Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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302[Exhibit No.14(b)]Casriel Institute of Group Dynamics, New York, N.Y.I am honored to be the first discussant of this historic paper presented byDr. Revici. His paper has opened a new dawn on the treatment of addiction. Becauseof the great contribution of his knowledge of cellular physiology andpathology and his resultant pharacological treatment of disease, I aim sure medicalhistory will honor him as one of the greatest physicians of this century. Iam proud to be able to sit at his side today.When I was first introduced to Dr. Kevici. some 15 months ago, to observethe clinical reaction of several obvious drug addict patients to an injection ofhis drug, I felt highly suspicious as to the nature of the drug. The individualsreacted as if they had just received a "Fix." In 15 months I have given thisdrug to over 100 drug addicts. Though their clinical reaction remained thesame as I first observed, after a week's utilization of Perse, the individual istotally free of all narcotic needs and of Perse too.Except for four cases early in my use of Perse, there have been no side effectsThese four early cases reacted with a toxic "Grippe Like" fever which lastedabout 24 hours. Dr. Revici stated that it was the sulfur in the particularpreparation that caused this effect. After he lowered the sulfur concentration,no other generalized side effects attributed to this drug was ever observed!Clinically it seems to be perfectly safe. On one occasion, I personally took twopills, to evaluate its effectiveness in preventing drunkeness due to alcohol.Two tablets allowed me to drink 8 ounces of 86 percent T & B Scotch withoutany side effects as to dysarthria, dizzyness. drowsiness, sleepiness, euphoria,or any of the side effects T usually obtain from more than 2 ounces of alcoholThe clinical reaction of Perse is exactly as Dr. Revici describes.I have had the occasion to detoxifize three people who were on methadonemaintenance ; one using 140 mg., one using 150 mg., and one using 240 mg. daily.In all cases, the people were detoxified successfully and effectively. All ofthe residents given Perse in my therapeutic community, called AREBA, wereable to maintain themselves and remain in the community, needing only additionalrest. The clinical effectiveness I have observed from Perse is exactlythat which Dr. Revici described in his 1,000 cases. Rather than to review theclinical reactions which Dr. Revici has already adequately reviewed, and forwhich he has much more documentation than I. I shall formidate some of thechnnges that I anticipate will take effect in the wake of the utilization of Perse.The use of Perse will force a total review of the entire abuse and treatmentnot only of narcotics, but also of alcohol and barbituate addiction. Perse willeliminate the addictive probabilities of all these drugs, as well as remove theeffect of the drug if Perse is taken. However it will not remove the psychologicaldependence, only the physiological addiction.1. Methadone is contra-indicated and will stop being given for both maintenanceand withdrawal.2. The simple, inexpensive (fraction of a centi diagnostic test for immediatedetection of Alkaloids in the urine also developed by Dr. Revici means thatthough individuals may still take drugs, they will not become addicted. Atthe first sign (i.e.: positive urine test) of the use of any alcohol, narcotic, orbarbituate: Perse could be given, eliminating the addictive cycle.The restructuring of most 24-hour therapeutic communities into large day.^.centers. This will reduce the cost by almost half. The average cost of thetherapeutic community like Daytop Village is ,$11 a day. Methadone maintenancein the Dole Set-up costs S.'i..50 a day. A day center such as was structuredby myself in Hialeah. Fa., in Operation Self Help, operating 10 a.m. to 10 p.m..7 days a week should cost closer to the $5..50 a day per person level. Unlikemethadone maintenance which could last forever, the average length of a timeof treatment in day renter will probably be in the area of a year. With the newadvances in the psycholoa:ical treatment of the addict, the actual time in a daycenter conld be shortened.4. Since the person is not addicted, he will be much more readily treatable,psychologically.5. Since hospitalization is not necessary (i.e.: the period of time normallyneeded for detoxification of addiction) pyschological treatment can be prescribedand instituted immediately at the clinic where the test takes place. There will

303be no loss of applicants due to the need to wait for the end of the detoxificationperiod.6. Since people need not become addicted, they are not necessarily weak orneed additional hospitalization for complication due to addiction.7. Since they do not become addicted, crimes committed to obtain money fordrugs will be markedly reduced. Insurance costs will come down, courts andpolice will have a markedly lesser business. Jails will not be as crowded. Thesavings could be passed on to the taxpayer.8. Because of no addiction, many more addicts can be treated on an outpatientbasis, with a great reduction of costs. Hospital beds for addiction can be phasedout.9. Perse is not only antiaddictive, it tends to remove the psychological effectsof nonspecific "tissue memory"—spontaneous physiological readdiction will begreatly reduced.10. Perse will remove acute intoxication. One or two pills and 15 minuteswill remove drivers from "driving under the iufiuence of"—preventing half ofthe auto fatalities, lowering insurance costs, etc.11. Perse is life saving if given in time, no one need die of an overdose ofnarcotics or barbituates.12. Perse cost is extremely low. It can be reproduced relatively easily anddistributed quickly. Perhaps the current addiction programs already set upcan be the institutions which will distribute the Perse, take the urine tests,and institute the specialized psycotherapy.13. Money saved could be used to retool the psycotherapy used for the treatmentof severe character disorders. This is essential.The criticism I have heard from professionals in discussing Dr. Revici's paper,is that he has no scientific reference to the literature in his paper. I refer themto Dr. Revici's erudite, professional textbook. Christopher Columbus could nothave given a cross-reference on previous work of the New World he discovered.Dr. Revici has opened the way for the period of new results in the field ofaddiction as well as other fields. Dr. Revici should not and cannot be judgedas one may with classical schools of researchers. Perse is revolutionary. It isbut one of many chemicals to spring from the "Pen" of a revolutionary researcher.Dr. Revici, relying on his own knowledge of biochemistry, physiology, histology,pharmacology, as well as clinical medicine theoi'ized the problem of addiction.The cause of addiction. From his theory of cause and effect, he formulated hischemical treatment, all on pencil and paper. He took his theories to his animallaboratories and then finally to his human clinical laboratory, his hospital.Trafalga Hospital. What more is there to question? Thousands of animals andover a thousand patients have taken Perse without ill effects. So have I. Treatmentis not chronic, only for a week or less, therefore, no serious problem ofchronic accumulation of drugs, being build up in the body or other pathologicalinterreaction being built up in the body. The fact that Dr. Revici could theorizeby pen, a treatment approach which he could successfully then applyclinically, awes me.On the contrary the headlong fatal social plunge into methedone maintenanceis based on a nonvalidated hypothesis, not biochemically validated, not physiologicallyvalidated, not pharmacologically validated and without even a scientifictheory of how methodone "blockades the effect of Heroin" only a clinical hypothesis.Dr. Revici's theory, of course does explain this phenomenon. It isnot at all a "blockading effect" of methedone on heroin—but rather an exhaustionof the bodies defensive reaction to the overwhelming dosages of methedone.As an expert in the clinical treatment of addiction, I am totally convinced asto the merit of Perse. Dr. Revici you are a blessing to all of humanity, I saluteyou.Research in Drug Addiction(By Em. Revici, M.D.)In the past years the tremendous growth in the number of people addicted todrugs, has made of addiction a main national problem. The limited ability tocope with the first basic aspect of the problem, the medical one, has consequentlylimited the eflBciency of the psychological and social approaches. Thisexplains why the problem of addiction is still practically uncontrolled. The factthat no real progress has been made in the medical control of addiction appears

