why uF? double duty - LiquiVap increases CO recovery ... - X-Flow

why uF? double duty - LiquiVap increases CO recovery ... - X-Flow

why uF? double duty - LiquiVap increases CO recovery ... - X-Flow

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K n o w H o w i s p u b l i s h e d b y P E N T A I R C P T I v o l u m e 1 4 I 2 0 1 1 I 1Why UF?Double Duty -<strong>LiquiVap</strong> <strong>increases</strong><strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> yieldand lowers costsNext generation365it Complete PMOMix Proof Valve

W A T E R5 6814Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> – leadingin membrane technologyGlobal Water Intelligence (GWI), an internationalpublication that tracks major global waterprojects, analyzed ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration(MF) plants with capacities of more than10,000 m 3 /d installed since 2005. Based on the 588worldwide installations considered, PENTAIR X-<strong>Flow</strong>has the second largest installed base with a globalmarket share of 18.6 percent. When consideringThis issue of KnowHow magazine marks an importantchange. As you may know, Pentair, Inc. recently announcedour intent to purchase Clean Process Technologies (CPT), a only projects tendered/awarded in 2009/2010 or todivision of privately held Norit Holding, B.V. I am pleased to be installed after 2010, PENTAIR X-<strong>Flow</strong> is trackinginform you that the acquisition was completed on May 12,at a market leader pace with a share of 25.5 percent,leaving several reputable manufacturers2011. As a result, the companies under CPT – Filtrix,Haffmans, Nijhuis, Norit Components & Services, NoritMembrane Technology, Norit Process Technology, Südmo and X-<strong>Flow</strong> – are now part of behind. Published in GWI’s December 2010 issue, thisPentair’s Filtration Solutions global business unit.analysis offers insight into PENTAIR X-<strong>Flow</strong>’s marketposition and the growth of UF and MF technology.CPT brings Pentair Filtration Solutions over a century of innovation and expertise in membranesolutions and filtration, separation and fluid technologies in the water and beverage segments.With the acquisition comes a wealth of leading offerings including: ultra filtration membranetechnologies, aseptic valves, <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> and control systems and specialty pumping equipment– all of which you have become familiar with by reading KnowHow.The acquisition enables Pentair Filtration Solutions to build on superior technology, increaseglobal capability and thereby provide you, our customers, with a broader, more innovative anddeeper array of products, services and solutions. In short, the combination helps create a trueglobal filtration, separation and fluid technology leader.As we work to combine our businesses in the coming months, our top priority is ensuring wecontinue to serve you well and deliver on our commitments. If you have questions for usregarding the acquisition or are interested in any of the solutions presented in this edition ofKnowHow, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our Pentair colleagues around the world.Lastly, after 30 plus issues of KnowHow, this edition marks another important change. Goingforward, KnowHow will be a Pentair publication focused on bringing you the latestinnovations, technological solutions and reference projects from the combined PentairFiltration Solutions and CPT businesses.Thank you in advance for your interest in our products, services and solutions and I lookThough low-pressure MF and UF membranes have been availableforward to continuing to partner with you to solve your toughest filtration, separation & fluidfor 80 years, it has only been in the last 20 years that they havetechnology challenges.made serious inroads into the market. GWI’s conclusion is thattoday, by some measures, the technology has overtaken reverseBest regards,osmosis in terms of popularity. The MF/UF market developed inthree key stages. The first stage was the spread of MF and UF forNetha N. Johnsondrinking water treatment in the US following the 1993President, Filtration SolutionsCryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee. The next stage was thePentair, Incemergence of low-pressure membranes as a wastewater treatment2 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1solution during the late 1990s and early2000s, reflecting growing interest in waterreuse, and the smaller plant footprintsoffered by the membrane bioreactor format.The third stage of market developmentcame in the mid-2000s when thepotential for low-pressure membranes asa seawater pre-treatment method forreverse osmosis was realized.The GWI research shows that the Americasaccounted for the largest market shareuntil 2008. Since then, the Asia Pacific andEMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)markets each outgrew the Americas mainlydue to strong growth in the marketfor desalination pre-treatment and thecontinuing strength of the wastewatertreatment sector. This has changed thecompetitive dynamics of the sector, muchof it in favor of Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>.Two key elements are believed to be atthe basis of this market success: First,Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> has launched severalunique solutions into high growth