Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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280Mr. Perito. You are referriii"' to the FDA now?Dr. Casriel. Yes. Over 2,000 people have taken it. I would be willingto take this whole bottle by injection or orally. I am not a hero—itis a perfectly safe drug. It is a perfectly safe drug.Chairman Pepper. How long has it Ijeen now since Perse was submittedto the Food and Drug Administration?Keverend Massey. About two and a half months.Mr. R angel. That is the second time?Reverend Massey. That is the second time.Dr. Casriel. To me this is lifesaving.Cliairman Pepper. You personally treated how many patients whenyou first started ?Dr. Casriel. Approximately 100.Chairman Pepper. And you personally observed those patients?Dr. Casriel. I personally observed those patients and I have personallyobserved my reaction with Perse in me with alcohol.Chairman Pepper. And you have had no injurious effects in yourpatients ?Dr. Casriel. No.Chairman Pepper. That has achieved the effect you have described,to detoxify ?Dr. Casriel. Yes. I have been able to detoxify three people who wereon methadone maintenance with this, who have come to me. One wason 140 milligrams of methadone maintenance, one was on 160 milligramsof methadone maintenance, and one was on 240 milligrams ofmethadone maintenance.In addition, the person on 140-milligram methadone maintenancewas also taking about 60-100 milligrams of barbiturates a day and wasalso taking anything he could take, anything he could get, which includedcocaine, and so forth.Chairman Pepper. Doctor, how would that interesting, and certainlychallenging, drug be properly adapted for general use into a drug addictiontreatment program ?Dr. Casriel. Under methadone—and I agree with the previousspeaker that methadone should not be in the hands of the general physician—itshouldn't be used, but if it has got to be used, don't put it inthe hands of general physicians. I think it is chaos under clinical conditions.But Perse can be given to every physician in the country. This isnot addictive. You only need to use this at most for a week.Chairman Pepper. You mean Perse could safely be used and prescribedby a private physician.Dr. Casriel. Every physician in the country. It is not a narcotic.He doesn't need a special narcotic control, it is not dangerous, it is notaddictive.It will also detoxify alcoholism and barbiturate addiction. It is alifesaving drug. It is a major breakthrough in treatment. It has givenme the opportunity to treat the addict as I would treat the aA'eragecharacter disorder, because we don't have to treat them against theirphysiological craving. We remove that right away. They are immediatelyable to get into treatment. I don't have to wait for a periodof detoxification of a month or 2 weeks, or whatever.

281.They are immediately psychologically capable of being engagedpsychologically.i wouldn't think of trying to psychologically treat a person on meth-'adone any more than I wonld try to wash a person who has a raincoataround them. You just can't get through that protective rubberizedskin.Mr. Pekito. Knowing what you do, Doctor, about Perse, would youuse methadone to detoxify an addict, rather than rely on Perse ?Dr. Casriel. No ; this is much easier, much simpler, much cheaper,much quicker, much everything.Chairman Pepper. By the way, what is the cost of Perse ?Dr. Casriel. Reverend ISIassey, you are the administrator to Dr.Eevici.Reverend Massey. I can't recall the exact cost, but I understand itshould be less than $1, or less than $1.25 or something like this.Chairman Pepper. Less than $1 a bottle ?Dr. Casriel. About 5 cents a shot.Chairman Pepper. How long would that bottle that you said costless than a $1, how long would that treat a heroin addict?Dr. Casriel. An average addict needs about 6 shots, that is about20-40 cubic centimeters. You could treat two-and-a-half or three addictswith this.Chairma]! Pepper. Treat two-and-a-half addicts. That is phenomenal.Doctor.Dr. Casriel. Yes, it is, Mr. Pepper. It is a major brealdhrough. Ididn't believe it when I fir^^t saw it because I have been treating drugaddicts for a long time. But I have been with this now for 14-15months, and it works. "\'\niat can I tell you ?Mr. Perito. Do you think your AREBA approach would work with-rout Perse ?Dr. Casriel. Yes ; but not as well. We don't have any problem holdingthem. These kids stay. We suck them in psychologically. We don'thave to work against the physiological craving.Mr. Perito. If that precludes the physiological craving it is possiblefor a person to detoxify on Perse but relapse soon after the effectsof Perse wear off ?Dr. Casriel. Yes. You are not going to cure the psychological problemwith this. You will cure the physiological addiction with it. Thosepeople still need to be treated.Mr. Steiger. Would counsel yield on that point ?I wondered. Doctor, the person who repeats the process several times,does he require additional Perse each time ?Dr. Casriel. No.Mr. Steiger. In other words, there is no cumulative resistance toPerse ?Dr. Casriel. Not at all.Mr. Steiger. Thank you, Mr. Perito.Mr. Perito. As far as you know, the 1,900 patients that have beentreated by Dr. Revici are drug free ?Dr. Casriel. I don't know. I haven't followed Dr. Revici's patients.I have enough trouble following my own.Reverend Massey. May I answer that question for you? Approximately1,900 patients treated with Perse, I can say that these 1,900 are60-296—71—pt. 1 19

