTECH,XLIM/UNIVERSITÉ DELIMOGESPROJECT DATACoordinator:TELECOM PARISTECHCo-label:ELOPSYSCall:ANRStart date:November 2009Duration:36 monthsGlobal budget (M2):2.1Funding (M2):0.7Telecoms WG357

Personalised Services& CommunicationsWidening Interoperabilityfor Networking Global Supply ChainsCOMPLETEDPROJECTThe internet is currently undergoing a major change, with the emergence of the“internet of things”. Thanks to mobile and contactless technologies, businesses andindividuals can now connect everyday objects to the internet to create new, added-valueservices. Research by the French consortium WINGS has been used to define theinternational standards which will form the operational basis of the “internet of things”.PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ARTWINGS research teams have successfully implemented an “internet of things” using anetwork based on several directories of objects, known as ONS (Object Naming Services).The ONS is the cornerstone of the “internet of things”, and until now was a centralized systembased on a single directory. The aim of the research carried out by the WINGS projectis to create a decentralized architecture in line with openness and interoperability of theInternet on a global scale.MAJOR PROJECT OUTCOMES◗ Publications:Publications in international scientific conferences: 9. Publication of articles for thegeneral public: 3. Publication in conferences for the general public: 12. Publicationin standardization events: 5.• Prototyping a Multi-Root ONS. By: INRIA, UPMC, GS1 France. WCNC <strong>2012</strong> Workshopon Internet of Things Enabling Technologies, Embracing Machine-to-MachineCommunications and Beyond (IEEE Wireless Communications and NetworkingConference <strong>2012</strong>) - http://www.ieee-wcnc.org/<strong>2012</strong>• Augmented Traceability with Internet of Things : A Demonstrator for Seafood SupplyChains. By: GS1 France, GREYC. The Impact of Virtual, Remote and Real LogisticsLabs (ImViReLL'12) in the 3rd International Conference on Dynamics inLogistics (LDIC <strong>2012</strong>) - http://imvirell.org/. Proceedings: Dieter Uckelmann et al.(Eds.)- ImViReLL <strong>2012</strong>, Communications in Computer and Information Science series282, pp. 113--121. Springer, Heidelberg (<strong>2012</strong>)• Experiemental Evaluation of a Proposed Federated Object Naming Service Architecture.By AFNIC. Internet of Things 2011 Conference (IEEE iThings 2011) -http://www.ieee-iot.org/• Towards a Federated Architecture for Future Supply Chains Systems. By GS1France. First International joint conference on Ambient intelligence (AMI 10) -http://www.ami-10.org• Experiments of Discovery Services Interconnection. By GREYC, Orange. 4th InternationalWorkshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT2010) - http://www.iceis.org/iceis2010/index.htm◗ Product(s) or service(s)/:• Object Name Service (ONS) existing standard evolution to a Federated system(Federated ONS)• Contribution to Discovery Services standardization activities.CONTACTNicolas PAUVREGS1 FRANCE+33 (0)1 40 95 54 62nicolas.pauvre@gs1fr.orghttp://www.wings-project.frPARTNERSLarge companies:ORANGESMEs:AFNIC, GS1 FRANCEResearch institutes, universities:GREYC, INRIA, LIP6PROJECT DATACoordinator:GS1 FRANCECo-label:CAP DIGITAL, NOV@LOGCall:ANRStart date:October 2009Duration:28 monthsGlobal budget (M2):1.7Funding (M2):0.6358Telecoms WG

