SPRING 2011 - Ignatius Press

SPRING 2011 - Ignatius Press

SPRING 2011 - Ignatius Press

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Free Bookwith any order of $50With any order of $50 or more you mayhave a free copy of one of the followingbooks. Please write the title on the bottomof the order form:Celebrating the Holy EucharistArinze - p. 40,Pilgrim Fellowship of FaithPope Benedict XVI, - p. 34,Nothing to Hide,Shaw - p. 58,The Da Vinci Hoax,Olson/Meisel - p. 28Visit <strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>website for all ourproducts and theClearance Sectionwhere you’ll finditems up to 80% off!Website Includes:Saints of the Dayby Butler’s and MagnificatDaily Catholic Classicsby Rev. Rawley MyersLocal Bookstore LocatorTable of ContentsNew Spring Books. . . . . . . . . 2-22Sapentia <strong>Press</strong> ............. 17<strong>Ignatius</strong>/Magnificat ......18-19Thomas More College. . . . . 20-21<strong>Ignatius</strong> Critical Editions .....22Blessed John Paul II .........23Recently Released ........24-27Bestsellers ...............27-30Pope Benedict XVI ....... 30-34Bibles & Bible Study ..... 35-36Fathers of the Church ....... 37History ................. 37-38Christ & the Sacraments ...39-40Biography ..................41St. Therese ..................42Saints Lives and Spirit ....42-44Catholic Family Life .........45Mary/Rosary ............46-47Apologetics & Conversion . 48-50Inspiration & Prayer ......51-53Peter Kreeft .................54Papacy & Priesthood ........55Liturgy .....................56Morality/Current Issues ..57-58Cardinal Schonborn .........59Theology/Philosophy. . . . . 60-62Josef Pieper .................62Hans Urs von Balthasar ...63-65Adrienne von Speyr .........66Christian Literature .......67-69C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien ...68G.K. Chesterton .............70Books for Youth .............71Vision Books ................72Bethlehem Books .........73-75Catechetics .................76Lifework ...................77My Catholic Faith Delivered ..78Religious Education ......78-80Lighthouse Media CDs. . . . . . . 81Catholic Faith Explorers ......82Catholic Truth Society. . . . . . . . 83Audio Books ................84Sacred Art ..................85Catholic Music ...........86-88Catholic Films ...........89-96new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksHoliness is Always in Season EPope Benedict XVIFor a Christian, the way to reach perfection is to strive forholiness. What is true perfection? Christ’s words are clear,sublime and disconcerting: “Be perfect as your heavenlyFather is perfect.” To have God as our model is a dizzyingthought! Yet the Church reminds us that, “All the faithful,whatever their condition or state in life, are called by theLord to that perfect holiness.”The Church teaches us that holiness is not the concern ofa privileged few, nor does it only pertain to Christians of thepast. Holiness is always a call to every Christian of every age,a challenge for anyone who wants to follow in the footstepsof Christ.Pope Benedict XVI says: “Holiness never goes out offashion; on the contrary, with the passage of time it shinesout ever more brightly, expressing man’s perennial effort toreach God.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote: “Holiness isnot something for the extraordinary; it is not a luxury of thefew. Holiness is the simple duty for each one of us.”The saints are our models and teachers in the ways of holiness.They show us that holiness is possible for us, since theyexperienced the same difficulties and weaknesses we do,yet persevered in achieving sanctity. The world of saints is aworld of wonders, and in this book Pope Benedict XVI helpsus to enter into that world.This inspiring volume presents the Pope’s numerousreflections on many saints arranged according to the calendaryear. He shows how the life of each saint has somethingunique to teach us about virtue, faith, courage and love ofChrist. Dozens of saints are covered in this wonderful spiritualbook. The Pope exhorts us through their lives, “Be holy!Be saints!”The dozens of saints whose lives the Pope discussesas inspiring examples of holiness in this book include St.Augustine, St. Monica, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Anthony,St. Bridget, St. Peter Damian, St. Cyril, St. Joseph, St.Mary Magdalene, St. Athanasius, St. Justin, St. Irenaeus,St. Benedict, St. Francis of Paola, St. John Vianney, St.Bernard, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Jerome, St. <strong>Ignatius</strong>, St.Elizabeth of Hungary, St Francis Xavier, and many more.HIAS-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 333 pp, $21.952

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksPREVIEW IT!SEE SAMPLE PAGES ATWWW.IGNATIUS.comSEARCH FOR YOUCAT“So I invite you: Study thisCatechism! That is my heartfeltdesire. This catechism was notwritten to please you. It will notmake life easy for you, becauseit demands of you a new life.It places before you the Gospelmessage as the ‘pearl of greatvalue’ (Mt 13:45) for which youmust give everything.”— Pope Benedict XIFrom the ForewordChristoph Cardinal SchönbornForeword by Pope Benedict XVIYOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of theCatholic Church, which will be launched onWorld Youth Day. Developed with the help ofyoung Catholics and written for high-school agepeople and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible,contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. Theappealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summarydefinitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiringand thought-provoking quotes from Saints andothers in the margins. What’s more, YOUCAT iskeyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sopeople can go deeper. It explains:• What Catholics believe and why (doctrine)• How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of thefaith (sacraments)• How Catholics are to live (moral life)• How they should pray (prayer and spirituality)The questions are direct and honest, even at timestough; the answers straightforward, relevant, andcompelling. YOUCAT will likely become the “goto”place for young people to learn the truth aboutthe Catholic faith. IllustratedYOUCAT-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 330 pp, $19.95SpecialBULK DISCOUNTpricing availableuntil DEC. 31, <strong>2011</strong>:Copies100+200+500+Discount25% discount35% discount40% discount1-800-651-1531 5www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksToward the Gleam A Novel ET.M. DoranBetween the two world wars, on a hike in theEnglish countryside, Professor John Hill takesrefuge from a violent storm in a cave. There henearly loses his life, but he also makes an astonishingdiscovery—an ancient manuscript housed in acunningly crafted metal box. Though a philologist byprofession, Hill cannot identify the language used inthe manuscript and the time period in which it is wasmade, but he knows enough to make an educatedguess—that the book and its case are the fruits of along-lost, but advanced civilization.The translation of the manuscript and the searchfor its origins become a life-long quest for Hill. Ashe uncovers an epic that both enchants and inspireshim, he tracks down scholars from Oxford to Pariswho can give him clues. Along the way, he meetsseveral intriguing characters, including a man keenlyinterested in obtaining artifacts from a long-lostcivilization that he believes was the creation of asuperior race, and will help him fulfill his ambitionto rule other men. Concluding that Hill must havefound something that may help him in this quest,but knowing not what it is and where it is hidden, hehas Hill, his friends at Oxford, and his family shadowedand threatened until finally he and Hill face offin a final, climatic confrontation.A story that features a giant pirate and slaver, a humanchameleon on a perilous metaphysical journey,a mysterious hermit, and creatures both deadly andbeautiful, this is a novel that explores the consequencesof the predominant ideas of the 20th Century.“As this intriguing story unfolds, readers will beasked to reconsider what we thought we knew andloved so well. Flashes of recognition will occur asfamous figures appear, identified only by their firstnames. Ingeniously inventive, it is startling, moving,horrifying at times, and ultimately consoling.”— Michael O’Brien, Author, Father ElijahT.M. Doran, formerly an Adjunct Professor atthe University of Detroit School of Engineering,has been a contributing writer for the Wall StreetJournal, Washington Post, USA Today, New YorkTimes, and the Detroit Free <strong>Press</strong>.TOGL-H . . . 467 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95Poor Banished Children A Novel EFiorella De MariaAn explosion is heard off the coast of seventeenth-centuryEngland, and a woman washesup on the shore. She is barely alive and does notspeak English, but she asks for a priest . . . in Latin.She has a confession to make and a story to tell,but who is she and from where has she come?Cast out of her superstitious, Maltese family,Warda turns to begging and stealing until she isfostered by an understanding Catholic priest whoteaches her the art of healing. Her willful natureand hard-earned independence make her unfit formarriage, and so the good priest sends Warda toserve an anchorite, in the hope that his protégé willdiscern a religious vocation.Such a calling Warda never has the opportunityto hear. Barbary pirates raid her village, capture herand sell her into slavery in Muslim North Africa.In the merciless land of Warda’s captivity, her wits,nerve, and self-respect are tested daily, as she strugglesto survive without submitting to total and permanentenslavement. As she is slowly worn downby the brutality of her circumstances, she comes tobelieve that God has abandoned her and falls intodespair, hatred, and a pattern of behavior which,ironically, mirrors that of her masters.Poor Banished Children is the tale of one woman’srelentless search for freedom and redemption. Thehistorical novel raises challenging questions aboutthe nature of courage, free will, and ultimately salvation.“A soulful, beautifully written, and haunting novel.”— Ron Hansen, Author, Mariette in Ecstasy“This is serious fiction with prose that is clean, strong,and worthy.”— Thomas Howard, Author, Narnia and Beyond“A meditation on guilt, innocence, and transcendencethat will haunt the reader long after the book is done.”— Mary Eberstadt, Author, The Loser LettersFiorella De Maria is a writer and novelist. Hernovel The Cassandra Curse won the National BookPrize of Malta (foreign language fiction category).PBC-H . . . 299 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.951-800-651-1531 7www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksFire of Love A Historical Novelabout St. John of the Cross EJosé Luis OlaizolaBorn into an upper class family in Castile, Spain,Gonzalo de Yepes had good prospects—that is,until his father was ruined in a speculative venture.After his father died a pauper, Gonzalo was welcomedinto the home of a rich uncle, who intendedhim to marry one of his younger daughters. Theyoung man would have been set up for life, buthe fell in love with Catalina Alvarez, the ward of apoor weaver, and insisted on marrying her despitehis uncle’s threats to cut him off from the familyfortune.Thus, Gonzalo and Catalina were wed in simplicity,and their union produced three sons, theyoungest of whom came to be known as Saint Johnof the Cross.Stories of saints do not often begin with theirparents’ courtship. But in this historical novel, loveis at the very center of the drama, for Saint Johnof the Cross became one of the Church’s foremostexperts on intimacy with God. His mystical poemson divine love are considered some of the greatestverses ever written in the Spanish language.Richly drawn against the backdrop of Spain’sGolden Age, the novel follows the joys and hardshipsexperienced by the family of young Juan deYepes Alvarez. His attraction to doing good forothers, his call to the priesthood and his entranceinto the Carmelites all unfold with captivatingstyle. Testing Saint John to the utmost were hisefforts, along with those of Saint Teresa of Avila,to reform the Carmelite Order. His Brothers inreligion harshly resisted him, locking him in a cellwhere he was frequently beaten and nearly starvedto death. In spite of all, this ardent and fascinatingman would write: “Where there is no love, put loveand you will gain love.”José Luis Olaizola, an award-winning Spanishwriter, is known for his acclaimed works on greathistorical figures such as El Cid, Hernan Cortes,Bartolome de las Casas, and Patricio Escobar.LSJC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 217 pp, $16.95Manalive EAA Novel by G.K. ChestertonIntroduction by Dale AhlquistThis classic novel by the brilliant G. K. Chestertontells the rollicking tale of Innocent Smith, a manwho may be crazy—or possibly the most sane manof all. Arriving at a dreary London boarding houseaccompanied by a windstorm, Smith is an exuberant,eccentric and sweet-natured man. Smith hasa positive effect on the house—he creates his owncourt, brings a few couples together, and falls inlove with a paid companion next door. All seemsto be well with the world.Then the unexpected happens: Smith shoots atone of the tenants, and two doctors arrive to arresthim, claiming that he’s a bigamist, an attemptedmurderer, and a thief. But cynical writer Moon insiststhat the case be tried there—and they exploreSmith’s past history, revealing startling truths aboutwhat he does. Is he the wickedest man in Britain, oris he “blameless as a buttercup”?Beautifully written, mixing the ridiculous withthe profound, full of hilarious dialogue and lushlydetailed writing, Chesterton’s main characterInnocent Smith somehow manages to restore joyto all the dull and cynical lives around him. In thisdelightfully strange mystery, Chesterton demonstrateswhy life is worth living, and that sometimeswe need a little madness just to know we are alive.“Chesterton’s truths play leapfrog with one another,but they always land squarely on theirfeet. Nowhere is this more apparent than inthis hilarious story to which he has given thecharacteristic title, Manalive.” —Catholic WorldMA-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Also Available:Manalive (Audio Book)A Dramatic Reading byKevin O’BrienActor Kevin O’Briengives a dramatic readingof the text.MA:A-D . . . 6 CDs, $34.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 8www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksInto Your Hands, Father EAbandoning Ourselvesto the God Who Loves UsWilfrid StinissenIn the spiritual life, we need a central idea: somethingso basic and comprehensive that it encompasseseverything else. According to CarmeliteFather Wilfrid Stinissen, surrender to God, abandonmentto the One who loves us completely, isthat central reality. The life of Jesus shows us thecentrality of abandonment, for it is truly the beginningand the end of his mission on earth.In this simple but profound book, FatherStinissen distinguishes three degrees or stages inabandonment. The first stage consists of acceptingand assenting to God’s will as it manifests itselfin all circumstances of life. The second is activelydoing God’s will at every moment of one’s life. Inthe third stage, abandonment to God is so completethat one has become a tool in God’s hands. At thisstage it is no longer I who do God’s will, but Godwho accomplishes his will through me.Father Wilfrid Stinissen was born in Antwerp,Belgium, where he entered the Carmelite Order in1944. He was sent to Sweden in 1967 to cofound asmall contemplative community. His many bookson the spiritual life have been translated intomultiple languages. Among his works availablein English are Nourished by the Word: Reading theBible Contemplatively, This Is the Day the Lord HasMade: 365 Daily Meditations and The Gift of SpiritualDirection: On Spiritual Guidance and Care for the Soul.IYH-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 105 pp, $11.95Related Title:He Leadeth MeFr. Walter Ciszek, SJHLM-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $14.95See full description on p. 44The World of Saint Paul EJoseph CallewaertJoseph Callewaert’s engaging work on St. Paulreads like a novel. With inviting, even dramatic,prose, it recounts the story of the great Apostle tothe Nations. This is no dry tome or ponderous biography.Nor is its subject a “safe” historical figure,irrelevant to the issues of today: St. Paul remainscontroversial.Some scholars claim he “invented” Christianity.They believe his message radically departed fromwhat Jesus taught. The Christian faith, so the claimruns, is the creation of Paul’s religious experience,not the doctrine of Jesus. Callewaert rejects thistheory, as do many other scholars. His interpretationrests on the Bible and the abiding traditionof the ages, rather than tendentious theories orideologically-motivated revisions.Yet Callewaert’s work is no anti-scholarly screed.The World of Saint Paul provides a popular, yetexpert account of the Apostle and his age. For thosewho know little about St. Paul—which includesmany Christians—it is a superb introduction.“In my presentation of St. Paul, I have tried to absorbthe spirit of his epoch as far as I could, and put lesstrust in the present-day judgments than in the abidingtraditions of the ages. If I have perhaps evoked alittle too much history and pursued rather too longa road in regions so rich with a past, I have alwaysmade sure to trace a path which brings us back tothis intrepid and tenacious Jew who will steadilyappear in stark relief.”— From the PrefaceJoseph M. Callewaert, Knight Commander of theFrench Order of Merit, was born in Belgium andeducated in France. Now a US citizen, he lives inGulf Breeze, Florida, where he enjoys life as anardent historian of St. Paul the Apostle. He haswritten delightful travelogues about undiscoveredFrance as well as Lights out for Freedom, a retellingof his youthful experiences of living in Belgiumduring 52 months of Nazi occupation.WSP-P . . . 212 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 9www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksHappiness, God, and Man EChristoph Cardinal SchönbornAll human beings want to be happy. The longingfor happiness does not have to be learned,it is innate. And it can hardly be unlearned. For wenever simply acquiesce in unhappiness. Christianfaith, the Christian way of life, and the imitation ofChrist are understood to be signposts pointing theway to happiness. Upon this depends their credibilityand their attractiveness.The highly regarded teacher, writer and pastoralchurchman, Cardinal Schönborn, talks about man’shappiness, small and great, about happiness as it issupposed to be and as it is discovered. He explainswhat it means to say that all human beings arecreated for happiness. His insightful writings arecentered on meditations about happiness and alsoabout the deeper meaning of love and friendship.Yet the Archbishop of Vienna also discusses theessential questions of faith, including reflections onthe Name of God as seen in Scripture, on dealingwith the tragedies of modern times, consolation forthe sorrowful and on the spiritual roots of westerncivilization.In addition he discusses the importance of literature,and how it addresses the deeper questionsabout life, as demonstrated in his literary discussionsof the works by C. S. Lewis, Gertrud von LeFort and William Shakespeare. He shows how theirworks give witness to a happiness that overcomesall darkness through suffering, trials and especiallyforgiveness.Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, the Archbishop ofVienna, is a highly respected spiritual teacher andwriter, and a former student of Pope Benedict XVI.He has written numerous books including Jesus, theDivine Physician, Chance or Purpose?, Behold, God’s Son,and Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church.HGM-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 189 pp, $16.95What is Dogma? ECharles Cardinal JournetDogma is one of those words. Many people seedogma as a bad thing-as the unreasonable,unthinking adherence to a belief, even in the face ofcontrary evidence. But when the Catholic Churchpresents some of her teachings as dogmas, shedoes not mean that these tenets are irrational or tobe thoughtlessly embraced. Dogma is the bedrockof truth, an inexhaustible feast for the mind, not animpediment to thinking. Why? Because dogmasrest on the Word of God, Truth Himself, who canneither deceive nor be deceived, and who wants hisWord to be known.The great theologian Charles Journet exploresthe meaning of dogma in his classic work Whatis Dogma? In what sense are dogmas an objectof faith? How do reason and faith relate to dogmas?How are dogmas both essentially unchangeableand yet open to development? Are dogmasaccessible only in learned theological language orare there common-sense ways of understandingthem? Journet addresses these and other importantquestions. He also discusses examples of dogmaticdevelopment: the dogmas of the Trinity, ofChristology, and of Mariology. And he explores therelationship of dogma and mystical contemplation.In short, Journet shows why “dogma” is a subjectof which Catholics need not be afraid.Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) was a wellknownand highly respected 20th Century theologian.He greatly contributed to theology before andafter the Second Vatican Council, for which he wasa theological consultant. Pope Paul VI named him acardinal in 1965. Among his most famous works ishis multi-volume The Church of the Word Incarnate, asingle-volume, updated edition which is availablein his Theology of the Church.WID-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 125 pp, $14.95See more titles by Cardinal Schönborn on page 59E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 10www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksThe Appalling Strangenessof the Mercy of GodThe Story of Ruth Pakaluk:Convert, Mother, Pro-Life ActivistEdited by Michael PakalukThis book is the powerful story of an amazingwoman, Ruth Pakaluk, who converted toCatholicism at Harvard, married her college sweetheartand joyfully welcomed seven children. Shebecame a renowned pro-life leader and brilliantdebater, who was struck with breast cancer anddied at the young age of forty-one.Ruth’s inspiring story is told primarily throughher humorous, sparkling and insightful letters inwhich her realistic cheerfulness shines. A biographicaloverview by her husband fills in importantdetails about her life, and a collection of her talkson abortion, faith and being a Catholic wife andmother conclude the volume.Ruth Pakaluk exemplified the powerful integrityof someone who lived what she believed. She wassteadfastly committed to Christ and to the cultureof life, and this commitment was manifested inher consistent affirmation of life in her family, insociety and even in the face of her own death. Shewas such a compelling, articulate pro-life debaterthat eventually Planned Parenthood spokeswomenrefused to spar with her in public.All Ruth’s virtues revealed in this book—herlove as a devoted wife and mother, her zeal for thetruth, and her faith and hope while battling a terminalillness—offer inspiration and encouragement toanyone striving to put Christian faith into action.“In this book you will meet a truly wonderful person.There are few things in life more precious than that. Iinvite you to meet a warrior for life whose pen is trulymightier than death’s sword.”— Peter Kreeft, Author, Because God is RealAnglicans and theRoman Catholic ChurchReflections on Recent DevelopmentsEdited by Steve CavanaughThe beginning of a specifically Anglican liturgyand culture within the Roman Catholic Churchwas established in the United Sates by Pope JohnPaul II. Since then, Anglican Use parishes havebeen worshipping in a distinctively Anglican stylewithin several American dioceses. Thanks to PopeBenedict XVI, these communities are now ableto form into personal ordinariates led by bishopswho were previously Anglican clergy. As a result,even more Anglicans seeking full communion withRome can find a home within the Catholic Church.The twelve essays in this book discuss the reasonsAnglicans have sought reconciliation with theHoly See, while retaining elements of their ownliturgy and traditions. They explore the history andscope of Pope John Paul II’s Pastoral Provision andPope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Constitution andexamine the needs of the new ordinariates if theyare to flourish. Also considered are the changes tothe Roman liturgy since the Second Vatican Counciland the specific patrimony that Anglicans bring toCatholic worship.Many of these essays have been written by erstwhileAnglican clergymen who have been ordainedinto the Catholic priesthood (and one into theepiscopate). A few are by Catholic experts on thistopic. There is also a contribution from a womanwho had been an ordained Episcopal priest beforebecoming a Catholic.Here is a wealth of information for anyoneinterested in the Anglican communities within theCatholic Church, the “reform of the reform” of theRoman liturgy or the testimonies of Anglicans whohave become Roman Catholics.A keen interest in traditional chant and hymnodyled editor Stephen Cavanaugh to Boston’sAnglican Use congregation of St. Athanasius,where he has happily remained as a worshipper.He has been the editor of Anglican Embers, journalof the Anglican Use Society, since 2007.“I have never read a more beautiful and touchingbook—about a joyous life and overpowering death,and of grief and joy. It even towers above Lewis’ AGrief Observed and Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy.”— Michael NovakARCC-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $18.95ASMG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 290 pp, $16.951-800-651-1531 11www.ignatius.com

The Seven Joys of MaryRomanus Cessario, O.P.Foreword by Seán Cardinal O’MalleyAnew <strong>SPRING</strong> booksbeautiful book of meditations illustrated with morethan 70 full-color reproductions of the masterpiece TheSeven Joys of the Virgin by Hans Memling (c. 1480).Discover the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary, andcontemplate with her how the mysteries of Christ’s lifeanswer the deepest questions of our lives.A profound and lively reflection on the Seven Joysof Mary: the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Epiphany,the Resurrection, the Ascension, Pentecost, and theAssumption.A contemplation of the mysteries of Christ’s life, theChurch, and the Sacraments, through Mary’s joys, superblyaccompanied through the lens of sacred art.An invaluable companion to pray and meditate duringLent—a beautiful resource you will return to throughoutthe year.An ideal gift for Catholics and for those who wish tounderstand the mystery of our own salvation. Well suited foradult catechetical instruction and RCIA.SJM-P . . . Softcover, 108 pp, $12.95Also Available:The Seven Last Words of JesusRomanus Cessario, OPSLWJ-P . . . 96 pp, Illustrated,Softcover, $12.95SAMPLE IMAGESThe Collected Works of G.K. ChestertonVolume XXXVIThe Illustrated London News, 1932-1934This volume contains all of G.K. Chesterton’s columns in The IllustratedLondon News from 1932 to 1934. Most of the weekly articles havenever been printed in book form until <strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong> undertook to do thecollected works. Chesterton lovers will be delighted to find this treasurefilled with jewels quite the match of his best writing. The breadth anddepth of his knowledge—from history to politics to English fads and conventions—neverfail to impress, and his wit is as refreshing as when thesepieces were first written.Hardcover:GKC36-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 613 pp, $39.95Softcover:GKC36-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 613 pp, $29.95The Fathers Know BestYour Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early ChurchJimmy AkinThe Fathers Know Best is a unique resource. It introduces you to the teachingsof the first Christians in a way no other work can, and is specially designedto make it easy for you to find the information you want and need. Featuresin book include: More than 900 quotations from the writings of the early ChurchFathers, as well as from rare and important documents dating back to the dawn ofChristian history. • Mini-biographies of nearly 100 Fathers, as well as descriptions ofdozens of key early councils and writings. • A concise history of the dramatic spreadof Christianity after Jesus told his disciples to evangelize all nations. • Special mapsshowing you where the Fathers lived, including many little-known and long-vanishedlocations.• A guide to nearly 30 ancient heresies, many of which have returned tohaunt the modern world. • The Fathers’ teaching on nearly 50 topics, including modernhot-button issues like abortion, homosexuality, and divorce. This groundbreakingwork presents the teachings of the early Christians in a way unlike anyother book. It flings open the doors of the crucial but little-known age covering the birth of Christianity andthe triumphant march of the gospel throughout the ancient world.FKB-P . . . 450 pages, Softcover, $24.951-800-651-1531 12www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksThe End and the BeginningPope John Paul II: The Victory of Freedom,the Last Years, the LegacyGeorge WeigelMore than ten years in the making, The End and the Beginning: Pope John PaulII—The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy tells the dramatic storyof the Pope’s battle with communism in light of new and recently disclosedinformation. As a sequel to George Weigel’s bestselling biography of John PaulII, Witness to Hope, this new book brings to a close Weigel’s landmark portraitof a man who not only left an indelible mark on the Catholic Church, but alsochanged the course of world history.When he was elected pope in the fall of 1978, few people had ever heardof the charismatic Karol Wojtyla. But in a very short time he would ignite arevolution of conscience in his native Poland that would ultimately lead to thecollapse of European communism and death of the Soviet Union. What evenfewer people knew was that the KGB, the Polish Secret Police, and the East German Stasi had been waginga dangerous, decades-long war against Wojtyla and the Vatican itself. Weigel, with unprecedented access tomany Soviet-era documents, chronicles John Paul’s struggle against the dark forces of communism.Moreover, Weigel recounts the tumultuous last years of John Paul’s life as he dealt with a crippling illnessas well as the “new world disorder” and revelations about corruption within the Catholic Church.Weigel’s thought-provoking biography of John Paul II concludes with a probing and passionate assessmentof a man who lived his life as a witness to hope in service to the Christian ideals he embraced. Illustratedwith photographs.ENDB-H . . . Hardcover, Illustrated, 590 pp, $32.50See Witness to Hope on page 23New Proofs for the Existence of GodContributions of Contemporary Physics and PhilosophyFr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.JWith the incredible popularity of recent books championing agnosticismor atheism, many people might never know that such books almostcompletely ignore the considerable evidence for theism uncovered in bothphysics and philosophy over the past four decades. New Proofs for the Existenceof God responds to these glaring omissions.From universal space-time asymmetry to cosmic coincidences to the intelligibilityof reality, Fr. Robert Spitzer tackles a wealth of evidence. He considersstring theory, quantum cosmology, mathematical thoughts on infinity,and much more.This fascinating and stunning collection of evidence provides solidgrounding for reasonable and responsible belief in a super-intelligent, transcendent,creative power standing at the origins of our universe.NPEG-P . . . Softcover, 320 pp, $28.00Where There Is Love, There Is GodBlessed Teresa of CalcuttaEdited by Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C.Mother Teresa’s relationship with God and her commitment to thoseshe served—the poorest of the poor—is here powerfully explored inher own words. Taken largely from her private lessons to her sisters, publishedhere for the first time, Where There is Love, There is God unveils herextraordinary faith in and surrender to God’s will. This book is in someway a sequel to Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, in which her own veryprivate spiritual struggles were explained. Sent to alleviate the sufferingsof the poor, she assumed their struggles and pain in the depths of her heart.This led to particularly intense anguish which she lived through with heroiccourage and fidelity over several decades. As important as this aspectof her life is, that remarkable testimony of her life and her words intensifiesthe need and desire to know more of her thought. There is much she canteach us as we face our daily struggles or sufferings, which can at timesbe unusually severe. Where There is Love, There is God, though not an exhaustive anthology of MotherTeresa’s teaching, nonetheless shows what she believed and taught about important issues that confrontall people. Due to her constant interaction with people of diverse backgrounds, no life situation wasforeign to her and in this book her role is primarily one of teacher and guide.WTL-H . . . Hardcover, 364 pp, $24.001-800-651-1531 13www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksThe RiteThe Making of a Modern ExorcistMatt BaglioIn The Rite, journalist Matt Baglio uses the astonishing story of oneAmerican priest’s training as an exorcist to reveal that the phenomenaof possession, demons, the Devil, and exorcism are not merely a remnantof the archaic past, but remain a fearsome power in many people’s liveseven today.Fr. Gary Thomas was a parish priest in California when he was askedby his bishop to travel to Rome for training in the rite of exorcism. Thoughinitially surprised, and slightly reluctant, he enrolled in an exorcism courseat a Vatican-affiliated university, which taught him how to distinguishbetween a genuine possession and mental illness. Eventually he wouldgo on to participate in more than eighty exorcisms. His experiences profoundlychanged the way he viewed the spiritual world as he saw the battlebetween good and evil in a whole new light. Journalist Matt Baglio had fullaccess to Father Gary over the course of his training, and much of what he learned defies explanation.Written with an investigative eye that will captivate both skeptics and believers alike, The Rite showsthat the truth about demonic possession is not only stranger than fiction, but also far more chilling.“The Rite is in my opinion one of the best books ever written on the topic of exorcism.”Fr. José Antonio Fortea, author of Interview With an Exorcist“What sets Baglio’s book apart from many other contemporary works on the same subject is itssober, measured tone and steady refusal to sensationalize the subject.”Amy WelbornRITE-P . . . 304 pp, Softcover, $15.00Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the EucharistUnlocking the Secrets of the Last SupperBrant PitreJesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist shines fresh light on the Last Supperby looking at it through Jewish eyes. Using his in-depth knowledge of theBible and ancient Judaism, Dr. Brant Pitre answers questions such as: Whatwas the Passover like at the time of Jesus? What were the Jewish hopes forthe Messiah? What was Jesus’ purpose in instituting the Eucharist duringthe feast of Passover? And, most important of all, what did Jesus meanwhen he said, “This is my body… This is my blood”?To answer these questions, Pitre explores ancient Jewish beliefs about thePassover of the Messiah, the miraculous Manna from heaven, and the mysteriousBread of the Presence. As he shows, these three keys—the Passover,the Manna, and the Bread of the Presence—have the power to unlock theoriginal meaning of the Eucharistic words of Jesus. Along the way, Pitrealso explains how Jesus united the Last Supper to his death on Good Friday and his Resurrection onEaster Sunday.Inspiring and informative, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist is a groundbreaking work that issure to illuminate one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith: the mystery of Jesus’ presence in“the breaking of the bread.”“Clear, profound and practical—you do not want to miss this book.” — Scott HahnJJRE-H . . . 240 pp, Hardcover, $21.99Murder in the VaticanThe Church Mysteries of Sherlock HolmesAnn Margaret LewisWhat can be more frustrating for a Sherlock Holmes fan than a mysteryleft untold? At last, three exciting tales only hinted at in the Holmescanon come alive in Ann Margaret Lewis’ Murder in the Vatican: The ChurchMysteries of Sherlock Holmes.Follow the great detective as he investigates three baffling cases at the“express desire of his Holiness, the Pope.” Stories include “The Death ofCardinal Tosca,” “The Vatican Cameos,” and “The Second Coptic Patriarch.”You’ll encounter baffling crimes, rich, historical settings, and a fatefulencounter with Father Brown! These thrilling tales of murder and intriguevividly bring to life three of Watson’s “untold tales!” Illustrated.I was exceedingly preoccupied by that little affair of the Vatican cameos, and in myanxiety to oblige the Pope I lost touch with several interesting English cases.—Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the BaskervillesMIV-P . . . 152 pp, Illustrated, Softcover, $18.951-800-651-1531 14www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksThe Human SoulAbbot VonierIn the eyes of God the human soul is a jewel of infinite worth, of morevalue than the whole world with all its glory and treasure.But what do we think of the soul so highly prized by God?What do we know of our own soul?The Human Soul, Abbot Vonier’s first and most popular book, was writtento open the eyes of readers to the tremendous frontiers of their truecountry: the immortal soul. Written with “a youthful freshness and vigor,”it is a work of rare inspiration, lit again and again by insights of strikingpower, “such as to make one hold one’s breath at the beauty and grandeurof what we so lightly, without thought, call our soul.”“This book shows us where true happiness lies, and how to gain it. Itis an important book, a powerful book. Tolle et lege. Read on. ”From the Introduction by Ralph McInernyHSOUL-P . . . 224 pages, Softcover, $14.95We Still Hold These TruthsRediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our FutureMatthew SpaldingIn the midst of frenzied efforts to remake our nation—of endless governmentinitiatives involved in virtually every aspect of our daily lives—Americans are increasingly concerned: How did we get so far off track?And how can we get America back on course? Matthew Spalding answersthese questions by looking to the timeless principles and practical wisdomthat have been the source of America’s monumental success. Spalding callsfor a great renewal of these unchanging principles—and a new appreciationof their preeminent status in our nation’s life.In We Still Hold These Truths Spalding explains and brings to life tencore principles that define us as a nation and inspire us as a people—libertyand equality, natural rights and the consent of the governed, privateproperty and religious freedom, the rule of law and constitutionalism, allculminating in self-government at home and independence in the world.His enlightening and engaging tour through America’s founding not only recalls the deep roots of our“first principles” in Western civilization but also reveals their enduring lessons for today.“Combining the skills of the historian, the philosopher, and the political scientist, Spaldingshows why Americans in our time should be no less confident than our forebears in holding thesetruths, and no less forceful in asserting them.”Robert P. GeorgeWSHT-P . . . Softcover, 267 pp, $18.00Money, Greed, and GodWhy Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the ProblemJay W. RichardsDoes capitalism promote greed? Can a person follow Jesus’s call tolove others and also support capitalism? Was our recent economiccrisis caused by flaws inherent to our free market system? Jay Richardspresents a new approach to capitalism, revealing how it’s fully consistentwith Jesus’s teachings and the Christian tradition, while also showingwhy this system is our best bet for renewed economic vigor.The church is bombarded with two competing messages about moneyand capitalism:• wealth is bad and causes much of the world’s suffering• wealth is good and God wants you to prosper and be richRichards exposes these myths, and other common misconceptions aboutcapitalism, and reveals the surprising ways that capitalism is, in fact, thebest system to respond to the biblical mandates of alleviating poverty andprotecting the environment. Money, Greed, and God equips readers to take practical steps in their own livesto conduct business, worship God, and serve others without falling into the “prosperity gospel” trap.“In Money, Greed, and God, Jay Richards shows us . . . a capitalism grounded in the truth abouthuman beings as free, morally responsible, co-creators charged with dominion and stewardship ofthe earth by the loving God to whom we are all ultimately accountable. ”Fr. Robert Sirico, The Acton InstituteMGG-P . . . 272 pages, Softcover, $13.991-800-651-1531 15www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> booksStairstep Farm:Anna Rosa’s StoryAnne PellowskiIllustrated byRoseanne SharpeWisconsin farm lifein the Latsch Valleyof the 1930’s comesalive through the eyesof imaginative AnnaRose—a five-year-oldgirl who can’t wait tocatch up with her fourolder siblings. WhileAnna Rose impatientlywaits for the longed-for start of school, her days arefilled with family work—minding geese, pickingnettles, chopping thistles, helping with the haying,minding her three little sisters—and with family celebrations—goodfood, singing, sledding, and gamesof Star Light, Moonlight and Uncle Wiggily. Basedon the author’s own experiences, this story is thethird of five books which vividly describe memorablepeople and events of the Pellowski family andits Latsch Valley descendents. Illustrated.STAFA-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 185 pp, $12.95BETHLEHEM BOOKSTreegate’s RaidersBook Four of theTreegate SeriesLeonard WibberleyFor the sake of bringingthe long-drawnoutAmerican War forIndependence to aclose, Peter Treegateendeavors to do theimpossible. It is his taskto bring together analliance—albeit a temporaryone—betweenfeuding Scottish clansnow settled in the Carolinahills. The end result is Treegate’s Raiders, a fiercefighting force who take part in two of the small, butcrucial battles that help to defeat the British—King’sMountain and Cowpens. In the course of these adventures,Peter has also managed a flying visit to Salem,Massachusetts to see his friend Peace of God Manly—onlyto find more than he had bargained for. Authenticaction and suspenseful story-telling carry thisfourth title in the Treegate Series to a satisfying resolve.TREGA-P . . . Softcover, 167 pp, $12.95See the rest of the series on page 73See the rest of the series on page 73Olivia’s Gift Nancy BelangerThe exciting sequel to Olivia and the Little Way: Olivia Thomas was the newgirl in school when she felt St. Therese of Lisieux enter her life in a powerfulway. Now, two years later, her relationship with the Little Flower has blossomedinto a beautiful friendship as she prepares to follow the Little Way into seventhgrade.School is out for the year and it is time for a fun beach adventure withfamily and friends. However, Olivia’s summer vacation turns out to be anythingby ordinary! She discovers that sometimes it can be difficult to be a goodCatholic when you’re in middle school—and she finds that she needs God andSt. Therese now more than ever. In this beautiful novel that celebrates modestyand the precious gift of life, Oliva learns that it takes blind faith every day—and that God is never far away, even on vacation. Illustrated.OG-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 293 pp, $12.95Also Available: Olivia and the Little Way: OLW-P . . . 224 pp, $11.95Harry Potter and the Paganization of CultureMichael D. O’BrienMaster storyteller, best-selling novelist and artist Michael O’Brien—theman to whom CNN went for comment on Harry Potter—has pennedthe definitive work assessing the Potter phenomenon. This book is essentialreading for all parents whose children have read or are considering reading thewildly popular offerings by J.K. Rowling and similar works such as StephenieMeyer’s Twilight series.O’Brien’s earlier work, A Landscape with Dragons, delineated authenticChristian fantasy literature from its counterfeits. Now in Harry Potter and thePaganization of Culture, he contrasts Potter-world with C.S. Lewis’s Narnia andwith Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and specifically Harry with Frodo. Forthose whose children have consumed Potter, O’Brien’s analysis will enableparents to comprehend the messages which have been fed their children andgive them the points and arguments which will hopefully be the antidote toproperly reset their moral order.The book goes beyond Potter, however, to address other bestselling series such as Twilight by StephenieMeyer and Phillip Pullman’s The Golden Compass. In addition to these and other fantasy books, O’Brienreviews the films which they spawned. In all, O’Brien’s new book teaches Christians how to discern harmlessfantasy literature and film from that which is destructive to heart, mind and soul.HPPC-P . . . 278 pp, Softcover, $16.95Also available: A Landscape with Dragons • LWD-P . . . 261 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.951-800-651-1531 16www.ignatius.com

ignatius • magnificat<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong> and Magnificat have joined forces to launch this new line of beautifullyillustrated, high quality, Catholic children’s books. These charming books will capture theimagination of children of various ages through delightful full-color illustrations, excitingstories from the Bible and lives of the saints, and simple yet powerful prayers.Lives of Saints— also available —AGES5and upThérèse The Little Flower of LisieuxSioux Bergerontinuing with The Life of a Saint series forCyoung people, Thérèse: The Little Flower of Lisieuxtells the story of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, France, theyoung Carmelite nun known as the Little Flowerand declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope JohnPaul II.Raised in a loving and devout family, Thérèseheard the calling to religious life at an early age.She was sensitive by nature, and her tremendousconfidence in the love of God was the secret to herjoy and perseverance. With sanctity and wisdom beyondher years, she wrote the spiritual classic Storyof a Soul before dying of tuberculosis in 1897.Illustrated on every page with bright, four-colorpictures, this life of Thérèse can be read independentlyby young readers, or read aloud to smallchildren. Because of her childlike trust and simplicity,Thérèse is an ideal role model for young people.M:TCJ-H . . . Illustrated, 8.75 x 10.25 inches,Hardcover, 36 pp, $14.99AGES5and upJohn Mary VianneyThe Holy Curé of ArsSophie de Mullenheim • Illustrated by Adeline AvrilM:JMV-H . . . Illustrated, 8.75 x 10.25 inches,Hardcover, 36 pp, $14.99Bernadette The Little Girl from LourdesSophie Maraval-Hutin • Illustrated by Adeline AvrilM:B-H . . . Illustrated, 8.75 x 10.25 inches,Hardcover, 36 pp, $14.99The Adventures of Loupio, Volume 2The Hunters and other Stories • Jean-Francois Kiefferhe excitement continues in this second volume of The AdventuresTof Lupio. In Volume 1, we meet the orphaned Lupio living in thedays of knights and castles in Assisi, Italy. The young troubadourbecomes the friend of Brother Francis and of the wolf tamed by theSaint. With his gift of song and his youthful enthusiasm, Lupio hasmany escapades in which he learns to love and be loved in return.Volume 2 picks up the story with new challenges for Lupio. Theyouthful and colorful comic-book style presents to young readers anattractive example of a boy their age doing his best, though not withoutmaking a few mistakes along the way, to follow Jesus.M:AL2-P . . . Illustrated, 9 x 12 inches,Softcover, 32 pp, $9.99Also: Volume 1: The Encounter and other StoriesM:AL-P . . . Illustrated, 9 x 12 inches,Softcover, 32 pp, $9.99AGES6and up1-800-651-1531 18www.ignatius.com

