Svenja Widdershoven Centre of Research International ... - Zuyd

Svenja Widdershoven Centre of Research International ... - Zuyd Svenja Widdershoven Centre of Research International ... - Zuyd

Web 2.0

Web 2.0Social Media

Social Media“A group <strong>of</strong> Internet-based applications that buildon the ideological and technological foundations <strong>of</strong>Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange<strong>of</strong> User Generated Content.”- Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) -

Web 2.0 vs Social Media

Classification <strong>of</strong> social media

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaMedia Richness(social presence)Low Medium HighSelf disclosure(self presentation)HighLow- Kaplan & Haenlein (2010), Van Osch & Van Zijl (2011) -

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaDimension 1Media RichnessThe amount <strong>of</strong> informationType <strong>of</strong> contactTiming

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaDimension 2Self disclosureRevelation <strong>of</strong> personal informationControl impressions

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaMedia Richness(social presence)Low Medium HighHighBlogsSelf disclosure(self presentation)LowCollaborativeprojects

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaCollaborative projects• The joint effort <strong>of</strong> many actors• Synergy• ‘We are all experts’• Nokia uses internal wiki’s

Social Media UseBlogs• Personal webpages• Wide range• Risks

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaMedia Richness(social presence)Low Medium HighHigh Blogs Social networkingSelf disclosuresites(self presentation)LowCollaborativeContentprojectscommunities

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaContent communities• Sharing <strong>of</strong> media content• Attractive channel for content spreading• Risks?

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaSocial networking sites• Personal information pr<strong>of</strong>iles• Find friends• Create brand community

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaMedia Richness(social presence)Low Medium HighSelf disclosure(self presentation)High Blogs Social networkingsitesLow Collaborative Contentprojects communitiesVirtual socialworldsVirtual gameworlds

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaVirtual game worlds• Personalized avatars• Massively multiplayer online role-playing game• Product placement advertising• Use the popularity <strong>of</strong> VGW

Classification <strong>of</strong> social mediaVirtual social worlds• Second life• Product placement advertising• Virtual product sales• Marketing research

How to choose a social medium?

The P.O.S.T. modelPeople• Audience segmentation• Describe the audience• Social media use• Active or passive users?- Bern<strong>of</strong>f & Li (2008), Li & Bern<strong>of</strong>f (2011) -

The P.O.S.T.

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives1. <strong>Research</strong>Listening

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives2. MarketingTalking

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives3. SalesEnergizing

The P.O.S.T. model

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives4. Customer supportSupporting

The P.O.S.T. model

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives5. DevelopmentEmbracing

The P.O.S.T. model

The P.O.S.T. modelStrategy•Benefit for your audience?• Reward or incentive•Policies and procedures•Evaluate success

The P.O.S.T. modelTechnology•Choose social media application

The P.O.S.T. modelObjectives1. <strong>Research</strong> listeningMedia Richness(social presence)Low Medium HighSelf disclosure(self presentation)High Blogs Social networkingsitesLow Collaborative Contentprojects communitiesVirtual socialworldsVirtual gameworlds

ReferencesBern<strong>of</strong>f, J., & Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the Power <strong>of</strong> the Oh-So-Social Web. Mit SloanManagement Review, 49(3), 36-42.Kaplan, A., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users <strong>of</strong> the world unite! The challenges andopportunities <strong>of</strong> social media. Business Horizons(53), 59-68.Li, C., & Bern<strong>of</strong>f, J. (2011). Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by socialtechnologies. . Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business review press.Osch van, D., & Zijl van, R. (2011). Basisboek social media (Vol. 1). Den Haag, TheNetherlands: Boom Lemma.


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