Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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.320in Permanent Cure of Narcotic Addicts" in this magazine (vol. 4, No. 8, October1966), or to Day top itself, wliicli tias recently prepared a detailed brochure outliningits activities.Premedical[Exhibit No. 14(g)]CtJREICtJLUM VlTAE OF DANIEL H. CaSRIEL, M.D., DiEECTOR, AREBATRAINING(1) Rutgers University, four semesters, prelaw and accounting, September1941 to March 1943.(2) Iowa State College, two semesters, engineering. Army specialized trainingprogram, September 1943 to March 1944.(3) Indiana University, three semesters, premed., March 1944 to January 1945.Medical(1) University of Cincinnati, September 1945 to June 1949; M.D., June 1949.Post Graduate Training(1) Internship: Brooklyn Jewish Hospital, July 1949 to June 1950.(2) Psychiatric residency: Kingsbridge V.A.R., Bronx, N.Y., July 1950 toOctober 1950 ; March 1952 to December 1953 (including Manhattan State Hospitaland Jewish Board of Guardian, for child therapy, Letchworth Village for mentaldefectives )(3) One year credit for assistant chief and chief, neuropsychiatric service,Ryukyus Army Hospital, Okinawa, October 1950 to February 1952 (Captain,Medical Corps, U.S. Army).Military Service(1) Active duty, March 1943 to February 1946, October 1950 to March 1952;inactive reserve, November 1942 to November 1962.Analytic Training(1) Columbia Psychoanalytic Institute for Training and Research, September1952 to February 1954.(2) Persoual analysis: Dr. A. Kardiner, December 1952 to June 1960.LICENSURE, ETC.(1) Qualified p.sychiatrist. State of New York, 1954.',',(2) Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurologv in Psvchiatry,1957.(3) New York State Board License No. 73985.(4) License to practice medicine :(a) Ohio, 1949, by examination:(b) New Jersey, 1950, by reciprocity ;(c) New York, 1953. by examination ; and(d) California, 19G0, by examination and reciprocity.PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS(1) Private practice of analytic psychiatry since December in."3 (80-90 percentof working time). Director of Clinical Institute of the Casriel method(new identity process).(2) University Consultation Center, Bronx. N.Y., December 1953 to June 1954.(3) Three schools project of the New York City Youth Board and Board ofEducation, December 1953 to June 19.56.(4) Assistant clinical attending, Hillside Hospital O.P.D.. Mt. Sinai Hospital,t)eoeni))er 19,")3 to June 19."6.(.">) Court psychiatrist to New York City Court of Special Sessions. September1954 to June 1957.(6) Posthospital resident housing program of Jewish Community Service ofLong Island Hospital, June 1956 to June 1961.(7) Therapist to the Girls' Club of Brooklvn, N.Y.. September 19.56 to June1961.

( 19'321(8) Instructor to New York City teachers and guidance counselor, September1956 to June lOnO.(0) Lecturer to probation officers, court of special sessions. September 1959 toSeptember 1961.(10) Staff drug addiction services, Metropolitan Hospital; associate attending.Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital ; instructor in psychiatry. New York MedicalCollege, September 1960 to June 1903.(11) Psychiatric consultant, NIMH; grant to study drug addiction in theU.S. Army. July. August 1962.(12) Psychiatric consultant to the Synanon Foundation, August 1962 to June1964.(13) Consultant: Probation Department, Kings County, New York State SupremeCourt : consultant. Halfway House Daytop Lodge for Drug Addiction,June 1962 to March 1966.(14) Psvchiatric consultant to the Girls Service League of New York City,May 1963.(15) Consultant therapist for youth and work project of the YMCA VocationalService Center in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, February 1965 to February1966.(16) Consultant and therapist for the restoration of young through trainingprogram : A program conducted in cooperation with the New York City Departmentof Correction, March 1965 to September 1965.(17) Cofounder and medical-psychiatric director of Daytop Village, Inc. (anonprofit therapeutic community and an extension of Daytop Lodge). By January1970. 300 people in four physical facilities and four outpatient (SPAN)facilities.(18) Consultant BAN/-BAN/LSD (barbiturates, amphetamines and narcotics).1965 to 1968. An ODP clinic, supervised by the New York State SupremeCourt. Department of Probation. 2d Judicial District.) Temple Medical School, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, July1967 to date.(20) Group relations Ongoing Workshops, member of board of advisors andchief, ps.vchiatric services, 1968.( 21 ) Board of consultants. Country Place, Warren, Conn.(22) SANE, board of consultants, 1968.(23) Board of directors. Spruce Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., 1967 to date.MEMBERSHIPS(1) New York County and State Medical Association, 1953.(2) American Medical Association, 1953.(3) American Psychiatric Association and District Branch, 1952.(4) Medical Correctional Officers' Association, 1963.(5) American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians, 1958 (president, 1966 to1967).(6) Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, 1962.(7) Pan-American Medical Association, 1967, member of the council in thesection on psychiatry, January 15. 1969.(8) ^Member. Royal Society of Health, 1969.(9) American Public Health Association.PUBLICATIONSBook"So Fair A House." the story of Synanon, Prentice Hall, 225 pages, December5. 1963.Articles(1) "Suicidal Gestures in Occupational Personnel on Okinawa," U.S. ArmedForces, Medical Journal, vol. Ill, No. 12, December 1962.(2) "Intramural Psychiatric Service in a Public High School." New YorkState Journal of Medicine, vol. 56, No. 12, June 1956.(3) "A Mental Hygiene Clinic in a High School," the School Review, Summer1957.