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lessed john paul iiPope John Paul II will be beatified by Pope Benedict XVIon May 1, Divine Mercy SundayBOOKS BY BLESSED JOHN PAUL IIThe Jeweler’s ShopA PlayLove is “one of the greatest dramasof human existence,” writesPope John Paul II. The actionunfolds in two settings at once:a street in a small town, outsidethe local jeweler’s shop (peoplego to buy their wedding ringsthere), and the mysterious innerlandscape of personal hopes andfears, loves and longings. Eachact focuses on a different couple:the first happily planning their wedding, the secondlong-married and unhappy, the third about to marrybut full of doubts.JSH-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 91 pp, $14.95BOOKS ABOUT BLESSED JOHN PAUL II & HIS TEACHINGSWitness to Hope — George WeigelGiven unprecedented access to Pope John Paul II andthe people who have worked with him throughouthis life, Weigel presents a groundbreaking portraitof the Pope as a man, a thinker, and a leader whosereligious convictions have defined a new approach toevangelization and to world politics-and changed thecourse of history.WTHP-P . . . 1040 pp, Softcover, $24.95John Paul the GreatTop Catholic writers present their unique insights onthe extraordinary achievements of the 25 years of JohnPaul II’s pontificate. This prestigious group make astrong case that this has not been merely an exceptionalpontificate but one of the few epoch-makingpontificates in Christian history. Writers include Fr.Aidan Nichols, Ian Ker, William Oddie, John Saward,Rodger Charles, SJ, and many more.JPG2-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 190 pp, $19.95Miracles of John Paul II — Pawel ZuchniewiczThis powerful book describes the life and impact ofJohn Paul II as told by individuals from all over theworld who give moving personal testimonies howthey experienced healings through the intercession ofPope John Paul II during his lifetime. Illustrated.MJP-H . . . Hardcover, 200 pp, $20.00Covenant of Love EPope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage,and Family in the Modern WorldFr. Richard Hogan and Fr. John LeVoir present PopeJohn Paul II’s magnificent vision of the dignity andrights of the human person and the divine importanceof the family.COV-P . . . 276 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95RELATED DVDSLove and ResponsibilityDrawing from his own pastoralexperience as a priest andbishop before he became PopeJohn Paul II, Karol Wojtyla hasproduced a remarkably eloquentand resourceful defense ofCatholic tradition in the sphereof family life and sexual morality.He writes in the convictionthat science—biology, psychology,sociology—can providevaluable information on particularaspects of relations between the sexes, but that afull understanding can be obtained only by study ofthe human person as a whole.LRE-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 319 pp, $16.95The Legacy of John Paul IIJoseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)This is a glorious tribute by Pope Benedict XVI, whohonors his close friend, Pope John Paul II. This bookunites these two great spiritual leaders, with over100 photos of many striking and poignant momentsof the pontificate of John Paul II. Illustrated.LJP-H . . . 120 pp, Hardcover, $19.95Mary: God’s Yes to Man Encyclical Letter ofJohn Paul II,Redemptoris MaterPope John Paul II’s only encyclical on our BlessedMother, with introduction by Cardinal JosephRatzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), and commentary bythe great Catholic theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar.MGYM-P . . . 170 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95The Rosary The John Paul II MethodRobert FeeneyCaptures JPII’s vision of the Rosary as a contemplativeprayer leading to the “springtime of the human spirit”.Following the method developed by JPII, it will helpyou develop effective meditations while contemplatingthe mysteries, and nourish a deeper spiritual life andquest for personal holiness.RJPM-P . . . Softcover, 75 pp, $7.95The Jeweler’s Shop Pope John Paul II Karol Testimony (Documentary) Credo (Concert withj JS-M • $19.95 j PJPII-M The Pope, the Man j TUS-MAndrea Bocelli)$19.95 j KPM-M • $24.95 $19.95 j CJP-M • $19.951-800-651-1531 23www.ignatius.com

ecently releasedThe Face of God EAThe Rediscoveryof the True Face of JesusPaul BaddeJournalist Paul Badde wasintrigued when he heard of amysterious image in the remoteItalian village of Manoppello—an image of a man’s face on seasilk cloth. When laid over theimage of the face on the Shroudof Turin, it forms a perfectmatch. Paul Badde takes the reader along on a thrillingjourney of discovery as he travels to research thisremarkable relic, tracing the turbulent history of theHoly Face. Includes numerous color illustrations andphotos. Illustrated.FAGO-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 350 pp, $23.95More ChristianityFr. Dwight LongeneckerExpanded Revised EditionLest someone think Fr.Longenecker is presuming to piggybackor cash in on C.S. Lewis’sfamous Mere Christianity, that isnot the case. What he does—and does brilliantly—is presentthe doctrine of the Church withsuccinct explanations of topicsthat arise in Catholic/Protestantdiscussion: the Marian dogmas, the papacy, the Mass,purgatory, the communion of saints, the rosary andmore. In Longenecker’s skilled hands, More Christianityrounds out the meal so deliciously served up by Lewisin Mere Christianity.MOCH-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 261 pp, $16.95Blessed John HenryNewmanTheologian and SpiritualGuide for Our TimesKeith BeaumontThis official biography is writtenby an Australian priest ofthe Oratoire de France. It isillustrated throughout withbeautiful photographs thatbring to life Newman and his world. Fr. Beaumont’sbiography gives a clear account of all the major themesof Newman’s life and work, with judicious use of citationsfrom this work so that Newman’s thought is inalmost every case conveyed in his own words. Lavishlyillustrated with photos and art on every page.BJHN-H . . . Illustrated, Hardcover, 100 pp, $17.95Looking for the King EAAn Inklings NovelDavid C. DowningIt is 1940, and American TomMcCord, a 23-year-old aspiringdoctoral candidate, is inEngland researching the historicalevidence for King Arthur.There he meets Laura Hartman,a fellow American, and the twoof them team up for an evenmore ambitious and dangerousquest. Aided by the Inklings—including C. S. Lewisand J. R. R. Tolkien—Tom and Laura begin to suspectthat the fabled Spear of Destiny, the lance thatpierced the side of Christ on the cross, is hiddensomewhere in England.LFK-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 250 pp, $19.95Fatima For Today EAFr. Andrew Apostoli, CFRForeword by ArchbishopRaymond BurkeBecause of the prophetic natureof her messages, Our Lady ofFatima has been the subject ofmuch controversy and speculation.In this book, Fr. AndrewApostoli, an expert on Fatima,carefully analyzes the events thattook place in Fatima and clearsup lingering questions about their meaning. He alsochallenges the reader to hear anew the call of Our Ladyto prayer and sacrifice, for the world needs generoushearts willing to make reparation for those in danger oflosing their way to God.FATO-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 300 pp, $19.95The Heart of Newman2nd Edition • Erich Przywara, SJForeword by Joseph PearceThis new edition of a classicanthology of the writings andsermons of the great John HenryNewman is a rare treasure houseof Newman’s thought andinspiration. In this outstandinganthology, Fr. Erich Przywaraorganizes Newman’s thoughtsystematically and in its completeness.He divides the writings and sermons into21 categories by such themes as God, Miracles, Faith,Scripture, the Church, Body of Christ, Eternal Life,etc., drawn from 25 works by or about Newman.HN2-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 425 pp, $17.95The Spirit of Fr. DamienJan de Volder EAForeword by John AllenDe Volder follows Fr. Damien’stransformation from the stout,somewhat haughty missionaryof his youth, bounding from Europeto Hawaii and straight intoseemingly tireless priestly work,to the humble and loving shepherdof souls who eventuallysuccumbed to the same diseasethat ravaged his flock. De Voldercontends that thespirit of Father Damien that sospeaks to the world, is at once uniquely Christian,fully human, and as important today as ever before.Illustrated.SPD-P . . . Illustrated, 234 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95John Henry NewmanHis Inner LifeFr. Zeno van den BarselaarWith the cooperation of the OratorianFathers, Fr. Zeno was givenfull access to all of Newman’s letters,diaries, and complete publishedand unpublished sermons.From all this he has drawn togetherthe interior struggles Newmanfaced from childhood until hisdeath, allowing Newman to speak through his workand writings. This is a landmark work considered oneof the best spiritual biographies of John Henry Newmanever written. It covers Newman’s young life as anAnglican, his conversion to Catholicism, the trials hefaced as a result of his conversion, and his remarkablegrowth in holiness and the interior life.NHIL-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 335 pp, $16.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 24www.ignatius.com

ecently releasedCome, Lord Jesus EAMeditations on the Art of WaitingMother Mary Francis P.C.C.These Advent reflections by theabbess of a Poor Clare monastery,an accomplished spiritualwriter, focus our attention onthe coming of Jesus into ourlives. There is a double movementto this coming; both ouractive preparation to be readyfor him and our patient waitingfor the Lord to arrive in his own good time.Though written for Advent, the wisdom of MotherMary Francis collected by her sisters is profitable atany time because a Christian life is one of constantgrowth into the very likeness of God.CLJ-P . . . 222 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Musica Sacra EMusic at Mass: A Liturgicaland Pastoral ChallengeCongregation for Divine WorshipWhat is involved in implementingVatican II reforms aimedat drawing the faithful moredeeply into the sacrifice of theMass? This question is expertlyaddressed in these papers collectedby the Congregation forDivine Worship. With depth andcandor they discuss the successes, as well as the continuedchallenges, involved in implementing the liturgicalreforms envisioned by the Council Fathers.MS-P . . . 190 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95To the Heart of the EAMystery of RedemptionHans Urs von Balthasar andAdrienne von SpeyrIn the 1960’s, Fr. Hans Urs vonBalthasar gave two conferencesin Paris on the subject ofredemption. These conferenceswere later collected by HenriCardinal de Lubac, S.J., in a singlevolume along meditationson the Passion by the mysticAdrienne von Speyr. In this new edition, prepared forthe centenary of the birth of Hans Urs von Balthasar,Fr. Servais, the director of Casa Balthasar in Rome,provides an extensive postscript illuminating the textalong with the original preface by de Lubac.THMR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 150 pp, $16.95The Collected Works ofG.K. ChestertonPoetry, Part III • Compiled andEdited by Denis J. ConlonThis volume contains the thirdpart of the Chesterton’s collectedpoems. This Volume X, Part III, isthe final installment of Conlon’sresearch: turn-of-the-centurypoems discovered after the publicationof Part II and the poetryof the subsequent years up to1936 not included in the previous books.Hardcover:GKC10C-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 485 pp, $39.95Softcover:GKC10C-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 485 pp, $29.95In Soft Garments EAClassic Catholic ApologeticsRonald KnoxErudite and profound,Monsignor Knox not onlyhelped keep his Catholic studentsat Oxford aflame withfaith, but also led many lapsedCatholics and non-Catholicsinto the Church. Some of thebest talks by Knox are gatheredin this volume. “If God Exists”,“The Unholiness of the Church” and “Unselfishnessin Marriage” are but a few of the topics he deftlydiscussed in a manner as entertaining and pertinentnow as when they were first given at Oxford in the1920s and 30s.ISG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 215 pp, $14.95The Office of ComplineForeword by ArchbishopRaymond BurkeFr. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B.This volume contains the Officeof Compline for every day of theyear, in Latin and English, accordingto the novus ordo of the RomanCatholic Church, with GregorianChant settings. On the facingpages for the Latin, the officialEnglish text is also arranged forchanting. New translations havebeen made for the official hymns of the Office, andall the hymns are given with the Gregorian melodiesproper for each season and feast of the liturgical year.Complete instructions are given for praying Compline.OFCO-H . . . 148 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $18.95The Joy of EABeing a PriestFollowing the Curé of ArsChristoph Cardinal SchönbornThis insightful book on thepriesthood is based on a seriesof talks that Cardinal Schönbornaddressed to an internationalgroup of priests in Ars, the villagewhere the famed St. JohnVianney served as pastor. Inthese talks, the cardinal summarizedthe vocation, challenge, and joy of the priesthood,drawing on the life of the Curé of Ars, the writingsof St. Thérèse of Liseux, St. Faustina Kowalska,and many other saints and holy people.JBP-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95God Sent His Son EA ContemporaryChristologyChristoph Cardinal SchönbornCardinal Schönborn’s workmoves from the solid convictionof faith that Jesus of Nazareth isthe Messiah of Israel, the Son ofthe Living God, through the developmentof the Church’s understandingof this truth, to theconsideration of contemporaryissues and the views of various modern theologians.God Sent His Son has the comprehensiveness andscholarly precision of a textbook but the insights andpersonal relevance of a work of spirituality.GSHS-P . . . 412 pp, 6 x 9, Sewn Softcover, $24.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 25www.ignatius.com

Socrates Meets HumeThe Father of PhilosophyMeets the Father of ModernSkepticism EAPeter KreeftIn Socrates Meets Hume, Kreeftpresents a Socratic examinationof enquiry concerning humanunderstanding in relation tothe skepticism of Hume, posingquestions that challenge theconcepts that Hume proposed.Kreeft invites you to take part in the process ofrefuting Hume’s skeptical arguments, with the aidof Socrates.SOC06-P . . . 240 pages, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Old Massand The New EAExplaining the Motu PropioSummorum PontificumBishop Marc AilletOn July 7, 2007, Pope BenedictXVI released his motu propioSummorum Pontificum, allowingunprecedented liturgicalfreedom. Priests may nowcelebrate either the so-calledTridentine Mass, referred to asthe “Extraordinary Form” of the Mass, or the Massof Paul VI, the “Ordinary Form”. In this new book byFrench bishop Marc Aillet, the historical and culturalimpetus for both the motu propio as well as the richtradition of liturgical reform are explored.OMN-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 150 pp, $12.95Island of the World EA novel by Michael D. O’BrienIsland of the World is the story ofa child born in 1933 into the turbulentworld of the Balkans andtracing his life into the modernday. When Josip is twelve yearsold, his entire world is destroyed,and so begins a lifelong Odysseyto find again the faith which theblows of evil have shattered. Theplot takes the reader throughJosip’s youth, his young manhood,life under the Communist regime, hope and lossand unexpected blessings, the growth of his creativepowers as a poet, and the ultimate test of his life.IW-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 850 pp, $24.95recently released<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic StudyBible Genesis EScott Hahn and Curtis MitchBased on the Revised StandardVersion – Second Catholic Edition,this is the 14th volume in thepopular Bible study series.Ample notes accompany eachpage, providing fresh insightsand commentary by renownedBible scholars Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as wellas time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of theChurch. The <strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic Study Bible includesTopical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. Each pagefeatures an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section.CSB:GEN-P . . . Large Print, 8.5 x 11,Softcover, 100 pp, $9.95From Slave to Priest EAThe Inspirational Storyof Fr. Augustine ToltonSister Caroline Hemesath, SSFBorn into a black Catholic slavefamily, Fr. Augustine Tolton(1854-1897) conquered almostinsurmountable odds to becomeone of the very first black priestsin the United States. By his earlydeath at 43, this pioneer blackpriest left behind a shining legacyof holy service to God, the Church, and his people.Tolton’s cause for canonization has been officiallyopened by the Archdiocese of Chicago as announcedby Cardinal Francis George. A deeply inspiring portraitof a great American Catholic. Includes illustrationsand photographs.FSP-P . . . 255 pages, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Parenting on Purpose7 Ways to Raise TerrificChristian Kids • Jason FreeForeword by Danielle BeanIn Parenting on Purpose, Jason Freeprovides you with all you need todevelop a personal plan for leadingyour kids to a clear awarenessof their Christian identity, sothat Christian values, beliefs andattitudes will become as naturalto them as breathing. This is nodry, philosophical treatise aboutparenting. It’s a “how-to” book, a straightforward“in-your-face” sharing of specific ways to bring joy toyour family and raise your children as real Christians.PWP-P . . . Softcover, 184 pp, $14.95Praying withSt. Matthew’s GospelI Am With You AlwaysDaily Reflections to Lead YouA Study of the History andthrough the Word of GodMeaning of Personal Devotion toJesus Christ for Catholic, OrthodoxEd. by Fr. Peter John Cameron, OPand Protestant ChristiansAn excellent way to introduceFr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFRfriends, family members, parishioners,and those who are new toHoly Land, and the result ofBegun on a pilgrimage to thethe faith to “the heart of all Scriptures.”years of preparation and aGrow in your love for Godwhole life of guiding peopleby following Christ daily throughas priest, public preacher, psychologistthe Gospel of Matthew. This is aand spiritual director,book to read at home and to study together with others,this book will help Catholic,to pass along to those interested in the faith, and Orthodox and Protestant believers gain not only ato share with those seeking to meet Christ in God’s comprehensive view of how pious Christians overWord. Praying with Saint Matthew’s Gospel will be a the centuries have lived out their devotion to God,great help in the mission of the New Evangelization but the examples and perspective they need to liveas proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.more devoutly today.PSMG-P . . . 384 pages, Quality Softcover, $12.95 IAWYA-H . . . 625 pp, 7 x 10 Sewn Hardcover, $37.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 26www.ignatius.com

If Only WeHad ListenedMessages from KibehoImmaculée IlibagizaIn her newest book, If OnlyWe Had Listened, best-sellingauthor and genocide survivorImmaculée Ilibagiza presentsmany of the profound messagesthat were given by Our Ladyin Kibeho—messages that couldhave prevented the tragedies inher homeland, and which, to this day, should serve asa warning for the whole world. Illustrated.“A fascinating account of the most recent apparitionof Our Lady to receive Vatican recognition.”— Fr. Benedict GroeschelIOW-H . . . 160 pp, Hardcover, illustrated, $18.95The Closing of theMuslim MindRobert R. ReillyIn this eye-opening new book,foreign policy expert RobertReilly uncovers the root of ourcontemporary crisis: a pivotalstruggle waged within the Muslimworld nearly a millenniumago. In a heated battle over therole of reason, the side of irrationalitywon. The deformedtheology that resulted, Reilly reveals, produced thespiritual pathology of Islamism and a deeply dysfunctionalculture.CMM-P . . . Softcover, 256 pp, $17.95Faustina A Saint for Our TimesFr. George Kosicki, CSBFr. George Kosicki, well knownfor his expertise and writings onthe life of St. Faustina and DivineMercy, presents an insightfullook into her life, spirituality,and mission. Learn why the lifeand spirituality of St. Faustina isso vitally important to us todayas Fr. Kosicki explores why sheis the saint of the new millenniumand how her mission of mercy continues today.He shows that it is a mission that the papacies of JohnPaul II and now Benedict XVI have embraced.FASOT-P . . . 175 pages, Quality Softcover, $14.95Catholic Family BibleDivine Mercy EditionThis beautiful new extra large 9x 12” Bible pays special tribute tothe Divine Mercy, a powerful devotionto the mercy of God promotedby both John Paul II andBenedict XVI and based on thespiritual writings of St. FaustinaKowalska. This deluxe editionwith the beautiful RSV - Catholictext includes a 16 page full colorinsert on the Divine Mercy message and devotion anda gold stamped burgundy cover with the Divine Mercyimage prominently displayed.Additional special features include full color sections onthe Rosary and Stations of the Cross; 48 inspiring pages onthe Life of Christ as painted by the Old Masters; a 16 pageFamily record on laminated paper; andmuch, much more!CFBDM-H . . . 1724 pages, Hardcover, $89.95recently releasedThe Newman Guide toChoosing a CatholicCollege – 2nd EdThe new 2nd edition of TheNewman Guide to Choosing aCatholic College published byThe Cardinal Newman Societyrecommends 21 faithfulCatholic colleges in the UnitedStates plus 8 international,online and unique programs. The book includesa foreword by Father Benedict Groeschel and essaysfrom Father C. John McCloskey III, Dr. PeterKreeft, Eileen Cubanski, Phil Lenahan and KathrynLopez to help parents and students put the collegesearch in context.NGC2-P . . . Softcover, 320 pp, $19.95Son of HamasMosab Hassan YousefSince he was a small boy, MosabHassan Yousef has had an insideview of the deadly terroristgroup Hamas. The oldest son ofSheikh Hassan Yousef, a foundingmember of Hamas and itsmost popular leader, youngMosab assisted his father foryears in his political activitieswhile being groomed to assumehis legacy, politics, status . . . and power. But everythingchanged when Mosab turned away from terrorand violence, and embraced instead the teachings ofanother famous Middle East leader—Jesus Christ.SOH-P . . . Softcover, 304 pp, $14.95Consoling theHeart of JesusA Do-It-Yourself RetreatFr. Michael Gaitley, MICThis do-it-yourself retreat combinesthe Spiritual Exercises ofSt. <strong>Ignatius</strong> with the teachingsof Saints Therese of Lisieux,Faustina Kowalska, and Louisde Montfort. Fr. Michael Gaitley,MIC, has a remarkable gift forinspiring little souls to trust inJesus and his Divine Mercy. Your schedule is nevertoo tight to make this retreat! Take one weekend, orbreak up the meditations for as long a period as youneed. Includes practical helps in appendices.CHJ-P . . . 426 pages, Quality Softcover, $14.95Pope Benedict’s DivineMercy MandateDavid CameDiscover in Pope Benedict’s DivineMercy Mandate how theHoly Father spoke of receivinga gift of Divine Mercy when hewas elected Pope in 2005 andhow he then stressed DivineMercy as “an integral dimensionof a Christian’s faith andprayer” when he led the Churchin 2006 as the new Pontiff in celebrating Divine MercySunday. Learn the key teachings of Pope Benedicton how to live this clear instruction through the personalexamples and summaries of the Pope’s mainpoints, including insights on God’s mercy in his bestsellingbook Jesus of Nazareth.PBD-P . . . 160 pages, Softcover, $6.951-800-651-1531 27www.ignatius.com

new best <strong>SPRING</strong> sellers booksBecause God is Real EA16 Questions, 1 Answer • Peter KreeftAtheistic writers are aggressively attacking religiousbeliefs. Peter Kreeft is up to the challenge in this workof popular apologetics aimed at both teens and adults.Kreeft provides thoughtful, lucid, and persuasiveanswers for believers, unbelievers, and seekers toconsider. As always, Kreeft is insightful, inspiring, andentertaining.BGIR-P . . . 232 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95A History of Apologetics — Avery Cardinal DullesCardinal Dulles provides a masterful overview ofapologetics, from its beginnings on to its presentresurgence. HOA-P . . . 420 pages, Softcover, $24.95Rome Sweet Home EScott and Kimberly HahnThe Hahns tell in their own words the spiritual journeythat led them to embrace Catholicism.RSH-P . . . 198 pp, Illustrated, Softcover, $14.95H RSH:A-D . . . Read by Danielle Barber, 5 CDs, $30.95Spanish edition: RSH:SP-P, $14.95The Shadow of His Wings EAFr. Gereon GoldmannThe true story of a young German seminarian draftedinto Hitler’s dreaded SS during WWII. Againstall odds Goldmann was able to be ordained and secretlyminister to German Catholic soldiers and innocentcivilian victims. IllustratedSHW-P . . . 350 pp, Softcover, $17.95H SHW-D . . . Read by Francis Kelly, 6 CDs, $34.95Mother Angelica’s Answers, Not PromisesMother Angelica presents a book of timeless wisdomand practical insights drawn from her deepfaith and personal suffering and experience.MAA-H . . . 263 pp, Hardcover, $17.95Mother Angelica The Remarkable Story of a Nun,Her Nerve, and a Network of MiraclesRaymond ArroyoArroyo’s biography traces Mother Angelica’s torturedrise to success and exposes the fierce oppositionshe faced, inside and outside of the Church.MAHRS-P . . . 400 pp, Softcover, $13.95H MAHRS-D . . . 13 Hours, 10 CDs, $36.95Read by AuthorSalvation is From the Jews — Roy H. SchoemanThis book traces the role of Judaism in God’s planfor the salvation of mankind, giving Christians adeeper understanding of Judaism as a central componentof Christian salvation.SFJ-P . . . 395 pages, Softcover, $17.95SFJ-D . . . Read by the author, 8 CDs, $34.95HWhat Were the Crusades? — Jonathan Riley-SmithThis is the most acclaimed short introduction to theCrusades by the world’s foremost authority on thesubject. WWC4-P . . . 128 pp, Softcover, $14.95The Imitation of Christ — Thomas à KempisThis translation by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakleyis considered by many to be the best ever. A classic,supremely spiritual call-to-arms. Illustrated.IMC-H . . . 260 pp, Hardcover, $14.95St. Thérèse of Lisieux Her Family, Her God, HerMessage — Fr. Bernard BroFr. Bernard Bro sets forth aspects of her life, personality,and writing that mark Thérèse of Lisieuxas one of the truly great exponents of Catholic doctrine.What she offers he claims, is “one of the mostcertain and simplest evangelical shortcuts ever proposed.”Illustrated.TOLH-P . . . Softcover, 263 pp, $16.95The Da Vinci Hoax EExposing the Errors in The Da Vinci CodeCarl E. Olson and Sandra MieselIn this exposé of Dan Brown’s book, you’ll learnthe REAL truth about Jesus, Mary Magdalene,Leonardo da Vinci and more.DVH-P . . . 330 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $15.95H DVH-D . . . 7 CDs, read by Matt Arnold, $38.95Sale! $17.95Also: the Da Vinci Hoax DVD! DVH-M ... $14.95Will Catholics Be “Left Behind”? ECarl E. OlsonA thorough, Catholic critique of the popularFundamentalist belief in the “Rapture”, the beliefsystem in the Left Behind books.WCBLB-P . . . 394 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Architects of the Culture of Death EDonald De Marco & Benjamin WikerIn a scholarly, yet reader-friendly delineation ofthe mindsets of 23 influential thinkers, the authorsmake clear the aberrant thought that has shaped theCulture of Death.ACD-P . . .410 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95An Exorcist Tells His Story — Fr. Gabriele AmorthRome’s chief exorcist tells of his experiences doingbattle with Satan, allowing the reader to witnesswhat an exorcist sees and does. The most thoroughwork available on exorcism.ETHS-P . . . 210 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95HETHS-D . . . 4 CDs, read by Matt Arnold, $26.95Also by Fr. Amorth: An Exorcist: More StoriesEMS-P . . . 203 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Joan of Arc — Mark TwainA fascinating and historically accurate account ofthe story of Joan of Arc told by America’s greateststoryteller. Twain spent years of research on thebook and considered it his most important work.JA-P . . . 455 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Padre Pio — The Wonder WorkerEd. by Brother Francis MaryThis book examines adre Pio’s many gifts, close up,and tells the incredible story of his life. IllustratedPPWW-P . . . 225 pp, Softcover, $12.95PPWW-D . . . 7 CDs, read by Frank Kelly $38.95HE indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 28www.ignatius.com

