Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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:188number as that on the bottle. When the large bottle is emptied, the envelopecontaining the NTA forms 6, showing total disbursements (1,000 cc. ) will besealed and returned to Information Central via messenger. The forms in theenvelope will tell the pharmacist the date, the dosage level, and names of thepatients who were served out of that particular bottle. All doses of methadonedispensed must be strictly accounted for at all times.C DiscrepanciesNTA form 14, "Director's Discrepancy Notice" (see attachment 8) will beused to notify the physician of any discrepancies in recordkeeping or NTA proceduresas noted by the computer.The following are some items which may be noted :1. Dosage level higher than that prescribed by the physician.2. Irregular dosage level.3. Consistently dirty urine.4. No physical examinations within 30 days of initial intake.5. Discrepancy in methadone medication disbursement.6. Lack of proper patient evaluation.7. Apparent lack of patient progress.8. Exception to take-home medicine policy.D. Confidentiality of recordsThe Narcotics Treatment Administration respects the basic right of patientsto have all information and treatment records maintained with strict confidentiality.NTA regards this effort as vital to the establishment of an effective treatmentrelationship with its patients.For this reason, only Information Central is authorized to release informationon patients to vertified requestors. With the exception of criminal justice andcivil commitment patients and patient-employees, no information on any patientwill be released unless1. The patient has signed and Information Central has received NTAform 28 "Patient Consent for Release of Treatment Information" (seeattachment 9) specifically authorizing the requestor access to information:2. Information Central has received the request for information in writing; and3. Information Central has verified the current status of the patient visa-visthe requestor.Criminal justice system patients are those who have been formally referredto NTA by the police, courts. Department of Corrections, or parole board as acondition of release to the community. Requests for information on these patientsby the agency must be honored immediately by the program chief or his designee.The request and the response should preferably be made in writing and thecurrent status of the patient vis-a-vis the requestor verified before the informationis released. Information should be released in the form of treatment summarieswhenever possible.Civil commitment patients are those brought to an NTA facility under signedpickup orders by the Narcotics Squad of the Metropolitan Police Department.The results of their diagnostic evaluation and determination of their treatmentstatus is automatically forwarded to the referring agency—the MetropolitanPolice Department.Patient-employees are staff members of NTA who also remain in a treatmentstatus with NTA. They will be required, as a condition of employment, to remainfree of illegal drugs, and must agree to release information on their urinesurveillance reports and pertinent medical summaries to their immediate supervisors,program unit chiefs, and the coordinator of counselors. Such informationwill not be shared with other staff members but can be used as a basis fordisciplinary action or suspension of employment if confrontation does not resultin termination of illegal drug use.Minors under 21 years of age should be encouraged to authorize a parent orguardian to receive at least a summary statement of their treatment status.Emerfjcneirs arising when an NTA patient is confined because of arrest, illnes.s,or accident will receive immediate attention. Every effort will be made toassure the patient immediate medical assistance to maintain his medicationlevel for the duration of the emergency upon request from the medical authoritiesattending the patient.

189Attachment OneInformed Consent to Take Methadone Treatment in the NarcoticsTreatment AdministrationI, , understand that methadone treatment for chronic heroinaddiction and its consequences is a new use of an established drug. I furtherunderstand that methadone is a powerful and addictive narcotic drug and thatif I stop taking it I will experience serious withdrawal symptoms. Althoughmethadone treatment has been used successfully by thousands of people throughoutthe country, I also understand that the long-term effect of this drug onhumans is not entirely known at this time.I willingly give my informed consent to take methadone under the carefulsupervision and control of the NTA staff or NTA cooperating agency staff. Inow think that methadone is neces-have tried to stop using illegal drugs and Isary for me to avoid further use of illegal drugs.I have not been forced or pressured into this dec' 'ion. I understand that Ican stop methadone treatment at my own discretion and that the staff mayterminate me at their discretion. If I do stop methadone treatment for anyreason, I understand that for my own safety I should withdraw from methadoneby using gradually reduced doses of the medication under the control of themedical staff.Signature and datePrinted or typed nameNTA patient number"WitnessSignature and dateNTA FORM 19(10-70).Program nameATTACHMENT TWO ,

:188number as that on the bottle. When the large bottle is emptied, the envelopecontaining the NTA forms 6, showing total disbursements (1,000 cc. ) will besealed <strong>and</strong> returned to Information Central via messenger. The forms in theenvelope will tell the pharmacist the date, the dosage level, <strong>and</strong> names of thepatients who were served out of that particular bottle. All doses of methadonedispensed must be strictly accounted for at all times.C DiscrepanciesNTA form 14, "Director's Discrepancy Notice" (see attachment 8) will beused to notify the physician of any discrepancies in recordkeeping or NTA proceduresas noted by the computer.The following are some items which may be noted :1. Dosage level higher than that prescribed by the physician.2. Irregular dosage level.3. Consistently dirty urine.4. No physical examinations within 30 days of initial intake.5. Discrepancy in methadone medication disbursement.6. Lack of proper patient evaluation.7. Apparent lack of patient progress.8. Exception to take-home medicine policy.D. Confidentiality of recordsThe <strong>Narcotics</strong> Treatment Administration respects the basic right of patientsto have all information <strong>and</strong> <strong>treatment</strong> records maintained with strict confidentiality.NTA regards this effort as vital to the establishment of an effective <strong>treatment</strong>relationship with its patients.For this reason, only Information Central is authorized to release informationon patients to vertified requestors. With the exception of criminal justice <strong>and</strong>civil commitment patients <strong>and</strong> patient-employees, no information on any patientwill be released unless1. The patient has signed <strong>and</strong> Information Central has received NTAform 28 "Patient Consent for Release of Treatment Information" (seeattachment 9) specifically authorizing the requestor access to information:2. Information Central has received the request for information in writing; <strong>and</strong>3. Information Central has verified the current status of the patient visa-visthe requestor.Criminal justice system patients are those who have been formally referredto NTA by the police, courts. Department of Corrections, or parole board as acondition of release to the community. Requests for information on these patientsby the agency must be honored immediately by the program chief or his designee.The request <strong>and</strong> the response should preferably be made in writing <strong>and</strong> thecurrent status of the patient vis-a-vis the requestor verified before the informationis released. Information should be released in the form of <strong>treatment</strong> summarieswhenever possible.Civil commitment patients are those brought to an NTA facility under signedpickup orders by the <strong>Narcotics</strong> Squad of the Metropolitan Police Department.The results of their diagnostic evaluation <strong>and</strong> determination of their <strong>treatment</strong>status is automatically forwarded to the referring agency—the MetropolitanPolice Department.Patient-employees are staff members of NTA who also remain in a <strong>treatment</strong>status with NTA. They will be required, as a condition of employment, to remainfree of illegal drugs, <strong>and</strong> must agree to release information on their urinesurveillance reports <strong>and</strong> pertinent medical summaries to their immediate supervisors,program unit chiefs, <strong>and</strong> the coordinator of counselors. Such informationwill not be shared with other staff members but can be used as a basis fordisciplinary action or suspension of employment if confrontation does not resultin termination of illegal drug use.Minors under 21 years of age should be encouraged to authorize a parent orguardian to receive at least a summary statement of their <strong>treatment</strong> status.Emerfjcneirs arising when an NTA patient is confined because of arrest, illnes.s,or accident will receive immediate attention. Every effort will be made toassure the patient immediate medical assistance to maintain his medicationlevel for the duration of the emergency upon request from the medical authoritiesattending the patient.

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