Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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48(98) "The New Narcotics, Post-graduate Course in Internal Medicineof tlie American College of Physicians, May 22, 1948." Am. Practitioner,3 : 37^2, 1948.(99) "Cooperation on Narcotics." Drug & Allied Indust., 5: 8-11, 1949.(100) . "Metopon hydrochloride. An Experiment in Clinical evaluation."(101) -— U.S. Public Health Reports, 64 : 93-103, 1949.—"Progress in drug therapy of pain." Am. Professional Pharmacists,14 : 2.52, 1948.(102) "The relation of chemical structure to analgesic action." J. Am.Pharmaceut. Assn., Sc. Ed., 39 : 24.5-251, 1950.(103) Nathan B. Eddy, Caroline Fuhrmeister Touchberrt, and Jacob E.LiEBERMAN. "Synthetic analgesics. I. Methadone isomers and derivatives."J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 98 : 121-137, 19.50.(104) Nathan B. Eddy. "Methadols and acetylmethadols." Read Lilly ResearchLaboratories, May 24, 1951 : Pharmacological Institute, Basle, Switzerland,Nov. 15, 1951. Unpubli.shed.(105) Nathan B. Eddy, Evekette L. May, and Erich Mosettig. "Chemistry andpharmacologv of the methadols and acetylmethadols : XII." InternationalCong. Chem., New York, Sept. 7, 1951 : J. Org. Chem., 17 :321-326.1952.(106) Nathan B. Eddy. "N-Allylnormorphine." Comm. Drug Addiction & Narcotics.Jan. 21, 1952. Unpublished.(107) "Drugs liable to produce addiction (The work of the World HealthOrganization Expert Committees)." Public Health Reports, 61: 362,1952.(108) Nathan B. Eddy and Everette L. May. "The isomethadols and their acetylderivatives." J. Org. Chem., 17 : 210-215, 1952.(109) Nathan B. Eddy, G. Robert Coatney, W. Clark Cooper and JosephGreenberg. "Survey of antimalarial agents." Public Health Monograph,No. 9 : .323 pp. U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington. D.C. 1953.(110) Nathan B. Eddy and Dorothy Leimbach. "Synthetic Analgesics: II. Dithienvlbutenyl-and dithienylbutylamines." J. Pharmacol. & Exper.Therap. 107 : 385-393, 19.53.(111) Nathan B. Eddy. "Heroin (diacetylmorphine). Laboratory & clinicalevaluations of its effectiveness and addiction liability." Bull. Narcotics,5:39-44,1953.(112) "Symposium on drug addiction: Foreword." Am. J. Med. 14'- 537,1953.(113) — "The hot plate method for measuring analgesic effect in mice." NationalResearch Council Bull. Drug Addiction & Narcotics, 603-612,19.53. Unpublished.(114) "Drug Addiction: Fact and Fancy." Royal Canadian Institute,Toronto. Canada, Mar. 28, 19.53. Pro. Roval Canad. Inst., 18: 44, 19.53:Health Ed. J., 17 : 1, 11 ; 17 : 2. 14-19, 19.53.(115) Dorothy Leimbach and Nathan B. Eddy. "Synthetic analgesics: III.Methadols, Isomethadols and their acvl derivatives." J. Pharmacol. &Exper. Therap., 110 : 135-147, 19.54.(116) Nathan B. Eddy. "The Phenomena of tolerance." Symposium on DrugResistance, Washington, D.C, Mar. 26, 1954. Published by AcademicPress— "Origins of Resistance to Toxic Agents." pp. 22.3-243* 1955.(117) "The Committee on Drug Addiction and Narcotics." News Report,National Academy of Sciences ; ^ : 93, 1954.(118) Olav J. Braenden, Nathan B. Eddy, and H. Halbach. "Synthetic substanceswith morphine-like effect. Relationship between chemical structureand analgesic action." Bull. World Health Organization, 13: 937,19.55.(119) Nathan B. Eddy. "Addiction liability of nlagesics: tests and results."Read, Symposium on alagesics, American Theraueptic Society, June 3,19.55, Atlantic City, N.J. J. Am. Geriatrics Society, 4: 177, 19-56.(120) "The search for new analgesics. Part of Symposium, Pain and itsrelief." J. Chronic Dis., //.- 59, 1956.(121) Nathan B. Eddy, II. Haibach, and Olav J. Brafndex. "Synthetic substanceswith morphine-like effect. Relationship between analgesic actionand addiction liability, with a discussion of the chemical structure ofaddiction producing substances." Bull. World Health Organization, 14:.353. 1956.

