Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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;-570Mr. Jones. That is correct. Our operational budget is $91.7 milliona year, this current fiscal year.There is an additional $51.9 million for youthful drug abuse programsalone. The reason for this separate appropriation is that whenour commission was first established, the mandate from the legislaturewas to treat adult drug addicts. It soon became obvious that the mandatewas not broad enough, that we needed additional authorization.Chairman Pepper. So you are spending $141 million a year.Mr. Jones. No ;there is more..There is an additional $20 million that was appropriated just in thepast 2 weeks to be added to the figure of $51.9 million for youthfuldrug abuse programs alone. I mention these separately because the$51.9 million is a carryover from last year. In addition to that carryover,there is a new $20 million that has been added this year foryouthful drug abuse programs alone. So that the total figure foryouthful drug abuse programs as of this minute, the total appropriationis $71.9 million.Chairman Pepper. To be added to the $91.7 million ?Mr. JoxES. That is added to the $91.7 million operational budget.And there is more.There is an additional $23 million appropriation for methadone.These are listed separately, gentlemen, because they were appropriatedseparately, but tliey do give an entire picture. If you add those up,gentlemen, I think the figure is $186.6 million.Chairman Pepper. New York is now spending for those various purposesrelated to drug addiction or education against it about $186million per year ?Mr. Jones. That is right.Chairman Pepper. How much is the city of New York spending inaddition, if any ?Mr. Jones. The only independent moneys that are expended by thecity of New York, to my knowledge, are the moneys that come throughspecial grants from the Federal Government.Chairman Pepper. They are not spending any additional money ?Mr. Jones. No;they adjninister funds that we appropriate or designatefor the city.Chairman Pepper. Very good.Now, how much money do you get from the Federal Governmentthat is, in the same area as the $186 million a year that New YorkState is now spending ?Mr. Jones. All right, I will refer the answer, if you do not mind,sir, to Mr. Hesse, who is our Federal-State relations man.Mr. Hesse. At the current time, Mr. Chairman, we have two researchcontracts from the National Institute of Mental Health which total$107,000.Chairman Pepper. $107,000 total?Mr. Hesse. Right. We have an authorization of up to $60,000 insupport of an on-the-job training program for rehabilitating addicts.That basically is the amount of money that the Federal Governmentis contributing directly to the New York State program.Chairman Pepper. You are not getting any money from the FederalGovernment for your treatment and rehabilitation program?Mr. Hesse. No, sir; we are not.

—571Mr. Jones. Not a pemiy.Chairman Pepper. In the last 4 years, you said you spent about $475million. During that 4-year period, how much money did New YorkState get from the Federal Government for narcotics treatment, rehabilitation,or research?Mr. Hesse. My records show the total over a 4-year period, includingthe current budget year, to be tlie $167,000 1 have just mentioned.Other contracts nearing execution, which are also research orientedwould bring the total to $200,000.Chairman Pepper. Not over $200,000 ?Mr. Hesse. Not over $200,000 in direct grants approved by the FederalGoxernment. We have received an additional $143,000 in Federaliunds, again for research. But this was not approved under anyFederal grant programs. The Law Enforcement Assistance Administrationallows the New York State Office of Crime Control Planningto take 25 percent of its bloc grant and to dispense it for "State purposes."This agency provided the money to conduct the survey ofdrug abuse in New York State. It was actually from a State agencyusing its bloc grant funds.Chairman Pepper. Now, you estimate, I believe, Mr. Jones, thatthe State of New York has about 110,000 heroin addicts?Mr. Jones. That is right.Chairman Pepper. So you gentlemen are telling this committeethat New York has almost entirely, itself, borne the total cost of thetreatment and rehabilitation programs for heroin addicts.]\[r. Jones. That is correct, sir.Mr. Hesse. But, Congressman, just a comment I would like to makebecause our two Congressmen from New York have asked some questionshere.The money that New York State has spent can be evaluated inmany, many ways. But in terms of what you are trying to accomplishhere, which is to put the Federal Government into this ballgame, youshould bear in mind that our increase this year in operating budgetalone amounts to more money than this Congress gave to the NationalInstitute of Mental Health to support Public Law 91-513.Chairman Pepper. By the way, if you have the figure, just statefor the record what the Federal Government has been spending inthe whole country in the area for which you gave figures just now?Mr. Hesse. This may be an implied criticism, but in Public Law91-513Mr. Perito. This is the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention andControl Act ; that is, Public Law 91-513.Mr. Hesse. The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and ControlAct of 1970 had an authorization of $189 million over 3 yearswith $23 million to be provided in the current Federal fiscal year. TheDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare appropriated $6.5million.Mr. BpvASCO. I just wanted to interject at this time because we getinvolved in implied criticisms. I think what we really have to do inthis situation is to take the gloves off to a great extent in terms ofbeing able to criticize each other constructively. I think unless we dothat, we are never going to get any place. I think it is very simple,The figures are that New York is going to spend, as I understand from

