Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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260Mr. Pertto. Based upon your experience, have you found diversionon a manufacturing level in Fairfax County ?Mr. HoRAN. No ; we have not.Mr. Perito. I assume that based upon your experience your diversionis found on the low levels of dispensing, say from privatephysicians?Mr. HoRAN. Almost entirely private practitioners.Mr. Perito. Have you found any evidence of diversion on the drugstorelevel?Mr. HoRAx. There is a recent report by the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.An investigator who did a report for the Virginia Board ofPharmacy found virtually no diversion anywhere in the State.Mr. Perito. So it is fair to say that ordinarily, and based on yourexperience, the diversion which causes you problems, as a prosecutor,comes from private physicians ?Mr. HoRAN. Yes ; it does.Mr. Perito. Based upon your experience, how do you think thatdiversion problem can best be handled ?Mr. HoRAN. I feel at this point in time a private practitioner simplyshould not be in the business. He should not be in the business ofmethadone maintenance. My feeling is that I have never seen a practionerin the metropolitan area of Washington who I feel has thepi'opcr supportive services to go along with his program so that heis an effective rehabilitation mode. I think that with the average physicianwe have run into in the metropolitan area of Washington, all heis is another drug seller. I would hate to think that organized crimeever wants to move in under the guise of a medical license. Organizedcrime might move into the dispensing of methadone, because it is ahigh-profit drug as it is being dispensed privately.Mr. Perito. You presently have operating in Fairfax County therapeuticcommunities ?Mr. HoRAN. Yes ; we do.Mr. Perito. I assume by that you mean a drug-free community ?Mr. HoRAX. Yes.Mr. Perito. And they only use methadone as a detoxification drug?Mr. HoRAN. Actually the treatment center, itself, does not use methadoneat all in treatment. We use methadone in the jail facilities as awithdrawal drug to detoxify an addict.Mr. Perito. How long has the therapeutic facility been in operationin Fairfax County ?Mr. HoRAiSr. Since September of 1969.Mr. Perito. Do you have any statistics from that facility as to theefficacy of their approach insofar as the reduction of crime or incidenceof antisocial behavior is concerned ?Mr. HoRAN. I don't have any specific statistics that could prove itone way or the other. I do know that of those in the treatment programwc have had very few that we later see in the court scene as acriminal statistic.Ml-. Perito. Do you know, as a genei-al matter, whether therapeuticcommunities have been successful in reducing the crime rate of addictsunder treatment ?Mr. Horan. I think probably they have been.

)261Mr. Perito. Is your thinking based upon studies that you haveseen?Mr. HoRAN. Mostly the reading that I have done in the area, fromother parts of the country.Mr. Perito. If you have any of those studies, I would appreciateyou making them available to the chairman of the committee.Mr. IIORAX. I certainly will.(As of the time of printing of this record, the committee had notreceived the studies or statistical evaluations from Mr. Horan of theefRcacy of drug-free clinics insofar as the reduction of crime or antisocialbehavior is concerned.Mr. Pepper. Mr. Blommer.Mr. Blommer. Mr. Horan, would you say that in Fairfax County(here are very many drug takers that you would call addicts, as opposedto drug experimenters or drug users ?Mr. Horan. The head of ou]- Fairfax-Falls Church Mental HealthCenter, a psychiatrist, refers to our population of drug abusers as1)eing garbage collectors. By that he means they will take anything,regardless of what it is, or what form it is in.I would suspect an overwhelming percentage of our kids are inthat boat. They will use anything. They aren't committed stronglyto any one drug, by and large.We tried to figure out the other day, sitting down, tried to puttogether a list of those we thought were anyv>^here near 4 years inthe vein, and we couldn't come up with 10, and most of them wereaddicts that we had dealt with, 7, 8 years ago, coming out of the cityof Alexandria, mostly. They are the only ones we could come up with.Most of our kids are diversified drug users. They have tried heroina few times here and there, along with a number of other things, andthey aren't in the vein that heavily.As a matter of fact, I can recall no case of a jail prisoner whotook much longer than 20 hours to be completely detoxified. Mostshow absolutely no withdrawal symptoms after the 20-hour mark.As a matter of fact, we have had kids come in, who supposedlyhad big drug habits, who never show any withdrawal symptoms thewhole time they were in the jail.Mr. Blommer. Mr. Horan, do you have what you would call a blackmarket in drugs in Fairfax County and if so, what drugs are available.Mr. Horan. I think they are all available, unfortunately. I thinkour drugs essentially come from about three major sources.First, I would be in the hard narcotics field, heroin and maybe somemorpliine on rare occasions. That almost invariably is coming out ofthe wholesalers in the District of Columbia. I know of only one wholesalerthat we have ever dealt with in Fairfax County in the heroinarea. That is one source.The second source is the methadone source which appears to beprivate practitioners in the District.The third source is the ximerican free enterprise system at its best,and that has to do with marihauna, LSD, and hashish, and there it isa very amateur, nonprofessional, somewhat noncommercial marketwhere kids are using a tremendous amount of ingenuity to come upwith drugs.