360Index ofManagement Board MembersLocal authorities voting collegeCONSEIL GENERAL DE L'ESSONNECONSEIL GENERAL DES HAUTS-DE-SEINECONSEIL GENERAL DES YVELINESCONSEIL GENERAL DU VAL D'OISEREGION ILE-DE-FRANCEDEPARTEMENT DE PARISCA DE SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESCompany voting collegeALCATEL-LUCENT BELL LABS FRANCEALTIS SEMICONDUCTORALSTOMALTRANARCHOSBERTIN TECHNOLOGIESBOUYGUES TELECOM INITIATIVESBULLCIRACITYPASSENGERCOMSISCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE FRANCEDASSAULT AVIATIONDISTENEEADSEDFESI GROUPESTEREL TECHNOLOGIESFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGEGEMALTOKALISKAYENTISLOGILABMAGILLEM DESIGN SERVICESMARBEN PRODUCTSMORPHONUMERIQUE ASSISTANCEOXALYAPROLOGUERENAULTSPRING TECHNOLOGIESTELNETTERATECTHALESVALEOWALLIXResearch and higher education voting collegeCEACNRSECOLE CENTRALE PARISECOLE POLYTECHNIQUEENSEAINSTITUT TELECOMINRIAINSTITUT D'OPTIQUE GRADUATE SCHOOLONERASUPELECSUPMECAUNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD 11UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIEUNIVERSITE VERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINESInvestors voting collegeI SOURCE GESTIONIT ANGELSSEVENTUREJérôme GuedjThierry SolèreChristian BeleyArnaud BazinJean-Paul HuchonJean-Louis MissikaRobert CadalbertJean-Luc BeylatPascal LouisDidier Van Den AbeeleFrédéric GrardHenri CrohasLuc RenouilArnaud MichardJean-François LavignonSylvain HochbergBruno DuvalPhilippe LeclairLouis-Claude VrignaudGérard PoirierLaurent AnneJean PerrotClaire Waast-RichardEtienne De PommeryEric BantegnieJacques GuichardJean-Pierre TualDaniel SchaeferPhilippe BernaOlivier CayrolEmmanuel VaumorinPhilippe CuerJean-Marc SuchierGhislaine AlajouanineAlban SchmutzGeorges SebanChristian BalleGilles BattierAymen GriraGérard RoucairolErick LansardKamel MaazizJean-Noël de GalzainRiadh CammounPierre DuhamelJean-Hubert SchmittMichel BlancFarid TemcamaniJean-Claude JeanneretBruno SportisseJean-Louis MartinClaude BarrouilAlain BravoJean-Claude ArdittiGuy CouarrazeJean ChambazSylvie FaucheuxFrançois-René LetourneurPierre VilpouxFadwa SubeEXECUTIVEBOARDElected MembersJean-Luc BeylatALCATEL-LUCENT BELLLABS FRANCEDidier Van den AbeeleALSTOMJean-François LavignonBULLRiadh CammounCEAPierre DuhamelCNRSGérard PoirierDASSAULT AVIATIONJacques GuichardFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGEFrançois-René LetourneurI-SOURCEBruno SportisseINRIAOlivier CayrolLOGILABJean-Marc SuchierMORPHOChristian BalleRENAULTGilles BattierSPRING TECHNOLOGIESAlain BravoSUPELECDominique VernayFCS CAMPUS PARIS SACLAYErick LansardTHALESKamel MaazizVALEOJean-Noël de GalzainWALLIXGuest membersLaurent SchmittALSTOMThierry HoudoinFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGEJean-Pierre TualGEMALTOStéfane FermigierNUXEOOlivier GuettaRENAULT

361Steering commitees membersAUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORTS WGALSTOM TRANSPORT Pascal POISSON pascal.poisson@transport.alstom.comARMINES PARIS Sébastien BOISGERAULT sebastien.boisgerault@mines-paristech.frCEA SACLAY Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE jean-marc.alexandre@cea.frCEA SACLAY Xavier APOLINARSKI xavier.apolinarski@cea.frCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE France Frederic LE-HUNG frederic.le-hung@continental-corporation.comCONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE France Philippe CUENOT philippe.cuenot@continental-corporation.comDELPHI Luc BRISSON luc.brisson@delphi.comFREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR Gérard MANIEZ gerard.maniez@freescale.comINRETS VERSAILLES Jean-Marc BLOSSEVILLE jean-marc.blosseville@inrets.frINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Anne-Céline LAMBALLE anne-celine.lamballe@inria.frINTEMPORA Gilles MICHEL gilles.michel@intempora.comRENAULT Olivier GUETTA olivier.guetta@renault.comRENAULT Francois OUGIER francois.ougier@renault.comSEE4SYS Serge LAVERDURE serge.laverdure@see4sys.comSEE4SYS Jean-Sébastien BERTHY js.berthy@see4sys.comSTMICROELECTRONICS Jochen LANGHEIM jochen.langheim@st.comSTMICROELECTRONICS Bruno GUEGAN bruno.guegan@st.comVALEO CRETEIL Paul DEGOUL paul.degoul@valeo.comVISTEON Jean-Marc TEMMOS jtemmos@visteon.comSECURITY & DEFENCE WGALCATEL-LUCENT Bertrand MARQUET bertrand.marquet@alcatel-lucent.frCEA SACLAY Jean-Louis SZABO jean-louis.szabo@cea.frDEVERYWARE Stephane SCHMOLL stephane.schmoll@deveryware.comEADS INNOVATION WORKS Louis GRANBOULAN louis.granboulan@eads.netEOLANE