Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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;72taking exceptional measures in the three stages of the problem : Production,supply and demand, and smuggling. It was stipulated that a fund was to beestablished to assure the financial means for this purpose. The subject was agreedupon at the General Council meeting of the U.N. too.In a law passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly in 1966, Turkeyratified the international agreement signed in 1961. In this way, internationalcommitments became a part of our national law. Accordingly, "In the eventone of the parties fails to implement the provisions of the agreement and throughthis, the object of the agreement is seriously harmed, the control body will askthat the situatiotrbe corrected and can go so far as to set up an embargo againstthis country.Smuggling made from our country in recent years has become very distressingfor us. Governments, whicli were unable to prevent smuggling, decreased thenumber of provinces where poppies were planted from 1960 on and graduallymoved to the planting of opium from regions close to the border to the centerof Anatolia. Now planting has been decreased to four provinces. In this way it washoped to prevent smuggling.However, imfortunately, this system did not give results. During 1970 manythings developed in favor of the smugglers. Although the soil products oflSceobtained 116 tons of opium from the poppies planted in 11 provinces in 1969,in 1970 the opium which reached the oflSce from nine pro\ances was only 60 tons.The whole world is asking where the difference is going. The contraband opiumseized by our security forces, which we learn about in radio and newspaperreports, shows everyone the extent of the problem.It is certain that a smugglers' gang organized on an international scale, constitutesa political and economic problem for Turkey. They will not be i^ermitted toplay around with the prestige of our country any further.This horrible network of smugglers fools our villagers either with the wishto make extra money or by force and it tries to use them for their own ends.Of the tremendous sums which revolve around these transactions, the poorhard-working Turkish villager actually does not get much. The smugglers pay400 or 500 liras for an illegal kilo of opium to the villagers whom they force tobreak the law. By the time this opium reaches Turkey's borders, the smugglershave made a profit many times multiplied. After it leaves our country andthroughout its route, the value of the drug becomes augmented more and morein the end it reaches an unbelievable price. International smugglers are earningmillions from the raw opium produced by the villagers, but the Turkish farmergets only a paltry sum. In countries where health is endangered through thisopium, because smuggling cannot be prevented in Turkey, anti-Turkish opinionsare created.The Turkish villager also naturally feels bitter against this problem createdby the smugglers who make millions from the back of our farmers. All I'urkishcitizens also feel a moral pain that our country is blamed for smuggling whichis poisoning world youth.The measures to be applied to control smuggling are extremely expensive. Ingeneral, poppies are planted in one corner of the field. For this reason, it isnecessary to establish an organization which can control an area 10 times thatof a total poppy farming area of 13,000 donums which may actually be planted.Vehicles, gasoline, personnel and their salaries must not be forgotten. Smugglerson the other hand, it must be remembered, will resort to any means. Until now,foreign assistance was obtained for control purposes; even an airplane wasobtained for our organization. But, unfortunately, the matter was imiK>ssible tocontrol by these means, in spite of all the efforts which were made. Our nation,which is known for its honesty and integrity, is now under a grave accusation.The time when we must end the placing of blame for deaths in other countrieson T'nri.-aT- is lori"' ovptIik^.We cannot allow Turkey's supreme interests and the prestige of our nationto be further shaken. Our government has decided to apply a clear and firmsolutioii. ii forbids completely the planting of poppies; they have already beenreduced to four provinces. The agreement ratified in 1966 also stipulates thisarrangement.Poppies will not be planted in Turkey beginning next year. However, we havegiven careful consideration to the fact that the farmers have until now obtaineda legitimate and additional source of income from the phinting of ix>ppies. Forthis reason, in order that the poppy growers will not incur a loss in any way, thenecessary formula has been developed. This formula is: in order to make up

