Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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46(52) Nathan B. Eddy. "Dilaudid." J. Am. Med. Assn., 100: 1031-1035, 1933.(53) Gerald G. Woods and Nathan B. Eddy. "Some new alkamines of thetetrahydronapthalene series." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48: 175-181, 1933.(54) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives : I. A comparisonof phenanthrene and some 2-, 3-, and 9-monosubstitution products." J.Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48: 183-198, 1933.(55) "Studies of the relation of the hydroxyl groups of morphine to its?pharmacological action." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48 : 271, 1983.(Proc.)(56) "Studies of morphine, codeine, and their derivatives :III. Morphinemethochloride and codeine methocloride." J. Pharmacol. & Exper.Therap,. 49: 319-327, 1933.(57) "Studies of morphine, codeine, and their derivatives: IV. Hydrogenatedcodine isomers." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 51: 35-4:4,1934.(58) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: II. Monosubstitution products,first variations. The effect of muzzling the hydroxyl group of 2- or3-hydroxyphenanthrene." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 51: 75-84,1934.(59) Charles W. Edmunds and Nathan B. Eddy. "Some studies on the drugaddiction problem." Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, 4^: 250-257,1934.(60) Charles W. Edmunds, Nathan B. Eddy, and Lyndon P. Small. "Studieson morphine addition problem." J. Am. Med. Assn.. 103: 1417, 1934.(61) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: III. Di-subst.'f>=products." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 52 : 275-289, 1934.(62) Nathan B. Eddy and John G. Reid. "Studies of morphine, codeine, andtheir derivatives: VII, Dihydromorpliine (paramorphan), dihydromorphinene,(Dilaudid), and dihydrocodeinone (Dicodide)." J.Pharmacol. & Exper. 52 : 468-493, 1934.(63) Nathan B. Eddy and Homer A. Howes. "Studies of morphine, codeine,and their derivatives : VIII. Monoacetyl- and diacetylmorphine andtheir hydr. derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 53: 430-439,1935.(64) Nathan B. Eddy. "Phenanthrene studies. The effect of different nitrictainingside-chains." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 54 : 149, 1935.(65) A. Kenneth Simon and Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of morphine, codeine,and their derivatives : V. The use of maze-trained rats to study the effecton central nervous system of morphine and related substances." Am. J.^7 : 597-613, 1935.(66) Nathan B. Eddy and Bertha Aheens. "Studies of morphine, codeine, andtheir derivatives : VI. The measurement of the central effect of codeine,hydrocodeine, and their isomers bv the use of maze-trained rats." Psychol.,^7 : 614-623, 1935.(67) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of morphine, codeine, and their derivatives:Methyl ethers of the morphine and codeine series." J. Pharmacol. &Therap., 55 : 127-135. 1935.(68) Nathan B. Eddy and Homer A. Howes. "Studies of morphine, codeine,and their derivatives : X. Desoxymorphine-C, desoxycodeine-C and theirhydro derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 55 : 257-267, 1935.(69) Natpian B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: V. Homologousand aldehvdes and some of their derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper.Therap., 55 : 354-364, 1935.(70) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives : VI. Amino alee of the ethanolamineand propanolamine type." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. 55 : 419-429,1935.(71) "Studies of morphine, codeine, and their derivatives: The isomersof morphine and dihydromorphine." J. Pharmacol. «& Exper. 56' : 429-431,1936.(72) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: 'SMI. A comparing analogousphenanthrene and dibenzofurau derivatives." J. Pharmacol. Exper.Therap., 58 : 159-170, 1936.(73) ^"Drug Addiction. Pharmacological Studies." Hosp. New 34, 1936.