marketsegments including:SEAGUARD, the industry’s firstdedicated seawater pre-treatmentmembrane modulePentair Airlift MBR Megablock, adirect sludge filtration system thatrepresents the most cost, space andquality effective solution to meetstringent wastewater treatmentdirectives and produce effluent witha quality suited for water reuseapplications.Secondly, Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> maintains a dualmarket strategy of both directly executingprojects, primarily in Western Europe, andbeing a premier membrane technologyand service supplier to a network ofdesign engineers and engineering, procurementand construction (EPC) contractorson the other hand.The first is crucial in order to have directexperience in key application segmentsthat feed the company’s R&D agenda andintegrates our vast knowledge base.Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> then uses this know-howto support our worldwide EPC contractorswith state-of-the-art membranetechnology and application expertise.Just prior to completing the acquisitionof Norit CPT businesses by Pentair,Norit was awarded the “WaterTechnology Company of the Year” byGlobal Water Intelligence. In April,during the Global Water Summit 2011in Berlin, at a special Global WaterAwards ceremony former SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations KofiAnnan handed the award to the Noritteam.Every year, Global Water Intelligencehonors top performers in the world ofwater. The category “Water TechnologyCompany of the Year” recognizesthe company that has made the mostsignificant contribution in the field ofwater technology during the pastyear.K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 12 3

w a t e rb e v e r a g eProtection at the tapUltrafiltration is an effective barrier for microbialsFrank van Heusden What’s in your water?Water is used from kitchen and bathroom tapsevery day, but is the water really as safe, healthyand great tasting as it could be? Unless the wateris filtered immediately before use with anadvanced technology like ultrafiltration (UF)membranes there is no way to know for sure.Whether a home is on city or well water, harmfulor undesirable contaminants could be flowingfrom faucets every day that you cannot see ortaste. Unfortunately, throughout the world evenwith stringent national and local regulations, anddue diligence by water utilities, microbiologicalcontamination in water supplies is a reality. Oldand deteriorating water pipes and city watermain breaks can contaminate water before itreaches a home. Private wells can becomecontaminated at any time. Without constantself-monitoring of a well, there is no way toknow when this happens. Due to the increasedpublicity consumers worldwide realize the needto be more vigilant about the quality of waterthey are consuming.Rik Schuurman The private Germanbrewery Ustersbach chose PENTAIRProcess Technology’s turnkey BeerMembrane Filtration (BMF) installationto upgrade the brewery’s beer filtrationsystem.Pentair Process Technology will install a turnkey stateof-the-artbeer filtration installation that includes oneBMF-18 skid with a possible second BMF skid in thefuture. The brewery is integrating the expansioninto the existing filter room. The completion of theproject is scheduled for fall 2011.Started in 1605 as a family business, Ustersbach is nowa renowned brewery with a diverse product line. Thebrewery produces nine different beers including pilsner,pale beer, wheat beer, and strong beer, alongwith a selection of soft drinks. All beers use mainlylocal products, without pasteurization and in thetradition relating to crafts following the Bavarianpurity requirement of 1516.German breweryUstersbach to installPentair BMF system“The diatomaceous earth-free beer filtration isgaining ground in the beer industry and we areconvinced that Pentair’s BMF system is in linewith our ambition to produce beer of the highestquality according to our family recipes whileusing modern, efficient and environmentfriendlytechniques,” said Stephanie Schmid,owner of brewery Ustersbach.Dick Meijer, Pentair Process Technology’sCommercial Director - Beverage, added, “Thisillustrates our capacity to preparebreweries of all sizes forthe future. Our BMF installation’sdesign enables breweriesto do more with less while focusingon the key elements of thecentury-old beer tradition ofquality, innovation, care for theenvironment, and sustainability.”The Water Quality Association’s leadership isworking to encourage U.S. officials to understandthat the most practical solution to water relatedissues is to integrate point-of-use (POU) into thecurrent regulatory paradigm. “Our goal is toadvance the understanding of policy makersabout final barrier treatment of drinking,” saidPeter Censky, executive director of WQA. “Webegin with a premise that within 20 years thecurrent paradigm – centrally treating water anddoing essentially nothing more – will no longerwork. Central treatment will not be able to copewith the demand for higher quality water.”Certified purification you can rely onPentair’s H2OK WaterPurifiers, which use PentairX-<strong>Flow</strong> UF membrane technology, are one of thefew POU drinking water products available in theworld certified by the Water Quality Association(WQA) to retain 99.99 percent of viruses and cystsand 99.9999 percent of bacteria. They carry theWQA Gold Seal certification to both the US EPAStandard for Microbiological Water Purifiers andNSF P231.