Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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,Memberships'—i236privilege of continuing to keep in contact with you when we cometo the formulation of our recommendations as to what more the FederalGovernment can do to combat heroin addiction.(The curriculum vitae of Dr. JafFe follows:)[Exhibit No. 12]CuRRicruLUiii; Vitae of De. Jerome Herbert Jaffe, Dieector, Illinois DrugAbuse ProgramFormal education : Temple University; A.B., psychology, 1954 ; M.A., experimentalpsychology, 1956 ; Temple University School of Medicine ; M.D., 1958.Awards and honors : Temple University, College of Liberal Arts ; magna cumlaiide ; distinction in psychology ; alumni prize : highest academic average ; PsiChi Award (scholarship and achievement in psychology); Psi Chi, HonorarySociety.Temple University School of Medicine : Summer Research Fellowship in Pharmacology,19i57; Babcock Honorary Surgical Society: Alpha Omega Alpha:Merck Award : outstanding achievement in medicine during senior year ; MosbyScholarship Award : highest 4-year average in medicine.Fellowships: USPHS Post Doctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology, 1961-1964.USPHS Research Career Development Award, 1964 to 1966, 1967-70.'^lajor interests : Psychopharmacology—use and abuse of psychoactive drugsbiological and sociological aspects.Experience and training : Rotating internship—^U.S. Public Health ServiceHospital, Staten Island, N.Y., 1958-59. Residency in psychiatry—U.S. PublicHealth Service Hospital, Lexington, Ky., 1959-60. Psychiatric staff—U.S. PublieHealth Service Hospital, Lexington, Ky., 1960-61. Post doctoral fellow, interdisciplinaryprogram—Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1961-62. Post doctoralfellow and resident in psychiatry: Albert Einstein College of Medicineand Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, 1962-64. Assistant professor, Departpientof Pharmacology and Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine, 1964-66. Assistant professor. Department of Psychiatry,University of Chicago, 1966-69..: Present positions : associate professor, Department of Psychiatry, Universityof Chicago, 1969 to present. Director, drug abuse program, Department ofMental Health, State of Illinois, 1967 to organizations: Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma XI, AmericanMedical Association. American Psychiatric Association, American Society ofPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, American College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology, New York Academy of Science, American Association forthe Advancement of Science, Illinois Medical Society, Chicago Medical Association,Illinois Psychiatric Society, and World Psychiatric Association.CONSULTANTSHIPS. ADVISORY PANELS AND EDITORSHIPSMember, Editorial Board, International Journal of the Addictions, 196&-.Member. Review Committee, Center for Studies of Narcotics and DangerousDrugs, NIMH, 1966-.Visiting Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Psychiatry, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine, 1966-.Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas, Medical Branch, 1966-,Consultant, Illinois Narcotic Advisory Council, 1966-68.Consultant, New York State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission. 1967-.Member, Committee on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Illinois State MedicalSociety, 1968-.Member, Technical Advisory Board, National Coordinating Council on DrugAbuse Education and Information, 1969-.Secretary, Section on Drug Dependence, World Psychiatric Association, 1969-.Member, Advisory Board, Psychopharmacologia.Member, Committee of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, American Societyfor Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1970-.Member, Advisory Committee. Drug Abuse Training Center, California StateCollege, Hayward, California, 1970.Consultant, Bureau of Drugs Advisory Panel Systems, Department of Health,Education and Welfare, 1970-.

