Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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388Mr. Ingeksoll. Well, that is the same kind of question, Mr. Chairman,as what percentage comes from Turkey. Again I am going tosay that the overwhelming majority appears to come from that source.Chairman Pepper. We had testimony this morning that some 1,100people in the city of New York die every year from heroin. You saidat least a majority of that heroin comes from the laboratories ofFrance. Now, then, that is almost 100 New York City residents amonth who die from that substance.Now, if some people with evil minds had some of these movablerockets that they use over in Vietnam, and they go around over Franceand every day shoot some of those rockets, landing in New York Cityand kill on an average, let's say, about three or four people a day,about 1,100 people a year, you can imagine what public opinion inthis country would be demanding of the French Government to stopthat sort of thing.If they didn't do it, we would see if we couldn't find some way tostop it, ourselves.Now, I would like to ask you, in view of your reference to the agreementthat has recently been negotiated with the police of France,how many police, how many law enforcement people are trying tobreak up these laboratories from which this heroin comes to the UnitedStates in major supply? How many police officers does the FrenchGovernment have committed to doing that, to stopping it?Mr. Ingersoll. At this time, may I give you a historical perspective ?Chairman Pepper. Yes.Mr. Ingersoll. A year and a half or so ago, when I testified beforeyou the last time, they had, as I recall 16 or 18. Today there are about100 French police engaged in international traffic control.Chairman Pepper. One hundred.Mr. Ingersoll. Practically.Chairman Pepper. At least that is a step up. They started off witha lower number. They extended it to 100.Mr. Ingersoll. It is not quite 100.Chairman Pepper. Now, France is a big country and a powerfulcountry and they have a lot of assets. Don't you think we would havea right to ask a "friendly country like that, from which was coming asubstance that is killing so many of our people and costing us so muchmoney, that they put more than 100 people to helping us keep theselaboratories from spilling out, spewing out so dangerous a substanceto our country ?Mr. Ingersoll. We have the right to ask the government in any othercountry around the world to do things that we would like them to do.Chairman Pepper. Well, it would seem to me we would be justifiedin being very insistent, if they want to be our friends, that they takethe emergency measures.Now, the President is talking about an emergency program and wehope the President is going to implement that, an all-out fight ontrying to do something about heroin to stop the terrible tragedy thatour country is experiencing from heroin, and it would soem to methat with great earnestness we would have a right to tell the Governmentof France that we expect them, as our friend, to treat this on an

389emergency basis because it is a very grave danger to the lives of ourpeople and to the security of our country, and we are just going tohave to ask them, if they treasure our friendship, to take emergencymeasures with us to stop this.Mr. Ingersoll. I don't know that we put it quite in those terms butthey are certainly well aware of the concern we have.Chairman Pepper. I don't know what favor we are doing the French.We have been long-time friends.We are committed to go to a nuclear war if a French city wereattacked by a nuclear power, by any other country, and we are spendinga lot of money to maintain that capability and we expect to liveup to our obligations, and it would certainly seem to me that we wouldhave a right not only to ask but to demand of them if we are goingto commit ourselves to defend your cities, maybe to the destruction ofour own country, we expect you to help us defend our own peoplefrom an aggression of such a sort that is coming from your countryinto us.Now, the other thing I wanted to ask you : Is your agency, the Bureauof Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, providing any money for a researchprogram into synthetic drugs or into blockage drugs or immunizingdrugs?Mr. Ingersoll. Our research authority is restricted by law, and weare not investing any substantial amount of money in any of thoseareas because that is principally the responsibility of the NationalInstitute of Mental Health.Chairman Pepper. Are you providing any money for a nationaltreatment and rehabilitation program ?Mr. Ingersoll. No, sir. That is completely out of our sphere.Chairman Pepper. My last question here is this. You have indicatedhere today out of your great knowledge that if we are going to mounta massive assault on heroin in our country, it has got to have manyfacets. We have got to carry on an effective and extensive research program,an effective and extensive rehabilitation program, and an extensivelaw enforcement program, at least those elements must be a partof any effective all-out fight upon heroin ; must it not ?Mr. Ingersoll. Yes, sir.Chairman Pepper. Thank you very much. You are very kind andvery helpful.Mr. Ingersoll. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.Chairman Pepper. The committee will adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrowmorning in this room when the first witnesses will be Dr. Edwardsand Dr. Gardner.(Thereupon, at 1 :40 p.m., the committee adjourned, to reconvenetomorrow, Thursday, June 3, 1971, at 10 a.m.)

389emergency basis because it is a very grave danger to the lives of ourpeople <strong>and</strong> to the security of our country, <strong>and</strong> we are just going tohave to ask them, if they treasure our friendship, to take emergencymeasures with us to stop this.Mr. Ingersoll. I don't know that we put it quite in those terms butthey are certainly well aware of the concern we have.Chairman Pepper. I don't know what favor we are doing the French.We have been long-time friends.We are committed to go to a nuclear war if a French city wereattacked by a nuclear power, by any other country, <strong>and</strong> we are spendinga lot of money to maintain that capability <strong>and</strong> we expect to liveup to our obligations, <strong>and</strong> it would certainly seem to me that we wouldhave a right not only to ask but to dem<strong>and</strong> of them if we are goingto commit ourselves to defend your cities, maybe to the destruction ofour own country, we expect you to help us defend our own peoplefrom an aggression of such a sort that is coming from your countryinto us.Now, the other thing I wanted to ask you : Is your agency, the Bureauof <strong>Narcotics</strong> <strong>and</strong> Dangerous Drugs, providing any money for a <strong>research</strong>program into synthetic drugs or into blockage drugs or immunizingdrugs?Mr. Ingersoll. Our <strong>research</strong> authority is restricted by law, <strong>and</strong> weare not investing any substantial amount of money in any of thoseareas because that is principally the responsibility of the NationalInstitute of Mental Health.Chairman Pepper. Are you providing any money for a national<strong>treatment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>rehabilitation</strong> program ?Mr. Ingersoll. No, sir. That is completely out of our sphere.Chairman Pepper. My last question here is this. You have indicatedhere today out of your great knowledge that if we are going to mounta massive assault on heroin in our country, it has got to have manyfacets. We have got to carry on an effective <strong>and</strong> extensive <strong>research</strong> program,an effective <strong>and</strong> extensive <strong>rehabilitation</strong> program, <strong>and</strong> an extensivelaw enforcement program, at least those elements must be a partof any effective all-out fight upon heroin ; must it not ?Mr. Ingersoll. Yes, sir.Chairman Pepper. Thank you very much. You are very kind <strong>and</strong>very helpful.Mr. Ingersoll. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.Chairman Pepper. The committee will adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrowmorning in this room when the first witnesses will be Dr. Edwards<strong>and</strong> Dr. Gardner.(Thereupon, at 1 :40 p.m., the committee adjourned, to reconvenetomorrow, Thursday, June 3, 1971, at 10 a.m.)

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