Laurent BARATIER laurent.baratier@eolane.comEVIDIAN Thierry WINTER thierry.winter@evidian.comFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGE Thierry BARITAUD thierry.baritaud@orange-ftgroup.comGEMALTO Jean-Pierre TUAL jean-pierre.tual@gemalto.comGENIGRAPH Didier PLAS dplas@genigraph.frINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Brigitte DUEME brigitte.dueme@inria.frINSTITUT TELECOM Hervé DEBAR herve.debar@telecom-sudparis.euMORPHO Samuel VINSON samuel.vinson@morpho.comTHALES Daniel PAYS daniel.pays@thalesgroup.comSMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT WGADVANCITY Bernard GUEGUEN bernard.gueguen@advancity.euAIR LIQUIDE Vincent GOURLAOUEN vincent.gourlaouen@airliquide.comALSTOM POWER Laurent SCHMITT laurent.schmitt@power.alstom.comALSTOM TRANSPORT Didier VAN DEN ABEELE didier.van-den-abeele@transport.alstom.comALTERNATIV VISION OF BUSINESS Anthony ROUX aroux@avob.frARTELYS Laurent FOURNIE laurent.fournie@artelys.comBOUYGUES TELECOM INITIATIVE Arnaud MICHARD amichard@bouyguestelecom.frCEA FONTENAY Jean-Marc ALEXANDRE jean-marc.alexandre@cea.frDOTVISION Guillaume PELLETIER guillaume.pelletier@dotvision.comECOLE CENTRALE PARIS Etienne de ROCQUIGNY etienne.de-rocquigny@ecp.frEDF Olivier DEVAUX olivier.devaux@edf.frGDF SUEZ Etienne GEHAIN etienne.gehain@gdfsuez.comIJENKO Serge SUBIRON ssubiron@ijenko.comINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Anne-Céline LAMBALLE anne-celine.lamballe@inria.frMI2020 Jean-Marc MOLINA jmmolina@mi2020.comRTE Patrick PANCIATICI patrick.panciatici@rte-france.comSAGEMCOM Marc LE GOURRIEREC marc.legourrierec@sagemcom.comSUPELEC Yolaine BOURDA yolaine.bourda@supelec.fr

362Steering commitees membersFREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE WGADACORE Romain BERRENDONNER berrendo@adacore.comALCATEL-LUCENT Philippe CARRE philippe.carre@alcatel-lucent.comBULL Christian REMY christian.remy@bull.netCAP GEMINI Jean-François CAENEN jean-francois.caenen@capgemini.comCNAM Maria-Virginia APONTE aponte@cnam.frCS Gilles LEHMANN gilles.lehmann@c-s.frHENIX Philippe VAILLERGUES pvaillergues@henix.frINRIA Patrick MOREAU patrick.moreau@inria.frINRIA SACLAY ILE-DE-FRANCE Fabrice LE FESSANT fabrice.le_fessant@inria.frLOGILAB Nicolas CHAUVAT nicolas.chauvat@logilab.frNUXEO Stefane FERMIGIER sf@fermigier.comOPEN WIDE Pierre FICHEUX pierre.ficheux@openwide.frOW2 CONSORTIUM Jean-Pierre LAISNE jean-pierre.laisne@ow2.orgSMILE Patrice BERTRAND patrice.bertrand@smile.frSYSTAR François ARMAND francois.armand@systar.frUNIVERSITE PARIS 1PANTHEON SORBONNE Selmin NURCAN nurcan@univ-paris1.frUNIVERSITE PARIS 7 DENIS DIDEROT Roberto DI COSMO dicosmo@pps.jussieu.frUNIVERSITE PARIS NORD 13 Laure PETRUCCI laure.petrucci@lipn.univ-parisparis13.frUNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIEPARIS 6 Amal EL FALLAH SEGHROUCHNI amal.elfallah@lip6.frUNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIEPARIS 6 Emmanuel CHAILLOUX emmanuel.chailloux@lip6.frWALLIX GROUPE IF RESEARCH Frédéric LEPIED flepied@gmail.comZENIKA Pierre QUEINNEC pierre.queinnec@zenika.comHEALTH & ICT WG INITIATIVENRIA Philippe GESNOUIN philippe.gesnouin@inria.frAltran Jérôme FAGGION jerome.faggion@altran.comCIRA Sylvain HOCHBERG sylvain.hochberg@waaves.comScilab Entreprises Christian SAGUEZ christian.saguez@orange.frSYSTEMS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS WGADACORE Cyrille COMAR comar@adacore.comBERTIN TECHNOLOGIES Philippe RAVIER ravier@bertin.frCEA DAM Pierre LECA pierre.leca@cea.frCONSULTANT Philippe PASQUET ph.pasquet@gmail.comCS Michel NAKHLE michel.nakhle@c-s.frDASSAULT AVIATION Gerard POIRIER gerard.poirier@dassault-aviation.comDISTENE Laurent ANNE laurent.anne@distene.comEADS ASTRIUM Denis CLERC denis.clerc@astrium.eads.netEDF R&D Ange CARUSO ange.caruso@edf.frENGINSOFT Marie-Christine OGHLY m.oghly@enginsoft.comHPC PROJECT Jacques DUYSENS jacques.duysens@hpc-project.comINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Yves SOREL yves.sorel@inria.frRENAULT Jean-Marc CREPEL jean-marc.crepel@renault.comSCILAB Christian SAGUEZ christian.saguez@orange.frSPRING TECHNOLOGIES Gilles BATTIER gbattier@springplm.comTHALES RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Gerard CRISTAU gerard.cristau@thalesgroup.comUNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIEDE COMPIEGNE Benoit EYNARD benoit.eynard@utc.fr