237Special Consultant (Technical Adviser), Expert Committee on Drug Dependence.World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1970-Member, American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Alcoholism, 1970-.Consultant, Joint Information Service, American Psychiatric Association andthe National Association for Mental Health (Project on Current Methods for theTreatment of Addiction), 1970-.In addition to these on going advisory and consulting activities, Dr. Jaffehas been, over the past three years, an invited participant in more than fiftynational and international conferences and symposia. He has also served asspecial consultant to a number of State and Local Governments interested indeveloping drug abuse treatment or educational programs and has been thekeynote speaker at three Governor's Conferences. Dr. Jaffe has also served as aconsultant to a number of temporary State and Federal advisory panels, as wellas school systems, not-for-profit corporations, and private industry.PUBLICATIONS OF JEROME HERBERT JAFFE, M.D.The electrical activity of neuronally isolated cortex during barbiturate withdrawal.The Pharmacologist, 5:250, 1963 (Abs.) (with S. K. Sharpless).The rapid development of physical dependence on barbiturates and its relationto denervation supersensitivity. The Pharmacologist 5:249, 1963 (Abs.) (with-S. K. Shariiless). ;•.•'•'Drug^ addiction and drug' 'abuse. In, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics,"3rd edition, Goodman, L. and Gilman, A. (eds.), The MacMillan Co.,-New York, 1965.'Narcotic analgestics. In "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics," 3rdedition, Goodman, L. and Gilman, A. (eds.). The MacMillan Co., New York, 1965.The rapid development of physical dependence on barbiturates, (with S. K.Sharpless) /. Pharmacol, and Exper. Ther., 150 :140-145, 1965.Changes in CNS sensitivity to cholinergic (muscarinic) agonists followingwithdrawal of chronically administered scopolamine. The Pharmacologist 8 :199,1966 (Abs.) (with M. J. Friedman).The electrical excitability of isolated cortex during barbiturate withdrawal,(with S. K. Sharpless) J. Pharmacol, and Uxper. Ther. 151 :321-329, 1966.Research on newer methods of treatment of drug dependent individuals inthe U.S.A. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of the CollegiumInternational Neuropsychopharmacologicum, Washington, D.C., Excerpta MedicaIntern ational Congress Series, 129 :271-276, 1966.Cyclazocine, a long acting narcotic antagonist : its voluntary acceptance as atreatment modality by ambulatory narcotics users. Xwith L. Brill) Internat. J.Addictions, 1 :99-123, 1966.o-'-'^i'The use of ion-exchange resin impregnated paper in the detection of opiatealkaloids, amphetamines, phenothiazines and barbiturates is urine, (with DahliaKirkpatrick) Psychopharm. Bull., S :, No. 4, 49-52, 1966.The relevancy of some newer American treatment approaches for England,Brit. J. Addict., 62 :375-386, 1967 (with L. Brill).. .Cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotics addiction. In. "Current PsychiatricTherapies," Masserman, J. (ed.), Grune and Stratton, New York, 1967.Pharmalogical denervation supersensitivity in the CNS : A theory of physicaldependence, (with S. K. Sharpless) In, "The Addictive States", Wikler, A. (ed.),The V\'illiams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1968.Narcotics in the treatment of pain, Med. OUn. North Am,., 52 :33-45, 1968.Drug addiction : New approaches to an old problem. Postgrad. Med., 45 :73-81,1968 (with J. Skom and J. Hastings).Opiate dependence and the use of narcotics for the relief of pain. In, "ModernTreatment", Wang, R. (ed.), 5 :1121-1135, 1968. ^Psychopharmacology and opiate dependence. In, " Psychopharmacology : A reviewof Progress, 1957-1967," Efron, D. H., Cole, J. O., Levine, J., Wittenborn,J. R. (eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Collegeof Neurophyschopharmacology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December, 1967.Cannabis (marihuana). In "Encyclopedia Americana," Grolier, N.Y., 1969.Drug addiction and drug abuse. In, "Encyclopedia Americana," Grolier, N.Y..1969.A review of the approaches to the problem of compulsive narcotics use. In,"Drugs and Youth", Wittenborn, J. R. ; Brill, H. ; Smith, J. P. ; and Wittenborn, S,(eds.), Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1969.

