Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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:take no such satisfaction. We have made that point; the record proves thatpoint.Aijain, tlie only productive dialogue in which we can engage this morning isa discussion of the future of cooperative programing.As my original remarks note, we would not presume to recommend a particularadministrative structure to the administration and to the Congress.President Nixon has taken a hold step, an effort obviously designed to give maximumcontrol and coordination.The final de.sign of that administrative structure will be weighed closely andscrutinized intensely by this Congress, as it should be.But, let me say this. The President has properly defined a major problem withFederal programing. He has proposed what the Administration believes is aworkable solution. The Congress may differ on the mechanics, but whateveryour differences, we urge you to reconcile them in the interests of national need,a need that can be met only by coordinated programing.President Nixon has proposed significant increases in all the major programcategories, specifically $105 million for treatment and rehabilitation, .$10 millionfor education and training, $12 million for, $2 million for special communityprograms, and $37 million for law enforcement. These increases, if approved,will bring the level of Federal programing for drug abu.^e up to $371million.Importantly, President Nixon, in asking the Congress to give this programits highest priority, ."^aid he will take every step necessary to deal with theemergency, including the use of additional funds.We have details on some of the administration's goals; \ve do not yet havethe !

593veterans could avail themselves on a voluntary basis of Veterans' Administrationand other facilities. A.:,! :•You and I do not linow the rehabilitation period that will be required for anyindividual soldier, nor even the majority of soldiers.But, I do know that, unless the Federal Government extends its responsibilityfor these addicts, New York State and New York City will bear the bulk of thesocial and fiscal responsibility.Certification and mandatory treatment are not .-entences to confinement. Theyare a protection for both the addict and society. We have many addicts whorespond afl3rmatively and quickly to treatment; many addicts who are not assignedto residential treatment programs because they have suflScient motivationand stability to live in the community while they receive continuing treatmentand assistance.We would like to help you discharge your responsibility rather than have tobear it for you.In the education area, we strongly recommend that an early and very highpriority be given to an analysis of drug education programs before major sumsare spent.Despite certain cost and social advantages, we recommend the administrationand the Congress weigh very carefully any propo.^als that would give disproportionateweight to methadone maintenance, as opposed to all other forms oftreatment. Our prepared testimony more fully explains this note of caution.Above all, we recommend that the Federal Government make every effort tocapitalize upon the experience and knowledge of other professionals in the fieldand that the Ftnleral Government insure that its resources are committed to theareas of greatest need.It's more than just the money, gentlemen. We have the capacity and the desireto help you and help ourselves to solve this problem.THE CONFIDENTIAL SURVEYI said in my major remarks that our Commission has the finest behavorialscience research group in the Nation. The director of that division, Dr. Carl D.Chambers, is with us this morning. And, we are submitting to the Governmenttoday copies of our statewide asses.sment of drug abuse in New York, an extremelysophisticated, highly useful, and most expert document. A summary of the studyis included.Dr. Chambers is to be congratulated on this notable contribution to our stateof knowledge, as are the staff personnel of the Commission who assisted in itsdevelopment and production.Along with the study, which will be released tomorrow, we are submitting tothe committee the following research papers ^'t;: i:1. A Research Overview of the Extent and Types of Drug Abuse in the UnitedStates.2. Considerations in the Treatment of Non-Narcotic Drug Abusers.3. Self-Reported Criminal Behavior of Narcotic Addicts.4. The Detoxification of Narcotic Addicts in Outpatient Clinics.o. The Incidence and Patterns of Drug Abuse Among Methadone MaintenancePatients.0. Predictors of Attrition During the Outpatient Detoxification of OpiateAddicts.The 7. Rationale and Design for a Multi-Modality Approach to ^MethadoneMaintenance.8. Characteristics Predicting Long-Term Retention in a Methadone MaintenanceProgram.n. The Correlates of Drug Abuse.10. A Bibliography of Commission Rt-search Reports.We the findings in each of these submissions will lie of assistance to thecommittee in its deliberations.Chairman Pepper. Xow. if I iiuiy. I will caU on Gavernor Shapj) ofPennsylvania. (Tovernor Holton of Virginia. G(>^(l•ll()^ Carter ofGeorLna. and Tjieutenant Governor I'rickley of ^ are very pleased this morning; to have so many young peoj^lehere, many of them school pupils. We hope you will learn something