.320in Permanent Cure of Narcotic Addicts" in this magazine (vol. 4, No. 8, October1966), or to Day top itself, wliicli tias recently prepared a detailed brochure outliningits activities.Premedical[Exhibit No. 14(g)]CtJREICtJLUM VlTAE OF DANIEL H. CaSRIEL, M.D., DiEECTOR, AREBATRAINING(1) Rutgers University, four semesters, prelaw <strong>and</strong> accounting, September1941 to March 1943.(2) Iowa State College, two semesters, engineering. Army specialized trainingprogram, September 1943 to March 1944.(3) Indiana University, three semesters, premed., March 1944 to January 1945.Medical(1) University of Cincinnati, September 1945 to June 1949; M.D., June 1949.Post Graduate Training(1) Internship: Brooklyn Jewish Hospital, July 1949 to June 1950.(2) Psychiatric residency: Kingsbridge V.A.R., Bronx, N.Y., July 1950 toOctober 1950 ; March 1952 to December 1953 (including Manhattan State Hospital<strong>and</strong> Jewish Board of Guardian, for child therapy, Letchworth Village for mentaldefectives )(3) One year credit for assistant chief <strong>and</strong> chief, neuropsychiatric service,Ryukyus Army Hospital, Okinawa, October 1950 to February 1952 (Captain,Medical Corps, U.S. Army).Military Service(1) Active duty, March 1943 to February 1946, October 1950 to March 1952;inactive reserve, November 1942 to November 1962.Analytic Training(1) Columbia Psychoanalytic Institute for Training <strong>and</strong> Research, September1952 to February 1954.(2) Persoual analysis: Dr. A. Kardiner, December 1952 to June 1960.LICENSURE, ETC.(1) Qualified p.sychiatrist. State of New York, 1954.',',(2) Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry <strong>and</strong> Neurologv in Psvchiatry,1957.(3) New York State Board License No. 73985.(4) License to practice medicine :(a) Ohio, 1949, by examination:(b) New Jersey, 1950, by reciprocity ;(c) New York, 1953. by examination ; <strong>and</strong>(d) California, 19G0, by examination <strong>and</strong> reciprocity.PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS(1) Private practice of analytic psychiatry since December in."3 (80-90 percentof working time). Director of Clinical Institute of the Casriel method(new identity process).(2) University Consultation Center, Bronx. N.Y., December 1953 to June 1954.(3) Three schools project of the New York City Youth Board <strong>and</strong> Board ofEducation, December 1953 to June 19.56.(4) Assistant clinical attending, Hillside Hospital O.P.D.. Mt. Sinai Hospital,t)eoeni))er 19,")3 to June 19."6.(.">) Court psychiatrist to New York City Court of Special Sessions. September1954 to June 1957.(6) Posthospital resident housing program of Jewish Community Service ofLong Isl<strong>and</strong> Hospital, June 1956 to June 1961.(7) Therapist to the Girls' Club of Brooklvn, N.Y.. September 19.56 to June1961.

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