Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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208TABLE 28.-MILITARY SERVICEAddictService:YesNoNo answerTotal(a) Years in military service:1 year2years3 years4 yearsMore thaa4 yearsNo answer_Total( b) Type of military discharge:HonorableDishonorableMedicalGeneral.. ..-Other.No answer; don't knowTotal_.

NARCOTICS RESEARCH, REHABILITATION,AND TREATMENTWEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1971House of Representatives,Select Committee on Crime,Washington^ D.C.The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :00 a.m., in room 2253,Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable Claude Pepper (chairman)presiding.Present : Representatives Pepper, Waldie, Brasco, Mann, Murphy,Rangel, Wiggins, Steiger, Winn, Sandman, and Keating.Also present: Paul Perito, chief counsel; and Michael W. Blommer,associate chief counsel.Chairman Pepper. The committee will come to order please.The Select Committee on Crime today continues its hearings intowhat science and medicine can do to help us fight heroin addiction inthe United States.Yesterday, we heard impressive testimony from Dr. Frances Gearingof New York and Dr. Robert DuPont of the District of Columbiaon the effectiveness of methadone programs.Today we are continuing our examination of methadone with testimonyfrom Dr. Jerome Jaffe, director of the Illinois Drug AbuseProgram.Dr. Jaffe was originally scheduled to testify yesterday, but waskind enough to stay over until today as we ran behind schedule becauseof several votes on the floor.We will also hear testimony today from Dr. Harvey Gollance, assistantmedical director of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York.Both Dr. Jaffe and Dr. Gollance have had wide experience in theadministration of methadone maintenance programs.We also have with us today Robert F. Horan, Commonwealth attorneyfor Fairfax County, Va., who will tell us about the specialdrug-abuse problems of his suburban county.We will also hear from Dr. Daniel Casriel about a new treatmentprogram for heroin addicts that employs a rapid-acting detoxificationdrug.And, finally. Dr. Gerald Davidson, of Boston City Hospital, willexplain the workings of his program.We hope that the information we receive from these witnesses andothers yet to appear will help us formulate recommendations to theCongress on what the Federal Government can do to fight addiction, inaddition to what we are now doing.(209)

NARCOTICS RESEARCH, REHABILITATION,AND TREATMENTWEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1971House of Representatives,Select Committee on Crime,Washington^ D.C.The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :00 a.m., in room 2253,Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable Claude Pepper (chairman)presiding.Present : Representatives Pepper, Waldie, Brasco, Mann, Murphy,Rangel, Wiggins, Steiger, Winn, S<strong>and</strong>man, <strong>and</strong> Keating.Also present: Paul Perito, chief counsel; <strong>and</strong> Michael W. Blommer,associate chief counsel.Chairman Pepper. The committee will come to order please.The Select Committee on Crime today continues its hearings intowhat science <strong>and</strong> medicine can do to help us fight heroin addiction inthe United States.Yesterday, we heard impressive testimony from Dr. Frances Gearingof New York <strong>and</strong> Dr. Robert DuPont of the District of Columbiaon the effectiveness of methadone programs.Today we are continuing our examination of methadone with testimonyfrom Dr. Jerome Jaffe, director of the Illinois Drug AbuseProgram.Dr. Jaffe was originally scheduled to testify yesterday, but waskind enough to stay over until today as we ran behind schedule becauseof several votes on the floor.We will also hear testimony today from Dr. Harvey Gollance, assistantmedical director of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York.Both Dr. Jaffe <strong>and</strong> Dr. Gollance have had wide experience in theadministration of methadone maintenance programs.We also have with us today Robert F. Horan, Commonwealth attorneyfor Fairfax County, Va., who will tell us about the specialdrug-abuse problems of his suburban county.We will also hear from Dr. Daniel Casriel about a new <strong>treatment</strong>program for heroin addicts that employs a rapid-acting detoxificationdrug.And, finally. Dr. Gerald Davidson, of Boston City Hospital, willexplain the workings of his program.We hope that the information we receive from these witnesses <strong>and</strong>others yet to appear will help us formulate recommendations to theCongress on what the Federal Government can do to fight addiction, inaddition to what we are now doing.(209)

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