Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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,Chairman452Navy took and developed the best leads and they came up withsomethmg.Now, that is what I am talking about. The curiosity or openmindednesson the part of the Government, not you but the Government,that is out looking for a fellow with a good idea and wants to helphim develop it, see if it has got any potential, because we have notcome very far, we have not gotten beyond primitive yet in this field.So, that is the reason that we are perhaps embarrassing you bysuggesting that we would like to have you submit to us in response toour request an ideal budget if we were the Appropriations Committeeof the House of Representative and asked you, wdth your knowledgeof this problem and the gra^dty of it and the knowledge you have ofthe potentials in the field of research what would you offer as an idealbudget for NIMH.Would you be embarrassed to submit in response to our requestwhat you think in the national interest, if you were just asking forwhat you thought might wisely be used, an ideal budget for this field?Dr. Brown. It is within your prerogatives to ask for such a budgetand it is in our responsibilities to respond thoughtfully.Chairman Pepper. We would request you to do it and we do notwant you to feel any sense of embarrassemnt in doing it because weare authorized by the House of Representatives to explore this subjectto the fullest and we want to help the House by getting you to helpus with a recommendation.Would you consider that, Doctor, and submit to us what you thinkyou could wisely use?And like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in thisDr. Brown. Yes, sir.problem we are all at sea, it is a stormy sea, and we need to get intothe deep waters of submarines to find new and creative answers.(For information concerning the budget discussed above, seematerial received for the record, p. 465.)Pepper. Mr. Rangel?/Mr. Rangel. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have a group that isinterested not only in the drug addiction problem, but also the survivalof communities, and if my colleagues would yield, I certainly wouldappreciate it. Thank you.Doctor, I suppose the Chair has indicated the general thrust ofthe feeling of this committee and in studying some of the otheractivities which your organization has taken on, it seems abimdantlyclear that the recent attack against narcotic addiction as declaredby the President has not yet reached the point that your institutionwould feel the vibrations, and I can understand your reluctance tocome before legislative bodies, especially being appointed by theExecutive, in making positive and affirmative requests for funding.However, in view of yovu- own admission of the primitive state ofaffairs that exists in the ai*ea of drug addiction, it seems to me thatmost of tliose who have testified before this committee have restrictedtheir concern to the methadone program, notwithstanding the factthat even the head of FDA, who you heartl testify this morning,declare*] that they have no jurisiliction over the activities of physiciansthat are misusing this drug and, in fact, creating methadone addictsin communities where the}'^ were not addicted Lo anything.

453In addition to that, there seems to be some rehictance on the partof all those who have testified from a variety of agencies to suggestthat the American Medical Association assume some of the responsibilityin this area, which allows me to believe that the politics thatare being considered involve the pharmaceutical houses, which againit has been testified, have not taken the leadership in terms of substitutivedrugs. Now, you have the prime responsibility in the areaof research and many of your j^rograms are methatlone related. Thereseems to be some contradiction between 3'our testimony and thatwhich was given earlier as to the economic and ethnic compositionof those who are being studied by your agency as opj^osed to thosegroups that allegedly are being studied, investigated, by the FDA.Dr. Brown. Yes. I was aware and sensitive to that issue as it cameout in your discussion.Mr. Rangel. What bothers me is that I think it is really unfair tothe American people to listen to witness after witness testif}^ as towhat aspects of research they are involved in. I thhik it is repugnantto the belief and credibility of any administration when a Presidentcan allege a war is going to be declared when we have before us todaya variety of agencies all of whom are now for the first time becominginvolved in research. We have the law^ enforcement agencies, we havethe Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, we haveHUD, we have Model Cities, we have the Department of Defense asit relates to the militarv. Of course, vou have heard testimonv fromFDA.I do not know how many agencies are novv involved in some new,and some of them superficial, research areas. But I think what theChair was asking and what I am begging is, is your agency willingto assume the responsibility of having a centralized research centerfor the pur])oses of finding some cures to drug addiction?Dr. Brown. The answer to that is an unequivocal "Yes" and wewould hope that the Clinical Research Center at Lexington wouldmove in that direction and we are planning toward that. We havebeen moving toward having an adeqnate addiction research centerfor years and hopeful of achieving eminence and contributions inthis area.Mr. Rangel. But is it outside of your professional realm to suggestto this committee that you assume the responsibility with all ofthose that are now getting into research? I mean, how do you explainthat even though for 7 years a drug has been used in the UnitedStates of America, the FDA has not declared that this drug is safe?You have the prime responsibility to determine research in thisarea, and now State by State, city by city are asking for expansionof the program without lestrictions on the physician who is misusingthe drugs, and yet there is no word heard from your agency in termsof suggestions to the Department of Justice. One of my colleaguesasked would you recommend to the Department of Justice restriction,and he reluctantly said that he would not.Dr. Brown. You are asking terribly important and diflEicult questionsand I make it a practice not to be unresponsive but to try tobe honestly responsive. The reason for the situation is because theAvhole country has become aware of the seriousness of this problem.It is not only that each new agency is becoming involved but organizationafter organization from the American Legion to Women's Liber-