237Special Consultant (Technical Adviser), Expert Committee on Drug Dependence.World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>, 1970-Member, American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Alcoholism, 1970-.Consultant, Joint Information Service, American Psychiatric Association <strong>and</strong>the National Association for Mental Health (Project on Current Methods for theTreatment of Addiction), 1970-.In addition to these on going advisory <strong>and</strong> consulting activities, Dr. Jaffehas been, over the past three years, an invited participant in more than fiftynational <strong>and</strong> international conferences <strong>and</strong> symposia. He has also served asspecial consultant to a number of State <strong>and</strong> Local Governments interested indeveloping drug abuse <strong>treatment</strong> or educational programs <strong>and</strong> has been thekeynote speaker at three Governor's Conferences. Dr. Jaffe has also served as aconsultant to a number of temporary State <strong>and</strong> Federal advisory panels, as wellas school systems, not-for-profit corporations, <strong>and</strong> private industry.PUBLICATIONS OF JEROME HERBERT JAFFE, M.D.The electrical activity of neuronally isolated cortex during barbiturate withdrawal.The Pharmacologist, 5:250, 1963 (Abs.) (with S. K. Sharpless).The rapid development of physical dependence on barbiturates <strong>and</strong> its relationto denervation supersensitivity. The Pharmacologist 5:249, 1963 (Abs.) (with-S. K. Shariiless). ;•.•'•'Drug^ addiction <strong>and</strong> drug' 'abuse. In, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics,"3rd edition, Goodman, L. <strong>and</strong> Gilman, A. (eds.), The MacMillan Co.,-New York, 1965.'Narcotic analgestics. In "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics," 3rdedition, Goodman, L. <strong>and</strong> Gilman, A. (eds.). The MacMillan Co., New York, 1965.The rapid development of physical dependence on barbiturates, (with S. K.Sharpless) /. Pharmacol, <strong>and</strong> Exper. Ther., 150 :140-145, 1965.Changes in CNS sensitivity to cholinergic (muscarinic) agonists followingwithdrawal of chronically administered scopolamine. The Pharmacologist 8 :199,1966 (Abs.) (with M. J. Friedman).The electrical excitability of isolated cortex during barbiturate withdrawal,(with S. K. Sharpless) J. Pharmacol, <strong>and</strong> Uxper. Ther. 151 :321-329, 1966.Research on newer methods of <strong>treatment</strong> of drug dependent individuals inthe U.S.A. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of the CollegiumInternational Neuropsychopharmacologicum, Washington, D.C., Excerpta MedicaIntern ational Congress Series, 129 :271-276, 1966.Cyclazocine, a long acting narcotic antagonist : its voluntary acceptance as a<strong>treatment</strong> modality by ambulatory narcotics users. Xwith L. Brill) Internat. J.Addictions, 1 :99-123, 1966.o-'-'^i'The use of ion-exchange resin impregnated paper in the detection of opiatealkaloids, amphetamines, phenothiazines <strong>and</strong> barbiturates is urine, (with DahliaKirkpatrick) Psychopharm. Bull., S :, No. 4, 49-52, 1966.The relevancy of some newer American <strong>treatment</strong> approaches for Engl<strong>and</strong>,Brit. J. Addict., 62 :375-386, 1967 (with L. Brill).. .Cyclazocine in the <strong>treatment</strong> of narcotics addiction. In. "Current PsychiatricTherapies," Masserman, J. (ed.), Grune <strong>and</strong> Stratton, New York, 1967.Pharmalogical denervation supersensitivity in the CNS : A theory of physicaldependence, (with S. K. Sharpless) In, "The Addictive States", Wikler, A. (ed.),The V\'illiams <strong>and</strong> Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1968.<strong>Narcotics</strong> in the <strong>treatment</strong> of pain, Med. OUn. North Am,., 52 :33-45, 1968.Drug addiction : New approaches to an old problem. Postgrad. Med., 45 :73-81,1968 (with J. Skom <strong>and</strong> J. Hastings).Opiate dependence <strong>and</strong> the use of narcotics for the relief of pain. In, "ModernTreatment", Wang, R. (ed.), 5 :1121-1135, 1968. ^Psychopharmacology <strong>and</strong> opiate dependence. In, " Psychopharmacology : A reviewof Progress, 1957-1967," Efron, D. H., Cole, J. O., Levine, J., Wittenborn,J. R. (eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Collegeof Neurophyschopharmacology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December, 1967.Cannabis (marihuana). In "Encyclopedia Americana," Grolier, N.Y., 1969.Drug addiction <strong>and</strong> drug abuse. In, "Encyclopedia Americana," Grolier, N.Y..1969.A review of the approaches to the problem of compulsive narcotics use. In,"Drugs <strong>and</strong> Youth", Wittenborn, J. R. ; Brill, H. ; Smith, J. P. ; <strong>and</strong> Wittenborn, S,(eds.), Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1969.

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