PARTS MANUAL < - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

PARTS MANUAL < - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

PARTS MANUAL < - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

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CODEModel C Std. SpacebarSEE FRAME SECTIONREF. PART NO.DESCRIPTIONREF. PART NO.DESCRIPTIONREF. PART NO.DESCRIPTION1 1095160 Retainer II e" Clip2 1070043 Lever, Esc. Operating3 1070042 Shaft, Esc. Operating4 1115958 Lever, Spacebar Key •5611150191070020 ~~i~it ~FnA3t::~t~;7 120710~h~ingAs;~CS;~e~~lever8 11179069 "1110093 Clip, Spacebar Shaft10 1117914 Spacebar, Tan1115896 Spacebar, Slue11 1110093 Clip, Spacebar Shaft12 1072818 Spring, Esc. Oper . lever13 1095160 Retainer "e" dip14 1070041 Plate, Esc. Operating15 1070365 Link Assm. Esc. Operating16 1110529 Clevis, Pin Adjusting17 1115852 Cam, Spacebar18 1091666 Screw, Cam Stop19 1115232 Nut, Cam Stop Screw20 1117911 Pin, Spacebar21 1117912 Retalner& Spacebar Pin22 1117913 Stem, Spacebar23 1115079 Guide, Spacebar Stem24 111791525 1117916~~;~:t, S~~~:~r Spring26 9137327 11607928 109024029 11607930 111791731 107188132 111792033 11179331115057110213934 111791935 1070307Screw, Spacebar SpringNtounting~ar:h:rl sr~~:b~rS~~pScrew (used to crippleSpacebar)Screw, Spacebar StopSlide, Spacebar Repeat~hS~ Spacebar RepeatStop, Spacebar~~~:g(8 =~ebar Repeat~~~'J,::~bar Repeat~rrrJ:~'~,::.ebar RepeatBracket, Spacebar Stoplink, Spacebar CamPAGE· 22Figure 1January 1960

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