73for the income farmers who are planting in provinces at present will lose, theywill be given compensation beginning from the coming year. This compensationwill work this way : the basis will be the value on the international marketof the whole produce, such as opium, seeds, stems, etc., that the planters will sellto the soil products office this year.Furthermore, in order to replace the income lost by farmers by other means,and to provide them other means or earning a living, long-term investments willbe made in the region. Until these investments give fruit, villagers will continueto be given comi>ensation. From among those who would normally plant thisyear, those who voluntarily give up planting in the coming Autumn will be givencompensation on the same basis.I am now addressing my villager citizens, in order that this plan may besuccessful and that it will be possible to establish real values for future yearcompensations and the criteria for investment, please turn over all your produceto the Soil Products Office. You will receive the necessary assistance in thisrespect We have also raised our purchasing price. The larger the amount turnedover to the office by all the poppy producers, the larger the compensation theywill receive in the coming years without planting. Bes(ide.s, by selling all hisnot the tool of the smuggler,produce to the TMO, the producer will prove he isthat the Turkish farmer at no time had the object of poisoning the whole world,nor that he encouraged this knowingly. Dear Farmer Citizens, you will be theones to save the prestige of our nation. The Government will also henceforthgive special importance to your problems. Our Government has taken precautionsin order that, in the end. not a siingle farmer family will incur a loss. Yourincome will be met without allowing any room for doubts; at the same time,it is planned to establish necessary installations to open new sources of incomein the region. I ask you to carry out this plan and to .sell all your opium productsfor this year to the Office at the high price established last month, thereby youwill give this program a good start.(Enclosure 2)Turkish Opitjm Decree, June 30, 1971On the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Agriculture dated June 26, 1971,No. 02-16/1-01/342 ;per law 3491 as amended by law 7368, article 18 ; and perarticle 22 of appendix agreement dated December 27, 1966, to law 812, theCouncil of Ministers has decided on June 30, 1971 : Definitely to forbid theplanting and production of poppies within the borders of Turkey beginningfrom the autimm of 1972. This Will be done by specifying the provinces shownon the lists attached hereto.1. To forbid poppy planting and opium producing in provinces where warningis given as of the autumn of 1972—Afyon, Burdur, Isparta, Kutahya.2. To forbid popipy planting and opium producing in the provinces where awarning has been g*iven from the autumn of 1971—Denizli, Konya, Usak.3. To give a suitable compensation as proposed by the Ministry of Agricultureand by decision of the Council of Ministers to the planters in these seven provinceswhere poppy planting and production have been forbidden. This Will beon the basis of the opium they deliver this year to the Soil Products Office andon the ba.sis of other poppy byproducts so that the farmers will not incur anyloss of income.4. To grant to the planters in the areas indicated in paragraph 1, who voluntar'ilygive up planting in the autumn of 1971, the right to benefit from thecompensation set forth in paragraph 3.C. SUNAY,President of the Republic.Mr. RossiDES. But I only IPass in a sense. I don't want to duck anyquestion, because I keep coming back to what I think was a tremendousstatement by the new Government of Turkey, which I think theyshould be commended for. The Prime Minister's statement, Mr. Erim'sstatement, to the effect that the contraband trade in opium, which hasassumed the aspect of ovei-whelming blight for the youth of the wholeworld, is offensive on humanitarian grounds. The Government will60-206 O—71—pt. 1 6

73for the income farmers who are planting in provinces at present will lose, theywill be given compensation beginning from the coming year. This compensationwill work this way : the basis will be the value on the international marketof the whole produce, such as opium, seeds, stems, etc., that the planters will sellto the soil products office this year.Furthermore, in order to replace the income lost by farmers by other means,<strong>and</strong> to provide them other means or earning a living, long-term investments willbe made in the region. Until these investments give fruit, villagers will continueto be given comi>ensation. From among those who would normally plant thisyear, those who voluntarily give up planting in the coming Autumn will be givencompensation on the same basis.I am now addressing my villager citizens, in order that this plan may besuccessful <strong>and</strong> that it will be possible to establish real values for future yearcompensations <strong>and</strong> the criteria for investment, please turn over all your produceto the Soil Products Office. You will receive the necessary assistance in thisrespect We have also raised our purchasing price. The larger the amount turnedover to the office by all the poppy producers, the larger the compensation theywill receive in the coming years without planting. Bes(ide.s, by selling all hisnot the tool of the smuggler,produce to the TMO, the producer will prove he isthat the Turkish farmer at no time had the object of poisoning the whole world,nor that he encouraged this knowingly. Dear Farmer Citizens, you will be theones to save the prestige of our nation. The Government will also henceforthgive special importance to your problems. Our Government has taken precautionsin order that, in the end. not a siingle farmer family will incur a loss. Yourincome will be met without allowing any room for doubts; at the same time,it is planned to establish necessary installations to open new sources of incomein the region. I ask you to carry out this plan <strong>and</strong> to .sell all your opium productsfor this year to the Office at the high price established last month, thereby youwill give this program a good start.(Enclosure 2)Turkish Opitjm Decree, June 30, 1971On the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Agriculture dated June 26, 1971,No. 02-16/1-01/342 ;per law 3491 as amended by law 7368, article 18 ; <strong>and</strong> perarticle 22 of appendix agreement dated December 27, 1966, to law 812, theCouncil of Ministers has decided on June 30, 1971 : Definitely to forbid theplanting <strong>and</strong> production of poppies within the borders of Turkey beginningfrom the autimm of 1972. This Will be done by specifying the provinces shownon the lists attached hereto.1. To forbid poppy planting <strong>and</strong> opium producing in provinces where warningis given as of the autumn of 1972—Afyon, Burdur, Isparta, Kutahya.2. To forbid popipy planting <strong>and</strong> opium producing in the provinces where awarning has been g*iven from the autumn of 1971—Denizli, Konya, Usak.3. To give a suitable compensation as proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture<strong>and</strong> by decision of the Council of Ministers to the planters in these seven provinceswhere poppy planting <strong>and</strong> production have been forbidden. This Will beon the basis of the opium they deliver this year to the Soil Products Office <strong>and</strong>on the ba.sis of other poppy byproducts so that the farmers will not incur anyloss of income.4. To grant to the planters in the areas indicated in paragraph 1, who voluntar'ilygive up planting in the autumn of 1971, the right to benefit from thecompensation set forth in paragraph 3.C. SUNAY,President of the Republic.Mr. RossiDES. But I only IPass in a sense. I don't want to duck anyquestion, because I keep coming back to what I think was a tremendousstatement by the new Government of Turkey, which I think theyshould be commended for. The Prime Minister's statement, Mr. Erim'sstatement, to the effect that the contrab<strong>and</strong> trade in opium, which hasassumed the aspect of ovei-whelming blight for the youth of the wholeworld, is offensive on humanitarian grounds. The Government will60-206 O—71—pt. 1 6

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