1 132)49(122)(123)Nathan B. Eddy. "Synthetic narcotic drugs." Union Signal, 82: 7, 19r.5.Theodore D. Perrine and Nathan B. Eddy. '"The preparation and analgesicactivity of 4-carbethoxy-4-pheuyl-l-(2-phenyIetliyl) -piper idine andrelated compounds." J. Org. Cheni., 21: 12.j, ID.jH.(124) Nathan B. Eddy. "Habit-forming drugs." Bull. Drug Addiction & Narcotics,p. 1494. 195«;.(125) "The history of the development of narcotics." Law and ContemporaryProblems, 22: 3, 1907.(12G) "Addiction-producing versus habit-forming." Guest editorial J. Am.Med. Assn., 163: 1G22, 1957.(127) "New developments in analgesics." Read, Bahamas Medical Conference,Nassau, Apr. 25, 1957. Unpublished.(128) "Addiction—^the present situation." Read, Bahamas Medical Conference,Nassau, Apr. 25, 1957. Unpublished.(129) Nathan B. Eddt, H. Halbach, and Olav J. Braenden. "Synthetic substanceswith morphine-like effect. Clinical experience : Potency, sideeffects and addiction liability." Bull. World Health Orgn., 27; 569, 1957.(130) Nathan B. Eddy, James G. Murphy, and Everette L. May. "Structuresrelated to morphine : IX. Extension of the Grewe morphinan synthesisin the benzomorphan series and pharmacology of some benzomorphans."J. Org. Chem., 22: 1070, 1957.(131) Nathan B. Eddy, Redwig Besendorf, and Bela Pellmont. "SyntheticAnalgesics : IV. Aralkyl substitution on nitrogen of morphinan. "U.N.Bull. Narc. 10: (No. 4) , 23, 1958.(131a) Lyndon F. Small. Nathan B. Eddy, J. Harrison Ageu. and Everette L.May. "An improved synthesis of N-phenethylnormorphine and analogs."J. Org. Chem., 23: 1387, 1958.Nathan B. Eddy and Lyndon E. Lee, Jr. "The analgesic equivolence tomorphine and relative side reaction liability of oxymorphone (14-hydroxy-dihydromorphinoue)."J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 125: No. 2,February 1959.(133) Nathan B. Eddy, Lyndon E. Lee, Jr., and Cari. A. Harris. "The rate of developmentof physical dependence and tolerance to analgesic drugs inpatients with chronic pain : I. Comparison to morphine, oxymorphoneand anileridine." Bull. Narc, 11: Nos. 1, 3, 1959.(134) Nathan B. Eddy and Harris Isbell. "Addiction liability and narcoticscontrol." Public Health Reports, 7.J; 755, September 1959.(135) Nathan B. Eddy. "Chemical structure and action of morphine-like analgesicsand related substances." Sixth Lister Memorial Lecture. Chem. &Indust., 47.- 14H2 November 1959.(136) Nathan B. Eddy, Lyndon E. Lee, Jr., and Carl A. Harris. "Dependencephysique et tolerance vis-a-vis de certains analgesiques chez des maladessouffrant de douleurs chroniques. Comparison entre la morphine, I'oxymorphoneetI'anileridine." Bull. Org. Sante, 20: 1245, 1959.(137) Nathan B. Eddy, Modeste Piller, Leo A. Pirk, Otto Schrappe, andSiGUARD Wende. "The effect of the addition of a narcotic antagonist onthe rate of development of tolerance and physical dependence to morphine."Bull. Narc, 12: No. 4, 1959.(138) Everette L. May and Nathan B. Eddy. "A new potent synthetic analgesic"J. Org. Chem., 2J,: 294, 1959.(139) Everette L. May, and Nathan B. Eddy. "Structures related to morphine:XII. ( ± -2'-Hydroxy-5,9-dimethyl-2-phenethyl-6,7-benbomorphan )( NIH-(140)7519) and its optical forms." J. Org. Chem., 24: 1435-1437, 19.59.Paul A. J. Janssen and Nathan B. Eddy. "Comiwunds related to pethidine: IV. New general chemical methods of increasing the analgesicactivity of pethidine." J. Med. Pharmaceut. Chem., 2: 31. I»i0.(141) J. R. Nicholls and Nathan B. Eddy. "The assay, characteristics, compositionand origin of opium. No. 97. Analysis of samples of opium ofunknown origin." United Nations, ST/SOA/Ser. K/97, February 19,1960.(142) BENJAJfiN J. CiLiBEKTi AND Nathan B. Eddy. "Preanesthetic medication:morphine, anileridine, oxymorphone, and placebo." Bull. Narc, 13 : Nos.3, 1961.(143)1,Everette L. May and Nathan B. Eddy. "The assay, characteristics, composition,and origin of opium. No. 111. The analysis of authenticatedopium samples bv means of direct absorption spectrophotometry." UnitedNations, ST/SOA/Ser. K/Hl, October 6, 1961.