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Introduction to Christianity ERevised EditionOne of the Pope’s most important and widely readbooks, this volume is a revised second edition with animproved translation and an in-depth 20 page preface.INCH2-P . . . 300 pages, Sewn Softcover, $18.95Benedictus Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVICompiled of writings by the Pope, this book gives366 meditations for the entire year, each accompaniedby two masterpieces of sacred art. With a ribbonmarker in papal colors and 732 artworks.BEN-H . . . 416 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95Images of Hope Reflections on Major Feasts ERatzinger masterfully weaves together Scripture,history, literature and theology as he reflects onmajor feasts. In each chapter, he examines worksof sacred art that illustrate the hope we celebrate inour most important Christian holy days. Illustrated.IH-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 110 pages, $14.95Heart of the Christian Life EAThoughts on Holy MassBrings together substantive texts of the Holy Fatheron many aspects of the Mass and the Mystery of theEucharist. They reveal the depth of Benedict’s profoundand life-long love for Christ in the Eucharist.HCL-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 120 pp, $14.95The Way of Love Reflections on Benedict XVI’sEncyclical, Deus Caritas Est EEdited by Livio Melina and Carl AndersonIn response to Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, thePontifical John Paul II Institute reflects, togetherwith the Holy Father, on love.WAYL-H . . . 375 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95What It Means to Be a Christian EJoseph Ratzinger writes eloquently and persuasivelyabout how one can live as a serious Christian in today’ssecular world, and talks in depth about the true meaningof love, the love of God and the love of neighbor.WMBC-H . . . 100 pages, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95The Legacy of John Paul IIThis is a glorious tribute by Pope Benedict XVI, whohonors his close friend, Pope John Paul II. This bookunites these two great spiritual leaders, with over100 photos of many striking and poignant momentsof the pontificate of John Paul II. Illustrated.LJP-H . . . 120 pp, Hardcover, $19.95The Nature and Mission of TheologyIn response to the dialogue today concerning theologyand the clarification of its methods and mission,Ratzinger emphasizes that religious theory can’t labelitself as Catholic theology simply because it wishes todo so. NMT-P . . . 134 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Joseph Ratzinger: • sale!Life in the Church and Living TheologyMaximilian Heinrich HeimThis important work studies Ratzinger’s ecclesiologyin detail.JRLC-H . . . 600 pps, Sewn Hardcover, $39.95 $29.95new pope <strong>SPRING</strong> benedict books xviA Turning Point for Europe? (2 nd Edition) EAddresses challenges and responsibilities that facethe Church and society in Europe after the collapse ofMarxism. Both liberalism and Marxism denied religionthe right to have any influence on public affairs andthe common future of humanity. Ratzinger, whosetheological work has often dealt with the “reasons forour faith,” reflects upon the various problems facinghumanity at this turning point of our history and offersgenuine hope based upon a deep Christian faith.TPE2-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 187 pp, $16.95Faith and the Future EADoes faith have any future at all? Joseph Ratzinger,now Pope Benedict XVI, approaches this problem ofuniversal concern from a variety of angles, bringinghis deep personal faith and theological brilliance tobear on these serious questions.FAF-H . . . 125 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95The Meaning of Christian BrotherhoodA profound treatise on the true meaning of Christianbrotherhood which emphasizes the biblical groundsfor cooperation among Christians, showing howfraternal charity can only be perfected through ourbrotherhood in Christ.MCB-P . . . 115 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Principles of Catholic TheologyA collection of articles and talks written aroundthe central theme of the fundamental structure ofChristianity: Catholicism, the inter-relationship ofother forms of Christianity, the features that distinguishCatholicism from other Christian theologies.PCT-P . . . 404 pp, Sewn Softcover, $31.95Behold the Pierced One EProceeding from the prayerful dialogue betweenthe Incarnate Son and His Eternal Father, Ratzingershows how the pierced Heart of Christ must be theheart of theology and Christian life.BPO-P . . . 112 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Co-Workers of the Truth ECardinal Ratzinger offers selected passages fromhis profound spiritual and theological writingsas meditations for each day of the year. Arrangedaccording to themes from Scripture.CWT-P . . . 414 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95The Feast of Faith ECardinal Ratzinger presents “approaches to the theologyof the liturgy,” the product of serious scholarshipand deep love for the Church. He considersthe theological basis of prayer and liturgy, form andcontent in the Eucharist and change in liturgy.FF-P . . . 175 pp, Sewn Softcover, $13.95God’s Word Scripture, Tradition, Office EGod’s Word, according to Ratzinger, is encountered inthe Bible, in Tradition, and through the teaching Officeof the Bishop, who, through apostolic succession, is tobe the servant of and witness to the divine Word.GWSTO-H . . . 126 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95New Outpourings of the SpiritJoseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)Here are two fundamental texts by CardinalRatzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, on the ecclesialmovements and new communities within theChurch since the Second Vatican Council.NOS-H . . . 136 pages, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 32www.ignatius.com

new POPE <strong>SPRING</strong> BENEDICT books XVIGod and the WorldRatzinger in his second in-depth interview with journalistPeter Seewald, addressing deep questions offaith and the living of that faith in the modern world.GODW-P . . . 460 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Salt of the EarthRatzinger gives a full-length interview to journalistPeter Seewald on a host of controversial and importantissues facing Catho licism today.SOE-P . . . 283 pp, Softcover, $15.95SOE-D . . . 6 CDs, read by Matt Arnold, $34.95HGod’s Revolution • sale!World Youth Day & Other Cologne TalksThis book includes all the texts of his talks to theyouth over that five day period, as well as to Jewish,Muslim, and Protestant groups in Cologne.GR-H . . . 110 pages, Hardcover, $14.95 $5.95Values in a Time of Upheaval • sale!Joseph Ratzinger writes on the crucial topics of therelationship between religion, morality, culture,truth and politics.VTU-H . . . 175 pages, Hardcover, $19.95 $9.95Mary The Church at the Source ETwo great theologians, Ratzinger and Balthasar,show that Mary is both the embodiment of theChurch, and the mother who co-operates in givingbirth to the church in the souls of believers.MCS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 190 pages, $15.95On the Way to Jesus Christ • sale!In these meditations, Ratzinger says that the true Jesus“is quite different, demanding, and bold... The Jesus ofthe Gospels is certainly not convenient for us, but heanswers the deepest question of our existence.”OWJC-H . . . 170 pp, Hardcover, $19.95 $12.95Called to CommunionRatzinger’s book of wisdom and insight on the trialsand tribulations that the Church is enduring today.He discusses Papal Prima cy, the true nature of thePriesthood, the Eucharist, value of suffering, role of theBishops, importance of the laity, and much more.CTC-P . . . 162 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Seek That Which is Above E • sale!Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)In this beautifully illustrated book, Ratzinger givesus profound meditations on what our life in Christshould be like as it is lived through the variousSeasons and Feasts of the liturgical the year.Includes Silk Ribbon Marker. Illustrated.STA2-H . . . 180 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95 $9.95An Invitation to Faith E • sale!An A to Z Primer on the Thought of Pope Benedict XVIThis volume is a handy primer on the thought ofthe beloved Pontiff in which the reader can pick outany topic from the alphabetically ordered selectionsto meditate and focus on.IF-H . . . 110 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95 $9.95Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures EJoseph Ratzinger addresses the crisis of culture thatis evident in Europe today, and the Western Worldin general. Ratzinger challenges non-believer and believeralike.CHCRCU-H . . . 117 pages Hardcover, $14.95Truth and Tolerance ERatzinger engages the problem of truth and tolerancein the modern world. This book is an invaluable assetto those who struggle to hear the voice of truth in themodern religious world.TTCB-P . . . 280 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Credo for Today E • sale!What do Christians believe? What is the purpose oflife? The Christian answer to these questions is foundin the Creed, in the profession of faith. But what dothe articles of this confession actually mean?CFT-H . . . 225 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95 $9.95God is Near Us The Eucharist: The Heart of LifeRatzinger compellingly shows us the biblical, historical,and theological dimensions of the Eucharist. Heemphasizes the importance of one's personal devotionto and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.GIN-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Gospel, Catechesis, CatechismRatzinger, one of the key people responsible for theCatechism of the Catholic Church, offers new insightson the catechetical character and Biblical foundationof the Catechism.GCC-P . . . 101 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Dialectics of Secularization EOn Reason and ReligionJoseph Ratzinger & Jürgen HabermasTwo of the worlds great contemporary thinkers—Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and JürgenHabermas, Neo-Marxist social critic—discuss anddebate aspects of secularization, and the role of reasonand religion in a free society.DOS-H . . . 92 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Daughter Zion EMeditations on the Church's Marian BeliefDaughter Zion explores the biblical witness to theChurch’s Marian dogmas, Mary’s role as Mother ofGod, her virginity, the Immaculate Conception, andher Assumption into heaven.DZ-P . . . 90 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Ratzinger ReportThe roots of the crisis that has troubled Catholics inthe decades following the Second Vatican Counciland dangers that threaten the Faith are analyzedwith forthright clarity.RR-P . . . 197 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Many Religions, One Covenant EIsrael, the Church and the WorldCardinal Ratzinger seeks to deepen our understandingof the Bible’s most fundamental principle,the covenant.MROC-P . . . 120 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 33www.ignatius.com

new POPE <strong>SPRING</strong> BENEDICT books XVIMaria Pope Benedict XVI on the Mother of GodThis glorious volume is a lavishly illustrated coffee-tablebook with dozens of inspirational andfamous color paintings, sculptures and artwork ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary from all over the world. Thebeautiful pictures are accompanied by the profoundwritings and homilies of Pope Benedict XVI.M-H . . . 8 x 10.5 Sewn Hardcover, 160 pp, $21.95On ConscienceThis book is a combination of two lengthy essayswritten by Cardinal Ratzinger. The always uniqueand profound insights that he brings to perennialproblems reminds the reader of his strong warningbefore the recent Papal conclave of the great dangerstoday of the “dictatorship of relativism.”OC-H . . . 95 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Pope Benedict XVI Servant of the TruthEdited by Peter SeewaldThis coffee-table book, written mainly by Seewald,describes the paths of Joseph Ratzinger’s life fromhis birthplace in Bavaria all the way to being thefirst German Pope in 482 years. Lavishly illustratedwith over 150 photos.PBST-H . . . 190 pp, Hardcover, $26.95Benedict XVI An Intimate Portrait • sale!Peter SeewaldJournalist Peter Seewald draws a portrait of this brillianttheologian who has put his life entirely at theservice of the Catholic Church. Illustrated.BXVI-H . . . 300 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95 $12.95The God of Jesus ChristMeditations on the Triune GodIn this book of meditations, based on a series of homiliesand meditations compiled by the author in 1977,theologian Joseph Ratzinger presents his profoundthoughts on the nature and person of God.GJC-H . . . 115 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Christ Our Joy The Theological Vision of PopeBenedict XVI — Msgr. Joseph MurphyMurphy delved into the vast writings of the Popeand found that the theme of joy has pervaded all ofhis theology. This book argues that joy is central to allof Pope Benedict’s thought.COJ-H . . . 236 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Creation and Evolution EA Conference with Pope Benedict XVIThis book documents the proceedings of the remarkableconference on the topic of “Creation andEvolution” hosted by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 at thepapal summer residence, Castel Gandolfo.CREV-H . . . 200 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith • sale!Ratzinger’s former students selected essays, lectures,letters, and conferences that he has written inrecent years—writing that they feel best representshis position on key topics of the Catholic Church.PFF-P . . . 340 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95 $7.95Christ Our Hope Pope Benedict XVI’s ApostolicJourney to the United States 2008 • sale!This is the Official Commemorative book on PopeBenedict’s 2008 apostolic visit to the USA. This lavishlyillustrated, large-size edition, has dozens ofphotos of his historic visit, and also includes all thePope’s addresses. Large 8.5 x 10.5 coffee-table size.COHPB-H . . . Deluxe Hardcover, 145 pp, $21.95 $8.95Milestones Memoirs: 1927 - 1977 ERich in humor, culture, passion and love of God andof man, Milestones is the autobiography Pope BenedictXVI. It dispels the media myths and legends, and itreveals the real Benedict XVI—a man of the Churchwho loves God and humanity, a scholar, a theologian,a teacher, and a humble pastor with deep compassionand profound spiritual insight. Illustrated.MILE-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Spirit of the Liturgy EConsidered by Ratzinger devotees as his greatestwork on the Liturgy.SPIL-H . . . 250 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Pope Benedict in America • sale!Introduction by Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.During his six-day apostolic visit to Washingtonand New York, Pope Benedict addressed millions ofpeople. This book contains all of Benedict’s majoraddresses in a handy slim deluxe hardcover edition.PBA-H . . . 130 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95 $5.95The Theology of History in St. BonaventureIn this academic treatise, then-Father Ratzinger, ayoung university professor, delves into the work ofthe Seraphic Doctor.THB-P . . . 268 pp, Softcover, $17.95Pope Benedict XVI The Conscience of Our AgeD. Vincent Twomey, SVD ETwomey offers here a unique double–presentationof the man, Benedict XVI—a “theological portrait”that encompasses both an overview of teachingsand thought of the brilliant theologian and spiritualwriter, as well as the man himself.PBCA-H . . . 220 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95The Essential Pope Benedict XVIIntroduction by D. Vincent Twomey, SVDThis collection lays out Benedict’s thinking and relatesit to a variety of contemporary issues, including modernculture’s abandonment of traditional religious values,social mores regarding conception and the sanctityof life, and current challenges to the priesthood.EPBE-P . . . 512 pages, Softcover, $15.95Church, Ecumenism, and PoliticsNew Endeavors in EcclesiologyIn this collection of essays, Joseph Ratzinger, nowBenedict XVI, tackles three major issues in the Churchtoday—the nature of the Church, the pursuit ofChristian unity, and the relationship of Christianityto the secular/political power.CEP-H . . . 236 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 34www.ignatius.com

Catholic Family BibleThis beautiful Bible is printedin large type in a deluxe 9 x 12edition with over 180 color illustrations,and many special featuresincluding a 16-page FamilyRecord; Old Masters’ paintingsof Old Testament and the Life ofChrist; art and meditations forthe Rosary and Stations of the Cross; a 256-pageConcordance and Dictionary; sewn binding; paddedcover; gold-gilded pages and much more. Atrue family heirloom!CFBB-H . . . Black, 1600 pages, $89.95 $79.95CFBI-H . . . Ivory, 1600 pages, $89.95 $79.95<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic BibleReaders’ Edition - RSVThe Readers Edition is the perfectcompanion for devotionalreading. With readable type andfeatures such as Dei Verbum, aunique section on Prayers andDevotions of the Church, a devotionalicon of Christ the Teacherand 6 page family record, goldedgedpages, silk ribbon marker,in beautiful gift box.IBR:BKL-P . . . 1253 pp, Black Bonded Leather, $39.95<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic BibleLarge Print EditionThis new large print version,in a deluxe bonded leather edition,with many other specialfeatures, makes this popular yetbeautiful Bible translation moreaccessible and appealing to awider reading audience. Extralarge 13.5 point type. Prayersand devotions. Deluxe gift box.Presentation section and maps.IBLT:BKL-P . . . 2450 pp, Black Bonded Leather, $54.95new <strong>SPRING</strong> biblesbooksTHE REVISED STANDARD VERSIONCATHOLIC EDITIONA major modern 1translation of the Catholic Bibleavailable in standard English. Includes traditional“thee’s” and “thou’s” for words addressed to God.Excludes “feminist language”. Acclaim ed for decadesas one of the clearest, most accurate and most beautifulmodern translation of the Bible in English.<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic BiblePrinted on white Bible-paper,this edition features explanatorynotes and appendices, anda foreword by Cardinal RichardCushing.IB-P . . . 1272 pp, Softcover, $21.95IB-H . . . Hardcover, $31.95IBL-P . . . Leatherette, $39.95<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic BibleCompact EditionElegant, beautifully crafted compacteditions of the popular<strong>Ignatius</strong> Bible. At only 4.5"x 6.5"they’re very portable yet featurereadable type and other specialfeatures: Silk ribbon marker•Presentation section • “DeiVerbum” document • Prayers &devotions • Beautiful gift box • Leather CoversPacific Duvelle Brown/Tan IBC:BNT-P . . . $29.95Duradera Zipper Burgandy IBC:BGZ-P . . . $29.95THE REVISED STANDARD VERSIONCATHOLIC 2ND EDITION2This revised, contemporary English translation,with a revision of the archaic language used in thefirst edition, avoids dumbing-down the text, anddoesn't filter the language to make it acceptable tocurrent tastes and prejudices. It retains the beautyof the RSV language that has made it such a joy toread and reflect on the Word of God.The <strong>Ignatius</strong>Catholic StudyBible ENew TestamentEdited by Scott Hahn, PhD,and Curtis Mitch, MAThe only Catholic studybible based on the RSV2nd Catholic Ed., the <strong>Ignatius</strong>Catholic Study BibleNew Testament brings togetherthe full New Testamentand the penetratingstudy tools developed byrenowned Bible teachers Dr. Scott Hahn and CurtisMitch. A highly readable, accurate translation withextensive notes, essays, and more—all based on authenticCatholic insights from the Church Fathersand others, and following the Church’s guidelinesfor biblical interpretation. Includes: doctrinal index,concise concordance, cross-reference system, andvarious maps and charts.Softcover: CSB:NT-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 726 pp, $24.95Leather: CSB:NTL-P . . . Leatherbound, 726 pp, $44.95Hardcover: CSB:NT-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 726 pp, $34.95<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic Bible2nd Edition EA completely new design andtypeset edition of the popular<strong>Ignatius</strong> Bible, with a revisionof the archaic language used inthe first edition. Wider marginsand improved line-spacing, forcomfortable reading. Hardcovermeasures 6.5" x 9.5". Softcover, 6"x 9", Gold-edged pages, silk ribbonmarker (Leatherbound only.)IBL2-P . . . 6 x 9, Bonded Leather, $39.95IB2-H . . . 6.5 x 9.5, Sewn Hardcover, $31.95IB2-P . . . 6 x 9, Sewn Softcover, $21.95The <strong>Ignatius</strong> NewTestament & PsalmsCompact EditionA lovely designed pocket-sizededition of the <strong>Ignatius</strong> RSVSecond Catholic Edition—NewTestament with the Psalms. Thishandy, yet readable size editioncan be carried in pocket orpurse. Beautifully typeset anddesigned, and wonderful forgift-giving or personal use.NTPL-P . . . 4.5 x 6.75,Bonded Leather, ribbon marker, $19.95NTP-P . . . 4 x 6.5, Sewn Softcover, $13.95Custom fit clear plastic cover for softcover editionNTPC-O . . . $2.951-800-651-1531 35www.ignatius.com

new bible <strong>SPRING</strong> study booksYou Can Understand the Bible EPeter KreeftMany people are often understandably intimidatedor overwhelmed by the sheer size and complexity ofthe Bible. Here is a clear road map of the Bible, withKreeft’s keen insight and engaging wit displayingthe core message of each book.YCUB-P . . . 263 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Inside the Bible — Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J.This introduction to each book includes the timeframe and author, theme, a summary of the contentsand some comments about the context in which itwas written, the theology of the book, an outline, anda prayer taken from the book.IBIB-P . . . 320 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Fire of Mercy, Heart of the WordErasmo Leiva-MerikakisExtraordinarily beautiful meditations on every passagefrom the first eleven chapters of the Gospel of St.Matthew by a highly regarded Professor of Theologyand Literature. He comments on the Greek text andquotes extensively from the Church Fathers.FMHW-P . . . 746 pp, Sewn Softcover, $31.95Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word Vol. II EErasmo Leiva-MerikakisVolume 2 of meditations on Matthew (chapters 12-18).FMHW2-P . . . 800 pp, Sewn Softcover, $31.95St. John’s Gospel — Stephen K. RayThis easy to use, and thoroughly Catholic, Biblestudy guide provides detailed information thathelps students discover cultural, religious, and historicalinformation on the Bible passage and usesquotes from many scholars and historians to andgive insights into the meaning of the text.BSGC:JN-P . . . 461 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95God and His ImageAn Outline of Biblical TheologyFr. Dominique BarthélemyIn this acclaimed work Barthélemy sets down technicallanguage and simply and directly introduces thespiritual teaching of the Old Testament, giving thereader a renewed appreciation of the Word of God.GHI-P . . . 328 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Our Father’s Plan: A Catholic Bible StudyThis 24-week series is based on the popular 13-hourOur Father’s Plan film series. This in-depth Biblestudy begins with Genesis and continues throughthe Book of Acts. Accompany ing facilitator’sanswer guide with group study suggestions is alsoavailable. (See DVD, p. 91)OFP:S-P . . . 100 pp, Spiral bound, $12.95Also available: Facilitator’s Answer GuideOFP:F-P . . . 44 pages, 8½ x 11, $6.95The Cantata of LoveA Verse by Verse Reading of The Song of SongsBlaise Arminjon, S.J.The author draws on the classics of Catholic traditionto give us a verse by verse reading of the Songof Songs which will deepen the spiritual lives of allof us—a deepening rooted in God’s word and themost profound Catholic tradition.COL-P . . . 373 pages, Sewn Softcover, $17.95<strong>Ignatius</strong> Catholic Study BibleThe Gospel of MatthewThe Gospel of Marksee newThe Gospel of Lukeone-volumeThe Gospel of Johnedition on p. 35!The Acts of the ApostlesThe Letter to the RomansThe Letter to the CorinthiansGalatians & EphesiansPhilippians, Colossians & PhilemonThessalonians, Timothy & TitusThe Letter to the HebrewsThe Letters of St. James, St. Peter and St. JudeThe Letters of St. John and the Revelation to JohnScott Hahn and Curtis Mitch present fresh in sightsand inspiring commentary on these Bible booksfrom the Revised Standard Ver sion edition. Containingnum er ous Bible study helps and tools they includeinsights from the Church Fathers, topical essays,word studies and charts, study questions, maps,and a cross-reference section.E Matthew – CSB2:MT-P . . . 81 pp, Softcover, $9.95Mark – CSB:MK-P . . . 60 pp, Softcover, $9.95Luke – CSB:LK-P . . . 100 pp, Softcover, $9.95John – CSB:JN-P . . . 53 pp, Softcover, $9.95Acts – CSB:ACTS-P . . . 80 pp, Softcover, $9.95Romans – CSB:ROM-P . . . 80 pp, Softcover, $9.95Corinthians – CSB:COR-P . . . 120 pp, Softcover, $9.95Galatians – CBS:GE-P . . . 54 pp, Softcover, $9.95Philippians – CSB:PCP-P . . . 46 pp, Softcover, $9.95Thessalonians – CSB2:TTT-P . . . 63 pp, Softcover, $9.95Hebrews – CSB2:HEB-P . . . 48 pp, Softcover, $9.95James, Peter, Jude – CSB:JPJ-P . . . 65 pp, Softcover, $9.95John, Revelation – CSB:JR-P . . . 100 pp, Softcover, $9.95The Catholic Church and the BibleSee also Genesis— p. 26Fr. Peter StravinskasA clear, detailed and readable scriptural studyguide on all the major questions and topics aboutthe Church and the Bible, particularly keyed to thenew Catechism of the Catholic Church.CCB-P . . . 135 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.951-800-651-1531 36www.ignatius.comE indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com

church new <strong>SPRING</strong> fathers books / historyThe Teachings of the Church Fathers EEdited by John Willis, S.J.In this one-volume library, Willis presents, under250 doctrinal topics, an exhaustive selection of writingsfrom the major sources of the Fathers. He letsthe Fathers speak for themselves on a wide varietyof spiritual themes.TCF-P . . . 500 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Four Witnesses EAThe Early Church in Her Own WordsRod BennettWith all the power of a gripping novel, this booktakes us on a journey of discovery of ancient truthsthrough the lives of four great saints—Clementof Rome, <strong>Ignatius</strong> of Antioch, Justin Martyr andIrenaeus of Lyons.FWEC-P . . . 343 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Earthen Vessels EPersonal Prayer According to the Church FathersGabriel BungeFr. Gabriel Bunge, a hermit with a profound knowledgeof the Fathers of the desert, presents a fascinatingrediscovery of the valuable treasure containedin the teachings of the Church Fathers on thepractice of personal prayer.EV-P . . . 225 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95See also Pope Benedict on theFathers of the Church, pages 26 and 19The Sunday Sermonsof the Great FathersEdited by Fr. M.F. Toal, D.D.This beautiful 4-volume, hard-cover set is asuperb series for preaching, spiritual readingand meditation. It contains the Gospel readingfor each Sunday and Feast Day, and parallelGospel texts, along with several sermons foreach Gospel from both early Eastern and WesternFathers of the Church, including Ambrose, JohnChrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, Leo the Great,Augustine and more. Each sermon is followed bythe Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) of St. ThomasAquinas. There is no better way to enter themind of the early Church Fathers. 1,844 totalpages. (Keyed to old liturgical calendar)SSGF-H . . . 4 volumes, Hardcover, $129.95We Look for a Kingdom EThe Everyday Lives of Early ChristiansCarl SommerUsing documentary evidence and archaeologicalrecords, Sommers reconstructs the lives of the earlyChristians. The Roman world had many facets thatare strikingly similar to elements of modern life.Sommer’s aim is to show how to transform modernculture with the power of the Gospel as was done inthe early Church.WLK-P . . . 457 pages, Sewn Softcover, $19.95One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic EKenneth D. WhiteheadWhitehead shows how the New Testament andearly Christian literature indicate the early Churchwas in all essential respects the same Church as theCatholic Church today.OHCA-P . . . 350 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Treasury of Catholic WisdomFr. John A. Hardon, S.J.A comprehensive anthology of the outstandingCatholic literature from the first century to moderntimes. Mystics, martyrs, philosophers, and ChurchFathers are quoted at length as Fr. Hardon hascompiled the works of thirty-three of the greatestCatholic saints and writers from every age.TCW-P . . . 755 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95The Catholic Church The First 2000 Years EMartha RasmussenA basic introduction to Church history, this bookexplains important doctrinal, spiritual, and historicalquestions and developments.CCF2Y-P . . . 400 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Formation of ChristendomChristopher DawsonThe renowned historian Christopher Dawson’sbook traces the formation of Christian culture fromits roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition throughthe rise and the decline of medieval Christendom.Here, as in all his works, he sees religion as thedynamic element of culture.FORC-P. . . 320 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Dividing of ChristendomChristopher DawsonHow did Catholics and Protestants come to bedivided? What impact has their division had onWestern culture? Historian Christopher Dawsonanswers these and other important questions in hisclassic study, The Dividing of Christendom.DIVC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 262 pp, $16.95Paths of the Messiah Sites of the Early Churchfrom Galilee to JerusalemBargil Pixner, OSBFamous for discovering the Essene Gate in Jerusalemand Bethsaida by the Sea of Galilee, here are theprincipal fruits of Fr. Pixner’s research: explanationsof numerous Holy Land archeological discoveriesaccompanied by photos, illustrations, and maps.PMSEC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 500 pp, $29.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 37www.ignatius.com

The Templars Knights of Christ EARégine Pernoud • Foreword by Piers Paul ReadAs an antidote to recent sensationalism, RéginePernoud draws a new portrait of these Christianwarriors. From their origins as defenders of pilgrimsto the Holy Land to their dramatic finishas heretics burned at the stake, Pernoud offers aconcise but thorough account of the Templars’ contributionto Christendom.T-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 157 pp, $14.95The Crusaders — Reginé PernoudSome were driven by their faith, others by the spiritof conquest, and some by a hunger for wealth.Through the research of the renowned historianPernoud, an unrecognized page in our historyfinally reveals itself.CRUS-P . . . 355 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Triumph — H.W. Crocker IIIThe Power and the Glory of the Catholic ChurchTriumph recounts ancient events and controversiesmaking the history of the Church vividly alive.Crocker clarifies misunderstood Church teachingsand explains how some of her most criticizedactions were actually good for the faithful.TPG-P . . . 500 pp, Quality Softcover, $19.95Priestblock 25487 A Memoir of DachauJean BernardIn 1941, Fr. Bernard was arrested for denouncingthe Nazis and sent to Dachau’s “Priest Block”, barrackshousing more than 3000 clergy (mainly RomanCatholic priests). This tells the gripping true story ofhis survival amid brutality, degradation and torture.PMD-P . . . 196 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95How the Catholic ChurchBuilt Western CivilizationThomas J. WoodsWoods chronicles how the Church has had a pivotalrole in shaping Western civilization. In thismagnificent volume, students and faithful alikewill come to comprehend the Catholic Church’smonumental impact on society and western civilizationas a whole.HCCB-H . . . 310 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $29.95The American Catholic VoterTwo Hundred Years of Political ImpactGeorge J. MarlinMarlin traces the political and electoral history ofAmerican Catholics from the time of Lord Baltimoreand the founding of Maryland to the election ofGeorge W. Bush.Sale! ACV-H . . . 420 pp, Hardcover, $29.95 $14.95new <strong>SPRING</strong> historybooksA Song for Nagasaki EThe Story of Takashi NagaiPaul Glynn • Foreword by Shusaku EndoOn August 9, 1945, America dropped an atomicbomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing tens of thousandsof people in the blink of an eye, while fatally injuringand poisoning thousands more. Among the survivorswas Takashi Nagai, a pioneer in radiologyresearch and a convert to the Catholic faith. Livingin the rubble of the ruined city and suffering fromleukemia caused by over-exposure to radiation,Nagai lived out the remainder of his remarkablelife by bringing physical and spiritual healing to hiswar-weary people. Illustrated.SNAG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 275 pp, $16.95Light and ShadowsChurch History Amid Faith, Fact, and LegendFr. Walter BrandmüllerFr. Brandmüller, the Vatican’s chief historian,moves beyond the caricatures and legends thatoften substitute for real history to reveal a Church,both human and divine, fulfilling its mission inevery time and place.LS-P . . . 288 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Christians in China A.D. 600 to 2000 EJean-Pierre CharbonnierThis major work covers the development ofChristianity in China and its cultural interaction ineach period, including the evolution of Christianityas it occurred within the People’s Republic of China.CCHIN-P . . . 664 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $29.95The Red Book of Chinese Martyrs EGerolamo FazziniPreface by Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-KiunThis powerful book documents four decades ofCommunist persecution of Christians, relating thememoirs of persons who have experienced in theirown flesh how far the violence of a power blindedby ideology can go. Illustrated.RBCM-P . . . 275 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Battle Ground — Hilaire BellocSyria and Palestine, The Seedplot of ReligionHilaire Belloc provides a full and fair treatment ofthe ancient Jews and other Middle Eastern culturesand their impact in history, and in today’s world.B-P . . . 330 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Those Terrible Middle Ages! — Reginé PernoudAs she examines the many misconceptions aboutthe “Middle Ages”, the renowned French historianPernoud gives a refreshing perspective on manysubjects. The old varnish is stripped away and athousand years of history finally emerge.TTMA-P . . . 180 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Sacred Blood, Sacred Image EThe Sudarium of Oviedo • Janice BennettThis is the story of the Sudarium of Oviedo, thebloodstained cloth believed to have covered the headof Jesus after his crucifixion. The author traces the historyof the linen and presents the conclusions of theinvestigative team. 20 pages of color photographs.SBSI2-H . . . 225 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Also by Janice BennettSt. Lawrence and the Holy GrailSLHG-H . . . 305 pp, Hardcover, $24.95Defenders of the Faithin Word and Deed — Fr. Charles ConnorFr. Connor tells stories of defenders of the faith Jesuit Missionaries of North Americawho have been raised up to proclaim fidelity to the Francois Roustang SJtruth by their words and deeds. Some have fought The story of the early Jesuit missionaries who arrivedheresy like <strong>Ignatius</strong> Loyola. Others have shed theirin North America between 1632 and 1637. Forblood for the faith, like Thomas More, John Fisher, twenty long years, they toiled alone and unaided inand many more.the vast, wild regions of eastern Canada.DFWD-P . . . 229 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95JMNA-P. . . 433 pages, Softcover, $17.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 38www.ignatius.com

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Thisis a vibrant new translation faithful to the Frenchlanguageoriginal.CHM-P . . . 496 pp, Softcover, $21.95Christ: The Life of the Soul — Columba MarmionThis is a classic guide to the spiritual life that hada direct influence on several Popes, generations ofpriests and religious, and countless members of thelaity. Written for Christians in every walk of life, andfilled with practical knowledge and timeless wisdom.CLS-P . . . 555 pages, Softcover, $24.95Union with GodLetters of Spiritual Directionby Blessed Columba MarmionSelected and Annotated by Dom Raymond ThibautOne of Mother Teresa’s favorite books, these are lettersfrom Blessed Columba Marmion to the many whosought his counsel. It offers warm, practical counselfrom a spiritual master whom popes and bishopslooked to for inspiration.UG-P . . . 233 pp, Quality Softcover, $14.95The MessiahAn Illustrated Biography of Jesus ChristJacques DuquesneFew stories have captivated the artistic imaginationas much as the life of Jesus Christ, from the Nativityto the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper to theResurrection. This gorgeous book, replete with imagesfrom throughout the history of art, elaborates themajor episodes of his life through excerpts from theGospels, pictorial representations, and explanationsof significant themes and symbols. Illustrated.MESSI-H . . . 9 x 11 Hardcover, 192 pp, $40.00The Passion - SALE!Photography from the MovieText from the Douay-Rheims BibleForeword by Mel GibsonGripping photos taken on the set of Mel Gibson’sfilm, The Passion of The Christ, together with the biblicalnarratives present the story in vivid detail. Asweeping overview of the Passion story in powerfulimages that will enhance the movie experience!Illustrated with over 160 beautiful photos.PASSION-H . . . 143 pp, Hardcover, $24.95 $12.50The Mass and the Saints — Thomas Crean, OPThis is a work both of deep spirituality and profoundinsight into the glories of the Church’s liturgy. Itbrings together passages from great saints throughoutthe ages. Every aspect and part of the Mass iscovered, the quotations forming a continuous commentaryon the central action of the Church’s worship.Illustrated.MASA-P . . . 210 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Lord, Who Are You? The Names of ChristCardinal Medina EstevezThe “names” of Christ are words or titles that areused in Sacred Scripture to refer to Christ. Thisbook will help you to meditate on the names ofChrist in order to draw near to him, so we mayknow who he is and what sort of blessings theFather imparts to us through him.LWAY-P . . . 160 pages, Sewn Softcover, $13.95On the Passion of ChristAccording to the Evangelists • Thomas à KempisThe great spiritual writer presents profound, shortreflections on Gospel passages about the passionand death of Christ. Each chapter, focusing on aspecific aspect of the Passion, gives a prayer, a meditationand spiritual advice and closes with anothershort prayer, covering the entire Passion. Illustrated.OPC-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 170 pp, $12.95A Treasury of Wisdom — The Words of JesusIlluminating Jesus’ words are over 40 color paintingsby famous artists such as Raphael, Masaccio,Caravaggio, Fra Angelico, Poussin and Millet. Thisis a beautiful keepsake with a silk ribbon marker.TW-H . . . 80 pp, Deluxe Hardcover, $15.95Worthy is the Lamb EThe Biblical Roots of the MassThomas NashNash refutes the common charge that the Mass is“unbiblical” in a resoundingly biblical fashion. Thebiblical roots of the Mass go much deeper than theLast Supper and Christ's Passion. This book willtransform your understanding of and participationin the Mass.WITL-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 260 pp, $15.95The Hidden Manna EA Theology of the EucharistFr. James T. O’ConnerThe Hidden Manna has become a classic onEucharistic teaching. This in-depth study lets thebreadth and richness of the Church’s Traditionspeak for itself. Fr. O’Connor presents and commentson substantial excerpts from the major sourcesof the Church's Tradition.HM2-P . . . 420 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95If Your Mind Wanders at Mass EAThomas HowardThomas Howard’s look at the liturgy focuses ourwandering minds. It reminds us that at Mass westand with angels and saints in the presence of GodMost High.IYMW-P . . . 128 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.951-800-651-1531 39www.ignatius.com

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Stephen Redmond, SJGives a brief history of the Eucharist followed by firsthandEucharistic experiences from Saint Paul in thefirst century through to Edith Stein in the twentieth.AS-P . . . 95 pp, Quality Softcover, $9.95Healing Fire of Christ — Fr. Paul Glynn EThis book recounts some of the most fascinatingstories that have taken place in our own modernworld. Takes the reader on a trip to the sites ofmiraculous happenings, including healings, apparitionsand conversions. Illustrated.HFC-P . . . 260 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95H HFC-D . . . 7 CDs, read by William Fike, $38.95Heart of the Redeemer — Timothy O’Donnell, STDA classic in the devotion to the Sacred Heart ofJesus, this book examines the doctrine and historyof the devotion in Scripture, the Church Fathers,the Middle Ages, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, andthe teachings of the Papal Magisterium. Years ofresearch have produced this moving work.HR-P . . . 301 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95A Key to the Doctrine of the EucharistAbbot VonierWritten to give lay Catholics a better understandingof the Eucharist, this book is recognized as a modernspiritual classic. In clear and straightforward language,it takes the reader step-by-step into the deepestmysteries of the Eucharist—a religiously exhilaratingjourney into the heart of the Christian faith.AKDE-P . . . 210 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95AdorationEucharistic Prayers throughout Church HistoryEd. by Daniel GuernseyOffers rich meditation material before the BlessedSacrament, as well as a good preparation for theLiturgy. It provides prayerful souls with inspiringinsights on the Eucharist from the wealth ofthe Church’s teachings, the Church Fathers, greatsaints, popes, councils, Scripture.AETP-P . . . 250 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Our Splendid EucharistReflections on Mass and SacramentRaymond Moloney, SJA series of profound reflections on our Eucharisticheritage. The approach throughout is meditativerather than speculative, and is designed to bringto bear the best of Christian tradition on Eucharistspirituality, and to enable the ordinary layman todeepen in their hearts what they already know andbelieve. (Imported from Ireland)OSE-P . . . 180 page, Softcover, $17.95Celebrating the Holy Eucharist EFrancis Cardinal ArinzeCardinal Arinze, the Prefect of Divine Worship andthe Discipline of the Sacraments at the Vatican, elucidatesthe Church’s teachings and belief about theEucharist as the source and summit of Christian life,and the high point of her public worship. Arinzeemphasizes that the priest is ordained first andforemost to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass andthat the priest “finds himself at the highest momentof his vocation when ‘in persona’ he celebrates theEucharistic Sacrifice.”CHE-P . . . 128 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Know Him in the Breaking of the BreadFr. Francis RandolphThis book explains the ceremonies of the CatholicMass and their meaning. Fr. Rand olph goes throughthe Mass looking at the origin and purpose of thevarious elements, and relating them to the reader’sexperience of prayer and the Christian life.KHBB-P . . . 216 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Pardon and Peace EFr. Francis RandolphFr. Randolph presents a very positive and practicalunderstanding of the value of the sacrament ofconfession showing how the sacrament meets theneeds of the penitent on the spiritual, emotional andpsychological levels. We follow the different stagesof the rite, and see why it is so helpful.PAPE-P . . . 185 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Praying to Our Lord Jesus ChristUnderstanding the SacramentsPrayers and Meditations Through the CenturiesFr. Peter StravinskasFr. Benedict Groeschel, CFRA popular guide for prayer and study of all sevenFr. Benedict has made this anthology available, asacraments that gives clear and faithful Catholicvaluable companion for personal prayer, for timesteaching on each sacrament. Com plete with everydayexamples, anecdotes and questions for groupof recollection, and even for those times of criticalspiritual need. Illustrated.discussion after each chapter.POLJC-P . . . 156 pp, Sewn Softcover, $13.95US-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 40www.ignatius.com