363Steering commitees membersTELECOMS WGALCATEL-LUCENT Olivier AUDOUIN olivier.audouin@alcatel-lucent.frALTRAN Mehand GUIDDIR mehand.guiddir@altran.comCEA Jean-Noel PATILLON jean-noel.patillon@cea.frCITY PASSENGER Bruno DUVAL bduval@citypassenger.comEGIDE Ignace DUPON idupon@egide.frFRANCE TELECOM - ORANGE Thierry HOUDOIN thierry.houdoin@orange-ftgroup.comINRIA ROCQUENCOURT Bernard ODIER bernard.odier@inria.frIPLABEL William RANG wrang@ip-label.netSAGEMCOM Thierry LESTABLE thierry.lestable@sagemcom.comSEQUANS COMMUNICATIONS Guillaume VIVIER gvivier@sequans.comSUPELEC Merouane DEBBAH merouane.debbah@supelec.frTELECOM SUD PARIS Nunzio SANTORO nunzio.santoro@it-sudparis.euTHALES COMMUNICATIONS Jean-Jacques MONOT jean-jacques.monot@fr.thalesgroup.comUNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLESSAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES Samir TOHME samir.tohme@prism.uvsq.frUNIVERSITE PARIS SUD 11 Veronique VEQUE veronique.veque@ief.u-psud.fr

The Cluster and its R&D projectsare supported by:PRÉFETDE LA RÉGION“DIRECCTE, the Industry Ministryregional representative, works sideby side with competitiveness clusterssince their creation. DIREC-CTE supports governing bodies ofthe Paris-Region clusters, amongwhich <strong>Systematic</strong>, alongside localauthorities. It also leads fundingcommittees of the“Fonds UniqueInterministériel” (FUI) which supportsFUI <strong>Systematic</strong> projects.Since 2008, in addition to FUI, DIRECCTE has implemented a R&Dcollaborative projects funding mechanism called FEDER (EuropeanRegional Development Fund) with Paris-Region local authorities.24 <strong>Systematic</strong> projects (representing an R&D effort of 27,4M€ -including 14 5 M€ of FEDER funding) are currently under development.Finally, within the framework of the “Contrat de PlanEtat Region”, DIRECCTE supports with the Paris-Region RegionalCouncil, the 2M€ “Ambition PME” program. Its goal is tohelp SMEs of the Optics and Complex Systems industry to bemore competitive.”« First French economic regionand first European regionfor technological research, theParis Region chose to encourage this potential and thus to contributeto technology transfers and to economic valorisation of resultswhile investing more than 170M€ per annum in economicdevelopment and innovation.The global cities of the 21 stcentury, such as Paris,must invest massively inthe knowledge economy to develop an advanced research andhigh level training. This investment is the origin of an economicdynamics rich in high value employment and urban innovationsuseful for the population. The city of Paris finances, supportsand coordinates all initiatives going in this direction.Since 2005, the Paris Region has encouraged the creation of publicand private research networks, thus funding the governingbodies of Paris Region competitiveness clusters with up to21,7M€ for their innovation and research projects, creation andreinforcement of specific industries, interregional and internationalco-operation missions…The Region has also accompanied more than 250 R&D projectsfrom the “pôles” for a total amount of more than 166 M€, in thefields of health, digital, ICT, automotive, aeronautics, sustainablecity, ecotechnologies… The Region has supported in particularprojects in “software and complex systems” coming out of <strong>Systematic</strong>to the value of 54 M€, or 32% of the total awarded to allprojects from all competitiveness clusters. This collective investmenteffort from public