47(74) Nathan B. Eduy and C. K. Himmelsbach. "Experiments on the toleranceandaddiction potentialities of dihydrodesoxymorphiue-D ("Desomorphine")."Suppl. No. 118 to the U.S. Public Health Reports. 33 pp.. 1936.(75) Nathan B. Eddy. "Analgesic and other effects of some carbazoles." J.Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 60: 105, 1937 (Proc.)(76) "The search for more effective morphine-like substitutes." Am. J.(77)Med. Sc, J97 : 464^79, 1939.Lyndon F. Small, Nathan B. Eddy, Erich Mosettig, and C. K. Himmelsbach."Studies on drug addiction. With special reference to chemicalstructure of opium derivatives and allied synthetic substances and theirphysiological action." Suppl. No. 138 to U.S. Public Health Reports, 143pp., 1939.(78) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of carbazole derivatives: I. Amino-carbazoles."J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 65 : 294-307, 1939.(79) "Studies of carbazole derivatives: II. Amino alcohols and derivativesof tetrahydrocarbazole." J. Phai-macol. & Exper. Therap., 65 :308-317, 1939.(80) "Studies of morphine, codeine, and their derivatives: XIV. Thevariation with age in the toxic effects of morphine, codeine, and someof their derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap.. 66 : 182-201, 1939.(81) Nathan B. Eddy and Margaret Sumwalt. "Studies of morphine, codiene,and their derivatives : XV 2,4-Dinitrophenylmorphine." J. Pharmacol,& Exper. Therap., 67 : 127-141, 1939.(82) Nathan B. Eddy. "Pharmaceutical education and the public health." Am.J. Pharmaceut. Ed., 181-186, 1942.(83) Hugo Krueger, Nathan B. Eddy, and Margaret Sumw^alt. "The Pharmacologyof the Opium Alkaloids."Reports, 1448 CXL pp., 1943.Suppl. No. 165 to the Public Health(84) Nathan B. Eddy. "4,4-Diphenyl-6-dimethylamino-heptanone-3 : A new syntheticmorphine-like analgesic." Soc. for Exper. Biol. & Med., WashingtonSection, April 1947.(85)(86)"Metopon hydrochloride." J. Am. Med. Assn., 134: 219-292, 1947.Harris Isbell, Abraham Wikler, Nathan B. Eddy, John L. Wilson, andClifford F. Moran. "Tolerance and addiction liability of 4,4-diphenyl-6-dimethylamino-heptanone-3 (Methadone)." J. Am. Med. Assn., 135:883-894, 1947.(87) Nathan B. Eddy. "Metopon." J. Am. Pharmaceut. Assn., Pract. Pharmac.Education, 8 : 430-433, 1947.(88) "A new morphine-like analgesic." J. Am. Pharm. Assn., Pract.Pharm. Ed.. 8 : 536-540, 1947.(89) "Analgesic drugs in cancer therapy." Fourth International CancerResearch Congress, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1947. Acta L'Union luteruat.Cong. Cancer, 6 : 1379-1385, 1950.(90) "Metopon." Am. Soc. Anesthesiologists—Symposium on New Drugs,New York, Dec. 5, 1947.(91) "Progress in Drug Therapy of Pain." Am. Pharmaceut. Monuf.Assn., Annual Award Meeting, New York, Dec. 16, 1947. Am. Prof.Pharmacist, 14 : 252-253, 1948.(92) "Metopon hydrochloride." Canad. Med. Assn. J. January 1947.(93) "Metopon hydrochloride (Methyldihydromorphinone hydrochloride)."Report to the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the AMAby the Committee on Drug Addiction and Narcotics of the National ResearchCouncil. J. Am. Med. Assn., 137 : 365-367, 1948.(94) "Newer analgesics in the control of pain in cancer patients." Postgraduatesymposium on Cancer, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond,Va. Mar. 25, 1948. Unpublished.(95) "Newer preparations for pain relief." Read Apr. 16, 1948. GeorgeWashington University Medical School. Postgraduate course. Unpublished.(96) "Progress in drug therapy of pain." Adapted from No. 91. Readat Staff Meeting of Arlington Hospital, Arlington, Va. May 6. 1948.Unpublished.(97) "Pharmacology of Metopon and other new analgesic opium derivatives."New York Academy of Science. May 14-15, 1948. Ann. N.Y.Acad. Science, 51 : 51-58, 1949.

