Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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;238A central hypothermic response to pilocarpine in the mouse. J. Pharmacol, exp.T/ier., 167:34-44, 1969 (with M.J. Friedman (1)).Central nervous system supersensitivity to pilocarpine after withdrawal ofchronically administered scopolamine. J. Pharmacol, exp. ther., 167:45-55, 1969(with M. J. Friedman (1) and S. K. Sharpless)..Pharmacological approaches to the treatment of compulsive opiate use :iheirrationale and current status. In, "Drugs and the Brain," Black, P. (ed), Baltimore,1969. ^ ,.^ ^ ^uExperience with the use of methadone in a multi-modality program for thetreatment of narcotics users. Internat. J. Addictions, 4 (3), 481-i90, 1969 (withM. Zaks and E. Washington).Problems in Drug Abuse Education : Two Hypotheses. In, "Communication andDrug Abuse: (with D. Deitch)." Proceedings of the Second Rutgers Symposiumon Drug Abuse, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1969.Tetrahydrocannabinol: neurochemical and behavioral effects in the mouse.Science, 163, 1464-1467, New York, 1969. (with Holtzman, D. (1) Lovell, R. A.,and Freedman, D. X.).The treatment of drug abusers. In, "Principles of Psychipharmacology", Clark,W., and del Guidice, J. (eds. ), Academic Press, New York, 1970.Whatever Turns You Off. Psychology Today, 3, (12), 42^4, 1970.A comparison of dl-alpha-acetylmethadol and methadone in the treatment ofchronic heroin users: a pilot study. JAMA, 211 (11), 1834-1836, 1970 (with C. R.Schuster, B. Smith, and P. Blachly).The implementation and evaluation of new treatments for compulsive drugusers. In, "Advances in Mental Science II—Drug Dependence" Harris, R. T.Mclsaac. W. M. ; and Schuster, Jr., C. R. (eds.). University of Texas Press,Austin, 1970.Narcotic Analgesics. In, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics", 4thEdition, Chapter 15, Goodman, L. and Gilman, A. (eds.). The MacMillan Company,New York, 1970.Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse. In, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics",4th Edition, Chapter 16, Goodman, L., and Gilman, A. (eds.). The Mac-Millan Company, New York, 1970.Further experience with the use of methadone. International Journal of theAddictions, September 1970.Development of a successful treatment program for narcotics addicts in Illinois.Chapter 3, In, "Proceedings of the Second Western Institute on Problems of DrugDependence", Blachly, P. (ed.).Drug maintenance and antagonists : limits and possibilities. Proceedings of theNovember 24, 1969 Conference of the New York State Narcotic Addiction ControlCommission.An identification of techniques for the large scale detection of Narcotics, barbiturates,and central nervous system stimulants in a urine monitoring program.In Abstracts of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (117) with K. K.Kaistha.An overview of the conference. Proceedings of a Conference on Methodology onthe Prediction of Drug Abuse Potential, Washington, D.C., September 8-10, 1969.U.S. Government Printing OflBce.In pressThe heroin copping area : a location for epidemiological study and interventionactivity. Archives of General Psychiatry ,(with Pat Hughes).Developing in-patient services for community based treatment of narcoticaddiction. Archives of General Psychiatry, (with Hughes, P., Chappel, J.,Senay, E.).Methadone and 1-Methadyl Acetate in the management of narcotics addicts.JAMA, (with E. C. Senay).Effects of variation of methadone dose on the outcome of treatment of herointisers, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific meeting of the Committee on theProblems of Drug Dependence. February 16. 1071. (with S. DiMonza).Experience with eyolnzocine in a nuilti-modality treatment prosram for nnrcoticsaddicts. International Journal of the Addictions, (with J. N. CbappeUE. C. Senay).

