ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009

ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009

ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009

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Jamshed Khattak, Aslam Khan: Understanding Female College Studentssuvremene TEME, (<strong><strong>2009</strong>.</strong>) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (<strong>2009</strong>) Vol. 2, No. 1UDK: 316.66-055.2(549.1)Izvorni znanstveni članakPrimljeno: 1. 6. <strong><strong>2009</strong>.</strong>Understanding Female College Students’ Mind-set towardsTelevision Advertising in PakistanJAMSHED KHATTAKCollege of Commerce, Islamabad, PakistanASLAM KHANHITEK University, PakistanPurpose: This study examined the consequences and impact thattelevision advertising has upon the general attitude of female college studentstowards television advertising in Pakistan. The data was collected from randomlyselected 299 female college students. Methods: The respondents fromfive metropolitan cities like Peshawar, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Quetta and Karachiwere asked to answer a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive,t-statistics, correlation and regression statistical tools were used to analysedata. Results: The results of the study reveal that these students have negativejudgment about the ethical and social consequences of television advertising.However they have positive judgment about the economic impact of televisionadvertising. The students demand more regulation to control the televisionadvertising. The results indicated that there is a significant positive generalattitude of female college students towards the television advertising in Pakistan.The study predicted a positive relationship between the consequences/impact and general attitude of female college students towards the televisionadvertising. Recommendation: The study recommends that marketers andthe regulatory bodies have the responsibility to pay proper attention to therising ethical, social and regulatory concerns of the female college students’about the television advertising. Moreover the study provides a useful benchmarkfor future research studies.Key words: attitudes, television advertising, female students, Pakistan1. IntroductionIt is a fact that television is the major andleading communicator of our era. Television isthe most reachable media in Pakistan. Televisioncoverage in Pakistan is about 87-90 percent(Parveen, <strong>2009</strong>). Advertising is the major earningsource of television and a powerful tool topenetrate into different segments of the society.Regardless of the fact that advertising is a successfultool for business, along with being a vitalelement of the modern age and a fast growingindustry, the public fondness of advertising is stilla matter of great concern (O’Donohoe, 1995). Ithas a great power to influence the consumers’vision about values, ethics and norms. Advertisingis also criticized for presenting misleadinginformation, promoting adverse values, fake claims,depiction of females as “erotic objects” andpersuading people to buy things they no longercentar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr6

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