ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009

ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009 ISSN 1847-2397 godište II broj 1 2009. | volume II number 1 2009


Jamshed Khattak, Aslam Khan: Understanding Female College Studentssuvremene TEME, (2009.) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (2009) Vol. 2, No. 1The results of the correlation coefficientsin Table 5 show a significant correlation amongall the independent variables and the general attitudeof female college students towards televisionadvertising.The results in Table 5 indicate that thereexists a positive correlation between the ethicalconsequences and the general attitude of femalecollege students towards television advertising.The results also reveal that the more ethicaltelevision advertising is, the more positive isthe attitude of female college students towardsadvertising. Hence it supports the H 6.The correlation coefficient between theeconomic impact of television advertising andthe general attitude of students towards televisionadvertising, as indicated in Table 5, is fairlysignificant. The study draws the inference thatthe more positive the economic impact of televisionadvertising is, the more positive is the attitudeof female students towards advertising. Weagree to H 7.The significant correlation coefficientin Table 5 between the social consequences oftelevision advertising and the general attitude offemale college students towards it conclude thatthe more socially responsible television advertisingis, the more positive is the general attitudeof female college students. The hypothesis H 8isestablished.The result in Table 5 demonstrates asignificant correlation between the mind-setabout television advertising regulations and thegeneral attitude of female college students towardstelevision advertising. We can infer thatthe more government regulations are set to controlthe television advertising, the more positivethe general attitude of the female college studentsis towards advertising. Hence the studyacknowledges H 9.8.8. Regression AnalysisTable 6Model summaryModelStd. error of theR R square Adjusted R squareestimate1 .383 a .146 .135 .57316a. Predictors: (constant), regulatory, economic, ethical, socialTable 7 ANOVAModelSum ofsquaresdf Mean square F Sig.1 Regression 16.577 4 4.144 12.615 .000 aResidual 96.583 294 .329Total 113.159 298a. Predictors: (constant), regulatory, economic, ethical, socialb. Dependent variable: general attitudeThe results in Table 6 and Table 7 indicate that the independent variables significantly explainthe variation in the general attitude of female college students towards television advertising.The results in Table 8 show that the ethical consequences and the economic impact significantlypredict the general attitude of female college students towards television advertising. However the socialconsequences and feelings about the advertising regulation do not significantly predict the generalattitude of female college students towards television advertising.centar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr14

Jamshed Khattak, Aslam Khan: Understanding Female College Studentssuvremene TEME, (<strong><strong>2009</strong>.</strong>) God. 2, Br. 1CONTEMPORARY issues, (<strong>2009</strong>) Vol. 2, No. 1The results of the correlation coefficientsin Table 5 show a significant correlation amongall the independent variables and the general attitudeof female college students towards televisionadvertising.The results in Table 5 indicate that thereexists a positive correlation between the ethicalconsequences and the general attitude of femalecollege students towards television advertising.The results also reveal that the more ethicaltelevision advertising is, the more positive isthe attitude of female college students towardsadvertising. Hence it supports the H 6.The correlation coefficient between theeconomic impact of television advertising andthe general attitude of students towards televisionadvertising, as indicated in Table 5, is fairlysignificant. The study draws the inference thatthe more positive the economic impact of televisionadvertising is, the more positive is the attitudeof female students towards advertising. Weagree to H 7.The significant correlation coefficientin Table 5 between the social consequences oftelevision advertising and the general attitude offemale college students towards it conclude thatthe more socially responsible television advertisingis, the more positive is the general attitudeof female college students. The hypothesis H 8isestablished.The result in Table 5 demonstrates asignificant correlation between the mind-setabout television advertising regulations and thegeneral attitude of female college students towardstelevision advertising. We can infer thatthe more government regulations are set to controlthe television advertising, the more positivethe general attitude of the female college studentsis towards advertising. Hence the studyacknowledges H 9.8.8. Regression AnalysisTable 6Model summaryModelStd. error of theR R square Adjusted R squareestimate1 .383 a .146 .135 .57316a. Predictors: (constant), regulatory, economic, ethical, socialTable 7 ANOVAModelSum ofsquaresdf Mean square F Sig.1 Regression 16.577 4 4.144 12.615 .000 aResidual 96.583 294 .329Total 113.159 298a. Predictors: (constant), regulatory, economic, ethical, socialb. Dependent variable: general attitudeThe results in Table 6 and Table 7 indicate that the independent variables significantly explainthe variation in the general attitude of female college students towards television advertising.The results in Table 8 show that the ethical consequences and the economic impact significantlypredict the general attitude of female college students towards television advertising. However the socialconsequences and feelings about the advertising regulation do not significantly predict the generalattitude of female college students towards television advertising.centar za politološka istraživanjathe political science research centrewww.cpi.hr14

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