ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009

ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009 ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009


Saša Mrduljaš: Oblik državnog uređenja BiH po Cutileirovom planusuvremene TEME, (2009.) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (2009) Vol. 2, No. 1International Community Polity Proposal forBosnia and Herzegovina according to Cutileiro’sPlan (March 18, 1992) 13∗SAŠA MRDULJAŠInstitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar - Centre SplitDuring the final phase of the breakup of Yugoslavia, in circumstanceswhich have led to independence of its republics and were largelycharacterised by Serbian hegemonic aggression towards Croatia, a finalchrystallisation of political goals of the three Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnicites.By the end of 1991, Serbs agree to the creation of a Serbian politicalentity on two thirds of Bosnian-Herzegovinian territory with a possibilityof merging with Serbia. On the contrary, the two other ethnicities optedfo an independent BaH. However, while the Croats saw the future stateas a complex (con)federal republic of three national-territorial entities, withthe Croatian entity comprising one third of state territory, Bosnian Muslims/Bosniaks seeked a unitary state, which would, considering the conditionsof the soon-to-be-reached Bosnian Muslim/Bosniak absolute demographicdominance, function as a de facto Bosnian Muslim/Bosniak national state.In order to coordinate the political goals of the three Bosnian-Herzegovinianethnicites and to harmonise their mutual relations, the international communitystarted its direct involvement in BaH beginning of 1992, part of whichwas the drafting of the international/Cutileiro’s plan for Bosnian-Herzegovinianpolity. This is the only plan of the international community which wasnot created in an atmosphere determined by the state of war (April 1992 –November 1995) and the traumatic experiences which impact the post-warpolitical reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to this fact, the internationalcommunity and Cutileiro’s plan could take into account the Constitution ofthe Socialist Republic of BaH which defined the state as a polity governedby three constituent, sovereign and equal ethnicites (Croats, Serbs andBosnian Muslims/Bosniaks) to a much greater extent. In doing so, the internationalcommunity could pay equal respect to the needs and whishesof all three ethnicities. The analysis of this plan shows that the internationalcommunity, wishing to harmonise and stabilise interethnic relations in BaHenvisaged a highly integrated confederal state.Key words: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Muslims/Bosniaks,international community, Cutileiro’s Plan, confederation13 This paper was written as part of the research project "Croatian Identity and Mediterranean multiculturalism in the Age of Globalisation“- code: 194-1941560-1546centar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr60

Maja Sahadžić: The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovinasuvremene TEME, (2009.) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (2009) Vol. 2, No. 1UDK: 342.84:324(497.6)327.56($+73:497.6)Pregledni radPrimljeno: 27. 8. 2009.The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Short Review ofPolitical Matter and/or Technical PerplexionMAJA SAHADŽIĆFaculty of Law, University of Zenica, Bosnia and HerzegovinaThe Dayton Proximity Talks were held in the Wright - Patterson AirForce Base in Ohio, USA from 1-21 November 1995. They resulted with theGeneral Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (e.g.Dayton Peace Accords, Dayton Peace Agreement) that was signed by the Republicof Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republicof Yugoslavia and witnessed by USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia andan EU special negotiator. The Dayton Peace Accords ended the conflict in Bosniaand Herzegovina and shaped a basis for peace. But, the most importantissues for democratic functioning of the state have not become conciliated withinternational legal standards; such as elections and the electoral system. TheDayton Peace Accords arose from compromises and different trade-offs whichaccount for many open questions regarding the Bosnian electoral system.Key words: electoral system, Bosnia and Herzegovina, political and technicalissues, elections, Dayton Peace Agreement1. IntroductionFrom a scientific view, elections are exceptionallyinteresting, since they constitute avery important decision that, once brought, innext several years, depending on a concreteElectoral Law in an individual country, determinesthe repository of political power. In that actof electoral commitment, the whole national history,certain regions, political traditions of familyand reference groups, the actual political situation,effects of concrete life conditions, politicalsocialisation of an individual, activity of electoralcampaign so as interested political parties andcandidates, the role of mass media and manymore unpredictable effects that compress in, atthe fist look, simple decision of choosing a certainlist, party or candidate are reflected (Šiber,2003: 88-103).centar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr61

Saša Mrduljaš: Oblik državnog uređenja BiH po Cutileirovom planusuvremene TEME, (<strong><strong>2009</strong>.</strong>) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (<strong>2009</strong>) Vol. 2, No. 1International Community Polity Proposal forBosnia and Herzegovina according to Cutileiro’sPlan (March 18, 1992) 13∗SAŠA MRDULJAŠInstitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar - Centre SplitDuring the final phase of the breakup of Yugoslavia, in circumstanceswhich have led to independence of its republics and were largelycharacterised by Serbian hegemonic aggression towards Croatia, a finalchrystallisation of political goals of the three Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnicites.By the end of 1991, Serbs agree to the creation of a Serbian politicalentity on two thirds of Bosnian-Herzegovinian territory with a possibilityof merging with Serbia. On the contrary, the two other ethnicities optedfo an independent BaH. However, while the Croats saw the future stateas a complex (con)federal republic of three national-territorial entities, withthe Croatian entity comprising one third of state territory, Bosnian Muslims/Bosniaks seeked a unitary state, which would, considering the conditionsof the soon-to-be-reached Bosnian Muslim/Bosniak absolute demographicdominance, function as a de facto Bosnian Muslim/Bosniak national state.In order to coordinate the political goals of the three Bosnian-Herzegovinianethnicites and to harmonise their mutual relations, the international communitystarted its direct involvement in BaH beginning of 1992, part of whichwas the drafting of the international/Cutileiro’s plan for Bosnian-Herzegovinianpolity. This is the only plan of the international community which wasnot created in an atmosphere determined by the state of war (April 1992 –November 1995) and the traumatic experiences which impact the post-warpolitical reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to this fact, the internationalcommunity and Cutileiro’s plan could take into account the Constitution ofthe Socialist Republic of BaH which defined the state as a polity governedby three constituent, sovereign and equal ethnicites (Croats, Serbs andBosnian Muslims/Bosniaks) to a much greater extent. In doing so, the internationalcommunity could pay equal respect to the needs and whishesof all three ethnicities. The analysis of this plan shows that the internationalcommunity, wishing to harmonise and stabilise interethnic relations in BaHenvisaged a highly integrated confederal state.Key words: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croats, Serbs, Bosnian Muslims/Bosniaks,international community, Cutileiro’s Plan, confederation13 This paper was written as part of the research project "Croatian Identity and Mediterranean multiculturalism in the Age of Globalisation“- code: 194-1941560-1546centar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr60

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