Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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, Mr., In''wMr, WiNx.nltiiink tlie questioi!, Charley, is there seeins ?o be ;i iiillediscrepancy in tlie testimonv of this afternoon, of tvhetlifer' tlier.e rfeallvis a -Nvithdrawal symptom with^'>"-"-Perse.Joi o1 ii bMr. Raxgel. Well, I didn't find a conflict. It did seem to'TDe tliat ifyon were com])arin.Q; the sniffles and red eyes with what is really atifagic, human experience to see someone actually .wing tlirough withdr.awa'l,that one can say that Perse does all that' ft is claimed to do inthe area of detoxification.Wixx. I would sav thy symptom was neofli^ible. but there wasa little deyiation..\"'jMr. Raxge'l. I say, I haven't heard any drug addict with' their propensityto enlarge the agony they have gone through as a result of aninhuman society\ I haven't heard any drug addict claim that life was'"'better for him in the area of withdrawal than it actually was.'the area of Perse I think most of them would like to believe, frommy experience, they have gone through horrendous experiences andnow they are o''ean*and decent citizens, but most of them mad^ it apparentl.y.relatively simply as a result of Dr. Revici's clinio.•'-INIr. Wixx. Dr." Davidson says that Dr. Revici often changes thedosage units in the mix of his drug which might be one of the problemsover at FDA right now, T don't know, T am not defending themfor their being so slow, but it is possible they have run into thisvdriatioii^'; ^*^Did you run into that?Dr. Casetel. He is a perfectidmst: He would like to have one tabletgiven and that is all you would need. He has been modifying the thingover the years. Some work a little bit better. I don't see any difference.t give you a general clinical opinion of 14 months with about a hundredpeople. There is barely, any side effect. There is no problem inwithdrawing.n!."iMr. Wix:Sr. But in this difference in the mix, is it mainly in the tabletor in the liquid ?Dr. Casriel. If you read my original paper, the first four kids Igave it to I got a guy who complained he suffered headaches. AVe wentback, and he said we added too much sulfur. We took out some sulfur;Since that time we have had no trouble. Since that time he adds a littlemore peroxide, regardless of what I did.Mr. Wixx. You might not want that in the record.Dr. Casriel. The thing is basically since our first four kids he hasT-educed the sulfur content and sometimes he eliminates it and sometimeshe puts it in.The clinical application is that these kids withdrew without any ofthe undue side effects.Mr. Wixx. Were most of the patients that you sent down there whatwe call kids, under 21 ?Dr. Da\tdsox. No.Mr. Wixx. Over 21 ?Dr. Davidsox. Yes.Mr. Wixx. Well. I have asked the question before: W[\^t are wetalking about percentagewise in blacks and whites and Spanish-Americans,just roughly?Dr. Davidsox. I would say that is was about 70 percent white, 80percent black. I would say about 80 percent over 21.

•Mi;.'.'•):3^1:•f.-Mr. Vv^ixx. Dr. Rosen. ,;,, ^ "i f. :•Dr. RosEx. I just wanted to answer the question about tlie aleplietl,;?ism' if you wanted to know about the withdrawal from that, tivv,,,,^^ithdrawal from alcohol is much more lifei-threatening. If you havea patient who has experienced that once, you can expect that in thenext withdrawal from alcohol they would again have at least thatmuch in t.ei'ms of convulsions and delirium tremens.•Tiln my experieiice, and among that I have had about seven, I wouldsay, who have had previous delirhim tremens and convulsions iji alcoholicwithdrawal, and each one of those went through the withdrawalwithout even the shakes, whi(^,h was unbelievable to me.AVixx. r?r. I}avidson, you have had ti

•Mi;.'.'•):3^1:•f.-Mr. Vv^ixx. Dr. Rosen. ,;,, ^ "i f. :•Dr. RosEx. I just wanted to answer the question about tlie aleplietl,;?ism' if you wanted to know about the withdrawal from that, tivv,,,,^^ithdrawal from alcohol is much more lifei-threatening. If you havea patient who has experienced that once, you can expect that in thenext withdrawal from alcohol they would again have at least thatmuch in t.ei'ms of convulsions <strong>and</strong> delirium tremens.•Tiln my experieiice, <strong>and</strong> among that I have had about seven, I wouldsay, who have had previous delirhim tremens <strong>and</strong> convulsions iji alcoholicwithdrawal, <strong>and</strong> each one of those went through the withdrawalwithout even the shakes, whi(^,h was unbelievable to me.AVixx. r?r. I}avidson, you have had ti

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