)239Submitted or accepted for publicationRole of hospitalization in tlie treatment of drug addiction, (with J. N.Chappel).A double-blind controlled study of cyclazocine in the treatment of heroinusers, (with J. N. Chappel).Extraction and identification techniques for drugs of abuse in a urine screeningprogram. Presented to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Committee onProblems of Drug Dependence, Toronto, February 16, 1971, (with K. K. Kaistha).In preparationSuccessful withdrawal from methadone : a 1-year follow-up.Minimal methadone support for narcotics addicts awaiting entry into a comprehensiveaddiction rehabilitation program.(A brief recess was taken.Chainnan Pepper. The committee will come to order, please.Our next witness is Dr. Harvey Gollance, assistant director, BethIsrael Medical Center in New York City, with specific responsibilityfor the center's narcotic programs.Before assuming his present position, Dr. Gollance was deputycommissioner for operations of the New York City Department ofHospitals, in which post he was in charge of operations at 19 municipalhospitals.He has also served as supervising medical superintendent of KingsCounty Hospital Center.Dr. Gollance is a fellow of the American College of Hospital Administratorsand the American Public Health Association.Dr. Gollance has had extensive experience in narcotics treatmentprograms, and is a member of the narcotics register advisory committeeof the New York City Department of Health and the methadoneevaluation committee of the Columbia University School of PublicHealth and Administrative Medicine.Dr. Gollance, we are grateful for your appearance here today.Mr. Perito, will you inquire ?Mr. Perito. Dr. Gollance, I understand you have a statement whichyou are going to offer for the record and briefly summarize.STATEMENT OF DR. HARVEY GOLLANCE, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR,BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER, NEW YORK, N.Y.Dr. Gollance. I would like to make a brief statement.I know you have heard a lot about methadone. We run the largestmethadone program in the world. We are pioneers in this. The BethIsrael Medical Center is the largest voluntary hospital for the treatmentof narcotics addiction in the world. We have 350 beds for narcoticaddiction treatment. We admit over 9,000 patients to our detoxificationservice, and over 3.200 patients are under active treatment inour methadone maintenance program.We sponsor this program in 12 other hospitals in New York City,some of the most outstanding hospitals in the world.I would like to start with a brief statement of how the methadonetreatment program came into being, because I think this is important.We have had very serious heroin addiction in New York City forover 20 years. It struck in the low-income areas of the city, Harlem,

)239Submitted or accepted for publicationRole of hospitalization in tlie <strong>treatment</strong> of drug addiction, (with J. N.Chappel).A double-blind controlled study of cyclazocine in the <strong>treatment</strong> of heroinusers, (with J. N. Chappel).Extraction <strong>and</strong> identification techniques for drugs of abuse in a urine screeningprogram. Presented to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Committee onProblems of Drug Dependence, Toronto, February 16, 1971, (with K. K. Kaistha).In preparationSuccessful withdrawal from methadone : a 1-year follow-up.Minimal methadone support for narcotics addicts awaiting entry into a comprehensiveaddiction <strong>rehabilitation</strong> program.(A brief recess was taken.Chainnan Pepper. The committee will come to order, please.Our next witness is Dr. Harvey Gollance, assistant director, BethIsrael Medical Center in New York City, with specific responsibilityfor the center's narcotic programs.Before assuming his present position, Dr. Gollance was deputycommissioner for operations of the New York City Department ofHospitals, in which post he was in charge of operations at 19 municipalhospitals.He has also served as supervising medical superintendent of KingsCounty Hospital Center.Dr. Gollance is a fellow of the American College of Hospital Administrators<strong>and</strong> the American Public Health Association.Dr. Gollance has had extensive experience in narcotics <strong>treatment</strong>programs, <strong>and</strong> is a member of the narcotics register advisory committeeof the New York City Department of Health <strong>and</strong> the methadoneevaluation committee of the Columbia University School of PublicHealth <strong>and</strong> Administrative Medicine.Dr. Gollance, we are grateful for your appearance here today.Mr. Perito, will you inquire ?Mr. Perito. Dr. Gollance, I underst<strong>and</strong> you have a statement whichyou are going to offer for the record <strong>and</strong> briefly summarize.STATEMENT OF DR. HARVEY GOLLANCE, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR,BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER, NEW YORK, N.Y.Dr. Gollance. I would like to make a brief statement.I know you have heard a lot about methadone. We run the largestmethadone program in the world. We are pioneers in this. The BethIsrael Medical Center is the largest voluntary hospital for the <strong>treatment</strong>of narcotics addiction in the world. We have 350 beds for narcoticaddiction <strong>treatment</strong>. We admit over 9,000 patients to our detoxificationservice, <strong>and</strong> over 3.200 patients are under active <strong>treatment</strong> inour methadone maintenance program.We sponsor this program in 12 other hospitals in New York City,some of the most outst<strong>and</strong>ing hospitals in the world.I would like to start with a brief statement of how the methadone<strong>treatment</strong> program came into being, because I think this is important.We have had very serious heroin addiction in New York City forover 20 years. It struck in the low-income areas of the city, Harlem,

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