Eltropol 300-BA-85959-00-englisch.p65 - Bego USA

Eltropol 300-BA-85959-00-englisch.p65 - Bego USA

Eltropol 300-BA-85959-00-englisch.p65 - Bego USA

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<strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>enFilling• The drainage tube must be closed and securelyclamped!• Open the unit cover and position the magneticstirrer in the centre of the polishing bath – onlythen can the stirrer function properly. (Magneticstirring only takes place during heating orpolishing.)MaxMin• Fill the polishing bath (the large bowl) withapprox. 2 litres of Wirolyt. The fill level must bebetween the marks for maximum and minimum.If the solution level is too lowthe unit electronics malfunction!CAUTIONWirolyt contains glycol and sulphuricacid!Avoid contact with skin and eyes!Risk of blinding!Wear safety glasses and safety gloves!Never add water!When mixed, acid and water produce anextreme chemical reaction. Spitting acid isthe consequence!HO 2Only transport or store the unit whenempty of Wirolyt!9

en <strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>Securing objectsPolishing only works on clean, oxide-freemetal objects. If necessary, blast objectsprior to polishing.Only use the electrolyte-resistant objectholder included with the unit! Copperobject holders wear down duringpolishing and produce sediment, whichimpedes the magnetic stirring process.To prevent excessive wear duringpolishing, we recommend you protect allclasp tips with Seculac removeablemasking lacquer.• One or two objects may be secured and polishedsimultaneously.• Securing the polishing object to the object holder:use the retentions to hang it on the hook, orsecure the base with the crocodile clip.• Insert the object holder into the unit and tightenthe screws. Please ensure that:- the object is fully immersed in Wirolyt.(The springs of the crocodile clip are notpermanently electrolyte-resistant and shouldtherefore not be immersed.)- sufficient space remains at the bottom of thepolishing bath for the magnetic stirrer.- the base surfaces of the polishing objects mustbe aligned parallel to the longitudinal sides ofthe bath. Exposed clasp tips must never pointdirectly towards the cathode, as this wouldcause too much material to be removed fromthem!- object and cathode must not touch each other(error message E 10).10

<strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>en• The electrolytic polishing current cannot reachdeep palates due to screening effects. These spotsgenerally remain matt. The supplementarycathode provides the solution. It is mounted asshown, so that the point of the bent rod points asfar as possible into the deep palate, withoutactually making contact.NoteThe spring of the crocodile clip is notpermanently electrolyte-resistant and shouldtherefore not be immersed.Spring (internal)WirolytIf necessary, rinse the crocodile clip withwater after use. Dry thoroughly afterwards!Never add water to acid!11

en <strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>PolishingOnly operate the unit when it is closed.The fumes are a health hazard.• Switch on the unit using the main switch:- 1 alarm tone;- display briefly shows the software version,then 0:<strong>00</strong>;- heating the bath: the 5 LEDs light up insuccession – “chaser” effect. After a maximumof 25 minutes the operating temperature ofapprox. 40°C is reached: the LEDs go out.• Secure object to be polished.• Press the Start button:- the display indicates the polishing timecalculated by the unit (according to object sizeand bath temperature).The polishing time can also be altered usingthe plus or minus keys.• Start polishing: press the Start button again:- the remaining polishing time is indicated onthe display (countdown meter);- the strength of current during polishing isindicated by the 5 LEDs.The current strength can also be altered usingthe plus or minus keys as required.• After polishing:- triple alarm tone;- display shows 0:<strong>00</strong>.• Remove the object holder with the polishingobject and rinse off under running water.108642A0:<strong>00</strong>+StartminIf the object is to be polished a second time,allow to dry thoroughly!Never add water to acid!• If the unit is not needed for longer periods,switch it off.12

<strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>enNote• Polishing can start before the operatingtemperature is reached. After 15 minutes, theWirolyt has already reached approx 30°C. Thebath continues to heat up during polishing.• The necessary polishing time and current strengthare both calculated by the unit. These areinfluenced by the size of the object and the bathtemperature. If required, the settings may beadjusted manually:a) The polishing time may be set anywherebetween 60 seconds (<strong>00</strong>:60) and 12 minutes(12:<strong>00</strong>).b) During polishing the current strength isindicated by the LEDs (ammeter function). In thedefault setting (level 3 = 1<strong>00</strong>%) the current mayattain a maximum of 10 A, however this is onlythe case when polishing two large objects in a hotbath. The current may be manually limited to70% (level 2) or 50% (level 1) of the calculatedcurrent. The number of LEDs illuminated changesaccording to level. – After each polishing the unitautomatically returns to level 3!• The polishing process can be interrupted bypressing the Start button.Press again to call up the polishing timecalculated at the outset (not the remainingpolishing time). This may now be alteredmanually. Press the Start button again to startpolishing with this setting.• Uninterrupted polishing may cause the permittedbath temperature to be exceeded. The unit thendisplays the error message “E30”. Havingswitched off the unit, wait approx. 1 hour beforeswitching it on again to resume polishing.• An integrated fan switches on automatically, asnecessary, to cool down the unit electronics.13

en <strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>Changing the polishing solutionThe more it is used, the less effective the polishingsolution becomes. The unit calculates and displaysthe optimum point at which to renew the solution.• LED blinks: change solution soon.• LED lights up: change solution now.CAUTIONWirolyt contains glycol and sulphuric acid!Avoid contact with skin and eyes!Risk of blinding!Wear safety glasses and safety gloves!Never add water!HO 2Dispose of as hazardous waste! Used Wirolytcontains heavy metal ions – do not allow itenter the sewer system!• Switch off the unit at the main switch andpull the plug out.• Carefully turn the unit around without tipping itin order to reach the drainage tube on the back ofthe unit.• Pull the drainage tube out of the clamp, hold itupright and remove the stopper. Lower the tubeinto a suitable canister with a capacity of at leasttwo litres and allow the polishing solution todrain off. Use a funnel if necessary.Risk of scalding!The operating temperature of Wirolyt canreach 40-60°C!14

<strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>en• Having drained the tube, replace the stopper andfasten securely with the clamp.Never use water to clean the empty polishingbath!Rinse out with Wirolyt if necessary.HO 2• Fill the polishing bath with approx. 2 litresWirolyt - see section “Filling”.• Switch the unit on at the main switch:The bath begins to heat up. (If the walls of thepolishing bath are still warm it can take a fewminutes for the heating process to begin.)• After filling, the monitoring of the polishingsolution needs to be reactivated. Press the buttonand keep it depressed until you hear a long alarmtone.Care and maintenance• Wipe the outside of the unit down with a dampcloth as necessary.• If the bath is empty, the inside of the unit mayalso be cleaned using a dry cloth. Caution!Polishing solution dregs contain acid and destroythe cloths used!Avoid contact with skin and eyes!Risk of blinding!Wear safety glasses and safety gloves!Never add water!HO 215

en <strong>Eltropol</strong> <strong>3<strong>00</strong></strong>TroubleshootingSwitch off the unit before troubleshooting! (exceptions: see *)Problem Cause Solution(pages)Unit switched on No electricity * Connect power lead (8).but no display * Switch on main switch (12).* Electricity supply intact?• Set voltage selector switch (8).• Check unit fuse (8).“Emergency cut-out” The unit switches off automatically attemperatures over 70°C, and may only beswitched on again after approx. 1 hour.No display, Display defective Contact customer service.“SOS” alarm tone(3x long, 3x short, 3x long)E 10 display Short circuit Re-position the object to be polished sothat it doesn’t touch the cathode (10, 11).E 20 display Temperature sensor Contact customer service.defectiveE 30 display Bath too hot Switch on unit after approx. 1 hour (13).E 40 display Stirrer is stuck Hang the object higher to ensure thestirrer is able to rotate (10).Polishing is ineffective Bath is cold * Only begin polishing when the bathhas heated up sufficiently (13).Wirolyt is old • Change polishing solution (14).Too little Wirolyt • Top up Wirolyt (9).Polishing current is weak * Increase polishing current (12, 13).Stirrer missing or not in • Check whether the stirrer is lying in thethe right position polishing solution (9).Object with deep palate * Use the supplementary cathode (11).Polishing is too effective Object too close to cathode * Align object in parallel (10).* Protect clasp tips with Seculac (10).Polishing current is too strong * Reduce polishing current (12, 13).16

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