)261Mr. Perito. Is your thinking based upon studies that you haveseen?Mr. HoRAN. Mostly the reading that I have done in the area, fromother parts of the country.Mr. Perito. If you have any of those studies, I would appreciateyou making them available to the chairman of the committee.Mr. IIORAX. I certainly will.(As of the time of printing of this record, the committee had notreceived the studies or statistical evaluations from Mr. Horan of theefRcacy of drug-free clinics insofar as the reduction of crime or antisocialbehavior is concerned.Mr. Pepper. Mr. Blommer.Mr. Blommer. Mr. Horan, would you say that in Fairfax County(here are very many drug takers that you would call addicts, as opposedto drug experimenters or drug users ?Mr. Horan. The head of ou]- Fairfax-Falls Church Mental HealthCenter, a psychiatrist, refers to our population of drug abusers as1)eing garbage collectors. By that he means they will take anything,regardless of what it is, or what form it is in.I would suspect an overwhelming percentage of our kids are inthat boat. They will use anything. They aren't committed stronglyto any one drug, by <strong>and</strong> large.We tried to figure out the other day, sitting down, tried to puttogether a list of those we thought were anyv>^here near 4 years inthe vein, <strong>and</strong> we couldn't come up with 10, <strong>and</strong> most of them wereaddicts that we had dealt with, 7, 8 years ago, coming out of the cityof Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, mostly. They are the only ones we could come up with.Most of our kids are diversified drug users. They have tried heroina few times here <strong>and</strong> there, along with a number of other things, <strong>and</strong>they aren't in the vein that heavily.As a matter of fact, I can recall no case of a jail prisoner whotook much longer than 20 hours to be completely detoxified. Mostshow absolutely no withdrawal symptoms after the 20-hour mark.As a matter of fact, we have had kids come in, who supposedlyhad big drug habits, who never show any withdrawal symptoms thewhole time they were in the jail.Mr. Blommer. Mr. Horan, do you have what you would call a blackmarket in drugs in Fairfax County <strong>and</strong> if so, what drugs are available.Mr. Horan. I think they are all available, unfortunately. I thinkour drugs essentially come from about three major sources.First, I would be in the hard narcotics field, heroin <strong>and</strong> maybe somemorpliine on rare occasions. That almost invariably is coming out ofthe wholesalers in the District of Columbia. I know of only one wholesalerthat we have ever dealt with in Fairfax County in the heroinarea. That is one source.The second source is the methadone source which appears to beprivate practitioners in the District.The third source is the ximerican free enterprise system at its best,<strong>and</strong> that has to do with marihauna, LSD, <strong>and</strong> hashish, <strong>and</strong> there it isa very amateur, nonprofessional, somewhat noncommercial marketwhere kids are using a tremendous amount of ingenuity to come upwith drugs.

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