1 132)49(122)(123)Nathan B. Eddy. "Synthetic narcotic drugs." Union Signal, 82: 7, 19r.5.Theodore D. Perrine <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. '"The preparation <strong>and</strong> analgesicactivity of 4-carbethoxy-4-pheuyl-l-(2-phenyIetliyl) -piper idine <strong>and</strong>related compounds." J. Org. Cheni., 21: 12.j, ID.jH.(124) Nathan B. Eddy. "Habit-forming drugs." Bull. Drug Addiction & <strong>Narcotics</strong>,p. 1494. 195«;.(125) "The history of the development of narcotics." Law <strong>and</strong> ContemporaryProblems, 22: 3, 1907.(12G) "Addiction-producing versus habit-forming." Guest editorial J. Am.Med. Assn., 163: 1G22, 1957.(127) "New developments in analgesics." Read, Bahamas Medical Conference,Nassau, Apr. 25, 1957. Unpublished.(128) "Addiction—^the present situation." Read, Bahamas Medical Conference,Nassau, Apr. 25, 1957. Unpublished.(129) Nathan B. Eddt, H. Halbach, <strong>and</strong> Olav J. Braenden. "Synthetic substanceswith morphine-like effect. Clinical experience : Potency, sideeffects <strong>and</strong> addiction liability." Bull. World Health Orgn., 27; 569, 1957.(130) Nathan B. Eddy, James G. Murphy, <strong>and</strong> Everette L. May. "Structuresrelated to morphine : IX. Extension of the Grewe morphinan synthesisin the benzomorphan series <strong>and</strong> pharmacology of some benzomorphans."J. Org. Chem., 22: 1070, 1957.(131) Nathan B. Eddy, Redwig Besendorf, <strong>and</strong> Bela Pellmont. "SyntheticAnalgesics : IV. Aralkyl substitution on nitrogen of morphinan. "U.N.Bull. Narc. 10: (No. 4) , 23, 1958.(131a) Lyndon F. Small. Nathan B. Eddy, J. Harrison Ageu. <strong>and</strong> Everette L.May. "An improved synthesis of N-phenethylnormorphine <strong>and</strong> analogs."J. Org. Chem., 23: 1387, 1958.Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> Lyndon E. Lee, Jr. "The analgesic equivolence tomorphine <strong>and</strong> relative side reaction liability of oxymorphone (14-hydroxy-dihydromorphinoue)."J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 125: No. 2,February 1959.(133) Nathan B. Eddy, Lyndon E. Lee, Jr., <strong>and</strong> Cari. A. Harris. "The rate of developmentof physical dependence <strong>and</strong> tolerance to analgesic drugs inpatients with chronic pain : I. Comparison to morphine, oxymorphone<strong>and</strong> anileridine." Bull. Narc, 11: Nos. 1, 3, 1959.(134) Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> Harris Isbell. "Addiction liability <strong>and</strong> narcoticscontrol." Public Health Reports, 7.J; 755, September 1959.(135) Nathan B. Eddy. "Chemical structure <strong>and</strong> action of morphine-like analgesics<strong>and</strong> related substances." Sixth Lister Memorial Lecture. Chem. &Indust., 47.- 14H2 November 1959.(136) Nathan B. Eddy, Lyndon E. Lee, Jr., <strong>and</strong> Carl A. Harris. "Dependencephysique et tolerance vis-a-vis de certains analgesiques chez des maladessouffrant de douleurs chroniques. Comparison entre la morphine, I'oxymorphoneetI'anileridine." Bull. Org. Sante, 20: 1245, 1959.(137) Nathan B. Eddy, Modeste Piller, Leo A. Pirk, Otto Schrappe, <strong>and</strong>SiGUARD Wende. "The effect of the addition of a narcotic antagonist onthe rate of development of tolerance <strong>and</strong> physical dependence to morphine."Bull. Narc, 12: No. 4, 1959.(138) Everette L. May <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "A new potent synthetic analgesic"J. Org. Chem., 2J,: 294, 1959.(139) Everette L. May, <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "Structures related to morphine:XII. ( ± -2'-Hydroxy-5,9-dimethyl-2-phenethyl-6,7-benbomorphan )( NIH-(140)7519) <strong>and</strong> its optical forms." J. Org. Chem., 24: 1435-1437, 19.59.Paul A. J. Janssen <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "Comiwunds related to pethidine: IV. New general chemical methods of increasing the analgesicactivity of pethidine." J. Med. Pharmaceut. Chem., 2: 31. I»i0.(141) J. R. Nicholls <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "The assay, characteristics, composition<strong>and</strong> origin of opium. No. 97. Analysis of samples of opium ofunknown origin." United Nations, ST/SOA/Ser. K/97, February 19,1960.(142) BENJAJfiN J. CiLiBEKTi AND Nathan B. Eddy. "Preanesthetic medication:morphine, anileridine, oxymorphone, <strong>and</strong> placebo." Bull. Narc, 13 : Nos.3, 1961.(143)1,Everette L. May <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "The assay, characteristics, composition,<strong>and</strong> origin of opium. No. 111. The analysis of authenticatedopium samples bv means of direct absorption spectrophotometry." UnitedNations, ST/SOA/Ser. K/Hl, October 6, 1961.

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