453In addition to that, there seems to be some rehictance on the partof all those who have testified from a variety of agencies to suggestthat the American Medical Association assume some of the responsibilityin this area, which allows me to believe that the politics thatare being considered involve the pharmaceutical houses, which againit has been testified, have not taken the leadership in terms of substitutivedrugs. Now, you have the prime responsibility in the areaof <strong>research</strong> <strong>and</strong> many of your j^rograms are methatlone related. Thereseems to be some contradiction between 3'our testimony <strong>and</strong> thatwhich was given earlier as to the economic <strong>and</strong> ethnic compositionof those who are being studied by your agency as opj^osed to thosegroups that allegedly are being studied, investigated, by the FDA.Dr. Brown. Yes. I was aware <strong>and</strong> sensitive to that issue as it cameout in your discussion.Mr. Rangel. What bothers me is that I think it is really unfair tothe American people to listen to witness after witness testif}^ as towhat aspects of <strong>research</strong> they are involved in. I thhik it is repugnantto the belief <strong>and</strong> credibility of any administration when a Presidentcan allege a war is going to be declared when we have before us todaya variety of agencies all of whom are now for the first time becominginvolved in <strong>research</strong>. We have the law^ enforcement agencies, we havethe Federal Bureau of <strong>Narcotics</strong> <strong>and</strong> Dangerous Drugs, we haveHUD, we have Model Cities, we have the Department of Defense asit relates to the militarv. Of course, vou have heard testimonv fromFDA.I do not know how many agencies are novv involved in some new,<strong>and</strong> some of them superficial, <strong>research</strong> areas. But I think what theChair was asking <strong>and</strong> what I am begging is, is your agency willingto assume the responsibility of having a centralized <strong>research</strong> centerfor the pur])oses of finding some cures to drug addiction?Dr. Brown. The answer to that is an unequivocal "Yes" <strong>and</strong> wewould hope that the Clinical Research Center at Lexington wouldmove in that direction <strong>and</strong> we are planning toward that. We havebeen moving toward having an adeqnate addiction <strong>research</strong> centerfor years <strong>and</strong> hopeful of achieving eminence <strong>and</strong> contributions inthis area.Mr. Rangel. But is it outside of your professional realm to suggestto this committee that you assume the responsibility with all ofthose that are now getting into <strong>research</strong>? I mean, how do you explainthat even though for 7 years a drug has been used in the UnitedStates of America, the FDA has not declared that this drug is safe?You have the prime responsibility to determine <strong>research</strong> in thisarea, <strong>and</strong> now State by State, city by city are asking for expansionof the program without lestrictions on the physician who is misusingthe drugs, <strong>and</strong> yet there is no word heard from your agency in termsof suggestions to the Department of Justice. One of my colleaguesasked would you recommend to the Department of Justice restriction,<strong>and</strong> he reluctantly said that he would not.Dr. Brown. You are asking terribly important <strong>and</strong> diflEicult questions<strong>and</strong> I make it a practice not to be unresponsive but to try tobe honestly responsive. The reason for the situation is because theAvhole country has become aware of the seriousness of this problem.It is not only that each new agency is becoming involved but organizationafter organization from the American Legion to Women's Liber-

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