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Hardcover, 272 pp, $22.95George Pell Defender of the Faith Down UnderTess LivingstoneGeorge Pell's unprecedented double appointmentas Archbishop of Melbourne and then Sydneyreflects that the Pope saw him as a vital figure inthe Church. Author Tess Livingstone visited Romeand Oxford and interviewed over fifty people,including many of Pell's critics.GP-P . . . 499 pages, Sewn Softcover, $18.95The Soul of a Lion — Alice von HildebrandThe inspiring life of a great Catholic philosopher,Dietrich Von Hildebrand, told by his wife andwriter, Alice. It tells of the intellectual and culturalformation of his youth, his conversion to Catholicism,his passion for truth, his extensive Christianwritings, his opposition to Nazism and escape.SOUL-P . . . 322 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Anti-Abortionist at Large — Raymond DennehyDennehy, a professor of Philosophy at theUniversity of San Francisco, has debated pro-abortionistswith great success in hostile environments.This is his inspiring personal account of nearly fourdecades of debating abortion on radio, television,and university campuses.AAL-P . . . 212 pp, Quality Softcover, $19.95Saint <strong>Ignatius</strong> of Loyola — James Brodrick, S.J.In this biographical work, Fr. Brodrick combinesscholarly research with a readable style that showsthe stages by which God led the wounded cavalierout of his dream-world of romantic battles into thenoontide of divine reality. Includes maps and index.SIL-P . . . 346 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Grunt Padre The Servant of GodFr. Vincent Capodanno • Fr. Daniel L. ModeThis is the definitive biography of Fr. VincentCapodanno, a chaplain for the Marine Corps duringthe Vietnam war. Fr. Capodanno died on the fieldof battle giving the last rites to the US soldiers heserved so well. He was just declared a “Servant ofGod” by the Vatican. Illustrated.GRUNT-P . . . 223 pp, Softcover, $15.95Before the Dawn — Eugenio ZolliThis is the remarkable and inspiring story of howthe famous and revered Chief Rabbi of Rome, IsraelZolli, became a Christian and entered the CatholicChurch after World War II. He did not abandon hisJewish heritage, but says he discovered the fullnessof what God offered in Jesus and His Church.BD-P . . . 225 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95A Kindly Providence — Fr. Louis Renner, S.J. EAn Alaskan Missionary’s StoryThis is both a rich history of the Catholic Church inAlaska, and the autobiography of Fr. Louis Renner,S.J., who was a missionary in Alaska for 40 years. Hetells a compelling story of a full and fascinating life.KP-P . . . 583 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $24.95The JudgeWilliam P. Clark: Ronald Reagan’s Top HandPaul Kengor & Patricia Clark DoernerReagan’s indispensable confidant and adviser, thestory of Clark’s close work with the president, includingundermining Soviet communism, and the deepfoundations of his Catholic faith are finally available.Includes 32 pages of photos.J-H . . . 415 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Hardcover, $27.95No Turning Back A Witness to Divine MercyFr. Donald Calloway, MICAs a teen being a priest was the very last thinganyone expected of Donald Calloway: heavily intodrugs and alcohol, a high school dropout, kickedout of a foreign country, institutionalized twice, andthrown in jail multiple times. But a book on OurLady was the beginning of his conversion.NTBA-P . . . Softcover, Illustrated, 280 pp, $19.95On Missionary Roads — Jozef Cardinal Tomko EJozef Cardinal Tomko, the Prefect of the Congregationfor the Evangelization of Peoples from 1985 to 2001,shares his account of the many missionary journeyshe made around the world. Illustrated.OMR-P . . . 405 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95A Memory For Wonders EMother Veronica Le Goulard, P.C.C.A beautifully moving autobiography of a girlraised by communist parents to be a Marxist atheist.But a remarkable chain of events led her tobecome a Poor Clare nun and the foundress of twoflourishing monasteries in Africa.MFW-P . . . 184pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95The Pilgrim’s Journey EEd. by Joseph TylendaThis autobiography of St. <strong>Ignatius</strong> spans 18 years ofhis life—from his wounding at Pamplona throughhis conversion, his studies and his journey to Rometo place his community at the disposal of the Pope.PILJ-P . . . 204 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Saint Among Savages Life of St. Isaac JoguesFrancis Talbot, S.J.Against a background of bloody wars betweengreat Indian nations passes the magnificent figureof the Jesuit, Isaac Jogues, intrepid pioneer, victimof horrific cruelties, and saint.SASAV-P . . . 468 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.951-800-651-1531 41www.ignatius.com

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In his vigorous and inimitable style, deWohl tells the story of St. Augustine’s transformationfrom a vain, sensual youth to the brilliant,devout writer, theologian and bishop.RF-P . . . 303 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Lay Siege to Heaven EA Novel on St. Catherine of SienaDe Wohl devotes his talents to one of the mostextraordinary women of all time, St. Catherine ofSiena. She persuaded the Pope to return to Rome;she performed miracles, she received the stigmata,she drew about her a crowd of devoted people. Shereally did lay siege to heaven.LSH-P . . . 346 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Also The Spear, The Joyful Beggar, Golden Thread - p. 69Saints A Year in Faith and Art • Rosa GiorgiThis richly illustrated, unique volume portrays morethan 375 Catholic saints, arranged by the days of theyear on which each beatified figure is honored. Theimages range from world-famous works of art by suchmasters as Caravaggio, Rubens, Velázquez, and ElGreco to more modern and lesser-known depictions.SYFA-H . . . 780 pp, Illustrated, Hardcover, $19.95Martin of Tours Soldier, Bishop, SaintReginé PernoudMartin of Tours lived in the 4th century, when theRoman Empire fell and the Church took charge in theWest. He left a successful career in the military to becomea monk, and later a Bishop who traveled extensively,evangelizing the countryside.MTOUR-P . . . 200 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Message of St. FrancisA celebration of the life of St. Francis. Extracts fromhis writings and from biographies of the saint areselected and illustrated with images from the frescocyclein the Basilica at Assisi. Illustrated.MSF-H . . . 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Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 320 pp, $17.95Edith Stein — Waltraud HerbstrithThis is the powerful and moving story of the Jewishwoman who converted to Catholicism, gained fameas a great philosopher, became a Carmelite nun,and was put to death in Auschwitz.ES-P . . . 205 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Saint Dominic The Grace of the WordGuy Bedouelle, O.P.This book represents the best, most concise and readablespiritual biography of St. Dominic. The focusof the biography is the way in which Saint Dominicembodied the role of Christ as preacher and theresults that came from this grace.DOM-P . . . 290 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Saint Francis of Assisi Ivan Gobry, Ph.D.Ivan Gobry, Ph.D., takes on the task of revealing thereal Saint Francis, the man who abandoned wealthand chose to live a beggar’s life.SFA-P . . . 350 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Soul of Elizabeth SetonJoseph I. Dirvin, C.M.Fr. Dirvin, an authority on St. Elizabeth, takes writings,correspondence, and recollections of Seton toreveal her deep life of faith and prayer.SES-P . . . 232 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Saints for Today Ivan InnerstThese portraits of twelve saints focus on how eachof these heroes has a specific message significantfor those living in our times. Among the twelveare Paschal Baylon, saint of the Eucharist; MargaretClitherow, a mother and martyr; and seven more.SFT-P . . . 120 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.951-800-651-1531 43www.ignatius.com

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Jaques Perrier, Bp. of LourdesHere are 150 true, moving stories that celebrate 150years of faith, prayer, and miracles, and recounts theepic history of a shrine that has become a sign ofconversion, faith, and hope to millions.WLOU-P . . . 600 pp, Softcover, $24.95A Holy Life St. Bernadette of Lourdes APatricia McEachernFor the first time in English, St. Bernadette’s ownspiritual insights: thoughts, advice, sayings, andprayers through the touching words of her spiritualdiary, notes, and letters to friends and family.HL-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Song of Bernadette — Franz WerfelThe classic literary depiction of the life of Bernadette,written by Werfel to fulfill a promise he made toGod while fleeing the Nazi persecution of Jews.SONG-P . . . 605 pp, Sewn Softcover, $18.95Maiden & Mother Prayers & Hymns to Our LadyEd by Margaret MilesThis rare collection of hymns, prayers, and poemsare from the writings of saints, mystics, the Liturgyand Church documents. Arranged in sections followingthe Church’s year, it also includes musicalsettings, in plainchant and modern notations, formany hymns. Illustrated.MAIM-P . . . 224 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Mary and the Fathers of the ChurchFr. Luigi Gambero, SMFocusing on the works of the most famous ChurchFathers, Gam bero presents a clear and readable summaryof the richness of the patristic age’s theologicaland devotional approach to the Mother of God.MAFC-P . . . 450 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Mary in the Middle Ages EFr. Luigi Gambero, SMIn this continuation of Mary and the Fathers of theChurch, Fr. Gambero presents Marian doctrine anddevotion up through the 15th century.MMA-P . . . 360 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Mary for Today Hans Urs von BalthasarBalthasar gathers from the Scriptures and the traditionof the Church the elements of a portrait whichshows Mary’s relevance for today. A wonderfulspiritual guide for all who desire to know and lovethe Mother of the Lord in a deeper way. Completewith beautiful original illustrations.MFT-P . . . 87 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The World’s First Love Anniversary EditionNew Foreword by Fr. Andrew Apostoli EFulton J. SheenSheen presents a moving, eloquent portrayal of Mary,Mother of God. Combin ing profound spirituality,history, and theology, Mary’s whole life is lovinglyportrayed in this rich source of information, consolationand inspiration.WFL2-P . . . 276 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Purest of All LiliesThe Virgin Mary in the Spirituality of St. FaustinaFr. Donald Calloway, M.I.C.St. Faustina is well known for the revelations of DivineMercy that she received from Jesus. But few know thatshe also received revelations from the Blessed VirginMary and enjoyed a special relationship with her.Purest of All Lilies explores St. Faustina’s rich relationshipwith Mary.POAL-P . . . 128 pp, Softcover, $12.95Our Lady of Kibeho — Immaculée IlibagizaThirteen years before the bloody 1994 genocide thatswept across Rwanda and left more than a millionpeople dead, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ appearedto eight young people in the remote villageof Kibeho. Through these visionaries, they warned ofthe looming holocaust. Our Lady of Kibeho becamethe first and only Vatican-approved Marian site in allof Africa. Illustrated with 16 color pages.OLK-P . . . Illustrated, Softcover, 200 pp, $12.95Mary: God’s Yes to ManEncyclical Letter of John Paul II,Redemptoris MaterPope John Paul II’s only encyclical on our BlessedMother, with introduction by Cardinal JosephRatzinger, and commentary by the great Catholictheologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar.MGYM-P . . . 170 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Mary in the Redemption — Adrienne von SpeyrVon Speyr explores Mary’s participation with Christin our redemption, and the unique relationship thateach of us should have with our spiritual mother.MITR-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Handmaid of the Lord AAdrienne von SpeyrVon Speyr’s masterpiece on the life, attitude, andprayer of the Mother of God. She shows how Mary’sassent to God’s will, as personified in her fiat, “letit be done to me according to thy word’’, is whatdefines and sanctifies every aspect of her life.HML-P . . . 202 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Last Secret of FatimaCardinal Tarcisio Bertone • Intro by Pope Benedict XVIWith an introduction by Pope Benedict XVI andincluding information previously suppressed, theVatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone, definitivelyreveals and explains one of the most controversialevents in twentieth-century Catholicism—the 1917apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima.LSF-H . . . 192 pp, Hardcover, $21.95Our Lady and the Church — Hugo Rahner, S.J.A profound meditation on the writings of the EarlyChurch Fathers about Mary. Filled with richlypoetic, sometimes startling imagery, Our Lady andthe Church is the rare book that appeals to both themind and the heart.OLC-P . . . 165 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 47www.ignatius.com

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Theseselections capture Mother Angelica’s spunky spiritand profound wisdom at their zenith.MALB-H . . . 240 pp, Hardcover, $16.95Mother Angelica’s Private and Pithy Lessons fromthe Scriptures— Edited by Raymond ArroyoThe founder of EWTN shares her beloved wit anddown-to-earth spirituality in hundreds of neverbefore-releasedprivate lessons..MAPP-H . . . 256 pp, Hardcover, $17.95The Prayers & Personal Devotionsof Mother Angelica — Edited by Raymond ArroyoExperience the personal, daily spiritual practice ofMother Angelica. Throughout, Mother’s humor,warmth, and wisdom shine through.PPD-H . . . Hardcover, 208 pp, $17.00God Is No Delusion A Refutation of Richard ADawkins —Thomas Crean, O.P.Richard Dawkins claims that belief in God is a “delusion”.Fr. Thomas Crean presents straightforwardarguments for God’s existence and shows how Godis important for a coherent understanding of morality.GIND-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95No One Sees God — Michael NovakThe Dark Night of Atheists and BelieversBoth the atheist and the believer experience the same“dark night” in which God’s presence seems absent,Novak argues, and the conflict between faith and doubtstems from divergent attitudes toward the unknown. .NOSG-H . . . 336 pp, Hardcover, $23.95Good News, Bad NewsEvangelization, Conversion, and the Crisis of FaithFr. C. John McCloskey, III, and Russell ShawFr. McCloskey has become a famous “convertmaker” in Washington. Among the Catholic convertshe instructed are Sam Brownback, Dr. BernardNathanson, and Robert Novak. This book combinespersonal testimony, solid theology, and effective methodsof communicating the Catholic Faith.GNBN-P . . . 134 pp Sewn Softcover, $12.95Honey from the RockSixteen Jews Find the Sweetness of ChristCompiled by Roy SchoemanRoy Schoeman shows the clear links between Judaismand Catholicism. The sixteen people whose stories aretold here are a variety of converts including famouspeople like Edith Stein and Rabbi Zolli.HFR-P . . . 300 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Return to RomeConfessions of an Evangelical CatholicFrancis J. BeckwithThis book details Beckwith’s journey from President ofthe Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) to his conversionto Catholicism, focusing on his internal dialoguebetween the Protestant theology and Catholicism.RTR-P . . . 144 pp, Softcover, $14.95Why I Became a Catholic — Sir Joseph Pope EThe conversion story of a highly regarded Canadiancivil servant during the early 20th century.WIBC-P . . . 120 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95George WeigelGod’s ChoicePope Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic ChurchWith God’s Choice, Weigel gives us an extraordinarychronicle of the rise of Pope Benedict XVIas well as an unflinching view of the CatholicChurch at the dawn of a new era.GC-P . . . 320 pp, Softcover, $16.95The Courage To Be CatholicWeigel argues that the path to genuine Catholicreform does not lie in accommodating the truthto the spirit of the age, but in a renewed commitmentto living the fullness of the Catholic faith.CTBC-P . . . 250 pp, Quality Softcover, $15.95Witness to HopeGiven unprecedented access to Pope John PaulII and the people who have worked with himthroughout his life, Weigel presents a groundbreakingportrait of the Pope as a man, a thinker,and a leader whose religious convictions havedefined a new approach to evangelization and toworld politics-and changed the course of history.WTHP-P . . . 1040 pp, Softcover, $24.95The Cube and the CathedralEurope, America, and Politics Without GodContrasting Europe’s past and present, Weigelargues that Europe's embrace of a narrow secularismhas led to a crisis that is eroding Europe’ssoul—with dire lessons for the rest of the democraticworld.CUBE-P . . . 224 pp, Softcover, $14.95Richard J. NeuhausAs I Lay Dying Meditations on ReturningThe late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus had been tothe very edge of mortality, and lived to tell aboutit—with deep wisdom, relentless realism, unconquerablehope, and more than a touch of humor.AILD-P . . . 176 pp, Softcover, $13.95Death on a Friday AfternoonMeditations on the Last Words of Jesus fromthe CrossThe beloved Fr. Richard John Neuhaus plumbsthe depths of human experience and sets forththe central narrative of Western civilization—thesuffering, death, and resurrection of Christ.DOFA-P . . . 304 pp, Softcover, $15.95American Babylon Notes of a Christian ExileChristians are by their nature a people out ofplace. Their true home is with God; in civiclife, they are alien citizens “in but not of theworld.” In American Babylon, eminent theologianRichard John Neuhaus examines the particulartruth of that ambiguity for Catholics inAmerica today.AMBAB-H . . . 288 pp, Hardcover, $26.951-800-651-1531 49www.ignatius.com

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It includesthe prayers and meditations of more than 25 saints,along with a short biography of each saint, andnumerous illustrations.DOTS-P . . . 364 pages, Sewn Softcover, $16.95I Believe in GodMeditations on the Apostles’ CreedPaul ClaudelThis classic work by the great French poet andwriter is a soaring meditation on the Christiantruths of the Apostles’ Creed.IBG-P . . . 317 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Seeing Through the Eye — Ed. by Cecil KuhneMalcolm Muggeridge on FaithMuggeridge was a well-known journalist whoshocked the world with his conversion toChristianity. These selections of his writings andspeeches cover a wide variety of spiritual themes.STE-P . . . 375 pp, Sewn Softcover, $18.95Spiritual Combat Revisited EFr. Jonathan RobinsonFr. Robinson revitalizes Lorenzo Scupoli’s classic,Spiritual Combat, so that contemporary Catholicscan discover the spiritual wisdom of this rich work.Focusing on the life of prayer and personal reformand renewal, it confronts modern culture with thechallenge of spiritual combat.SCR-P . . . 305 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Hell and Other DestinationsA Novelist’s Reflections on This World and the NextPiers Paul ReadThe famous British novelist and playwright, PiersPaul Read, presents his lively, thought-provokingreflections on wide ranging spiritual topics.HOD-P . . . 230 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Theology of the ChurchCharles Cardinal JournetThe republishing of this classic has been greeted withjoy by a great number of Christians. The work is ashorter version of the book by the same author, thetwo volume The Church of the Incarnate Word. CardinalJournet has extracted a shorter and more popular versionintended for a wider reading audience.THC-H . . . 505 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $34.95Divine IntimacyFr. Gabriel of Saint Mary MagdalenVol I from the First Sunday of Advent through theEighth Week of Ordinary Time. Vol II from AshWednesday through Pentecost. Vol III from theNinth Sunday through the Twenty-first Week ofOrdinary Time. Vol IV from the Twenty-secondSunday through the Thirty-fourth Week.DI1-P . . . Vol I: Sewn Softcover, $16.95DI2-P . . . Vol II: Sewn Softcover, $16.95DI3-P . . . Vol III: Sewn Softcover, $16.95DI4-P . . . Vol IV: Sewn Softcover, $16.95DISET-P . . . Complete Set $56.95Fulton J. SheenLife of ChristWidely proclaimed a classic work of Christianfaith, Life of Christ has been hailed as the most eloquentof Fulton J. Sheen’s many books. The fruitof many years of reflection, prayer, and research,it is a dramatic and moving recounting of thebirth, life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ.LOC-P . . . 688 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Through the Year with Fulton SheenInspirational Readings for Each Day of the YearThis is Sheen at his best—with a word of encouragement,counsel, and direction for each day ofthe year.TYFS-P . . . 215 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Life is Worth LivingBishop Fulton Sheen’s television series, Life isWorth Living, was watched by millions. This bookcontains the full-length scripts of 44 of those topratedprograms. His insights give wise, personaland inspiring guidance on the problems affectingour lives today.LWL-P . . . 340 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s St. ThereseA Treasured Love StoryTaken from the talks Sheen gave in 1973, the archbishopexplains why people from all walks of lifeand in every country of the world so universallylove, invoke, and imitate St. Thérèse. Illustrated.AFSST-H . . . 183 pp, Hardcover, $19.95Fulton J. Sheen A Man for All MediaGreg LaddA wonderful coffee-table book filled with over125 original photos of the great archbishop, andquotes from Sheen on every spiritual topic. Thesephotos and quotes capture the joy, zeal for the faithand dramatic flair that made him such an effectivecommunicator and missionary to all souls.FSMAM-H . . . 165 pp, 8 x 11, Hardcover, $24.95Treasure in ClayThe Autobiography of Fulton J. SheenReaders familiar with Sheen and as well as thosecoming to him for the first time will find a fascinatingglimpse into the Catholic world Sheeninhabited, and will find inspiration in Sheen’sheartfelt recollections. Illustrated.TCLAY-P . . . 416 pp, Illustrated, Softcover, $15.95America’s BishopThe Life and Times of Fulton J. SheenThomas ReevesThe result of interviews with dozens of those whoknew and worked with Sheen and the unearthingof important new material, this is the first in-depthportrait of the beloved churchman and intellectual,whose cause for beatification is being prepared.AB-P . . . 465 pp, Softcover, $16.95See more from Sheen on pages 47 and 551-800-651-1531 51www.ignatius.com

inspiration new <strong>SPRING</strong> and books prayerPraying with Saint Paul Daily Reflections on theLetters of the Apostle Paul — Fr. Peter Cameron, OPA kind of lectio divina—a “spiritual reading”—ofPaul’s letters by which one can go deeply into themind and heart of this great saint in a very practical,convenient, and “user-friendly” way day-by-day.PSP-P . . . 384 pp, Softcover, $12.95Jesus, Teach Us to Pray — Jerome Bertram EIn this book Fr. Bertram draws on his own experienceand vast knowledge of trusted spiritual authors,leading his readers into the various ways of prayer,tackling common difficulties such as distraction anddetachment.JTUP-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 145 pp, $12.95Exposition of the Seven Penitential PsalmsSt. John FisherFisher, martyred by Henry VIII, was considered theholiest and most learned Bishop in all Christendom inhis day. This translation of his powerful commentarieson the penitential psalms makes available for the firsttime in modern English his inspiring insights.ESPP-P . . . 321 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Transformation in Christ EDietrich von HildebrandThis modern classic is a sublime and practical studyof the true path to holiness, clarifying the spiritualattitudes necessary for Christian perfection.TIC-P . . . 536 pp., Sewn Softcover, $21.95The Privilege of Being a WomanDr. Alice von HildebrandWomen historically have been viewed as lower thanmen or privileged. Dr. von Hilde brand characterizesthe difference between such views as based onwhether man’s vision is secularistic or supernatural.PBW-P . . . 118 pages, Quality Softcover, $7.95In the Midst of Chaos, PeaceSr. Wendy Beckett, Dan Paulos, Sr. Mary DorcyFamed BBC art critic Sister Wendy Beckett providesmeditations for 54 original silhouettes of Jesus andMary by the two foremost Catholic paper-cuttingartists Paulos and Dorcy. The result is what SisterWendy calls “an epiphany”, a book that reveals theGod of mercy, love and peace.IMCP-H . . . 125 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $21.95The Confessions of St. AugustineIlluminated with Manuscripts from the British LibraryIn this famous classic, Augustine reveals his struggleswith temptation as well as his passionate loveof God. Extracts are accompanied by beautifulillustrations from illuminated manuscripts of theBritish Library.CONFES-H . . . 94 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95The Beauty of Holinessand the Holiness of Beauty — John SawardA study of two ways that true beauty shines upon theworld — in the lives of the saints and in the worksof Christian art. Saward offers a meditation on thebeauty of Christ and His saints based on works of art(reproduced in this book) of Fra Angelico.BH-P . . . 200 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Fr. Thomas DubayPrayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within EAddressing many questions about how to praywell, Father Dubay combines depth and readability,intelligence and practical guidance in a waythat will draw readers naturally into conversationwith the One who loves them most of all.PRAP-P . . . 185 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Happy Are You Poor EThe concept of poverty is often confused withdestitution. A love-filled sharing frugality is themessage. Dubay presents the richness of theGospel message and he explains how Gospelfrugality is lived in each state of life.HAYP-P . . . 180 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Evidential Power of Beauty EDubay brings together science, theology anddaily experience in this study of beauty as a standardfor recognizing God’s revealed truth.EPB-P . . . 320 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Authenticity EWhatever the matter or situation, be it a groupor individual decision, Dubay shows how toBiblically discern the authentic movement of theHoly Spirit in following the right path.ABTD-P . . . 280 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Faith and CertitudeFr. Dubay presents a concise analysis of the criticalquestions and issues concerning faith and certitudein our day. Written in an inspirational andsometimes humorous style, Dubay cuts throughthe relativism and skepticism of our time andexposes the deepest roots of error.FC-P . . . 266 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95“… And You Are Christ’s’’The Charism of Virginity and the Celibate LifeFather Dubay discusses one of the most importantbut least understood charisms of the consecratedlife, the charism of virginity. He emphasizes thatthe importance of evangelical virginity is rootedin its Biblical foundation.AYC-P . . . 150 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95See also Fire Within andDeep Conversion, Deep Prayer, page 30The Promise God’s Purpose and Planfor When Life Hurts • Fr. Jonathan MorrisFr. Jonathan peels back the layers of questions thatarise when someone asks “Why me?” in response tohuman suffering.PROM-P . . . 240 pp, Softcover, $14.95Christian Spirituality in the Catholic TraditionJordan Aumann, O.P.Aumann’s excellent and interesting survey of themany spiritual traditions in the Catholic Churchshows the wonderful variety of saints and spiritualitiesthat are part of our rich Catholic heritageCSCT-P . . . 336 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.951-800-651-1531 52www.ignatius.com

inspiration new <strong>SPRING</strong> and books prayerMeeting Jesus and Following Him EAA Retreat Given to Pope BenedictXVI and the Papal HouseholdFrancis Cardinal ArinzeThese inspiring spiritual exercises on the meaningof the priestly life are from a retreat given to PopeBenedict and the papal household.MJFH-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 144 pp, $12.95The Suffering of Love Christ’s Descent into theHell of Human Hopelessness — Regis MartinQuoting widely from Christian, Jewish and secularsources, Regis Martin makes an unflinching examinationof this universal question on the meaning ofsuffering by meditating on Christ’s passion, deathand descent into Hell.SUFL-P . . . 285 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Eternal Woman EAThe Timeless Meaning of the FeminineGertrud von le Fort • Foreword by Alice von HildebrandAgainst the battlefield of ideologies which sweptaway millions of lives in war and genocide duringthe past Century, Von le Fort countered the modernassault on the feminine not with polemics but withperhaps the most beautiful meditation on womanhoodever written.EW-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 128 pp, $11.95Spiritual Direction ofSt. Claude de ColombiereSt. Claude ranks among the masters of the spirituallife as a director of souls. Jesus told St. MargaretMary, “Father Claude is my perfect friend and servant.His gift is to lead souls to God.” This spiritualgem is full of wisdom and inspiration.SDSC-P . . . 159 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Divine Mercy — Robert Stackpole, STDA Guide from Genesis to Benedict XVIThis thorough yet readable book will help readersunderstand the meaning of Divine Mercy and itsimportance for today. What exactly is God’s mercy?Where do we find it in Sacred Scripture? What is thebasis for it in the life of the Church?.DMG-P . . . Softcover, 200 pp, $14.95The Vatican Secrets and Treasures of the Holy CityFr. Michael CollinsThis book is a unique behind-the-scenes look at theworld’s smallest nation and the spiritual center of theCatholic Church. Produced with the full cooperationof the Vatican, this is a stunningly beautiful and gorgeouslyillustrated insiders guide into the 2,000 yearlong history of the Vatican.VAT-H . . . Illustrated, Hardcover, 320 pp, $35.00Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C.Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience ERecovering the Vision forthe Renewal of Religious LifeAmong many topics addressed by Vatican II wasthe need for the renewal of religious life. MotherMary Francis carefully and prayerfully examinedthe Council’s decree and here uncovers its noblemeaning and purpose.CPO-P . . . 136 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95But I Have Called You Friends EReflections on the Art of Christian FriendshipIn these gentle, simple, yet profound conferences,Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., explores both thenecessity and the difficulty of Christian friendship.BIHC-P . . . 80 pp. Sewn Softcover, $9.95Anima Christi EThese meditations on the famous prayer of St.<strong>Ignatius</strong> by a Poor Clare nun will help everyreader deepen his prayer life and draw closer tothe Person of Christ.ANIC-P . . . 135 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Right to Be Merry EThis book reveals the challenges, cares and joys ofcloistered life from an “insiders” view. No one whohas not lived in a cloister can fully understand justhow intertwined are the lives of cloistered nuns.RTBM-P . . . 232 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Fr. Benedict GroeschelArise From Darkness EAProvides practical and spiritual help to anyoneburdened by life. He helps us find solutions in theGospels and the lives of saints, heroes and braveordinary people. Wise guidance that is personal,compassionate and Christ-centered.AFD-P . . . 184 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95A Still, Small VoiceGroeschel provides a practical guide on privaterevelations. He summarizes the Church’s wisdomon this topic, and offers an alternative path to holinesscalled “religious experience”—the action ofgrace operating in the context of our daily lives.SSV-P . . . 180 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Reform of RenewalGroeschel gives a clear and unequivocal call forpersonal reform as the basis of authentic spiritualrenewal in society and in the Church that is rootedin Scripture, prayer and psychology. He provesthat true renewal involves daily repentance.ROR-P . . . 232 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95A Drama of Reform EPhotos by Grazyna MarczukThe story of the new order founded by Fr.Groeschel, and of the first two decades of a reformin religious life begun in 1987. This inspirationalvolume combines 100+ photos from the interestingand varied aspects of their daily lives, and theFranciscans provide short essays on their life.DREF-P . . . 189 pp, 7 x 10 Sewn Softcover, $16.95See other books by Fr. Groeschel on pages29 & 46, plus his newest book, I am With YouAlways, on page 26The Glory of Angels — Edward Lucie-SmithStunningly beautiful oversized collection of magnificentmasterpieces of our most sacred guardians, TheGlory of Angels begins by organizing angels by theircloseness to God. Illustrations, short stories, and quotesfrom saints and theologians highlight the importanceof guardian angels and archangels including Michael,Gabriel, and Raphael. Gloriously illustrated.GOAN-H . . . 11 x 14 Hardcover, 192 pages, $35.001-800-651-1531 53www.ignatius.comE indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.comA indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com

new peter <strong>SPRING</strong> kreeft booksSee other books by Kreeft on pages 26, 28, 36, & 68Catholic Christianity EBased on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Kreeftpresents a complete compendium of all the majorbeliefs of Catholicism written in his readable andconcise style. He offers a thorough summary ofCatholic doctrine, mo ral ity, and worship in a popularformat with less technical language.“This is the best entrée to the Catechism yet.”—Karl KeatingCACH-P . . . 425 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The God Who Loves You EALove Divine, All Loves ExcellingKreeft shows that the man or woman who beginsto glimpse the God who is Creator, Redeemer, andLover of our souls, will never be the same. Hedescribes Scripture as God’s love story and then tellswhy divine love is the answer to our problems andthe fulfillment of our deepest desires.GWLY-P . . . 220 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Prayer for Beginners EAKreeft offers simple, but profound advice and practicalsteps for developing a prayer life based on thetime-tested wisdom of the saints.PFB-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95A Refutation of Moral Relativism EKreeft uses a series of engaging and entertainingfictional interviews be tween a moral relativist andabsolutist to give a devastating critique of relativism.RMR-P . . . 180 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Three Philosophies of Life EKreeft reflects that there are only three philosophiesof life, and each one is represented by one of thesebooks of the Bible: 1. Life is vanity (Ecclesiastes); 2.Life is suffering (Job); 3. Life is love (Song of Songs).TPL-P . . . 140 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95The Snakebite LettersA series of spicy letters between Satan’s agents thatexpose Hell’s secret plans for subverting modernsociety. SBL-P . . . 126 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Love Is Stronger Than DeathIn one of his most penetrating books, Kreeft pondersthe meaning of a terminal illness we all have: death.Kreeft’s book is a new statement of the Christianvision: the fulfillment of our deepest desire.LSD-P . . . 131 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Heaven, the Heart’s Deepest LongingFascinating and upbeat, Heaven thoroughlyexplores the psychological and theological dimensionsof this search for total joy and for the ultimatereality that grounds it.HHDL-P . . . 281 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Everything You Ever Wantedto Know about Heaven EAKreeft provides an unexcelled look at the nature ofHeaven that offers readers a refreshingly clear, theologicallysound, and always fascinating glimpse ofthat “undiscovered country.’’EYE-P . . . 271 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Socrates SeriesKreeft presents this introduction to philosophyto help beginners fall in love with it. Using theSocratic Dialogue method, he has the ancientphilosopher cross-examine the fathers of variousschools of philosophy. See newest on p 26Philosophy 101 by SocratesSOC00-P . . . 160 pp, Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets Marx EASOC02-P . . . 179 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets MachiavelliSOC01-P . . . 176 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets Sartre ESOC04-P . . . 180 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Socrates Meets DescartesSOC05-P . . . 225 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Socrates Meets Kant EASOC07-P . . . 328 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Angels and Demons EKreeft separates fact from fantasy as he draws onScripture, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Church teachingto answer the 100 most common questionsabout angels and demons. Illustrated.AAD-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Back To Virtue EKreeft issues call to all Christians to get back to thepractice of real virtue in their daily lives, synthesizingthe wisdom of centuries of Christians from St.Paul through C.S. Lewis.BV-P . . . 195 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Three Approaches to Abortion EKreeft tackles the most controversial issue of ourtimes in his always unique and compassionate style.TAA-P . . . 101 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95A Summa of the Summa EThis unique book combines selected philosophicalpassages from Aquinas’ Summa with footnotes andexplanations by Kreeft. He selected those passagesthat are important, non-technical and likely to beused in a class on the Summa.SOS-P . . . 540 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95A Shorter Summa EA shortened version of Kreeft’s much larger Summaof the Summa.SSU-P . . . 170 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Your Questions, God’s AnswersKreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s answersto the most common questions young people askabout the deeper meaning of life, their own identity,overcoming failure and temptation, the mysteryof God’s love, and much more.YQGA-P. . . 125 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Yes or No? EKreeft tackles many of the tough questions of our dayconcerning Christianity. In a series of imaginative“dialogues’’, Sal the Seeker and Chris the Christiandeal with the profound mysteries of the Gospel.YN-P . . . 192 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Prayer: The Great ConversationKreeft explores many aspects and questions aboutprayer, the center of our spiritual lives.PGC-P . . . 178 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Fundamentals of the Faith EThe popular Kreeft considers all the fundamentalelements of Christianity and Catholicism, explaining,defending and showing their relevance to ourlife and the world’s yearningsFOF-P . . . 300 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.951-800-651-1531 54www.ignatius.com

priesthood new <strong>SPRING</strong> and books papacyThe Primacy of the Bishop of Romeand the Ecumenical DialogueAdriano Garuti, OFMExplores in depth the discussion of papal primacyin the Catholic-Orthodox, Catholic-Lutheran andCatholic Anglican dialogues. Each chapter describeshow the primacy is viewed in the respective churchesthen analyzes the documents of the official ecumenicaldialogue.PBR-P . . . 370 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Rome and the Eastern Churches EA Study in SchismAidan Nichols, OPThe 2 nd edition of this major work. A systematicaccount of the origins, development, and recent history—nowupdated—of relations between Rome andall separated Eastern Christians.REC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 400 pp, $19.95The Primacy of the Church of RomeMargherita GuarducciGuarducci, acclaimed scholar of ancient literature,extending her research to various disciplines, suchas philology, ancient history, archaeology and epigraphy,demonstrates how they contribute towardclarifying and resolving a centuries-old problem: theprimacy of the Church of Rome.PCR-P . . . 168 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Early Papacy To the Synod of Calcedon in 451 EAdrian FortescueFortescue shows through his brilliant assessmentof the writings of the Church fathers that the earlyChurch had a clear understanding of the primacy ofPeter and a belief in the divinely given authority ofthe Pope in matters of faith and morals.EARPA-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Gift of Infallibility EFr. James T. O’ConnorIn this book, theologian James T. O’Connor clarifies theidea of infallibility. He provides a helpful translation ofthe “relatio” or official explanation by Bishop Gassergiven at Vatican I, the Church council that defined thedogma of papal infallibility.GOI-P . . . 137 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Christ the Ideal of the PriestBl. Columba MarmionMarmion wrote this classic work on the priesthoodto show the holiness that priests are called to, andhow it can only be attained through close union with,and imitation of, Jesus Christ.CIP-P . . . 398 pp, Sewn Softcover, $18.95The Catholic Priest, Image of ChristThrough 15 Centuries of Art • Ed. by Steen HeidemannPresents 560 moving images of the priesthoodwhich vividly illustrate priests’ vocation, call tosanctity, apostolic work, and liturgical life. Accompanyingare profound expositions on priestly lifefrom major figures including Benedict XVI, Abp.Raymond Burke, Abp. Malcolm Ranjith, and otherdistinguished priests. Illustrated.CPIC-H . . . 10 x 12 Hardcover, 320 pages, $69.95The Priest is Not His Own EFulton J. SheenSheen presents a deeply spiritual look at the meaningof the priesthood and the priest as an “alterChristus”. Sheen delves deeply into what he considersthe main character of the priesthood, that ofbeing, like Christ, a “holy victim”.PNHO-P . . . 285 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Grace of Ars EAForeword by Abp. Raymond BurkeFr. Frederick L. MillerThe distilled wisdom of St. John Vianney for his brotherpriests. We see what it means to be a priest duringdifficult times by reflecting on the life of Vianney, whowas a priest in the aftermath of the French Revolution;a very difficult time to be a priest. 8 pages colorillustration.GRAR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 228 pp, $15.95The Curé D’Ars Today AFr. George RutlerFr Rutler’s classic biography of St. John Vianney.“An important, fascinating work by animportant, fascinating author.”— John Cardinal O’ConnorCAT-P . . . 275 pp, Softcover, $14.95The Case for Clerical CelibacyCardinal Alfons SticklerCardinal Stickler draws on all of the relevant sourcesand current scholarship to clarify the pertinentfacts and the discipline found within the Churchfrom its beginning until today.CCEL-P . . . 106 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Priesthood and the Diaconate — Gerhard MullerMuller offers an irrefutable case for the Church’steaching and practice since the time of the Apostlesof conferring the sacrament of Holy Orders on baptizedmales only.PAD-P . . . 246 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Celibacy in the Early ChurchStefan HeidA penetrating and wide-ranging study of the historicaldata from the early Church on the topics ofcelibacy and clerical continence.CEC-P . . . 375 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Deaconesses — Aime Georges MartimortIn this thoroughly researched work, Martimortpresents a very readable analysis that has becomethe standard study of the role of women deaconessesin the early Church.DEAC-P . . . 257 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Apostolic Origins of Priestly CelibacyChristian Cochini, S.J.Based on years of extensive research of the topic ofclerical celibacy in the first centuries of the Church.AOPC-P . . . 492 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95Women in the Priesthood? — Dr. Manfred HaukeThe standard reference book in the debate aboutwomen’s ordination.WITP-P . . . 500 pp, Softcover, $24.95Theology of the PriesthoodJean Galot, S.J.In this masterful work, theologian Jean Galot, S.J.,clarifies the nature of the priesthood. He explainshow the Jewish priesthood, the perfect priestlyministry of Jesus, and the role of the Twelve help usunderstand the ministerial priesthood.TP2-P . . . 274 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 55www.ignatius.com