281.They are immediately psychologically capable of being engagedpsychologically.i wouldn't think of trying to psychologically treat a person on meth-'adone any more than I wonld try to wash a person who has a raincoataround them. You just can't get through that protective rubberizedskin.Mr. Pekito. Knowing what you do, Doctor, about Perse, would youuse methadone to detoxify an addict, rather than rely on Perse ?Dr. Casriel. No ; this is much easier, much simpler, much cheaper,much quicker, much everything.Chairman Pepper. By the way, what is the cost of Perse ?Dr. Casriel. Reverend ISIassey, you are the administrator to Dr.Eevici.Reverend Massey. I can't recall the exact cost, but I underst<strong>and</strong> itshould be less than $1, or less than $1.25 or something like this.Chairman Pepper. Less than $1 a bottle ?Dr. Casriel. About 5 cents a shot.Chairman Pepper. How long would that bottle that you said costless than a $1, how long would that treat a heroin addict?Dr. Casriel. An average addict needs about 6 shots, that is about20-40 cubic centimeters. You could treat two-<strong>and</strong>-a-half or three addictswith this.Chairma]! Pepper. Treat two-<strong>and</strong>-a-half addicts. That is phenomenal.Doctor.Dr. Casriel. Yes, it is, Mr. Pepper. It is a major brealdhrough. Ididn't believe it when I fir^^t saw it because I have been treating drugaddicts for a long time. But I have been with this now for 14-15months, <strong>and</strong> it works. "\'\niat can I tell you ?Mr. Perito. Do you think your AREBA approach would work with-rout Perse ?Dr. Casriel. Yes ; but not as well. We don't have any problem holdingthem. These kids stay. We suck them in psychologically. We don'thave to work against the physiological craving.Mr. Perito. If that precludes the physiological craving it is possiblefor a person to detoxify on Perse but relapse soon after the effectsof Perse wear off ?Dr. Casriel. Yes. You are not going to cure the psychological problemwith this. You will cure the physiological addiction with it. Thosepeople still need to be treated.Mr. Steiger. Would counsel yield on that point ?I wondered. Doctor, the person who repeats the process several times,does he require additional Perse each time ?Dr. Casriel. No.Mr. Steiger. In other words, there is no cumulative resistance toPerse ?Dr. Casriel. Not at all.Mr. Steiger. Thank you, Mr. Perito.Mr. Perito. As far as you know, the 1,900 patients that have beentreated by Dr. Revici are drug free ?Dr. Casriel. I don't know. I haven't followed Dr. Revici's patients.I have enough trouble following my own.Reverend Massey. May I answer that question for you? Approximately1,900 patients treated with Perse, I can say that these 1,900 are60-296—71—pt. 1 19

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