Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Liberty and Property.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

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30<strong>Liberty</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Property</strong>not have any ideas of his own, he does notwrite books, does not hatch heresies, <strong>and</strong>does not invent new methods of production.He just wants to enjoy life. He has nouse for the class interests of the intellectualswho make a living as professional dissenters<strong>and</strong> innovators.This is certainly the most arrogant disdainof the plain citizen ever devised. <strong>The</strong>reis no need to argue this point. For the questionis not whether or not the commonman can himself take advantage of the libertyto think, to speak, <strong>and</strong> to write books.<strong>The</strong> question is whether or not the sluggishroutinist profits from the freedom grantedto those who eclipse him in intelligence<strong>and</strong> will power. <strong>The</strong> common man maylook with indifference <strong>and</strong> even contemptupon the dealings of better people. But heis delighted to enjoy all the benefits whichthe endeavors of the innovators put at hisdisposal. He has no comprehension of whatin his eyes is merely inane hair-splitting. Butas soon as these thoughts <strong>and</strong> theories are

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