Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

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50<strong>Liberty</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Property</strong>to by any external effort, but require theindividual’s personal determination <strong>and</strong>exertion. Those levelling this reproachagainst capitalism display a rather crude <strong>and</strong>materialistic view in assuming that moral<strong>and</strong> spiritual culture could be built eitherby the government or by the organization ofproduction activities. All that these externalfactors can achieve in this regard is to bringabout an environment <strong>and</strong> a competencewhich offers the individuals the opportunityto work at their own personal perfection<strong>and</strong> edification. It is not the fault of capitalismthat the masses prefer a boxing match toa performance of Sophocles’ Antigone, jazzmusic to Beethoven symphonies, <strong>and</strong> comicsto poetry. But it is certain that while pre-capitalisticconditions as they still prevail in themuch greater part of the world makes thesegood things accessible only to a small minorityof people, capitalism gives to the many afavorable chance of striving after them.From whatever angle one may look at capitalismthere is no reason to lament the passing

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