—571Mr. Jones. Not a pemiy.Chairman Pepper. In the last 4 years, you said you spent about $475million. During that 4-year period, how much money did New YorkState get from the Federal Government for narcotics <strong>treatment</strong>, <strong>rehabilitation</strong>,or <strong>research</strong>?Mr. Hesse. My records show the total over a 4-year period, includingthe current budget year, to be tlie $167,000 1 have just mentioned.Other contracts nearing execution, which are also <strong>research</strong> orientedwould bring the total to $200,000.Chairman Pepper. Not over $200,000 ?Mr. Hesse. Not over $200,000 in direct grants approved by the FederalGoxernment. We have received an additional $143,000 in Federaliunds, again for <strong>research</strong>. But this was not approved under anyFederal grant programs. The Law Enforcement Assistance Administrationallows the New York State Office of Crime Control Planningto take 25 percent of its bloc grant <strong>and</strong> to dispense it for "State purposes."This agency provided the money to conduct the survey ofdrug abuse in New York State. It was actually from a State agencyusing its bloc grant funds.Chairman Pepper. Now, you estimate, I believe, Mr. Jones, thatthe State of New York has about 110,000 heroin addicts?Mr. Jones. That is right.Chairman Pepper. So you gentlemen are telling this committeethat New York has almost entirely, itself, borne the total cost of the<strong>treatment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>rehabilitation</strong> programs for heroin addicts.]\[r. Jones. That is correct, sir.Mr. Hesse. But, Congressman, just a comment I would like to makebecause our two Congressmen from New York have asked some questionshere.The money that New York State has spent can be evaluated inmany, many ways. But in terms of what you are trying to accomplishhere, which is to put the Federal Government into this ballgame, youshould bear in mind that our increase this year in operating budgetalone amounts to more money than this Congress gave to the NationalInstitute of Mental Health to support Public Law 91-513.Chairman Pepper. By the way, if you have the figure, just statefor the record what the Federal Government has been spending inthe whole country in the area for which you gave figures just now?Mr. Hesse. This may be an implied criticism, but in Public Law91-513Mr. Perito. This is the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention <strong>and</strong>Control Act ; that is, Public Law 91-513.Mr. Hesse. The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention <strong>and</strong> ControlAct of 1970 had an authorization of $189 million over 3 yearswith $23 million to be provided in the current Federal fiscal year. TheDepartment of Health, Education, <strong>and</strong> Welfare appropriated $6.5million.Mr. BpvASCO. I just wanted to interject at this time because we getinvolved in implied criticisms. I think what we really have to do inthis situation is to take the gloves off to a great extent in terms ofbeing able to criticize each other constructively. I think unless we dothat, we are never going to get any place. I think it is very simple,The figures are that New York is going to spend, as I underst<strong>and</strong> from

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