funders, companies and academiamust continue so that together the initiated dynamics developsand contributes to a growth of wealth and competitiveness of ourterritory. »Paris is involved in the creation of an innovation ecosystemclosely associating research institutes, innovative SMEs andlarge technological companies.The support to competitiveness clusters, where these variouscommunities can exchange and collaborate to generate newbenefits for the territories, is an integral part of this approach.Find more on www.paris.fr“In line with its economic developmentpolicy, the Yvelines county Council provi<strong>des</strong>support to R&D projects fromcompanies as well as research institutesand universities which develop collaborations with companies. Thecounty Council also lends its support to the competitiveness clusters’policy launched by the Government in 2005.For all competitiveness clusters, the Yvelines county Council hasgiven financial support since 2005 to 108 Yvelines based partnersengaged in 83 collaborative projects approved between FUI1 and 12. These 108 partners represent 131 grants and a financialsupport of 28 M € from the Yvelines county Council.Regarding <strong>Systematic</strong>, the Yvelines county Council awarded supportto 41 beneficiaries (17 large companies, 2 intermediary sizeenterprises, 18 SMEs and 4 publicbodies). These are involved incollaborative projects representing a financial support of 16 M €or 57% of the subsidies awarded by the Yvelines county Councilto the 8 competitiveness clusters present in the Yvelines.”364"Around 20,000 researchers are working inEssonne in the scientific sector. The maincharacteristic from Essonne is to host prestigiousscientific institutions: some of them arededicated to public research or to private research, others toeducation, famous engineering school - "gran<strong>des</strong> écoles" - orsmall innovative enterprises. Essonne research is particularlyprevalent in areas of optics, electronics, software and informationtechnology and communication, now related to clean technologyand Health (eHealth). This excellence helps to developcollaborations with industry and gives birth to a cluster.That's why, since 10 years, the Department supports the developmentin optics, electronics and software engineering andtook part in the recognition in 2005 as a National Cluster. TheGeneral council of Essonne is an active member of <strong>Systematic</strong>Paris-Region and participates in collaborative projects by supportingessonnian laboratories and companies.The Department of economical development and research hasseveral main goals including higher education, support publicresearch, technological innovation and the promotion furtherclustering of activities (R&D and production sites) in particularwith the new program IPHE in Saclay giving 8 000 m² of facilities(incubator, nurseries and hotels business) to the start-upcompanies."

365“Hauts-de-Seine is a major hub inFrance for the Digital Industry –hosting 200,000 jobs – 20% of French total workforce- and over15,000 companies in the area.For this reason, the Conseil general <strong>des</strong> Hauts-de-Seine – theauthority in charge of the administrative region of Hauts-de-Seine – has decided to strengthen its links with <strong>Systematic</strong>cluster and to support local SMEs. Since 2006, it has providedfinancial support to 25 development projects (8 190 k€).Committed to remain a pioneer area for the digital economy,Hauts-de-Seine is investing in a comprehensive ultra highspeedoptical fiber network, the “THD Seine project” to be deployedby 2015, creating new growth opportunities for localbusinesses.”