46(52) Nathan B. Eddy. "Dilaudid." J. Am. Med. Assn., 100: 1031-1035, 1933.(53) Gerald G. Woods <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "Some new alkamines of thetetrahydronapthalene series." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48: 175-181, 1933.(54) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives : I. A comparisonof phenanthrene <strong>and</strong> some 2-, 3-, <strong>and</strong> 9-monosubstitution products." J.Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48: 183-198, 1933.(55) "Studies of the relation of the hydroxyl groups of morphine to its?pharmacological action." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 48 : 271, 1983.(Proc.)(56) "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong> their derivatives :III. Morphinemethochloride <strong>and</strong> codeine methocloride." J. Pharmacol. & Exper.Therap,. 49: 319-327, 1933.(57) "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong> their derivatives: IV. Hydrogenatedcodine isomers." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 51: 35-4:4,1934.(58) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: II. Monosubstitution products,first variations. The effect of muzzling the hydroxyl group of 2- or3-hydroxyphenanthrene." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 51: 75-84,1934.(59) Charles W. Edmunds <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "Some studies on the drugaddiction problem." Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, 4^: 250-257,1934.(60) Charles W. Edmunds, Nathan B. Eddy, <strong>and</strong> Lyndon P. Small. "Studieson morphine addition problem." J. Am. Med. Assn.. 103: 1417, 1934.(61) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: III. Di-subst.'f>=products." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 52 : 275-289, 1934.(62) Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> John G. Reid. "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong>their derivatives: VII, Dihydromorpliine (paramorphan), dihydromorphinene,(Dilaudid), <strong>and</strong> dihydrocodeinone (Dicodide)." J.Pharmacol. & Exper. 52 : 468-493, 1934.(63) Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> Homer A. Howes. "Studies of morphine, codeine,<strong>and</strong> their derivatives : VIII. Monoacetyl- <strong>and</strong> diacetylmorphine <strong>and</strong>their hydr. derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 53: 430-439,1935.(64) Nathan B. Eddy. "Phenanthrene studies. The effect of different nitrictainingside-chains." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 54 : 149, 1935.(65) A. Kenneth Simon <strong>and</strong> Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of morphine, codeine,<strong>and</strong> their derivatives : V. The use of maze-trained rats to study the effecton central nervous system of morphine <strong>and</strong> related substances." Am. J.^7 : 597-613, 1935.(66) Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> Bertha Aheens. "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong>their derivatives : VI. The measurement of the central effect of codeine,hydrocodeine, <strong>and</strong> their isomers bv the use of maze-trained rats." Psychol.,^7 : 614-623, 1935.(67) Nathan B. Eddy. "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong> their derivatives:Methyl ethers of the morphine <strong>and</strong> codeine series." J. Pharmacol. &Therap., 55 : 127-135. 1935.(68) Nathan B. Eddy <strong>and</strong> Homer A. Howes. "Studies of morphine, codeine,<strong>and</strong> their derivatives : X. Desoxymorphine-C, desoxycodeine-C <strong>and</strong> theirhydro derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 55 : 257-267, 1935.(69) Natpian B. Eddy. "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: V. Homologous<strong>and</strong> aldehvdes <strong>and</strong> some of their derivatives." J. Pharmacol. & Exper.Therap., 55 : 354-364, 1935.(70) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives : VI. Amino alee of the ethanolamine<strong>and</strong> propanolamine type." J. Pharmacol. & Exper. 55 : 419-429,1935.(71) "Studies of morphine, codeine, <strong>and</strong> their derivatives: The isomersof morphine <strong>and</strong> dihydromorphine." J. Pharmacol. «& Exper. 56' : 429-431,1936.(72) "Studies of phenanthrene derivatives: 'SMI. A comparing analogousphenanthrene <strong>and</strong> dibenzofurau derivatives." J. Pharmacol. Exper.Therap., 58 : 159-170, 1936.(73) ^"Drug Addiction. Pharmacological Studies." Hosp. New 34, 1936.

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