593veterans could avail themselves on a voluntary basis of Veterans' Administration<strong>and</strong> other facilities. A.:,! :•You <strong>and</strong> I do not linow the <strong>rehabilitation</strong> period that will be required for anyindividual soldier, nor even the majority of soldiers.But, I do know that, unless the Federal Government extends its responsibilityfor these addicts, New York State <strong>and</strong> New York City will bear the bulk of thesocial <strong>and</strong> fiscal responsibility.Certification <strong>and</strong> m<strong>and</strong>atory <strong>treatment</strong> are not .-entences to confinement. Theyare a protection for both the addict <strong>and</strong> society. We have many addicts whorespond afl3rmatively <strong>and</strong> quickly to <strong>treatment</strong>; many addicts who are not assignedto residential <strong>treatment</strong> programs because they have suflScient motivation<strong>and</strong> stability to live in the community while they receive continuing <strong>treatment</strong><strong>and</strong> assistance.We would like to help you discharge your responsibility rather than have tobear it for you.In the education area, we strongly recommend that an early <strong>and</strong> very highpriority be given to an analysis of drug education programs before major sumsare spent.Despite certain cost <strong>and</strong> social advantages, we recommend the administration<strong>and</strong> the Congress weigh very carefully any propo.^als that would give disproportionateweight to methadone maintenance, as opposed to all other forms of<strong>treatment</strong>. Our prepared testimony more fully explains this note of caution.Above all, we recommend that the Federal Government make every effort tocapitalize upon the experience <strong>and</strong> knowledge of other professionals in the field<strong>and</strong> that the Ftnleral Government insure that its resources are committed to theareas of greatest need.It's more than just the money, gentlemen. We have the capacity <strong>and</strong> the desireto help you <strong>and</strong> help ourselves to solve this problem.THE CONFIDENTIAL SURVEYI said in my major remarks that our Commission has the finest behavorialscience <strong>research</strong> group in the Nation. The director of that division, Dr. Carl D.Chambers, is with us this morning. And, we are submitting to the Governmenttoday copies of our statewide asses.sment of drug abuse in New York, an extremelysophisticated, highly useful, <strong>and</strong> most expert document. A summary of the studyis included.Dr. Chambers is to be congratulated on this notable contribution to our stateof knowledge, as are the staff personnel of the Commission who assisted in itsdevelopment <strong>and</strong> production.Along with the study, which will be released tomorrow, we are submitting tothe committee the following <strong>research</strong> papers ^'t;: i:1. A Research Overview of the Extent <strong>and</strong> Types of Drug Abuse in the UnitedStates.2. Considerations in the Treatment of Non-Narcotic Drug Abusers.3. Self-Reported Criminal Behavior of Narcotic Addicts.4. The Detoxification of Narcotic Addicts in Outpatient Clinics.o. The Incidence <strong>and</strong> Patterns of Drug Abuse Among Methadone MaintenancePatients.0. Predictors of Attrition During the Outpatient Detoxification of OpiateAddicts.The 7. Rationale <strong>and</strong> Design for a Multi-Modality Approach to ^MethadoneMaintenance.8. Characteristics Predicting Long-Term Retention in a Methadone MaintenanceProgram.n. The Correlates of Drug Abuse.10. A Bibliography of Commission Rt-search Reports.We the findings in each of these submissions will lie of assistance to thecommittee in its deliberations.Chairman Pepper. Xow. if I iiuiy. I will caU on Gavernor Shapj) ofPennsylvania. (Tovernor Holton of Virginia. G(>^(l•ll()^ Carter ofGeorLna. <strong>and</strong> Tjieutenant Governor I'rickley of ^ are very pleased this morning; to have so many young peoj^lehere, many of them school pupils. We hope you will learn something

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