new <strong>SPRING</strong> liturgybooksTurning Toward the Lord EOrientation in Liturgical PrayerUwe Michael LangIntroduction by Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)This book presents a historical and theological argumentfor the common direction of liturgical prayer,known as “facing east”, and is meant as a contributionto the contemporary debate about the Catholic liturgy.TTL2-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 160 pp, $14.95The Spirit of the Liturgy EJoseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)This profound and beautifully written treatmentof the “great prayer of the Church” offers CardinalRatzinger’s insights on the Liturgy to help readersrediscover the hidden spiritual wealth of the Liturgyas the center of our Christian life.SPIL-H . . . 250 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Ceremonies of the Modern Roman RiteMsgr. Peter Elliott Revised & UpdatedAt last, a complete ceremonial manual for the Mass,the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of theHours! Faithful to the renewal of worship authorizedby Vatican II, this volume combines precise guidanceto these rites with a pastoral and spiritual approach.CMRR2-P . . . 380 pp, Sewn flex-cover, $26.95Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year EMsgr. Peter ElliottThis work is a guide to the most important momentsof the Church year.CLY-P . . . 245 pages, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Liturgy Betrayed — Denis Crouan, STDAn experienced theologian and liturgist shows thecauses of the liturgical crisis in the Church over thelast 30 years, and presents solutions and pastoralaction to resolve the crisis.LITB-P . . . 125 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95The Liturgy After Vatican II — Denis CrouanCrouan presents a penetrating work on the state ofthe Liturgy, the problems and errors that still exist,and how to correct these abuses.LAV-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The History and Future of the Roman LiturgyDenis Crouan, STDCrouan shows how the decisions made by Vatican IIthat aimed at restoring the Roman rite were presentedpoorly, applied incorrectly, and often not applied at all.HFRL-P . . . 324 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Reform of the Reform? EFr. Thomas KocikPresents a debate between a “traditionalist” whoargues for a return to the pre-Vatican II liturgy, and a“reformist” who advocates a new liturgical reform inkeeping with what the Council fathers had in mind.ROTR-P . . . 273 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Mass and Modernity EFr. Jonathan RobinsonThe aim of this book is to show that the sources ofa genuine liturgical renewal are to be found in aheightened sense of the centrality of the mass and areturn to a theology compatible with the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church.MM-P . . . 377 pages, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Organic Development of the Liturgy EDom Alcuin Reid, OSBReid examines many important liturgical questions,identifying both the content and context of the principleof “organic development”.ODL-P . . . 350 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Heresy of Formlessness EMartin MosebachGerman novelist Martin Mosebach gives a plea for areturn to the preconciliar Latin Rite, giving a persuasiveand compelling argument against what he seesas a jarring break in tradition.HF-P . . . 220 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Adoremus HymnalThis hymnal consists of: the Order of the Mass;musical settings for the Ordinary of the Mass; anda selection of about 160 hymns for every season ofthe liturgical year and other feasts and holidays. Allthree sections include Latin and English selections.Pew edition—ADH:P-H ... 328 pp, Hardcover, $14.95Choir edition—ADH:C-H ... 424 pp, Hardcover, $19.95Organ edition—ADH:O-H ... 440 pp, Hardcover, $29.95The Mass of Vatican IIThe Mass of Vatican II booklet features Latin texts ofthe Church’s Liturgy, but it also includes an unofficialEnglish translation as an aid to understanding theLatin. The Latin prayers and responses of the bookletrequire no special permission to be used in theLiturgy—they are the already-approved Latin text ofthe Mass. Bulk discounts available—see ignatius.com.MV2-P . . . Softcover, $2.00The Order of MassMissal of Blessed John XXIIIExtraordinary Form of the Roman RiteThis booklet, ideal for parish use, is not only a guide forthose acquainting themselves with the ExtraordinaryForm of the Roman Rite (popularly known as theTridentine Rite), but also a resource for those alreadyfamiliar with this rich liturgy. Beautifully typeset andillustrated, The Order of Mass also contains an introductionto the Extraordinary Form, giving a brief historyof the development of the liturgy. Bulk discountsavailable—see ignatius.com.OM-P . . . 96 pp, Quality Softcover, $9.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 56www.ignatius.com

morality new <strong>SPRING</strong> / current books issuesLove and Life — Coleen Kelly MastChristian Sexual Morality Guide for TeensThis positive, life-affirming presentation is a provenand practical program for teaching chastity to teens.LL2:S-P . . . Text/Workbook, 104 pp, Softcover, $9.95LL2:P-P . . . Parent’s Guide, 68 pp, Softcover, $8.95LL2:T-P . . . Teacher’s Guide, 150 pp, Softcover, $14.95Healing the Culture EFr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.The most comprehensive philosophy of happiness,freedom, and the life issues in print today, this bookchanges the discussion on abortion and euthanasiaby linking these issues with the philosophicalunderpinnings of our culture.HC-P . . . 325 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Why Humanae Vitae Was RightEdited by Janet E. SmithTwenty-one outstanding essays by well-respectedthinkers to provide the demonstration that PopePaul VI was not simply correct, but prophetic.WHVR-P . . . 600 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95The Right to Privacy Janet E SmithForeword by Robert H. BorkA critical look at the “right to privacy” that has oftenbeen employed by the Supreme Court to justifythe creation of rights not found in the Constitution,and how this led to the legal protection of abortion,assisted suicide, homosexual acts, and more.RTP-H . . . 105 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Covenant of Love EPope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage,and Family in the Modern WorldFr. Richard Hogan and Fr. John LeVoir present PopeJohn Paul II’s magnificent vision of the dignity andrights of the human person and the divine importanceof the family.COV-P . . . 276 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Called to Love – Carl Anderson & Fr. Jose GranadosApproaching John Paul II’s Theology of the BodyAnderson, chairman of the Knights of Columbus, andFr. Granados, professor at the John Paul II Instituteon Marriage & Family, discuss the philosophical andreligious significance of the theology of the body.CTLO-H . . . Hardcover, 271 pp, $24.00Marriage The Dream That Refuses to DieElizabeth Fox-GenoveseThis book argues that the sexual liberation movementsof the last forty years have seriously underminedmarriage, so much so that the institutionseems to face the threat of extinction.MDRD-H . . . 225 pp, Hardcover, $25.00The Conjugal Act as a Personal Act - Donald AsciThe Catholic Church promotes an understandingof human sexuality that includes unique considerationson the ethical level but also appreciates themost profound aspects of sexuality.CAPA-P . . . 364 pp, Sewn Softcover, $18.95Original Sin A Cultural HistoryAlan JacobsIn this book, essayist and biographer Alan Jacobs takesreaders on a sweeping tour of the idea of original sin,its origins, its history, its proponents and opponents.OSIN-P . . . 304 pp, Softcover, $14.9510 Books That Screwed Up the WorldBenjamin WikerFrom Machiavelli’s The Prince to Karl Marx’s TheCommunist Manifesto to Alfred Kinsey’s Sexual Behaviorin the Human Male, these “influential” books have ledto war, genocide, totalitarian oppression, family breakdown,and disastrous social experiments.TBSU-H . . . 260 pp, Hardcover, $27.95The Truth about HomosexualityFr. John Harvey, OSFSFr. Harvey, founder of Courage and a pioneer in thepastoral care of homosexuals, gives a comprehensiveview of the moral and pastoral questions in volved inhomosexual orientation.TAH-P . . . 412 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Homosexual Person — Fr. John HarveyAn orthodox Catholic perspective on how to counselhomosexual persons to lead chaste lives.HOM-P . . . 255 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Sex and the Marriage Covenant — John F. KippleyThe thesis of this book is that God intends sexualintercourse to be a renewal of the marriage covenant.It follows that the marriage covenant provides thecriterion to evaluate the morality of every sexual act.SMC-P . . . 427 pp, Softcover, $17.95The Joyful Mysteries of LifeCatherine and Bernard ScherrerWritten by Catholic parents to encourage attudes ofreverence for the mysteries of procreation.JML-P . . . 80 pages, Quality Softcover, $7.95A Landscape with Dragons — Michael O’BrienIn this study of the pagan invasion of children’s culture,O’Brien’s analysis of the degeneration of books,and film for the young is incisive and detailed.Includes a substantial recommended reading list.LWD-P . . . 260 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Reformed Jesuits, Vol. II — Joseph Becker, S.J.A detailed history of Jesuit internal changes in theU.S.A. following Vatican II that shows the effects ofthe culture shock of the ‘60s and ‘70s on the Jesuits.RFJ2-P . . . 153 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Escape from Scepticism — Christopher DerrickDer rick presents a disturbing indictment of today’scolleges and universities and the troubled conditionof liberal education.EFS-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The End of Irish Catholicism?D. Vincent TwomeyOffers analysis of the culture that produced traditionalIrish Catholicism and seeks to explain the presentsituation of the Church in modern, secular Ireland.EIC-P . . . 208 pp, Softcover, $18.95The War Against Population - Revised editionDr. Jacqueline Kasun, Ph.D.The idea that humanity is multiplying at a terribleand accelerating rate is one of the false dogmas ofour times. In her tour de force expose, Dr. Kasunshatters the dogmas of the population controllers.WAP-P . . . 285 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Humanae Vitae — Pope Paul VI EA revised and improved translation of Pope PaulVI’s encyclical letter, Humanae Vitae.HV-P . . . 24 pp, Quality Softcover, $3.951-800-651-1531 57www.ignatius.com

morality new <strong>SPRING</strong> / current books issuesAn Introduction to Catholic Social TeachingFr. Rodger Charles, S.J.This work distills Fr. Charles’ extensive knowledgeof Catholic social teaching into an introductory outlineof its principles. Excellent reading material forstudying the Church’s social teaching.Study Guide ICSTSG-P . . . Softcover, $5.95Render Unto Caesar Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap.Chaput argues that our public life must be consideredwithin the context of its Christian roots. Americandemocracy does not ask its citizens to put aside theirdeeply held moral and religious beliefs for the sake ofpublic policy. In fact, it requires exactly the opposite.RUC-P . . . 272 pp, Softcover, $13.951917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon LawEdward Peters, Ph.D.An annotated presentation of the 1917 Code of CanonLaw is the standard reference work on this milestoneof Church law. Includes detailed references to keycanonical works and hundreds of English languagedoctoral dissertations on canon law.NPBC-H . . . 820 pp, Hardcover, $54.95The Politics of PrayerEdited by Helen Hull Hitchcock17 Catholic, Pro testant and Jewish scripture scholars,theologians and linguists offer important insightsinto the function of language as well as an analysis ofthe feminist influence on Scripture and worship.POP-P . . . 440 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The True and Only Wealth of NationsEssays on Family, Economy & SocietyLouis de BonaldThis collection of de Bonald’s essays, translatedby Christopher Blurn, will introduce readers to deBonald’s thought with respect to the key areas ofCatholic social teaching.TOWN-P . . . 183 pages, Quality Softcover, $24.95America Alone — Mark SteynSomeday soon, you might wake up to the call toprayer from a muezzin. Steyn argues America shouldproclaim the obvious: we do have a better culturethan our enemies, and we should spread America’sinfluence around the world.AAEW-P . . . 256 pp, Softcover, $16.95Rediscovering God in America — Newt GingrichWalk through Wash., D.C., with Gingrich, one ofAmerica’s most influential politicians and commentators,and a recent Catholic convert. Not just a look atthe beauty of our capital, this is about American history:great men, women, events, institutions, and ideasthat are at the heart of America.RGA-H . . . Illustrated, Hardcover, 160 pp, $14.95Confessions of an Ex-Feminist — Lorraine MurrayThis is the heart-rending account of a woman whowas born into a Catholic family, but amidst theradical feminist environment of the 1960’s, she losther faith, jumping aboard the bandwagon of “freelove.” Later in her forties, Murray experienced amysterious series of events in which it seemed that“someone” was inviting her back to God.CEF-P . . . 144 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95111 Questions on IslamSamir Khalil Samir, S.J., on Islam and the WestFr. Samir—a leading expert on Islam—responds toquestions in an in-depth interview that can help onelearn about Islam and judge for oneself, withoutprejudice or naiveté.OHQI-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Science and Evidencefor Design in the UniverseMichael Behe, William Dembski, Stephen MeyerThree scientists revisit the compelling question ofthe origin of our universe. They explore the possibilityof developing a reliable method for detectingan intelligent cause and evidence for design at theorigin of life. SEDU-P . . . 180 pp, Softcover, $14.95Nothing to Hide EASecrecy, Communication, and Communion in theCatholic Church — Russell ShawShaw discusses the abuse of secrecy in the Church,the scandals it has caused and the serious problem ofmistrust that exists in the Church.NH-P . . . 164 pp, Sewn Softcover, $13.95Christianity and American Freemasonry EWilliam J. WhalenWhy has the relationship between the CatholicChurch and the Masonic order been strained forcenturies? This book describes why Christi anityand Freema sonry are incompatible.CHAF-P . . . 215 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Male and Female He Created ThemCardinal Medina EstévezCardinal Estévez presents insights on the divineplan for male and female, the family as the “domesticChurch”, the importance of chastity, and theneed for society to uphold family life.MFHCT-P . . . 236 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95God or Goddess? — Manfred HaukeHauke provides a study of the history and basiccharacteristics of modern feminism. He presents adetailed study of the facts of feminist theology andlooks at what its image of man is, its views of God,Christ, Mary, the Church, and more.GOG-P . . . 343 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95No Place for God The Denial of the Transcendentin Modern Church Architecture — Moyra DoorlyDoorly sees a parallel between the desacralization ofour churches and the inward search for a god of one’sown. Illustrated with many photographsNPFG-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Londonistan — Melanie PhillipsLondon has become the European hub for the promotion,recruitment and financing of Islamic terrorand extremism. In this book Melanie Phillips piecestogether the story of how Londonistan developed.LON-P . . . 200 pp, Softcover, $17.95The Heart of Virtue — Donald De MarcoUsing lessons from literature and true-life stories,De Marco illustrates the beauty and value of moralcharacter, and how to cultivate virtue in one’s life.Twenty-eight virtues are illustrated in story formand explained through philosophical analysis.HOV-P . . . 231 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.951-800-651-1531 58www.ignatius.com

Cardinal new <strong>SPRING</strong> Schönborn booksChance or Purpose? EACreation, Evolution, and a Rational FaithHis article on evolution and creation in The New YorkTimes launched an international controversy. In thisbook Schönborn responds, tackling hard questionswith a carefully reasoned “theology of creation”.CHAPUR-H . . . 184 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95Who Needs God? Barbara Stöckl inConversation with Christoph Cardinal SchönbornWho needs God? What does God provide? Can wetruly live without faith? Why does the Church sooften seem not to understand us and our needs?These and many other questions posed to CardinalSchönborn in this book are the questions asked todayby many people who are searching for God.WNG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 200 pp, $14.95Jesus, The Divine PhysicianEncountering Christ in the Gospel of LukeCardinal Schönborn presents this third book in hisseries of meditations on the Gospels, in which heseeks to help readers have a deep personal encounterwith Jesus Christ as seen in the Sacred Scriptures. Henow uses readings from Luke to explain the beauty ofthe Gospel in clear and understandable words.JDP-P . . . 300 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Behold, God’s Son!Encountering Christ in the Gospel of MarkThe Cardinal emphasizes that each of the fourGospels is unique and has its own unmistakableshape and approach. He says that no other Gospelwriter talks in such a human way about Jesus asMark. But however human Jesus may appear here, itis also Mark in particular who also strongly emphasizeshis divinity.BGS-P . . . 250 pages, Sewn Softcover, $16.95My JesusEncountering Christ in the Gospel of MatthewBy following the gospel of Matthew over the courseof a year, Schönborn presents a comprehensive pictureof Jesus, showing how the gospel gives helpand light in the midst of daily life. Includes beautifulillustrations from various epochs of Christianart history. Illustrated.MJ-P . . . 250 pages, Sewn Softcover, $16.95God’s Human Face: The Christ IconSchönborn, the editor of the Catechism of the CatholicChurch, presents the sources of meditation on themystery of God’s human face from the great Mastersof early Christianity. An introduction to the meaningand beauty of icons. Includes icon illustrations.GHF-P . . . 272 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95LIVING THE CATECHISMLiving the Catechism - Vol. I ESchönborn, editor of the monumental Catechism,presents a profound commentary on the Creed,one of the major pillars of the Catechism. Hegives an incisive analysis of the Creed, providinga specific meditation for each week of the year.LCCC-P . . . 162 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Living the Catechism - Vol. IISchönborn provides a profound commentary onthe second part of the Catechism, the Sacraments,providing a specific meditation for each week ofthe year on how to better live the Catholic faithwith the aid of the Sacraments and the Mass.LCCC2-P . . . 137 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Living the Catechism - Vol III ESchönborn provides a profound commentary onthe third part of the Catechism, Life in Christ. Hegives an incisive, detailed analysis of living theChristian life, providing a specific meditation foreach week of the year on how to better live theCatholic faith.LCCC3-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Living the Catechism - Vol IVSchönborn provides a profound commentaryon the fourth part of the Catechism, the Paths ofPrayer. He gives an incisive, detailed analysis,providing a specific meditation for each weekof the year on how to develop a deeper life ofprayer. LCCC4-P . . . 130 pp, Softcover, $10.95Buy all 4 volumes in series: $34.95 (save $10.00!)Loving the ChurchIn this retreat preached to Pope John Paul II andthe papal household, Schön born uses the newCatechism and Scripture to lead us to a deeperunion with Christ. He uses the methods of St.<strong>Ignatius</strong> Loyola’s famous retreat and the thoughtsof St. Thérèse of Lisieux.LCSE-P . . . 218 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 59www.ignatius.com

theology new <strong>SPRING</strong> / philosophy booksDivine Light — William Riordan EThe Theology of Denys the AreopagiteThis book is a focused exposition of Denys’ theologicalunderstanding with particular attention to theilluminating metaphysical depth of his insight. Carehas been taken to prepare a text that is readable forthe serious laymen accompanied with footnotes toprovide a more detailed background for the scholar.DL-P . . . 293 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Meaning of Tradition — Yves Congar, O.P.Yves Congar masterfully explains why Tradition isan inescapable aspect of a fully biblical Christianfaith. He explores the various forms of Traditionand discusses its relationship to Scripture, as well asthe role of the Magisterium of the Church.MOFT-P . . . 175 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95From Aristotle to Darwin and Back AgainA Journey in Final Causality, Species, and Evolutionétienne GilsonGilson sets out to show that final causality or purposivenessand formal causality are principles forthose who think about the world, including theworld of biology. His approach relies on philosophicalreflection on science, not upon an appeal to religiousauthorities such as the Church or the Bible.FADBA-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 254 pp, $16.95The Unity of Philosophical Experienceétienne GilsonShows that the history of philosophy makes philosophicalsense, and defines its meaning in regard tothe nature of philosophical knowledge itself.UPE-P . . . 285 pp, Softcover, $17.95Summa Theologica of St. Thomas AquinasThis edition translated by the English DominicanFathers contains the complete text, the supplements,a chart showing the structure of the work, and ananalytical index. 5 vols, 3,104 total pagesSUMMA-P . . . Paperback, $165.00Commentary on ColossiansSt. Thomas Aquinas; trans. by Fabian Larcher, OPAquinas’s biblical commentaries and Colossians areboth a bit neglected. This pearl of a commentaryshould spur interest in Aquinas the exegete anddeepen our appreciation for the richness of Colossians.STACC-P . . . 118 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Word, Church and SacramentsIn Protestantism and CatholicismLouis Bouyer, C.O.This theological classic seeks to foster unity anddeeper understanding among Christians by comparingthe Catholic and Protestant views of Scripture,Church authority, and the Sacraments.WCSPC-P . . . 101 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.9550 Questions on the Natural LawCharles E. RiceA very readable book on the natural law as seenthrough the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas andtheir foundations in reason and Revelation. Riceshows how the natural law works and how it isrooted in the nature of the human person.FQNL-P . . . 360 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95History and Theology of GraceThe Catholic Teaching on Divine GraceJohn Hardon, S.J.Fr. John Hardon provides a rich and detailed summaryof the Church's understanding of grace, itsdevelopment, and an overview of the heresies onthe doctrine of grace that have emerged throughoutChurch history. He also explains how the theologyof grace impacts every aspect of Christian religion.HTG-P . . . 425 pages, Sewn Softcover, $22.95The Way of the Disciple EErasmo Leiva-MerikakisExplores in depth six Gospel scenes so as to discoverin these the essential elements of Christian discipleship.It describes the basic requirements for receivingthe Word of God effectively in our hearts.WD-P . . . 148 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Love’s Sacred Order EErasmo Leiva-MerikakisThese meditations explore the hierarchy thatGod established among all our human loves, andbetween these and the revealed love of God manifestin Christ Jesus, responding to issues raised in thewidely known work of C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves.LSO-P . . . 165 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Christian FaithHenri de Lubac, S.J.De Lubac shows that Christian tradition is a livingforce and in the Apostles’ Creed there is depth andrelevance for today’s Christian. Ranging over thewhole tradition of the Fathers, the scholastics, moderntheology and the liturgy, de Lubac’s testamentis a summa of Christian belief.CF-P . . . 353 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Cradle of Redeeming LoveThe Theology of the Christmas MysteryJohn SawardSaward draws upon the traditions of the Church,as well as the writings of the great Christian mystics,to create a work that is both new and old,revolutionary and orthodox. This meditation on themeaning of the Incarnation will aid contemplationon the life of Christ. Illustrated.CRL-P . . . 400 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95The Human Wisdom of St. ThomasEdited by Josef PieperPieper has selected the texts of the philosophy of St.Thomas so that the reader should encounter them“on his own”. They provide an introduction to theform and design of the whole Thom istic system.HWST-P . . . 110 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Trinity in AquinasFr. Gilles Emery, O.P.Emery explores the key themes of Trinitarian theology:divine unity, the Trinitarian character of the divineact of creation, and the development of Trinitariandoctrine, and the controversy over the filioque.TA-P . . . 380 pp, Softcover, $29.95The Signs of the TimesFr. Richard W. GilsdorfUnderstanding the Church Since Vatican IIThe last 40 years have been tumultuous ones forCatholicism. Priests and nuns left their vocations,people dissented from basic teachings, and childrenreceived poor catechesis. What happened? Fr.Richard Gilsdorf helps answer such questions bygiving a precise and thorough explanation of developmentsin the Church since Vatican II.SOTT-P . . . 560 pp, Softcover, $19.95Who is Christ? A Theology of IncarnationJean Galot, S.J.Galot, while retaining all valid contributions tothis area of study, here clarifies his own thinkingon scriptural sources and their intepretation bythe Magesterium. Christological thought cannot bereduced to a one-sided approach, but must embraceall that has been revealed of Christ.WICH-P . . . 408 pp, Softcover, $15.00E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 60www.ignatius.com

theology new <strong>SPRING</strong> / philosophy booksHenri Cardinal de LubacMeet Henri de LubacRudolf VoderholzerTraces the life and writings of the French Jesuit priest,revealing the importance and brilliance of de Lubac’sworks, the holiness of his life, and his deep love for theChurch, which sometimes persecuted this faithful son.MHDL-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95History and SpiritThe Understanding of Scripture According to OrigenOrigen, one of the most influential of the earlyChurch Fathers, is best known to us for his Scriptureexegesis. In exploring Origen’s efforts to interpret thefour different senses of Scripture, de Lubac leads thereader through to its center: Christ the Word.HAS-P . . . 512 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95International Theological Commission EVolume I: Texts and Documents 1969 - 1985Volume II: Texts and Documents 1986-2007This two-volume collection contains the texts anddocuments issued by the International TheologicalCommission (ITC), a body of theologians that advisesthe Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrineof the Faith. The texts and documents of the ITCaddress pressing theological issues, drawing upontheological experts from around the world who representdiffering branches of theology yet who sharea common commitment to authentically Catholictheological reflection.Volume 1 — ITC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 392 pp, $39.95Volume 2 — ITC2-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 480 pp, $49.95The Church and State in Early ChristianityHugo RahnerFr. Hugo Rahner, a renowned church historian,presents for the first time in English a very clear andreadable study of the relationship of the Church andState during the first eight centuries..CSEC-P . . . 308 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Principles of Christian Morality EJoseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von BalthasarA collection of essays by three giants of twentiethcenturytheology: Joseph Ratzinger (now PopeBenedict XVI), Hans Urs von Balthasar, and HeinzSchurmann. Schurmann examines how the NewTestament’s teaching provides enduring moralnorms for Christian conduct. Balthasar presentsnine basic principles of the Christian moral life.Ratzinger addresses the relationship between faithand morality, and the place of the Church’s teachingauthority with regard to moral issues.PCM-P . . . 104 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Scandal of the IncarnationIrenaeus Against the HeresiesHans Urs von BalthasarSaint Irenaeus was the first great Christian theologian.His main work, Adversus Haereses (Againstthe Heresies), is as relevant today as it was eighteenhundred years ago. In this book, quotations fromSaint Irenaeus have been arranged thematically inorder to show the unity of his Christian view of theworld. The texts have been selected and are introducedby the Hans Urs von Balthasar. Translatedby John Saward.SI-P . . . 117 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Drama of Atheist HumanismDe Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attemptsto construct a humanism apart from God, the sourcesof modern atheism which has “moved beyond God.”The three persons he focuses on are: Feuerbach, whogreatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who representsnihilism; and Comte, the father of positivism.DAH-P . . . 539 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Theology in HistoryDe Lubac’s articles range from a study of the priesthoodaccording to St. John Chrysostom to the writingsof Paul, Augustine and Thomas on tripartiteanthropology, up to Christian resistance to Nazismand anti-Semitism.TIH-P . . . 615 pp, Sewn Softcover, $34.95Motherhood of the ChurchDe Lubac traces through Christian history and theScriptures the living tradition of the maternity of theChurch and the paternity of her priests.MC-P . . . 363 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Catholicism: Christ andthe Common Destiny of ManDe Lubac gathers from throughout the breadth ofCatholic tradition elements which he synthesizes toshow the essentially social and historical characterof the Catholic Church, and how the Church is thefulfillment of the person within society.C-P . . . 445 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95The Splendor of the ChurchConsidered by many the bright jewel among themany enriching books of de Lubac, this is a hymnto the beauty of the Church at whose hands he hadunjustly suffered. A personal testimony of the greattheologian’s love of the Church.SC-P . . . 384 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Paradoxes of FaithA collection of profound aphorisms and reflectionsthat are the fruit of de Lubac’s study over the courseof his life on the themes of Christianity. They arerich and thought-provoking gems.PF-P . . . 240 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95More ParadoxesThis book presents more thought-provoking gemsthat illustrate the magnificent language, clarity, andspiritual understanding of the great theologian.MPA-P . . . 131 pp, Softcover, $10.95See other De Lubac books on page 60E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 61www.ignatius.com

theology new <strong>SPRING</strong> / philosophy booksJosef PieperLeisure, the Basis of Culture • IncludingThe Philosophical ActOne of the most important philosophy titles publishedin the 20th century, Leisure, the Basis of Cultureis more significant today than it was when it firstappeared more than fifty years ago. This edition alsoincludes Pieper’s work The Philosophical Act and anew foreword by Fr. James V. Schall.LBC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 145 pp, $13.95Guide to Thomas AquinasA penetrating introduction to the life and works ofAquinas. Pieper provides a biography of Aquinasand a wonderful synthesis of his vast writings.GTA-P . . . 182 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95In Search of the Sacred“‘Is nothing sacred anymore?’ is a question oftenheard. Pieper enables us to see what a thoroughlysecularized culture has lost and at the same timehe draws attention to the Church, the altar, theEucharist.’’ —Dr. Ralph McInernyISS-P . . . 136 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Josef Pieper: An AnthologyPieper has selected the best and most representativepassages of his works and arranged them in anorder that gives sense to the whole and aids in theunderstanding of each excerpt.JPA-P . . . 254 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Hope and HistoryPieper looks at the movement of history, the ideaof progress, man’s hope for a better future, and heoffers a Christian philosophy of hope.HH-P . . . 112 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95In Defense of PhilosophyPieper shows us the uniquely valuable thing philosophyis. Gems of insight such as: art and religionas Philosophy’s defenders, and the relationshipbetween philosophy and science.IDP-P . . . 128 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95A Brief Reader on the Virtuesof the Human HeartPieper’s account of the centrality and meaning of thevirtues is a needed primer to teach us the relationshipof the virtues and how they relate to the faith.BRV-P . . . 65 pp, Sewn Softcover, $8.95Faith, Hope, LoveThis is three separate books in one edition, a collectionof Pieper’s famous treatises on the three theologicalvirtues of Faith, Hope, and Love.FHL-P . . . 304 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95On HopePieper applies the perennial wisdom of ThomasAquinas to the needs of the present day. Pieperilluminates the entire Christian life through thevirtue of hope.OH-P . . . 104 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Only the Lover SingsPieper speaks of the necessity for human persons tobe able to contemplate and appreciate beauty.OLS-P . . . 76 pp, Sewn Softcover, $7.95Divine MadnessPieper focuses on Plato’s thesis that those experiencesthat advance human life to its true fullnessare bestowed on us only during a “god-given” stateof “being-beside-oneself”. This thesis is confrontedwith the Christian conception of man’s existence.DIM-P . . . 60 pp, Sewn Softcover, $8.95Abuse of Language Abuse of PowerPieper reflects on the way language has been abusedso that, instead of being a means of communicatingthe truth and of the acquisition of wisdom, it is beingused to control people and manipulate them.ALAP-P . . . 60 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95For Love of Wisdom EEssays on the Nature of PhilosophyIn these elegant and engaging essays, Josef Pieperdefines and defends philosophy as the search forand love of wisdom.FLOW-P . . . 335 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The End of TimeThis is a work of rare prophetic brilliance by oneof this century’s greatest Thomistic philosopherswhich throws light on an ancient question thathas vexed many. What is the nature of “The End”towards which the world is moving?ET-P . . . 165 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95The Lord Introduction by Joseph Ratzinger (PopeBenedict XVI) • Romano GuardiniPhilosopher and theologian Romano Guardinioffers readers a picture of Jesus Christ through anattentive and obedient meditation on the livingWord of God.LORD-P . . . 629 pp, Softcover, $19.95God and the Ways of KnowingJean Danielou, S.J.This is a classic work of theology and spiritualitythat presents a subtle and penetrating interpretationof the ways by which man comes to the knowledgeof God—each form of knowledge carryinghim both higher and deeper.GWK-P . . . 220 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Greek Fathers Their Lives and WritingsAdrian FortescueThe author covers the lives, adventures and centralteachings of seven Greek Fathers, including Sts.Athanasius, Basil, Gregory Nazianzos, and JohnChrysostom. Their lives stand out as a beacon oflight for us all.GF-P . . . 284 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Order of Things James V. Schall, S.J. EWhy is the universe not only ordered but orderedwith a sense of beauty? Schall inquires about thevarious orders found in the cosmos, the humanmind and body, the city, and the unity of theseorders. ORT-P . . . 240 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.951-800-651-1531 62www.ignatius.com

hans new urs <strong>SPRING</strong> von balthasar booksPresence and ThoughtBalthasar presents one of the few serious studiesavailable on the thought of one of the most importantFathers of the Church, Gregory of Nyssa. He was themost profound Greek philosopher of the Christianera, a mystic and an incomparable poet whom theCouncil of Nicaea declared “Father of Fathers.”PAT-P . . . 193 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Theology of Henri de LubacA review of the major works of de Lubac illustratingthe wonderful synthetic power for which he is justlyknown: bringing the range as well as the organicunity of de Lubac’s work clearly into view.THDL-P . . . 125 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95A Theology of HistoryBalthasar finds the meaning of history in Christ, itsCenter and Lord, using his theological mastery toshow the effects of Christ’s lordship upon our dailylife. One of the indispensable sources for understandingBalthasar’s Christocentrism.TH-P . . . 155 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Explorations in TheologyI: Word Made FleshII: Spouse of the WordIII: Creator SpiritIV: Spirit and InstitutionThe first four of five volumes of the many essaysand conferences which von Balthasar gave duringhis lifetime. Each focuses on a specific aspect oftheology or spirituality and presents it with all therichness which comes from Balthasar’s immenseerudition, but in a style for general audiences.ET1-P . . . I: 277 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95ET2-P . . . II: 490 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95ET3-P . . . III: 545 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95ET4-P . . . IV: 470 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95The Theology of Karl BarthThis book adopts the twofold strategy of presentingan exposition of “the whole of Barth’s thought,’’while doing so for the purpose of a confessionaldialogue among theologians. Balthasar’s effortprovides a Catholic response which, though not“official,’’ seeks to express a common direction andmovement within Catholicism.TKB-P . . . 420 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Cosmic LiturgyThe Universe According to Maximus the ConfessorPresents a powerful and compelling portrait of thethought of a major Christ ian theologian. Based onan intelligent and careful reading of Maximus’sown writings. Here the history of theology hasbecome itself a way of theological reflection.COSL-P . . . 420 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Hans Urs von Balthasar: His Life & WorkEdited by David L.SchindlerThis collection of essays represents the most widerangingstudy of the life and work of Balthasar. Thetwenty contributors include highly respected theologians,philosophers and bishops from around theworld such as Henri Cardinal de Lubac, S.J., WalterKasper, Louis Dupre, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,and Pope John Paul II.HUB-P . . . 288 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Bernanos: An Ecclesial ExistenceCombines the genius of the towering theologianBalthasar and his ability to make his subject comealive, along with the focus of that genius on the creativestature of Georges Bernanos, considered to bethe greatest Catholic creative writer of our century.BRN-P . . . 615 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95The Glory of the Lord:A Theological AestheticsI: Seeing the FormII: Clerical StylesIII: Lay StylesIV: The Realm of Metaphysics in AntiquityV: The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern AgeVI: Theology: The Old CovenantVII: Theology: The New CovenantVon Balthasar’s theological aesthetics reveal thetrue richness and breadth of his profound writings.His work restores aesthetics and contemplation totheir right place in Christian theology.GL1:2-H . . . I: 700 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95GL2-H . . . II: 370 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $39.95GL3-H . . . III: 500 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95GL4-H . . . IV: 450 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95GL5-H . . . V: 624 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95GL6-H . . . VI: 468 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95GL7-H . . . VII: 571 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95Theo-Drama:Theological Dramatic TheoryI: ProlegomenaII: Dramatis Personae: Man in GodIII: Dramatis Personae: Persons in ChristIV: The ActionV: The Last ActAll five volumes of the second part of the trilogywhich is Balthasar’s major work. Balthasar is concernedhere with the dramatic character of existenceas a whole, approaching the topic through a considerationof the various conditions and situations ofmankind as a drama that involves both the Creatorand his creatures. All Balthasar’s theological reflectionconverges here.TD1-H . . . I: 650 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95TD2-H . . . II: 432 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95TD3-H . . . III: 550 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95TD4-H . . . IV: 510 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95TD5-H . . . V: 529 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $44.95Theo-Logic:Vol I: The Truth of the WorldVol II: The Truth of GodVol III: The Spirit of the TruthTheo-Logic is the third and crowning part of thegreat trilogy of the masterwork of theologian HansUrs von Balthasar, following his first two parts, TheGlory of the Lord and Theo-Drama.Theo-Logic is a variation of theology, it being aboutnot so much what man says about God, but whatGod speaks about himself. He reflects on the truththat God reveals about himself, which is not somethingabstract or theoretical, but rather the concreteand mysterious richness of God's being as a personaland loving God.TL1-H . . . 275 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $29.95TL2-H . . . 372 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $29.95TL3-H . . . 372 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $34.95EpilogueThe great trilogy of theology by Hans Urs vonBalthasar includes The Glory of the Lord, Theo-Drama,and Theo-Logic. His Epilogue, a single volume, is theclosing of his masterwork, giving final details andoverview of the prior volumes in the trilogy.EPIL-H . . . 125 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95Christian MeditationA short, readable and eminently practical guide tothat form of prayer which is indispensable: meditationon the word of God revealing the inner depthsof God to man. Balthasar describes the central elementsof all Christian meditation, provides a guidefor making the meditation.CM-P . . . 97 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.951-800-651-1531 63www.ignatius.com

