Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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552so many areas is also a pitiful example of false economy. If heroincosts this Nation almost $4 billion a year in direct and indirect moneycosts—I am not talking about life costs, the latter largely a cost ofcrime which is an economic saving—and not at least doubling, triplingor even quadrupling our research efforts, clearh* is a shortsightedand very costl}^ economy.It is my hope that the Congress will not be a party to such shortsightedness.After we have had an opportunity to review the transcripts ofthese hearings and stud\' the valuable suggestions we have receivedand, of course, consult with knowledgeable people, this committeeM-ill make recommendations to the House of Representatives on whatwe can do according to knowledgeable people to combat drug addiction—howwe should spend our money, what our prioritif^s should be,and what we should do. A quarter of a milUon drug addicts—these areAmerican citizens—their families and the Nation demand that wc dono less. Not to speak of the danger that these addicts constitute tothe lives and the property of other citizens of our coimtrv.Now, just one announcement I want to make. One of the fine groupsin the greater Miami area, part of which em.braces my congressionaldistrict, has been one group we call Operation Self-Help. Thosepeople have gone out and begged and tried to persuade people to putnp mone}^, voluntary contributions. They have appealed to the Stateof Florida, to the Government of the United wStates, for aid and theyhave received some assistance, very small, through the State of Florida,from the Federal Government, but they have done a magnificent jobin the treatment and rehabilitation of many heroin addicts in thegreater Miami area, and that operation is Operation Self-Help, andthe founder of it and the great leader of it has been Father O'Sullivan,who honors us with his ])resence here today.I will ask if you will stand up, Father O'Sullivan. I would like themto see you. [Apphiuse.]He is accompanied by the Honorable Mr. Matthew Gressen, who isthe president of the Concept House, which is an integral part ofthis great treatment and rehabilitation program.I will ask you to stand up. [Applause.]And he is also accompanied by two others who have had a largepart in this program, have been founders or cofounders with them, theRev. Clint Oakley, one of my fellow Baptist. I will ask you to standup. [Applause.]And the other one, a cofounder and leader in this drug program,Air. Roger Shaw. [A])plause.]I thank the committee and I thank all those who have been here withus.The committee will adjourn.(Whereupon, at 1:10 p.m., the hearing was adjourned, to reconveneat 9:45, June 23, 1971.)

•Present^NARCOTICS RESEARCH, REHABILITATION, ANDTREATMENT9ili ifWEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1971House of Representatives,Select Committee on Crime,Washington, D.C.The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :10 a.m., in room 2359,Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Claude Pepper (chairman)presiding, ^n 'd^fll w:t vn

•Present^NARCOTICS RESEARCH, REHABILITATION, ANDTREATMENT9ili ifWEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1971House of Representatives,Select Committee on Crime,Washington, D.C.The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :10 a.m., in room 2359,Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Claude Pepper (chairman)presiding, ^n 'd^fll w:t vn

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