“Ultrafiltration membranes are hollow fiberstraw-like structures with walls that consist ofbillions of microscopic pores that are smallerthan viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi,” saidAnton van de Ven, Commercial Director at PentairFiltrix. “They are the ideal barrier for microbiologicaloutbreaks, which is <strong>why</strong> they were chosenfor use in our WaterPurifiers.”Pentair H2OK WaterPurifiers work on normal linepressure, use no energy, do not generate anywastewater in the filtering process, retain vitalminerals, and do not alter the taste of the water.Membrane filters will block microbes up to theexpiration date making sure no contaminationcan ever come through.Clean, safe and easyThe easiest and most economical way to ensuresafe drinking water is to filter it at the tap. Whenchoosing an in-home water treatment system, itis important to know that all POU filtrationproducts are not the same. To ensure the safest,highest quality water possible, you should choosea filter that is certified to protect against viruses,cysts and bacteria, and removes chemicalcontaminants while delivering great-tasting,odor-free water The Pentair WaterPurifier + thatcombines UF membranes and activated carbonprovides this complete protection.“Pentair H2OK WaterPurifiers are well positionedagainst other POU technologies on the market,”van de Ven said. “Overall, UF is an excellent andsustainable way to eliminate the uncertainty ofmicrobiological outbreaks and ensure consistentdelivery of high-quality water, without electricityor wasted water that other technologiesrequire.”4 5K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

B E V E R A G EDouble DutyGuinness Anchor Berhad: Retrofitting with <strong>LiquiVap</strong><strong>increases</strong> <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> yield and lowers costsRoy SpeeApproximately 60 percent of the costs associated with carbondioxide (<strong>CO</strong> 2) <strong>recovery</strong> are attributable to the cooling stage of the process.If less energy is required for cooling, it translates to a reduction in runningcosts. This is precisely what the <strong>LiquiVap</strong> system from PENTAIR Haffmans“This idea was very convincing, since the existingplants were also manufactured by PentairHaffmans,” Chuah Chong Sheng recalled. “Wewere already familiar with the products they arecapable of delivering and also the high level ofsystem as well as its maintenance costs are certainlynot the least of these advantages, whichalso include increased reliability.Optimal energy efficiency all of the timewith a <strong>LiquiVap</strong> unit and the installation of thelatest control system, the entire final stage of<strong>CO</strong> 2treatment was redesigned. The previouslyemployed means for cooling the <strong>CO</strong> 2, in whichthe less desirable refrigerant was used, wasoffers. For <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> systems undergoing expansion or retrofitting,<strong>recovery</strong> yield can be improved for older systems. The Sungei Way Breweryowned by Guinness Anchor Berhad in Malaysia is a representative case as thisbrewery had two existing systems simultaneously retrofitted with <strong>LiquiVap</strong>.service from Pentair Haffmans. Furthermore, wealready have a <strong>LiquiVap</strong> unit at APB in Singapore,providing us with a means for comparison. It hasbeen in operation there for more than a year.”However, with <strong>LiquiVap</strong> the amount of coolingthat takes place directly corresponds to theamount of evaporation. To integrate it into realworldapplications, system operation is important.During the cooling stage to assure opera-replaced and modernized with one designed tomeet future environmental requirements. Usingthe innovative <strong>LiquiVap</strong> system, very low processtemperatures are possible. As a result, gas at aninitial purity of 95 percent can be recovered,Evaporating <strong>CO</strong> 2cools fermentation gastions are within the most optimal range, thecompared to the situation before retrofitting, inGuinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) was founded inallowed to be mixed, not even the gases<strong>LiquiVap</strong> – a term created from abbreviations forcooling capacity needs to adjust to productionwhich it was only feasible with gas at an initial1964 originally under the name “GuinnessMalaysia Limited”. In 1966, the company changedits name to “Guinness Malaysia Berhad”, and inliberated from fermentation. Consequently, thebrewery has two separate <strong>CO</strong> 2systems in operationthat were both supplied by Pentair Haffmansliquefaction and evaporation – is an energy savingsystem for <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> plants. During <strong>recovery</strong>,the gaseous <strong>CO</strong> 2must be cooled and liquefiedvariables. For example, if the system is dimensionedfor 500 kg/h but production only requires400 kg/h, then only 400 kg/h can be cooled usingpurity of 99 percent. The difference of four percentmeans that the fermenters can be connectedearlier, and, therefore, a greater volume of1989, the name was again changed to GAB thatapproximately 20 years ago.prior to storage in tanks at a temperature of -24the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>. Separate cooling capacity is<strong>CO</strong> 2can be recovered. “For over a year, both ofit operates under today. GAB is the product of a°C and a pressure of 18 bar. In order to be able torequired for the remaining 100 kg/h must beour plants have proven their value under thefusion between Guinness Malaysia Berhad andChuah Chong Sheng, project engineer for theutilize this stored liquid <strong>CO</strong> 2in the brewing pro-cooled by the existing refrigeration system. But,challenging production conditions we experi-Malayan Breweries (Malaya) Sdn Bhd (“MBM”),<strong>CO</strong> 2supply at GAB, shares his reflections on thecess, the liquid <strong>CO</strong> 2is heated with air or steam andit is essential to understand that the controlence on a daily basis,” Chuah Chong Shengeach of which are subsidiaries of Guinnesspast. “We simply weren’t able to produce enoughevaporated.system precisely regulates the refrigerationexplained in summarizing this successful project.Overseas Ltd and Malayan Breweries Ltd, respec-of our own <strong>CO</strong> 2with the existing systems,” heprocess so that the energy required to cool the“Since commissioning these units, we havetively. The latter operates under the name Asiasaid. “Each month, we had to purchase supple-This “energy of evaporation” can be captured100 kg/h is consumed – no more and no less. Inindeed become self-sufficient and have not hadPacific Breweries Limited (“APB”), based inmental <strong>CO</strong> 2, which is complicated and expensive.very efficiently from this process with the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>this manner, energy efficiency always remains atto purchase any <strong>CO</strong> 2– not to mention that weSingapore.Also, the refrigerant R22 was still used in thissystem. As the <strong>CO</strong> 2evaporates, it liquefies thean optimal level.have achieved this in conjunction with savingssystem, which is less than ideal from an environ-gaseous carbon dioxide coming from the activat-through utilizing sustainable energy as well. We“We have not hadto purchase anymore <strong>CO</strong> 2and areoperating moresustainably, aswe now use lesselectricity.”GAB operates the Sungei Way Brewery inMalaysia, which was commissioned in 1965. Thebrewery is located in the city of Petaling Jaya inthe state of Selangor, where it produces Tiger,Guinness, Heineken, Anchor Smooth, AnchorStrong, Kilkenny, Anglia Shandy, and Malta. Theplant’s capacity is approximately one millionhectoliter per year. GAB occupies the leadingposition in the Malaysian beer market with amarket share of approximately 57 percent.Either APB or Guinnessmental perspective.”“We were immediately won over by this concept”In order to find an optimal solution for thisproblem, the brewery contacted Pentair Haffmans.Initially, several completely different conceptswere developed and their respective advantagesevaluated. Replacement with a new plant wouldhave brought the highest efficiency, supplyingboth brewing plants at a rate of 1,000 kg/hsimultaneously. However, this could not beimplemented at the time due to certain aspects ofed carbon filters and dryers. In this manner, theenergy is recovered that would otherwise be electricallyfed into the refrigeration system.Additionally, the cooling capacities required ofthe refrigeration systems are significantly lower.When undertaking the expansion of a <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong>system’s overall capacity, one can forego acomplete expansion of the refrigeration system’scapacity in favor of installing a <strong>LiquiVap</strong> unit.If less energy is required for cooling, this directlyresults in lower total costs associated with <strong>CO</strong> 2.Four percent makes a differenceAt the GAB Brewery, in addition to retrofittingCoolingCondenserRefrigerationSystemare completely satisfied with all aspects of retrofittingwith the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>.”<strong>LiquiVap</strong>The recovered <strong>CO</strong> 2(green line) is liquefiedin the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>unit through theevaporation of liquid<strong>CO</strong> 2(blue line) –energy savings inboth the cooling andheating stages of theprocess are the result.Chuah Chong Sheng, project engineer atGAB and responsible for the <strong>CO</strong> 2supply,is completely satisfied with the resultsof retrofitting with the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>.The Sungei Way Brewery is the only one of itskind in the world. It consists of two productionlines, completely separate from one another, inwhich only APB or only Guinness beers arebrewed. The maxim here is: The products are notthe brewery’s strategic planning. Instead, thedecision was made to retrofit the existing500 kg/h systems with the alternative presentedby the innovative unit known as the <strong>LiquiVap</strong>.Yet another advantage of the <strong>LiquiVap</strong> is that itdoes not contain any mechanical parts, makingcontinuous operation possible over long periodswithout interruptions for maintenance. Reducingthe hours of operation of an existing refrigerationFermentation <strong>CO</strong> 2(from the <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong>plant)<strong>CO</strong> 2Storage TankEvaporator6 7K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