hans new urs <strong>SPRING</strong> von balthasar booksLight of the WordBrief Reflections on the Sunday ReadingsThis book presents the common theses that connectall three of the readings for Sundays and feast ofthe Lord in the three year cycle of readings. Thereflections here are meant to be theological andspiritual suggestions that the one who is preachingcan develop further and from which he can selectindividual perspectives.LOW-P . . . 385 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95ElucidationsThe object of these ‘elucidations’ is to offer a concisetreatment of essential questions concerning thesubstance of the Christian life, experience, and faith,which today are in dispute. Among the chaptersBalthasar covers are “The Personal God”, “The MarianPrinciple”, “Authority and Tradition”, “UnmodernPrayer”, “The Pope Today”, and much more.ELU-P . . . 220 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95In the Fullness of FaithOn the Centrality of the Distinctively CatholicVirtually every aspect of Catholicism which is controversialwithin the Church or a stumbling blockto non-Catholic Christians is treated in this book.Balthasar reviews these elements one by one, andshows how they are rooted in the central Christianmysteries and the common Tradition.IFF-P . . . 135 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Christian and AnxietyIn these luminous pages, Balthasar enters into intimatedialogue with contemporary thought on thetopic of anxiety and in particular its existentialistexpression. For Balthasar, the Christian faith doesnot offer a ready made response, but is simultaneouslya journey through the torment of the crossand the liberation from fear by the gift of grace.CAA-P . . . 156 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Does Jesus Know Us? Do We Know Him?Only one who is convinced that he knows Jesus asa person and that Jesus has personal knowledgeof him has truly entered into his Christian faith.Balthasar sets forth and explains the Scriptural evidencefor our ability to know the Lord.DJK-P . . . 101 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95A Short Primer for Unsettled LaymenVon Balthasar addresses the critical issues facingtoday’s Catholic laymen in a clear and readablemanner. Speaking plainly on those ideas and questionswhich have unsettled many of the faithful, hebrings much needed clarity into the contemporaryconfusion. SP-P . . . 137 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Christian State of LifeOne of von Balthasar’s masterworks, this book isa profound meditation on the Christian’s call tochoose a state of life according to God’s will.CSLB-P . . . 506 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95The Threefold GarlandBeautiful and profound reflections on the mysteriesof the Rosary. The book is poetic and inspirational,but built on a solid theological foundation thatshows the depths of meaning in this prayer.“Balthasar’s meditations can make the Rosary aliving experience.’’ —Spiritual Book NewsTG-P . . . 146 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Laity in the Life of the CounselsVon Balthasar discusses the development of secularinstitutes—lay people who live the life of thecounsels, poverty, chastity, and obedience, in theworld—as a response to the problems of our time.He sketches the outlines of a theology of states oflife in the Church, presents the development ofvows and the religious life in the history of theChurch. LLC-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Grain of WheatA collection of short, personal and very readablereflections on the central themes of the Christianspiritual life. Balthasar’s style—intimate, lucid, preciseand yet poetic—invites every reader to meditatedeeply on the fullness of Christian truths in alltheir bright splendor.GW-P . . . 142 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95PrayerOne of the most comprehensive books on prayerever written. From the persons of the Trinity throughthe Incarnation to the Church and the very structureof the human person, this is a powerful synthesisof prayer and how to pray. A great theologian’sinsights on contemplative prayer.PRAY-P . . . 311 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Unless You Become Like This ChildInspired by St. Thérèse, Balthasar provides a profoundmeditation on the theme of spiritual childhood.He shows how the central mystery of Christianityis our transformation from worldly-wise,self-sufficient “adults’’ into abiding children of theFather of Jesus by the grace of the Spirit.UYB-P . . . 75 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Tragedy Under GraceA magisterial portrait of one of the most fascinatingfigures of the European Catholic renaissance, thehistorian and man of letters, Reinhold Schneider,whose response to the spiritual collapse of the Westled him to Christ and to an interpretation of historyin the light of the cross.TUG-P . . . 295 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95New ElucidationsBalthasar provides illumination on the burningissues of our day. He brings his scholarship to bearon some of the major topics of our time: WomenPriests, Humanae Vitae, the Laity, and the “Flightinto Community”, and much more.NE-P . . . 305 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Convergences: to theSource of the Christian MysteryBalthasar stresses the need for all the elements ofChristianity, which are diverse and specialized, toreturn to unity in God. He states the case for a newunity of theology and spirituality.CSCM-P . . . 153 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Dare We Hope “That All Men be Saved?’’Grounding his reflections clearly in Scripture, vonBalthasar shows how Revelation gives us neitherthe assurance that all will be saved, nor the certitudethat any are condemned. What it does requireof us is the “hope that all men be saved’’.DWH-P . . . 255 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.951-800-651-1531 64www.ignatius.com

hans new urs <strong>SPRING</strong> von balthasar booksRomano Guardini Reform from the Source EGuardini was one of the greatest Catholic minds of the20 th century. He helped shape theology between worldwars and after. His influence contributed to Vatican IIand continues through Pope Benedict, who has drawnon him extensively for inspiration. This book, writtenby another great mind, von Balthasar, presents a roadmapto his thought.RG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 120 pp, $16.95You Crown the Year With Your GoodnessSermons Throughout the Liturgical YearOriginally broadcast on the radio, the homilies inthis volume span decades and represent some ofthe best of Father Hans Urs von Balthasar’s preaching.They are arranged to correspond with theChurch’s liturgical calendar.YCY-P . . . 304 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Engagement With GodVon Balthasar writes about God’s involvement withman and man’s involvement with God in the Oldand the New Testaments. He shows how that interactionof the divine with the human reveals themeaning of true freedom that man hungers for.EWG-P . . . 100 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95Razing the Bastions On the Church in This AgeBalthasar pleads for the Church to raze the bastionsthat have separated the Church from the world andinterpret “the signs of the age,’’ grasp them andanswer them, allowing herself to be the “instrumentof the mediation of salvation to the world.’’He stresses that the hour of the laity is.RB-P . . . 107 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95My Work: In RetrospectThe great theologian provides a road map of hisvast corpus of written works which is an indispensableguide for anyone who would understand theconstellation of von Balthasar’s ideas and mission.Balthasar’s books reflect his mission of overcomingthe modern gap between nature and grace.MW-P . . . 120 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Office of Peter - 2nd EditionAnd the Structure of the ChurchBalthasar masterfully examines the history of the“anti-Roman attitude’’ and analyzes the role ofpapal authority in the Church, drawing fundamentalprinciples from the persons inseparable fromChrist’s ministry: John the Baptist, Mary, Peter andJohn. This book provides the key to the roles oftheology and liberty in the Church.OP2-P . . . 458 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95The Moment of Christian WitnessBalthasar puts his finger on the origin of those elementsin modern Christianity which see the real JesusChrist as unknowable, the Gospels as merely theconfused reflections of later Christians, and Christiantradition as a perpetuation of the mythology.MCW-P . . . 150 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Love Alone is CredibleIn this book, von Balthasar delves deeper into hisexploration of what love means, what makes thedivine love of God, and how we must become loversof God in the footsteps of saints like Francis deSales, John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux.LOAL-P . . . 160 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Mysterium PaschaleThis is an account of the death and resurrection ofChrist, and their significance for the Christian life. VonBalthasar offers insights into some current controversiesand spiritual inspiration for the year round.MYST-P . . . 312 pp, Softcover, $19.95CredoBalthasar’s series of reflections on the 12 articles ofthe Apostles’ Creed take on the character of a legacy,a spiritual testament. What he had set out in innumerous book over five decades, he summarizeshere in contemplative plainness and simplicity.CREDO-P . . . 105 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95Truth is SymphonicVon Balthasar shows the tension between the necessaryunity in Christianity and the diversity thatshould and must exist. Von Balthasar shows howgenuine variety is both possible and desirablewithin Catholic unity.TS-P . . . 206 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Heart of the WorldA profound and lyrical meditation on the Heart ofChrist and on Our Lord’s love for the Church.“Like the Imitation of Christ, it is a study inspiritual theology of such depth and simplicitythat it addresses both the learned and the ordinaryCatholic.” —Ronald Lawler, OFM CapHW-P . . . 219 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Paul Struggles with his CongregationCommenting on the pastoral questions taken up bySaint Paul in his letters to the Corinthians, Balthasaroffers an interpretation of Paul’s writings and difficultieswith the Christians at Corinth. He discussesthe different roles of pastors and believers, and howthe problems are resolved.PSHC-P . . . 90 pp, Softcover, $7.95First Glance at Adrienne von SpeyrA personal introduction to Adrienne von Speyr, acontemporary (1902-1967) Swiss convert, mystic,wife, medical doctor, author and co-foundress ofa secular institute. Fr. von Balthasar, her spiritualdirector for 27 years, includes an appraisal of hercontributions to theology and spirituality, a completebibliography, her prayers, and passages fromher more than sixty books.FG-P . . . 249 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Two Sisters in the SpiritBalthasar’s unique volume on Thérèse and Elizabethof the Trinity presents a theological biographyof these holy Carmelite sisters which gives profoundinsights into their spirituality.TSS-P . . . 500 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Our TaskTest Everything; Hold Fast to What Is GoodThis book describes the common task whichA question and answer session with Hans Urs vonBalthasar and Adrienne von Speyr undertook, theBalthasar on theological topics, the state of thefounding of a secular institute: The Communitychurch and various ecclesial movements.of St. John. He also describes their common theologicalwork and explains the theology and role ofTE-P . . . 93 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95secular institutes.OT-P . . . 220 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.951-800-651-1531 65www.ignatius.com

Man Before GodThe mystic von Speyr presents her profound reflectionson the personal encounter with the God whois eternal love. She considers the various ways thatGod continues to speak to man—through his Word,the sacraments, our neighbor —and the necessityfor man to respond with prayer, love and worship.MBG-P . . . 150 pp, Sewn Softcover, $10.95The World of PrayerIn this major work on prayer, Adrienne discussesthe many aspects and kinds of prayer. This giftedmystic shows that true prayer is intimately rootedin God Himself, and that Christian prayer is truly aparticipation in the very inner life of the Trinity.WP-P . . . 313 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95ConfessionHans Urs von Balthasar calls this “one of her mostcentral works”. She discusses the moral and practicalaspects of the sacrament in great depth. One ofthe most complete spiritual treatises ever writtenon confession.CONF-P . . . 262 pp. Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Holy MassVon Speyr presents penetrating insights about thenature of the Mass as sacrifice expressed with lucidand transparent concepts. It gives the real truth thatthe Church’s constant re-enactment of Christ’s “sacrificeonce offered” transcends all time.HMAS-P . . . 101 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Letter to the ColossiansMystic von Speyr brings her prayerful insights onthe important themes of the Letter to the Colossians.LCOL-P . . . 172 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Countenance of the FatherThis book brings the reader a greater awareness ofthe First Person of the Trinity in eternity, and theinteraction of the Three Persons.COF-P . . . 131 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95They Followed His CallCombining rich philosophical insight with the spiritualdiscernment of a true contemplative, Adrienneopens the reader to Our Lord’s desire for our totalsurrender to His Love.TFC-P . . . 130 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Victory of LoveProfound meditations on each verse of St. Paul’srich summary of the Christian faith. The 8th chapterof Paul’s letter to the Romans proclaims theultimate victory of the love of God through Christ.VL-P . . . 107 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Letter to the EphesiansA verse by verse commentary on St. Paul’s letter tothe Ephesians that is the fruit of her own contemplativemeditation and prayerful reflection.LEPH-P . . . 268 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95ElijahThe mystic von Speyr provides incisive, profoundand original verse by verse commentary on theElijah cycle, reflecting on both the events of the narrativeas well as on the meaning of each verse.E-P . . . 123 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Three Women and the Lord AVon Speyr gives us inspirational commentary on MaryMagdalen, Mary of Bethany and the woman who wasa sinner. Von Speyr shows how these three womenexemplify the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.TWL-P . . . 112 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95adrienne new <strong>SPRING</strong> von books speyrLumina & New LuminaThese short “insights” are fruits of Adrienne’s contemplativeprayer that reflect her constant quest foran ever deeper union with God, a union of divineand human love.LNL-P . . . 105 pp, Sewn Softcover, $8.95The Boundless GodIn this treatment on the nature of the Lord, AdrienneVon Speyr's mystical erudition is implemented togreat effect, allowing the reader to glimpse a viewof God that many lack.BG-P . . . 155 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Passion from WithinVon Speyr, drawing on her mystical gifts, shares herprofound insights on the suffering Christ enduredfor love of us during His Passion.PFW-P . . . 158 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95My Early YearsVon Speyr gives an account of her early years whichreveals significant events, including her mystical experiences,which shaped the key elements of her life.MEY-P . . . 427 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Christian State of LifeThe mystic von Speyr plumbs the depths of whatit means to be a Christian: the choice, its implementation,life in one’s chosen state, difficulties,consequences, vocation in the Gospels, the life ofthe Lord, the Apostles, and the saints.CSLA-P . . . 213 pp. Sewn Softcover, $18.95JohnVol I: The Word Becomes FleshVol II: Discourses of ControversyVol III: The Farewell DiscoursesVol IV: Birth of the ChurchThese four volumes are von Speyr’s scriptural commentarieson St. John’s Gospel.J1-H ... Vol. I: 325 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95J2-H ... Vol. II: 445 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95J3-H...Vol. III: 378 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95J4-H...Vol. IV: 443 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95With God and With Men: PrayersVon Speyr shares her own prayers on a variety ofspiritual themes. They cover a variety of themes thatwill be an inspiration and help to spiritual seekers.WGWM-P . . . 134 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Cross: Word & SacramentA profound contemplation of the Seven Last Wordsof Our Lord on the Cross with specific applicationto the Seven Sacraments instituted by Christ.CWS-P . . . 65 pp, Sewn Softcover, $5.95The Gates of Eternal LifeThe Swiss mystic explores the different “gates intoeternal life’’ which God’s grace has placed in ourlife: for instance, the Sacraments, the Church’s calendar,prayer and Holy Scripture. Her poetic andreverent comments reawaken our sense of the nearnessof God and His eternity.GEL-P . . . 140 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95The Mystery of DeathVon Speyr addresses the perennial and ultimatehuman question—death. Not only a synthesis ofthe Christian view of death, this book is also anantidote to the insipid sociological sentimentalismof so many books about death today.MD-P . . . 128 pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95Light and Images Elements of ContemplationThis little book contains an overwhelming wealth ofinsight into contemplation. With its simple language,it is immediately accessible; and yet the new perspectivesit offers on prayer surprise and challenge.LII-P . . . 156 pages, Sewn Softcover, $11.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 66www.ignatius.com

—JOSEPH PEARCE—christian new <strong>SPRING</strong> literature booksLiterary Giants, Literary Catholics EPearce examines a plethora of authors, taking thereader through a dazzling tour of the creativelandscape of Catholic prose and poetry as he coversthe vast terrain from Dante to Tolkien, fromShakespeare to Waugh, and many more.LGLC-H . . . 480 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $27.95The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde EVilified by Victorians for his sexuality and his dandyism,Wilde, the poet, satirist and playwright, ishailed today as a sexual liberator. This study of hisbrilliant and tragic life goes beyond his notorietyin order to explore his spiritual search, tracing hisfascination with Catholicism through to his eleventh-hourconversion.UOW-H . . . 400 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $21.95Wisdom & Innocence A Life of G.K. ChestertonPearce presents a major biography of a 20th centuryliterary giant, providing much important informationon GKC never before published. A thoroughlydelightful biography. Illustrated.WI-P . . . 536 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Old Thunder A Life of Hilaire BellocIn this biography, Pearce examines the lasting impactof this prolific writer and social commentator ontoday’s Church and society. With access to previouslyunpublished material, this biography uncovers aromantic, complex, and solitary character.OTH-H . . . 320 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95The Cypresses Believe in GodSpain on the Eve of Civil WarA Novel by José Maria GironellaA classic, unbiased account of the complicatedevents, movements and personalities that led upto the war. Beginning in 1931, Cypresses covers thenext five years of political unrest, culminating inthe explosion of the brutal war.CBG-P . . . 806 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95The Last Ugly Person And Other Stories ERoger B. ThomasAwash in hope, yet fully recognizing the agony ofsin and destruction, these stories weave instead arich and intricate tapestry that reflects the complexways in which man responds to the call of Christ.LUP-P . . . 215 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Dove Descending — Thomas HowardA Journey into T.S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets”This is a journey into the beauties and depths ofEliot’s masterpiece written by Thomas Howard,bestselling author, professor and critic.DOVD-P . . . 160 pages, Sewn Softcover, $14.95A Soldier Surrenders St. Camillus • Susan PeekThis novel for young adults is the story of the dramaticconversion and inspiring life of the soldierCamillus de Lellis who lived in the late 1500’s, andbecame the founder of the religious order known asthe “Hospitallers”.SOSU-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Literary Converts EA biographical exploration into the spiritual lives ofsome of the greatest writers in the English language:Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh, C.S. Lewis, Gra hamGreene, Ronald Knox, Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chester ton,T.S. Eliot, Dor othy Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien, and more.LITC-P . . . 465 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95C.S. Lewis and the Catholic ChurchPearce is the ideal writer to try to answer questionsabout the relationship of Lewis to the RomanCatholic Church, an important and intriguing topicof interest to both Catholics and Protestants.CSLCC-P . . . 208 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Tolkien: Man and MythThis major new study of Tolkien’s life and his workexplores the background of the man and the culturein which he wrote, and his relationships with othergreat literary writers, including C.S. Lewis.TMAN-P . . . 257 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Tolkien: A CelebrationThis readable collection celebrates Tol kien’s literarylegacy and the spiritual values that undergird hisimaginary Middle-earth. 14 Tolkien experts contributeto this insightful work on Tolkien.TAC-P . . . 210 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Flowers of Heaven EOne Thousand Years of Christian VerseThis anthology provides some of the finest Christianverse written during the second millennium ofChristianity. All of the great ones are here: Hildegardof Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Dante and Chaucer;Browning, Whittier, Dickensen, Eliot, Newman,Chesterton and many more!FOH-P . . . 296 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95See also The Quest for Shakespeare on page 29,Through Shakespeare’s Eyes on page 29, andThe <strong>Ignatius</strong> Critical Editions on page 22Dear and Glorious PhysicianA Novel about Saint LukeTaylor CaldwellAcclaimed novelist Caldwell presents a deeply movingand eloquent portrait of St. Luke. Her travels inthe Holy Land and many years of meticulous researchmade this work a fully developed portrayal of a complexand brilliant man.DGP-P . . . 560 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95The Red Hat — Ralph McInernyMcInerny presents a novel of suspense, humor andspiritual insight about the Catholic Church rockedby schism. Archbishop Lannan, about to becomea Cardi nal, fights to keep unity in the Americanchurch. But his moral leadership is threatened whenhe is accused of sexual scandal.REDH-H . . . 581 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $19.95The Harp & Laurel Wreath — Laura BerquistBerquist presents this wide selection of the greatestpoetry ever written for every age level from gradesone to twelve. She also offers dictation selections tohelp develop a student’s writing ability, with studyquestions and answers for each poem. Illustrated.HLW-P . . . 508 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95Another Sort of Learning — James V. Schall, S.J.Schall examines what is taught and read (and notread) in schools. He questions the fundamentalpremises in our culture which do not allow truth tobe considered. Schall lists various important booksto read, and why.ASL-P . . . 304 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.951-800-651-1531 67www.ignatius.com

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christian new <strong>SPRING</strong> literature books— LOUIS DE WOHL —See more by De Wohl on p. 43The Last Crusader EA Novel about Don Juan of AustriaThe incredible story of Don Juan of Austria, theilligitimate half-brother of King Philip. Raised in apeasant’s hut, he went on to impress the royal courtwith his devotion and intelligence. His amazingvictory at Lepanto that saved Christendom fromIslamic dominance.LASTCRU-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 497 pp, $19.95The Living Wood EA Novel on St. Helena and the Emperor ConstantineDe Wohl presents the colorful and tumultuous timesof the early Christian era in this story of intrigueand romance revolving around Helena, the devotedand saintly mother of Constantine, the first Christianemperor, and the search for the True Cross.LIVW-P . . . 370 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Spear A Novel about the CrucifixionThis is the story of the world’s most dramaticexecution, as it affected one of its least-known participants—Longinus,the man who hurled his spearinto Christ on the Cross.SPE-P . . . 401 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95The Golden Thread A Novel about St. <strong>Ignatius</strong> EDe Wohl describes the story of St. <strong>Ignatius</strong> Loyola’sconversion and pilgrimage with the colorful anddangerous history of Spain and Italy in the earlysixteenth century.GOLT-P . . . 315 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95The Joyful Beggar A Novel about St. Francis EIn this novel of St. Francis of Assisi, de Wohl turnshis famed narrative skill to the story of the soldierand merchant's son who might have been right-handman to a king, but became instead the most belovedof all saints.JOYB-P . . . 374 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Set All Afire A Novel on St. Francis Xavier EDe Wohl takes us into the mind and heart of thisgreat missionary and saint who went by order ofSt. <strong>Ignatius</strong> to “set all afire’’ in the Orient. The bookcaptures the dramatic struggles and inspiring zealof this remarkable saint, giving at the same timean enthralling picture of the age in which he lived.SAA-P . . . 280 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95A Postcard from the Volcano EAA Novel by Lucy BeckettBeginning in 1914 and ending on the eve of WorldWar II, this epic story follows the Prussian aristocrat,Max von Hofmannswaldau. From the idyllicsurroundings of his ancestral home to the streetsof cosmopolitan Breslau menaced by the Nazi SS,Hofmannswaldau uncovers the truth about his ownidentity and confronts the modern ideologies thatthreaten the annihilation of millions of people.PV-P . . . 520 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95— MICHAEL O’BRIEN —Theophilos A Novel EASt. Luke addressed his Gospel and Acts to a mannamed Theophilos: but who was he? In O’Brien’snew tale he is Luke’s skeptical adoptive father,concerned by this “Christos” in Luke’s writings andabout his newly zealous son’s fate. He embarks on asearch to bring Luke home—and runs into the unexpecteddimensions of his very self.THEO-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 445 pages, $24.95Island of the World A Novel EThe dramatic story of a child born in 1933 into theturbulent world of the Balkans and tracing his life intothe third millennium.IW-P . . . 850 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Father Elijah An Apocalypse EAFather Elijah, a Carmelite priest, is called from thesolitude of his monastery by the Pope himself topenetrate into the inner circles of a powerful manthe Pontiff believes to be the Antichrist.FE-P . . . 597 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Strangers and Sojourners EAA beautiful epic story set in the rugged interior ofBritish Columbia that traces the lives of four generationsof a family of exiles through the tumultuousevents of the 20th century.SAS-P . . . 573 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Eclipse of the Sun EA fast-paced, apocalyptic novel about the dramatictale of a Catholic family and friends in conflict witha new totalitarian government in North America.ESUN-P . . . 850 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95Sophia House EIn 1940’s Warsaw, Pawel Tarnowski, a bookseller, givesrefuge to David Schäfer, a Jewish youth. Throughout awinter of hiding, they discuss their respective religiousviews. Years later, David converts to Catholicism andbecomes Fr. Elijah Schäfer, called to confront the Antichristin Father Elijah.SH-H . . . 490 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $24.95A Cry of Stone NOW IN PAPERBACK! EAExploring the true meaning of poverty of spirit, it isthe story of a native artist, Rose Wâbos, chroniclingher growth to womanhood, her discovery of art,moving out into the urban world of sophisticatedcultural circles.CRYST-P . . . 854 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Plague Journal EA gripping apocalyptic drama about the editor of asmall-town newspaper in North America faced withthe greatest crisis of his life.PJ-P . . . 275 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Path to RomeHilaire BellocConsidered by Belloc himself his greatest work, this isthe story of the pilgrimage he made on foot to Rome.PTR-P . . . 475 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $21.951-800-651-1531 69www.ignatius.com

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He diagnoses the risingthreats of anti-Semitism and Nazism, the problemsof materialism and capitalism, the sickness of immoralsexual behavior and eugenics, and much more.WS-P . . . 203 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Man Who Was Thursday Awith Annotations by Martin GardnerThis edition of Chesterton’s masterpiece and mostfamous novel, The Man Who Was Thursday, enrichesthe complete text with extensive footnotes, togetherwith an introductory essay on the metaphysical meaningof Chesterton’s profound allegory. IllustratedMWWT-P . . . 290 pp, Sewn Softcover, $17.95Lepanto — Edited by Dale Ahlquist EAThis book brings together Chesterton’s famouspoem, the historical background of the famous battle,a riveting account of the battle itself, and a discussionof its historical consequences.LEP-P . . . 130 pages, Sewn Softcover, $11.95G. K. Chesterton — Dale Ahlquist EThe Apostle of Common SenseThis book is the perfect introduction to Chesterton.Ahlquist is an able guide who takes the readerthrough Chesterton’s most important books.Ahlquist makes the literary giant accessible, highlightingChesterton’s amazing reach, keen insight,and marvelous wit.ACS-P . . . 188 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95new g.k. <strong>SPRING</strong> chesterton booksFather Brown of the Church of RomeA unique collection of ten of the Chester ton's famousFr. Brown mysteries that em phasize the role ofBrown’s Catholic faith in helping solve the murders.With footnotes and introduction by John Peterson.FBC-P . . . 270 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Ballad of the White HorseOne of the last great epic poems in the English language,it describes King Alfred’s battle against theDanes in 878, and it is also a timeless allegory aboutthe ongoing battle between Christianity and theforces of nihilistic heathenism. Illustrated.BWH-H . . . 280 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $21.95What’s Wrong With the World EChesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysison social and moral issues—more relevant todaythan even in his own time. In his light and humorousstyle, yet deadly serious and philosophical, hecomments on feminism, errors in education, theimportance of the child, and other issues.WWW-P . . . 205 pp, Softcover, $14.95The Catholic Church and ConversionIn this book, Chesterton’s brilliance as a writer andthinker again shines through as he explains hisunderstanding of the Catholic Church, and how herappeal to reason and truth eventually won him over.CCAC-P . . . 141 pp. Sewn Softcover, $9.95THE COLLECTED WORKS OF CHESTERTON:A SELECTION (For a full listing, call or go online)Volume I: Orthodoxy, Heretics, Blatchford ControversiesGKC1-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $19.95Volume II: The Everlasting Man, Saint Francis ofAssisi, Saint Thomas AquinasGKC2-P . . . 550 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95Volume III: The Catholic Church and Conversion;Where All Roads Lead; The Well and the Shallows;and others. GKC3-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $27.95Volume IV: What’s Wrong With the World, Superstitionof Divorce, Eugenics and Other EvilsGKC4-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $27.95Volume V: The Outline of Sanity, The End of TheArmistice, The Appetite of Tyranny, Utopia of Usurers,and more GKC5-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $24.95Volume VII: The Ball and the Cross, Manalive, TheFlying Inn GKC7-P . . . 666 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95Volume VIII: The Man Who Knew Too Much, Talesof the Long Bow, The Return of Don QuixoteGKC8-P . . . 720 pp, Sewn Softcover, $29.95GKC8-H . . . 720 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $42.95The Autobiography of G.K. Chesterton Volume X: Collected Poetry – Part IHere is Chesterton in his own words. Critic SydneyGKC10A-P . . . 608 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Dark wrote that “perhaps the happiest thing thathappened in Gilbert Chesterton’s extraordinarilyVolume X: Collected Poetry – Part IIGKC10B-P . . . 518 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95happy life was that his autobiography was finishedGKC10B-H . . . 518 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $39.95a few weeks before his death. It is a tremendouslyinteresting book.” Illustrated.Volume XI: Collected Plays and Chesterton on ShawGKCA-P . . . 344 pages, Softcover, $16.95GKC11-P . . . 650 pp, Softcover, $24.95Volume XII: Father Brown Stories Part IOrthodoxy EInnocence of Father Brown, Wisdom of Father Brown, TheAmong Chesterton’s many works, Orthodoxy stands Donnington Affairout as the most scintillating synthesis of his philosophyand deeply religious faith. Chesterton tellsGKC12-P . . . 464 pp, Sewn Softcover, $24.95Volume XII: Father Brown Stories Part IIof his earth-shaking discovery that orthodoxy is theIncredulity of Father Brown, The Secret of Father Brown,only satisfactory answer to the mystery of life. The Scandal of Father Brown, The Vampire of the Village,O-P . . . 170 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95 The Mask of MidasThe Everlasting Man GKC13-P . . . 567 pp, Sewn Softcover, $27.95EAGKC13-H . . . 567 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $42.95Possibly Chesterton’s greatest masterpiece, this ishis whole view of world history as informed by the Volume XIV: Short Stories, Fairy Tales, Mystery StoriesIncarnation. Chesterton shows how the fulfillment ofGKC14-P . . . Sewn Softcover, $32.95man’s desires takes place in the person of Christ and Volume XVIII: Robert Louis Stevenson, Chaucer, Leoin his Church.Tolstoy, Thomas CarlyleELM-P . . . 270 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95GKC18-P . . . 450 pp, Sewn Softcover, $21.95E indicates availability as an e-Book on ignatius.com A indicates availability as an audio download on ignatius.com1-800-651-1531 70www.ignatius.com

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new bethlehem <strong>SPRING</strong> booksThe Texas Panhandle SeriesLoula Grace ErdmanLife on the plains in the 1890’s was hard but rewarding.The Pierce family has moved to the TexasPanhandle to meet the challenges that the settlersmust face. Each of these three books highlights oneof the Pierce family daughters. Ages 8-up.The Wind Blows FreeWBF-P . . . 270 pages, Softcover, $12.95The Wide HorizonWIDE-P . . . 296 pages, Softcover, $13.95The Good LandGLA-P . . . 185 pp, Quality Softcover, $12.95The Fairchild Family SeriesRebecca Caudill • Illustrated by Decie MerwinWinter or summer, something is always happeningin the Fairchild house, tucked amidst the pine treesof the Kentucky hills 100 years ago. Ages 8-up.Happy Little FamilyHLF-P . . . 128 pages, Softcover, $10.95Schoolhouse in the WoodsSIW-P . . . 135 pages, Softcover, $10.95Schoolroom in the ParlorSIP-P . . . 150 pages, Softcover, $11.95Up and Down the RiverUDR-P . . . 160 pages, Softcover, $11.95The Bantry Bay SeriesWritten and Illustrated by Hilda Van StockumThese books offer a vivid picture of an Ireland thathas all but disappeared. The O’Sullivan familyinvite the reader to share their many homely adventures,filled with warmth and humor. Ages 10-up.The Cottage at Bantry BayCBB-P . . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 256 pp, $12.95Francie on the RunFR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 312 pp, $13.95PegeenPEG-P . . . Sewn Softcover, Illustrated, 288 pp, $12.95The Mitchell Family SeriesWritten and Illustrated by Hilda Van StockumBased on the author’s own family, this series followsthe Mitchell family and their adventures from theWorld War II years to the early 1950’s. Ages 10-up.The Mitchells: Five for VictoryMFV-P . . . 236 pages, Quality Softcover, $13.95Canadian SummerCANS-P . . . 181 pages, Quality Softcover, $12.95Friendly GablesFRG-P . . . 165 pages, Quality Softcover, $12.95The Latsch Valley Farm seriesAnne Pellowski • Illustrated by Roseanne SharpeThe Pellowski family has come to live in the LatschValley in Wisconsin, establishing the first farm.A wonderful and charming depiction of Polish-American life! Ages 8-up.First Farm in the Valley Anna’s StoryFFV-P . . . 212 pp, Softcover, $12.95The Sally SeriesElizabeth Coatsworth • Illustrated by Helen SewellSet in the early 1800’s, the Sally series is full ofearly American detail. Following the adventuresof young Sally and her aunts and uncles, the booksalso feature the delightful illustrations of CaldecottAward winner Helen Sewell. Ages 8-up.Away Goes SallyAGSA-P . . . 118 pp, Softcover, $10.95Five Bushel FarmFBF-P . . .143 pp, Softcover, $10.95The Fair AmericanFAM-P . . . 160 pages, Softcover, $11.95The White HorseWHIH-P . . . 160 pp, Softcover, $11.95The Wonderful DayWDA-P . . . 175 pages, $11.95The Treegate SeriesLeonard WibberleyThis acclaimed series takes the reader through theAmerican revolution, following indelible characterssuch as young Peter Treegate; his father, John; theeccentric sea captain Peace of God Manly, and others.Historical fiction at its finest! Ages 14-up.John Treegate’s MusketJTM-P . . . Softcover, 188 pp, $12.95Peter Treegate’s WarPTW-P . . . 140 pp, Softcover, $12.95Sea Captain from SalemSCFS-P . . . 175 pp, Softcover, $12.95Once Upon a Time SaintsEthel PochockiThe saints had such incredible lives! Author EthelPochocki retells the stories of saints in whimsicaltales perfect for reading aloud. Each book is lavishlyillustrated by different talented artists. Ages 5-up.Once Upon a Time SaintsIllustrated by Tom MattOUTS-P . . . Softcover, 96 pp, $9.95More Once Upon a Time SaintsIllustrated by Kathy HolbrookMOUTS-P . . . 140 pp, Softcover, $9.95Around the Year Once Upon a Time SaintsIllustrated by Ben HatkeAOUTS-P . . . 211 pp, Softcover, $14.95Winding Valley Farm Annie’s StoryWVF-P . . . 204 pp, Softcover, $12.951-800-651-1531 73www.ignatius.com

