Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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831 or odierwise, tlu' aUciKljiiicc and tcstiiiioii}- of ^iicli \vitiicsscs12 and tlio ])r()dut'ti()n of such Ixxtks. records, correspondence,3 menioiaiidiims, })ai)('rs, and documents, as it deems iieces-4 'ijary. Snbpenas may l)c issued over the signature of the chair-5 man of the connnittee or any member designated b\' him and^ may be served liy any person designated by such chainnan7 or member.8 Sec. 4. The select connnittee shall report to the House as9 .sooii as lU'acticable during the present Congress the results10 of its investigations, hearings, and studies, together with such11 recommendations as it deems advisable. Any such report or12 reports which are made when the House is not in session13 shall be filed \\ith the Clerk of the House.

9Chairman Pepper. The committee is very much pleased to call atthis time Dr. Maurice H. Seevers, one of the Nation's most respectedresearchers in the held of driio- abuse and drug addiction.Dr. Seevers holds both a Ph. D. in pharmacology and an M.D. fromthe University of Chicago.In the course of his distinguished career, Dr. Seevers has served as aresearch fellow in pharmacology at the Universit}- of Chicago ; aninstructor in pharmacology at Loyola of Chicago ; associate professorof pharmacology at the University of Wisconsin; and as associatedean of the University of Michigan Medical School. Since 1042, hehas served as professor of pharmacology and chairman of the departmentof pharmacology at the University of Michigan IMedical School.Dr. Seevers is a past president of the American Society of Pharmacologyand Experimental Therapeutics, and has served as chairmanof the executive committee of the Federation of American Societiesof Experimental Biology.He is a consultant to the National Research Council's Committeeon Problems of Drug Dependence ; a member of the American MedicalAssociation's Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: andchairman of the American Medical Association's Committee on Researchon Tobacco and Health.Dr. Seevers has served as a member of the board of scientific counselorsof the National Heart Institute ; the Drug Abuse Panel of thePresident's Advisory Committee, "Wliite House Conference on Narcoticsand Drug AlDuse; and the Surgeon General's Committee onSmoking and Health.Dr. Seevers presently serves as the American coordinator of theUnited States-Japan Cooperative Program on Drug Abuse; he is amember of the Expert Advisory Panel on Drugs Liable To ProduceAddiction of the U.N.'s World Health Organization; and is a consultantto the Minister of Health and Welfare of Japan. Dr. Seeverswas recently appointed by President Nixon to the President's Commissionon Marihuana and Drug Abuse.He has served on the editorial boards of numerous scientific journalsand has received honors befitting a man of his wisdom and dedication,including three honors from the Government of Japan.Dr. Seevers, we are indeed honored to have you here today, and verygrateful to you for coming here.Mr. Perito, our chief coimsel. You may inquire.Mr. PERrro. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Dr. Seevers, I understandthat you have a prepared statement.STATEMENT OF DE. MAURICE H. SEEVERS, CHAIRMAN, DEPART-MENT OF PHARMACOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEDICALSCHOOLDr. Seevers. I do.Mr. Perito. Would you care to read that statement ?Dr. Seevers. Thank you, sir.I will address myself primarily to the question of whether it is possibleto substitute synthetic drugs for horticulturally derivedsubstances.60-296—71—pt. 1 2

831 or odierwise, tlu' aUciKljiiicc <strong>and</strong> tcstiiiioii}- of ^iicli \vitiicsscs12 <strong>and</strong> tlio ])r()dut'ti()n of such Ixxtks. records, correspondence,3 menioiaiidiims, })ai)('rs, <strong>and</strong> documents, as it deems iieces-4 'ijary. Snbpenas may l)c issued over the signature of the chair-5 man of the connnittee or any member designated b\' him <strong>and</strong>^ may be served liy any person designated by such chainnan7 or member.8 Sec. 4. The select connnittee shall report to the House as9 .sooii as lU'acticable during the present Congress the results10 of its investigations, hearings, <strong>and</strong> studies, together with such11 recommendations as it deems advisable. Any such report or12 reports which are made when the House is not in session13 shall be filed \\ith the Clerk of the House.

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