w a t e r“XIGA really is the membrane ofchoice and has proven its qualityin many significant projectsin both municipal and industrialapplications around the globe.Meanwhile our entire team hasworked diligently on advancingthis membrane. The next generationXIGA will be launched in thesecond half of this year.”Jürgen von Hollen, Managing Director Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>,Head of Water - Pentair Clean Process TechnologiesXIGA - the membrane of choice around the globeSwedish water treatment plant to utilize XIGAXIGA to be used in Singapore drinking water projectAbu Dhabian wastewater polishing plant to be equipped with XIGAA three-phase project in Gothenburg, Sweden toincrease production capabilities of purifying surfacewater to drinking water will use PentairX-<strong>Flow</strong>’s ultrafiltration (UF) technology.Gothenburg, the second largest city in the country,is located on the west coast of Sweden. Thecity’s water treatment facility must supply approximately500,000 consumers with drinking waterusing surface water and river water from the Götaälv (Gota River).The three phases of the project will increasewater production to meet demand and high qualitystandards. Phase one will produce 1,800 m 3 /hby 2013, Phase two, 3,600 m 3 /h in 2015, and Phasethree, 7,000 m 3 /h in 2017. In the first phase of theproject, a UF plant with four Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> skids,each equipped with 36 pressure vessels containingXIGA UF membranes, will be installed in an existingwater production plant. By the end of Phasethree, 16 skids will be installed. Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> haspartnered with Purac, a prestigious Swedish contractingfirm, for this project.In the treatment process surface water is coagulatedand, after settling, sent through granularactivated carbon filters. The output of the carbonfilters is transferred through the UF membranesystem.The membranes remove all fine siltand turbidity (suspended particles)and create a hygienic barrier for bacteria, virusesand other microorganisms. The XIGA configurationconsists of multiple membranes installed inhorizontal pressure housings. These membranesproduce the highest quality water.Pentair Water Asia Pacific will supply PentairX-<strong>Flow</strong>’s XIGA ultrafiltration (UF) membranes tothe Lower Seletar Waterworks project inSingapore to be constructed by SembawangEngineers and Constructors (Sembawang), one ofthe leading engineering and construction companiesin Southeast Asia.Once constructed, with a capacity to process 300 MLDof raw water into drinking water, the Lower SeletarWaterworks will be one of the largest drinking waterplants in Singapore that utilizes UF at the front of itstreatment process. It is also the first drinking waterplant in Singapore to use a pressurized UF membranesystem.Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> XIGA UF membranes are widely usedthroughout the world for large-scale drinking waterproduction and effluent reuse. They are horizontallymounted membranes housed in pressure vessels.The pressure vessels are stacked on a skid to reduce thefootprint, which makes Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>’s XIGA UF membranesystem well suited for the Lower Seletar plant’slimited footprint. In addition, the absolute pore size ofXIGA membranes ranges from 0.025 to 0.030 micronsmaking XIGA one of the tightest in its class. This enableshigh log removal for both bacteria and viruses.“The use of XIGA membranes for drinking waterproduction could potentially reduce the cost ofdownstream disinfection and provide cost savings forthe end-user,” explained Duane Schlicht, ManagingDirector Pentair Water Asia Pacific.Singapore is a land-scarce countrywith limited water resources. As such,the nation has long recognized the importance ofdeveloping and maximizing its water resources tosustain its economic growth and modern lifestyleof its citizens. PUB, the nation’s water authority,has initiated many internationally renowned projectsincluding NEWater factories, the Tuas desalinationplant and the Marina Barrage (for urbanwater collection). With its aim of becoming one ofthe world’s hydro hubs, Singapore always welcomesand embraces the use of advanced waterpurification technology in its quest to increase thenation’s water supply and improve its water security.The selection of Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>’s XIGA UFmembranes for drinking water production at theLower Seletar plant bears further testament tothe high quality and reliability of Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>membrane products.Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> supplies XIGA membranes to theengineering firm Boustead Salcon Water Solutionsfor wastewater treatment for reuse at the AbuDhabi Sewerage Services Company’s (ADSSC) AlWathba Enhanced Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE)Treatment Project. The new wastewater recyclingplant is the first of its kind in the United ArabEmirates (UAE) and has a capacity of approximately27,712 m 3 (6 million gallons) per day.The UAE depends on desalination tosupply water. By focusing on wastewaterreuse, the UAE is responding to the need toensure security for its long-term water supply. In2010, Abu Dhabi introduced new wastewaterregulations, and by doing so the Emirate establisheditself as the regional leader in the waterreuse sector.In addition to the ultrafiltration (UF) polishing ofthe TSE, the plant includes a strainer and ultravioletprotection processes. An estimated 95 percentof the TSE supplied to the plant will berecycled and recovered. This water is used foragricultural irrigation and horizontal landscaping.The Al Wathba TSE polishing plant is important insetting the trend in the UAE for wastewater treatmentusing UF membranes for tertiary filtrationof treated sewage. This technology provides acredible and proven alternative to the desalinationof seawater for non-potable applications. Bysupplying UF technology to the ADSSC’s AlWathba plant, Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> reinforces its positionas the UF market leader in the Middle East.8 9K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

w a t e rD A I R YNext generation365 it Complete PMOMix Proof Valvewilliam craigIn July 2010, BeijingShiqiao Bio-Medicine ManufacturingCo., a Chinese pharmaceuticalproducer, contracted PENTAIRSüdmo to design, build and validatea state-of-the-art amino acidinfusions workshop at its newGreen-field factory, currentlyunder construction on the outskirtsof Beijing.This is the first of at least seven workshops plannedfor construction on the site. Beijing Shiqiao Bio-Medicine Manufacturing wants the first workshopto set an example as providing the highest qualityproduction process available to manufacture premiumamino acid infusion products that conformto US FDA, China GMP and European Pharmacopeiastandards. This will help open the door for potentialexport opportunities.Pentair Südmo was successful in winning the orderagainst stiff competition from both local andinternational companies. The project includes thedesign, delivery, building and validating of a fullyautomatic, aseptic process system. A feature of thesystem is Pentair Südmo’s latest generation of SVPSingle Seat valves with P 3 diaphragm and PEEKvalve seal for superior performance during asepticprocessing. The full scope of the project includespreparation vessels, transfer systems, powder additionand blending, activated carbon filtration,sterile filtration, and clean-in-place (CIP) andsterilization-in-place (SIP) systems. In addition,Pentair Südmo is the overall general consultant forthe complete amino acid workshop constructionand will design, deliver and build all peripheralutilities for both clean and non-clean applications.These include water for injection and purifiedwater storage, and distribution circuits.Joint European-Chinese Project team discussing technical detailsPentair Südmo entersChina’s pharma marketDelivery of this landmark project for Pentair Südmo will be througha team effort between Pentair Südmo in Germany, Pentair WaterPurification Systems in Beijing and selected local partner companies.“As with all projects, we strive to provide the most professional,highest quality and leading technological service,” said Friedrich Elz,Business Unit Manager Pharma-Dairy-Food at Pentair Südmo.“Pentair Südmo is a well respected, global player in the pharmaceuticalsector but provides a local presence and understanding. We arededicated to increasing the efficiency and performance of our customers’operations in a most cost effective way.”The design phase for this project is well underway and on-siteactivities are set to begin in the spring of 2011.THOMAS FELDMEIER Dairy processors have a new way to look at mixproof technology with Pentair Südmo’s 365it Complete PMO Valve. Thevalve, approved according to the 3A standard 85-02 (FDA Memorandumapplied for) provides complete product protection at all times includingduring seat lifting and even with seals missing. Operators can be assuredof maximum security when there is product and CIP in opposite lines.reduces the valve’s weight and building spacerequirement, and provides easier handlingand maintenance.Pentair Südmo’s patented deflector technologyupgrades a standard DSV Complete Valveto the 365it Complete. The deflector guidesCIP fluid directly into the leakage outletduring seat lifting and creates a vacuum justin front of the opposite side seal thus avoidingdirect impingement of the opposite seal.Smaller lighter leanerPentair Südmo engineers are constantly lookingfor ways that help our customers ‘do size of the leakage port, dairy plants will expe-With the 365it Complete Valve and the reducedmore with less’. The most recent technologicalbreakthrough, the 365it Complete, based loss during seat lifting while maintaining maxrienceOPEX savings due to less cleaning mediaon the DSV Complete Valve, uses a standard imum product safety. During daily operations,housing without increasing the size of the the new radial seal compensates for swelling,leakage outlet port. Up to now, this was which reduces wear and provides an extremelynecessary to avoid pressure build up in the robust and long life resulting in even greaterleakage area. The addition of this advantage life cycle cost savings.In 2010 the 3-A document adopted terminology fromthe Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO), which meansthat with 3-A approval <strong>double</strong> seat/mix proof valves,including Pentair Südmo’s 365it Complete Mix ProofValve, now meet the PMO guidelines. This means thatthe valve can be used in U.S. dairy plants.10 11K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