new bethlehem <strong>SPRING</strong> booksHistorical FictionBethlehem Books offers many children’s historical fictionnovels. These are arranged by historical setting,from oldest to novels set during WWII.God King — Joanne WilliamsonCarries the reader back to Ancient Egypt. Young PrinceTaharka is content to have no principal part to play inthat rule. However, it is he and not the expected PrinceShabataka who succeeds to the throne of Kush.GK-P . . . 220 pages, Softcover, $13.95Shadow Hawk — Andre Norton1590 B.C: Rahotep, captain of the Nubian DesertScouts, is heir to the Nome of the Striking Hawk,which has been under the harsh rule of the Hyksos.He must join in a battle for the freedom of Egypt.SHAH-P . . . 256 pp, Softcover, $12.95Hittite Warrior — Joanne WilliamsonUriah’s Hititte home is destroyed by invadingGreeks, his dying father tells him find a man namedSisera. Thus begins Uriah’s adventure to find Sisera,and join him in battle against the Hebrews.HITW-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 282 pp, $13.95Victory on the Walls — Frieda Clark HymanDramatizes a turning-point of history, in 445 BC,when Judaism was re-established in the PromisedLand, and purified for her unfolding mission.VOW-P . . . Quality Softcover, ages 10-up, $12.95The Ides of April — Mary RayThe attempt to unravel the mystery of the murder ofa Roman Senator bring a young Greek slave and hisfamily into contact with the secret sect of Christians.IA-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 165 pp, $11.95Beyond the Desert Gate — Mary RayIn Palestine a Jewish merchant rescues a man left todie in the desert by the Romans. When the merchantis killed, his son is taught the art of a scribe by theman who was saved.BDG-P . . . 190 pp, Softcover, Young Adult, $11.95Beorn the Proud — Madeleine PollandThis exciting story is set in 9th century Europe, whenViking raiders ravaged the coasts of Ireland.BP-P . . . 205 pp, Ages 10 & up, Softcover, $13.95Son of Charlemagne — Barbara WillardStory of the great Emperor Charlemagne and his sonas his father is determined to do what he feels is bestto serve God and Europe.SOC-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 208 pp, $13.95The Red Keep — Allen FrenchThe Sauval brothers raid the Red Keep in hope ofgaining it for themselves, only to be thwarted bySir Roger and young Conan. Now they plot anew.Illustrated by Andrew Wyeth.REDK-P . . . 384 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95Also by Allen French:The Story of Rolf and the Viking BowSRVB-P . . . 256 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95The Lost BaronLB-P . . . 320 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95The Hidden Treasure of Glaston — Eleanore JewettHugh is left in the care of Glaston bury Abbey byhis father who must flee England. Hugh finds lifeat the abbey is surprisingly full in the days of KingHenry II. HTOG-P . . . 320 pp, Softcover, $14.95Big John’s Secret — Eleanore M. JewettRaised an orphan in a peasant village during the reignof King John of England, John understands that injusticehas been done his family. Amidst battle, capture,and setbacks, John encounters Francis of Assisi.BJS-P . . . Softcover, Ages 10 & up, 225 pages, $12.95If All the Swords in England — Barbara WillardYoung Simon becomes a scribe for the exiledArchbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket.IASE-P . . . 200 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Nacar, the White Deer — Elizabeth Borton de TreviñoFriendship springs up between a boy who has losthis voice and his mother at the same tragic moment,and an ailing albino deer sent as a gift to the Kingof Spain. NWD-P . . . 130 pages, Softcover, $10.95The Reb and the Redcoats — Constance SaveryThe Revolutionary War is seen through the eyes ofa British family to whom an American prisioner ofwar has been entrusted.REBR-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 225 pp, $12.95Becky Landers Frontier WarriorConstance Lindsay SkinnerIt’s 1778 and the Revolution rages. Becky Landersforms a plan to join a dangerous mission and trackdown her brother, taken the year before by Indians.BL-P . . . 208 pages, Quality Softcover, $12.95With Pipe, Paddle & Song — Elizabeth YatesSon of a Frenchman and an Indian woman, Guillaumeis now becoming a man. When his fatherreturns to France, he must make his way in theworld. WPPS-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 272 pp, $12.95Presenting Miss Jane AustenMay Lamberton BeckerThis outstanding biography of a well-beloved novelistcatches the spirit of Jane Austen herself.PMJA-P . . . 275 pages, Quality Softcover, $13.95The Switherby Pilgrims — Eleanor SpenceMiss Braithewaite knows there is no future forthe orphans she has gathered together in the early1820s. In Australia, the challenges begin.SPI-P . . . 250 pages, Softcover, Ages 10-up, $12.95Jamberoo Road — Eleanor SpenceSequel to The Switherby Pilgrims.JR-P . . . 186 pages, Softcover, Ages 10-up, $12.95Downright Dencey — Caroline Dale SnedekerMore than a tale of whaling ships and gentle Quakereccentricities, it is a tale of friendship.Dencey maturesfrom the little girl prone to unquakerly anger.DD-P . . . 250 pages, 12-up, Softcover, $12.95Brave Buffalo Fighter — John D. FitzgeraldThe Parker family leaves Missouri in 1860, part of awestward-bound wagon train. Each family memberis challenged by the hardships of a difficult journeywhere everyone must learn to pull together.BBF-P . . . 144 pages, 12-up, Softcover, $11.95Year of the Black Pony — Walt MoreyIt’s the early 1900’s, and the Fellows family ishomesteading in Oregon—but the venture has beendisastrous. 12-year-old Chris seeks refuge with ablack pony. YBP-P . . . 176 pages, Softcover, $11.95Old Sam, Dakota Trotter — Don Alanzo TaylorOnce a thoroughbred trotter on his way to championship,a crippling accident allows the Scott family toinherit Old Sam, a horse no one else wants.OSDT-P . . . 200 pp, Softcover, $11.95Philomena — Kate SeredyThe wonderfully illustrated tale, pre-World War ICzechoslovakia, of an orphaned girl whose livelyadventure to find her lost aunt has the heavenly aidof her grandmother.PHIL-P . . . 96 pp, Quality Softcover, $11.95The Winged Watchman — Hilda van StockumRich in suspense, plot and spiritual truth. Everyelement of occupied Holland is united in a story ofcourage and hope. Illustrated.WING-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 204 pp, $13.951-800-651-1531 74www.ignatius.com

new bethlehem <strong>SPRING</strong> booksHistorical Fiction (Continued)The Small War of Sergeant DonkeyMaureen Daly; Illustrated by Wesley DennisChico Filippo can't stay away from the AmericanRemount Depot during WWII. Here he meets asmall donkey the boy names Sergeant Donkey.SWSD-P . . . 150 pp, Softcover, Ages 9-up, $10.95The Borrowed House — Hilda van StockumWhen Janna is summoned from Germany to joinher parents in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, she isshocked by the Dutch hatred for the Germans.TBH-P . . . 240 pp, Softcover, $12.95Enemy Brothers — Constance SaveryBritish airman Dym Ingleford is convinced that theyoung German prisoner, Max Eckermann, is hisbrother Anthony who was kidnapped years before.ENEB-P . . . 304 pp, Softcover, $13.95Between the Forest and the HillsAnn LawrenceThis fanciful tale takes place in Iscium, a Roman villagein Britain, set against the waning Roman Empire.BFH-P . . . Sewn Softcover, 265 pp, $12.95Pamela Walks the DogChristine Marlin, Illustrator Hilda van StockumTakes us into the eternal present of one absorbingseries of moments in a child’s life.PWD-H . . . 32 pp, Hardcover, $9.95Following the Phoenix — Meriol TrevorRafael collects three companions whom he leads onan adventurous journey from Paris to the heart ofLetzen stein during the French Re vo lution.FPH-P . . . Softcover, 208 pp, $11.95The Rose and Crown — Meriol TrevorMelisande often finds life dreary. Then Rafael leMarre of Letzenstein arrives, bringing Mel’s lostcousin Toby with him.ROSC-P . . . 208 pp, Ages 9 & up, Softcover, $11.95The Miracle of St. NicholasGloria Whelan; Illustrated by Judith BrownThe story of how a young Russian boy’s determinationto have a Christmas Mass in the Church of St.Nicholas after being closed for 60 years is rewardedwith a miracle. Lavishly illustrated.MSN-H . . . 32 pp, 8 x 10, Hardcover, $14.95Alvin’s Secret Code — Clifford B. HicksAlvin and his companions are drawn into the intricaciesof code detection and the dangers of a newlystirred-up 100-year-old mystery.ASCO-P . . . 168 pages, Quality Softcover, $11.95Alvin Fernald: Mayor for a DayClifford B. HicksThe winner of the class election gets to be mayor fora day! But a mysterious book found in the mayor’soffice puts the Magnificent Brain to the test. All whohave met the Magnificent Brain will want to readthis newest adventure of political campaigning,intrigue and action!AFMD-P . . . 160 pp, Quality Softcover, $11.95The Kitchen Madonna — Rumer GoddenMarta is unhappy. For Gregory and his sister Janet,Marta, with her thick accent, her good cooking,and her stories, is the anchor of the house. Whenthey find out that Marta desires a “good place” inthe kitchen, Gregory and Janet set out to find her aUkrainian icon in busy, modern London. Illustrated.KM-H . . . Hardcover, 103 pp, $14.95Happy Times in Noisy Village — Astrid LindgrenLisa lives on Middle Farm with her parents and twobrothers. They get in many escapades. Illustrated.HTNV-P . . . 128 pages, 8- & up, Softcover, $10.95Herodotus and the Road to HistoryJeanne BendickHerodotus set sail from Greece to the ends of theancient world. By his histories we can still follow himthrough Syria, Persia, Egypt, and the “barbaric” north.Lucid prose, humorous illustrations, and helpful mapsentertain and instruct.HRH-P . . . Illustrated, Softcover, 96 pp, $13.95Also from Jeanne Bendick:Archimedes & the Door of Science: ADS-P . . . 160 pp,Softcover, $13.95Galen & the Gateway to Medicine: GGM-P . . . 152 pp,Softcover, $13.95Mystery of the Periodic Table — Ben WikerA delightful journey through the ages, on the trailof the elements of the Periodic Table as we knowthem today. MPT-P . . . 275 pages, Softcover, $14.95The Lark in the Morn — Elfrida VipontKit Haverard is the only daughter of an absent-minded,scholarly Quaker father. Kit finds comfort in therealm of make-believe—in books and in time sharedwith her close friends Pony and Helen.LIM-P . . . Softcover, 216 pp, $12.95Lark on the Wing — Elfidra VipontThe Carnegie Award winning sequel to The Lark inthe Morn.LOWI-P . . . 233 pp, Softcover, $12.95A Penny for a Hundred — Ethel PochockiIt is 1944 and this year German POWs are brought into help. For Christmas, Clare is determined to recreateat least one holiday tradition for Peter, a POW whohas befriended her. PFH-P . . . Softcover, 31 pp, $9.95The Saving Name of God the SonJean Ann Sharpe, editorIllustrated with images by Fra AngelicoIntroduces the very young to the mystery of JesusChrist, Second Divine Person of the Trinity. First titlein the Trinity series and Teaching the Language of theFaith Series, this full-color board book focuses on theinvocations and titles of Christ drawn from the Bibleand doctrine. Illustrated with the luminous art of FraAngelico. Of interest for all ages / Read-aloud ages 3-up.SNGS-H . . . Board book, 22 pp, $9.95Sun Slower, Sun Faster — Meriol TrevorCecil and Rickie inexplicably find themselves inanother time. With every dip into time they experienceanother chapter of the Church’s history.SSSF-P . . . Illustrated, 250 pages, Softcover, $12.951-800-651-1531 75www.ignatius.com

new catechetics<strong>SPRING</strong> booksCatechism of the Catholic ChurchSecond Edition. Incorpo rates all the final modificationsmade in the official Latin text of the Cate chism,and includes a more extensive analytical index anda new glossary of terms used.CCC2-P . . . 928 pp, Softcover, $24.95The Companion to theCatechism of the Catholic Church EThe Catechism has more than 3,600 references toScripture, conciliar texts, papal documents, andwritings of the Fathers. It contains all cross-referencedpassages footnoted according to the paragraphsof the Catechism. A one-volume reference.CCCC-P . . . 972 pp, Sewn Softcover, $39.95Introduction to theCatechism of the Catholic ChurchJoseph Ratzinger & Christoph SchönbornA valuable introduction to the Catechism.ICCC-P . . . 95 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95The Catechism of the Catholic Church andthe Craft of CatechesisDe Cointet • Morgan • WilleyForeword by Cardinal SchönbornThis book reveals the pedagogy embedded in theCatechism, showing every teacher, parent, catechist orstudent how to discover the key principles that enableone to learn from, and teach from, the Catechism,offering a pedagogical approach to the Catechism forhanding on the faith of the Catholic Church in anysetting, whether home, school or parish.CACA-P . . . 192 pp, Sewn Softcover, $15.95100 Activities Based on the Catechism of theCatholic Church — Ellen RossiniSometimes when teaching children an aspect of ourCatholic faith, it is helpful to have a special activity toreinforce the lesson. For this reason, Catholic teachersand parents will appreciate these one hundred activitiesdrawn from the new Catechism.HABC-P . . . 125 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Also: Issues of Faith and Morals - Pell (p. 71)Fundamentals of Catholicism, Vol. 2Kenneth Baker, S.J.A complete course in Catholicism by the editor ofHomiletic and Pastoral Review that presents Catholicteaching on all important points of doctrine andmorals. Vol. II takes up God, the Trinity, Creation,Christ and Mary.FUN2-P . . . Vol. II 387 pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95Women of Grace Study SeriesFrom Johnnette Benkovicomen exert a powerful influence in the home,Wthe workplace, in the public square, in familyfaith formation, and in parish involvement. Theymust be grounded in their own faith so that theycan heed and respond to Vatican II’s call to “aidhumanity in not falling”. Johnnette Benkovic, hostof The Abundant Life on EWTN, has developed thissmall-group study program to catechize all womenso they can heed God’s special call. It is faithful tothe Magesterium, and has received the Nihil Obstatand Imprimatur.This study will teach all women to embrace theirgift of authentic femininity and their dignity asdaughters of God. The lectures are all recorded byJohnnette Benkovic on DVD or VHS tape. This lifechangingprogram can help catechise all women,and is an excellent addition to any Adult Faithprogram!— Women of Grace —by Johnnette benkovicWomen of Grace Facilitator KitThis complete kit to start your study group includes:an elegant Women of Grace tote bag, Johnette’sbook, Full of Grace, a beautifully bound StudyGuide, Facilitator’s Guide with answer key, themesong CD and 8 lectures by Johnette on DVDWGFK-P . . . $179.95Women of Grace: Facilitator’s GuideThis guide gives you the organizational informationfor setting up the group as well as lesson plans, aswerkeys, and more. (also included in the Facilitator Kit)WGF-P . . . softcover, $9.95Women of Grace: Full of GraceJohnnette’s book is required for all participants.(also included in the Facilitator Kit)WGFG-P . . . 234 pp, softcover, $13.95Women of Grace: Study GuideThis beautifully bound, illustrated study guide isrequired for all participants. (also included in theFacilitator Kit) WGSG-P . . . 232 pp, softcover, $29.951-800-651-1531 76www.ignatius.com

new new <strong>SPRING</strong>l ifew fall books books ork<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong> is proud to offer these titles in collaboration with author andvocational expert Rick Sarkisian, Ph.D. The LifeWork <strong>Press</strong> books and videosare designed to help teens, adults and families discover their true vocation inthe Catholic Church today.Rick Sarkisian, Ph.D., is founder and president of Valley Rehabilitation Service,Inc., specializing in vocational and career guidance for the last 20 years. He hastaught graduate level courses in Vocation and Career Development.LIFEWORK Finding Your Purpose In LifeDiscover the presence of God in all you do, with emphasison discovering your personal vocation and mission.Includes a special section on careers. Illustrated.LFYP-P, Illustrated, 123pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95THE LIFEWORK INVENTORY A NavigationalGuide For The 7 Areas Of Life That Matter MostDiscover who you are and whose you are with thisstep-by-step guide for making wise, Christ-centeredchoices in each of life’s key areas. Includes a card packfor occupational choice.LWI-P, Color, 20 pp, 7x10 Softcover, $19.95THE LIFEWORK JOURNAL A Weekly NotebookFor The Story Of Your LifeUse this 1-year notebook as a guide for recordingyour spiritual growth, insights, and discoveries inthe “story” of your life, and for preparing your ownPersonal Mission Statement.LWJ-P, Illustrated, 228 pp, 6x9 Spiral Bound, $12.95See also The Lifework Principle on p. 25LIFEWORK A Workbook To Help You Find, Follow& Fulfill Your Purpose In LifeThis invaluable book is designed to help you clearlysee God’s plan for your life... to be what He wants youto be (your vocation) and do what He wants you todo( your mission).LWWB-P, Illustrated, 111 pp, 7x10 Softcover, $7.95LIFEWORKLeader’s Guide & Life-Purpose CurriculumWith Instructional DVD featuring vocations author RickSarkisian, Ph.D. and Fr. Brian Crawford, OSJThis Leader’s Guide shares the same structure as theLifeWork Workbook, covering all 13 chapters plus theLifeWork Discovery Process. A simple, step-by-stepapproach and weekly DVD introductions allow easyapplication. LWLG-P, 33 pages, 7x10 Softcover, $19.95LIFEWORK Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life: DVDExplore all vocations and learn to use your gifts andtalents to find true meaning in life. Includes commentaryfrom well-known Catholic speakers and leaders.LFGP-M 45 min, DVD, $19.95THE DRIVE FACTOR Getting Your Life In GearFor the 7 Areas That Matter MostDesigned to give Catholics a virtual toolbox of practicalideas and strategies for their spiritual journey. Will helpdiscover the direction God has designed for our lives.DFAC-P, Illustrated, 72 pp, Softcover, $12.95THE MISSION OF THE CATHOLIC FAMILYOn the Pathway to HeavenThis book provides a road map for the journeythrough insights on the Holy Family of Nazareth; byseeking God’s call to serve Him in the home, Church,and community.MCF-P, Illustrated, 80 pp, 7 x 10 Softcover, $12.95COMPLETELY CHRIST’SThe Radical Call Of The Consecrated Life (DVD)Learn how to explore God’s radical call to thePriesthood and Consecrated Life. Features Fr.Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJand others from in the priesthood and consecratedlife. Special bonus DVD featuring Mother Teresa.Running time for Completely Christ’s approx. 60minutes; for Mother Teresa approx. 120 minutes.CCRM-M, DVD, $24.95COMPLETELY CHRIST’S II: CCRM2-M, 3 discs, $29.95— FOR CATHOLIC MEN —NOT YOUR AVERAGE JOEThe Real St. Joseph And The Tools For BuildingReal Manhood In The Home, The ChurchAnd The WorldRick Sarkisian, Ph.D. shares personal anecdotes,vivid real-world experiences and penetrating insightsin Joseph’s vocation, mission and virtues.NYAJ-P, Illustrated, 90 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95TOOLS FROM JOSEPH’S WORKSHOP A 30-DayApprenticeship With The Man Closest To ChristSpend a month with St. Joseph and you’ll spend alifetime growing into the person God wants you tobe. Companion to the best-selling video Joseph: TheMan Closest to Christ.TJW-P, Illustrated, 90 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95JOSEPH The Man Closest To ChristThis powerful film includes beautiful artworkand interviews with Catholic priests, teachers andothers including Jesse Romero (Catholic evangelist)and Mark Miravalle, STD (professor). Color.Approximately 60 minutes.JMCC-M, DVD, $19.951-800-651-1531 77 77www.ignatius.com

2/11/2009 4:21:05 PM“Passing on the Faith through engaging online learning”FAITH AND LIFE SERIES STUDENT TEXTCREDO: I BELIEVE5Faith and Life Series5Revised Editioncomingin august <strong>2011</strong>:Online SpanishLanguage Edition!Find the entire Faith and Life Catechism Course atwww.mycatholicfaithdelivered.com/ignatiusThe Faith and Life curriculum presents Catholic teaching usingtime-tested methods of catechesis and faith formation in abeautiful, student-friendly comprehensive format. The onlineversion includes all components of the textbook, but is supplementedwith live links, engaging games, additional media in the form ofmovies and music that support the content of the chapter, reviewgames, testing features, audio glossary, flashcards, and a voice-overfeature for all text.Benefits of Online Learning• Full text voice-over• Instant test results• Rich multimedia• Adjustable font size• Links to primary resources• Interactive maps• Engaging games• Online communities• Video prayers• Accessible vocabulary• Supplementary readings• Practical exercisesMY CATHOLICFAITHDELIVERED 7812603 Hemlock, Suite COverland Park, KS 662131-866-981-89641-800-651-1531 78 www.mycatholicfaithdelivered.comwww.ignatius.com

eligious new <strong>SPRING</strong> education booksFaith and LifeThis beautiful religion series, for grades one through eight, is used inmany schools and CCD programs, and is also popular among parents andhomeschoolers. It combines an interesting presentation of the Catholicfaith, including questions and answers, with beautiful classical artwork.Newly Revised!These revised editions of all eight grades boast several new improvements.It features more age appropriate question and answer sections, key terms setin boldface, more direct quotations from Scriptutre and more. While much in the texts remainsunchanged, it is hoped that the revised editions will be easier to use for both students and teachers.The new teachers’ manuals feature daily lesson plans in a 9’ x 12’ wrap around format. The newmanuals facilitate speedy references and are perfectly coordinated with the textbooks, outliningan entire school year of plans for lessons, games, songs, and activities. Also included are expandedappendices with tests and quizzes for each chapter.Supplementing the new teachers’ manuals are the expanded activity books, featuring enjoyableand creative activities for children at every grade level.Grade 1 Our Heavenly FatherGrade 3 Our Life with JesusGrade 5 Credo: I BelieveGrade 7 Life of GraceGrade 2 Jesus Our LifeGrade 4 Jesus Our GuideGrade 6 Following ChristGrade 8 Our Life In the ChurchEach grade includes Student workbook, Activity workbook, and Teacher’s Manual.See pricing online at www.ignatius.comImage of GodThis series is an exciting and comprehensive pre-school through eighthgrade program including separate Holy Eucharist and Confirmation preparationbooks. It has as its foundation the creation of human beings in God'sown likeness. This foundation is taken from Scripture, the documents ofVatican II, and the writing of John Paul II. It presents the Catholic Faith ina stimulating and easy to read format.Grade 1 Who Has God’s Life? $11.95 Grade 5 Our Mission of Love $11.95Grade 2 Who Loves Me Always? $11.95 Grade 6 God’s Merciful Love $14.95Grade 3 Who Is Our Example? $11.95 Grade 7 Jesus, the Way $11.95Grade 4 We Follow Jesus $11.95 Grade 8 Lord Give Me Eternal Life $11.95Grade 8 Christ With Us Always $11.95Pre-school Workbooks A & B each $5.95Kindergarten Who Am I? $8.95Confirmation Book $8.50Mass Book $5.95The combined Preschool/Kindergarten Teacher's Manual is $19.95.Other books in the series are the same price for each grade:Teacher's Manuals $17.95 - Teacher's Resource Binders $25.95For complete information on the Faith and Life andImage of God series, plus a downloadable catalog of other religiouseducation materials for parishes, visit IPReligiousEd.com1-800-651-1531 79www.ignatius.com

catechesisDidache one year Series • Didache Semester seriesThe Didache One Year Series, comprised of fourtitles, presents the life and doctrine of theCatholic Church in the context of the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church and the teachings of Vatican IIas witnessed by the pontificate of Pope John PaulII and the continuing witness of Pope BenedictXVI. The Didache Series also draws from SacredScripture, the lives of the Saints, and the Doctorsand Fathers of the Church.Introduction to Catholicism:One Year CourseThis book of the Didache Series explains what itmeans to be Catholic.Student Text, DIC:S-P, $30.00Student Workbook, DIC:W-P, $12.00Teacher’s Manual, DIC:TM-P, $25.00Teachers’ Edition of the Workbook DIC:TW-P $25.00Our Moral Life In Christ: One Year CourseThird EditionOur Moral Life in Christ presents the more complextheological concepts of Roman Catholicism.Student Text, DOM3S-H, $39.00Student Workbook, DOM3W-P, $14.00Teacher’s Manual, DOM3TM-H, $70.00Teachers’ Answer Guide DOM3TW-P $30.00The History of the Church: One Year CourseThis comprehensive history includes every majorevent in the Church’s history.Student Text, DHC:S-P, $50.00Student Workbook, DHC:W-P, $18.00Teacher’s Manual, DHC:TM-P, $45.00Teachers’ Edition of the Workbook DHC:TW-P $25.00Understanding the Scriptures: One Year CourseUnderstanding the Scriptures will provide studentswith an understanding of Sacred Scripture socritical to their Catholic faith.Student Text, DUS:S-P, $45.00Student Workbook, DUS:W-P, $12.00Teacher’s Manual, DUS:TM-P, $40.00Teachers’ Edition of the Workbook DUS:TW-P $25.00The Didache Semester Series, comprised ofeight titles, follows the USCCB curriculumframework. This framework is built around 8semester of instruction in which there are 6 corecourses and 2 electives. To see how each book inthe Semester Series corresponds to the USCCBguidelines, go online to highschoolseries.comFaith and Revelation: Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDFRS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDFRW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDFRT-H, $70.00The Blessed Trinity and Our Christian Vocation:Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDBTS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDBTW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDBTT-H, $70.00The Mystery of Redemption and ChristianDiscipleship: Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDMRS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDMRW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDMRT-H, $70.00The Church: The Sacrament of Salvation:Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDCS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDCW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDCT-H, $70.00The Sacraments, Source of Our Life in Christ:Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDSAS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDSAW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SSAT-H, $70.00Our Moral Life in Christ: Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDOMS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDOMW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDOMT-H, $70.00Understanding the Scriptures: Semester SeriesThe relationship between reason and revelation.Student Text, SDUSS-H, $30.00Student Workbook, SDUSW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDUST-H, $75.00The History of the Church: Semester SeriesStudent Text, SDHCS-H, $40.00Student Workbook, SDHCW-P, $10.00Teacher’s Manual and Workbook, SDHCT-H, $90.00Leader’s Manual provides an unparalleled comprehensiveaid for RCIA leaders.Practical appendicescontain a vast array of useful forms, samplesletters, advertising items, and much more, all ofwhich is copyable and printable from an enclosedCD. The book also contains the entire set of handoutsused in ACM’s seminars.ACML-P, $55.95Catechist’s Manual is designed to be a practicalhelp to the catechist by offering a structured wayof preparing for and presenting the catecheticalportion of an RCIA session. This book contains60 doctrinal lesson plans, with full Scripture andCatechism references. ACMC-P, $39.95RCIA Overview Chart is a full-color fold-outchart showing the entire catechumenal process at aglance.. 7 1/2 x 10 inches folded, opens to 38 1/2 x10 inches. ACMO-O, $7.00 eachrcia & adult formationFrom the Association for Catechumenal Ministry(ACM), these uniquely helpful and user-friendly resourcesprovide an unparalleled wealth of support forboth clergy and laity in RCIA and adult education. Andthey are the most affordable products of their kind onthe market. Already in use at over 1500 parishes!Participant’s Book is actually a huge collection ofhandouts. The book contains—380 different handoutsin all! The most unique aspect of this book isthat it is endlessly copyable and printable, making itthe most affordable by far.ACMP-D Non-boxed Version—$189.95(with CD of all handouts and pre-printed tables of contents andindexes only)1-800-651-1531 80www.ignatius.com

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inspirational musicAndrea Bocelli Sacred AriasThe great tenor sings sacredarias by Verdi, Rossini, Schubert,Franck, Bach, Mozart, and others.16 songs total.AB-D . . . CD $18.95Also from Andrea Bocelli:Incanto INC-D . . . CD $18.95Placido DomingoSacred SongsThe beloved tenor presentsthis new collection of sacredhymns, including two duetswith Sissel. Domingo performs16 hymns including three AveMarias, Panis Angelicus, Sanctus,Domine Deus, Kyrie and 6 more.PDSS-D . . . CD, $18.95Also Ave Maria AM-D . . . CD $14.95Susan BoyleI Dreamed a DreamDebut album from the Britishsinging sensation who stunnedthe world on Britain’s Got Talentwith a powerful rendition of“I Dreamed a Dream” fromLes Miserables. Boyle’s humbleappearance belied her amazingvoice that won the hearts of listeners worldwide.Includes I Dreamed a Dream, Wild Horses, Cry Me a River& many more. IDD-D . . . CD $14.95Josh Groban IlluminationsThe new studio album presentsa more personal recording ofsongs for Groban that have asofter, more intimate sound. Heco-wrote 11 of the 13 songs thatare mainly about the beauty oflife, love and relationships, andsome of the struggles we allface. Groban says these songs will resonate in the livesof his listeners. Songs include Love Only Knows, HigherWindow, Wandering Kind, Bells of New York City, L’OraDell’Addio and 8 more. ILLUM-D . . . CD, $18.95Voices: Chant from AvignonThe Nuns of the Abbaye deNotre-Dame de l’Annonciation,in a remote region of France,won a global search byUniversal Music of over 70convents for the world’s finestfemale Gregorian Chant singers.Features the most ancientform of Gregorian Chant. The 22 Chants includeAdoro Te, Surrexit Dominus, Veni Sancte Spiritus,Magnificat, and many more. VCA-D . . . CD $17.95Women in ChantA best-seller nationwide,this wonderful album ofGregorian Chant is by theBenedictine Sisters of ReginaLaudis Abbey. These 24 Latinhymns celebrate the lives ofthe Virgin Mary and fourVirgin Martyrs. Incudes StabatMater, Kyrie, Regina Caeli and more.WIC-D . . . CD $18.95Also available Women in Chant II: RecordareWICR-D . . . CD $18.95The Best of AndreaBocelli: VivereFeatures 15 selections from theBocelli repertoire, and includesTime To Say Goodbye in duetwith Sarah Brightman, ThePrayer in duet with Celine Dion,plus Bocelli favorites BecauseWe Believe, Romanza, BesameMucho, Melodramma, & more. BABV-D . . . CD $18.95Also: Vivere combo: includes this CD + a DVDBABV-M . . . CD/DVD $24.95Amore InfinitoPlacido Domingo, out ofreverence for “the greatesthuman being I have everknown,” has created thisinspiring collection based onPope John Paul II’s poems,as an affirmation of faithand tribute to the late Pope.Joined by Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, VanessaWilliams, and Katherine Jenkins.AI-D . . . CD $18.95Canadian TenorsThe Tenors are the incrediblypowerful voices of four giftedyoung men. Critics and audiencesagree this first album isa memorable hit that featuresa repertoire of classical, spiritualand pop songs includingThe Prayer, Because We Believe,Adagio, Hallelujah, Always There, and 7 more gems.CTEN-D . . . CD $17.95Josh GrobanThis young tenor’s debutalbum showcases his stunninglyrich, beautiful voicethat many compare to AndreaBocelli. The album featuresGroban’s powerful rendition ofJesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring; hismoving duet The Prayer; You’reStill You, and 10 more. JG-D . . . CD $18.95Also available:Josh Groban: CloserJGC-D . . . CD $18.95Chant This chant album is froman ancient Cistercian monasteryin Vienna, Austria, which happensto be a favorite abbey ofBenedict XVI. The album hasbecome an international sensation,and it presents the deepspiritual beauty of the monks’chants. 29 hymns in total, withcollectors booklet. CMS-D . . . CD $17.95Sublime ChantThis instantly popular recordingby Richard Proulx and hisCathedral Singers presents agenerous selection of Gregorian,Ambrosian & Gallican chant. 28hymns include Missa de Angelis,Missa Simplex, Pange Lingua,Adoro te Devote, Ave VerumCorpus, Salve Regina & more. SUBC-D . . . CD $16.95Also: More Sublime Chant MSC-D . . . CD $16.951-800-651-1531 86www.ignatius.com

inspirational musicAlma Mater: Songs & Prayersto Mary • Pope Benedict XVIwith the Vatican ChoirThis unique new recording featuresPope Benedict singing orreciting hymns and prayers toOur Lady accompanied by theVatican Choir.AMCW-D . . . CD $18.95j AMCWS-M . . . DVD/CD Combo, $24.95Through the Eyesof His MotherRosary, Divine Mercy, HymnsThe complete Rosary andDivine Mercy meditation set,with Irish tenor Mark Forrest,wife Muriel, and Fr. FrancisPeffley providing meditationsand vocal prayer for all 20Rosary mysteries, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and theLitany of the Saints. A wonderful 2 CD set.TEHM-D . . . 2 CDs, $16.95L’Angélus Sacred HymnsThis greatly gifted young trioof singers/musicians offermoving renditions of 12 ofthe most beloved hymns.Selections include TantumErgo, Salve Regina, Jesus MyLord, My God, My All, Sing ofMary, Panis Angelicus, Be ThouMy Vision, and 5 more. SHY-D . . . CD $15.95L’Angélus Ça C’est Bon!L’Angélus weaves the Cajun& Celtic cultures of Louisianainto a seamless blend of vocalharmony & the world’s finestfiddling. This acclaimed familyband has produced one ofthe best-selling Cajun recordsin history that celebrates a deeplove of life anchored in the Catholic faith. Includes TheWaltz of St. Cecilia, Marianne, Le Swing Cajun, The Waltzof the Sorrowful Mysteries and 9 more.CBON-D . . . CD, $15.95Also Available:Rosary & Chaplet ofDivine MercyRecorded at the NationalShrine of The Divine Mercy,the prayers are led by ShrineRector, Fr. Dan Papineau, MIC,with Vinny Flynn and his StillWaters family ministry.RCDM-D . . . CD $15.95BenedictusBEHA-D . . . CD $15.95Perry Como: GreatestGospel SongsThis album features the legendaryComo singing these21 spiritual classics with hisusual warmth and inspiration.Includes such belovedsongs as Ave Maria, AllThrough the Night, Holy GodWe Praise Thy Name, I Believe, The Lord’s Prayer, TheRosary, A Still Small Voice, and 14 more!PCGS-D . . . CD $16.95Gregorian Chant • TheBest Loved Chants of SantoDomingo de SiloSome of the most cherishedchants, including Ave Maria, AdoroTe Devote, Salve Regina, PanisAngelicus, Alleluia Omnes Gentes,Lux Aeternum, In Paradisum,Pange Lingua and many more.Includes extensive liner-notes about each piece.GCHANT-D . . . CD $16.95The Priests HarmonyThis is the second album byThe Priests, the singing priestlytrio from Ireland. Harmonyhighlights more glorious hymnsfeaturing their rich vocals andharmonies on favorite sacredsongs such as The Lord’s Prayer,Amazing Grace, and many more.HARM-D . . . CD $15.95The PriestsThis album by 3 Irish Catholicpriests, brought together by theirfaith and passion for music whilein seminary, became an instanthit. With a full orchestra & choir,they sing some of our best lovedsacred songs, including AveMaria, Panis Angelicus, Pie Jesu,Abide With Me, O Holy Night, Ecce Sacerdos Magnus, and8 more. PRI-D . . . CD $15.95j PRI-M . . . DVD, $18.95Catholic Latin ClassicsRichard Proulx directs theCathedral Singers in these 20beloved Catholic Latin Hymns.CLC-D . . . CD $16.95Also Available:Catholic Communion ClassicsCCOM-D . . . CD $16.95Catholic Marian ClassicsRichard Proulx and hisCathedral Singers once againbring their incredible talentsto this sequel to Catholic LatinClassics, presenting lovelysacred music and moving renditionsof 21 classic Marianhymns that are a wonderfultribute to Our Lady. Hymns include four Ave Marias,Salve Regina, Sing of Mary, Regina Caeli, Hail Holy Queenand 13 more. CMC-D . . . CD $16.95The Winds HaveChanged Eric GenuisVirtuoso Catholic composerand musician Eric Genuisperforms his songs with theSlovak National SymphonyOrchestra and featuringsuperb soprano Ann MarieBoskovich. This album has 12stunning songs that move the heart, soul and mind,including the instant classic Here I Am, and also NoGreater Love, Angel in Disguise, In Heaven’s Arms and8 more gems. WINDS-D . . . CD, $15.951-800-651-1531 87www.ignatius.com

