Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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;:;82terials. If they could introduce an identifiable tag at the poppyfieldand intercept some of that material at several points in the distributionnetwork, a much clearer description of that network would result.The operational possibilities for such tracer materials are numerous.The problem is in finding suitable tags which are, among other things,reliable and safe.SensorsAnother problem susceptible to technological solution is the detectionof concealed drugs at short distances. It would be of immeasurablevalue to be able to reveal the presence of drugs hidden in suitcases,automobiles, packages, on the person, and in many other places.Devices are needed which can detect extremely small amounts of opiatesw^ith response times of seconds and reliability in the upper 90percentile. The requirements of sensitivity, speed, and reliability tendto be mutually exclusive and difficult to achieve. Development of suchdevices requires extensive research and design and some amount oftradeoffs in design.Data BankThe complexity of the international drug enterprise is reflected inthe great amount of information needed to describe the production,distribution, and consumption of the products. The effectiveness ofdrug control is dependent on access to that information. And the effectivenesswill also be a function of how timely the retrieval is and ofhow complete is the data produced.It follows that a comprehensive data bank is required as a repositoryof worldwide information on all aspects of the drug problem.Narcotics agents at all levels should be able to request rapid retrievalof information. The high mobility of dealers in drugs and the worldwidenature of their operations suggest the need for a similarly extensivedata bank.O'perations AnalysisReferring again to the intricate nature of the illicit drug business,it is often difficult to predict the ultimate consequences of any controlactivity. Squeezing the balloon at one place may simply cause it toexpand some place else. A comprehensive, systematic, analytic methodis needed which can help to identify how other parts of the systemwill be affected if one part is changed.A corollary problem is the allocation of drug control resources.Like managers in all other situations, drug control administratorsmust decide how to assign their personnel, equipment, dollars, andmanagement attention so as to realize the most beneficial results. Itwould help these people to have a technique for anticipating theeffects of their allocation decisions. No such technique will replace agood manager, but it can provide him with information he wouldotherwise not have.BENEFITSSome of the benefits which should be derived from such effortsby the scientific and engineering community areWorldwide location of opium cropsInformation on potential yield of opium crops

;;;;;;83Determination of harvesting timeSelective destruction of cropsTracing of distribution networksSensing of concealed material at ports of entryDetection of clandestine laboratoriesKapid retrieval of pertinent dataIdentification of network sensitivities and vulnerabilitiesAssessment of alternative control measures :Mechanism for training exercises ; andGood resource management.I must urge you to keep in mind that these benefits, as I have beencalling them, are not going to solve the full range of narcotic anddrug problems. In fact, we cannot be entirely certain that all of thesebenefits, and others which could be added to the list, can be achievedin a reasonable time or at acceptable costs. And the changing operationalrequirements may make some of them obsolete before long.But for the present, we should not overlook any tool which answersa real need, and these benefits can be vital elements to the integrated,coordinated attack which, in my opinion, is the only reasonable routeto effective control.PROPOSED PROGRAMBefore identifying how the scientific and engineering communitymight participate in the control of drugs, I wish to acknowledge thatthere are already in progress some efforts along the lines to be described.The Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and the Bureauof Customs have active research and development programs whichaddress many of the points contained in this statement. In additionto their own projects, these Bureaus are being assisted by other Federalagencies which have specialized capabilities. I have met with anumber of people involved in these efforts and can attest to theircompetence and dedication. But the scope of the ongoing efforts, andthe adequacy of available resources, remain as appropriate questionsbefore this committee. I will return to this issue presently.Having established some of the benefits which research and developmentshould pi'oduce, let us examine how such a program might bestructured. We can conveniently view the woi'k that needs to be doneas a five-part program.Surveillance of Opiy/m Poppy CropsThe remote sensing—that is, from aircraft and satellites—of agriculturalcrops dates from the early 1930's when aerial photographswere used to locate and measure fields. Since then, observational andinterpretive techniques have progressed a great deal, although muchexperimentation and development remains to be accomplished. I haveseveral photographs to illustrate what can be accomplished with advancedtechniques.Mr. Perito. Mr. Chairman, may the record reflect the lights are noAvbeing turned out and the photographs about to be shown will be madeavailable for the committee to incorporate in its record.Chairman Pepper. So ordered.Mr. Jafte. The first figure is a well-known photo made from Apollo9 at 131 nautical miles over Imperial Valley, Calif. It was taken with

;;;;;;83Determination of harvesting timeSelective destruction of cropsTracing of distribution networksSensing of concealed material at ports of entryDetection of cl<strong>and</strong>estine laboratoriesKapid retrieval of pertinent dataIdentification of network sensitivities <strong>and</strong> vulnerabilitiesAssessment of alternative control measures :Mechanism for training exercises ; <strong>and</strong>Good resource management.I must urge you to keep in mind that these benefits, as I have beencalling them, are not going to solve the full range of narcotic <strong>and</strong>drug problems. In fact, we cannot be entirely certain that all of thesebenefits, <strong>and</strong> others which could be added to the list, can be achievedin a reasonable time or at acceptable costs. And the changing operationalrequirements may make some of them obsolete before long.But for the present, we should not overlook any tool which answersa real need, <strong>and</strong> these benefits can be vital elements to the integrated,coordinated attack which, in my opinion, is the only reasonable routeto effective control.PROPOSED PROGRAMBefore identifying how the scientific <strong>and</strong> engineering communitymight participate in the control of drugs, I wish to acknowledge thatthere are already in progress some efforts along the lines to be described.The Bureau of <strong>Narcotics</strong> <strong>and</strong> Dangerous Drugs <strong>and</strong> the Bureauof Customs have active <strong>research</strong> <strong>and</strong> development programs whichaddress many of the points contained in this statement. In additionto their own projects, these Bureaus are being assisted by other Federalagencies which have specialized capabilities. I have met with anumber of people involved in these efforts <strong>and</strong> can attest to theircompetence <strong>and</strong> dedication. But the scope of the ongoing efforts, <strong>and</strong>the adequacy of available resources, remain as appropriate questionsbefore this committee. I will return to this issue presently.Having established some of the benefits which <strong>research</strong> <strong>and</strong> developmentshould pi'oduce, let us examine how such a program might bestructured. We can conveniently view the woi'k that needs to be doneas a five-part program.Surveillance of Opiy/m Poppy CropsThe remote sensing—that is, from aircraft <strong>and</strong> satellites—of agriculturalcrops dates from the early 1930's when aerial photographswere used to locate <strong>and</strong> measure fields. Since then, observational <strong>and</strong>interpretive techniques have progressed a great deal, although muchexperimentation <strong>and</strong> development remains to be accomplished. I haveseveral photographs to illustrate what can be accomplished with advancedtechniques.Mr. Perito. Mr. Chairman, may the record reflect the lights are noAvbeing turned out <strong>and</strong> the photographs about to be shown will be madeavailable for the committee to incorporate in its record.Chairman Pepper. So ordered.Mr. Jafte. The first figure is a well-known photo made from Apollo9 at 131 nautical miles over Imperial Valley, Calif. It was taken with

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