w a t e rContainerized pump rooms forprojects in Romania and VenezuelaInge SluijterPentair Nijhuissupplied the engineering, procurementand construction contractor(EPCC) Ferrostaal with completecontainerized firefightingpump rooms for projects in Romaniaand Venezuela. The compact andtested modular design of the pumprooms provides a very efficientsolution. Such a complete supplyconsiderably reduces the risk ofassembly errors and saves constructiontime on site. Ferrostaal,an organization with 60 officesworldwide, recognized theseimportant ad-vantages.Firefighting pump room protectsgas and oil plant“One pump room was installed for the end customerOMV Petrom S.A. at its new gas compressorstation in Bulbuceni, Romania,” said Nielsvan den Hurk, Pentair Nijhuis’ area sales manager.“Petrom is the largest corporation inRomania and the largest gas and oil producer inEastern Europe. From Bulbuceni, Petrom providescompressed gas to the national gas network.”The pump room in Bulbuceni needed to meet Petrom’ssafety requirements and strict sound reductiondemands to protect personnel and the work area.Since the equipment is tested weekly, part ofmeeting these guidelines included insulating thepump room so that the sound level from one metermeasures less than 85 dBA.In addition to the customer’s requirements, a numberof extreme conditions that are decisive factorsfor selecting the proper diesel engine were takeninto account for the pump room design. Theseconditions are: the site is located at 208 meters(682 feet) above sea level, the surroundings temperaturevaries between minus 29 and 40 degreesCelsius (minus 20 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit) andthe average relative humidity is 63 percent. Thepump room, consisting of four pumps and twojockey pumps –that serve to maintain water pressurein the sprinkler system–, provides the completewater supply for fire protection at this location.“The pump room was designed according to the latestdirectives of the National Fire ProtectionAssociation’s (NFPA) international standard NFPA-20,” van den Hurk said. “Besides that I am proud tosay that we were able to meet all extra requirements,even though the conditions were challenging.”New power plant in Venezuela protected against fireThe end customer of the second pump room, C.A.Energía Eléctrica de Venezuela (Enelven), built twocombined cycle power plants in Zulia state, Venezuela.These power plants will supply sufficient energy tomeet the energy demand of the entire region.“The EPCC of this project, Ferrostaal, initially contactedPentair Nijhuis to supply separate firefightingpumps at the location in Bachaquero,” van den Hurksaid. “But, considering the remote location, theychose the containerized pump room option, and thusprofit from the advantages of this solution.”The pump room contains two firefighting pumps, onediesel driven, one electric driven pump, and onejockey pump. All pumps comply with the latest regulationsof NFPA-20, and are Factory Mutual (FM)approved. In addition, extra devices, supplied by thecustomer, were successfully incorporated into the totalcontainerized concept.“Constructing containerized units requires expertisethat is available within Pentair Nijhuis,” van den Hurksaid. “The firefighting equipment at both Petrom andEnelven well prepares both locations in the event of afire. Studies have shown that when such units are inplace, fire damage will be restricted to less than10 percent, thus providing lower costs and less environmentalimpact.”Copyright photos Bulbuceni plant: Ferrostaal/Van Groen12 13K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

n e w sg a sBiogas upgrading installationreaches first milestone!“This a great step for Pentair Haffmans andfits perfectly into the shift towards renewableenergy sources,” said Olaf Müller, ManagingDirector Pentair Haffmans, Head of Beverageand Niche Markets - Pentair Clean ProcessTechnologies. “The energy targets of theEuropean Union state that in 2020 20 percentof the energy used should come from alternativeenergy sources.”Pentair Nijhuis part of Dutch pilotgroup implementing ISO 26000Inge Sluijter The social responsibility of organizationsis the center of attention now more thanever. To provide guidance for corporations theInternational Organization for Standardization(ISO) has worked for five years to establish a directiveon the implementation of social responsibility(SR). In 2010, an international consensus wasreached on the International Standard ISO26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility.Following that, the Dutch Standardization Institute(NEN) introduced its version of the directiveon December 9, 2010.ISO 26000 is a guidance standard and isnot for certification. It offers structureto organizations for implementing SR.The directive concerns SR core subjectsincluding organizational governance,environment, fair operating practices,community involvement, human rights,labor issues, and consumer/customerissues.