Operational Control Part 2: Special Authorizations - NBAA

Operational Control Part 2: Special Authorizations - NBAA Operational Control Part 2: Special Authorizations - NBAA


What are we talking about? Examples:●●●MEL – Minimum Equipment Lists● § 91.213● § 135.179ETOPS – Extended Overwater Operations● § 135.364RVSM – Reduced Vertical Separation Minima● § 91.180 (domestic)● § 91.706 (international)4

Authorizations come in one of two forms:●●Part 91 – LOAs – Letters of AuthorizationPart 135 – OpSpecs – Operations Specifications5

What are we talking about? Examples:●●●MEL – Minimum Equipment Lists● § 91.213● § 135.179ETOPS – Extended Overwater Operations● § 135.364RVSM – Reduced Vertical Separation Minima● § 91.180 (domestic)● § 91.706 (international)4

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