« The Val d’Oise County Council is involved in<strong>Systematic</strong> since 2006, and supports financiallywithin this framework the industrial andacademic R&D projects’ stakeholders. In theframework of the County Strategic Plan for sustainable developmentof the economy and employment.2009-2019, the County has decided to support the EmbeddedIntelligence and Mecatronics, industries of excellence of the Vald’Oise notably based upon resources in Free Open Source Softwareand in Cloud Computing.The territory counts many industrial groups, as well as a hugeconcentration of SMEs and educational and research establishmentsin the field of software and complex systems. A projectof Regional Center of Intelligence and Embedded Systemsis being developed, with the support of the County Council, andwill enable to host, maintain and develop private and publictechnological platforms related to embedded intelligence."Seine-et-Marne Développement is an associationof the departement’s main economicpartners.Established by the General Council in 1991,is the privileged link between the public and corporate sectors.Itsaims are to promote the establishment of businesses inSeine-et-Marne, to encourage the development of local companies,to assist local elected officials with their developmentprojects, to disseminate economic information and to promotethe département.The Seine and Marne Country Council is involved in three competitivenessclusters since 2006, and give financial supports toSMEs partners of <strong>Systematic</strong>’s projects since 2010.The partnershipbetween the Cluster and Seine-et-Marne Developpementis an opportunity for the economic agency to develop newsactions to stimulate collaborative innovation in the companies.OSEO offers expertise in 3 key areas, providingeffective solutions to the entrepreneursand sharing risk with them, includingmember companies of clusters: support for innovation, guaranteesto back bank financing and equity contributions, and financingfor investments and for the business operating cycle.For R & D projects accredited by the french clusters, OSEO mobilizessupport for innovation (AI program) and strategic industrialinnovation program (ISI program).Specific actions have also been developed to assist companiesin developing collaborative projects: information and networking,support for editing project partnership. Internationally, it isabout helping companies to identify the best international partnersand forge technology partnerships with them focused oncreating value.In this context of transnational technology partnerships, theEUREKA program, and the 7th Framework Programme for Researchand Technological Development (FP) play an essential role.Finally, since September 2009, the public authorities have entrustedto OSEO the FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel) management,dedicated to the financing of R&D projects of clusters.”« The National Research Agency was created by2005 in order to provide France with a competitiveresearch funding agency in line with internationalstandards. Among its missions, the ANR aims atpromoting excellent and relevant academic research and innovationby encouraging emergence of cross disciplinary projectsand developing partnerships between industrials and researchers.The ANR supports the competitiveness clusters by giving supplementaryfunds to research projects that applied for ANR’scalls for proposals and are labelled by the clusters. This supplementaryfunds aim at enhancing the relationships betweenthe project’s partners and the competitiveness cluster. Therebythe ANR alongside the clusters contribute to foster technologicaland research communities.Since 2005, the ANR has been one of the main funding agenciesof this policy alongside other state sources of funding and localand regional government. Over the period, ANR supportamounted 1334 M€ for 1953 projects.»<strong>Systematic</strong>’s Strategic partners:





370Last minuteFUI and Regional collaborative R&Dcall for projectsSYSTEMS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS WGCARAB project: Advanced Robust Design for Bolted Assemblies (“Conception Avancée Robuste pour les Assemblages Boulonnés”)The objective of this project is to produce a set of methods and tools that can be used to optimize and validate bolted assemblies foraerospace products. Although this assembly technology is widely used, this attaching method is the root of many challenges throughoutthe lifecycle of aerospace products, from <strong>des</strong>ign to operation.The proposed solution is based on three themes in order to improve <strong>des</strong>ign: highly instrumented physical tests to establish a basisfor validation, Virtual Testing methods to determine the confidence level of simulations, and development of high-performance digitalmethods (analytical & finite elements) to accurately predict behavior under complex loads. There are a wide range of expectedbenefits: weight savings that result in reduced CO2 emissions, an optimized manufacturing process, increasingly effective calculationsoftware that can be used to generalize non-linear 3D calculations in <strong>des</strong>ign offices, and a better understanding of tribologicalphenomena in bonds.Coordinator: SNECMA / Partners: LIEBHERR AEROSPACE, LISI AEROSPACE, MESSIER-BUGATTI-DOWTY, TURBOMECA, ALYOTECHTECHNOLOGIES, LMS-SAMTECH FRANCE, CADLM, MECANO-ID, STRUCTURE COMPUTATION, CETIM, ICA- INSTITUT CLÉMENTADER, LAMCOS, LMT-CACHAN.Call: FUI13 / Global Budget: 4 M€ / Funding: 1.5 M€.RODINWithin <strong>des</strong>ign units, the emergence of topology optimization tools for mechanical structures has drawn attention, in part becauseof the novelty, but especially because the first studies have brought huge mass-savings while meeting mechanical specifications.When users decided to extend the application fields, they faced significant shortcomings that require the introduction of breakthroughs.This is the purpose of this project. The originality lies both on a new mathematical framework and on a deeper integrationinto a larger <strong>des</strong>ign process.Coordinator : RENAULT / Partners : EADS, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE, UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE, INRIA BORDEAUX, ESIGROUP, EURODECISION, DIGITAL PRODUCT SIMULATION, ALNEOS.Call: FUI13 / R&D budget: 5.6 M€ / Funding: 1.8 M€.TIMCOTIMCO will <strong>des</strong>ign, develop and evaluate a new concept of server targeting a wide range of applications seeking for very large RAMmemory within the server itself (In-Memory Computing). TIMCO aims at reaching 24 terabytes, to be compared with the state-oftheart of 4 terabytes. The prototype server will undergo evaluations from professional and research users of advanced data processingequipment, such as:• business intelligence applications• huge genomic graphs• very large frames for Finite Element Analysis, including magnetic material• large text databasesExpected start date June <strong>2012</strong>, 3 years duration.Coordinator: BULL / Partners: TRANSAVIA; CEA-DSV; ARMADILLO; DISTENE; IP-LABEL; ESILV; INRIA.Call: FUI13/ Global Budget: 9.4 M€/ Funding:3.7 M€.FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE WGProjEstimateThe main purpose of ProjEstimate is to provide a solution for businesses to improve software and system engineering project managementwith more reliable estimates, and more effective indicators.ProjEstimate consists of a platform in which an organization can manage its repository of project estimates, create new estimates and implementits own estimation processes and models. This collaborative platform also provi<strong>des</strong> online support, assistance or training.The Open Source and collaborative (Web 2.0) approach will help promoting the exchange of experiences, best practices and data for calibration.ProjEstimate has international ambitions, and integrates multi languages.Coordinator: SPIRULA / Partners: BANQUE DE FRANCE, PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN, CRNS-LIMSI, ARMINES-ALBI, SPARKOM, ACAPI.Call: FUI13 / Global budget: 2.6 M€ / Funding: 1.1 M€.