“NEN is soon publishing a book withpractical experiences of ISO 26000champions, and Pentair Nijhuis is oneof them,” Schuuring added. “Togetherwith nine other companies, we werethe first Dutch company to implementthis directive. Our successes and learningpoints will help other companieswith their corporate social responsibilitychallenge.”Olaf MüllerIn February, the biogas upgrading installationin Witteveen, the Netherlands exceeded the milestoneof producing and feeding 250,000 Nm 3biomethane into the gas grid. This is enough toforesee some 160 households with their annualconsumption.This biogas upgrading plant is the first of its kind. PentairHaffmans installed the plant at Bouwhuis Biovergisting BV inWitteveen in November 2010. Bouwhuis is an agricultural companythat produces biogas from corn.The company expanded the capacity of its two running combinedheat and power (CHP) installations. The additional 350 Nm 3 /hbiogas are upgraded by Pentair Haffmans into 215 Nm 3 /h biomethaneand 250 kg/h purified carbon dioxide (<strong>CO</strong> 2).Biogas is a general term for gas producedthrough an anaerobic fermentation processand primarily consists of a mixture of methane(CH 4) and <strong>CO</strong> 2. The upgrading technologyrecovers 100 percent of the CH 4and causes noCH 4losses. In the process the biogas is firstcleaned by a Norit activated carbon filter andthen the cleaned biogas flows through a membraneinstallation and a <strong>CO</strong> 2<strong>recovery</strong> system.The biomethane produced by the upgradingsystem has the same specifications as naturalgas and has been accepted by Enexis for injectingit into the national gas grid. Enexis isresponsible for the development, construction,maintenance and management of thegas and energy distribution network. As suchthe company is the link between 2.6 millioncustomers and the energy suppliers.The recovered <strong>CO</strong> 2has a high purity and canbe used as <strong>CO</strong> 2gas in greenhouses or liquefiedand stored for use in the food and beverageindustries.Pentair Nijhuis is member of a pilot group of organizations that havestarted the implementation of this NEN directive. During the introductionseminar on December 9, practical experiences with the applicationof ISO 26000 in business and industry were presented. PentairNijhuis’ Managing Director Robert Schuuring was one of the speakers.“ISO 26000 is well suited to Pentair Nijhuis,” he said. “Our productsrepresent quality, high efficiency and durability. We use ISO 26000 asa guide to integrate social responsibility into our values and practices.We are taking an even more critical look at our purchase and productionprocesses and the social environment. ISO 26000 presents a verygood approach in doing so.”14 15K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1 K n o w H o w I 2 0 1 1 I 1

w o r l d w i d eQuick service,happy dolphinsPentair X-<strong>Flow</strong> wins 2011iF Product Design AwardPentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>’s Airlift MBR Megablock, was honoredby the International Forum Design (iF) for excellence inproduct design. In total, 2,756 products from 1,121 participantscompeted for this prestigious design award.Winning the award confirms that pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>’sexpertise in combining state-of-art technology withappealing design features.The iF Product Design Awards are prestigious awards that recognizemanufacturers and designers of industrial products exhibitingsuperior design from around the world in a variety ofcategories. Selection criteria include the quality of design, functionality,degree of innovation, simplicity of operation, andenvironmental impact. The Pentair Megablock is used in municipalwastewater treatment.Prompt action by the Pentair Nijhuisservice team prevented a major disruptionat the Dolfinarium, a dolphintheme park in Münster, Germany. Twopump rooms at the facility were floodeddue to a water pipe leak. The leakwas repaired and the pump roomswere drained, but the pumps neededto be repaired and restarted to maintainthe water in the pool where thedolphins and other sea animals live.This had to be done quickly to avoidthe need to move the animals 300 kmto the Dolfinarium in Harderwijk, theNetherlands. Thanks to Pentair Nijhuis’experienced service team the pumpswere started up in time and the movewas not necessary. A well earned“thank you” was the result.Specifically it is the sludge separating component of large-scale MembraneBioReactor (MBR) systems. The compact membrane separation system withinthe Megablock produces crystal-clear, bacteria-free water from a biologicalwastewater treatment process that can be reused for a variety of purposes.In addition, the membranes are in a dry and clean environment makingthem quickly accessible without comprising the health and safety of plantworkers.iF praised the Megablock for its “Lego-Style” modular design that allowsfor easy installation and system expansion. Its advanced component designimproves fluid flow and aeration, resulting in unprecedented performance.“The Efficient Performance Technology philosophy - our guiding principle inproduct development - led to the Megablock’s development,” said RickRosberg, Global Commercial Director of Pentair X-<strong>Flow</strong>. “A compact, modulardesign flows naturally from our ambition to do more with less.”KnowHow Published byPentair Water ProcesTechnologie Holding BVP.O. Box 317620 AA BorneThe NetherlandsChief EditorSimone BäroEditorial BoardGrace MalaiholloHans LangeSjoerd van der SterrenCopy EditorMary GeorgeDesignSPPRPlease address any questionsabout the content toinfo@cptholding.comTo subscribe to KnowHowemail: info@cptholding.com

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