Marian GraceMarian Grace is a very talentedyoung Nashville-based musicalgroup. Beloved ancientCatholic hymns and chants arecombined with moving instrumentationand stunning vocalsthat is guaranteed to inspireyoung and old alike! Hymnsinclude O Salutaris, Let All Mortal Flesh, Salve Regina,Tantum Ergo, Agnus Dei, Holy God We Praise Thy Name,Faith of Our Fathers and 6 more gems.MGAH-D . . . CD, $14.95Il Divo The PromiseFour of the greatest operaticvoices in the world cometogether to create a uniquesignature sound and re-interpretpopular romantic andspiritual songs. Songs includeAmazing Grace, The Power ofLove, Hallelujah, Adagio, LaLuna, The Promise, and five more.ILD-D . . . CD $18.95Sacred ClassicsThe acclaimed internationalIrish Tenor Mark Forrest performssoaring renditions of14 beloved sacred classics.Includes two Ave Marias,Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, AveVerum, Pie Jesu, Amazing Grace,Panis Angelicus, Faith of OurFathers, Be Thou My Vision, and 5 more great hymns.SC-D . . . CD, $16.95Solemn Vespers WithPope Benedict XVIRecorded live at the Basilicaof the National Shrine ofthe Immaculate Conceptionduring the Pope’s ApostolicJourney to the USA. Includesa Collector’s Booklet withcolor photos and the words ofthe hymns, that include Iaudibus in Sanctus, At TheLamb’s High Feast, Magnificat, Pater Noster, Regina Caeliand 10 more. SVPB-D . . . CD $16.95Holy Rosary withMother AngelicaJoin Mother Angelica and thePoor Clares as they recite theMysteries of the Rosary. Thesecloistered nuns lift their heartsand voices to Our Lord for theintentions of the world, withMother Angelica leading eachof the decades. HRMA-D . . . CD $16.95j HRMA-M . . . DVD $24.95CELTIC THUNDERIt’s EntertainmentA tribute from Celtic Thunder‘sheroes including Fred Astaire,Neil Diamond, Jim Croce,Leonard Cohen, Michael Buble,The Beach Boys and more!Songs include Hello Again,Home, Standing on the Corner,Hallelujah, Amazing Grace, Everything I Do and 10 more.CTIE-D . . . CD $18.95 • j CTIE-M DVD $19.95Also Celtic Thunder CTHUN-D . . . CD $18.95inspirational musicA Worcester LadyMassTrio MediavalThe first Trio Mediaeval sacredalbum since Stella Maris, thisWorcester LadyMass has beeneagerly awaited. The acclaimedfemale trio present a 13th centuryvotive Mass honoring thenew!Virgin Mary, based on manuscriptsand fragments from a Benedictine Abbey inthe England. Hymns include Munda Maria, O MariaVirgo Pia, Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Alma DeiGenitrix and 13 more. WLM-D . . . CD, $18.95The Village ofSt. BernadetteThis classic recording of spiritualsongs by Andy Williamshas been digitally remastered.Includes The Village of St.Bernadette, and Our Lady ofFatima. A bonus second albumis his classical love songsrecord, Lonely Street. 24 total songs on CD.VOSB-D . . . CD, $18.95Come Walk with MeMark ForrestBased on an evening ofEucharistic prayer, musicand reflection that Irish TenorMark Forrest has presented.His tenor voice makes thealbum very moving. IncludesShepherd Me O God, BreatheOn Me Holy One, Prayer of St. Francis, I Exalt Thee,You Are Mine, Here I am Lord, How Great Thou Artand more. CWWM-D . . . CD, $15.95The Irish TenorsSacred: A Spiritual JourneyThe Irish Tenors live up to theirreputation as “gifted interpreters”with this collaboration,covering a wide range of spiritualmaterial. Sacred was producedby the Irish Tenors’ longtimemusical director, ArnieRoth, and includes Be Thou My Vision, Deus Meus, SalveRegina, Amazing Grace and 11 more.SACR-D . . . CD, $18.95A Mother’s LoveBritain’s best-selling choir, TheSixteen, presents an album ofmusic inspired by classic hymnsto the Virgin Mary. Songsrange from medieval composersto modern times, includinga world premiere work byMargaret Rizza, Ave Generosa.Other hymns include Salve Regina (3 versions), AveMaria (4 versions), Ave Maris Stella, and more. 17 hymnstotal. MLMM-D . . . CD $17.95BenedictusA prayerful collection of thebest-loved, traditional HolyHour hymns (plus a few contemporaryadoration songs)—all with fresh new arrangementsand a bit of an Irishtouch. Includes the classicsPange Lingua Gloriosi, Adoro TeDevote, Panis Angelicus, Oh Lord I Am Not Worthy, andnine more. BEHA-D . . . CD, $15.951-800-651-1531 88www.ignatius.com

audio books / catholic films“ I am happy to give my wholehearted endorsementto this audio New Testament.”— Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke,Prefect of the Apostolic Signaturaof the Holy SeeThe Truth and LifeDramatized Audio Bible New Testamenthis brilliantly-recorded audio Bible of the <strong>Ignatius</strong> Bible (RSV-TCE) -New Testament is a deeply inspiring, spiritually- andartistically-rich production that is endorsed with an Imprimaturfrom the Vatican and includes a foreword by Pope BenedictXVI. Voiced by internationally-renowned actors including: NealMcDonough, Kristen Bell, Sean Astin, Michael York, BlairUnderwood, Malcolm McDowell, Stacy Keach, Brian Cox, JuliaOrmond, John Rhys-Davies and many more, The Truth & Life Audio New Testament is a first-of-its-kinddramatized audio Bible of the RSV-CE translation. In addition to the star-studded cast for the many voicesin the New Testament, this dramatized recording includes beautiful music and many wonderful soundeffects to make the scriptures come alive, helping the listener to feel that he is witnessing personally thelife-changing words and events of salvation 2,000 years ago.From Chicago to Hollywood to New York and beyond... over 70 actors, 20 audio engineers in 10 studiosover 3 continents contributed to the creation of this unique audio New Testament. More than 100 mediadevelopment experts and 10,000 production hours were needed to complete this ambitious project. EveryCatholic who loves the Word of God should own a copy of this astounding production of the completeRSV-CE New Testament.Plus Bonus CD: Renowned biblical teacher and Holy Land expert Stephen Ray explains St. John’sGospel in an exciting, inspirational presentation that will ignite your love for the Bible.TLDAB-D . . . 22 hours, 18 CDs, $49.95ThérèseThis film, directed byLeonardo Defilippis, tellsthe story of St. Thérèse ofLisieux, a young girl whofell in love with Jesus Christand demonstrated a pathof spirituality, known asthe “Little Way”, throughthe actions of unconditionallove, human compassion,and selfless devotionto duty. Starring LindsayYounce, this moving true story is told in an inspiringway that invites the audience to contemplateand apply such spirituality in their own lives.j THE-M . . . 96 min, $19.95ALso: Miracle of St. Thérèsej MST-M . . . 90 minutes, Black & White, $19.95The Scarletand the BlackThis outstanding film tellsthe true story of an Irishpriest in the Vatican whoorganizes an undergroundnetwork in Rome to hide theJews and others from theNazis during World War II.Gregory Peck stars as Msgr.Hugh O’Flaherty, who usesdisguises to do his dangerouswork and hide from theruthless Nazi commander (Christopher Plummer)who wants to murder the priest.j SB-M . . . 156 min., $14.95Also: The Scarlet and the Black (Book)SB-P . . . 190 pp, Illustrated, Sewn Softcover, $14.95Nine Days ThatChanged the WorldThe film explores Pope JohnPaul II’s historic nine-daypilgrimage to Poland in Juneof 1979, which created a revolutionof conscience thattransformed Poland andfundamentally reshaped thespiritual and political landscapeof the 20th Century.Newt and Callista Gingrichexplore what transpired duringthese dramatic nine days. Featuring exclusiveinterviews with George Weigel, Michael Novak,John O’Sullivan, Jerzy Kluger, Fr. Adam Boniecki,Fr. Thomas Williams, President Lech Walesa,President Vaclav Havel, Former CIA DirectorJames Woolsey, and many more.j NDCW-M . . . 90 min., $19.95Paul VIThe Pope in the TempestFrom 1963 to 1978 the papacyof Pope Paul VI helped shapehow the Catholic Churchwould confront the complexitiesof the modern world.Journey into the past of bothItaly and the world. Coveringfifty years of history thatchanged the Catholic Churchand the world, this is a storythat draws its lessons from historyitself. In Italian with English and Spanish subtitles.Includes: Collector’s Booklet by Carl Olson. Bonus featuresinclude a special documentary on Pope Paul VI with historianJames Hitchcock and Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ.j P6-M . . . 200 min., $24.951-800-651-1531 89www.ignatius.com

catholic filmsThe Miracle ofFather KapaunThe story of the Servant ofGod, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a heroof the Korean War whosecause for sainthood is movingthrough Rome, and whohas also been nominatedthe Medal of Honor. Thisacclaimed documentary tellsof his heroic work as a chaplainduring battle, and hisleadership and comfort of fellowAmerican prisoners after capture and torture bythe Communists, which led to his death at 35 yearsof age in 1951. The film features interviews with soldierswho knew Kapaun, as well as with the Kansasfamily who is convinced Kapaun’s miraculous intercessionsaved their son’s life.j MFK-M . . . 45 min, $19.95Saints and SoldiersSpecial Edition • Based onactual WWII events. A smallband of Allied soldiersescape the brutal MalmedyMassacre during the Battleof the Bulge. Trapped behindenemy lines with informationthat could save thousandsof U.S. lives, outgunned &ill-equipped, they mustbattle the frigid wilderness& roving German troops tosmuggle critical intelligenceback to Allied land. Won 14 Best Picture awards at filmfestivals nationwide, including the prestigious HeartlandFilm Festival. Special edition at new lower price has newextras: Behind the Scenes, Director Commentary, TheatricalTrailers & more. j SAS-M . . . 90 min., $19.95Love is a ChoiceThe Life of St. Gianna MollaDocuments the heroic lifeof St. Gianna Molla throughinterviews with her husband,children, friends, letters, familymementos, and great filmclips of Gianna. St. Gianna,who sacrificed her life to saveher unborn baby, was a mother,a medical doctor, a loverof opera, art, beauty, andculture; one who can speakmuch to our present day especially when family lifeis so threatened. j LIC-M . . . 52 min., $19.95Also available: Saint Gianna MollaSTGM-P . . . 155 pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95St. Teresa of the AndesA lovely, epic miniseriesfrom Chile about the newCarmelite saint who livedin the 20th century, died atjust 19, and was canonized in1993. St. Teresa grew up in aclose-knit family in Santiago,Chile, was popular withfriends and relatives, enteredCarmel at 19, and died beforeher 20th birthday. In Spanishwith English subtitles. Specialfeatures: A documentary film on life & message of St. Teresawith Fr. Christopher La Rocca, OCD, and a collector’sbooklet. j STAN-M . . . 450 min., 3 DVDs $34.95The Miracle ofMarcelinoRestored 1955 VersionGrand Prize Award Winner atthe International Cannes FilmFestival and a heartwarmingfilm, “Marcelino Pan Y Vino,”is about a little orphan boywho causes a miracle. Left onthe doorstep of a monastaryas an infant, Marcelino wasraised by the monks. One dayhe found a special friend inthe forbidden attic... hanging on a cross. A friend thatwould repay Marcelino’s kindness by granting himone heart-felt wish.j MOM-M . . . 90 min., B&W, $19.95Joseph of NazarethThe first feature film everon the story of St. Joseph—carpenter, husband of Mary,and the human father ofJesus Christ. Starring TobiasMoretti in a manly, appealingperformance, this lovely filmpresents beautiful vignettes ofpowerful scenes in the life ofthe young Christ and the HolyFamily that are authentic andinspiring. Also stars StefaniaRivi (Mary), Franco Interlenghi, and Andrea Prodan.Filmed in English, includes Spanish subtitles. SpecialFeatures: excerpts from a documentary on St. Joseph, and acollector’s booklet. j JNA-M . . . 105 min., $19.95The Jeweller’s ShopBased on Pope John Paul II’sbest-selling book, it tells of thestruggles and triumphs in themarriage of 3 couples. A mysteriousJeweller (Burt Lancaster)acts as a mystical advisor tothe couples, encouraging themto keep love at the center oftheir lives. Beautifully filmedwith an outstanding cast thatincludes Olivia Hussey andBen Cross. John Paul II calledit “best possible film based on my play.”j JS-M . . . 95 min., incl. Spanish subt., $19.95Also available: The Jeweler’s Shop by Karol WojtylaJSH-H . . . 91 pp, Sewn Hardcover, $14.95The Spiritual Exercisesof St. <strong>Ignatius</strong>St. <strong>Ignatius</strong> wrote these "exercisesfor the soul", which leadthe follower of Christ from selfwill and attachment into freedomto know and do the willof God. Under the guidanceof Fr. Raymond Gawronski,SJ, the viewers of this 13-partseries from EWTN can makethe actual Ignatian retreat,covering all the major pointsof the Spiritual Exercises. Includes study guide.j SESI-M . . . 390 min., 2 discs, $39.95Also available: A Do-It-At-Home RetreatDIHR-P . . . 233 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.951-800-651-1531 90www.ignatius.com

catholic filmsAfter the TruthThis powerful, award-winningGerman film tells the story ofone of the greatest challengesthe legal system has ever faced.Dr. Josef Mengele, the infamous“Angel of Death” in Auschwitz,and one of the mostwanted Nazi war criminals,turns himself in after 30 yearsin hiding to tell his “truth”to the world. Thus ensues abattle between conscience andevil... German with English and Spanish subtitles. Includesscreenwriter commentary track and collector’s booklet.j ATT-M . . . 120 min., $24.95 $19.95Road of HopeThe Spiritual Journey ofCardinal Nguyen Van ThuanThis documentary exploresthe life of the heroic spiritualleader of Vietnam, CardinalVan Thuan. The film traceshis history from a privilegedupbringing in a powerfulpolitical family to decades ofwar, betrayal, and imprisonment—whenhe would celebrateMass in secret with threedrops of wine in the palm of his hand and the hostsmuggled inside a flashlight by his faithful. Featuringinterviews with those who knew him best, neverbefore-seenfamily videos, and rare archival footage.j ROH-M . . . 60 min., $19.95Karol: The Pope, The ManFilmed on location in Italy andPoland, this film focuses onJPII’s papacy & his tremendousimpact on the Church & theworld. This charismatic spiritualleader helped fell Communism,renewed the life of the Church,impacted youth worldwide withlove for Christ & reached out toother religions and world leaderswith a message of peace andlove. English language, Spanish &English subtitles. Includes 16-page booklet by Carl Olson withstudy questions, biography of Pope John Paul II & resource list.j KPM-M . . . 185 min., $24.95Also available:Testimony: The Untold Story of Pope John Paul IIj TUS-M . . . 90 min., $19.95Jesus of NazarethZeffirelli’s award-winning filmwith an all-star cast that depictsthe life of Christ. Acclaimedfor its thorough Biblical andhistorical accuracy, with sixhours of superb acting, beautifulmusic, and outstandingcinematography. This powerfulfilm brings you closer toChrist and will be a blessingfor every home. StarringRobert Powell, Olivia Hussey,Laurence Olivier, James Mason, Anthony Quinn andmany others.j JON-M . . . 371 min., 2 discs, $24.95Study Guide — A 62-page study guide for a 12-weekstudy of the life of Christ that parallels the video.JON:SG-O . . . $19.95Padre PioBetween Heaven and EarthFilmed on location in Italy, thisfilm tells the story of the humblemonk from San GiovanniRotondo blessed with incrediblespiritual gifts includingstigmata, bi-location & readingof souls. It shows his deep holinessand great compassion forthose who suffer. Directed byGiulio Base (Maria Goretti, SaintPeter) with music by legendaryfilm composer Ennio Morricone. English & Italianlanguage, Spanish & English subtitles. Includes collector’sbooklet. j PPBHE-M . . . 180 min., $24.95Also available:Padre Pio: The Priest Who Bore the Wounds of Christj PADP-M . . . 390 min. 2-disc, $39.95A Hand of PeacePope Pius XII and the HolocaustFeaturing interviews withleading historical scholars,leaders in the Jewish communityand those who personallyknew Pius XII, thefilm details the efforts toassist Jews and other victimsof Nazi atrocities. This persuasiveand engaging documentarylooks at the difficultchoices Pius XII faced duringWWII, and provides convincing proof that his bold,yet discreet, prophetic actions saved tens of thousandsof Jewish lives. j AHP-M . . . 55 min., $19.95Father of MercyThe True Story ofVenerable Don GnocchiFollow Fr. Carlo Gnocchi, anItalian priest who laboredheroically for wounded anddying soldiers in WWII, andfor victims of the war at home.Having volunteered as a chaplain,he witnessed the horrorsof the war, helped many sufferingsoldiers, and miraculouslyescaped death, returning tostart a foundation for the many child victims of war. Hiscause for beatification is underway in Rome. English &Italian language, Spanish & English subtitles. Includes Behindthe Scenes and 16-page booklet with biography, study questions& resource list. j FM-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95Our Father’s PlanThis 13-program series fromEWTN, featuring Dr. ScottHahn and Jeff Cavins, walksthrough salvation historyfrom Genesis to the Churchusing the chronological Biblenarrative. Some key themes:the expanding plan of salvationfrom one family to oneChurch, the law of Moses, theDavidic kingdom, how Jesusfulfills the law, the primacy ofPeter & the teachings of Paul.j OFP-M . . . 3 discs, 13 hours, $59.95 $49.95Also available: Our Father’s Plan Study GuideOFP:S-P . . . 100 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95Our Father’s Plan Bible Facilitator GuideOFP:F-P . . . 51 pp, Sewn Softcover, $6.951-800-651-1531 91www.ignatius.com

catholic filmsDon MatteoDon Matteo Bondini (TerenceHill) isn’t your everyday parishpriest. The former missionaryis blessed with extraordinaryintuition and a deepunderstanding of the humansoul—which comes in handywhen a crime has been committed.This set of 12 episodesfrom the most popular serieson Italian TV gives us DonMatteo at his best. Always onestep ahead of Captain Anceschi (Flavio Insinna) ofthe police department, Don Matteo uses his gifts toreawaken the consciences of the criminals he encounters.Wonderful family entertainment and inspiration.In Italian with English subtitles.j DM-M . . . 12 eps., 600 min., 3 Disc, $34.95Pope Benedict XVIA Love Affair with the TruthThe first in-depth documentaryon the life of PopeBenedict XVI. Includes footageof his youth, his priestlyordination, consecration asbishop, elevation to cardinal,time heading the CDF andcollaborating with Pope JohnPaul II, election as pope, &what he has accomplished inthe first 3 years of his papacy.Includes bonus footage of highlights of his recentvisit to the USA. j PBLA-M . . . 56 mins., $19.95Saint AnthonyThe first major feature filmon the life of St. Anthonyof Padua, starring DanieleLiotti in an acclaimed performance.Made in Italy, thisoutstanding film presentsSt. Anthony as a strong andappealing person who sacrificedwealth, popularity andfamily for the Kingdom ofGod. It beautifully portraysthe power of his preaching,the holiness of his life, his love for the poor, and thewonders of his miracles. Italian with English subtitles.j STA-M . . . 95 min., $19.95MaryThe Mother of GodFollow Mary’s extraordinaryjourney in this inspiring film.You’ll travel the dusty pathsthat took Mary to the heartof the salvation story. You’llclearly understand Mary’sImma culate Conception,her role as intercessor, herAssumption into Heaven andmore. Comprehensive studyguide included.j FOGMA-M . . . 78 min., $24.95Other Footprints of God titles available:Moses j FOGMO-M . . . 90 min., $24.95David and Solomon j FOGDS-M . . . 90 min., $24.95Padre Pio:Miracle ManStarring Italian actor SergioCastellitto, this movie capturesthe Capuchin friar’sintense faith and devotion,and deep spiritual concernfor others, as well as his greatcompassion for the sick andsuffering. It reveals the amazingdetails and events inPadre Pio’s life as a boy andthroughout his 50 years as afriar, dramatizing the frequent attacks of the Devil onhim, as well as the persecution he suffered. In Italianwith English or Spanish subtitles, or an English dubbedtrack. Includes a 16 page collector’s booklet.j PPMM-M . . . 210 min, $24.95Saint RitaFamous as the patron ofhopeless situations, St. Ritaof Cascia is immortalized inthis powerful feature film.Starring Vittoria Belvedereand Martin Crewes, this isthe story of a brave womanwho married her knight,helped him overcome hisdark past and convert to thefaith, bore him two children,only to lose everything inher life. She finds peace in a convent of sisters, anddevelops a deep union with Christ. In Italian withEnglish or Spanish subtitles, or an English dubbed track.Includes special features, and a collector’s booklet.j SRITA-M . . . 200 min, $24.95BellaThe acclaimed, award-winningtheatrical hit that tellsthe moving and life-affirmingstory about a beautifulwaitress in a New York Cityrestaurant facing a crisispregnancy and unemployment,and the loving supportshe receives from a kind manwith a mysterious past seekingto heal deep wounds ofhis own. Starring EduardoVerastegui and Tammy Blanchard.j BELLA-M . . . 100 min., $19.95Also – Companion Photo Book: Behind Bella (see p. 48)BBEL-H . . . 158 pp, Sewn Hardcover $19.95 $7.00JesusThe Word Became FleshJoin Stephen Ray, bestsellingauthor and popularBible teacher, as he catchesfish in the Sea of Galilee,camps along the Jordan, andexplores the places Jesuslived and performed hismiracles. Join the incrediblejourney through the streetsof Jerusalem to Calvary andthe tomb, to the Resurrectionand Pentecost. Comprehensive study guide included.j FOGJ-M . . . 94 min., $24.95Peter j FOGPE-M . . . 75 min., $24.95Paul j FOGPA-M . . . 90 min., $24.95Apostolic Fathers j FOGAF-M . . . 90 min., $24.951-800-651-1531 92www.ignatius.com

catholic filmsClare and FrancisFrom the producers of PadrePio and St. John Bosco comesthis beautiful epic feature filmon the lives of St. Clare andSt. Francis of Assisi. Shot onlocation in Italy, stars MaryPetruolo and Ettore Bassi giveinspiring, authentic performancesas Clare, the daughterof a patrician family, andFrancis, the son of a rich merchant,who leave all to followChrist. The definitive film onthese great saints. English and Italian language, Spanish& English subtitles. Includes special features, and a collector’sbooklet.j CF-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95150th Anniversaryof LourdesSPECIAL EDITIONBernadetteJean Delannoy’s classicdepiction, starring SydneyPenny. Shown daily at theshrine in Lourdes.Special Features:Re-mastered new Widescreenedition; Collector’sBooklet; French (first timeavailable) and English versions; English & Spanishsubtitles; Film interview with actress SydneyPenny on playing Bernadette; Audio interviewswith Sydney Penny. Includes CD with acclaimed“Song of Bernadette” by Oscar- and Grammywinningsinger Jennifer Warnes.j BER2-M . . . 120 min, $19.95The Passionof BernadetteThis sequel to Bernadette tellsthe story of St. Bernadette'slife after the Marianvisions—the life that madeher a saint. Another movingperformance by SydneyPenny, this beautiful filmreveals the incessant illnessand suffering that St.Bernadette patiently, evencheerfully, endured throughouther life in the convent, often praying “to sufferand offer it to God.”j PB-M . . . 106 min., $19.95St. Teresa of AvilaA powerful epic mini-seriesshot on location in Spainthat tells the story of one ofthe most amazing women inhistory, St. Teresa of Avila.With meticulous attention todetail and historical accuracy,outstanding productionvalues, and an incredibleperformance by actressConcha Velasco as Teresa,this acclaimed major filmproduction is the definitive film on the life of thisgreat saint. In Spanish with English subtitles. Includesmany special features, and Collector’s Bookletj STOA-M . . . 450 min., 3 discs, $39.95Also available: Teresa of Avila: Personality & Prayerj TAPP-M . . . 390 min., $39.95John XXIIIThe Pope of PeaceFrom the makers of Pope JohnPaul II and Saint Rita comesthis inspiring feature film onBlessed Pope John XXIII, starringEd Asner in a wonderfulperformance. Shot on locationin Italy, this epic movie tellsthe whole life story of JohnXXIII from his youth to thepapacy, revealing his deepgoodness, courage and loveof others. English and Italianlanguage, Spanish & English subtitles. Includes a 16 pagecollector’s booklet.j J23-M . . . 200 mins., $24.95Maria GorettiThis feature film tells themoving story of St. MariaGoretti, a virtuous younggirl who died protecting herpurity, and about her heroicparents who, despite greathardships, instilled a deeplove for God in their children.Made on location in Italy andfilled with authentic detail.Includes a special 16 page collector’sbooklet. In Italian withEnglish and Spanish subtitles, or English dubbed track.j MG-M . . . 105 min., $19.95Pope John Paul IIThis epic film follows KarolWojtyla’s journey from hisyouth in Poland through hislate days on the Chair of St.Peter. Jon Voight’s powerful,Emmy-nominated performanceas John Paul II waswidely praised, as was CaryElwes as the young Karol.Shot on location in Rome andPoland in close connectionwith the Vatican, this is thedefinitive epic film on the life of Pope John Paul II.DVD includes a sixteen-page collectors booklet with exclusivephotos, interviews and more. Deleted and behind thescenes, the making of the movie and footage of the WorldPremiere screening at the Vatican with Benedict XVI.j PJPII-M . . . 3 hours, $19.95St. John Bosco:Mission to LoveFlavio Insinna gives a winningperformance as John(Don) Bosco, the great priestand educator of youth fromthe tough streets of Turin,Italy. Beautifully filmed inItaly, this epic movie dramatizesthe many challengesthat Don Bosco had toovercome. His deep faith,creative imagination andprofound charity shine through in this wonderfulfilm. In Italian with English or Spanish subtitles, or anEnglish dubbed track. Includes special features, and acollector’s booklet.j SJBML-M . . . 200 min, $24.951-800-651-1531 93www.ignatius.com

God’s DoorkeeperSt. André of MontrealOn January 6, 1937, the deathof a humble doorkeeper fora boys’ college drew over amillion people to Montrealfor his funeral. For 40 years,Brother André Bessette welcomedpeople at the door andbecame known as a miraculoushealer. God’s Doorkeepernew!looks at the heart and legacyof Brother André. On October17, 2010, Brother André became the first maleCanadian-born saint and the first saint for theCongregation of Holy Cross.j GDO-M . . . 60 min., $19.95The Nun The Story of aCarmelite VocationThis award-winning documentarytells the story of Marta,a young Catholic woman inSweden and her counter-culturalchoice to follow a callingto become a cloisteredCarmelite nun. Documentaryfilmmaker Maud Nycanderfollowed Marta and her familyfor ten years to tell the story ofher vocation, and the Carmeliteconvent made a unique exception to its strict regulationsby allowing the filmmaker to meet with andinterview Marta both before and after her five-yearpostulant period. Swedish with English subtitles.j NUN-M . . . 60 min., $19.95Edith Stein: TheSeventh ChamberA moving, artistic portrayalof the life of Jewish philosopher,Catholic convert andCarmelite martyr, EdithStein, capturing the interiorstruggles of this extraordinarywoman, as well as the greatconflicts from her decision toconvert to Catholicism. Shot ina kind of a rich expressionistrealism, starring actress MaiaMorgenstern (The Passion of the Christ) in a powerfulperformance as Stein. In Italian with English & Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page Collector’s Booklet.j EDITH-M . . . 110 min., $24.95catholic filmsThe Reluctant SaintMaximilian Schell stars asthe “flying friar”, St. Josephof Cupertino. Joseph’s motherconvinces the reluctant abbotto accept her son into themonastery. Yet some, includingthe sceptical Don Raspi(Ricardo Montalban), areconvinced that it is the devil,not God, who is responsiblefor Joseph’s amazing powers—andit will take a miracleto change their minds. Includes a 16-page Collector’sBooklet. In English with Spanish / English subtitles.j RS-M . . . 104 min., B&W, $19.95St. Giuseppe MoscatiDoctor to the PoorGiuseppe Moscati, “the holyphysician of Naples,” was amedical doctor and laymanin the early 20th century whocame from an aristocratic familyand devoted his medicalcareer to serving the poor. Inthis beautifully filmed movie,learn the story of one of thegreat modern saints—almostunknown in America. InItalian with English and Spanish subtitles. Includes a16-page Collector’s Booklet by Tim Drake. Bonus feature:special “Making of” film documentary.j SGMO-M . . . 177 min., $24.95St. John Baptistde La SalleThe inspiring story of a 17thcentury French priest whoreluctantly became involvedin educating poor childrenand became the Founder ofthe Brothers of the ChristianSchools, an order knowntoday as the De La SalleChristian Brothers. Actor MelFerrer gives a heartfelt performanceas St. John Baptist deLa Salle, a priest from a wealthy upper-class familywho gave up everything to serve the needs of educatingpoor children, facing tremendous oppositionalong the way. In English with English and Spanishsubtitles. Includes a 16 page Collector’s Booklet.j SJBS-M . . . 100 min, $19.95Finding FatimaThe 13th DayProduced by the award-winningIn a world torn apart by persecu-filmmakers of the highlytion and war, three children fromacclaimed feature film The 13thFatima, Portugal were chosen toDay, this is a powerful and indepthoffer a message of hope to thenew documentary thatworld. Based on the memoirs ofcombines archival footage, dramaticSr. Lucia Santos and eye-witnessreenactments, originalaccounts, The 13th Day dramatiz-interviews with Fatima expertses the true story of the shepherdand stunning visuals to tellchildren who were visited by thethe whole story of the apparitionsVirgin Mary in 1917, culminatingof Our Lady of Fatima.in the famous Miracle of the Sun.With high production valuesWriter-directors Ian and Dominicand a beautiful look, artists and filmmakers Ian and Higgins use state-of-the-art effects to create the famousDominic Higgins present a compelling docu-drama visions and final miracle in a way that has never beforeabout the appearances and messages of Our Lady been realized on screen. Widescreen format. English within Fatima in 1917, a message of prayer, penance and optional English & Spanish subtitles. Many special features.conversion that is desperately needed in our modern “The 13th Day is the best film ever made about Fatima.”world. In English with English or Spanish subtitles.— Steven Greydanus, National Catholic Registerj FFA-M . . . 90 min, $19.95j 13D-M . . . 85 min., $24.951-800-651-1531 94www.ignatius.com

new catholic filmsThe Holy Face The Face of Christ in the Cloth of ManoppelloTwo intriguing new documentary films on one DVD about the discoveryof the amazing relic of the Holy Face on a cloth revered in a Church inManoppello, Italy. Paul Badde, author of the international best-sellingbook on the Veil of Manoppello, The Face of God, is a featured spokesmanin both films that takes us to the Church in Italy to see this amazingcloth up close, and to learn the mysterious history that surroundsit. Both films also feature other experts on the holy cloth. Based on thein-depth research Badde did for his book, these films reveal that expertshave determined the cloth of Manoppello is not Veronica’s veil, as somethought, but rather the face cloth laid over the face of Jesus in the tomb.Unlike the Shroud of Turin, which is a “negative” of the image, theimage on the face cloth is a “positive” of the face of Christ. The fabric ofthis cloth is so thin and delicate that it is impossible to paint on—yet theimage in Manoppello is clearly visible and, moreover, when laid over theimage of the face on the Shroud of Turin forms a perfect match. Includesfootage of Pope Benedict in Manoppello to honor this amazing relic.j HFA-M . . . 55 min., $19.95No Greater Love A Unique Portrait of the Carmelite NunsAfter ten years of correspondence, filmmaker Michael Whyte wasgiven unprecedented access to the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity,in London’s Notting Hill. The monastery, founded in 1878, is home tothe nuns of the Discalced Order of Carmelites, who lead a cloisteredlife dedicated to prayer, work and contemplation. Silence is maintainedthroughout the day with the exception of two periods of recreation. Ahighly acclaimed, multiple award-winning documentary, No GreaterLove follows in the wake of the great success of a similar film, Into GreatSilence, as it gives a unique insight into this closed world of these nuns.Centered on Holy Week, it follows a year in which a novice is professedand one of the older nuns dies. Though mainly a meditational film,there are several interviews with the nuns, which offer insights intotheir lives, faith, moments of doubt and their belief in the power ofprayer in the heart of the community. A beautifully filmed and deeplyinspiring production. In English with English and Spanish subtitles.j NOGL-M . . . 100 min, $19.95The Early ChristiansThe Incredible Odyssey of Early ChristianityHow did the religion of Love survive paganism and barbarianism? TheEmpire persecuted the Christians and was eventually converted. TheBarbarians sacked Rome, but were converted too. How did the religionof Love manage to survive against paganism and barbarianism? Howdid the first Christians live? Who were their most terrible enemies: idols,lions, Jews... or heretics? How did they defend their faith? How did theypropagate it? The blood of the martyrs was the seed for new Christians.But after the persecutions of the Romans and the barbarian invasionscame another grave danger for the new religion: heresies… They wouldnot be lethal. On the contrary, they provided the opportunity to define theessential truths of Christian faith, consolidating the roots of a millennialChurch. This in-depth new film series produced in Europe explores thisamazing story of the witness of the early Christians and the spread ofChristianity. In English and Spanish languages. Nine half-hour programs.j ECH-M . . . 270 min, 2 Discs, $29.95Lourdes A Story of Faith, Science and MiraclesBernard Guillaumet, a non-Christian French journalist, is assigned thejob of doing a story on Lourdes in the late 1990s. Just before he leaves forLourdes, Bernard learns that his wife is pregnant. However, he is not toldthat this pregnancy could put her life at risk—and that doctors are suggestingan abortion. While researching for his report on Lourdes, Bernardcomes across the pages of an old family manuscript. The manuscript waswritten by his ancestor, Henri Guillaumet, a scientist and non-believerwho met Bernadette at Lourdes in 1858, a meeting which profoundlyaffected Henri and forced him to reconsider the miracles performedfollowing the apparitions of the Madonna of Lourdes. This intriguingfilm uses the pages of the manuscript to trace the stories of three lives—Bernadette, Henry and Bernard, three characters whose lives intertwineaccording to the designs of Providence. Directed by Lodovico Gasparini(St. John Bosco, Don Matteo), stars Alessandro Gassman, Angele Osinski,and Sydne Rome, and written by Vittorio Messori (The Ratzinger Report).In Italian with English and Spanish subtitles.j LOU-M . . . 200 min, $24.951-800-651-1531 95www.ignatius.com

IGNATIUS NIGHT AT THE MOVIESTHE CATHOLIC BOOK & FILM FAIRWant a unique way to raise funds? We havetwo ways you can partner with <strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>.Bring the saints and other holy people to lifeon the “big screen” right in your church, school,or social hall with <strong>Ignatius</strong> Night at the Movies!Go to IPMovieNights.com for moreinformation, or call 866-431-1531 ext 5.Or hold a special sale with The Catholic Book& Film Fair program. See the details online atIPBookFairs.com, or call 866-431-1531 ext 5.NonprofitOrganizationU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Ignatius</strong> <strong>Press</strong>new!P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 805221-800-651-1531 • www.ignatius.comThe other sidethe abby johnson storyhis new film is based on the best-selling book about the powerful true story of the conversion of aTPlanned Parenthood director to a leading Pro-life Activist. Abby Johnson believed that she was helpingwomen by working for the nation’s largest abortion operation. She quickly rose in the ranks to become thedirector of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Texas, excelling at her job and even named “Employeeof the Year”. But one Fall morning, everything changed. Abby’s passion for helping women in crisis was asstrong as ever, but suddenly found herself on the wrong side of the fence, facing the truth about abortion.The only question now was, in her time of crisis, who would help Abby? Includes exclusive interviews withthose Abby encountered while she was on both sides of the fence. Plus “bonus” material featuring Fr. FrankPavone, David Bereit, Peter Kreeft and former abortion provider Carol Everett.AVAILABLE APRIL 20 j OS-M . . . 60 mins, $19.95“A very beautiful film...” —Pope Benedict XVInew!Bakhita From Slave to Saintorn in a village in Sudan, kidnapped by slavers, often beaten andBabused, and later sold to Federico Marin, a Venetian merchant, Bakhitathen came to Italy and became the nanny servant of Federico’s daughter,Aurora, who had lost her mother at birth. She is treated as an outcastby the peasants and the other servants due to her black skin and Africanbackground, but Bakhita is kind and generous to others. Bakhita graduallycomes closer to God with the help of the kind village priest, and embracesthe Catholic faith. Directed by Giacamo Campiotti (St. Giuseppe Moscati,Doctor Zhivago) and stars Fatou Kine Boye, Stefania Rocca, Fabio Sartor,Ettore Bassi, and Francesco Salvi. Includes a 16 page collector’s bookletby Daria Sockey. In Italian with English/Spanish subtitles.j BAK-M . . . 190 minutes, $24.95The Shroud of turin3 Film Collector’s Editionhis is the definitive, most up to date collection on the Shroud of Turin byTacclaimed British film producer and director David Rolfe. This incrediblecollection includes the British Academy Award winning film, The SilentWitness, made in 1978; the remarkable film commissioned by the BBC in2008, Shroud of Turin; and the most recent film that was the Official Film ofthe 2010 Exposition of the Shroud in Turin, titled simply Shroud. All threefilms use the latest scientific, historical, medical and archaeological researchon the Shroud to reveal all the amazing evidence for the authenticity of it asthe burial cloth of Christ. The foremost experts worldwide on the Shroudwere involved with all these films, and Rolfe’s film crew were given unprecedentedaccess to the Shroud and filmed it in high definition. The 2010 filmis in seven languages - English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portugeseand Russian. Includes many “Special Features”.j SHROUD-M . . . 160 mins, $29.95new!

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