TELECOMS WGQVPNFrom experimentation to industry, QVPN project aims at developing a highly secure Fench network appliance relying on quantum key distribution.Gathering SeQureNet's competences on industrial quantum cryptography, Telecom ParisTech's expertise in optical networks andquantum research, and CityPassenger's know-how on industrial network and security appliances, the consortium will provide a VPN-likevalidated solution including a quantum key distribution system, high-speed encryption and the latest technologies for its integration in existingtelecommunication infrastructures.Coordinator: CITYPASSENGER / Partners: TELECOM PARISTECH, SEQURENET, CITYPASSENGER.Call: Feder7 / Global budget: 1.2 M€ / Funding: 609 k€.AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSPORTS WGCAMESCAT: ‘CApteur de MEsure de la Section CATenaire’, French acronym for measurement system of the contact wire section.The objective of this project is to improve both passenger security and comfort in train public transport through automatic measurementof the contact wire wear, which will reduce incidents occurrence (preventive maintenance use of the system) and increase rail network availability(productivity gain).The project consists in developing a preindustrial prototype of an automatic measurement device combining existing and new technologiesto be conceptualized and implemented during the three years of the project. The integrated system will be made of separated subsystemwhich also have the ability to be used separately and to interface with each other or with sensors already on the market.Coordinator: SNCF / Partners: MER MEC, ATELIERS LAUMONIER, O2GAME, MIND, LAGIS.Call: FUI13 / Global budget: 3.3 M€ / Funding: 1.1M€.HEALTH & ICT INITIATIVEROBINSONROBINSON is a passive component combining ISO 18000-63 RFID functions and pressure / temperature sensors.This innovative inlay will have to be small enough to be built in tyres. When used with appropriate wireless interrogator, it will allow fastand easy tyre inspection and automatic report generation. Many new automated services can be potentially offered to tyre users based ondata provided by Robinson.Coordinator: MFP MICHELIN / Partners: ALTIS, CEA-LETI, CNRFID, LEAT (CNRS),MFP MICHELIN, ORIDAO, PSIONCall: FUI 13 / Global Budget: 5.6 M€ / Funding : 1.8 M€.This project is also supported by SCS and Minalogic.VEADISTA: Veille à distance et alertes intelligentes (Remote monitoring of vital parameters and smart alerts).VEADISTA objective is to provide technological components including electronic devices and softwares <strong>des</strong>igned for monitoring the vitalparameters and for sending alerts to a rescue center. The main stakes are to produce hardware highly acceptable by patients and low-costenough for a large-scale deployment and to develop free software for infering diagnosis and for the secure sending of alerts.Coordinator: ENTR'OUVERT / Partners: CHU OF NICE, IM2NP LABORATORY, INVIA, OBERTHUR, STID.Call: FUI13 / Global budget: 3.4 M€ / Funding: 1.8 M€.371



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