303be no loss of applicants due to the need to wait for the end of the detoxificationperiod.6. Since people need not become addicted, they are not necessarily weak orneed additional hospitalization for complication due to addiction.7. Since they do not become addicted, crimes committed to obtain money fordrugs will be markedly reduced. Insurance costs will come down, courts <strong>and</strong>police will have a markedly lesser business. Jails will not be as crowded. Thesavings could be passed on to the taxpayer.8. Because of no addiction, many more addicts can be treated on an outpatientbasis, with a great reduction of costs. Hospital beds for addiction can be phasedout.9. Perse is not only antiaddictive, it tends to remove the psychological effectsof nonspecific "tissue memory"—spontaneous physiological readdiction will begreatly reduced.10. Perse will remove acute intoxication. One or two pills <strong>and</strong> 15 minuteswill remove drivers from "driving under the iufiuence of"—preventing half ofthe auto fatalities, lowering insurance costs, etc.11. Perse is life saving if given in time, no one need die of an overdose ofnarcotics or barbituates.12. Perse cost is extremely low. It can be reproduced relatively easily <strong>and</strong>distributed quickly. Perhaps the current addiction programs already set upcan be the institutions which will distribute the Perse, take the urine tests,<strong>and</strong> institute the specialized psycotherapy.13. Money saved could be used to retool the psycotherapy used for the <strong>treatment</strong>of severe character disorders. This is essential.The criticism I have heard from professionals in discussing Dr. Revici's paper,is that he has no scientific reference to the literature in his paper. I refer themto Dr. Revici's erudite, professional textbook. Christopher Columbus could nothave given a cross-reference on previous work of the New World he discovered.Dr. Revici has opened the way for the period of new results in the field ofaddiction as well as other fields. Dr. Revici should not <strong>and</strong> cannot be judgedas one may with classical schools of <strong>research</strong>ers. Perse is revolutionary. It isbut one of many chemicals to spring from the "Pen" of a revolutionary <strong>research</strong>er.Dr. Revici, relying on his own knowledge of biochemistry, physiology, histology,pharmacology, as well as clinical medicine theoi'ized the problem of addiction.The cause of addiction. From his theory of cause <strong>and</strong> effect, he formulated hischemical <strong>treatment</strong>, all on pencil <strong>and</strong> paper. He took his theories to his animallaboratories <strong>and</strong> then finally to his human clinical laboratory, his hospital.Trafalga Hospital. What more is there to question? Thous<strong>and</strong>s of animals <strong>and</strong>over a thous<strong>and</strong> patients have taken Perse without ill effects. So have I. Treatmentis not chronic, only for a week or less, therefore, no serious problem ofchronic accumulation of drugs, being build up in the body or other pathologicalinterreaction being built up in the body. The fact that Dr. Revici could theorizeby pen, a <strong>treatment</strong> approach which he could successfully then applyclinically, awes me.On the contrary the headlong fatal social plunge into methedone maintenanceis based on a nonvalidated hypothesis, not biochemically validated, not physiologicallyvalidated, not pharmacologically validated <strong>and</strong> without even a scientifictheory of how methodone "blockades the effect of Heroin" only a clinical hypothesis.Dr. Revici's theory, of course does explain this phenomenon. It isnot at all a "blockading effect" of methedone on heroin—but rather an exhaustionof the bodies defensive reaction to the overwhelming dosages of methedone.As an expert in the clinical <strong>treatment</strong> of addiction, I am totally convinced asto the merit of Perse. Dr. Revici you are a blessing to all of humanity, I saluteyou.Research in Drug Addiction(By Em. Revici, M.D.)In the past years the tremendous growth in the number of people addicted todrugs, has made of addiction a main national problem. The limited ability tocope with the first basic aspect of the problem, the medical one, has consequentlylimited the eflBciency of the psychological <strong>and</strong> social approaches. Thisexplains why the problem of addiction is still practically uncontrolled. The factthat no real progress has been made in the medical control of addiction appears

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